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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6708091 No.6708091 [Reply] [Original]

I want to know if there is anything wrong with thoughts of being a girl? I decided not to transition but I've always felt like I should have been born one.

>> No.6708098

weaker gender

>> No.6708107

You're not a girl.

You can't grow up to be a girl.

I can't grow up to be a Ninja turtle.

No one should be allowed their foolish dreams.

>> No.6708120
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Everyone here wants to be the girl.

Those who are against it are in denial.

Those who look down on it are delusional.

Those who dream about it are lost.

>> No.6708128

>I can't grow up to be a Ninja turtle.
You just have to believe anon.

>> No.6708133


I want to be a cute 2D girl. I could be my own fetish.

>> No.6708136

Stop reminding me you total faggot.

>> No.6708144
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I'm not in denial, I love being a guy, I'd be dead if it weren't for my sturdy frame, and being dead wouldn't be anywhere near as fun as being a dude.

>> No.6708152

>I want to know if there is anything wrong with thoughts of being a girl?

Nothing wrong with that. But its a good thing you didn't transition, the process is inefficient. I'd wait till there are more sophisticated techniques. I recall there was this really attractive Asian lady who it turns out was a guy. If you could pull it off with his/her results then go for it.

When it comes down to it, YOUR happiness is all that matters. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.6708154

I love my dick too much to want to be a girl.

>> No.6708166

I want to be a girl because I enjoy the feminine aesthetics and role in society (care giver, nurturer, pink frills and silly hats). If I could I would be born a girl, but since I'm not a girl then I have to be a good boy for all the girls that wanted to be a boy and lost the draw.

>> No.6708170

Not all m2f transgenders get their penis removed.

>> No.6708247

Have fun being physically weak, unable to succeed in the workplace, rapeable, and not having a penis.

>> No.6708259

Most of /jp/ is already physically weak and unable to succeed in the workplace, so that's 2/4 right there.

>> No.6708269
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Just because I'm not economically viable doesn't mean I can't kick your asses.

>> No.6708271

damn beat me to it haha

hearing /jp/ talk about physical fitness is like listening to /fit/ talk about Existentialism.

>> No.6708273

I've always wanted to be a little girl, then get raped.

>> No.6708276

Make that ¾ because most of /jp/ is also rapeable. If it has a hole, it can be raped.

>> No.6708278
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>> No.6708280
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men are rapeable

>> No.6708293

I wasn't trying to instigate anything I just wanted to make a reference to the movie falling down, its wonderful.

>> No.6708296
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Also, all of those are only an issue because men exist. Its like a fireman who keeps his job by lighting houses on fire.

Now /d/ has the right idea; no men, just dick girls.

>> No.6708305

>Its like a fireman who keeps his job by lighting houses on fire.

Nigga you just went full retard.

>> No.6708310

I assumed as much. I've seen the movie as well.

>> No.6708311


>> No.6708321

I actually like being a guy, I'm comfortable with it, and I don't mind it.
It's more a curiosity thing, and I think it'd be fun to be a girl. I use female characters in games and whatnot to fulfill that, though, nothing I'd pursue in real life.

>> No.6708329

I hope spreading that shit makes you feel good.

>> No.6708392

Wanting to be a girl is completely normal on /jp/. I myself want to be a small doll in form of a cute girl instead, and to have a gentle elder sister figure who'd take care of me. My onee-sama would be elegant and perfect, but she'd have the misfortune of being born with an inhumanly large penis in addition to her normal, feminine genitalia. As her self-proclaimed younger sister, I'd take it upon myself to relieve her of her frequent erections, but as I'd be a doll about a third a human's height, proper intercourse would be difficult and I'd have to take some extra steps.

