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6695495 No.6695495 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone play this yet?
or more specifically, anyone understand the true ending?
I get most of it except one point.
Why Didnt Akane and Santa wait for the others once they escaped the building? They just drove off for some reason and elft them all behind. It seems to defeat the purpose of them all sticking together to come through it all. Its like a big fuck you to Junpei too. He gets put through all that shit to save a girls life 9 years in the past and they dont even say thanks, they just drive off into the sunset together.

>> No.6696013
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The only far-fetched explanation I can give is that
They have to hand Ace over to the police. June and Santa can't be there when they do so, because they just kidnapped and murdered the other three Nonary Game developers and would be arrested for that. Yeah.

>> No.6697073

The ending made me feel very unsatisfied.

So much shit unexplained.

>> No.6697089

Really? To me I felt like only what OP said and Alice were really unexplained, and that is just taken as a kind of jokey thing.

>> No.6697121

Where's Cirno?

>> No.6697180

That''s why I said I was unsatisfied lol.

They got their shit together and then suddenly so many loose ends came up and no answers.

>> No.6697239

But I meant that only those 2 things were left undone, and one of them is just a joke anyway.

That's not that much.

>> No.6697330

Wait I think we're talking about the same thing.

How embarrassing.

Who's your favorite character Anon?
Favorite scene?

>> No.6697417

Character is clover, but that's just for the delicious ending we shared.

Scene, I'm not too sure. I loved almost the entirety.

P I P E comes to mind, though.

And yourself?

>> No.6698028

Favorite character: Snake. Favorite scene: Probably the comments in the library. Favorite moment: Junpei commenting on his own picture when you check his card over and over again in the storage room.

>> No.6698095

Favorite character: Junpei
Favorite moment: Climax and Axe End for serious, wet discussion and Junpei's picture for comedy.

>> No.6698369

Favourite character: Santa tie with Junpei
Favourite moment: Inspecting the plates in the kitchen with Lotus

>> No.6698380

Every character EXCEPT Lotus was directly involved with the events that had transpired 9 years ago. Lotus' only connection seemed to be that her kids were abducted and that's how she was connected to all of this. I refuse to believe that she was just some additional character they threw in there just because they needed to fill an empty number slot.

The thing is... everyone's past was revealed EXCEPT for Lotus.

>> No.6698383


So now under the assumption that everything in the game is important:

I think the mummy is real and Lotus is related to it show how
When Ace was talking about how he founded his company he said when he found the coffin the only thing inside was some plant. That plant looked a lot like a Mandrake root. In Greek Mythology (valid because there were books in the library on Greek Mythology) the Mandrake root is a symbol for immortality. Mummys are immortal, undead, etc.

Is Lotus the mummy?
Frequently through out the game they keep making jokes about how old of a woman she is. A clue about a connection with the mummy?

How did the door in the freezer seal shut?
Magic mummy ice powers?

Is Lotus connected to someone through the Morphogenetic Field?
Her brute force password attack on the PC in the Lab seemed to parallel the whole trial and error through repeated experiments to produce a Holon within a Morphogenetic Field.

>> No.6698384

>Who's your favorite character Anon?


>Favorite scene?

Elevator scene with Akane

>> No.6698386
File: 222 KB, 1024x1487, 567a1a1a5ed5b41c85be57d4010c40d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why did Lotus always turn blue when she died?
Like seriously? Every other corpse was pink and bloody. She was always bluish.

One of Lotus' kids was named Nona...just a rose by any other name or does that name have any extra meanings?
Nona means 9. Nonary game. Does this mean Lotus some how "gave birth" to the Nonary game too? Was she involved in its creation?

Why did Lotus bring up prosopagnosia, amnesia, and blindness in her conversation with Junpei? Did she know that the people in the group of 9 had these disabilities? How?
I mean that cannot be sheer coincidence that Lotus would talk about prosopagnosia and then BAM that was the HUGE clue for Junpei in discovering Ace's true identity. Also the same for the others; their conditions were all related to their true identities.

Is there some significance between the comparison of Lotus to the symbol of Hermes (Mercury)?
Hermes often helped travelers have a safe and easy journey. Many Greeks would sacrifice to Hermes before any trip. Every time Lotus died, the ending was a disaster for the entire group. Could that be the only reason for the comparison? What about Hermes being known as a trickster or a messenger the gods (immortals / mummys)?

>> No.6698391 [SPOILER] 
File: 323 KB, 354x524, 81073565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6698410

I have an easier solution: The writer sucks. He couldn't write up a better backstory for Lotus, and didn't manage to do anything interesting with Allice in the story. Random plot points being brought up for no specific reason other than because they'd be clues later are brought up exactly for that reason with no further motivation behind it.

Nona was born way before the Nonary game was conceived. Nona was one of the participants in the Nonary game. And a brute force attack is just that, a brute force attack, no extremely far-fetched symbolism there. I'm also still wondering how Lotus managed to code a brute force program on a PC that asks for a password the moment you log in. Just how bad is Zero's security? Did she just ^C the password check or something?

>> No.6698417

Also, Lotus is called old because she's 40 years old. Age confirmed by Japanese website.

>> No.6698425

yeah but brute forcing a password takes a long fucking time. i think she just knew what the password was.. just like how Akane managed to solve the super emotional sudoku with Junpei's help, I wonder if Lotus also had some sort of connection to someone else who might have known the answer.

