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File: 95 KB, 517x640, Da.Capo.II.258376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6710007 No.6710007 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/.

Just a quick question, are all routes in DC2 as retarded as Koko's route?

I just came to the part where the trees start dying and I'm just wondering if the main character (and the route character) is as retarded in all of the routes? Yes, I've played more than enough to have read some retarded main character shit, but this route is extremely retarded and have been since the christmas party.

Also: DC2/current vn you're reading general

>> No.6709714 [DELETED] 

But H2S still smells terrible, and if an innocent bystander comes close to you he's a goner too. The best way to go to Gensokyo is through a room full with nitrous oxide, or maybe morphine injections.

>> No.6710017

He's pretty fucking bad in Nanaka's route.
One of the characters has to outright tell him that Koko also liked him and that's why the friend character who likes Koko gets pissed when him and Nanaka flirt in front of her.

>> No.6710021

Just read Planetarian
Proceeded to then copy the game to an SD card and stored it in a waterproof case

God fucking damn it.

>> No.6710028

Do you have risk of floodings over there or something?

>> No.6710032

Anzu's route is full of win

>> No.6710037
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>> No.6710055

Otome's route is pretty good.
And the last route is short but pretty touching, Sakura is a great character

>> No.6710061

Da Capo, Shuffle, To Heart 2, Sister Princess.
I can never fathom their popularity.

>> No.6710070

There's porn in this right? It's not like DCIF?

>> No.6710074

Yes, I got a bit annoyed of the whole "I have something to tell you.. *BLUSH*" after the first 15 times, but that's fairly standard. But now I don't really see any logic behind his thinking at all.

Played it a long time ago. Mostly tried this since I'd already played the first one.

Thinking of going Koko->Minatsu->Yume->Anzu->Nanaka->Otome.

>> No.6710080

They have cute girls. What's not to understand?

>> No.6710084

Finished Nanaka's route. Shin is moe~.
Control skipped through Anzu's route to unlock Yume/Otome's routes as I don't care about her at all.
Currently in the middle of Yume's route. Will probably pick it up again later tonight.

>> No.6710115

God damnit he's such a fucking dick towards everyone in Koko's route. Especially Nanaka.

What the fuck, man.

>> No.6710128

>Control skipped through Anzu's route to unlock Yume/Otome's routes as I don't care about her at all.

Good. You're not good enough to enjoy my waifu's route anyway.

>> No.6710130

In term of route

Da Capo >>> Otome > Anzu > Nanaka > Minatsu >>> Koko

I liked it better than Da Capo 1 overall.

>> No.6710135

Oops, forgot Yume.
After Anzu

>> No.6710138

Only just started reading DC2, going to start with Nanaka, then Anzu and after that Yume. Don't know if I'll do the other girls, they don't seem that interesting to be honest.

>> No.6710151

If it weren't for the whole "Durrrr need to clear one route from each branch before unlocking Yume/Otome" nonsense I probably would've have read it, but I've no real desire to after seeing most of it play through before my eyes.

>> No.6710172

Otome's route is the most story focused.

And you should really see the last route, it's really good.

>> No.6710208

Hmm, might as well do it then. Thanks for telling me.

>> No.6710217

He'd probably want to read it before Yume's then as although I'm not finished with it yet, she seems like a huge bitch, which has nearly completely put me off reading her route unless she gets a lot better by the end of Yume's.

>> No.6710234

There is a reason for her reaction you know

>> No.6710249

Of course, but that doesn't make her seem like any less of a bitch.

>> No.6710301

2nd chapter of Steins;Gate.
Now I understand TakaJun's complaints about the story being convenient and predictable, it should be forbidden to use stuff like "some dude asked me to keeps this super rare thingy until main character comes asking" in a time travel story. It's still fairly interesting and I do like most of characters, so I'm going to finish it.
The other problem is that the fucking game crashes every second time I quickload and there is no other way to choose the email answer you want, bgm stops playing randomly, fucking hell, how can anyone fuck up some shitty reading game port like that? Or maybe it's shitty crack? Fucking xbawks, fucking 5pb.

