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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6684202 No.6684202 [Reply] [Original]


Old Thread: >>6673214

World of Tanks is a Tank MMO in "Closed" Beta (500,000+ people playing can hardly make it closed). Battles are 15 vs 15.

The /jp/ channel in game is called "/jp/ (Mew)", 10-30 people are usually in it and will answer any questions.

PanzerMoe is all about tanking it easy, enjoying your tanks and having fun with other /jp/ers.

If you're impatient about Beta codes, check with Mmohut or ShatteredCrystal or Alienware for keys, they give them out.

Decals (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?9tdcd59qytftc1d
Touhou Tankmen (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?nq8ikbwv49vubd1
More decals here: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post?tags=transparent_png
Or there: http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/index?tags=transparent_png

Low FPS? Try this pack: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/10957-low-graphics-settings-pack/
You have to be logged on the forum to read the topic.

Tank Skins Editing:
1. Find your tank in C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_closed_Beta\res\vehicles
2. Have .dds supported image editing software such as GIMP or Photoshop with a dds plugin.
3. Backup, edit, save, restart WoT to take effect.

Crew Faces Editing:
1. Find your crew in C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_closed_Beta\res\gui\maps\icons\tankmen\icons (There are 3 files which all must be altered)
2. Do not forget to backup before.
3. For Barracks and Small images, Shrink your replacement image to 100x60 (Keep your image ratio by changing the image size for the larger variable, then changing the canvas size, or it'll look like shit)
4. For the large image, make it 158x118
5. Save as .tga IN ALL 3 FOLDERS and restart WoT

Nations and other Logos Editing:
1. Find the file in C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_closed_Beta\res\particles\Decals\graffiti_stickers.dds
2. Backup, edit, save, restart WoT to take effect.

>> No.6684209
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Its like im really german

>> No.6684216 [SPOILER] 
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Grilles gonna grille

>> No.6684217
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I don't think the extra 150 damage is worth it.
I believe the US SPG is now the best ones.

Unless you want to count the cash shop shells for Russia, which then they easily top both Germany and US.

>> No.6684255
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The German one has higher DPS due to the higher RoF. The German one also has larger splash.

The russian SPG still gets AP shells though, and damn that's a lot of penetration.

>> No.6684257


>> No.6684311

Fucking PSU didn't work.

It's only sending video to the monitor with the onboard chip

>> No.6684374

How about installing the drivers ?

>> No.6684479

Hay /jp/ers, got any good tips on a newcomer? I managed to get the ShatteredCrystal beta code and Valentine tank, but aren't really that great and too slow in battle.

>> No.6684497

Just use he Valentine until you can get something better. When you get xp on that, you can transfer it into free xp and spend it on other tanks. If you need anything else just let me know my name on there is cantbebothered.

>> No.6684515

First tip is don't use the Valentine; you might get better matches now after last update than the horrible ones it got stuck in before (not sure), but in any case you can't make progress towards researching anything else other than by wasting gold converting to free xp. Play the starter tanks and participate in low tier battles and start working towards actually researching better tanks.

Gold tanks (which the freebie Valentine is) are only good for making credits due to their low repair costs, but they aren't all that great really due to lack of upgrades (they usually have good armor but insufficient firepower)

>> No.6684519
File: 149 KB, 930x929, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My experience with playing Su-5 was so bad I all but quit for about a week or so(since I can't play anything but an arty or scout a little because of massive fps lag).
But since the patch came out, I started playing again, and finally got Su-8.
The very first game, this happened:

>> No.6684987
File: 181 KB, 484x403, Tank it Easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips. Tank it easy /jp/

>> No.6685086

yeah, su-8 is a world away from the piece of shit known as su-5.
You'll miss the accuracy of the su-5 at lingering moments though, before remembering your laughable damages to anything heavier than a KV.

>> No.6685279


Why is the US one circled? Isnt that less accuracy?

>> No.6685294

The smaller the number the more accurate the gun. It's like a circular error probable amount.

>> No.6685303
File: 110 KB, 600x450, is it that time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number is better visualized as "size of reticle" rather than accuracy. Lower is better.

0.0 would be a perfect dot

On another subject, I suddenly had an urge to make a flanfly version of the Leopard.

>> No.6685305

i got kv1s i join yuo plox?

>> No.6685471

PSUs have video outputs nowadays?

BIOS settings - there should be something to prefer non-integrated video first and/or disable the onboard chip. Connecting the monitor to the right output before powering on might help, too.

>> No.6685689

The new mediums look cool, but are they good compared to their IX heavy and TD counterparts?

>> No.6685698

T-54 is excellent, Panther 2 is pretty good but Pershing is awful

>> No.6685700

Pershing and Panther II are decent, T-54 decides the outcome of a game on his own, usually in his favor.

>> No.6685713

how long is maintenance

>> No.6685793

Shouldn't take too long, bout an hour to 30 minutes or so.

>> No.6685847

back up
damn that was fast

>> No.6686224

How do you make all that money


>> No.6686295

Grinding. When you get to T5-10, every round gets you about 20k credits, more or less.

>> No.6686496
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, shot_143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every round you get 20k+...but you are forgetting repairs.

Example is a fully damaged VK4502(Tier 9) will cost 18k for repairs and each shell costs 1k, so on average I spend 28k or so if I die. 30k is only a minor profit, 40k is a good profit, 50k is where you make a lot.

So basically as you said grinding. We make the credits while trying to get exp for the next upgrade and tank. Really to me credits are only a little something on the side, what I want is more exp which gets harder due to most tanks being below you.

>> No.6686507
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wrong image but it's at least related.

>> No.6686854

Just ran out of shells because I forgot to turn auto resupply back on and tried to ram a Ferdi to death, did not work so well.

>> No.6687140
File: 1011 KB, 1920x1200, shot_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignite an IS-7, go all the way from 70 to 0.

He mad.

>> No.6687147
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>> No.6687225

Is there anything worse than the T-34? It's fucking horrible.

>> No.6687227 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6687248

IS the German heavy line worth investing to, or do I have more luck with the GLORIOUS MOTHER RUSSIA heavies?

>> No.6687251

The trick to T-34 (T-34 right? Not T34? They are different tanks) is that its best gun isn't the last gun unlocked (that long 76mm), 57mm is actually the best gun.

T-34-57 was a tank hunting specialist tank during the war where as normal T-34 with 76mm was a generalist tank.

>> No.6687258

If you like to lead assaults and poke around corners to shoot people in the face with massive guns, go Russian heavy.

If you like hiding behind your team mates in bushes sniping enemy while they curse at your invisible-tank hax, go German heavy.

>> No.6687354
File: 32 KB, 500x400, blitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant agree with german tanks
in fact it depends on you what tactics you will use

>> No.6687403

German heavies:
Tiger: Superb long range sniper, you have to use angling or you'll be penetrated by everything. Superior to IS unless fighting close range.

King Tiger: The best tier 8. Capable for any role close range or long range, far superior to IS-3 and can equal IS-4's if they don't have tier 10 gun.

