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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6707517 No.6707517 [Reply] [Original]

[ Cosmic Break ]


>> No.6707585

People still play this game?

>> No.6707612
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>> No.6707622
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Apparently so, though a few people ragequit when they started charging money.

>> No.6707628

someone called me a cashwhore, i feel so bad now that im going to quit
bye forever

>> No.6707632

Suggestions for a viper shield+ Eight vulcan SHirno Exroad setup?

>> No.6707653

I'd put a viper shield in one hand and an eight vulcan in the other.

>> No.6707656

I mean the parts/tune ups.

>> No.6707657

What happened to the good hotglue players? I don't see anyone around anymore.

>> No.6707669 [DELETED] 


CBJP or quit


Assuming you aren't spending RT, katana max lgs are the best available. Hoverion ams are for +2, as are tengu but tengu ams are huge. You might consider mounting a red squealer am as a backup because you will always outlive your ammo supply.

>> No.6707673


CBJP or quit


Assuming you aren't spending RT, katana max lgs are the best available. Hoverion ams are good for +tec, as are tengu but tengu ams are huge. You might consider mounting a red squealer am as a backup because you will always outlive your ammo supply.

>> No.6707675

Everybody's currently doing Haku. We have like 2 groups of 5 doing it right now.

>> No.6707711

Tell someone to invite panetonni.

>> No.6707879


>> No.6708004

>Hoverion ams are good for +tec
Actually, Shino's normal arm is just better.

>> No.6708039


Shino's normal arms result in shield placement so terrible you might as well not be using a shield at all.

>> No.6708050

I forgot about that.
The goddamn shield barely blocks anything right now.

>> No.6708064


If you're going to use her normal arms suit up like those ihop faggots do and forget the shield. Bazooka in one hand and a vulcan in the other.

The downside is that you can no longer just blitz a PS alone because you will be instantly drawguned to death. The upside is that you actually have ammo.

>> No.6708065

Why not those accel savior legs?

>> No.6708101


Because they're really big and the point of using a 8vulcan/shield is to have shield cover the majority of shino. Katana max legs cut her size in half while at the same giving +3 wlk and +1 tec. Overall, a very good deal.

>> No.6708132

Nah, don't want to go hopper way, and I'm tired of bazookas. Like, really.

>> No.6708347

Can you assemble any good robots from random parts? There should be moebots you can collect from random parts.

It should be a mission, like you had to invade an all girls training academy for robots and rack up as many points as possible and if you did well you'd get a random BD of some moebot.

>> No.6708394

I found a couple of bots that are immune to winberrl's attacks. All I see is some sort of green AT-field and me doing 0 damage. What's going on?

>> No.6708415

>It should be a mission, like you had to invade an all girls training academy for robots

This is actually an awesome idea.

>> No.6708438

Fund it.

>> No.6708463

>green AT-field
Baltheon. They have built in shields.

>> No.6708469

This game honestly needs more missions in general. If you made each section of each mission its own mission and made them all a lot harder you could really beef it all up. Like if they were all Pepen Rebellion length. Each mission would unlock the next in its line. But that'd just be recycling what we already have.

For gimmick missions, how about one styled after the Night Highway map where you're on an unending freeway which is constantly being assaulted by more and more enemies. You win by getting to the end of the freeway.

Or maybe this, survive the labyrinth, you're in a gigantic tunnel maze. To win you simply have to travel to the center and get a treasure and then make your way out. However there is a minotaur robot that will oneshot you if it encounters and hits you. On harder difficulties there are more minotaurs or more complicated mazes, possibly with more than one floor. On easy you can actually just kill the minotaur if you shoot it long enough.

Or a hunting mission, where you have to kill as much wildlife as possible. Like the game already encourages you to in regular missions for extra BP.

Cosmic Break could do with more missions. Right now that section of the game is awfully bare. It could also do with more areas for the quest mode. Like maybe a haunted mansion, underground mining facility, graveyard, ghosttown, or something.

Frankly they need to stop pumping out robot designs and actually focus on the meat of the game. Arena gets boring after a while.

>> No.6708483

And on that thought we could also do with more match types. Team Deathmatch is getting quite stale. King of the Hill, Sabotage, Duel, Juggernaught which they already kind of have the system for, Capture the Flag which they have, but is only in Team Fights which nobody does anyways. Maybe I should actually go make a post on the actual CB forum or something.

>> No.6708495

It would be so nice if they'd make some new modes for arena.

New missions and stuff would be cool too, but arena is my favorite part.

>> No.6708514

>For gimmick missions, how about one styled after the Night Highway map

NO. I realized it takes more than half your booster every time you leave the ground so you can't even fly properly. Fuck that stage. You know every single enemy would be able to fly freely.

>> No.6708520

Why don't you just use the team fight mode? What do people have against it? Why would you acknowledge it, ignore it, and then wish you had the kind of maps it had?

>> No.6708555

Because nobody uses it.

>> No.6708612

cuz thier uc rewards are shit.

>> No.6708623

>Maybe I should actually go make a post on the actual CB forum or something.

Do so. Heaven knows, that forum needs some improvement, or at least less people with the mental capacity of five year olds and the linguistic skills of a drugged gorilla. I made a thread about shit that'd be cool to see in the game, and after five replies I've started to regret it.

>> No.6708628

Get your guild and have an event.

>> No.6708637

What did all you CB lovers do when 4chan was down last night? Did you grind your CP harder than ever or even notice it was down?

>> No.6708680

CB was also down. I went and drew some stuff.

>> No.6708693
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>> No.6708924

>>6708514 I realized it takes more than half your booster every time you leave the ground
Only if you're Air.

>> No.6709092

4chan was down?

>> No.6709454

Which is pretty dumb considering Air can barely keep up with the people racing around unless you have +30 fly.

Anyway, I've decided to try out jpCB. Helingal is UC there, right? If I can get Helingal early on I should do decent enough. Any tips other than don't speak English and to prepare my anus?

>> No.6709459

night hiway is a good reason to have a set of LND for it. fuck that map, all the AIR complain of it, and the ART cant even attack properly.

also those platforms? it still suck for arties.

team fight doesnt really reward anything. it is however really good to train newbies and check their builds.

well we do have missions missing. at least ouka's, and lilly EVE is supposed to have one too.

somewhere in the mod's room, someone glanced at this comment and looked confused to all the thread.

>> No.6709538

>This game honestly needs more missions in general.

Really. I'd like to see missions featuring rare bots like the Ouka mission. CBJP had that Lily Rain Eve mission, but now it's gone. An Ivis mission would work as well.

>> No.6709542

>night hiway is a good reason to have a set of LND for it. fuck that map, all the AIR complain of it,

What the fuck, Air can dominate the map.
They're the only ones with enough flight to go where they want instead of following predictable paths and being ambushed.

>> No.6709603

>Helingal is UC there, right? If I can get Helingal early on I should do decent enough.