As a doll, my body would be rather cold to the touch, so in order to best please my onee-sama, I'd rise early in the morning and take a bath first. While doing so, I'd carefully fill what passes for my salivary glands with water and Bartholin's/Skene's glands with lubricants, since I cannot produce saliva and vaginal fluids. The warm water would heat my small body quickly, and soon I'd dry myself, wear suitable clothes for the occasion (I'd probably dress in gothloli) and join my onee-sama (who probably would've just woken up) in bed before my plastic body cools down. Of course, had I been human, my small body wouldn't be able to take my onee-sama's impossibly large penis, but as a doll, I would have no anatomical limitations and where my vagina should have been, there would be a long, thin slit reaching up to my belly button. I'd have none of the meat curtains and horrid-smelling native fauna that plague 3D vaginas, instead my insides would only have soft plastic walls, perfectly tight and ready to take in my onee-sama's thick, warm seed.

>> No.6708396

Likewise, I'd have no need for a stomach or intestines, those would be replaced by mechanisms that give me full control of my vaginal passage, so that I can better please my onee-sama. Most of my lower body, though, would be simply hollow, in order to contain all the semen she pumps into my small body. My inner walls would also be highly sensitive, so that after my onee-sama repeatedly comes inside my womb, I'd be able to feel her warm, viscous semen inside me, splashing as I move around. Despite looking like a young girl and being very short, I'd also have large breasts, so that I can tend to my onee-sama's penis that way as well, hugging it with my whole body, clasping the base with my legs and licking the tip with my small mouth while rubbing the shaft with my breasts. Since even my eyes would be made of plastic, I wouldn't need to close them when she comes, instead letting her sperm completely fill me, gushing down my throat, dripping down my chin and even seeping inside my eyes.

After my onee-sama tenderly violates me for hours, her erection would die down, allowing her to function as a normal girl. I'd then take another bath together to clean myself, this time together with my onee-sama, who would braid my long hair (disheveled from the morning's activity) while apologizing about how she has to use me like that. Of course, I'd reply by kissing my onee-sama and telling her I love her completely, and that I'm a lewd girl who loves the warmth of my onee-sama's sperm filling my small womb.

>> No.6708400

By the time we finish bathing, it would be about noon, so we'd then prepare lunch together, with me learning how to cook from her. As a doll, I would be unable to eat or drink, but I'd gladly accompany my onee-sama during lunch and teatime, having her taste my handmade dishes and asking her whether I managed to get it right this time. Our house would have wide gardens and apiaries around it, so after lunch, we'd spend the afternoon tending to the plants and honeybees, with me telling my onee-sama about interesting insects we find on the way.

When night falls, I'd help my onee-sama with cooking again, and during dinner we'd sometimes get guests in form of fellow Anonymous turned into eternally young maidens. After a few hours of conversation over whichever topic we get derailed into (since Anonymous is knowledgeable about a lot of topics, we could be talking anything from WWII weapons to tea drinking etiquette.) our guests would leave, and my onee-sama would be quite tired from the day. My body wouldn't require sleep, but I'd nonetheless go to bed with her, and doze off while enjoying her warm touch. The next morning, I'd again wake up earlier than my onee-sama, and prepare the bath for another day of living as her treasured sister and lover. Neither of us would age or change, and we'd continue like this for eternity.

If only ;_;

>> No.6708407

This is fucked even for /jp/.

>> No.6708408

I remember this copypasta.
...still good, got me hard anyway.

>> No.6708418

It;s not wrong or strange...I definitely want to be a girl...with a small penis...I'm allready there in that departement I guess...

>> No.6708441

I'd like to say, as a male who looks overly convincingly like a girl, this is much better than anyone thinks it would be. I can go into the female toilets without being arrested. I have, infact, mistakenly.

>> No.6708467

Normal for /jp/, but I think for most people it's just a fantasy of wondering how it'd be to be of the opposite sex. If you actually consider the choice realistically, you'll see that you probably wouldn't want it without the easy option of switching back or maintaining your age indefinetly. If you think realistically about how your life would be if things were different, it might not appear as appealing. If I think about it in biological matters, I think about the differences in brain development between females and males, as well as physiological differences and troubles associated with some of them.
A nicer fantasy that I can think of would be "brain separate from body and with digital/external interface" similar to the one in GiTS which could essentially allow one to experience anything in any kind of body, but if you think about that, you'll end up realizing the stochastic nature of biological brains and the difficulty in realizing something like that, if you think further, you may even see what steps would need to be taken to bring science and technology to the point where this is possible, but when you do that, you'll realize you'll need general AI's as a commonplace technology at at least, and then you realize that a general AI modeled by using the model of a human brain would still be superior to the the human brain with its random connectivity, as you would be able to control connectivity out of the box, thus making such AIs superior to humans in what they can experience and be. I'd also imagine the maintenance humans have to experience and the difficulty, if not impossibility of making reliable backups quite the annoyance. Oh, and if one starts to think about the continuity of consciousness and phenomenal experience, oh fuck... intelligent existence is so damn amazing. The future sure will be great! I wonder if I'll get to see at least some of my dreams implemented...

