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6711472 No.6711472 [Reply] [Original]

Nasuverse vs. Indexverse

Who wins?

>> No.6711480

vs what?

>> No.6711512

Arcueid > Shiki > Accelerator

>> No.6711520

Himegami > Arcueid > Touma > Accelrator > Fiamma > Shiki > Gil > Shirou

>> No.6711524
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Baten > Arcueid > Shiki > Accelerator

>> No.6711531

I guess it depends how many vampires Deep Blood can take out.

If Himegami dies after one, it's pretty pointless.

>> No.6711553
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This thread is now about nasuverse vs ranceverse.

>> No.6711561

The nasuverse has super special anti vampire things though.

Also, they have magic without vectors.

>> No.6711593

> Also, they have magic without vectors.
So does the Indexverse. Doesn't really matter, though, because Accelerator's power is the ability to manipulate pretty much anything he wants as long as he has knowledge/data on it. Of course, that means that if you kill him with the first hit, you're good. But if you merely wound him... well, let's just hope you've got a completely different spell ready, one without any relation to the one you previously used.

>> No.6711615

Whoever wins, we lose.

>> No.6711618

>So does the Indexverse
It's explained how both magic and instant movement/teleportation psycic powers all move through different dimensions towards their target. And apparently both Touma's and Accelerator's powers reaches into these dimensions.
Personally I would say that it's needless plot armour crap, and instant movement in theoretically possible, and should be even more practically possible with magic.
But they don't like that in the To Aru verse, most likely because Touma and Accelerator wouldn't be able to touch the things if that was the case.

>> No.6711624


get out shitposting devs

>> No.6711643


So... what makes this guy any different from the long line of albino death machines seen thus far?

>> No.6711710

This one is crippled, has the speed of thought of an ordinary man, has neccessities such as food and air, and has a limited processing abillity of from his powers stem from.

>> No.6711786

How about Rance-verse VS Toaru-verse?

>> No.6711788
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I see.
Then Jo remains at the end of the food chain of albino death machines.

>> No.6711806
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lol enjoy being rewritten away from existence

That said, magic in Ranceverse can reach nuke-like proportions without fallout, and the MC of Ranceverse can kill the MC of Indexverse fairly easily.

>Assassinate 3

>> No.6711815

>This thread is now about nasuverse vs ranceverse.
>that's not even half of the ranceverse chart

>> No.6711821

Wow, Alice in a bridal dress. So pure.

>> No.6711827

Shiki. He fucks chicks while Touma babysits for the most parts. Even Shirou trips into pussy and relationships.

Having Satan in your arm is apparently only good for cheesecake at best.

>> No.6711849


>> No.6711853

But I don't know anything about ToLoveRu.

>> No.6711956

But Touma could fuck pretty much any girl he wanted IF he wanted. Index, Misaka, MISAKA, Himegami, heck even Komoe, you name it. Besides Fuckyose.

>> No.6711968

He doesn't want it. That's the problem.

>> No.6711977

It's not like we can blame him, these girls are like 3D to him, he must be 2D-only.

>> No.6711989

They are both shit but the Indicks fanbase is probably the most cancerous fanbase that has ever existed, just look at most shit posters and spammers on /jp/, they all love that shit.

>> No.6712007

The LN isn't that bad, it's the /a/ kids that ruin everything they touch.

>> No.6712049
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>Having Satan in your arm is apparently only good for cheesecake at best.

Well you can lead a clan of Assassins with it.

>> No.6712078

he didn't have the judeochristian satan.

>> No.6712128


Okay so Iblis isn't that strong and he's a djinn not an angel.

These myths are all mixed the fuck up anyway. Satan is not supposed to be Lucifer, and Satan is not supposed to represent the root of all evil.
Ahriman (Angra Mainyu) is the earliest idea of "absolute evil that opposes absolute good". Satan and Iblis are both "testers of true goodness", who give trials to weed the devout from the sinners. Lucifer is the rebel of god and symbol of Pride, who got mixed with Satan THROUGH Iblis who is also a rebel of god. Satan was not a rebel, he was a diligent worker under god.

All four combined into the modern image of "Lucifer, Prince of Darkness" tempter of men, rebel against god, and all that is evil in the world (which is not an Abrahamic idea in the first place).

>> No.6712146

I know the mythos well enough, but the indexverse plays straight into this and satan is the judeochrsitian definition of satan.
Even then, Touma doesn't have Satan in his right arm, since it made that saint retard shudder when it should have been fine if it was 'just' Satan.