There's a Rt event going on currently, 50Rt for 60,000UC that will reset on January 1 (while it depends on players defeating the GMs in a fight, you could think of that event as 50Rt/month permanently since it seems the GMs cannot even hope to match their fanbase.)

If you act fast enough, that's 100Rt right there. I suggest rolling Garapon once, choosing either Weekly, Daily or SP Garapons depending on which units/weapons you want since the numbered Garapons usually aren't worth it, they have 4 or 5 blue balls while daily/weekly/SP has 2. if you get an AIR unit, you should buy an Izuna Kamui with your remaining 50Rt and get some slotted Wing Plus AMJs from the UC Garapon, with that you'll have over 30FLY and a reliable weapon.

Use your beginner's gift Star Coins to buy two Slot Protector Omegas, start tuning up a bit with them. Accelsaber AMs, which you get by the dozen from the UC Garapon, is a good choice for that, you don't even need slot protectors for them since they're plentiful UC items despite having three slots and giving +3TEC. You should reach about 20TEC and 40FLY easily that way with AIR.

If you got an ART, follow the same idea except with more emphasis on TEC, you should probably hit 30TEC easily. You get gift Howitzer AMJs too, so if you're M or L you'll have easy equipment. If you're S, wait for Bazaar, buy Misside AMs (they go for about 5000/8000 for three slotted versions), Volcano Grenades and/or Buildarm BS, and you're all set.

For LND, just get Short Boost and equip bazookas until you can tune up for a better setup. UC Garapon Accelsaber is good for that, too. SUP should also go with Bazookas, especially if the SUP in question is Winberyl with that drawgun bazooka build.

>> No.6709608

Are there any /jp/ people in dos?

>> No.6709649

What the fuck, I just had a CB dream.
I had lost 50k UC out of my 60k, having apparently bought some bot I had never heard about.
And there was a new clan feature that allowed you to program little bots to run around your Ark area to advertize the clan.
What the fuck.

I think that last bit was caused by some idiot in a red canonballer role-playing an automaton at WIZ.

Fuck my brain.

>> No.6709650


Yeah, AIR is best there. You can land on those platforms and get your full boost gauge back when flying from them. ART is second as long as you stay with a few others so you can get out of the way of LND when you need to and just fire everything otherwise. And it's hilarious to play Cannon Baller on that one. I can hardly ever get it to work well, but it's still pretty fun.

>> No.6709655

Yes, Helinger is UC.

You also get to enjoy seeing new bots and stuff that aren't out in the EN version yet. This week there's Blitzert / Blitzert Ram, an air bot that has a mode switch that lets it toggle between higher speed and stronger attack stats, and Vangaurd Fencer, a M land bot that has 27 base str and a non-removable 42 dmage sword.

>> No.6709670

Oh, yeah, Bastagant missions require tickets.

Can you imagine the buttmad that would have happened if they'd added the Bastagant ticketing sytem in the EN version? That's cutting off a third of the content of CB right there.

>> No.6709684

You're forgetting a robot type. Support do pretty good there if you don't forget to take off your useless repair bits. I've actually seen supports race around the track while shouting 'repairing'! A rapid fire bit can get you several kills because nobody has rapid fire but you.

Once again though, Winbell. I've gotten draw gunned off the track several times.

>> No.6709696

Nobody remembers or thinks about support as anything but health dispensers.

>> No.6709780
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Guys, Cyberstep decided to sell a Lily Rain EVE dakimakura instead of Crim.


>> No.6709806

Any idea what kind of stuff Packet likes?

>> No.6709808


>> No.6709813

I am totally fine with this.

>> No.6709817

Cosmo Harmonics Alpha.

>> No.6709819
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delicious boobpits

>> No.6709822

>Guys, Cyberstep decided to sell a Lily Rain EVE dakimakura instead of Winberrl.

>> No.6709841
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one go 4000 RT

>> No.6709859 [DELETED] 
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You know, whenever I look at Cosmic Break pictures I notice one thing in particular.

Needle Mog.

Seriously is Needle Mog the one always doing this type of stuff in the fanart?

>> No.6709863
File: 106 KB, 420x620, e68f45e0025712c737ec540b8ea7d8d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, whenever I look at Cosmic Break pictures I notice one thing in particular.

Needle Mog.

Seriously why is Needle Mog the one always doing this type of stuff in the fanart?

>> No.6709866

Is needle mog actually useful for anything? It sounds/looks like a Sonic enemy.

>> No.6709868


I'm okay with this. Are there any full images of what's on both sides?

>> No.6709870

>What did all you CB lovers do when 4chan was down last night?

I played Arcanum

>> No.6709877

>>Ivis wallscroll

>>The wallscroll is decent, and cheap at only 3000 yen, which is less than even most doujin wallscrolls. You get a canvas bag with it too, although the quality of the bag is shit as its pretty much just a generic bag with a printed out picture glued to it.

>> No.6709891
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ATTN CB DEVS: Go add the phrase "JAWSOME" somewhere in this guy's natural description.

>> No.6709903

I saw a guy surfing around with one of these yesterday. I almost bought one on the spot because of how amusing it looked. Too bad I'm atrociously bad at Lnd.

>> No.6709923


>> No.6709928

Hey, Cyberstep! Put those up as the bonus for buying $200 of Rt and you've got yourself a deal!

>> No.6709962

I can't believe this. Every room is level 5 or under. Can't I just play this game the way it was meant to be played? I can't level any of my bots like this! They should have had only 1 under lv5 room per faction. 1 for vs DOS, 1 for vs BRD, and 1 for shuffle.

This is ridiculous.

>> No.6709967
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Wallscroll is here thanks to a good Anon. >>6709881

Hey, Tempura. I'd actually buy that Ivis wallscroll. Rather, put that up with the RT package and you've got yourselves a deal Recette.

>> No.6709984

scroll down moron

>> No.6710001

I have, you idiot. There's very little amount of regular rooms left. only like 2 or 3 are populated and always full.

This is fucking stupid because I spent money for my bots and now in one fell swoop have become absolutely worthless since I can only use my UC bots.

>> No.6710018

>only like 2 or 3 are populated and always full.

This is the way it's always been. Usually shuffle and then one vs because the shuffles were full.

Easy solution: Make <L5 only 5 vs 5 or 10 v 10.

Also there are like at least 3 non level 5 rooms going.

>> No.6710027

Actually how come players can't create matches but they seem to be automated? that's the weirdest thing about this game.

>> No.6710042

Under level 5 rooms are novelty rooms. They should be at the bottom with the under 2000 cost rooms.

15v15 regulars should always be at the top, in my opinion.

>> No.6710050

So you want to be lonely at the top, anon?

>> No.6710060

It's a novelty room.

>> No.6710083

But then they'd be empty like the 2000 and under room and I'm NOT ok with that.

