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6697553 No.6697553 [Reply] [Original]

[ Cosmic Break ]


>> No.6697571

[ Cosmic Sage ]

>> No.6697574

Asking again:
What kind of boost cartridge would suit an Assroad best?
Mind that the final build will include Viper shield, Eight Vulcan and the shino arm-blade.

>> No.6697575

Can someone tell me what the bastagant bosses drop?

>> No.6697589 [DELETED] 

Most successfully executed spam threads ever.
That kineckt guy is catching up, though, so you should probably hurry up with aika, aion, world of tanks, hotglue, dfo or whatever the fuck you used to spam with.

>> No.6697599

did you hear me cb devs? I'm going to buy your fucking brickgales so hurry up and put everything else in the shop where it belongs.

>> No.6697743


Use short boost so you can piss off all the folks who don't know how to aim

>> No.6697787
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>> No.6697826

I don't understand how that's calculated. if you add up the totals for each clan it ends up being more than the score for the entire union.

>> No.6697847


Lost CP in arenas.
Now you really know the extent to which the big clans carry each union.

>> No.6697865

I mean if you look at last week the top 3 wiz clans had more cp than the score shown at the top which I had assumed was for the whole union.

>> No.6697878


CP lost in Arena matches isn't lost 1:1 to the other union, it's simply lost into the ether.

When there's no one carrying a match and the other side is stacked to the moon, what will happen is at the end of the match, the losing side will lost 80-130 CP(Assuming it was a sound thrashing) and winning side will gain 40-80 CP. The union score takes into account both gained and lost CP. Clan scores only take into account the amount of CP accumulated.

So basically to explain what was happening, for every CP gained by say, Hotglue, one was being lost when hotglue would finally go to sleep and less competent players would control the arena rooms.

>> No.6697880
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>> No.6697896

I was hoping for music when I clicked that tag.

Can you sell BD parts on bazaar day? I've never seen them in JPCB.

I don't believe that you are actually that stupid.

>> No.6698009

There are only what, 5 cost increase cartridges? Im stuck at 1180 cost.

I had to use 3 star coins to reset my cartridge upgrades.

>> No.6698014

Are proto cosmoses limited or they drop somewhere? I have 5 of those and I don't remember where I got them.

>> No.6698019

I just logged in and got a message saying that we are moving on.
So I guess it is over?
When is the next FOTM coming?

>> No.6698021


For the most part, I think they come with you when you start the game.

>> No.6698037

CB is closing?

>> No.6698116


I logged in to check and there's no message, but half of notglue is gone. I'm willing to bet that hotglue proper has a "whelp this RT jewry shit is shit, we're mostly abandoning this" mass PM.

The fact that hotglue is nowhere on the scoreboard and BRD is now the leading union supports this theory.


>> No.6698119

That message meant everybody's moving out of Notglue into the actual Hotglue clan Redux has been holding onto for a while.

>> No.6698123

Majority of hotglue players are taking a cosmic break or moving on. Enjoy being last Wiz.

>> No.6698155

Everyone left Notglue to join Hotglue.

>> No.6698163

Who do I ask for an invite to hotglue?

>> No.6698192

Is there any other way of getting limit removers besides RT?

>> No.6698205


Look around a little.

Specifically, right under the limit removers that cost RT.

>> No.6698227

>use a drop ticket to grind with the 200% rates
>they aren't working anymore
Thanks a lot faggots

>> No.6698255

You could've logged off and waited until next day 6-9 PM to log back in. The hourly tickets only count down while logged in.

>> No.6698288

It was supposed to be 31 hours long.

>> No.6698294

Since when did the 200% multiplier apply to drops anyways?

>> No.6698312

Considering the difference between drop rate today and yesterday when they just turned it on, it did. Maybe they changed that.

>> No.6698329

I was talking about this. Also the 31 hours thing only mentions experience and UC. You're better off waiting until 6 PM PST if you want to farm drops.

>> No.6698358

Can't say that I'm better off waiting til 4AM.

>> No.6698376

Well, then guess you're screwed concerning +drops. Just wait a few hours for the CB devs to wake up and fix the 31 hours event then. It's currently 4:15 AM PST so it will be a bit before they wake up. They might even give some sort of apology bonus or something.

>> No.6698430

So I just started out, done a couple of singleplayer runs to get started, I'm using the Artillery class, forgot the name now.
Any advice to a beginner?

>> No.6698442


Try not to die.

>> No.6698461

Anybody who was grinding arcantus long enough to know the specific drops? I need handy/large/middle bazookas and any other useful stuff that isn't in the shop, all I know is some useless shit like camel bot legs dropping from the camels and skull droid heads from the skeletons.

>> No.6698476

I'm just starting out and when I went to the wiki for some info on the game it said something about downloading the beta client. Does anyone know something about that? Do I need it, or can I just ignore it and continue playing?

>> No.6698486

The point of playing ART is being where the enemy is not, but still being able to shoot at them. A skilled ART player will do tons of damage to the enemy team while still surviving for a long time.

For actual tips:
1. Keep a finger on the tab button, the map is important in two ways. Seeing where the enemy is and seeing where your allies are. You optimistically want to always be near your allies, but still able to shoot the enemy. Being a lone ART player is basically putting a sign on yourself that says "free points".

2. Equip long range weaponry and explosives. Missles are both of these and very optimal. If you can get them to drop, misside AMs make very good arms for your bot as they also double as a missle weapon. Generally you want things that can home in well.

3. Avoid LNDs like the plague. LNDs are represented on the map with the circleish indicator. LNDs usually specialize in melee, either that or they hop. Both will ruin your day. If a LND is rushing toward you, try jumping over some allies so they lose focus on you. And the other side of things though, look for AIRs. AIRs are the ART's prey as they are very weak to explosives. They're represented on the map as circles that have a line in them.

>> No.6698491

Fourth tip that got cut out because the field was too long.
4. Stay healthy. You are able to see your enemy's health bar. Conversely, they are able to see yours. Going for those close to dying is a prime tactic in this game. Being at high health while near those with lower health can cause enemy units to ignore you while they try to kill those low on health. Pay attention to the lowerleft corner for when it says "Repairing" which is also accompanied by a radio sound. You'll learn to recognize the sound after playing a bit When it happens open the map and look for the one who said it as they are most likely going to start healing. Healing requires you to be in very close proximity to the healer. SUPs are the only one's who can heal, they are represent on the map as circles with Xs in them. Keep in mind SUPs healing a bunch of people around them are prime targets for well everything, especially fire pillars. So keep an eye out and be ready to boost away if it looks like something is going to attack.

There are more advanced tactics for the ART, but these are just some basic things to always keep in mind.

>> No.6698525

The only thing that drops from Arcantus that is particulaly great is the eight vulcan. The other few weapons that can drop are generally on the crappy side. The bits that drop can all mostly be bought from the shop with the exception of repair bits. Robot parts for a few miscellaneous robots that don't even shhow up in Arcantus can also drop, but they drop on a system I'm not all that familiar with. Accessories can also drop too like hats and masks. Lots of robots will drop parts particular to them. Camel legs from camels, skeledroid parts from skeledroids. Which you've already figured out. The only notable drop I know of that drops from a specific monster is the Groundam BS which drops from Groundams in the hard parts of the volcano area. Don't know much about it, but somebody made a big deal about it when they got it since it's pretty damn rare apparently.

