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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6697400 No.6697400 [Reply] [Original]



sakuya's voice is pretty good

well not really.

>> No.6697458
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1232351414941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marisa's & Meiling's voices

>> No.6697477

>Old Hag sounds like Sheryl
>Ran sounds like Kobiyashi Yuu
>Remi is Dracula

Things I am okay with.

>> No.6697487

>Old Hag

>> No.6697486

They've got a killer cast of VA's.
I recognise more than a few, and dat Meiling/Reimu.

>> No.6697488
File: 1.17 MB, 1456x1464, 537d01db26c7da268e2365ecb057a57c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youmu's voice

>> No.6697500
File: 801 KB, 1170x961, 10653604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too rough.

>> No.6697503

I want to have sex with Alice's voice.

Sakuya's is growing on me. The excerpts from the trailer are the ones where her voice goes a little higher; it isn't that good of a representation. Reimu's great, Remi's great, Flan's great, Ran's great, most of the others are good, etc.

>> No.6697639

Alice and Ran are pure sex. Most everyone else is fitting.

Miyuki Sawashiro as Sakuya is something I'm going to have to get used to, though it's certainly not terrible.

Sadly, my fears that Ryoko Shintani wouldn't make a great Marisa were confirmed, as much as hearing her say MASUTA SUPAAAAKU made me wet. I'd switch Marisa and Youmu, as Youmu's VA sounds too old for the character.

>> No.6697676

But it fits so well with that glorious character design.

>> No.6697695

>Meiling's voice
What the fuck?
What the fuck?

>> No.6697701

Chinese characters usually get very squeaky voices in anime. It was within my expectations that it will sound like that, so I like it.

>> No.6697702

"Huh, voices? I wonder what game this is..."
>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

What, are there that many people on /jp/ that we used all of that site's bandwidth?

>> No.6697710

>only people in /jp/ know about touhou.

This is probably posted all over the internet, son.

>> No.6697714

There's voiced trial

>> No.6697716

Does the trial still contain the trial?

>> No.6697717

The trial contains the trial, but you need to go deeper to fully enjoy it.

>> No.6697720

Wait is the demo out?

is it any better than the first one?

Or just the same shit re skinned?

>> No.6697753

How did they even put a second copy of the trial in the zip without noticing to begin with? I realize it's just one or two guys, but nobody saw that the file was twice as large as it should have been?

>> No.6697769

Same shit re-skinned.

>> No.6697779
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hooray for bondage

>> No.6697786
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it's first 2 stage's including fight with Alice and Chen
and it's full voiced

>> No.6697785

no gameplay improvements?

I so dissapoint its not funny.

>> No.6697791

Do you mean from the first trials or the first game?

>> No.6697809

Alice is horribly moe in this

I approve

also Tainaka Ritsu as Meiling. what

>> No.6697812

from the first game.

I didn't even know the trials were out because I don't pay attention to shit.

>> No.6697839

Engine's basically the same. Sakuya's moveset is more like Alucard's from SotN. Grazing backdash, dive kick, etc. Flying eats meter now and is really more of a held hover since mobility is shit while during it. Regens quick, but also used to augment Sakuya's crappy attack.

>> No.6697848

I must say - they really improve gameplay - it's easier and more intuitive.
I really enjoyed game - and even beat demo on normal without dying ( in first game I've only once beat Cirno ...)

>> No.6697861

Never knew about the first game, but this is awesome and fun as fuck. Getting the first one now.

>> No.6697875

Love the art, love the metroidvania.

That's all that matters to me, to be honest.

>> No.6697876

...It's not a Metroidvania.

>> No.6697877

Its a metroidvania?

Sakuya has an inventory?

>> No.6697879


some gameplay videos of the newest demo.

>> No.6697886
File: 1.83 MB, 1680x1050, touhou_6_mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this thread needs it

Also does anyone have any other characters that the artist drew like this?

>> No.6697893
File: 2.89 MB, 1680x1050, touhou_7_mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 2 I have

>> No.6697910
File: 83 KB, 409x578, 1d7e9bd2850a956d85674984b4d5da47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on their site?

