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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 484x483, AnimeGirl_Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6688108 No.6688108 [Reply] [Original]

It's Christmas Day and you're on /jp/.

Why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.6688109

It's Christmas Day and you're on /jp/.

Why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.6688110

I'd consider killing myself if it was Christmas Day and I wasn't on /jp/. But as it so happens, neither are true.

>> No.6688113

You first OP. We'll follow right after.

>> No.6688119


i seriously thought this was /a/

>> No.6688121

Suicide makes baby jesus cry.

>> No.6688122

I'm the only person out of 4 other people in my household that is awake.

>> No.6688123

I live in no-guns country. Too bad.

>> No.6688140
File: 90 KB, 458x640, alice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i want to go on living and changing

/jp/ is full of good people so i think that is a good reason

>> No.6688142

Seriously considered it, still considering...

>> No.6688166

>It's Christmas Day and you're on /jp/.
>Why don't you kill yourself?

I'm assuming that you are implying that on Christmas day, we should be out celebrating with friends and family, not browsing 4chan at home.

So the question then is: Why?

I think it's because /jp/ users do not have friends due to various reasons including lack of social skill (preventing them from making and keeping friends) or physical unattractiveness (ugly face, obese body etc).

The combination of these reasons therefore, prevent /jp/ users from going outside of their home. "What reason have I got to leave home? I have no friends to celebrate Christmas with!"

A fair but unfortunate self assessment.

Thus, being home alone, surfing /jp/ on christmas day.

I don't think it's worth killing yourself over but it's hardly an ideal situation.

>> No.6688178

I think it's an ideal situation. Even if I was rich and attractive I still wouldn't want to associate with other people. The ideal situation is not up to some normal to judge.

>> No.6688179

I was thinking about it then I saw this thread. But deep down inside, I know this feeling is only temporary. Everything will be better once wake up after some sleep... that is, if I can get to sleep; insomnia makes it hard.

>> No.6688183

I celebrate Christmas in sync with Japan, it's now the 26th

>> No.6688190
File: 61 KB, 400x483, jesus laughinh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suicide makes baby jesus cry.

>> No.6688194

I'm on /jp/ but also with my family.
Where's your God now?

>> No.6688214

>I think it's an ideal situation. Even if I was rich and attractive I still wouldn't want to associate with other people. The ideal situation is not up to some normal to judge.

I take it you're neither rich nor attractive then.

So I would like to ask, how do you know how you would act if you've never been rich or attractive before?

For the sake of argument (and probably true to life), I will assume that you are not exactly good looking nor are you rich (spending what little money you have on figurines).

If (and that's a big if), you become rich and attractive overnight, sooner or later, females will start approaching you, as opposed to avoiding as they do now.

It will be pretty easy to bed and fuck one of those good looking whores. I assume you are a virgin. Or at the very least, haven't had sex for a very long time.

You say you don't want to associate with other people if you are rich and attractive.

How do you know you won't fuck one of those whores and solve your virginity problem?

>> No.6688218

Because I'm waiting until next week so I can do it on my birthday, yahoo!

>> No.6688219

>I'm on /jp/ but also with my family.

You've got family? Congratulations. I hope your mother treats you well.

Do you have any friends though?

>> No.6688225


ISM, why don't you come back to /new/ or /n/?

>> No.6688227

>It will be pretty easy to bed and fuck one of those good looking whores. I assume you are a virgin. Or at the very least, haven't had sex for a very long time.
>You say you don't want to associate with other people if you are rich and attractive.
>How do you know you won't fuck one of those whores and solve your virginity problem?
You're trying to insult me, aren't you? I know because I'm not a miserable normal.

>> No.6688230

money is cheap

well really you'd just be a bit more comfortable and wearing cashmere anime Ts lounging in an oceanfront villa

j/k cape cod is better

>> No.6688247

A few. None local.
My mom was nice enough to give me a place to live when I ran out of money (NEET and all...) up in Washington, where all my friends are.

>> No.6688256

I'm considering it, OP. My mom forced me to leave my sanctuary to see family on the other coast. Now we're in Rhode Island, I've woken up hours before I normally do, it's sunny out, and I'm surrounded by family members who want to... socialize with me.