>> No.6698534

If you're already playing the game then you have most likely already downloaded the beta client

>> No.6698537

Handy bazooka only drops from one enemy in the glacier. I don't know if it even still drops.
Large bazooka can drop anywhere but it's rare as fuck, I already have 3 Titans.

There's a list of drops on the JP wiki, but bear in mind they may not be the same in our game (rocket launchers for example).


>> No.6698573

I have 45 rt from ranking up + beta reward.. the only new bot I want thats discounted is the hatigarm... 5 rt short and the only one I cant afford, god damnit...

>> No.6698632


I found a 3s Large bazooka. I didn't even know it was rare. For anyone who wants to know, notglue didn't quit. We all moved to hotglue. Ask nagant or someone to invite you.

If anyone wants an easy starter build, try a crimrose with duel military guns. It's super cheap and effective.

>> No.6698633

Does that domiclown come with the arm? Is it really still the best hopping weapon?

>> No.6698646

Couple of advanced tips that play into the above:

1: Don't stand directly behind your allies, you'll just shoot directly into their backs and waste your ammo. It doesn't do a lot of damage but it's irritating.
2: Once you get the hang of dodging while shooting, learn to ignore people targeting you and instead shoot the enemy attacking other artillery - arty missiles are bad at shooting targets circling them, but are good at hitting things at medium/long distance. Once you've hit the people targeting your friend, they can shoot the flies off your back.
3: Doing a flanking maneuver on enemy assaults with a heavy arty bot has won me matches many times. Standard attacking formations usually involve healthy arty and land bots in the frontlines, with low-health arty and air in the back firing at maximum range. You can usually destroy several of the low health bots in single salvoes fast enough for them not to realise they're being attacked, and bring down the entire rear section of the team while stopping their arty bombardment. WARNING: If you do this wrong, you're likely to end up being hit by 5 bots with big metal objects.

>> No.6698713
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New tuneups coming in JP
They have a chance of activating when you take a lot of damage and get stunned

"Revenge: Crimson Veil"
Gives All Guard + Crimson Veil for a period of time

"Revenge: Clearance"
Gives All Guard and Clearance (can't be affected by negative status effects)

"Revenge: Hyper Shot"
All Guard + Hyper Shot

Can only be used in LG parts.

>> No.6698718 [DELETED] 

This guy looks pretty WAGA NA WA HAKUMEN! OSHITE MAIRU! though

>> No.6698725
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This guy looks pretty WAGA NA WA HAKUMEN! OSHITE MAIRU! though

>> No.6698745
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Ah it's so sad to see that only about 1/4 of Hotglue still plays.

I think I can finally say "Remember when CB was good" now that the RT system is up. I didn't imagined it being so bad like this.

>> No.6698762


It isn't that bad. Most of the cash bots aren't even that good.

>> No.6698781

Are you serious? All of the good bots with the best parts for most powerful builds are cash-only.

>> No.6698798


You mean hopping part? The only part you really need is the arm. For every other part, it's replaceable with non-rt stuff.

>> No.6698800

No no. I'm not talking about hoppers only.

L air build parts comes all from cash for example. The best parts are only obtainable with cash nevertheless. You can't compare the UC shop bots with those at all.

>> No.6698818

>Amateus - 40 Rt
>Sturbanger - 40 Rt
Fuck, I thought they were going to be uc bots.

>> No.6698825

Sturbanger should be, but Amateus? It's one of the best Arts.

>> No.6698838


You don't really need the best part. You can do quite well with uc bots. In fact, most of the best players use uc bots.


It's only 4 bucks though and you can use them forever. Btw Dgirl sucks though and I regret buying her.

>> No.6698874

It's my policy to not pay for bytes, and in this case it's even worse, I don't own the bytes and they're stored on their server. I'd rather hack them than pay for an online game.

>> No.6698878


It's like any other service. They give you something you enjoy and you pay them. What does it matter if it's only bytes?

>> No.6698881

Oh yeah, that makes me think: Aren't there some programs that people end up making to generate fake cash or something?

I wonder how long will CB last without one of these.

>> No.6698905
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I did Garapon 1 x5, and didn't get a single robot.
It just tempts me to to waste another 12 bucks.

Can someone convince me that the two German flyers are shit and I don't need them anyway?

>> No.6698907

I miss my Pulsardio Gamma. Great jammer/healing bot. Always puts me to best supporter or top 10.

>> No.6698911

How come I can't see these bots in the shop?

>> No.6698948

Ugh, no. The game economy of CB is BS but the last thing CB needs is an invitation for more freeloaders. There are already plenty of good UC bots and weapons. What makes freeloaders deserve stuff that paying users get?

>> No.6698954
File: 212 KB, 460x600, packet1_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps the same could be said about the pirated copy of windows you use, or any other piece of pirated software, downloaded animu or game.

also packet. i ripped all of her portraits, should i post them?

>> No.6698956

EVERYTHING from beta was cash only bots. The fact that people still don't understand this is astonishing.

>> No.6698957


>> No.6698962

I'm of the opinion that there are multiple Packets whichmeans she's the waifu of whomever buys her. So yes, post pics of our huge tittied waifus.

>> No.6698966
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I get game warrior with her. She simply needs level upgrades. Also nearly all her parts are 3 slotted so she has a ton of potential.

She was one of my favorite bots, even in beta.

>> No.6698975

And you could buy star coins for cheap UC, I remember it was less expensive to buy star coins and exchange them for wonder bits than buying the bits straight from the extra shop.
I miss my fully-tuned Exroad with Lancerlot arms.

Anyways, I can't find the fucking EIght Vulcan.
I've been going through fucking Arcantus for hours with +50% drop, no luck.
Where the fuck do you find this thing. Where exactly does it drop.

>> No.6698979

Any area I think.

The drop chance is low.

>> No.6698988

I got two eight vulcans from levels 1-10. I would suggest just grinding levels 1-10 since they're easier and I can guarantee that they do drop from those levels.

>> No.6699001
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>>6698975 I can't find the fucking EIght Vulcan.

>> No.6699008

Where did you get a 3 slot 3-way dagger? Drop?

>> No.6699017

anything ALPHA has a 100% chance of sucess and is limited to rank reward and a few other events.

stay mobile unless you have protection from teammates.

titan zooka is somewhat good. you can also get many 2 slot and trhee slot weapons. altho im yet to find a trhee slot anything, while farming for a titanzooka i found many 2 slot crap weapons, including a shotgun.

>> No.6699026

Rank-up reward.

>> No.6699032

oh? its not that hard. they have crap FLY and TEC, you need to close in space to hit melee but the only thing they really have going is 10+ TGH. you would be happier with a shaden that a nazigerman kid from outer space.

yes you do. garapon parts or not, when the game becomes old everything will be parts and tune ups.

>> No.6699033

God damnit

>> No.6699053

Still waiting.

>> No.6699125

>Can you sell BD parts on bazaar day? I've never seen them in JPCB.
You can only sell bot parts that are from arena, mission, or quest drops, IIRC

>> No.6699265
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>> No.6699268
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>> No.6699272
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>> No.6699278
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>> No.6699284
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>> No.6699288
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>> No.6699298
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>> No.6699306
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>> No.6699313
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>> No.6699322
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>> No.6699327
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>> No.6699336
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>> No.6699349
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>> No.6699355
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>> No.6699359 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6699362
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>> No.6699370
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>> No.6699378
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and this is the last one.