VK4502 Ausf B: Harder to penetrate from the front than IS-4 but far weaker in side and rear armor, you can lead charges or snipe but you have to make sure you don't get shot in the side and use angling. Equal to IS-4 1v1 but IS-4 is superior otherwise due to all around great armor.

Maus: It's a Maus, you are literally a mobile fortress. You have 1k more hp than an IS-7 and can beat them 1v1 easily but has a weak spot on the frontal armor that can be penetrated by tier 8 and sometimes tier 7 where as IS-7 can't.

KV: Not much I can say comparing it to the Panzer IV. The 152mm is annoying even for tier 9 and the 107mm is considered to be one of the best Russian guns. Well armored and decent HP making it a tank to be feared.

KV-3: KV but with more armor and HP, superior to VK3601H. Nothing else to say.

KV-1S: IS but more shit.

IS: Decent MEDIUM tank. Guns are pretty weak until you get the second 122mm and then the shells cost a ton. Can't snipe for shit so close range only, play it like a super medium.

IS-3: "Auto angling" frontal armor meaning you can't peak around corners and it's just a bad tank. Mount the 122mm BL 9 and cry when you get killed by King Tigers without penetrating them.

IS-4: Superb all around armor but can be penetrated from the front by King Tigers. Tier 10 gun slightly better than German tier 10, can't penetrate VK4502's frontal armor much, don't go 1v1 against one and you are fine. Considered to be the real Russian tier 10.

IS-7: IS-4 but with slightly more health, better front armor, worse side armor, terrible rear armor, higher repair cost, and faster.

>> No.6687436

I feel that KT and IS-3 are quite well balanced against each other. KT's mantlet even after the 100mm buff is still easily penetrated by anything bigger than a Panzer 3. BL-9 generally have no problem penetrating any area on the KT's hull front or turret.

>> No.6687579

I don't really see the point of spending time on slow, boring heavies anymore, when the T-54 can annihilate ANY tank but the IS-4 1 on 1, literally has no frontal weaknesses and god damn is it fast. Its gun is completely ridiculous too.

>> No.6687586

I got everything on my Tiger 2 and I decided to go Panther II now. It's a nice change of pace when you're not limited to 28 km/h

>> No.6687599

I haven't seen a fully upgraded Panther 2 yet, so I don't really know how they perform. All I know is that the T-54 is pulling off some ridiculous stuff and should really be nerfed. And yeah, I'm enjoying the same thing, it's really nice playing a good medium after playing heavies for a while.

>> No.6687605

The Pershing is crap. The Panther 2 is good. The T-54 is fucking ridiculous. Every single stat it has is better then the Panther 2

>> No.6687607
File: 29 KB, 600x321, destroyed_maus_at_kummersdorf_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maus can go against the IS-7 and can beat them 1v1 easily
Do I need to post the videos again? The IS-7 can beat the Maus 1vs1 because the IS-7 is designed to get right into the action and kick ass. The Maus is for staying back and supporting. I've seen IS-7's circle Maus's and the Maus not land a single shot because the turret speed is slower then the IS-7 circling it. The Maus getting 400 more HP doesn't make a difference in a 1vs1 situation, that's just one more shot it can survive.

I'm sensing some hitlersysndrome here.

IS<tiger (untill the second 122mm, then the increase of damage and the tanks maneuverability/armor make it better then the tiger)
IS-3<KT (IS-3 and KT are as close to Maus and IS-7 as you can get. One does more damage and moves faster, great for offense. One has more armor and is more accurate, good for defense. The only thing missing is the 30+km/h that the IS-7 has over the Maus, the speed of the IS-3 and KT are too close to make a real difference)

German tanks are more accurate, but once you get to tier 7 the russian heavies have guns with 0.36-ish accuracy. You can still hit the target 90% of the time at any range, the problem boils down to placing shots on the weakest points of the tank you are shooting. German guns are accurate and penetrate more, perfect for well placed shots. The russian tanks have more damage to negate the ability to put a round exactly where you want it.

The IS-4 is not better then the IS-7.

The IS-7 may have thinner armor, but that armor is sloped to hell and back. What little chance the round has to make it through that armor is negated by the more HP of the IS-7.

The major thing the IS-7 has is the insane speed. It's pretty much a medium tank on steroids.

>> No.6687646
File: 93 KB, 800x600, kub-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And goddammit WoT devs.

Where is my fucking Adam?

>> No.6687662

Oh shit, Metal Slug?

>> No.6687672
File: 132 KB, 701x437, morser06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600mm gun

>> No.6687723

Something tells me that pic is shooped. I thought the Maus never saw combat IRL.

Also, for some reason, using Mumble rapes my connection. I have to choose between that or actually playing the game.

>> No.6687724
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>> No.6687811
File: 159 KB, 300x514, 1284651592675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ Companies: 1, 2 & 3:

>> No.6687862
File: 47 KB, 500x514, Helma recycles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat Helma.

>> No.6687880

Like anything to do with this game is related to /jp/, and not just some /v/ steam circlejerk spamming our board instead of getting their own forums.

>> No.6689095

Pz4s must suck cause I was beating KVs in the Pz3/4 even when they were shooting derp guns.

>> No.6689155

ugh voice comms absolutely ruins playing with people on 4chan

>> No.6689178

I disagree but I respect your opinion.
It's true that we can't communicate correctly when we're 13 at the same time and everyone's talking shit but it's much better when we are doing platoons and are alone in a platoon room.

>> No.6689189 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6689481

it ruins it because I don't want to hear your dumb nerd voices. why can't you just type like a real socially akward person?

>> No.6689508

Because we have autism and we are not aware of our awkwardness.

>> No.6689599

Speak for yourself, my anxiety is so bad I can't use any kind of real-time text communication(like IRC or ingame chats), only post-based ones.
Suffice to say, voice chat is utterly impossible for me.

>> No.6689656

I have the same problem with anxiety in real-time chats, but for some reason I'm fine with voice chat in games. I think it's because you only have to say things that are directly related to the game, there's no pressure to be funny or interesting or to search for topics to break awkwardness.

>> No.6689829

In a 1v1 situation every German heavy is better. The 10v10 or whatever Maus vs IS-7 doesn't count for that, I did say that the IS-4 was superior otherwise because of the great armor, same goes for IS-7. It's a tank designed for going up against the other tier 10's with backup, not alone. Same goes for all of the Russian tanks.

The 400hp adds up, the Maus has a massive 1k more health than the IS-7, that's about two and a half penetrating shots more that the Maus can take from an IS-7 before he dies. A Maus should win any 1v1 fight against a IS-7 with this.

>> No.6689901
File: 101 KB, 600x352, destroyed_maus_at_kummersdorf_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't.

It was destroyed by the Russians when the proving ground in Kummersdorf was captured. Aparently, a small amount of explosives along the turret ring can do this.

No IS-7 has ever destroyed

>> No.6690046
File: 341 KB, 1600x900, shot_056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/2 of the tanks are tier 9 tanks.
That was a good battle.