Fuck the world, /jp/, kill me so I can just spend time with mai waifu instead of these people.

>> No.6688259

I haven't seen ISM on /n/ since that thread about the Australian guy who jumped off the bridge last year ;_;

>> No.6688268

>You're trying to insult me, aren't you? I know because I'm not a miserable normal.

To a casual observer, it may appear that I am overtly insulting the users of /jp/.

But I only appear that way because I'm the Teller of Truth and the Facilitator of Facts.

Quite the contrary, I have nothing but good wishes for the nerds, otakus, and the socially disfunctioned.

And again, quite the contrary, I have nothing but contempt for "normals" or as I like to call them, "normalfags".

Proof of my self-assessment can be gleaned from this article I wrote a long time ago:


>> No.6688271
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I know that feel. Just bear it, friend. It will be oh-so rewarding once you get back.

>> No.6688275

Well then, asking me how I know whether or not I'll screw all the "good looking whores" who come clamoring to me is about the same as asking me how I know if I won't become a serial murderer given the right circumstances.

>> No.6688276

I hate you so much. Go ahead and dissect this.

>> No.6688278

isn´t christmas on the 24th?

>> No.6688282

>A few. None local.

Sorry for persisting, but are these non-locals friends or "friends" (IE. not really friends, just there to keep the illusion that you have friends).

>My mom was nice enough to give me a place to live when I ran out of money (NEET and all...) up in Washington, where all my friends are.

It is indeed nice to see your mom being nice to you. Most moms would not react well to NEETs.

>> No.6688283

Fixed that for you.

>> No.6688288
File: 166 KB, 490x616, 20tkkyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to kill yourself for not participating in a religious celebration that forces mindless consumerism and food orgies?

On a second thought, you probably should if you feel that way.

>> No.6688296

Well, I dunno. Maybe because I'm not Catholic?

>> No.6688301

>Well then, asking me how I know whether or not I'll screw all the "good looking whores" who come clamoring to me is about the same as asking me how I know if I won't become a serial murderer given the right circumstances.

So are you going to solve your virginity problem or not?

You are doing the opposite of what most guys do, and that is thinking with their cocks.

Maybe that's why you're still a virgin, because you think too much and overanalyze situations?

Most whores aren't that smart, remember that.

>I hate you so much. Go ahead and dissect this.

This is so crystal clear that I don't need to be a psychologist to dissect your post.

You hate me because I am describing your own less-than-ideal life.

>> No.6688322

You are trying to insult me, after all.

>> No.6688323

I'm not either of the two you quoted.

What makes you so sure about what you're saying? I for example had a few girls go after me and I declined them all. I also don't think you can have a 'virginity problem', like you said.

>> No.6688325

No, they're genuine friends.
One was my roommate for a year, and also a denizen of /m/. We met in college.
One is my ex, we're practically family.
Et cetera, et cetera.

>> No.6688337

I was thinking a lot about killing myself back when I was forced to fit in in society but now that I can finally leave the hikki lifestyle I so long craved for, I'm the happiest man in the world.

Also, who's that 16 years old wannabe pseudo e-psychologist that's posting in every fucking thread on this board ? Watch out man, the autism is gonna overload you!

>> No.6688348
File: 31 KB, 274x331, Congrats you nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are doing the opposite of what most guys do, and that is thinking with their cocks.

This is a good thing. Thinking with your cock only brings trouble and unnecessary worries. Unwanted pregnancies, STD's etc.

Keep thinking with your head Anonymous, and not with your dicks. It'll save you in the long run.

>> No.6688351

Are you saying that I should kill myself because I have no friends, no family and no girlfriend ? You crazy man, being truly alone is absolute bliss.

>> No.6688353

>I'm not either of the two you quoted.

The exception does not prove the rule.

The rule is that most people who browse /jp/ have no friends, no sex life and no attractive females to interact with. Let alone non-attractive ones.

>What makes you so sure about what you're saying?

I am sure because the exception does not prove the rule.