>> No.6699389

Thanks for your hard work.

>> No.6699504

I love the stupid look on Packet's face.

>> No.6699683


Not a sign of Red Squealer BD or large bazooka, I just keep finding Eight Vulcans and other crap.

>> No.6699806
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Does anyone know what are the best legs for Shino are?

Also what is a hopper/hopfag?

>> No.6699808

It's quite obvious what they are.

>> No.6699816

They jump around?

How does that benefit them?

>> No.6699908

Have you ever confronted one? If not then you will one day. And you will understand why.

>> No.6700026

They do short dashes that teleport them across fights like ninjas on crystal meth meth. They're fuckhard to hit, and just troll everyone. A single one can easily wreck shit at a crowded CP if no player carrier the right weapons to deal with them.
Berryl's Binder is one of the few good weapons against those faggots.

>> No.6700035

So, is it worth it to grind stuff now?
Will there be wipes later.

>> No.6700047

I use Jikun like that, can Shino be used like that as well?

>> No.6700052

Also, I heard hoppers use eight vulcans and shit, not melee?
Or can they use both?

>> No.6700080

Poll time.

Just how many of you dropped this?

I don't want to play with people I don't know ;_;

>> No.6700090

They use both. Ammo is scarce and since they are hard to kill they usually ran out of ammo, so melee alternative is good.
I'm just waiting for the seraph promotion to arrive, I'll keep playing if that changes my mood but I doubt it.

>> No.6700096


Shino lacks the agility to do that. She's a big fat target.
More of a dreadnought.

About Eight Vulcans, hoppers usually prefer bazzokas. They don't need to hit or keep the gun on target to hit, things they can't do while hopping.
And they usually keep melee for emergencies, because melee locks you in a hitting animation that makes you vulnerable to stun, which leads to death when you're surrounded by enemies.

Eight Vulcan is a godsend to Exroads though.

>> No.6700097

Did the double rates end already?

>> No.6700103

Still here, though I haven't joined Hotglue yet. Too busy wrecking shit with my nazi Exroad.

>> No.6700117

So no point having Short Boost on Shino Exroad, just Eight Vulcan.
But Jikuns need Short Boost?

>> No.6700141

people who've bought cash shop items still hold a massive advantage over non ones via exclusive weapons and easy tune ups.

also, tempura's a faggot.

>> No.6700158

Of course there is, Shino is a good hopper. With her extra HP she's harder to kill than the flimsy frogs and ace bravers.

>> No.6700173

But does jikun need it too?

>> No.6700200

And I keep getting eight vulcans. I have over 10 of them now.

>> No.6700223

How do I make packet happy? Am I supposed to give her ultra rare parts? Materialisric whore

>> No.6700255


Jikun is hard enough to hit already with his teleporting melee attack

>> No.6700280

Just complete her requests and make the decent choice. It's not that hard, son.

Also, the items she likes are quite cheap such as those 10% success chance on tunning up ones.

>> No.6700307

I don't think so, I'm getting 400 exp... in quest mode!

>> No.6700322

So getting it would make her even better? Or a waste?

>> No.6700422
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> CyberStep's face when they add in the bazaar but you cannot trade RT or garapon items.

>> No.6700476

You should use CS-chan for things like that since she is CyberStep's mascot.

>> No.6700519

But I only had a picture of crimrose give you the finger.

>> No.6700522

What the fuck at Sturbanger being 80Rt. It's not even worth the 50% off 40. Maybe if it had some parts you'd want to take off.

I thought it would be changed to UC like Gigaton/Ettion/Kaiser were.

>> No.6700617

He's one of my favorite bots ... I feel ad for him now.

>> No.6700621

I feel sad for him even ... ;_;

>> No.6700644

the legs are average, the arms can do well if you want moar missiles in another art and...


i dont know. in OB he was not that great. his damage isnt anything astonishing and his range sucks. worse of all is he cant alpha so anything with 15+ TGH wont get knocked to the ground unless he scores a crit.

>> No.6700672

it kind of pisses me off how much stuff art has available in the shop compared to other types. land has a few good robots too but air is basically fucked especially if you want a large robot.

>> No.6700686

The problem with Sturbanger and missiles in general is they are really easy to dodge if you know they are coming at you. He's heavily dependent on his team distracting the enemy and then unloading on them because he can't do anything if they target you. As an air player I love to see Sturbangers, just go behind and circle above them and they can't do anything. Missiles are good for pub stomping but if you're opponent is half decent they miss 95% of the time.

And is it wrong if I always target moebots first (especially D-girl and Crimrose) because they make cute sounds when getting damaged?

>> No.6700722

Don't get me wrong, I think Sturbanger is cool. I'd love to have one to put on my desk.

But I realize he's useless. They'd have to make some major changes to the built-in missiles for them to be good.

>> No.6700735

Yes, very wrong.

>> No.6700822

I just saw some faggot with a victor and the black wings. he teleported around like a jikun and then melee me to death doing 40-70 damage a hit

>> No.6700880
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Am I right, /jp/?

>> No.6700888

I have a Herr Victor I cannot do this. I was ready to call it SHIT bot already.

>> No.6700913

its his kick attack. it has a similarity with jinkun kick and the wideness of ivis sweep.

now can someone tell me why would a air do melee?

>> No.6700930

>why would a air do melee?

So you can sneak up behind art and punch them to death.

Having said that, I still think it's dumb. Everytime I tried it I could kill a bot, but at the cost of my own bot or having red health. Wasn't worth it at all. Everyone and their mom has bazookas, getting closer isn't a good idea.

>> No.6700943

Because it's much easier to get around unnoticed as an Air than it is as a Land. It's basically higher risk/reward compared to traditional Land.

>> No.6700948


>> No.6700951

maybe it was frau adone I don't know. the attack looked kind of like guile's flash kick. whatever it was it raped the shit out of my poor crimrose. I was chasing this guy because he was low health but he was faster than me so I was having trouble catching him. then suddenly he turned around and combos me for 200hp.

>> No.6700959

Hover over them with your mouse.

>> No.6700972

I already know and do this.

It's really fucking annoying and inconvinient. Fucking feature creep.

>> No.6701045


All melee is like that. You'll get used to it and learn how to deal with it.

>> No.6701048

But really, it wouldn't be /jp/ without fifty post shit metathreads all over the place.

>> No.6701053

You agree that sudzukuri dragon is pretty overrated, you pretty much completed everything in like 3-4 hours and it was fucking boring and uninteresting. If men had to deal with everything women deal with, how much work would they get done?

>> No.6701063

Wrong thread, buddy.

>> No.6701222

CB is dead. I'm enjoying watching it die, along with the idiots who've spent money on this shitty game.

WoT time.

>> No.6701232
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Now we can be cannonballers in bushes together

>> No.6701266

Then you're going to say WoT is dead when they go live and they no longer deposit free gold into your account e'ryday.

>> No.6701318


Now you're getting it!

>> No.6701331

>>6701222 >>6701318
Your poor and selfish is showing.

The game is the same as it always was to me, since I never gave a shit about metagame bots in the first place even when I could get them for UC. You're just the worst kind of game user.