>> No.6690101

What exactly is your definition of 1v1? Is the IS-7 not allowed to move? If you had said a Maus vs IS-7 both with an equally sized and skilled wolfpack around them, then I would agree the Maus team has a better chance, but in a pure 1v1 the Maus does not stand a chance against an IS-7. If the IS-7 gets in range of the Maus, it's over. The Maus turret will not be able to keep up with the IS-7 moving around him.

>> No.6690145

Forgot your trip, Boof.

>> No.6690177
File: 181 KB, 1280x712, IS-7_1948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go. 1vs1 in its purest form. No movement, no anything. Just taking turns shooting point blank.

Final results:
IS-7: 62%
Maus: 0%

Hell, most of the video is maus front armor being shot by the IS-7 and IS-7 side armor being shot by the maus. Even with weaker armor to the maus it still wins with more then half it's health.

Again, the IS-7's soul purpose is offense. This video was made before the 400hp buff on the maus, but again that is just one more shot it can survive. The maus is not for offense, it cannot win in a 1vs1 battle with an offensive tank.

>> No.6690183

1v1 meaning starting at spotting range. There are plenty of objects like buildings, rocks, hills, ect that the Maus could use to stop the IS-7 from doing that. The Maus can also turn his entire tank to assist turret traverse.

Even on flat ground the IS-7 couldn't keep the Maus from shooting him like that, the traverse speed is not good enough.

>> No.6690201

I tried fighting a kv in my t28

i couldn't even damage the rear shooting point blank D:

>> No.6690218

T-28 need the 85mm to be good, before that get the 57mm which is decent too. If you don't even have 57mm then just shoot HE

>> No.6690219

That was one of the silliest 1v1's I've ever seen. Both players were pretty bad and the Maus didn't even try to get the positional advantage.

>> No.6690258

Why don't you try and kill boof while he's in a IS7 with your maus in a training battle then?

>> No.6690261

The IS-7 could have easily rotated itself so the front armor was facing the maus in the video. The player made no attempt to, he was dead set on getting behind the maus and couldn't care less about being shot in the side.

If you took the 1vs1 battle to ~400 meters, the outcome could be different.

At this range accuracy and round velocity become a factor, cover can be used and maneuverability is not a factor.

The maus can penetrate the IS-7 at any range (I think) and the IS-7 can penetrate the maus at any range ~98% of the time (min IS-7 pen is 198mm, maus front armor is 200mm). Guns are not a factor.

The factors at this range are armor thickness, health and armor slopes.

If the IS-7 cannot bounce the shots from the maus at this range like it can at close ranges (I'm guessing bounce probablity goes up with range as penitration probability goes down) the maus has the upper hand.

Until I can see a battle at this range between the two, I have no say in this.

The maus being a defensive tank should have the upper hand, but the IS-7 and its ability to bounce shit can turn the tables. I honestly don't know until I can see it.

>> No.6690318

Two problems. BOOF only has an IS-3 or so, and I only have a VK4502. Hitler is the one with the Maus and BOOF is the highest tier Russian heavy.

If you put someone who is skilled like Hitler against basically any IS-7 driver he will win.

>> No.6690335


>> No.6690372

He's actually pretty good. A bit biased that the Maus is superior in every way, but he drives it great. Fighting along side him in the tank company changed my opinion of the Maus.

>> No.6690383

when is this game going into open beta?

>> No.6690400

There's two ways to pay the maus.

You can use your armor and spearhead your team moving from cover to cover and act as a sponge as your team following you takes care of the enemy tanks you spot. Or you can play it as a tank destroyer and sit back away from the action picking off targets.

The lack of speed makes any attempts at charging futile unless you have cover to move to. Staying back wastes the point of having so much health.

Both ways have pros and cons. The maus being a defensive tank will work much better if you play it from a distance of the battles. According to hitler anyone who plays the maus anyway but staying back and hidden is a retard. According to me, if you want to stay back and shoot from a distance get a tank destroyer. A heavy tank by definition is used for getting up and in the action, the massive armor the maus has should just make this more easy.

Just to hammer the final nail in this coffin, the IS-7 will beat the maus at ranges under ~200 meters. Anything over that points to the maus.

Wait for the wipe when everyone here has tier 10 tanks before we visit this argument again.

>> No.6690423

>Wait for the wipe
I had a little break from WoT, is there any more info about when the wipe is supposed to be?

>> No.6690450

The problem with acting like a sponge is that you are taking a lot of damage while their tier 10 may not be. You need to stay alive to counter their tier 10 unless their tier 10 is going the other path and you can't shoot him.

If you die and an IS-7 is left with like 54% and you just have a bunch of varied tier 7-9 there's not much that can hurt the IS-7 bad.

>> No.6690712

With the ease of getting keys right now it is in open beta in all but name.

>> No.6690715

My words are completely fucked and I don't know what is causing this.

Can you see them Mayhem?

>> No.6690721
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forgot image.

>> No.6691078
File: 280 KB, 1600x900, shot_057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hits received: 16
>HP lost: 68
Dem medium tanks man.

>> No.6691130
File: 505 KB, 1600x900, shot_058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That T-54 though that he could turn around me, but I was faster with traverse hull + traverse turret and APCR.
Also, both me and Lancer got 6 kills, aren't MiniMice awesome?

>> No.6691139
File: 179 KB, 590x365, T-28-3.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the US TD's.

If the M10 is historically accurate in this game, expect a tank destroyer with a turret that can do ~80km/h and pop off ~30 rounds per minuet.

Not to mention the T28.

This thing makes the maus look like a toy. Hell, it was designed specifically for destroying maus's.

It has 300mm front armor and the same gun as the T30

Better yet, this is only tier 8

Tier 9 is a model with a turret and a much bigger gun.

>> No.6691142
File: 636 KB, 1280x960, shot_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY, HEY SU-152.
HEY SU-152
(I was up his ass like this shooting him for at least two full squares, he couldn't turn with me right up his ass so I just drove him straight into my teammates.)

>> No.6691151
File: 263 KB, 1600x900, shot_059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Panther II and T-54 down.
I got tons of hits by mediums, even tier 9 mediums and they couldn't do anything except shooting down my tracks while I was stationary.

>> No.6691168
File: 138 KB, 1020x416, t28u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought in real life T28 only had same 105mm gun as T29?

>> No.6691184

Are medium tanks worth it or should I go into heavies?

I'm going to get russian tanks btw

>> No.6691187
File: 75 KB, 650x357, GB-HeavyAssaultTank-Tortoise-A39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a look at the Tier 10 tank for the British tree.

The A39.

It will play as a maus without a turret, much like the T29.

It has a small caliber gun and a crew of 7, the rate of fire will be very high.

How do I know this? Well, it's the only super heavy tank to come from Britain... Kinda obvious it will be in the game.

So, we have:
US: T29
Germany: Maus
Britain: A39

Notice only two have turrets.

>> No.6691193

>pop off ~30 rounds per minuet.
for 100 damage each right? the american 76mm guns are pathetically weak considering the tier you get them in.