>> No.6710086
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Girls = people in the under 5 rooms
Guy in front = you

>> No.6710114
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people with love and effort put into their bots = tenshi
corndog = you

>> No.6710126

I'm being fellated by people who put love and effort into their bots?

>> No.6710133

Must. resist. story posting.

>> No.6710147
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>eaten corndog

>he actually believes that good comeback

>> No.6710152

lv5 cap is pretty convenient

It either limits what the amount that bots can equip or limits ability cards. It also kills short hopping for most bots cept for frog and turlebacker.

>> No.6710165
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Benio (Girl) - RT bots
Takuto (Guy) - /jp/

>> No.6710184

Any bots I should keep rebuying before "official release"?

>> No.6710201

Official release of what? The game came out of beta last week

>> No.6710367

What the tripfag probably means is before the prices go back to normal.
As far as I know only the Rt bots and limit removers are half price

>> No.6710492

They should move down the lvl5 rooms or make an option to filter them out.

>> No.6710515
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Oh boy, saw some 'big names' farming awards in limit 5 rooms and decided to test them myself. Sure is hard slaughtering the new players in them.

>> No.6710557
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Umad, samefag?

>> No.6710570
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Recette - Tempura

>> No.6710594

Limit 5 rooms aren't even good for new players. It's mostly the good players using new bots or bots they wouldn't use in a serious match. The only newbie rooms are the rank restricted ones.

And WIZ is starting to get a bit better. Played a few BRD v WIZ matches where the WIZ team had lots of healing, payed attention to teammates, actually noticed when I flanked them, and generally acted like competent players. It was crazy.

>> No.6710608


Look at them cheaters, hackers, and griefers.

>> No.6710629

Holy fuck, really?! Time to start playing again, I guess.

>> No.6710631

Im thinking about buying 300 rt .

I think Im going to buy one of the two new artillerys Sturbanger or Amateus (is L better than M)? I also will buy one land and im thinking about Misty Hollow or Zero Saber Girl (badass or cute one).
I d ike to know what mechas are more effective ?
Then one cute little chibi loli support bot from garapon.

So do you think this game is worth spending 30 euros? Do this game have any bright future or is this going to die in a year? I do have money so no "30 euros is big money you should not use that much on a game!!!11!1" comments.

>> No.6710688

40 eight vulcans
20 motorized guns
6 titan bazookas
Not a single large bazooka

>> No.6710695

Amateus is a better art.

Zero Saber Girl can neither be taken apart nor disassembled (so has a set amount of effectiveness) while Misty has an attack that lets her server parts easily or something. I don't like her so I don't know the details on her core power. (I only ever used her parts to build ineffective grimdark looking mechs. )

>So do you think this game is worth spending 30 euros?
If you're a buyfag, why not?

>Do this game have any bright future or is this going to die in a year?
MMOs only ever die if some serious fuckups happen (APB)
Ultima Online and FF14 are still going, so that should give an idea of longevity and refusal to just shut down the servers.

>> No.6710712

Don't buy a Sturbanger.

>> No.6710727
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>> No.6710745 [SPOILER] 
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>40 eight vulcans

>Get one of those
>I only like S and M mechs.
>MFW I said I like S and M.

>> No.6710772

Between Sturbanger and Amateus, I'd say Amateus for the maneuverability. After a few months when the metagame solidifies, anyone using a Sturbanger is going to get carved up by land bots.

Between Misty Hollow and ZSG, it's a toss-up based on your play style. Misty Hollow plays like a Jikun; run in fast, chop people up using melee, die. ZSG is more flexible; she is a little slower but can be used for guns effectively because of her high TEC and still has good STR for melee.

As for whether the game is around in a year, who knows?

>> No.6710898

You guys using destructor girl, how do you like her so far?

I regret not testing her enough in pre-wipe when I had the chance.

>> No.6710911

There are definitely some drops in Arcantus that are missing. I haven't seen a single long burner, for instance, or a lot of the normal accessories.

>> No.6710944

zero saber girl kind of sucks without tuning and good weapons. if you can get a slash blade and a assault rifle she's pretty good but I wouldn't bother since those are both in the stupid gambling machines.

>> No.6711074

Im here now and thanks for all answers. Im going to buy these 300 points (yes im buyfag) and purchase Amateus, Misty Hollow and one chibi bot.

>> No.6711090

do you already have a laz-chan? there's a 30% chance that you'll get another laz-chan, and a 70% chance that you'll get a robot with the same ability as laz-chan.

>> No.6711102

Better to get another robot with shell supply than a burst fire chibi.

>> No.6711114

I used her in beta a bit, she has very good core missiles which you need to fully upgrade (4 carts, maybe one can be skipped but I don't know what each does). She has low mobility though, so you need to be very careful with her positioning.

>> No.6711119

You really can change 60k uc for 50 rt, for how long and how? I cant find any transaction available

>> No.6711144

It's a Destructor, only smaller (which is good), less hit points, and a little faster. If you've played the Destructor and liked it, you'll probably like Destructor Girl.

>> No.6711151

the circle only gives like 10 ammo. I don't see how that's supposed to be useful. I think you have to wait for the long range effect to wear off if you want to use it again so it's not like you can quickly refill with it.

>> No.6711154

Shop, items tab, Rt item near the top.

>> No.6711180
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>> No.6711204

I'm pretty sure it gives a tenth the total ammo for whatever you have out. And besides shell supply it's the only way to replenish ammo in the entire game, way better to have than burst fire. For anybody with an expensive, hard-to-kill mech (like my Gwyain) a support that can heal and give ammo is way better than one with burst fire which only makes me run out of ammo faster.

>> No.6711333

I don't know I think being able to set up a power spot anywhere you want is a lot more useful than giving me 20 seconds worth of extra ammo

>> No.6711398

But where can you actually do the full dance except in the backline, where it will run out before the person reaches the fighting? If you're near the front you'll probably get stunned and even if you don't then you just set up a nice spot for the enemy to shoot at. If could be useful in some spots, where you can do it safely on a ridge or behind a wall but ammo is good in all situations no matter where you are.

>> No.6711427


She sucks. Her core missiles only knocks down air like 30% of that and that's assuming that it hits.

>> No.6711429

Does anyone know what the speed mods for air is? For instance, how fast does a 40 fly crim compare to a 40 fly izuna?

>> No.6711515



>> No.6711690

I can't beat the fucking cactus mission. packet will never find her daddy because I'm such a failure ;_;

>> No.6711732

Where does that nurse come from ?

>> No.6711745
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Feels bad man

>> No.6711782

Use 2 stock Crimroses with somekind of beamguns and your heavy hitter as 3rd and you should be fine.

>> No.6711783

The nurse is Misty Hollow.

>> No.6711800

It was those damned shielded cactuses for me. Finally i discovered you have to get behind them so if you circle around them shooting a beam gun at them they'll die but yeah, I did that mission about 11 times before I finished it.