My posts therefore are not directed at you but directed at those virgin NEETs who have no friends to celebrate christmas with.

>> No.6688362
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 1283885408422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great day to watch all of K-ON again.

>> No.6688365
File: 267 KB, 219x300, 1292104630703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas day after getting another laptop. Just browsing around the internet. Also got lead here from splash page.

>> No.6688366

Wanna hang out?

>> No.6688368

Your posts are always acting under the assumption that people need friends and sexual partners and anyone lacking them wants them.

>> No.6688369

>Keep thinking with your head Anonymous, and not with your dicks. It'll save you in the long run.

If anonymous wants to solve their virginity problem though, they need to make some compromises.

>Are you saying that I should kill myself because I have no friends, no family and no girlfriend ? You crazy man, being truly alone is absolute bliss.

That's your choice to make.

I am glad that you acknowledge that you have no friends, family nor girlfriend.

The first step in solving your problems is to recognize you have one.

I hope you one day fuck a good looking girl instead of a meat-head football jock, I truly do.

>> No.6688372

>The rule is that most people who browse /jp/ have no friends, no sex life and no attractive females to interact with. Let alone non-attractive ones.

This is bad how? I love how casual sex is now viewed as some vital lifesblood. As if not having it everyday will cause one to whither away and die.

>> No.6688374

>Your posts are always acting under the assumption that people need friends and sexual partners and anyone lacking them wants them.

Am I wrong?

>> No.6688380
File: 41 KB, 281x432, 1288647810314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like K-ON?

>> No.6688383

>This is bad how? I love how casual sex is now viewed as some vital lifesblood. As if not having it everyday will cause one to whither away and die.

Having casual sex everyday?

You are getting way too far ahead of yourself. At this point, it is am impossible goal.

Let's go step by step.

The first step is losing your virginity in the first place.

A goal that most people of /jp/ consider impossible.

>> No.6688386

I would say yes. Friends are nice, but I wouldn't say they are necessary. Even less so with sex.

>> No.6688387

Yes. I still might be just another exception, but I'm absolutely fine by myself and I've turned down a few possible significant partners.

>> No.6688388

I like K-ON!.

>> No.6688389

>Am I wrong?

Are you assuming that you're right? Or only saying it's right because society collectively tells us now that being a virgin pass age 16 = forever alone and a fucking loser?

>> No.6688392

hey, me too

>> No.6688394

>The first step is losing your virginity in the first place.
I haven't read all your post but why would you want to do this?

>> No.6688396

You're wrong. And even if you acknowledged that there are people that don't, you'd probably view that as a disorder that needs to be cured so they can then desire both.

Ignoring the fact that any disorder is only a deviation from the invisible norm. If most people were like this, social people would be the people who desire solitude and peace and quiet, and if they didn't they would need psychiatric care.

There's no way to objectively hold one over the other.

>> No.6688397

I would like friends, yes.
I don't want a sexual partner, but I wouldn't mind someone to snuggle up too.

Problem is, nothing that I have seen of people appeals to me at all.
So while I may want friends, lovers, whatever, I am not interested in them being human, or at the very least born of society form the past 500 years or so. Also I am not into zoophillia or whatever else.

So the bottom line is that I don't want friends, sexual partners, or anything to do with people that we know of in society.

>> No.6688400

/r9k/ to the max, bros.

>> No.6688411

>Are you assuming that you're right? Or only saying it's right because society collectively tells us now that being a virgin pass age 16 = forever alone and a fucking loser?

Society and the rest of human history and biology says we all have sexual needs.

Due to that, I refuse to believe that the virgin users of /jp/ do not desire sex.

While there are many users of /jp/ who are over 16 years old AND a virgin, I would not call them losers. I am not mean enough to say that.

I do however, pity their lack of sex and their rationalizing of that fact ("DUUURRRR I DONT NEED 3D GIRLS, I HAVE 2D ONES TO KEEP ME COMPANY!").

I feel sorry for any /jp/ user who reacts like that.

>I haven't read all your post but why would you want to do this?