>> No.6691199

Wait, people play British tanks?

>> No.6691202

A few where made with the 155, most had a 105 on steroides.

The tier higher will have the 155 and a turret.

>> No.6691211

what about Japan and France?

>> No.6691213

I want to cry.

That is the worst looking model of a T28 I have ever seen.

>> No.6691215
File: 256 KB, 1600x900, shot_060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my quadruples.

>> No.6691232

Do not post shit unless you have proof. There is no British tree release, so this is bullshit.

>> No.6691248
File: 203 KB, 800x537, amx 50-100-01 photo dga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

France is the AMX-50 with a 120mm

Japan is a gundam

Mind finding a heavier British tank then this? I'd love to see what British tank you think will be tier 10.

I said in the post, there is no tree. This is just about the only choice for a tier 10 British tank.

>> No.6691274

Dat slope man. I am so getting this.

>> No.6691278


Japanese tanks were basically all lightweight/infantry support; they'd get eaten alive by pretty much everything else.

>> No.6691279
File: 247 KB, 800x508, Black_Prince_tank_side_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Tortoise was tier 9 TD?

Anyway I would like to see Black Prince as T10 heavy, but apparently it's tier 8 with Centurion as tier 9 medium.

Still not convinced Tortoise would be tier 10 heavy, since it doesn't have a turret and all

>> No.6691305

Could be.

The US superheavy tank is a TD, I guess the A39 could be a TD as well.

But then what would be a tier 10 heavy?

Japanese tanks where held together with aluminum rivets and could be penetrated by small caliber infantry arms. 30-06 cut through it like butter.

>> No.6691313

That reminds me, where would the Churchill stand? Tier 5?

How great would a jacked up Churchill with 250mm armor as a tier 10 be?

>> No.6691325
File: 160 KB, 1023x741, IVmFz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, I found it. Here's the British tree

>> No.6691350
File: 310 KB, 1024x768, shot_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow medium tank players are so much less shitty than heavy ones. I ended up with 2 t20s, a t-44, and two lower tier american tanks all at the campy area on karelia, but instead of hiding like faggots we all drove out at once, killed 3 tigers and 2 t29s and won the game.

>> No.6691369
File: 56 KB, 489x354, fv215b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6691389

>183mm gun
Again, damn.

Tier 10 tanks are about to meet a powerful foe.

>> No.6691401
File: 38 KB, 500x393, tank_compare_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tier 11 and 12 German heavy.

>> No.6691408

So question, what tank would you suggest for a newbie?

>> No.6691417

get artillery

its easy mode

>> No.6691425

sell valentine

I went Russian heavies, you get a good feel for lights and mediums up to the KV. Once you hit the KV decide if you like lights, mediums or heavy tanks.

Or just go to TD's or SPG's

>> No.6691433
File: 2.74 MB, 3072x2304, 2B1_oka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian T10 SPG

>> No.6691461

Go for heavies if you enjoy pushing the team to victory.
Go for TD if you enjoy supporting your heavy comrades in a push at a distance or defending.
Go for SPG if you would like to play a point and click adventure.

Go for USSR if you are to go for offensive oriented heavies.
Go for Germans for everything else.

>> No.6691462
File: 508 KB, 1600x900, shot_041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I suggest going down the German tree like myself.

Once you get passed the Panzer III, It gets great.

I am currently in a Maus right now.

>> No.6691463
File: 40 KB, 132x163, 1282077286226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never get an invite

>> No.6691521


What qualifies as an offense oriented heavy?
The tank destroyer tree or the 1st medium tree that branches into heavy?

>> No.6691527

shattered crystal should have keys

>> No.6691532
File: 446 KB, 1280x960, shot_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was cruising 2chan and found they play World of Tanks too. Heres some of the skins they made.

This is really the only decent looking one, the rest is really low-resolution camo.

>> No.6691553

Offensive tanks have heavy front armour and guns with high alpha (as in, each shot does high damage). When advancing they mostly take hits on the front, hence the heavy armour. High damage per shot because it's better for breaking cover and firing off one shot and getting back into cover while enemy is waiting for you.

Some guns have high DPS but also high RoF, so these tanks need to stay exposed and keep pumping out shots to achieve their true DPS. This is risky and will get you killed on the front line, so such tanks (mainly German) are better off hiding in bush behind the main line sniping.

>> No.6691558
File: 802 KB, 1536x1536, PzIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres also a community for moe animu skins too on there.

But the majority of them are super serious military otaku and just make camo and discuss gun specs like BOOF

>> No.6691563
File: 30 KB, 258x249, 1287512841987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did. Thank you man. <3

>> No.6691595

god grinding exp is so miserable

>> No.6691611

Grind less. Fuck around having fun more.

>> No.6691638

>fuck around
you can´t teamkill or you´ll get temp banned and if you´re doing something else than pwning, you get constantly flamed by everyone. Hell, sometimes i get bashed, because i only killed 2-3 guys with my arty or they complain why i don´t pin down half of the enemies and shit like that. Some even claim, that i´m responsible for their death, because i didn´t finish of the 2-3 enemies killing him. ;__;

>> No.6691656

ShatteredCrystal has keys, just got one.

>> No.6691670

They're the jesters. Laugh at their foolishness with everyone else. Also, arty as tank destroyer is fun too.

>> No.6691718

I'm looking at the Object 704, is this a good tank?

>> No.6691726

It's got the best tank gun in the game, but it's easily penetrated by tier 7.

TD takes a specific mindset to play, not everyone is cut out to be good TD player.

>> No.6691736

Ah ok. Well sense TD is no good for starters, and I'm not too sure about being an arty, what should I go for? Should I just suck it up and play arty support?

>> No.6691742

It's a mobile slope, you will bounce just about anything.

The gun is the most powerful in the game (not including arty). Accuracy is decent but could be better, at ranges of ~700+ meters you're pretty much taking a gamble if you can hit your target where you want. You will hit your target 90% of the time anyway, but not always in the spot you are aiming.

You are more of a gun then a tank, you can't take much abuse, but one shoting anything under tier 6 makes up for it.

>> No.6691748

it seems that the game is dominated by heavy tanks later on

im using tier 3 tanks and it seems whichever team has more heavies wins

>> No.6691753

Actually, I'm sure it can take out 3601's and KV-3's in one shot every now and then.

The KV-3 has ~800hp and the AP round has an average damage of ~700. If you get lucky and get a shot that does ~900 you should be good.

>> No.6691769


Oh god, my Grille is so fucking ballin'.

Look at those wheels.

>> No.6691787
File: 21 KB, 800x600, 1287023063539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I laughed harder than I should have.

>> No.6691794
File: 223 KB, 1280x960, shot_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Master Gunner, Sharpshooter, Sniper
>Unupgraded Stug III

Feels good to be out of the Hetzer.

>> No.6691873

So hey question. Do I have to pay for this? And if so, when?

>> No.6691884

Free to play. Theres a cash shop but really its negligible. During the 'closed' beta everybody gets 500 gold for free every day. After the holidays it'll only be 150 free daily.