Used a level 1 Mach Knight and a level 1 um .... another cheap UC air bot, can't remember it's name, then Destructor Girl I used to range the last guy from over the cliff, he couldn't even shoot back.

>> No.6711803

Thanks a lot :3

>> No.6711813

How did she give you another mission? I'm done with dial up and the bitch told me she would call me when she had another mission available. I'm still waiting.

>> No.6711835
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>> No.6711871

I just went with 3 Beezle A's and managed to beat the cactus mission with a minute left

>> No.6711900

Anybody manage to get any decent performance out of Tesladonna? I'm only using her because she's cute.

>> No.6711942

I put crim legs on mine, replaced one of the tesla arms with a victory arm and put in a mini bazooka. The tesla arm with the laser is actually decent vs land, and basically the best laser in the game right now. The tracking is nerfed though, so you really have to aim well with it. It also gives you a lot of fly, with the setup I listed plus wing amjs you're at 23 fly. You could get 24 fly with izuna legs, but they cost a lot so absolutely dont do that unless you really like the wisp ability, but in that case you may as well use an izuna. The biggest perk of using tesla is broad radar, and the downside is that you can't equip tengu booster. If you're a RT fag and want an air bot with broad radar mecha jetter girl gets it and has a booster slot though.

>> No.6711958

How the hell can anyone call destructor girl bad? The core ability is way better than something like howitzers. You don't spam it to try and hit fast moving air, you should use your regular bazookas for that. Basically she's a lily rain with short boost and a better core ability.

>> No.6711991

You can only do one episode per day.

>> No.6711995

Not to mention her base stats are amazing with super high tech and TGH. You can very easily tune her for tech and put the left over in more toughness making her very durable, hard to hit and packing a ton of damage

>> No.6712013

but lily also has short boost.

But yeah, I agree that destructor girl is awesome as I've mained her in OBT2. unlike destructor her core can be upgraded 4 times so they hit air units like a brick and not to mention she sends a whole lot more than the destructor. Equip her with 2 blast zookas and she's a going to be a threat.

>> No.6712042

Lily gets float dash, not short boost. Lily is best as a fly tuned art while Destructor girl can tune everything in to tec and tgh

>> No.6712173

Please tell me that Serpah is worth the damn grind.
Also, how effective is Izuna's wisp attack?
I have her legs and booster on my Crim, and some trouble using them.

>> No.6712195


Grind? What grind?

Just spend 5 runs or less with exp tickets and 2 full exp robots on Haku.

>> No.6712222

>Lily gets float dash, not short boost
Lily can get short boost at Lv6


>> No.6712224

Seraph is a lot of fun to use. There shouldn't be too much experience grinding even if you're starting from a lv0 Crimrose, since it's one of the fastest leveling bots in the game. I already had a lv10 Crimrose just from ~100 arena matches with it when the promotion came out.

>> No.6712246
File: 392 KB, 800x600, 7673230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was my main bot in pre-wipe. I even used her in the tournament.

Cookie-cutter, UC-only weapon set up for all S AIR seems to be Wide Beam Gun + Mini Bazooka. So you can start from there and adjust.

She's especially useful in those level 5 limit rooms because she has access to Broad Radar starting at level 1. This cartridge is very underrated, I don't mention it lightly.

In fact, at level 5 she can have 2 capacity cartridges, quick jump, quick boost, and broad radar. It's a tight fit, but it's workable.

You can put Laz legs on her and then equip Brickgale BS (RT), or indeed -any- booster of your liking. Or you can use the Izuna LG (UC). You can even keep the Tesladonna LG and use it to drop down instantly on your unsuspecting victims (or dropping down over a cliff really fast to avoid missiles).

Lily AM and Crimrose AM both give +1 FLY, but Lily AM costs more and gives 1 more TEC. If you can't fit something, consider switching to Crimrose AM.

>> No.6712488

The Seraph Crimrose is the best small air bot in the game but she costs a lot of BP. If you tend to die a lot, stick with a regular Crim until you get more skilled.

>> No.6712499

What is "die alot"? there are always people with like 8k cost in battles not even on the bottom

>> No.6712542

I run a MJG, but I'm not sure how to build it. Any tips? I already have the move while attacking chip, which others should I get.

>> No.6712623

If someone has 8K cost, they are really hurting their team, even if they are still ranked high. More than 3000 is excessive and you ideally want to die 0-1 times on average if you aren't using ultracheap bots.

>> No.6712695

Broad Radar, Quick Jump, Float Dash are all good. Not sure what her cap is, but I remember it being sort of low so be careful about running out.

>> No.6712740

Let me put it this way, if you are normally near zero or negative score, don't use the Seraph. Your teammates will thank you.

>> No.6712743

what's the point of getting both quick jump and float dash?

moving burst seems kind of useless on her. what weapons were you going to put on her?

>> No.6712824

How do you get Handy Bazookas?

>> No.6713254

Pulsidario comes with one equipped. Maybe some others as well.


>> No.6713473
File: 771 KB, 840x1200, 1278786247777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I accidentally just bought two Destructor Girls. I only wanted one and noticed a second one in my garage when I was going to play around with it. I... I mean she's not that bad. Don't get me wrong. B-but that's like half a garapon roll! Fuck. Shit. Goddamnit. Not only that but I also accidentally upgraded one of my Seraphs to 6 so now she can't play in the level 5 rooms. This just isn't my day.

>> No.6713477

Upgrade time.

>> No.6713508

This game should be called Cosmic Broken instead, there's no sense of balance. I think I'll go back to MW2.

>> No.6713568

I bought steel rider then junked him. I wanted to sell the parts to the crimrose npc but why the fuck doesn't she take parts that come from shops? Bought 20 sword wings thinking I could sell the parts to her. Now I have 20 sword wing parts in my garage. 5000 UC wasted.

>> No.6713689
File: 192 KB, 500x675, 7396014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai waifu and I are having a baby!

>> No.6713724

How good is Squealer's punch arm?

>> No.6713946

Oh, wow. When did WIZ begin losing in points? WIZ pubbies sure are bad.

>> No.6714053

That they are.. I hope they quit WIZ and switch to another faction.

>> No.6714069

I heard Stun regain was magnet level miracles for land.
I want opinions on it.

>> No.6714206

I should be playing this more considering I bought a brickgale and used one of my 7 day passes, but between failing to help packet and being buttmad about garapon I don't even feel like logging on. what should I do /jp?p

>> No.6714245

Masturbate, you'll either feel more relaxed afterwards or disappointed in yourself afterwards.

If you become relaxed then you'll be able to have a go again at whatever request of Packet you failed without frustration.

If you become disappointed then turn that disappointment into anger and drive and flatout keep trying until you reunite Packet with her father.

If you're still neither after masturbating then just go to sleep then.

>> No.6714295

Even DOS is catching up. What the hell is going on?