Because humans biologically desire sex. /jp/ users are human. /jp/ users are also virgins. /jp/ users desire sex.

Something's got to give.

>> No.6688412


Because true /jp/ bros are very happy with their lifestyles, that's why. Anyone that is seriously thinking about suicide needs to fuck off back to r9k.

Think about it. If you killed yourself, there would be no more Touhou, no more VNs, no more fapping, no more dolls. Killing yourself is not an escape from being miserable... it's an escape from existing all together. You won't even know you ever had a life to begin with.

>> No.6688415

Don't fall for ISM's reverse psychology guys, he just wants everyone to become "normal" so that he can have more people to hate.

>> No.6688419

There is no such lifeform as a "human". There is only a category called a species that a bunch of similar, but not identical beings fall under.

"Humans biologically desire sex" is as fallacious as saying "all people like cake" or "everyone enjoys a good morning stroll".

>> No.6688420

>/jp/ users desire sex.
Logical error. Humans desire sexual contact, but don't necessarily desire a partner.

>> No.6688425

>Because humans biologically desire sex. /jp/ users are human. /jp/ users are also virgins. /jp/ users desire sex.

I don't and have never masturbated and pornography of any kind makes me have a heavy feeling in my stomach. Is it so hard to believe that there are some people who don't desire sex? Like you said before, exceptions don't disprove the rule.

>> No.6688426

This. And there's plenty of other ways to fulfil said desires, by yourself.

>> No.6688429

I doubt anyone with a working brain would take a faggot claiming that casual sex is a good thing or that virginity is a bad thing that needs to be "cured" seriously anyway.

>> No.6688435

>Because true /jp/ bros are very happy with their lifestyles, that's why.

Are /jp/ users very happy with their lifestyles?

Or do they just believe that?

Case in point:

>If you killed yourself, there would be no more Touhou, no more VNs, no more fapping,

>no more fapping

You masturbate because it (sex) makes you feel good.

The fact that /jp/ users masturbate shows that they desire sexual relief.

BUT. You are masturbating over cartoons and dolls.

Would it not be a lot more satisfying if a female partner masturbated your penis for you?

Would it not be a lot more satisfying if you stick your penis inside the warm insides of your female partner instead of the sterile coldness of a fleshlight?

If you were completely honest, you would say yes.

If you said no, you better have some good reasons.

>> No.6688436

The thing is, exceptions do disprove the rule. A rule which is true has absolutely no exceptions, if there is an exception then the rule is incomplete.

However, if the rule is "most people X" then an exception only occurs when half or more of all people do not X.

>> No.6688437

>Because humans biologically desire sex.
This can be remedied with masterbation.

>> No.6688449

Better? Possibly. Would it be worth the tradeoffs to do so? ie: Go out and meet people instead of doing things we enjoy? Not likely.

>> No.6688452

>The thing is, exceptions do disprove the rule.

Don't be so semantical.

The rule was humans desire sexual contact.

Even if there are exceptions, the fucking vast majority abide by that rule.

>This can be remedied with masterbation.


>Would it not be a lot more satisfying if a female partner masturbated your penis for you?

>Would it not be a lot more satisfying if you stick your penis inside the warm insides of your female partner instead of the sterile coldness of a fleshlight?

>If you were completely honest, you would say yes.

>If you said no, you better have some good reasons.

>> No.6688455

>Would it not be a lot more satisfying
Speaking from experience, I can safely say no. Or at least it CAN be, but is not necessarily.

>> No.6688461
File: 6 KB, 200x160, 205_chappelle_m4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Part of your comment isn't allowed to be posted :(

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.6688468

Oh how I just love it when people come here and try to change our ways. Being a virgin is cool.

>> No.6688475

>Would it not be a lot more satisfying if a female partner masturbated your penis for you?
And this is how I know that you a virgin that never had a dick in female hands.
As a sex expert I can honestly say that females suck at handjobs. They are bad at pacing and they need time to learn the sensitive points and stuff. Even if the are experienced, they aren't as good as you. You know how to pleasure your own body way more, trust me on this.
As for the second point - warm up your goddamn fleshlight. Also, sex is tiresome.