Started Devil on the G-string. Like Sharin no Kuni, it would be absolutely great if someone would just fucking remove all the boring parts and so it happens that the girls are the most boring, and Nyarlathotep all mighty, you don't want boring girls in eroge. I'm hoping it won't get worse later.

>> No.6710320

G Senjou picks up a bit once Maou starts to actually do things. Only other really boring bit after that I found was the start of Chapter 4.

>> No.6710324

It gets awesome once Jun Fukuyama starts Jun Fukuyamaing it up all over the damn place.

>> No.6710337
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cock goes where?

>> No.6710338

I just finished Nanaka's and unfortunately our poor MC is pretty retarded in that route too. Nanaka is cute as hell throughout most of the route till she freaks out though, but she bounces back after awhile.

Doing Otome's now.

>> No.6710370

Yume is so cute, can you do her right away or do you have to finish another route first?

And does it matter if you pick the doll show/haunted house?

>> No.6710385

That choice pretty much branches out the routes. Anzu/Koko/Otome for the Puppet Show, Robot Girl/Nanaka/Yume for the Haunted House.
Need to clear one route from each branch to unlock Yume and Otome's routes.

>> No.6710397

Hmm, guess I'll do Anzu and Nanaka first.

>> No.6710407
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Otome > Yume

>> No.6711031

So, the main character is about as much of a dick in Koko's route as Nanaka's?
Well, looks like I'll put off reading her route for a bit.

>> No.6711225
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Too bad you won't be able to fuck the 60+ years old eternal loli in this version of the game

>> No.6711266

What's MG's reason for not bringing over Plus Communication? Da Capo seems like their big seller so you'd think they'd go all out.

>> No.6712214

He's not a dick, he's just clueless...donkan. If anything Wataru turns into a huge d-bag for a good part of Nanaka's route.

>> No.6712418

Wataru is bro tier in Koko's, though.

>> No.6712902

I dunno, he just seemed to be "lol why u mad tho?" in most of Nanaka's route to me. I was feeling slightly feverish when I read it so, I could just be remembering incorrectly.

>> No.6713339

Still want my Izumiko route in the first P.C.

I'd mention Alice too, but I already played through her route in the partial fan-translation.

Otherwise, fuck yeah, Aisia was the whole reason I was hyped for D.C. II P.C. when it came out.

Anyway, from the sound of things, Yoshiyuki is as much of a clueless dick in Koko/Nanaka's routes than he was in the anime. Tch.

>> No.6715750
File: 131 KB, 800x600, 3-03b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My're robotfu > you're robotfu

>> No.6715826
File: 538 KB, 1024x600, マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ クロニクルズ PV(イルフリーデA).wmv_snapshot_04.40_[2010.11.03_21.28.26].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so.
Berkut is more moe~

>> No.6715927

>play through Koko's route
>the main character is a fucking retarded coward
>play through Minatsu's route
>the main character is the complete opposite of Koko's route


>> No.6715930

It's actually pretty good, I'm enjoying it.

>> No.6716619

I agree. Not all vns need to be DEEP and all that. Only played through 2 routes, though. But they've been decent enough.

Going for Yume next.

>> No.6716647
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>> No.6716885

Hey guys can someone help me?

i didnt play the game and want to play,but before that i have a question?

in all endings main character-main heroine are happy couple or is there any ending that main heroine or character dies or separate?

dont need details,just in koko's route they are happy couple or x is dying is enough.

>> No.6717156

Every end I've read so far has been happy.
Some of them have had KEY style forced drama that really made the route a bit worse for it, though.

>> No.6717249

No bad ends = no deal

>> No.6717567

My thought as well when I read that scene.

>> No.6718799

Man I'm a predicament..I can't decide which to read first..this or G-Senjou.