>> No.6714309

At least we won the 1AM epoch battle.
Btw, how do I get the leadership bonus?

>> No.6714333


Titan heroes farming pubbies, easymodo.

>> No.6714340

Careful, looks like you're maxing out her bandwidth.

>> No.6714353

Leadership bonus is obtained by wrecklessly throwing yourself into the enemy meatgrinder. That's seriously how you obtain it.

>> No.6714483

My CB can't connect to server, both CBJP and CBEN won't connect to server, is it down for you guys too or?

>> No.6714500

Is there any guide for cartridges? I have been looking but could not find any and CBwiki sucks monkey butt.
Id like to know what cartridges are good and which ones should be avoided.

>> No.6714507


Close but no cigar.
It's obtained by wrecklessly throwing yourself at the enemy team and NOT dying, for as long as possible.

Leadership goes to whoever has the highest contribution score.

You gain contribution by having enemy targeting reticules on you. The more targets on you at once, the faster it rises.

>> No.6714521

I thought that was what game warrior was for

>> No.6714526


Game warrior is simply the highest overall damage:cost ratio

>> No.6714530

Thanks, I was wondering what 'contrib' could possibly be.

>> No.6714678

You need missile barrel LGJ and Grandum BS to complete it.

I wish there was a way to fire all lock-on missiles at once.

>> No.6714883

WIZfag here. I made a BRD account just to roll in the grass on the other side. Playing against WIZ, I noticed that their worst habit is that they scatter when they're attacked. The only time they stay together is when they're at the PS. They often leave their teammates vulnerable to group attacks. Also, a lot of them end up running into a corner while shooting in a random direction.

While I often ranked in the mid-20s playing as WIZ, I was able to make top 10 playing in BRD multiple times just because of WIZ's poor defense. What also helped is even when I was playing at my worst, I had 4 or 5 BRD teammates backing me up at nearly all times.

Come on, WIZ. Get it together. We were being supported by great players in the big clans but as we can see from the rankings, that's not going to cut it anymore. Play smart. Work together and support your teammates. What good is a team if they aren't working in unison?

>> No.6714901

and the worst part is WIZ is classified as the "Strategy" type on the website.

>> No.6714907

You can talk about BRD on 4chan because the majority of BRD will be 4chan. Wiz majority isn't 4chan users so it's pointless to say anything here as only the certain clans will notice.

>> No.6714910

Cry more at /commu/.
The number of people from /jp/ that still play CB actively probably can be counted on 2hands. WIZ score isnt looking too impressive eh without the huge number of hotglue carrying them like on the 1st week.

>> No.6714936

I don't know where BRD players come from but I do know the majority of WIZ players are from 4chan. Also I see a lot of other WIZ players in this thread bitching about how we suck.

>The number of people from /jp/ that still play CB actively probably can be counted on 2hands
I doubt that.

>> No.6714949


Hotglue had about 20-25 active players when I took my cosmic break, I doubt they're down to the single digits yet. They're probably only down to about half by now. Though I guess a loss of half would be enough to make wiz lose.

>> No.6714960

>Playing against WIZ, I noticed that their worst habit is that they scatter when they're attacked.

How the usual counter-attack goes:
-Wave of ennemies killed
-Move in to attack undefended PS
-1/2 ennemy air/lands come back after respawning
-Everyone flees when ennemy PS is 5% from being destroyed
-Slow robots get mauled by sudden air rush while fast ones run away
>-"Tactical retreat"

>> No.6714966

>>-"Tactical retreat"
>mfw i realize i'm the only one at enemy PS when i glance at the map

>> No.6715051
File: 213 KB, 650x868, cc-h5plane.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deploy maxdamage bots with suicide tactics
>get all dem kills from hurt bots because wiz are fags
>game ends
>5000 cost
>6000 damage
>2800 melee
>3000 contrib
>19 kills
>game warr, leader, destroyer, swordmaster, jammer, last kill
>wiz loses because I had crown every time I died which means I probably cost the team 14k + points
>mfw I dont give a fuck since I got 2 slot stardust, 3 material parts, 1k+ UC and a bunch of exp for having 12k score when game ends.
>mfw I do this on every game and don't give a fuck about wiz because I will have max score regardless of how shitty my team is

>> No.6715062

>3000 contrib

That was the most hilarious thing about playing with wiz

Wondering how the hell they managed to die when you were circling the enemy PS with over half the enemy team chasing you.

>> No.6715290
File: 556 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101230_0744_20_312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6715301

Perfect example of autism.

>> No.6715324
File: 267 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101228_0736_50_624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism, Kanbara?

Also, Bugsy arms got a huge hitbox or something, I STILL lose arms after wipe.

>> No.6715360


>> No.6715367

That might be me randomly shooting as I am on a wireless laptop, the screen lags and the mouse is difficult.

>> No.6715592

What, mouse sensitivity setting do you all use?

>> No.6715672


>> No.6715673

You realize that if they put the hexagon only rooms back in, you're screwed? That's why I've been avoiding leveling.

>> No.6715751

the other day I saw a sturbanger shooting in front of a rock wall for like half minute, I hope it wasn't you, there's a limit for stupid things

>> No.6715849

Speaking of stupid things, I've had a Crimrose on my team follow me around and shoot at my back for half the match. I think he thought he was using me as cover. Or he might have just hated me that much. I've also had a faggot set me on fire because he wanted the item I farmed. When you think people cannot be stupid enough, they go ahead and surprise you.

>> No.6716220

Speaking of things breaking, if anyone looks at my Swimberrl funny, her radar breaks. It's actually pretty annoying.

I suppose it's the only part the game allows to break on the human-body girls, other than weapons.

>> No.6716404

At least you guys aren't on DOS. We have guys joining matches with scripts to jump up and down all day. Not sure if they're wasting our match slots, just levelling their bots or farming for items, but it really ticks me off.

>> No.6716409

Looks like everyone and their grandma has a large bazooka by now, except me. Waht the fuck.

>> No.6716439
File: 41 KB, 640x480, fun things are fun (Yui).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, what?

>> No.6716450

Some guys deliberately flame pillar their own Power spot for some reason. Don't ask me why.

>> No.6716451

Using fire pillars on your own clan mates is fun. Those wind tunnels things too.

>> No.6716496
File: 230 KB, 1022x452, 1277219253993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everybody want the large bazookas? What's wrong with the titan baookas?

Image of bots with large, middle, handy, and micro bazookas included for reference.

>> No.6716527

Wind tunnel movement is fun and handy to move people around and doesn't do much damage but fire pillars are just arseholish.

>> No.6716534

>just join match
>fire one salvo, kill one person
>match over
>score 3rd

What the hell, DOS. What the hell. Are our pubbies that bad?

>> No.6716539

I know wind tunnel can be useful for a very specific situation but people usually use it to troll clan mates like pushing away enemies about to die thus saving them or sending clan mates far away for the sake of pissing them off.