>> No.6701381


I'm not one of the ones quitting. I'm even planning on cash shopping a bit. It's just what most of /jp/ does. Hop from beta to beta while everything is fee so you experience a ton of stuff without paying.

I actually like this one though. I'll still play other betas, but I won't quit this time.

>> No.6701513

>The game is the same as it always was to me
so you were using snailbot and tengu during the beta? it makes me sick when people pretend that they're perfectly happy with garbage robots.

>> No.6701530

Not him, but I'm using the same bots I was using during beta: a well built Shino Exroad, and Crim/Lily as backup.
All I'm missing right now is a Lancerlot's shield arm (not in yet, will probably be garapon/RT only).
Never had to cash up, UC only.

>> No.6701555
File: 174 KB, 770x770, 1255390509583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are they going to release land mechs that aren't utter garbage? The ONLY viable land mech that is UC is Shino, and that's limited. You can get an Izuna too, and a Crim -viable air mechs, or a lily rain or missile spammer, viable art mechs, but the absolute only way to go for a land mech without using RT is shino.

And it's not just that, but there is an ASTONISHING amount of useless land mechs in the store. Frog lander? Gigantinger? It's ridiculous. The mechs in the store have no autotrack on their melee weapons and they do pitiful damage and have less health than a stock crim.

They better at least put out some of the less useful beta land mechs, like Daedalian or Ace Braver. Otherwise, Land mechs are just never ever going to be played once Shinos get countered. It's tearing out a third of the game.

>> No.6701568

>Frog Lander
Also Ace Braver seems to be one of those mechs that you naturally put together the parts of as it drops.

>> No.6701604

Don't forget that when final beta ends this thursday, some bots in UC promotion will be RT only.
Pretty sure Shino is one of those, as are a few others, so the crappy early bots will become more common due to new players having missed UC Shinos and stuff.
They might seem useless, but later players who will naturally get them as tutorial completion rewards are going to use them against similar new palyers.

>> No.6701608

Official service already started. Final beta ended on the 23rd. It's confusing how they haven't taken out Shinos and the like.

>> No.6701611
File: 73 KB, 199x170, ivis_umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arena rooms get packed before I can even click to get in
>More and more rt bots showing up in matches everyday
U mad, losers?

Red Squealer is land and is totally free from Arcantus drops.

>> No.6701626
File: 48 KB, 450x428, lol Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seraph is UC, Izuna is UC and you get a Winrry just because. What else would you need?

>mon visase quand I rape 500$ Rikafags

>> No.6701651

I thought we were still in transition?
Fuck I'm dumb then.

>> No.6701665

The only thing that's game changing from garapon or RT shop are the Blast Bazookas.

Everything else is small-time novelty crap.

>> No.6701728
File: 945 KB, 2560x1440, 1285396522812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, then it's just going to be frustrated newbies in garbage mechs that can't compete vs. people who were here longer in RT mechs and limited mechs like Shino. Just because utterly useless mechs will be all newbies will have does not make them viable. In fact, I challenge that a single well-made and well-piloted shino could eradicate an entire team of stock land mechs on it's own. A gigantinger cannot hit *anything*, even if that thing is standing still, and the rest are about as strong as quest mode blue-gate bosses with less HP and no shields.

Okay, okay. Red squealer is almost a decent mech, if you can grindan it together. Still, it's not going to beat RT mechs and it's hardly compensation for the overwhelming percentage of useless land mechs.

>> No.6701732


Land has the most viable non-rt builds in the game. You can short-boost with shino, frogs, or accel saber depending on if you want super high, medium, or super low cost upon death. You can jikun lag with a set of jikun legs and shields or you can get a red squealer and mount dual-shields and boost run into a powerspot punching people. There's also boost-run gun builds that are meta-viable, but I never liked those builds and trolls were better with them than me.

With air you're limited to beezle/izuna/seraph. With art you're limited to...Destructor.

To be honest, RT doesn't really affect the game at all aside from introducing the other meta-builds and letting certain fags tune their fagbuilds to perfection. No, what sucks about RT is that to make combat capable versions of my favorite moebots I'll need invest $100+ dollars. For that much money, I could get a real figurine. That's why I'm taking a permanent cosmic break unless there's a clan tournament, in which case I'll join the rest of hotglue in trolling the tournament with 200 cost froglanders and beezles that are just as effective as the 200 dollar RT monstrosities that everyone else uses.

>> No.6701742

They said low tier only battles will be coming.

>> No.6701751

The UC land bots are perfectly fucking fine. Stop comparing the stats straight up to garapon bots. Those are the stats with all the stock parts, if you minmax your bots stats they're much better. I have a shadow hunter that I use to shit on retards like you.

>> No.6701768

at least land has shino. the only large air robots in the shop are garbage. even if you look at the rt ones you're limited to aquila and thorala.

>small-time novelty crap
>shaden, saggitary, byne
what the fuck am I reading.jpg

>to make combat capable versions of my favorite moebots I'll need invest $100+ dollars
is that including the hundreds of dollars you have to spend just to get your moebots out of the machines in the first place?

>> No.6701772

Is there a way to change the key binding to that chat commands?

I really don't like that the messages I always use are so fucking far away from the WASD keys.

Like when I want to say "Thanks" I have to actually look at my keyboard to make sure I'm pretty the right number, or count the keys until I reach 7.

>> No.6701773

>to make sure I'm pretty the right number

I'm don't understand this freudian slip. Do I want to be the little girl?

>> No.6701787

>>shaden, saggitary, byne

You're insinuating these bots are game breaking, they're not.

>> No.6701802

they're hardly small time or novelty robots. on the other hand blast bazooka is strong but it's hardly game breaking like ivis or short boost. one of the uc robots already has blast bazookas as a core weapon anyway.

>> No.6701808

I just had a nice idea that would most likely never be implemented into CB. A Koko Gaap moefication service. Koko Gaap will(with a fee of course) turn your bot into its moebot/chibi counterpart if it has one. Like Destructor into Destructor Girl or Lazflamme into Laz-chan. Prerequisites would be that the bot has to be level 10, you need to be chrome rank or higher, and you'd have to pay at least a 100k UC, but I'm sure a lot of people would be fine with even stricter ones as long as they didn't have to pay. You'd also only be able to do it once a month too.

>> No.6701810

>With art you're limited to...Destructor.
That's not true, I can get top 5 consistently with my starting Lily.

>> No.6701819


Shaden is game breaking, but sag is not. Everyone also gets a free winberle, which is one of the strongest bots in the game. Also a number of land bots are good with guns, and almost any good is good with red squealer. I've seen some land bots do very well with some short swords or something too.

>> No.6701822

>>one of the uc robots already has blast bazookas as a core weapon anyway.


>> No.6701827

The name is Victory.

You use Victory in the fucking tutorial for god sake.

>> No.6701835


You can get top five with any bot because the majority of CB's userbase is retarded.
The sad fact of the matter is that anything lily can do, Victory can do the same thing but when he dies, he'll cost 1/4th of what lily costs. And he's not even that great. Lily's base cost is far too high to play effectively without a blastbazooka build. Even minamitsu who loves lily can only just make do with a misside-setup, and she usually hurts his score quite significantly.

>> No.6701845
File: 610 KB, 1026x769, packet love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ho ho, somebody's in love with me.

(don't tell Mami, what she doesn't know won't hurt her).