>> No.6697916


Its temporary down, but thanks though. I also meant in the wallpaper format like he did there.

>> No.6697927

>download first game
>go to install folder to run game
>no game executable

>> No.6697939


>> No.6697951

Komachi looks like Magical Amber.

>> No.6697956
File: 389 KB, 1280x1024, wall2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=27452 and his pixiv

>> No.6697960

I hope Komachi takes the place of Death, and not just the ferryman fellow what has no name.

I want my favorite touhou to be memorable!

>> No.6697969
File: 50 KB, 579x600, remilia kd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6697994

see, now this would have been great if it's released for a handheld, but on the PC, not so much.

>> No.6698017

Personally I would prefer if they had an inventory system like with Alucard in Symphony of the Night. It was nice playing with the different weapons and armors.

>> No.6698030

thank fuck it's not metroidvania

>> No.6698052

I'd prefer the different playable characters like in 3 or Rondo of Blood

>> No.6698891

You need to set your language to Japanese (or use applocale), otherwise it won't install right.

So far, it's much, much better than the first game.

>> No.6698895

Voices are good. Sakuya's is better in the actual game than what I was expecting from the videos. Meiling, however...

>> No.6699246
File: 83 KB, 1208x661, masterspark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god that "mastah spahku" i can´t wait to play it.

>> No.6699879

Does it come with a manual to explain the commands and such?

>> No.6699899

>story and voices completely in japanese
No thank you, fuck this shit.

>> No.6700133


Last game had an English patch. This one may have one too.

>> No.6700147

The first screen of the game shows you which buttons you can use. You have to be retarded not to figure everything else out.

>> No.6700149

I see no links to no english patch anywhere.

>> No.6700163

Last Koumajou Densetsu patch includes option to switch it to English, Aya Soft added it themselves.

>> No.6700168

for gods sake could some one post youtube link instead of nicoshit so normal people could watch it also

>> No.6700182
File: 20 KB, 610x519, yuyuwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create a niconico account already.

>> No.6700190

you still don't have a nico account? Are you browsing since yesterday?

>> No.6700204 [DELETED] 

even if i knew what to press here i still wouln't do it, could so could someone please post youtube link or something

>> No.6700212
File: 153 KB, 1170x785, 65835685238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if i knew what to press here i still wouln't do it, could so could someone please post youtube link or something

>> No.6700224


Just make a nico account. Actually, I should remake mine since it got deleted.

>> No.6700234

>bitch bitch whine whine someone else put in the effort for me

>> No.6700248
File: 46 KB, 441x384, 1251708942702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you for real?

>> No.6700259
File: 414 KB, 480x270, kokorolaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't even have the unicode installed.

>> No.6700262

>got deleted

Curious. Why?

>> No.6700294


The full game isn't out yet.

>> No.6700313

It's what you get for continually commenting in english in their videos.

They don't like that.

>> No.6700326


I never left any comments. It may have been for lack of activity or something of the sort, since I rarely went there.

>> No.6700346

so can you help me and post youtube link now that you have laughed to me, and WTF is unicode thing?

>> No.6700382

there are plenty of mouse-over translators for every browser there is
if you cant actually find a link with REGISTER in it on nicovideos frontpage you must be pants-on-head retarded
didnt even look where the two big buttons lead you? you suck at the internet.

>> No.6700685

I'll spell it out.

A: Attack
B: Jump
C: Use subweapon/partner character
D: Switch subweapon/partner character

Up+A = Multi-slash attack. Can be used while running or flying. (Think Crissaegrim from SotN)

B in Air = Fly. You move slower and can only use subweapons and the multi-slash.

Down + B in air = Dive kick. Same as in metroidvania titles.

Down + B on the ground = Backstep. Press A in the middle of it to throw knives that bounce off the ground.

All command moves use the blue gauge under your health.

>> No.6702004

Red chick sounds too calm for a character portrait that looks psycho.