>> No.6708657

when i touch my sexfriend's clitoris she feel it and moans immediately (and comes in less than 1 minute if i do it right) but i have to wait to near come before feeling something, fellatio a part

yes, i want to be a little girl too ;_;

>> No.6708681

your cat is not a sexfriend.

>> No.6708682


>> No.6708685

If you want to be a girl and don't mind or even want to keep your penis it's nothing but a sexual desires.

If not then there is can be lots of reasons why you want it. For example - infantilism or you failed as a man or you just need a girl and can't get one.

>> No.6708708

but my cousin is

>> No.6708736

Get out.

>> No.6708743
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this is somewhat related

>> No.6708746
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>> No.6708748
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>> No.6708753
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>> No.6708758
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>> No.6708761
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>> No.6708764
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>> No.6708766
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>> No.6708773

Being a girl is only good if you're attractive.
If you're not, then what's the point?

>> No.6708812

There is nothing wrong with that line of thought. I've wanted to be the little girl since I was a kid, about 6/7, but given my tall, large and muscular constitution, it would be a horrible transition. And that's why I decided to keep being a male.

>> No.6708838

I've wanted to be a girl from as far back as I remember, the only reason why I don't do it is because of my respect for my parents. Other than that I think I could POSSIBLY pull it off, my frame is built like a 13 year old girl, I m shorter than most women and I pulled off being a trap pretty decently for awhile. Plus it helps that I already have DEM legs.

>> No.6708848
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I like being a guy

I dont really wanna be a girl so

>> No.6708859

I think many people dream of being a girl simply because it's something so unattached from reality that when they first go into that fantasy, they can also attach some other convenient facts, like not being ugly, not being a social outcast, not being a failure at most things they've tried in their lives, etc. Which I guess isn't that bad, otaku wouldn't be otaku without their escapist fantasies. But some seem to take it too seriously, talking about how they definitely would do it if it wasn't too late or if the technology was better. They basically attach all hoped for in life to a condition that that they will never fulfill, and thus leave all misery in their current state, and deny themselves any happiness.

>> No.6708868

Only as a woman can you fully experience the pleasure of being cummed inside.

As a man, there's just something missing.

>> No.6708871

I wish I was a teenage girl with E cup breasts ;_;

NEET Nodoka.jpg

>> No.6708872

I have no problems with my sexuality or the fact I'm a man, but I would probably become a woman in a heartbeat if I had the ability to switch genders at whim.

>> No.6708874
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>This whole thread
>I had no idea so many of you failures wanted to be a girl
>Makes me feel superior
>Feel slightly sad that no cure has yet been found for your horrible disease
>No wonder /jp/ doesn't have a sense of humour

>> No.6708875

but as a man you can enjoy the pleasure of cuming inside.

>> No.6708882

This fetish is as old as /jp/, and even much older.
Most of us are secure in our sexuality and gender.
If fetishes are diseases, and lack of fetishes is also a disease, that makes the entire human population as having a "disease", which is probably true given current nomenclature of "psychological conditions". However, if you just realize these are just differences between humans related to environmental and to some lesser degree genetic factors, you'll better understand the human world.

>> No.6708884

It pales before the pleasure of being cummed inside by 3 different cocks in 3 different holes. As a man, you can only experience the pleasure of being cummed inside in 2 holes.