>> No.6701861

For those talking about ART bot viabilities. The most important thing I'd say is good for an ART bot is. Can they survive the whole game without dying? An ART player that is capable of this already blows past the meaning behind their cost. Lilys are good for this because of their decent mobility. They are also capable of short boosting and with tuneups significantly high FLY. A Lily that doesn't die costs less than a cheaper bot which did.

>> No.6701897


So you come from the school of "It's fine if my bot has 1000 cost as long as I don't die". That's a fine argument, but let me present you the problem that comes with builds like that.

Where are you going to get your ammo? Further, Lily's HP is very lacking, so even if you're short-boosting all over the place, it'll only take a tiny slip and your lily who has a base cost of about 700+100 for the carts and another 100 cost for two weapons croaks and dies.

Meanwhile, Destructor has shortboost as a cart too, and while he has a fatass frame, he can afford to slap on a shield, two misside arms, and a titan zooka while costing roughly the same as lily in addition to having much more hp. So you'll actually have the ammo to last the entire game.

Hell, technically we should be comparing lily to psychoformula since she'll cost RT soon. Psycho formula can short-boost, has an even smaller frame than lily, more hp, and has the cost to mount a ridiculous amount of weapons. And when he dies he'll cost roughly the same as lily.

>> No.6701903
File: 963 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20101125_1318_56_192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6701732 200 cost froglanders

>> No.6701909

I know everyone here is autistic but have you ever considered someone might want a robot for other reasons than score whoring?

>> No.6701921

Frankly, I just want moebots. They don't even have to be superoptimal. Just enough to get in the top half of games. I'm not the type of guy who can get constant game warriors in rooms that aren't filled with pubs.

>> No.6701930 [SPOILER] 
File: 800 KB, 1024x767, 02b31ce39d80420d31d6b486e8e9a2ab..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that symbol

>> No.6701935

What the fuck are you talking about.
It's the people here that are the most likely to get useless moebots because the portrait caught their eye.
But they'll complain about them being useless, of course, because that usually comes from a lack of balance, and because they're not worth their price.

>> No.6701940
File: 286 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101227_2142_19_031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking great prize, eh?

>> No.6701944

Oh shit

>> No.6701948
File: 206 KB, 806x628, PacketWantsMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Packet loves me more.

>> No.6701962

Victory and Lily are two completely different bots.

The performance of Victory is not comparable with Lily.

If I could score just as good with a Victory with only 1/4th the cost of a Lily w/ a Blast Bazooka, I'd drop my Lily immediately.

>> No.6701963


If you don't believe in the viability of froglanders, just take a look at the arena rankings. It's full of froglander users while people who use 1000+ cost rt fagbuilds like kampfer and ihop aren't even in the top ten.


The entire point of my argument in the first place is that I want moebots to be capable in the arena without dumping hundreds of dollars into them. I'm not a masochist who enjoys taking stock moebots up against autistic faggots like ihop.

>> No.6701965


Is that an upgraded lily?

>> No.6701966

That and they have way too much fucking cost for no fact other than that they are moebots. Small soft girls should have less cost, but while other S bots have like 150, 300 cost, they have like 500 and 700 cost. And can still only hold a gun or two. Whereas, for those shitty 200 cost bots, every part of them has a built in weapon.

>> No.6701995

You should try Shino if you haven't though.
Soft loli riding a dreadnought, buyable with UC, great land and worth her cost.

I'm sad for the others though. Except for a few derp builds, most moebots just plain suck unless used by godlike players in serious battles.

>> No.6702000


The differences are minimal. The main difference being that Victory requires fly as he doesn't have short-boost, but then most people tune their lilys for fly aswell.

If you aren't satisfied with that argument, try putting down the money for a psycho formula. He's pretty much the same as lily except better in every single way.

>> No.6702029

Can people seriously play with a psycho formula without laughing themselves to death at its shooting animation?

>> No.6702041

>entire post

Yoooouuuuu don't know how to play Lily for shit. The fact that you're comparing her to grounded ART proves it.

Lily is a highly mobile flying ART. You don't put short boost on her, you put quick jump. and quick boost.

>> No.6702057

I wish you could remove that fucking useless skirt weapon.

>> No.6702068


That skirt will destroy a lot of bots, especially teleporting Jikuns and hoppers. Very underrated piece of equipment.

>> No.6702074

well, at least remove the fucking disks that sometimes start attacking when I press both buttons and delay my barrage several seconds
it's very annoying

>> No.6702078

Either you're agreeing with me in a really weird way or you replied to the wrong person. I'm making fun of the idiot who said CB was dying.

>He says with a straight face that of plastic that cost $5 to make is a worse deal than CB.

>> No.6702083


where's my packet doujins japan?

>> No.6702088

Learn to click properly, clutz.

>> No.6702124

Shino bikers everywhere, what the fuck?
Is it a good build?

>> No.6702147

you're a disgusting piece of shit for having that robot. I hope you get struck by lightning and poop yourself right as you die so your family finds your smoldering corpse in a puddle of your own excrement.

>> No.6702154

yeah, as if I have time to think "now left click first and then right click" while everyone's shooting at me

>> No.6702168

About those Eight Vulcans. Are do they drop more in blue gates or red gates?

>> No.6702177

That's not really a big deal. It's an easy skill to learn.

>> No.6702178

well there sure is a lot of "hurr rt isn't needed cause I get top 10 with UC only fagbuilds"

I want crimchan and swimsuit thorala but half of you fags seem to think that it doesn't matter that those are both in the ripoff machines just because you get a free winberll and can buy izuna in the shop.

>> No.6702183

I got one and I went all blue gates.

>> No.6702185

I just got another one today. On the maps with ice after the first outpost, and I was doing blue gates.

>> No.6702194

well, the problem is harder because I have to "unlearn", since I used majalis in the beta which didn't have this problem and double clicked like I usually do

>> No.6702208


I only brought up short boost because you did, if you read further into the argument you'll even see that I pointed out that lily is much better tuned for fly than short boost.

You're retarded for not seeing the math right in front of your eyes.

I know you like lily. Hell, you can even make a decent lily build that's capable of competing in the meta-game. Sadly it requires quite a bit of work.(Laz-legs, atleast enough tuning to get up to 20 fly, blast bazooka, etc).

But at the end of the day, I could have just grabbed a destructor for uc and done the same if not better.

>> No.6702210

>you fags seem to think that it doesn't matter that those are both in the ripoff machines

You have no idea how much we want some of those, but the devs seem to cling onto their fucking gacha machines for dear life.

>> No.6702225

shino's leg attack is horrible so yes.

victory is a glass cannon. lilly is a anti tank infantry. destructor is a turrent.

you cant have the same strategy to all of them. i do things with a L air that i woudlnt consider to a S air.

TL; DR lilly is a good art for starters, only real complain is her shuriken attack, wich is under powered.

about UC mecha versus RT mecha. id like to remind you to NOT rely on garapon and you will be fine.

UC mecha arent that great, but when the garapon weapon start to show up, you will all change your minds about RT being for flattery and unnecessary.

>> No.6702257

>you will all change your minds about RT being for flattery and unnecessary.

I'm sorry but just like I can top cbjp crown rooms with uc froglanders, I'm pretty sure it will always be the case in cbus too.

>> No.6702258

Actually I'm the one who brought up the short boost thing. I'm >>6701861

I don't even play Lily right now actually. I use a Maril for my ART. I survive until the end of a match while spamming her sound balls.