Sometimes I want to use Fire Pillar because I know it will be really useful but there is someone in the way, in that situation I won't hesitate to use it and if it's a clan mate I can even laugh on clan chat afterwards.

>> No.6716626

>>6716496 What's wrong with the titan baookas?
Titan bazooka
200 cost
80 ammo

Large bazooka
120 cost
130 ammo

>> No.6716719 [DELETED] 
File: 441 KB, 742x650, zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at taking screenshots but here's a Japanese Zero.


>> No.6716828
File: 267 KB, 600x801, 1259354242674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I know, the Zero never used this livery. This blue pattern is actually post-WW2. Ironically, this pattern is reminiscent of a pattern used by the US Navy during WW2.

>> No.6716839

Unless that was meant to be green, in which case that's an awfully ambiguous color choice or I'm going color blind.

>> No.6716956

If you can't tell if it's blue or green then it's cyan.

>> No.6716974

What's the new 3 star haku route?

>> No.6716994

For solo? No idea.
For at least 2 people one should go all red while the other all blue, just pick up every treasure.

The red treasures are
2 Ocean
5 Wind
8 Frame
11 is a repeat of the above
14 Soil

>> No.6717003

>That's why I've been avoiding leveling.

Wait, you can stop the rank xp gain somehow?

>> No.6717017

No, but the only huge source of RP is missions. So I don't do any missions in spite of the fact that there's drops that would be handy.

>> No.6717080 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 412x291, zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appologies, it was supposed to be darkish green. I was trying to match this color


The colors are easy to change anyway.

>> No.6717096 [DELETED] 
File: 463 KB, 746x710, P-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The stars were a bitch, mostly because the skin isn't flat. Who's a bitch? Stars, stars are a bitch. I'm not a great artist anyway.

>> No.6717111

Report these fuckers and take screenshots.

>> No.6717117
File: 133 KB, 362x372, p-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, got rid of a lot of the black.

>> No.6717193

Who is the artist for the Cosmic Break art? Has he done any eroge?

>> No.6717225
File: 57 KB, 500x366, 3427163873_d58cfe9ae5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Add Normandy Invasion Stripes.

>> No.6717231

Never find anything about them, but s/he also did Madobe Nanami.

>> No.6717242
File: 1017 KB, 1440x900, a15ac59b3588b429328654bb545e1eef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717286

How?! If I knew I'd be all over that. FATALITY (I think you've seen him yourself) is one, but I can't find any reporting function apart from making a post on the main CB site which I did.

>> No.6717292


They have customer service form. Lets you upload pictures too.

>> No.6717329
File: 243 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101229_2353_56_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chibis playing together

>> No.6717469 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 439x435, p-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. All I know I got from google, you'd be better at skinning these than me seeing as how much you know.


>> No.6717493

Wow, the resemblance is obvious but I never made the mental connection.

Area 1 along the blue route has sky memory. That's the only one missing from the red route.

>> No.6717604
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x1025, 1292904850651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wise man once told to me: 'This must be what afterlife is like, grown men playing together as little girls.'

>> No.6717658

Damn, I knew the art was familiar.

>> No.6717768
File: 348 KB, 805x635, csm233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I almost miss clans stacking rooms, the pubbies in the lvl 5 limited rooms are pathetic.

>> No.6717784

why are you hiding your name
you fucking pussy

>> No.6717798

Except he fucked up, and left the name on the bottom.

>> No.6717799

Your name's still there, bro.

>> No.6717808


where do i get these chibi faces?

>> No.6717819
File: 183 KB, 807x633, csm234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I didn't feel like bragging about beating a bunch of losers, but if you feel so inclined to suck my dick I'm glad to oblige. If you have anything else to tell me message me in game instead of further shitting up the thread you stupid cunt.

>> No.6717846


someone is soo mad
you are easy to troll

>> No.6717848
File: 703 KB, 800x800, 1285186670939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask someone who already has them or skin them yourself. With a bit of patience, you can manage doing it yourself.

>> No.6717868

just press printscreen, go to cb's install dir and look for a folder called captures

>> No.6717884

I also blur my name when posting screenshots, since this is an anonymous imageboard. I'd feel like a tripfag otherwise.

>> No.6717888

Oh god I responded to you, hats off to how well you troll, have another response, I'll give you all the attention your parents deprived you of if it will make you feel happy.

>> No.6717890

Where can I find normal repair bits? Is there anyway to get them at all aside from star coins and random drops? I really like using my Winberrl, but I hate the mini repair bit.

>> No.6717891

Why do people put Izuna legs on everything? They cost so much and the wisp does fuckall. They have decent stats and the garapon Izuna legs are good for the extra booster slot but the UC Izuna legs just suck.

>> No.6717899 [DELETED] 

>edit name out on top
>forget to edit it out on bottom

>> No.6717906

I wish the bazaar would already be enabled so I can give away all the repair bits I have.

>> No.6717918 [DELETED] 

Hey its the thought that counts, I honestly couldn't give less of a shit, I posted screens without blurring before.

>> No.6717930

Did Tempura say anything about the UC garapon? When the hell are we getting that?

>> No.6717970

Wispspam. If you think they do fuckall then you simply haven't been spamming it enough.

>> No.6718080

Problem is that instead of wisp spamming you could be using a real weapon to do actual damage. On my Izuna I use Bloom Maria legs since they are smaller, give the same fly, have more hp, and cost 75 less letting you use tune ups or replace that wide beam gun with a (limited) plasma.

>> No.6718172
File: 32 KB, 365x422, prime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a large air robot. Any suggestions?

>> No.6718181

There's like two others though.

Wakaba doesn't seem to be doing anymore illustrations for CB (´・ω・`)

>> No.6718201

Because aiming is too hard.

>> No.6718216

Are you willing to pay cash and risk it all in the garapon? If you are, then Gwyain for sure. If not, too bad. Aquila, Tengu, and Big Mountaiz all have terrible cores.

Although Gwyain isn't a garapon only bot in jpCB so he might eventually come out of the garapon in enCB.

>> No.6718277

Lily E.V.E and its "animated" trailer would like to have a word with you.

That said, yeah, s/he definitely less active for some reason. Honestly, the one behind packet's design won't become the major designer or it will be atrocious.

>> No.6718293

Why is Thoarla 100 Rt ;_;

>> No.6718296
File: 140 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101230_1632_01_882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This is a very good site for looking up aircraft livery. You can search by aircraft type or by pilots too.

I think I could work on this one more and add a yellow 14...

>> No.6718374

Is boost run worth anything for a melee bot?

>> No.6718433

Yeah, I also wondered why a set of legs would cost so much.

>> No.6718573

5 garapon rolls
What I wanted:
Frau adone, blast bazooka, slash blade, hel victor, cross raptor, shaden
2x blue ball
2x soljetter

>> No.6718672

Yeah, Sigma Clock is totally awesome, I'm burning though money trying to get one..