>> No.6708885

The world is becoming increasingly misandric. ;_;

>> No.6708888


What are you talking about? Gay men do that all the time

>> No.6708891

they usually glorify it in doujins but
it looks rather uncomfortable to me

>> No.6708894

>Most of us are secure in our sexuality and gender.
Do we browse the same board? It's the one that has threads about crossdressing, traps and anal masturbation that "makes you whimper like a schoolgirl", right?

>> No.6708896

Fuck you, I'd be perfectly fine with just feeling the pleasure of being cummed inside in one hole, as long as it was done by a futanari, rather than having force myself to be attracted to men just to experience it ;_;

>> No.6708898

It depends on the posture. Doujin artists have to cater to a 2d visual medium and so distort posture into uncomfortable shapes in order to show what they want.

>> No.6708902
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why do I get the feeling these threads are made by fujoshi to influence down-on-their-luck-guys into making the guys turn gay enough so the fujoshi can make them cosplay to fill their interest?

>> No.6708906

fujoshi like attractive gay men. Either manly or cute, but attractive nonetheless. There wouldn't be any point in turning most of /jp/ gay.

>> No.6708907

I only wish to experience the pleasure of being cummed inside by a trap. Full conversion isn't necessary. In fact, many men can come close enough to being a girl simply by crossdressing.

(Guys with beards: please no.)

>> No.6708909

they seem to do things without much reason

>> No.6708912

When I used to crossdress I would want nothing more than to have anal sex with another trap and exchange places over and over, sadly this never happened but I still wish for it from time to time.

>> No.6708916
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>> No.6708917
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>> No.6708934

Because these days women have all of of the benefits men have without sacrificing any of their own, I think I could handle a little monthly stomach cramp.

>> No.6708943

girl here, why do you want to be female so bad?

I'm always envious of the whole bro thing guys have going on, you can't have that with female friends. Also, a dick sounds like fun.

>> No.6708955

We don't have "bros".

Though, personally, I just want to be cute. Can't ever be, but I want to nonetheless.

>> No.6708962

cute guys exist

oddly we have an ENTIRE board for cute animu guys

>> No.6708965


>> No.6708972

Yes, but being femininely cute as a post-pubertal man, complete with square jaw and broad shoulders, is impossible.

>> No.6708973


>> No.6708974

Because most of us already display many feminine characteristics (submissiveness, passivity, dependency, etc.), we want to experience being the gender for which those characteristics are to be expected.

>> No.6708982

Show me an asian who looks good in a dress with a square jaw and broad shoulders

>> No.6708986

>/jp/ is a bitter misogynist
>/jp/ always talks about how it wants to be the little girl and takes drugs to turn into a woman

/jp/ - Hypocrisy/General.

>> No.6708995

I don't care what my sex or gender is, only that my body, stature, and face look, to my own subjective tastes, cute. I want to be cute, to wear cute clothes, to be treated, by those few who do deal with me, less by their conceptions of my gender as a man, and more by if they were dealing with a girl, much as hinted at by >>6708974. If I already have those characteristics, I'd much rather be treated kindly for having them, as females do, than treated like pathetic trash, as "weak" males are treated.

>> No.6708996

Aren't you mistaking us for /adv/ or /r9k/? That's what a lot of people do.

>> No.6709001

> It's the one that has threads about crossdressing, traps and anal masturbation that "makes you whimper like a schoolgirl", right?

And why do you think those people are not secure in their sexuality?
I know exactly where I draw the line and what I like and what I don't.
I'll give an example of myself, to explain how I think about these things.
First, I'm male and I'm heterosexual. What does the term heterosexual mean for me? I'm attracted to females IRL (3DPD), even if I don't actively pursue that.
I'm attracted to the female body. I can't feel attracted to the male body, even if I tried, I feel naturally repulsed if I were to think about it in a sexual way.
I cannot be attracted to a female that display serious male characteristics (lots of muscles and general body shape), even if she has a vagina. I could potentially be aroused by a trap, if the trap was perfect, and it would look like a female, yet it had a penis. As I'm attracted to the female body, the trap would still be more attractive than a female with a male-looking body.

>> No.6709005


I'm not going to make judgments about 3D traps as they're imperfect, and I can't think I would be attracted to 3D traps, however I'll discuss the concepts you mentioned in 2D. I don't see a problem with traps or futa in 2D as they're just females with altered/added sexual organs, but still female.