>>6702041 is a different person.
I assume he's more experienced with Lily than I.

>> No.6702264

I hate those maps. The big penguins seem to cause me damage even when their charge is several feet away and the red key boss teleports right to you even when you don't kill it. Also everything on the map gradually moves to your locating. It's like being in a zombie movie or something.

>> No.6702275

sure if you are playing cosmic glitch abuse.

if you want to do something asides hopperfaggotry or vanishing jinkuns, you will find a better weapon in the garapon.

>> No.6702280


Forgive me for using what they put into the game.

>> No.6702414

well, if you like your ugly frogbots go ahead and use them to stay competitive against the buyfags and their cool bots

>> No.6702422

That's a pretty nice story. How about some proof?

>> No.6702441

>staying competitive
Rather, trolling them hard.

>> No.6702551

Are there any small air besides the sword wing, beeshit, and cross raptor? That aren't Moebots I mean. I want to see how this bat head thing looks but it can only go on S air and there are like NO bots that are S air that aren't booboids and thus can't have their heads removed.

That's another bad thing about moebots: No head weapons

>> No.6702588

> sword wing, beeshit, and cross raptor

What the fuck? If neither of these non-lolibots appeal to you then what the fuck do you want the bot to look like?

>> No.6702625

Just you wait till I get dual Assault Rifles and float dash on my Lily again. Or something.

>> No.6702639

So how much did you spend rolling for BRA UNHOOK EVE?

>> No.6702643


I have 2 Assault Rifles and a lily.

What are you talking about, I want in on this.

>> No.6702648

I want it to have more than 100 HP and actually be able to equip the head.

Every other type has tons of useless small bots to test stuff out on, especially LND, but AIR only has moebots.

And I like Cross Raptor, but it's a Garapon bot so its out.

I would like a bot that didn't look like a bird or a bee. There are plenty of good looking M air bots.

>> No.6702653

Would be better if Lily's discs worked like Shadow Hunter shuriken.

>> No.6702670

It won't cost you RT to figure it out, except for rolling gara.

>> No.6702768

Dikaros, coming next Tuesday. S size AIR, better stats than a Crimrose, and is the best UC air bot in the game.

>> No.6702777

>Would be better if Lily's discs worked like her psygun

>> No.6702812
File: 79 KB, 800x600, helingal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like a bot that didn't look like a bird or a bee.
Have a botcopter, it will be available this tuesday.

>> No.6702821
File: 43 KB, 800x600, dika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe this one, I think it's air too

>> No.6702852

That's pretty cool. I wish there was a larger area you could just run around in. Like Arena/Bastigant-Beez sized.

>> No.6702917

There's the resort area. It's in the fountain in the central area.

>> No.6702920

Is Hotglue full or do you guys have room left?

>> No.6702956

What the fuck bot is that?

I just finished a 4 hour grind session to get my crim up to a decent build. That claw arm thing you get at level 5 is awesome.

Also finished my first battle in the top 15 ;_;

>> No.6702962

We have 17 spots open which is likely to increase in the future. Just head to channel 5 and ask around for an invite.

>> No.6702999
File: 444 KB, 737x878, LilyRain_Eve_pix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helinger doesn't have removable parts, which he asked for.

That's the Dikaros.

Lily Rain Eve, of course.

>> No.6703001

Oh that's pretty cool, even if it's 90% water. It changes weather with season, right?

>> No.6703012

I'm pretty sure it's Lily Rain Eve

>> No.6703054

Sounds like some kind of seph promotion for lily.

And it sounds like it's never coming to engCB

How right am I?

>> No.6703058

Wrong on both accounts, it's a completely separate bot, you can't promote lily rain.

Also it's Nu gundam.

>> No.6703060

It's most definitely coming to ENCB. It makes money. And it's not a promotion. Entirely seperate robot.

>> No.6703077

>Lily Rain Eve


>> No.6703101

Did they get a new artist or something? Alone with the german ones, they kind of look different from the older moe bots.

>> No.6703118


Seems like it, although it could just be a style change.

>> No.6703207
File: 420 KB, 560x398, e3808ce382b3e3839fe38383e382afe3839ee383bce382b1e38383e3838879e3808de587bae5b195efbc81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a different robot and it will probably show up in the ripoff machines eventually. I hope you have $400 if you want her.

>> No.6703218

Are the Twitter rewards bugged? I haven't been getting them since official service started.

>> No.6703283

WIZ, stop sucking so hard, seriously, we just lost another planet.

>> No.6703331

To the top

>> No.6703387

We lost offense by 120 BP. WIZ retards are under the impression dropping 1 hippo at the PS constitutes a real game changing hippo drop.

>> No.6703504 [SPOILER] 
File: 208 KB, 600x800, 14674527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat eve

>> No.6703540
File: 347 KB, 1027x772, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously CB?


>> No.6703556 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101120_0112_44_956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helinger, so good.

>> No.6703561

I can't stand playing with Wiz anymore. I was just in a game with teammate who set me on fire. I lost count of how many games I was shot by my own teammates. I once spent the majority of one game getting shot by a retarded Wiz because he wanted to use me as a shield. I'm tired of playing with derp players who just want to collect and waste items and shoot at random. They don't listen to instructions. Nor do they even try. And more often than not we end up losing because of an expensive bot. Seriously, don't have a 1.4k bot if you suck ass.

Joining BRD is starting to look very tempting now. I don't care if they're in second and they use hacks. They have organization and actually back their teammates up.

>> No.6703566
File: 177 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101227_1914_46_190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helinger, so good.

>> No.6703585

I told you man. I told all of you not to roll that shit. you should have listened.

>> No.6703653

Maybe you should cut back on rolling the UC garapon a bit...

>> No.6703888
File: 167 KB, 1030x799, cheats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Jumping DOS Botters Batman!

Why aren't there any of these guys on WIZ?

Seriously, share that exp farming will you...

>> No.6703912
File: 201 KB, 1033x797, cheats2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously... grinding shit to get to Titanium Hero took over a 2 week... these guys could probably do it in half that time.

>> No.6703914

Jumping chinks, jumping chinks everywhere.

>> No.6703932
File: 178 KB, 1034x799, cheats3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least one is Vietnamese.

>> No.6703950

Forest chink? Even better, all we need now is some seaniggers and packis.

>> No.6703956

So, they're just AFKing or what?

>> No.6703973


Arena matching kicks you off the room if you don't move for 30 seconds. (something around that)

These guys jump and fire randomly and don't dodge at all but the game doesn't kick them off.

Win or lose, you still get points and these guys just farm it up.

>> No.6703990

>Lily-chan that thinks he's pro, refuses to carry mini repair bits and thinks blowing kisses for healing is good support
>The enemy team has 9 BP remaining and our team has 3k+
>Instead of all the low HP bots flying to the back, they bring our BP down to the brink of losing


>> No.6704000
File: 570 KB, 1280x1024, 1277671879397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WIZ is kawaii~

>> No.6704013

Was playing earlier and somehow I got Bloom robots and a Beta Player flag. Cool, I guess.

Anyway, how does artillery work? I started with Lily but I have no idea how to play her. On the other hand, I like using the Bloom air bot I recieved and I started picking off weak ones and retreating. That's the only thing I really know how to do now.