>> No.6698436
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Snake and Clover made me laugh. Well played.

>> No.6698450

>Every character EXCEPT Lotus was directly involved with the events that had transpired 9 years ago.
Duh, she was working for the pharmaceutic company (whatever the name I don't remember), it was implyed in room 8 in the safe ending route. She quit her job because her daughters were kidnapped by her boss.

>> No.6698454

There was nothing to hint towards anything like that.

>> No.6698458

Still no reason to get her involved in 999's story. Everybody else has a direct relation, only she doesn't.

>> No.6698463

So then shouldn't she have recognized Ace from the start? Also, In room 2 she claimed she had no idea what happened to her kids because she never asked them about their disappearance. Why was she so confused at the end as to what was happening if she knew about the company conducting the experiments and abducting the children? I really don't see the point of continuing to feign ignorance and demanding answers when you're about to be incinerated to death.

>> No.6698468

Maybe she is the one behind the RED/DEAD devices for the second Nonary Game ? Since she was doing computer stuff and would want revenge for the kidnaping of her daughters.

>> No.6698484

Same writer for Ever17, all that dimensional stuff and whatever seemingly random things people were talking about were clues to explaining the entire situation. Doesn't seem like they would write in a bunch of extra crap for no reason.

>> No.6698490

Finished this a couple days ago, True end was really what made the game worth it for me, though I admit I wouldn't have mind some sort of epilogue or something that would have make the ending a bit more satisfying
Also, the various innuendos were beyond hilarious.

>> No.6698494

you mean half naked woman just appearing in the middle of the Nevada desert with no explanation whatsoever didn't do it for you?

>> No.6698514

Oh yeah that too, didn't see this coming at all.
It's not that it didn't do it for me, however I would've really like my sugar coat happy ending where everyone meet up and live happily ever after, but Oh well.

>> No.6698531

Dammit, stop it with this misinformation, I've heard this so many times I'm getting sick of it.
The director and main writer of the infinity series (including Ever17) is Takumi Nakazawa, and he didn't have anything to do with 999. Takumi Nakazawa is a nitpicker for tiny details, and makes sure to have a complete rational explanation for every single plot element (the only exception I know of being Remember11's time travel...fuck you with your 'I just shift this axis', that doesn't explain shit. I know you didn't have the time to write that part properly before the deadline, but it still felt awkward as hell after the completely reasonable explanation of quantum teleportation.

999 is written and directed by Uchikoshi, one of the other writers for the infinity series. He stole lots of shit from Ever17 and Killer Queen, and although he made a nice story with the elements he stole, the entirety was way more predictable and much less thought out than Ever17. It's an amusing story, but it's full of holes.

>> No.6698720

This is pretty much my opinion as well.

Clover moments in general were best moments. Usually made hilarious when Seven is involved, or D'AWWWWWW when Snake is. Or both for Junpei.

>> No.6698723

Holes yes, but intense as shit without boring filler like chicken sandwich or playing basketball in the middle of winter.

>> No.6698898

Love Clover/Snake, they have good chemistry. June and Junpei's escalator/wet part was great as well.

>> No.6698919

You shut your mouth, the basketball match was awesome.

>> No.6698921

Favourite character: Clover for obvious reasons...
Favourite scene: the perfect stairs

Also, when I first saw Santa, my first thought was "What is an S4 league character doing in a VN with puzzles"

>> No.6698943

Favorite character: Clover.
Favorite scene: Axe ending.

>> No.6701095


I loved that scene so much.

>> No.6701104

You really hope that's taken from a sex scene.

>> No.6701123

heard some good things about this, is it better or as good or worse than ever17?

>> No.6701165

I love all the siscons.

>> No.6701196

can someone post a scrennshot of clovers stair scene? i must have benn to tired to remember it...

>> No.6701214

You mean the one with Santa talking?

>> No.6701275

Far worse, but still good. I rated it 8/10, whereas I rated Ever17 10/10.

>> No.6701330

I just realized something.
what the fuck are they wearing?

>> No.6701398


>> No.6701425

Yeah, like wtf was that thing around Santa's neck?

It doesn't seem very practical.

>> No.6701571

stair scene?

>> No.6701584

When Santa goes all 'this angle is perfect! Get Clover to walk up these stairs!'

>> No.6701610

It's in the huge engine room, you get it if you tap on the staircase enough.

>> No.6701760

The engine room? Door 6 with the bronze, silver and gold discs puzzle?

>> No.6701778

Yes, that one.

>> No.6701783

I feel sorry for Seven. He's the least popular character other than the 9th man, even though he was a badass, just because he doesn't look so bishonen ;_;

>> No.6701807

the irony is that I was wondering what's up with Santa as I thought clover was a loli all along until... then true end pulled me that TWEEEEST. No really, 18 years old? you gotta kidding me

to add the insult to the injury: his true name isn't even mentioned...

>> No.6701832

I've been trying to track this down forever

It sucks that the only people selling it on Amazon are selling it for $100

>> No.6701904

I got mine at playasia for 35$. Ofc after playing the pirated ROM.

>> No.6701919

The best part is that her being 18 is actually relevant to the plot. It's not just a random "wwww everyone is 18+" thing.

>> No.6702871

100? What the hell?

>> No.6703017