>> No.6691891

can ammo hits sometimes make your tank explode? I just got hit for like 800 by a m6 which I'm prtty sure isn't supposed to happen.

>> No.6691911

Ammo rack destroyed causes you to die instantly with 100% repair. The in game message will tell you ammo rack destroyed.

Ammo rack damaged slows you reload.

I once killed a VK4502 from 100% with a single shot to the rear of its turret with a T-34-85, he mad.

>> No.6691921
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, Tank - Takemikaduchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tier 10 Japanese tank.

>> No.6691936

Seconding question about the wipe. WHen is it happening? I hope it's at the same time they add French tanks, because I sure as hell am getting that AMX-50 120mm

>Medium Tank: Excelsior
British confirmed for flying tanks.

>> No.6691943

Thanks for the info.

>> No.6691985

>black prince
why are the british names cooler sounding than the american ones?

>> No.6692028

Late January to Early Febuary next year.
Also, this is the tanks I got so far. After the wipe, if I was to spend all my exp on the heavy line, where would I be at?

>> No.6692043
File: 1.14 MB, 989x732, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image.

>> No.6692054

You won't even reach Tiger

>> No.6692063

Well shit. I'd wish to reach at least heavy.

>> No.6692093

Another question, how long did it take to grind to tier 10, and what's the fastest way?

>> No.6692108

>how long did it take to grind to tier 10
Very, VERY long.
>and what's the fastest way?
Obtain autism.

>> No.6692487

its an "mmo" you figure it out.

or you could influence sprohner

>> No.6693019
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>> No.6693050
File: 153 KB, 1024x768, shot_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the most fun round I've played in my leopard. I didn't stop moving once the entire round.

>> No.6693650

>Go for SPG if you would like to play a point and click adventure.
Feels more like playing roulette.
Last patch made it ridiculous, didn't play Su-8 before the patch so I'm assuming the accuracy was that bad from the beginning, but on Su-5 I could have my reticule centered on a non-moving target, the reticule being smaller than the target itself, and still only get a near miss - and when they moved I'd see a crater right beneath where they were standing before, like it phased right through their tank without doing damage.
Add to that the goddamn laggy map, and playing SPGs suddenly got somewhat frustrating.
Someone buy me a new GPU so I can play normal tanks.

>> No.6693667

We're bleeding fabulous, mate!

>> No.6693886
File: 303 KB, 1600x900, shot_061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2026 exp
>66k credits
My fucking god. Grinding for the Maus will be easy like that.
I got Top Gun, Steel Wall and Wittmann's Medal for that round.

>Awarded for destroying 7 or more enemy tanks and self-propelled guns with a tank or tank destroyer, or 10 or more vehicles with a self-propelled gun in one battle. The targets must be at least four tiers higher than the player's vehicle.

>Michael Wittmann was one of the most successful German tank aces of WWII. He participated in operations in the invasions of Poland, France, Greece, and the Soviet Union, and the defense of France.

>> No.6693979

SU-8 had like a 70% chance to strike the center when you totally aim in now it's like really in that small circle it rarely actually hits the center of it. It's totally retarded.

>> No.6693995

Hey, at least it's not a Hummel. Hummel already had a ridiculous aim time bug which made the displayed 6 seconds aim time take 13 seconds instead, now it's pretty much double that amount.

>> No.6694027

Just did that last night in my Jagdpanzer IV. Felt fucking awesome.

>> No.6694050

Is there a jp/mew company?

And no I don't mean that shitty troll afrikaansoldaat shit company.

>> No.6695096
File: 609 KB, 1600x1800, Golde_Shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See T-54
>Load APCR
>See IS-3
>APCR already loaded
>Ammo Rack explosion
'twas a great battle.

>> No.6695275

>The targets must be at least four tiers higher than the player's vehicle.
seeing as there's no tier 13 anything how is that even possible with the tank you were using?

>> No.6695316

It probably counts the 4 most highest tiers (7 to 10) probably.

>> No.6695408

>Wittmann's Medal
>Awarded for destroying 7 or more enemy tanks and self-propelled guns with a tank or Tank Destroyer in one battle. The targets must be at least tier four or higher.
I only got Billotte's Medal so far from those.
After getting shot once.

>> No.6695535
File: 185 KB, 1280x767, shot_049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolltraktor's gonna troll.

>> No.6695733

anyone have a sound pack to make my tank drivers sound like little japanese girls?

>> No.6695849

We found the instructions for them, but nobody has stepped up to work on it yet.

>> No.6695912


>> No.6695968

I can't be the only one pulsating with OCD here. I could have a mountain of IS-7's, but I'm sitting at tier 6 of each branch of each tree.

M7 spg
M7 light

Why can't I commit ;_;

>> No.6695985

It's ok boof, I still like you, even if you can't deflect shots like they're made of flubber.

>> No.6695998

There are 470 driver sounds, many of which I can't play due to it's odd formatting. I'm going to try my Sony Vegas, but honestly all I'd really need is the name of the file to redo them.

>> No.6696006
File: 309 KB, 650x650, ShimamaruYoumuDecal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decal time, these aren't on mediafire yet.

>> No.6696014
File: 218 KB, 500x500, Okuudecal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6696029
File: 265 KB, 500x500, OkuuOHFUCKADORABLEdecal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6696045

you need to use musicplayerex

>> No.6696051
File: 80 KB, 528x434, 1293412630387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6696061

I tried, I don't know if I did something wrong but it didn't like working, regardless, if we were to do an Onee-san voice pack all we'd need to do is get the names of the files and replace them.

>> No.6696074


I went ahead and extracted the sounds - it should work with the ex player.

>> No.6696888
File: 212 KB, 881x916, c666852928ba341d9215856fff9232b4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This'll be on my leopard when I get it.

>> No.6697069

Any tips for playing KV-3?
It's painfully slow, and unlike the KV, it doesn't have a 152mm gun.

>> No.6697082

put it on your A-20 instead.

>> No.6697118

Fuck yeah, Geschutscooter!

>> No.6697232


Do tell me you used 107mm on KV...

>> No.6697255


>> No.6697333


Oh, I like that one.

>> No.6697419

How reliant is this game on having good latency?
As an ausfag I'm going to inevitably have a poor connection.

>> No.6697594

I get 40-70 ms ping since im in NA.

I gave up using the Hetzer. Such a shit Tank Destroyer. Decided to fight only Tier 1-2 tank battles with my Cunningham since they are fast paced.

>> No.6697909
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>> No.6697930
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>> No.6697935

Now all you need is a Hello Kitty! on it.

>> No.6697940
File: 454 KB, 1440x900, shot_048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start using the 107mm ZiS-6 as it strikes a nice balance between damage and penetration. That, and it's better HE capability allows you to better engage more heavily armored tanks than the D10T but gives you a nice RoF compared to the 122mm D-2-5T. A gun rammer and 100% crew also help significantly when it comes to a KV-3 armed with a 107mm or 122mm. Also, take advantage of your bulky turret, it's generally very bouncy and its gun mantlet is pretty damn good.