>> No.6704036 [DELETED] 

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it whentheir son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.

>> No.6704043

Why would they do that?

>> No.6704047 [DELETED] 

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and datin

>> No.6704086

Some tips were posted here for ARTs, >>6698486
You're playing your AIR bot with the vulture strategy which works pretty well for them. The enemy's death is what makes the enemy lose BP so it's not a bad thing to insure.

>> No.6704138


Sweet, what kinds of weaponry can I get for Lily? For now I only have a little Grenade... and that's pretty much it. I have tons of cash but I don't really see the point of getting RT or whatever the premium cash is called.

>> No.6704157

Have your clan put them on the votekick list and they won't be able to get into the next arena or any match your clan members are in.

What part of
>Win or lose, you still get points and these guys just farm it up.
do you fail to understand?

>> No.6704195

Kick vote feature doesn't work.

>> No.6704203

Frankly, none of the good small ART weapons are possible to get easily. You can farm for misside AMs from Arcantus, but those are a drop and hard to insure. Minibazookas which are fairly cheap from the store are pretty much your only option right now and they have a noticeable FLY and WLK penalty.

>> No.6704208 [DELETED] 

The micro bazooka drops randomly from the Starcluster mission at hard level or above. Not a bad choice for ART or SUP bots.

>> No.6704223

Yes, I'm a stupid fuck. So enlighten me. What would they gain from farming like that in THIS game? What?

>> No.6704309

does anyone know if I can use a visa gift cad to buy rt?

>> No.6704336

As Destructor I like use glass burner, and little FLY, the LND not expect that

>> No.6704415

What do you gain by wasting your time on any videogame? What do you gain by living? This isn't a particularly hard line of thought.

>> No.6704445

The micro bazooka drops randomly from the Starcluster mission at hard level or above on the JP version. Not a bad choice for ART or SUP bots. However, I don't know if it's in the EN version yet. I'm not seeing a lot of the drops I normally expect to see in the JP version.

>> No.6704552


>> No.6704567

twitter rewards?
What did I miss?

>> No.6704593
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>> No.6704620

UC, XP, and RP, of course. HURR DURR

Some moron tried this in a mission once; I left a couple of small mobs alive next to him that chewed him to pieces. It was hilarious.

>> No.6704651

>In celebration, we'll turn on x2 multipliers for Exp, UC, and Drop Rate from 6:00 AM PST Dec. 28th and leave them on for the next 3 days until 0:00 PST Dec. 31st. Enjoy the extra bonuses everyone!
Ohh boy here we go

>> No.6704738

That's pure autism power right there. Fuck, I'll never reach that level.

>> No.6704868


I got a micro bazooka from something. I haven't touched quests at all yet, so it was either from Arena or Gigan Busters on hard.

>> No.6704925

Hmm quick swim or blast guard on a shino?
Which one should I use?

>> No.6704931
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best present ever

>> No.6705083
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So, is accele-roll or air loop best on a Seraph? Or should I just leave it plain?

>> No.6705325

If you want to be super serious about the game then accele-roll/air loop are pretty necessary on airs. If you're just playing to have fun you can go without them and do just fine. That said, I prefer air loop on my Gwyain. It won't put as much distance between you and enemies when running away but distance doesn't matter if you're on a platform that they can't even get to. If you have good map knowledge and awareness of where enemies are air loop is probably a better choice.

>> No.6705377

Air loop.

>> No.6705662

so, is best change crimrose lvl 10 to Seraph in comparison to lvl 8?

>> No.6705683

You might as well. Grinding in the arena is half the fun.

>> No.6705837
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>> No.6705861



>> No.6705873
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Waiting warmly for Winberrl-chan.

Or a Swimsuit Winberrl-chan. Surely such a wonderful thing will exist eventually.

>> No.6706060
File: 28 KB, 400x405, fuck-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when GM was a gigantic faggot and helping BRD in epoch. Again.

>> No.6706117
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seraph thongrose

>> No.6706118

BRD no need help in epoch, the newbys and stupid campers in WIZ are the problem

>> No.6706126
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I don't really like the way her cleavage looks now but I'm not sure how to fix it

>> No.6706150


Great job, now she looks like an aged prostitute!

>> No.6706174

should I put the bra thing back?

>> No.6706323

I want it. So bad.

>> No.6706326

Every fucking room is under lv5.

What the fuck? I spent so much time leveling my bots and now there's only 3 fucking rooms available for over lv5 and they're alway full. As if this wasn't a problem before, now it's worse.


>> No.6706383

But you can actually have fun in those rooms.

>> No.6706393

But my favorite bot is lv9.

Not playing with my favorite bot means I'm not having any fun.

>> No.6706396

Wtf is that? It looks so overpowered.

>> No.6706481
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>> No.6706498

>you can actually have fun in those rooms

WIZ gets stomped in every single room. ESPECIALLY in level 5 rooms, where cash shop items are even more overpowered.

>> No.6706526

I had fun with my Red Squealer, punching Izunas out of the sky.

>> No.6706545

So did Hotglue really quit? I never see Hotglue in ANY room. Ever.

>> No.6706597

There's at least 10 Hotglue on right now. Also since we switched to actual Hotglue our logo changed. It's no longer Crim biting a hat. It's Vita biting a hat now I think. I think it's Vita. I'm not sure. But we also do Haku and BEE runs a lot so a lot of us may be in the Ground Area instead.

>> No.6706625

the good hotglue quit and rarely play nemore; the bad/new ones are still playing

>> No.6706629

I was aware of the change. It's just I haven' seen any from Hotglue in the arena since 2 days ago. Except maybe one person.

>> No.6706652

I guess I will quit too. It's devastating to try to play with WIZ, they're just so bad.

No one ever repairs, no one ever minds their low HP. What do you get? A disaster. Every single match is like this.

I put down at least a hundred dollars in this game and would've spent more, maybe. CyberStep just lost themselves a client.

>> No.6706664


Joke's on you, you just lost $100 dollars

>> No.6706670

I don't think many Hotglue actually quit. The only one I think that really quit is Florette. Anyone else who isn't playing ENCB is probably playing the JP version now. Everyone will probably get back into Cosmic Break once the UC to RT events start coming around.

>> No.6706716

I don't see the point of uc to rt conversion. saving yourself $5 or $10 on a robot isn't that much of a deal. you would have to save for years to get shit out of the machines.

>> No.6706729

It's the sheer option of having it that counts. Most people consider a very low chance at getting what you want for free far better than nothing at all.

>> No.6706737

I don't want to pay any money for an online game.

>> No.6706738


People on JPCB can get fully tuned bots in a couple months without spending a cent. That free RT adds up.

>> No.6706745

So, some of the min-maxer/tourneyfags who can't afford RT and can't handle not winning decided to quit, while many of the other people just didn't care.

On the bright side, there's seriously no hoppers anywhere except in that single BRD stacked room. Maybe without you guys, no one else feels compelled to use them.

This is where I say "How is this a bad thing." The CB metagame is a pile of shit, and if it doesn't move towards that for a bit longer, thank goodness.

>> No.6706773

who cares if you can have a fully tuned fagbot? the point is that you would have to save for like 6 years to get a specific robot out of the machines. free rt or not it's still basically impossible to get unless you're willing to pay out the ass.