>> No.6688484


However I do not choose it for the same reason I would not do crystal meth over alcohol. Sure it may provide a better high but I would end up with a terrible addiction far worse than the one I have.

>> No.6688488

>Would it not be a lot more satisfying if you stick your penis inside the warm insides of your female partner instead of the sterile coldness of a fleshlight?
No? How about you explain your argument as to why it would be, instead of just implying it all the time and asking us to produce reasons when you produce none whatsoever?

Explain how that can be better for all people, even people who dislike the bothersome presence of other people, who have no plans to ever have children because they are even more bothersome and burdensome, don't want the trouble of maintaining a relationship where there is another party that needs to consent or else a complete robbing of personal freedoms will be at hand?

In the first place, arguing that sex without reproduction (or even sex avoiding reproduction, which is what the majority of sex is nowadays) is a needed and essential thing for a healthy person from a biological standpoint is beyond absurd.


>> No.6688491


Sex is only a recreational activity. It can only bring pleasure, but there are countless different things that do that, and everyone has their own tastes, even sexually. Do all gay men go after men because they couldn't get with women? Do pedophiles go after children because they couldn't get with grown men or women? Do midget fetishists go after midgets because they can't handle grown women? And, what is a grown woman at all? Again, there is no such lifeform, only a group of beings that fall under a category. Are all of them desired? Which ones are more desired, and is this objective? The answer to the last one is of course no, there is no purely logical reason for you to find anything attractive. It's as reliant on your own makeup as it is on the person you are viewing. Because of this, you'll get threads with normals saying "post the single best fap material you have in this thread" with countless posters saying /thread when they post an image that some of the others won't even like, or at least won't view as the best material in the thread.

And with all that variety of tastes, you argue that it's completely impossible for someone to have a seuxality that refrains from contact with real people altogether? What about people who just have no sexuality? Asexuals? Do you think they're just lying to themselves, too?

>> No.6688493


Sounds like you're rationalizing your own lack of sex.

>As a sex expert I can honestly say that females suck at handjobs. They are bad at pacing and they need time to learn the sensitive points and stuff. Even if the are experienced, they aren't as good as you. You know how to pleasure your own body way more, trust me on this.

The females own performance of handjobs is only a piece of the puzzle. When you receive a handjob from a real female (not a cartoon or a doll), you have something to look at. Something REAL to look at. Something REAL to touch.

Your pillows with anime characters on them can only take you so far.

>As for the second point - warm up your goddamn fleshlight. Also, sex is tiresome.

Fleshlights are meant to be a last resort. You are basically fucking a disembodied vagina.

>> No.6688497

>not as good
Falsity false-false. You're right about the practice, and that takes a long time, but oh man, can they get better than you. Prettymuch for the same reason you can't tickle yourself.

Also, they have access to erogenous zones difficult to deal with solo.

However, it takes so much effort to get that that point that I find it's just easier to go it alone. The gain:effort ratio is so much better solo.

>> No.6688502

>Would it not be a lot more satisfying if a female partner masturbated your penis for you?

Have you ever seen a woman handle a guy's penis while masturbating him? It's terrible. She has no idea what she's doing and fumbles with it like it's a goddamn snake. Squeezing it too roughly and swinging it around. Hell most women cannot even give you decent head. They just blow or lightly lick it or just plain up refuse to do it while insisting you go down on them when they smell like fucking low tide down there.


>> No.6688505

>As a sex expert I can honestly say that females suck at handjobs. They are bad at pacing and they need time to learn the sensitive points and stuff. Even if the are experienced, they aren't as good as you. You know how to pleasure your own body way more, trust me on this.
You don't need a study to confirm this. Who has more experience stoking dicks, someone who has done it perhaps on a daily basis for their own pleasure for a decade, or decades, or someone who might occasionally do it? Even if she was a massive slut doing several a day, she would have had to have started when she was 10 or so. And even then, she wouldn't be receiving the pleasure herself, so she can't know exactly what works.