>> No.6697952

Who killed him in the end?

>> No.6697965
File: 195 KB, 1440x900, shot_049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to sag that T-14 before anyone else could, despite the both of us constantly bouncing shells off of each other. Almost got Top Gun, but I derped it when trying to kill the Grille. The game was actually pretty slow and I thought I would be killed off as most of my team was chilling in the forest.

>> No.6698307
File: 945 KB, 1000x1632, fb5fc2b635a065edc381c60c93fa0921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been browsin danbooru latley..
be prepared for TDs/panther 2 strike witches skins

>> No.6698352
File: 42 KB, 774x413, MAUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was looking around on the forums because I was bored and oh well look at what I found.

80/0 and 100/10 angle? HMMM

.....Are you sure I'm not looking at a T30? I knew of these weak points but thought they at least had 150-200mm of armor.

>> No.6698385

didn't mean to quote.

>> No.6698415

Suddenly an IS.


>> No.6698521
File: 447 KB, 1729x855, 86edae56b56e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also some T30 armor I found. Translated from Russian.

Front hull (top), mm / deg. 102/54 °
Front hull (bottom), mm / deg. 70/58 °
Side hull, mm / deg. 51-76/0 °
Rear hull (top), mm / deg. 51 / 9 °
Rear hull (bottom), mm / deg. 19/62 °
Underside, mm 13-25
Top hull, mm 38
Front turret, mm / deg. 178 / 0 °
Gun manlet, mm / deg. 203 ... 279 / 0 °
Side turret, mm / deg. 127 / 0 °
Rear turret, mm / deg. 102 / 0 °
Top turret, mm 38

To those who are wondering about the low turret armor, the gun manlet on the T30 takes up most of the frontal turret. I figure if I'm off posting the Maus armor I'd at least post the armor of another nations T10. My first target was the IS-7 but sadly I could not find anything. The best I could is this, I couldn't make sense out of it and thus can't translate it from broken english to something understandable.

"IS-7 breaks in 4 places in front.
the first two-seat joint frontal armor and a front roller (for non-skating rinks - where tracks are growing in front of the tank)
2 more elegant places to the whipping-cheeks, oval in front. "

Now then, I'm off to sleep.

>> No.6698883

I can be 100% combat effective with pings of up to 400.

This isn't really a FPS where having 100ms is a death sentence.

Tier 1 French TD? FUND IT!

>> No.6699044
File: 270 KB, 800x900, comiciz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found that on the WoT forum.

>> No.6699158
File: 25 KB, 136x169, 1291761138141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry BOOF, I'm the same, except I wasted too much exp and time to get deep in the German heavy tree. When the soft-wipe hits we can perhaps roll in IS-7's together. I'll be getting an IS-7, T-54, GW Tiger, Object 704 and probably another T-34 because it's a BEAST when it comes to grinding credits.

>> No.6699547 [DELETED] 
File: 580 KB, 1600x900, shot_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enemy [XXX] goes up in flames
Fuck yea, lags make us won.
Though it's weird that ONE GUY with his T32 got 5 kills while everyone was lagging like hell.

>> No.6699576
File: 580 KB, 1600x900, shot_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enemy [XXX] goes up in flames
Fuck yea, lags made us won.
Though it's weird that ONE GUY with his T32 got 5 kills while everyone was lagging like hell.

>> No.6700517

but the t-34 is awful and underpowered

>> No.6700561

I have a KV and bought the 152mm gun. It's amazingly powerful, but takes over 20 seconds to reload and ammo costs are (IIRC) 725 credits per shell - so there is a price to pay for so much bang.

That said, every shot has resulted in a OHKO or knocking ~90% off of the target's health bar.

>> No.6700615
File: 692 KB, 1600x900, shot_064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too dead.

>> No.6700619
File: 291 KB, 1600x900, shot_067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too grey.

>> No.6700689

I was in a match with a pair of /jp/s.
They were really immature and said XD every other line, is this normal?

>> No.6700694

The 152mm is amazing, it's like a tank sniper rifle.
I really miss it now that I'm on the KV-3.

>> No.6700698

yeah pretty much
you should hear us on mumble talk about our waifus

>> No.6700852

The least accurate gun in the game
>it's like a tank sniper rifle.
just... no.

>> No.6700858

I don't mean in terms of accuracy, I mean in terms of lurking in wait for your prey and finishing him in one shot.
I guess it was a bad metaphor.

>> No.6702443
File: 297 KB, 1600x900, shot_068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1984 exp
>72 136 credits
>15/15 shots (Sniper)
>Hits received: 17 (Steel Wall)
>6 kill (Top Gun)
I even got on fire, the repair kit on the ammo rack bought me enough time to kill a Panther II, an IS and a Tiger.
72 136 credits dude.

>> No.6702542

Oh and I've already grinded 70% exp for the Maus.
VK4502 is easy modo.

>> No.6703085


>> No.6703658


I don't think we have any XD'ers who visit the chat


>After wipe I'm gonna have the top tier tanks in every tree in every nation.


>> No.6703673


And yes WoT is down...

>> No.6703681
File: 499 KB, 1600x900, shot_069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic semi-related.

>> No.6703687
File: 605 KB, 1600x900, shot_070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pin an IS-4 down
>Rain of shells
>Cannot do shit and die
>He mad

>> No.6703692
File: 438 KB, 1600x900, shot_071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6703710

Is it just me or do binocs dont work. sit still in my Stug and note no increase in range.

>> No.6703802
File: 177 KB, 1341x840, shot_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the marder so stupidly overpowered?

>> No.6703811
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>> No.6703842
File: 451 KB, 1440x900, shot_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing gets me harder than penetrating the rear armor of an unsuspecting kraut tank.

And damn, servers are down.

>> No.6703944

Nothing gets ME harder than a random unaimed kill with a TD

>> No.6704026

>Put Marder II in second auto-gear
>Get 3 kills while driving sideways diagonally and shit

>> No.6704031

They will wipe everything when the game is released right?

>> No.6704061
File: 418 KB, 1440x900, shot_053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much, beta players will get a free premium tank, I think the Valentine for the Soviets. At least with the beta experience, people who want to continue on with release will know how to grind the tank trees better.

First T-54 kill here. Like any other medium tank, they're pretty much dead once you get them going through their side armor. And yeah, I'm running the low-graphics patch right now, but I plan on changing as it didn't really do much with my FPS. WoT isn't that much of a well-optimized game if anything.

>> No.6704117
File: 565 KB, 1680x1051, shot_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6704121 [DELETED] 

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.uikhkj

>> No.6704167

Its Wagen, as in Volkswagen

>> No.6704250

New patch coming tomorrow: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/23463-beta-v0628-update/

>v. patch notes:

- Added holiday-like appearance of premium and standard hangars.
- Added New Year trees instead of flags on spawn locations for all maps.
- Fixed the name of 7.5cm gun for Panther II.
- Maxiumum battle tier for Т2 lt reduced by 1.
- Minimum and maximum battle tiers for tier 9 mediums increased by 1.
- Fixed bug when not getting invites for platoons and companies if using UTC-X time zone standard.
- Changed progress bar for the number of shells in Service window.
- Fixed display if "0" (zero) in non-zero player statistics.
- Returned old sound message when destroying street lamps and posts.