>> No.6718683
File: 269 KB, 1280x960, up3840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd add a trollface to thssi, but I'm going to sleep.

So just imagine it's there.

>> No.6718703

So those are the legs that the L airs in jpCB use. I recognized Izuna's legs but didn't recognize Thoarla's.

>> No.6718710

5 Garapon Rolls.
What I wanted:
Any swimsuit girl, Squidol, Mighty Byne HN, Geograsis.
What I got:
Cross Shooter, Shuriken Gun, Gravity Gun, 2x Stardust Cannon.

No mechs at all. Oh goody.
I don't even have any L air types ;_;

>> No.6718742

Well at least you got a cross shooter. it's pretty awesome

>> No.6718852
File: 1.27 MB, 2240x1591, 15510724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like this guy is becoming more prevalent http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1346571

He drew the art for Lennylop, as well as Domiclown, Hatigarm, and Sturbanger.

>> No.6718854

Soljetter? Thats like the worst bot in the game

>> No.6718868

what the... I thought it was a fanart to begin with...
Do NOT want.

>> No.6718901
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1869, 15207452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go eat a dick, this guy is awesome.

>> No.6718954
File: 492 KB, 1540x1200, 14965079_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberstep needs to hire skj as an official artist.

>> No.6718969

Damnit, I want those rolls.

I dunno, I kinda like the other artist better too. This artist reminds me of whoever did Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, side-mouths and all.

>> No.6719000

I'd really like to see this translated, but it probably never will.

>> No.6719321

Learn to strafe-wispspam. And they've got better range than a standard beam weapon. I had my doubts but it;s pretty damn effective if you catch someone just when they've landed or so on.

>> No.6719353

What do the arrows around Medi say?

>> No.6719516

Why can't CB look like this damnit.
I've never seen anyone complain about the graphics or worse, the sounds.ha

>> No.6719554
File: 610 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20101230_1906_38_847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6719596 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 509x244, spitfire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


British Supermarine Spitfire (Bloom Mariah). Tough plane to draw, my favorite WWII plane though so I had to do it. Without it the British would be speaking German today.


>> No.6719638

Fucking gay level 5 rooms, only union war ever is VS BRD

>> No.6719642
File: 70 KB, 1300x449, 1_87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How good are you at drawing stars? I have 1 more Bloom Mariah that needs paint.

>> No.6719821

Why does Lazflame like Crim?

>> No.6719833

>Without it the British would be speaking German today.

The British weren't invaded because of their victory at the Battle of England.
And it was the Hurricanes doing all the work back then, accounting for 80% of the kills.
The Spitfire is a nice plane, but saying things like
>Without it the British would be speaking German
Makes me want to rage at how people forgot the old Hawker veteran.

Don't talk about things you don't know shit about.

>> No.6719968

While it is true Hawker Hurricanes did pull their weight far more than the supermarine spitfighters did, they DID give a big morale boost and thus help the war effort propaganda wise. That effect is incalculable, and while I wouldn't say was the entire reason why Germany never invaded certainly did play a significant part in the war effort.

>> No.6719994
File: 139 KB, 572x278, yak-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ok. You're much more involved in WWII planes than I. I simply used to make models with my brother when I was young.

Finished the Yak-9. Colors still don't seem right but I'm tired of skinning em. I cheated by using the pattern I made from the Spitfire. Ahh well.

That's all the major powers in WWII ... except like, Italy and France though the few french pilots used British and American planes with alternate colors.

>> No.6720004
File: 61 KB, 393x455, 1292303818658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6720019

yeah, I wanted to play against dos and there was literally no one in their rooms

>> No.6720284

has anyone else been getting a lot of latency lately? I'm seeing more and more people teleporting all over and sometimes there's noticible stuttering like my framerate is taking a shit. I think it's screwing up my aim too since earlier I was flying straight at this guy but my gun was spraying all over the place.

>> No.6720286
File: 203 KB, 800x506, reminds me of something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This conversation.

>> No.6720302


I've been getting terrible terrible lag. Everyone will start walking in circles for a few seconds then suddenly I'll be already dead. Also connection errors and destination already full messages. Too bad I don't use Jikun.

>> No.6720312

I'd strike your witch, Choja, if you know what I mean

And by that I mean why haven't you updated Modern Artifacts yet

>> No.6720377
File: 142 KB, 540x319, p-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhhh, what? Why are you suggesting I'm mad or something? I don't care even slightly that he knows more about WWII planes than me. I still think the Spitfire is Britain's best plane from WWII, Germany was actually scared of the damn thing but whatever, the Hurricane apparently shot down more German planes so go figure.

Thanks for the advice on the stars, I fixed the P-51, MUCH BETTER THANK YOU!

>> No.6720517
File: 49 KB, 980x774, SpitfireAndHurricane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ho, very cool. Googling Spitfire vs Hurricane. The Spitfire was faster and climbed faster and higher than the Hurricane but the Hurricane was easier to repair and could take more damage, it was also more stable when firing it's weapons.

Apparently the argument on which was better has continued even today with a lot of arguing going on between people that preferred one to the other.

>> No.6720556

I wasn't comapring the planes from a pure performance standpoint, but about their impact on the war (early war, back when Germany still wanted to invade England, leading to your "British speaking German"), and more importantly, the Battle of Britain.

>> No.6720632

I was of the opinion that the Spitfire won the battle of Britain so I learned something new which is always cool. I was simply trying to find statistics on them both and ran into tons of arguing online instead.

>> No.6720801

True, people argue a lot about those two.
The whole "Spitfire winning the BoB" was actually started by the British back then, who used the sleek, modern looking Spitfire as propaganda. The bulky Hurricane simply didn't look as good.

>> No.6721014

Fuck those Izunas.
And their fucking wisps.
Fuck them.

>> No.6721289

Anyone have any good experiences with moving burst on an air? I'm thinking of doing something like plasma gun + twin blaster with moving burst. You could get some extra blaster damage in without really stopping, but it's a lot of cost wasted on weapons.

>> No.6721406

So how many limit removers did everyone buy? I have a feeling they might take the sale away. I have 11 level 5 and 9 level 8. That should last me awhile.

>> No.6721551

I'll update tomorrow. I am just tired from Comic Market and also Karsi being an idiot with the official wiki and stuff. Also,

I bought one Lv5 Limit Remover and one Lv8 Limit Remover, used both of them on a Crimrose to promote into Seraph Crimrose and discovered that she's not that fantastic at all. Whee.

I did get the two Lv5 Limit Removers from the stress test last week, but I don't know what to use them for.

>> No.6721644

>I have a feeling they might take the sale away

Oh god, stop scaring me.

>> No.6721705

Red Squealer. All day. Every day.

>> No.6721714

Works best with Asurad pacifar/frau arms and cross shooters for maximum effect.