About alternative forms of masturbation.
I'm not really big on anal ones, as I think they're a bit dangerous, but it's just masturbation. If someone does it, it doesn't mean they imagine some black bubba is raping them in jail while they do it. If you want an example of a fetish which is compatible with it, it would be something like autogynephilia, which is common in /jp/ (see this thread). They could imagine they are a futa or a female engaged with another female or futa or trap ... Even so, this is just masturbation, it doesn't have any more meaning that the person is willing to give it. People do it because it feels good, period. Kids sometimes learn to masturbate before they reach puberty and they just do it because it's pleasant, it doesn't have to be anything more. The same would go for other forms of masturbation: another example could be stimulating one's nipples to reach orgasm without using one's penis. It's just a quest to obtain sexual pleasure, it doesn't have to be anything more.

As for cross-dressing... I never tried it, but what does that have to do with the gender you're attracted to? Why do males have to try to reach a certain image of masculinity? Being a male heterosexual just means having specific genetic traits, certain organs, and having your brain develop in a specific way. It does not mean you have to reach certain arbitrary standards society set out for man. Maybe some people like to see how they would look if they were female (see: autogynephilia), or maybe they just like wearing pretty clothes? It doesn't have to have anything to do with what gender you're attracted to.

>> No.6709006

You must not have been browsing /jp/ very long if you missed all of the 200+ reply threads where people go on and on about how they're 2d for life because they were "backstabbed" by some woman.

>> No.6709007
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I won't go so far as to say I want to *be* a female, but here's an answer from a guy who, every now and again, can't help but look enviously at women

Expressiveness. Emotionally, it feels like I'm so restricted. I can't express my more tender feelings for fear of being thought as weak or stupid. I can't cry when I want to. I can't express my more romantic and airy-fairy concepts of love because men are just ALL ABOUT distributing red hot dickings. It's so hard to express even some sillier things like what you think is cute without being thought of as creepy due to association with filthier-minded men

I just feel so.. bottled up inside, exactly how >>6708758 describes

I know it's not a big deal, everyone feels that way to some degree regardless of gender. But whenever I feel myself choking back tears with the faint concern of "I can't let myself be seen like this" lingering in the back of my consciousness, I silently curse myself for being born male

It feels like the only place where I can truly be myself is here, in the anonymity of the internet, where gender is such a nebulous concept that it's never given any real thought unless you mention it anyway

>> No.6709010

> "makes you whimper like a schoolgirl"
I think another reason for people wanting to be girls is that it's claimed that females are able to experience much more intense orgasms (and sexual pleasure) than men. This might be one reason for this fetish.
While this is probably true on average, I became convinced that physically it's possible for a male to achieve orgasms/sexual pleasure of similar intensity to the one females experience. On average, fapping normally gives me an orgasm of intensity 2-3 on a 1-10 scale, but through various techniques and psychological conditioning, I can go as high as 7-8 in both length and intensity. There are physical factors which make reaching such states more difficult for a male, but it's hardly impossible.

I may be perverted by normalfag standards, but I feel secure in my sexuality and in what I like and dislike. I don't feel any inner conflict or confusion about what I like, and I even understand why things are like they are now for me.

>> No.6709014

>/jp/ claims to hate sexual promiscuity
>/jp/ shaves its legs, dresses up in promiscuous clothing and buys prostate massagers/onaholes

>/jp/ claims to hate sluts and people who are "obsessed with sex"
>/jp/ spends most of its time masturbating to doujins of toohoos being raped by packs of faceless men

/jp/ - Hypocrisy/General

>> No.6709017


This. Also we want to be pretty.

I tried just being a pretty boy, and I was still dissatisfied with my appearance. I wanted curvy hips and boobs, and soft facial features. Instead I just got subjectively uglier and uglier. The fact that everyone around me told me how handsome and baby-faced I was never changed that.

I have a female body-image and nothing will ever change that. And personally I don't think there's anything else to a woman or a man.