>> No.6706802

A tiny chance is still considered far better than nothing. Why can't you understand that?

>> No.6706826

The reason why you're not noticing much hoppers is because they're all in a single BRD clan right now. iHop merged with Everything'sFine for full hopping potential. The only hopper of note on DOS is that one guy from FriendCircle witha bunch of numbers in his name.

>> No.6706895

how do i make packet give me the next mission?

>> No.6706898

It's a shame because the people in EverythingsFine isn't even that good. I used to see them get owned all the time by pubs back when they were DOS in jp cb.

>> No.6706928

why can't you understand that letting a 1/300 chance of getting the robot you want for free determine whether or not you play is retarded? oh yeah becuase you're autistic as fuck

>> No.6706945

Nobody is forcing you to play

>> No.6706983

I never said I wasn't playing. I'm just pointing out that it's retarded to hinge playing on uc to rt conversion.

>> No.6706993

That's what I meant by "aside from that one room". I'll just be in other rooms ignoring their existence and pointless hopping.

I want to fight players. I don't want to fight the auto-aim and bad game mechanics.

>> No.6707024

>getting the robot you want for free

There's your problem. You can't unless it's in the shop. Only roll Garapon if you don't mind getting something other than the one you want. Expecially if you are only using your free monthly Rt. I rolled a bunch of times and only ever got 2 bots in JPCB. One was a Gun Arm, which goes well with Lily, and the other is Daedalian. I hardly ever play land bots and I don't have a weapon for it, so it's basically useless. Still, one free bot that I have use for isn't so bad. Plus the shop Saggitary and Izuna are pretty great. And it's all free.

If you really want something, pay for a better chance or just give up. Garapon is just way too random to use it for free.

And then I read this:
Hahaha, it looks like I just typed that for nothing. But if people like using what is given to them randomly, it isn't so bad.

>> No.6707035

Where the fuck do i get handy bazooka I just did 4 hours of planet arcantus quest bullshit and I found everything fucking else. Does anyone actually have one? Can someone confirm it's really in the game?

>> No.6707039

Why are you so upset about people not paying money? No matter how you cut it. The meaning behind that chance is that it's free.

>> No.6707043

I just bought a $20 game card I am preparing my butt to be raped by cybersteps awful prices. Any recommendations of what I should go for? So far I'm thinking I'll buy D-Girl, but the rest of it I don't know. Might throw it in to one of the garapons.

>> No.6707080

if the robot you want is in the shop then you're saving $5. if you're going to ragequit over $5 you're either really poor or really dumb.

>> No.6707104

D-girl is one of the safer, quality bots you can go for, I believe. She's 100 RT flat, I think?

There are some other new bots today as well like hatigarm or bugsy. Then all the garapon stuff.

>> No.6707136

What do you like to play? For Art D-girl is a solid choice, Amateus is good and is on sale, Saggitary Maxis is pretty good at what it does too. For Lnd Misty is good, although you don't really play her as melee, I've heard other people talk about Hatigarm being good but I don't see it, same thing with Byne, supposedly good but I don't see it. For Air the Brickgales are okay but good L Air is pretty much garapon only. For general use Bugsycait is amazing, and amazingly cheap. I can't recommend garpon at all, unless there is one where you are okay with every single possible bot.

>> No.6707151

It's not a ragequit, some people just rather wouldn't pay any money. How are you looking at this? I'm looking at it from the point where I can gain bots without ever spending any money. If I simply stick with shopbots then I risk nothing. It takes two months of UC to RT to but a 100 RT bot. Looking at it I gained it for free if over the span of two months. Anything I put into the garapon with this free RT I got by paying UC I get for free. Don't assume everyone has some specific set of bots they're going for. There are plenty of things I would be fine with just getting. Materials aren't too bad either if it's entirely free.

You seem like you're looking at this from a point where money isn't an issue. And that you consider paying 5$ entirely trivial on an online game. Some people have a large divide between cheap and entirely free.

>> No.6707163

Is anyone going to C79 to get the dakimakura?

>> No.6707185

I'm sick of hearing people whine about having to pay for rt when the fucking russian roulette machines are far more worthy of bitching about

>> No.6707223

I'm not whining, I'm simply not paying. The garapon is a thing to bitch about, but only if you're actually paying cash and I'm not so I can't really be disappointed with it at the moment. I actually am playing the game. I'm just pointing out there are probably people who will wait until options for free RT come out. Like the ones who are playing the JP version.

>> No.6707246

What search term should I use for finding CB videos on nico?

>> No.6707250

>How are you looking at this?
everything I want is in the fucking machines and it would take years of saving on average to get it. that's how I'm looking at this. I don't give a fuck if I can get a free toybox or whatever because I never wanted any of that shit to begin with. as far as I'm concerned everythng worth anything is stuck in the damned lottery machines, and 50rt isn't going to put me significantly closer to getting it.

>> No.6707275

>some people just rather wouldn't pay any money
No offense but I'm pretty sure that Cyberstep doesn't give the tiniest shit if people like you stay because you are not doing anything to help pay the bills. Why on earth would they encourage you to stay by adding UC to RT conversions?

>> No.6707295

Okay, that's a valid view, but why are you bothered so much when people aren't paying? If enough people refuse to buy RT for the reasons you listed then you can surely expect to see some of the bots you want going in the store for sales and stuff. You probably won't see bots like Ivis getting this treatment, but some most definitely are if the garapons are disliked enough to cause loss of buyer's interest.

>> No.6707308

it's a matter of perspective. what's a bigger deal: the lowest tier of the game being $5 out of reach or the rest of the game being hundreds of dollars out of reach?

>> No.6707321

The game needs people to play in order to maintain a healthy userbase, whether or not everyone pays. Non-paying users help attract and retain paying users.

>> No.6707332

Because frankly those are still potential buyers. I'm not considering paying any money now, but I think I may in the future. Not everyone just flats out refuses to do something forever even though the situation changes. I'm considering taking a 30$ ziploc bag full of quarters to a prepaid card machine or something, but honestly there's not much I really want to buy right now besides D-Girl who's 10$. Also if only buyers remained in the MMO you'd see the amount of people playing drop fast. And when less people play a game it can discourage others from playing a game. If a majority of a 10 person clan who are all friends in real life leave a game, say 7-9 of them. The 1-3 remaining who are willing to pay are going to have doubts about continuing playing and paying.

>> No.6707339

I don't care if people aren't buying rt. I'm glad that people aren't buying rt since it means cs might fix their shit. I'm just saying that complaining about no rt conversion is like complaining a 4 star restaurant doesn't have free bread.

>> No.6707349


Mighty byne has shields built into his arms and legs, so he's really hard to kill

>> No.6707409

Healthy userbase? Uh, yeah, right. Should be interesting seeing /jp/ make a business case that they're each worth five bucks a month for that when there's an endless supply of BRs and flips for target practice already.

>> No.6707426
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But I think I did it in a week manually..

>> No.6707521



>> No.6707525

you were hexagon in like 4 days you pile of autism

>> No.6707927
File: 469 KB, 1280x1024, Crimrose 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard there was a Crimrose dakimakura. What happened at the Cyberstep booth?

>> No.6708327

There was a Lily Rain daki, Ivis wallscrolly thing, plus some in game parts for sale. I didn't end up grabbing anything (though I was tempted by Ivis), though I did admire the cosplaying attendants.