>> No.6721869

if you want to shoot so that you keep flying you can only take one shot at a time. that means it's not very useful for rapid fire weapons or for attacking fast moving targets. I think it works the best with L air using weapons like blasters and stardust cannons.

>> No.6721892

What sort of music does /jp/ listen to while Cosmic Breaking? I've always felt like I do better when I listen to particularly inspiring music.

>> No.6721906

Usually Miku music, but when I'm in the mood, I flip the switch to the Gundam Unicorn OST.

Especially the second track, UNICORN.

>> No.6721951

Demetori or Mastodon.

>> No.6721958

The soundtrack from Battlefield: Vietnam.

This is the actual page I've bookmarked and load up to listen to. I recommend it.


>> No.6721960

Right now Lilpri

>> No.6721965


GaoGaiGar soundtracks.

>> No.6721983

Random songs from SRW OGS.

>> No.6721985

Is there much benefit to leveling Crim to lvl10 before promotion?

>> No.6722008

+30 HP and +60 Capa (max COST).

>> No.6722014

crim/seraph is good with the eagle-looking-bot's arms. Low ammo but decent damage.
PS: It will most likely be a Rt bot

>> No.6722031

Just that?
Meh. Don't want to buy another lvl8 remover either.

>> No.6722036

I suck with arts so bad. Good times.

>> No.6722063

I miss my toybox with howitzers and 2-way missiles. Just sit down and spam missiles to anything that approaches you, hell you can even attack crap that's on the other side of the map.

>> No.6722146


Just for the statfags:
Izuna Kamui Nagi (UC) core is about as good as Seraph Crim core stat-wise.

Izuna Kamui Nagi:
450Cost 755Cap 260HP 09STR 08TEC 08WLK 16FLY 08TGH

Seraph Crim:
480Cost 770Cap 265HP 09STR 10TEC 07WLK 19FLY 07TGH

However, seraph crim has no free booster slot. If we add on a booster(sword wing) to Izuna we get:

Izuna (+booster)
480Cost 755Cap 275HP 09STR 08TEC 09WLK 19FLY 08TGH

With this they will have the same hitbox size wise, same fly and same amount of free slots. The only real difference is that the seraph crim has its superbooster and melee loop, izuna has instant landing/takeoff ability. I actually prefer the landing/takeoff ability - it adds much more surviveability than a few seconds of gigantic glowy wings.

>> No.6722152
File: 58 KB, 210x268, P-38 Lightning (French).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot that I own another Crimrose ... well, Crim-chan. Painted her French colors for a P-38 Lightning (Like Antoine de Saint-Exupery the guy who wrote Little Prince and got shot down in WWII flying a P-38 Lightning with French colors).

>> No.6722273

Do you have to be a robot in this game? Can't I just be a pretty girl in a dress?

>> No.6722290


>> No.6722313
File: 603 KB, 1024x1280, Ivis 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be a pretty girl in a swimsuit.
And you'll be able to be a pretty girl in pretty dress when this bitch comes up.
Pic related.

>> No.6722392

Seraph + Izuna legs and booster would be the best though right?

>> No.6722421

Well even if you didn't get what you wanted, Soljetter is a really good bot.

>> No.6722451

He's comparing the core stats, then accounting for the fact that seraph has no booster. Putting Seraph legs on the crim changes nothing, parts other than the core(and booster slot for izuna only) were never taken in to account, if they were all identical the fly would be the same. The only way to put a booster on a seraph is to use lazflamme legs, which have either 1 or 0 fly so youd end out with less fly in the end, but you could use it to put on a brickgale booster for fast takeoff/land.

>> No.6722464

You realise you can use those glowy wings 3 times, right? It makes you faster than 40 fly and gives you a decicive advantage in any air to air battle

>> No.6722467


I dont know which one that you mean. If you mean the garapon legs, well the entire point is that above builds competetive (29 fly) and does not require RT to get. If you mean the nagi legs, I only see them as a waste of cost - you wont suck in them but you wont get game warr consistently with them either.

>> No.6722492

you could use izuna legs with the non-locked booster

how do you use it 3 times? I can only do it once. does it really make you go faster too?

>> No.6722519

trying to get game warrior as S air is dumb. you're better off picking off as many enemies as possible instead of spamming randomly to rack up damage like an art or L air.

>> No.6722580

>40 fly
Personally, I think that's only good for moving around. Your guns wont be able to track any moving targets properly even if you move in a straight line yourself with that much fly, unless if youre hoover boosting which kills the whole point of having that much fly. I never went past 32 fly on my bots even before wipe.

>3 uses
yeah, once you spend 90 (40+50) cost into enhance internals. But untill that, it's only one.

>> No.6722614

>is dumb
>I personally have no problems racking up teh game warr
>see seraph crims rack up game warrs all the time on JPCB

>> No.6722679


Are those chibi bots really worth 5 euros?
I mean they look cute and adorable but should i buy just some other support? If so suggest some supports.

>> No.6722725

My garapon rolls:

-Herr Victor
-Cross Raptor
-Tornado Fan
-Jack Gadget 2
-Tune up fudara set

>> No.6722736

Winberrl is still the best imo, though there are some other variants you can get later which youll have to pay cash for like winberrl vesca. This is just my opinion though, she's very useful. Theres other really good ones though like Pulse radio, and bugsycait.

>> No.6722814
File: 377 KB, 1026x807, WWII fighters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleted my earlier posts that had uploads to avoid confusion. Here's my WWII fighter planes. They're for Crimrose and Bloom Mariah ... I think they're mostly interchangeable. Mostly.

Messerschmidt Bf 109 (Commonly called the ME-109)

P-51 Mustang. My brother's favorite plane

Supermarine Spitfire

Soviet Yakovlev Yak-9

Mitsubishi AM6 Zero

P-38 Lightning for a Crim-chan with French colors (like Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

>> No.6722828

Ok I think i stick with winberll.

>> No.6722908


>> No.6722924

stop playing in rooms full of shit players. even if you're getting 5+ kills you're going to easilly be outdamaged by anyone semi-competantly spamming railgun shots all round. if your priority isn't hunting down enemies and killing them as efficiently as possible you're letting your team down.

>> No.6722967

he mad

>> No.6723077

>pulse radio

This name makes more sense to me. Anyone save that post where Tempura said he didn't want to translate Hel to Herr since it sounded like hurr?

>> No.6723086

Thats not the name ??

>> No.6723093

Nope, it's Pulsardio.

>> No.6723470

>"sniper" weapon with terrible DPS which is far outclassed by the UC destro CN core, even just a mini zooka shoots for 100+ damage by the time it takes for railgun to launch one shot and hit some air for 50.
>weapon is stuck on a core with terrible mobility unless if tuned, very slow at getting to a position where it even can deal damage in the first place and pretty much free 400damage and kill if any bot gets close and starts circling.

worst comparison ever

>> No.6723564


new thread

>> No.6724779

Guys. Waifu thread is up.