>> No.6704288

marder has 460 view range. most other tanks in its tier are lucky to have 360.

>> No.6704729

WoT is up

>> No.6705200

If I exit a battle before its end do I still get my due experience and credits?

>> No.6705227


>> No.6705273
File: 142 KB, 694x601, Fuck Yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Tiger is da Best

>> No.6705383

Any word of what the retail versions pricing will be?

>> No.6705729

USD14.99 a month

>> No.6706136

>per month fee
Err, then pay more for premium account, shells, and/or tanks?

>> No.6706142
File: 708 KB, 1680x1051, shot_032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I much prefer my spelling.
I got plenty of screenies while I was dead.

>> No.6706248


>> No.6706697
File: 350 KB, 1680x1050, shot_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This t44 just rushed across the field and spotted the entire enemy team, staying alive, while we sniped the shit out of them.

>> No.6706703

its going to be free. and premium will cost 2500 gold/month which is $10

>> No.6706736

That thing is fucking traumatizing.

I want it.

>> No.6706796
File: 508 KB, 1680x1051, shot_033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have some more.

>> No.6706808

What's the 212 and m40 look like?

>> No.6706835
File: 2 KB, 200x85, 006-488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, fuck cannons.

You should be able to make the ting in the back some giant ass sub woofer.

Remember Vigilante 8? Remember the speaker weapon that turned the ground around you into a wave that blasted people around you miles into the sunset?

Yeah you do.

>> No.6706910

Speaking of GW's, anyone got the Panther/played with/against one enough to tell me exactly how big range of movement does the turret have? From the picture it doesn't look like 360 degrees is going to be possible, but it definitely has a pretty good mobility. Add to that the 0.38 accuracy gun, and you see the reason I abandoned my Su-8 with good amount of exp and started grinding german SPGs from the wespe up.

>> No.6706925
File: 1.09 MB, 1680x1050, pirsov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember Vigilante 8

>> No.6706947

The 212 looks like shit compared to my glorious S-51.

I haven't had a good look at an M-40 yet.

>> No.6707010

the 212 looks good

>> No.6707146
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>> No.6707156
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>> No.6707160
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>> No.6707168
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>people thanking me

>> No.6707174
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Feels badass.

>> No.6707186
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>3282 exp doubled

>> No.6707231
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I've already grinded 95% exp to get the Maus.
I'll probably get it tomorrow and Hitler won't feel alone anymore.

>> No.6707267

Yes he will.

>> No.6707427
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you are just jealous

>> No.6707462

NOPE. Just retarded.

>> No.6708373

If an IS-7 and a Maus rammed each other head on, which will suffer more damage?

>> No.6708403

Probably the IS7 because the Maus weighs fifty million tons.

Hitler backed up over my PzIII at 2km/h and insta-killed it.

>> No.6708409


I'd say the IS-7 due to lighter weight and slightly thinner front armor. Chances of that happening are kinda low though unless the two agreed on it just to see what would happen, pretty much any point-blank fight between the two would likely involve the IS-7 trying to run in a circle around the Maus though, since the Maus' turret traverse is too slow to pace the IS-7 at that range.

>> No.6708414

M41 is nearly impossible to use after the nerf, it always fucking misses, trying to shoot other artillery is impossible.

>> No.6708635

I enjoy American mediums better then all the others,

I am ruined for marriage.


>> No.6708674

Seriously considering going american after the wipe. Any info or tips on how they play?

Also all black crew.

>> No.6708719

American medium - all fast and nippy tanks, paper hull armour until you reach Pershing (and even then it's nothing compared to T-54), tier 6 and 7 are pretty good as they get the excellent 90mm gun. Easy 8 is so-so, Sherman is excellent for tier 5 but Pershing is the worst of the tier 9 medium. Pretty much all American medium tanks have good gun depression and better armour on turret front so they are quite good fighting from hull down position.

American heavy - T1 and M6 are pretty crap compared to KV and KV3, but T29 is excellent and I would say the best tier 7 heavy. T29, T32, T34 and T30 are all very similar tanks - they all have bad hull armour (and this becomes a bigger and bigger disadvantage the higher you go) but excellent turret front. They all have good gun depression and T29 and T30 have excellent gun for their tier. So if they find a hull down position they are all but invincible to frontal attacks. Only flanking or arty can dislodge dug in American heavy. On the offensive they're not so good however.

>> No.6708727

BTW, the beta will soon be over(its not like we don't know if there is any but it sure is gonna happen), how are we suppose to pay for our gold especially for players outside of the US?

>> No.6708739

Credit card?
You do have a credit card right?

>> No.6708756

actually, I don't have a bank account yet, my parents said I'm too early to have one yet

>> No.6708771


>> No.6708825
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>> No.6708847

So you basically play em like a TD?
Im always amazed at how american turrets can survive multiple hits.

>> No.6708849

That is fucking badass.

Should've made the Russian tanks Imperial though, and German ones Gallian.

>> No.6708856
File: 138 KB, 420x500, 1258875585045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the thread for this:

Damn I wish I had the artistic skills to pull something like this off.

>> No.6709277
File: 42 KB, 640x480, WoT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World of Tanks in a nutshell.

>> No.6709285

Panel 1 looks more like "Playing with Afrika" in a nutshell.

Panel 4 is a complete lie now.

>> No.6709294

I currently have a Hetzer and a Panzer IV, I'm finding it hard to stick to one and see how far I go down the tree before the wipe. Anyone here have experience with these trees? What will be the most enjoyable experience?

>> No.6709302

can't log in, no WoT today, anyone wanna brief me about whats going on?

>> No.6709308

It depends on your playstyle, Tank Destroyer's are more designed for defense, whereas Panzer IV will eventually get you to the heavy tanks, which dominate pushes.

Also, >>>/a/44096540

>> No.6709310

I believe it's a patch, or they're fixing things like the invitation bug.

>> No.6709313

Ok thanks. I actually posted it there by accident, should have been posted here only.

>> No.6709320
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>> No.6709338

When I had the Panzer 4 I was really doubting if continuing into it was a good idea. The stock VK3001H was even worse. Shitty gun, shittier armor than the Panzer 3, negative balance after a bad battle (repair cost > gained credits), etc.

Until I got it fully upgraded, specially the 88 gun. Now we're talking business. Hits 40-50 kph easily, good track traverse, good turret traverse, and mighty gun. It's a good change from the slow and unresponsive KV with the 107mm gun.

>> No.6709359
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> Maintenance works in our datacenter will be held from 9:00 to 16:00 GMT on December 29, 2010.



The angle is like around 48~50° (Pic related) and the gun has the same accuracy of the old unnerfed hummel. I liked it, but the Tier 6 Russian have a better gun.