It would be my first Da Capo game and I didn't particularly like Sharin no Kuni..hmm decisions decisions.

>> No.6718834

Tried to do Koko's route since I realized I needed one more clear for Otome's....and I ended up going back to Nanaka anyways. I'm awful, even Yoshiyuki felt awful.

Do the expansions have more routes? I'd love to do a Mayuki(DAT VOICE)or Akane(DEM TITS) route.

>> No.6718959

Plus Commu has a lot more content


>> No.6719046
File: 45 KB, 500x313, 1520931-take_my_money_super-500x313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mayuki route

>> No.6719163

Played Anzu's route first wasn't too dramatic as I wanted it too be but still good. I'd agree that Koko's route is kinda retarded. Currently going through Otome's route as it was the main focus in DC2SS and it contains a bulk of the back story

>> No.6719185

Why does Mangagamer give us the version with the least stuff in it? ;_;

>> No.6719269

Dammit, I've attempted to actually buy this multiple times, but MG's not wanting to accept my card.

>> No.6719287

Da Capo II is the game with the guy who somehow doesn't have eyes has a kid with some girl and the kid magically has eyes.

Did he fuck a wizard or some shit?

>> No.6719293

No, it's about a loli having sex with a tree and getting a kid by magic.

>> No.6719472


Are you using one of those Visa prepaid credit gift card things? If so, you might be out of luck.


>i called the company and they no longer do orders outside of the US. time to switch it seems.

>> No.6720264

Here I thought he would be done being retarded after being normal in Minatsu's route and being normal for the majority of Yumes route.

>Yume gets very upset
>main character knows that she's really fucking depressed and not talking to him nor to her own sister
>"... Well, no point in being depressed about it. I'm sure she'll cheer up soon."


What the fuck?

If you know that you've fucked up how about atleast making an effort to make it right?

Why the fuck couldn't he just gone over and told her about it when he noticed that he was half an hour late and it literally takes 30 fucking seconds to walk to Yume.

Christ that character is fucking retarded at times.

>> No.6720278

I know. I found myself shaking my head at how stupid he was being.

>> No.6720351

>Aisia route

Fixed in my case.

Also related Getchu links...


Seriously, where the fuck is this game already?

>> No.6721259

Not a gift card, but I am using Visa and getting the same "101: authorization denied" error.

I realize the majority of anons are pirates, but has anyone else encountered this issue recently?

>> No.6724501

Are you using a debit card or credit card?

>> No.6725719


>> No.6726320

Use it as a credit card, since the VISA implies credit interfacing...

Anyways, I found the game to be quite good... Granted Koko and Nanaka routes were a bit meh, but I really liked Nanaka's character throughout the game as well as in the other routes.
>blush during yume's
>goofing around on ski trip

>> No.6726912

That might be the issue. Some banks don't allow debit cards to be used for overseas transactions.

>> No.6726952

I don't want to read the thread so let me tell you

Da Capo 2 is much more polished than the first game. It does manage to connect the stories properly with something most would be understandin as a common route while the first game really had nothing going for it than random bullshit events of 2min length where you share some insignificant bullcrap with the heroine of random choice in the hope to trigger her route. The game pretty much forces you to random select events or just use a walkthrough. All of that is not an issue in the Da Capo 2.

>> No.6726961

Sakura ;_;
Last ending was great

>> No.6726967

The map selection was what annoyed me most of D.C. I considered buying it recently for the hell of it but that, and having h-scenes that reused the same CGs over and over sort of put me off it.

>> No.6726982

Why are you bumping the thread of this faggot bashing this game? Then there's that other thread where a fag praises that vn with shitty fullfledge comedy even in the sex scenes. What two awful threads I have to keep seeing on the frontpage.

>> No.6726992

I can tell you that in the 2nd game you will get a preview on the map select screen on which heroine you will meet at the location of choice which makes much more sense.