>> No.6709021

Well, yeah, a lot of people mistake /jp/ for /r9k/. That's exactly what I said.

>> No.6709024

Personally I just fantasize about a woman who could accept me despite all these unmanly traits. Eroge does the job for that.

>> No.6709028

Doesn't change the fact that they're hypocrites who want to become women despite hating women.

>> No.6709033

No one hates women because of how they look.

>> No.6709034

>>/jp/ claims to hate sexual promiscuity
/jp/ is not a person, opinions vary. There are also various different views on what is sexual promiscuity
>/jp/ shaves its legs, dresses up in promiscuous clothing and buys prostate massagers/onaholes
Where did I say I do this? I don't.
>/jp/ claims to hate sluts and people who are "obsessed with sex"
Where did I say this?
>/jp/ spends most of its time masturbating to doujins of toohoos being raped by packs of faceless men
Where did I say this? I tend to prefer more more yuri-oriented doujinshi, and I find bukkake to be bland, but still fappable, just not nearly as attractive.

>> No.6709035

I liked you better when you post this huge wall of greentext with a Shiki image and nobody even bothered to reply.

>> No.6709043

You don't know that. First of all, they're not representative of /jp/ at large. Second of all, /jp/ is not a hivemind either way, you may be talking about two entirely distinct groups of people (and I assume you, in fact, do).

>> No.6709052

I like how people still think women can't survive in the workplace or still get paid less, Protip: it isn't the foreigners who took ur jerbs.

>> No.6709078

Maybe it's jealousy? I don't really want to become a girl that much, but I know that if my biggest dream was to become a girl so I could be the perfect pure and elegant lady whose hobbies include flower arrangement and playing the violin, I'd be pissed as hell when seeing that those who have the privilege of being a girl just waste it away on drinking and fucking whenever the opportunity comes up.

>> No.6709106

My personal fantasy is to become a disabled girl whos been a victim of abuse and have a ojousama to take care of me. parts i'd be willing to give up: left arm or leg and one eyeball

>> No.6709153

>the whole bro thing guys have
It's frequently mentioned on imageboards, but it doesn't seem to exist in the real world. Maybe it's just another one of those American curiosities.

>> No.6709158

If it's just strong friendship, why not? Most people have friends they can rely on. Maybe not as common on /jp/, but are you really claiming that someone can't have friends they can trust/rely on and vice versa?

>> No.6709168

What is she throwing?

>> No.6709184

I've always loved to be someone's childhood friend, just like in VN and anime.
Since I'd be frienzoned forever, it doesn't really matter but I just wish I had a nice childhood friend living next door, teasing me and helping me through stuff.
We'd play games together and ride bikes, I'd cook for him and he'd come wake me up since I'm always late for school.
At around 14, I'd start getting embarrassed and try to look cuter but as I always was clueless and clumsy, I'd never tell him but be a good friend.
He'd confess to me anyway and we'd get married right after college.


>> No.6709328
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merry Christmas...

>> No.6710606


>> No.6710754

I basically started puberty at 15, now I'm seeing my hands getting bigger and my shoulders feel broader every day. I hate it. I love being feminine and having people want to protect me.

I have a friend who is treated like a girl by some butch dykes, and honestly they buy him drinks and gifts, dress him up in girl's clothing, and try and convince him to start HRT. I envy him so much, and try to stop him from doing HRT because of this.

>> No.6711030

I feel you anon. I don't want to be a girl but I certainly have a more feminine edge to me and do get a little emotional sometimes. While occasionally other times I'll be more masculine in personality, it's weird. I feel like a mixture of both genders with my more feminine side as being the dominant side of me. As for just being myself, I don't care what people think of me. I know most people think of me as perverted and insane but what do they know, they are just a bunch of stupid normals who think everyone is like them.

>> No.6711451
File: 115 KB, 544x800, retty-trap.1218891725172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a dick is a hand full. You get turned on so easily, but if you screw up your timing at all, you ejaculate before you have an orgasm, and can't even try again for several minutes, and then not at full power, so to speak. You can't ever just throw yourself into the experience, because you have to stop every time you lose control.

>> No.6711477


Delicious Peppo.