>> No.6709378

So, i've been playing for a while now, is there a way to koin some sort of group with you guys or is it all through the chat?

>> No.6709379

You know that one map where 14 tanks spawn together, leaving one tank by it self over at another place? Forever alone.

>> No.6709383

Platoons: 3 max people join a random battle on the same team, the platoon leader needs to be premium to form it.
Companies: group of people against another group of people, generally not balanced so it's pointless with tons of low tier tanks.

>> No.6709385 [DELETED] 
File: 795 KB, 876x1000, 2f9260e604113ab44fe7933253b18688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this, because I fucking can.

>> No.6709388
File: 891 KB, 876x1000, BridgetDecal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this, because I fucking can.

>> No.6709389

Well, im only just about to get my first medium tank, i may be a bit behind but whatever. I'll just join you guys in chat later and go from there?

>> No.6709392

How good a ping does this game require?
As an ausfag I'll be forced into shitty latency regardless of my connection.

>> No.6709393

Made what? http://chan.sankakustatic.com/data/2f/92/2f9260e604113ab44fe7933253b18688.png (excuse the URL, danbooru is acting up)

>> No.6709400

I removed the white background and put in a transparent part instead, I made the decal, not the picture.

>> No.6709401

Yea, just chat up on the channel and find someone to platoon with.

>> No.6709407

Oh, cool, nevermind then.

>> No.6709621

Unlimited maintenance work.
Damn it that new patch cannot come any sooner.
New patch will be 24MB only by the way. http://game.worldoftanks.ru/update

>> No.6709647
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How amazing was the move to the shoebox from the KT? my KT is elite and im wondering if its worth it buying the shoebox... i guess the maus gun is pretty amazing, however the turret placement is just durrr, isnt the tank terrible in city maps?

>> No.6709664

The KT is awesome, the VK4502 is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFABULOUS!
Playing city maps is not terrible with it as long as you show your frontal armor as much as possible.
Maus gun is good, but lolaccuracy and longer reload time.

>> No.6709667


hmm well guess i'll unlock the best engine first, i got a ferdi too and its holy shit slow as all fucking shit. really miss my JP, but oh well the JT gun looks beastly.

>> No.6709680

WoT is down


>> No.6709681

The Ferdinand and VK4502 share the same engines, so if you already have the ones on the Ferdinand, you've already unlocked them on the VK4502.

>> No.6709691

Their patch to turn the flag into Christmas trees (among other less important things) messed up. Maintenance extended to 19:00 UTC

>> No.6709692

The maus is an amazing tank destroyer. I can guarantee when the US TD's come out with 300mm armor, turrets and more health then half the team combined, the maus will lose all it's charm.

The IS-7 is as close to a modern MBT as you can get in this game, it's the Abrams of it's time.

The T30 had one of the most incredible cannons of the war. Each round weighed 130+lbs and needed specialized machinery to load a round and eject the brass from a port near the turret ring. Hell, it fired 95lbs of explosive nearly 3,500fps. It's a mobile shit storm.

>> No.6709700
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yah i know, im 10k away from the 840hp one. then it will only be the tracks, turret and new gun i need to research on the shoebox

>> No.6709707

>and more health
Haha, nope. The JT has 1600 HP, for a tier 9 TD.

>> No.6709721

> when the US TD's come out with 300mm armor, turrets and more health then half the team combined

The T-54 is now a US TD?

>> No.6709787

>tier 6 and 7 are pretty good as they get the excellent 90mm gun
you mean tier 7 and 8. the E8 is the most underpowered tier 6 anything because it's stuck with the crappy m1a1.

>> No.6709790
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The JT was a 75 ton tank built around the KT chassis,. The top half of the front may have 250mm thick armor, but the bottom was 150mm.

The 128mm it used (pictured )was designed off the Russian 122mm and fired at 2770fps and penetrated 148mm at 2,000 meters. The 128 was designed to use spare 122mm rounds left behind by Russians, it used the same multi-piece round that had to be assembled before shooting.

The T28 is a 90 ton super heavy tank designed specifically to compete with maus's and fortresses with a unique chassis with 300mm armor.

It used a 105mm with a velocity of 3,700fps and could penetrate nearly 300mm at 2,000 meters. It had a range of 12 miles. The gun had machinery to assist in loading and unloading the rounds and ejected spent brass out of the tank.

The T28 was the American answer to the maus, just because it's a TD doesn't mean it's going to have pathetic health.

Not to mention it's not even going to be the tier 9 US TD

>> No.6709791

>How good a ping does this game require?
I play with 200, its ok.
500 and more is pretty much unplayable.

>> No.6709831
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>just because it's a TD doesn't mean it's going to have pathetic health.
Yes, it is.
For example the mighty Object 704 has 1350 HP.

>> No.6709854

Because it's built off a IS chassis.

The chassis of a tank determine the health 90% of the time.

>> No.6709883

Shit is updating right about now!

>> No.6709899


Tier 8


Tiger II - 1,400HP
Panther - 1,350HP
Ferdinand - 1,200HP


S-3 - 1,310HP
T-44 - 1,190HP
ISU-152 - 1,010

Tier 9


Ausf. B - 1,850HP
Panther II - 1,650HP
Jagdtiger - 1,600HP


IS-4 - 1,590HP
T-54 - 1,570HP
Object 704 - 1,350HP

(And yes, I'm buthurt with the mediums buff)

>> No.6709939
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finally time for the update. holy shit

>> No.6710076

>Not to mention it's not even going to be the tier 9 US TD
The Tier 9 is another name for the same tank model, So I'm interested in seeing how the devs will handle that one.

>> No.6710587
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Just 36 exp...

>> No.6710697
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You just mad...

>> No.6710703
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Cause I'm stylin' on you!

>> No.6710804
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An average battle on my Maus, killing an IS-7 assisted by a KV-3 and an IS-4.
Poor Whiterock, I did 9% damage by ramming him ;_;

>> No.6710838

Hey guys, I just started and i have some questions. I Hope you guys don't mind answering them.

What does the radio/engine do?

Why is it everytime i shoot it says "no penetration" or "ricochet"?

Does hinding in the bushes make you less visible?

>> No.6710912

>What does the radio/engine do?
radio determines how well your minimap works. in order to see what another tank sees on it the other tank has to be in range of your radio. engine makes you go faster.

>Why is it everytime i shoot it says "no penetration" or "ricochet"?
because your shitty gun is too weak

>Does hinding in the bushes make you less visible?

>> No.6711064
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Just realized that my GW Tiger have a cute parasol, i need a Yuka skin now.

>> No.6711107

Just burned from 100% to 5% with the fire extinguishers from a shot from a KV-3.

Well that sure ruined my "Alright! Let's grind today!" attitude.

>> No.6711186

i will blow up weeaboos extra hard

>> No.6711218

>engine makes you go faster.
Engine makes you ACCELERATE faster.

no, hiding behind bushes makes you harder to see. A big mistake I see people make is to try to park in the middle of the bush, which leaves their front poking out. This doesn't help you at all. Make sure the bush is between you and where you think the enemy is.