>> No.6726999
File: 57 KB, 640x480, Are you frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to circlejerking over Umineko.

>> No.6727021

I know, considering I've cleared most of the routes already. I'm considering buying it, but I'm feeling too lazy to walk over to my wallet and getting out my debit card.

>> No.6727051

What the fuck is this? Why is this faggot for the second time claiming he is not buying the game OP is bashing? Don't this people have any shame?

>> No.6727083

You seem a bit mad that some people like to support their hobbies.

>> No.6727080

Why the hell are you whining about inconsequential shit in every eroge thread?

>> No.6727164 [DELETED] 

Fuck you you fucking bitch. What's wrong with you? Do you like that solulzy game of the other thread tell me. Or what is it then? What the fuck is it? Half the shit I read here in this thread is bashing. Half the shit in I read in the other thread is LOLTHEGAMEWASSOFUNNYGUYSILIKEDTHEFUNNYCHARACTERS and LETSRATETHISSHIT. What the fuck nigga?

>> No.6727193

Nigga why you mad? Momma ditched you for sucking Jamal's dick?

>> No.6727374

Sigh... you are so pathetic. I know why you won't face me. It's because you don't want to get pwned. You fucking coward. Is bad enough with one thread with faggots going gay over a fucking vn made of comedy.. but this thread too? That bashes this game for no reason other than not going some faggot's way? FUCK THIS THING NIGGA.

>> No.6727699

Do you have some sort of grudge against comedic things, anon?

>> No.6727745

Not really. Is a sum of all things.

>> No.6727889


>> No.6727899

Nice bump fag.

>> No.6727930
File: 188 KB, 400x300, 86EA7407-1B7F-47BF-A6A8-FFA7E1BBF065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this talk of gay and faggotry... we need more sexy yuri in this thread.

>> No.6728879
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>> No.6728892

More like yawn-inducing.
Bring out the penises.

>> No.6730949

If only 3D were like 2D and you could use magic to perfect sex changes...

>> No.6730996

Too much fatchest.

>> No.6731601
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>> No.6734160

How's Koko's route?

>> No.6734253

so in the end every route is happy ending or is there some sad ending like heroine dying or separate from main character ? dont need details,Just in X route x is dying or they are separating is enough.and thanks for 6717156 answering before.

>> No.6734863

The main problem in Koko's route is the main character being fucking retarded. There's nothing rational behind his actions, he's simply retarded.

Otherwise it's a decent route, I guess. I prefer Minatsu's route, but that route wasn't really all that special, and those are the two I've completed thus far. Currently on Yume's.

>> No.6734943

I'm agreeing with what was said earlier with:
Da Capo >>> Otome > Anzu > Yume > Nanaka > Minatsu >>> Koko

While I liked Nanaka as a character, her route besides her recovery and a couple scenes was pretty blah.
Koko's is much worse with the MC taking his stupidity to a whole new level. Even a cute character can't really save this. To be honest, unless you like Koko a lot as a character, you can figure out her route completely if you think about it for 5 minutes after Nanaka's. If I did it all over again I would ctrl through it.

Anzu and Yume came out of nowhere for me, and Otome was expected, being the 'story' route of the girls.
I played this a long time ago... maybe I should revisit it and enjoy it again.
Nah. Maybe if there was a real Sakura route, but that would just be odd.

>> No.6735432

>>Nah. Maybe if there was a real Sakura route, but that would just be odd.

Nah, that'd just be Da Capo 3...

>> No.6736256

Damn the last end, truly bittersweet.
Sakura is an amazing character

>> No.6737379

Just finished my third route.

Current route ranking:

You will never have someone telling you "... Welcome back, Nii-san" ;_;

>> No.6737405

I was dissapoint that Yume route was not canon.

>> No.6737434

I was disappoint that he came back.

Can't decide which of the remaning three I should go for next. Guess I'll pick Nanaka so I'll be done with the haunted house routes.