>> No.6688515

>You don't need a study to confirm this.
You just reminded me of how much normalfags like studying sex. If they weren't constantly doing that shit, we'd probably have real developments at a much faster pace.

>> No.6688516

You know you have someone beat in an argument when they turn everything you say back on you after every post. It shows that they cannot come up with an honestly counter argument and just grasp at straws and try to point out flaws.

>> No.6688528


Basically you're a virgin who wiki'd some debating technique's and you think you're smart.

>> No.6688534

I need to back out of this debate now because it's basically 10 vs 1 (me).

A good internet debate requires even ground. The weight of 10 obese /jp/ users means the ground is no where near even and is unfair to me.

With that said, I hope all of you can brush up on your social interaction skills, make and actually keep friends, and to experience the joy of having a girlfriend and fucking that girlfriend.

Even if you think your hand is better, one should experience companionship with a girl at least once to see what it's like.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

First things first for /jp/:

Getting a friend.

>> No.6688535
File: 100 KB, 630x436, aisha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virgin still being used as an insult

I thought we left this behind after HS?

>> No.6688542

You're backing out because you've run out of pseudo shit to spew. Good riddance

>> No.6688544

Pretty sure he's still going there, so you should forgive him.

>> No.6688547

>The weight of 10 obese /jp/ users means the ground is no where near even and is unfair to me.

Actually most of us are underweight NEETs

>> No.6688548

>Something REAL to look at.
I would prefer a perfect idolized version of human to something REAL.
>You are basically fucking a disembodied vagina.
I'm fucking something that feels way better than vagina, mate. Tenga is not supposed to simulate vagina, you know.

>> No.6688549

We're all friends here.

>even ground
Bullshit. I take on multiple arguments at once all the time. If your premise is sound, it doesn't matter how many people you're up against.

>> No.6688554

>Even if you think your hand is better, one should experience companionship with a girl at least once to see what it's like.
Why don't you try our lifestyle then?

It's less that you're baking out because you're outnumbered and more that you're backing out because too many posts that completely devour your argument are popping up.

>> No.6688561


You can stop being overly defensive fat fucks now.

>> No.6688563

>ISM pretending he's not a lonely pathetic virgin

Great thread would read again 10/10

>> No.6688565


You too fatty.

>> No.6688566

Don't be a sore loser.

>> No.6688569

Back in the days the shitty normalfag trolls would at least try.
This is kind of pathetic.

>> No.6688571

Is that sum Ad Hominem?

I guess the debate really is over. Such a pity.

>> No.6688572

>overly defensive fat fucks now.
>fat fucks
If we're being overly defensive it would be because you're being overly offensive. Just like using virgin as an insult, it's another habit of the underaged to use someone getting "defensive" as an insult when either 1) they talk back to someone being offensive or 2) they have a very convincing argument.


>> No.6688576

We had like a dozen of ISMs already.

>> No.6688583

ISM please make more aikido copy pasta

>> No.6688590
File: 34 KB, 492x432, 10098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another nerd thoroughly owned by /jp/.

>> No.6688593

>ISM please make more aikido copy pasta

What the fuck's that?

>> No.6688608

just tell *wink* Giant wolf of darkness *wink* to post some of his aikido stories

also you seem to be pretty mistaken if you think /jp/ is fat

>> No.6688609

He got so ass-devastated I can taste his tears through the internet.

>> No.6688610

Hahahaha, you sound like you just got your first girlfriend recently... it's always sad to see a man who is totally whipped.

>A good internet debate requires even ground
Well, to be fair, your argument is borderline retarded anyway.

>> No.6688627


This is basically just the 4chan version of internet forum "Yes Men" who outnumber the devil's advocate as a way of shutting down his argument by drowning it in "Yes Men" replies.

Let it be known however, that the more impartial of us would realize that I stepped out of the debate for good reason.

You're no better than Abdul who calls his 10 cousins to "even out" the fight.

>> No.6688636

As loliaki said, if you have a truly convincing argument you should be able to stand up against countless detractors. It's not a physical fight.

>> No.6688649

>A good internet debate requires even ground
>>Well, to be fair, your argument is borderline retarded anyway.

I debated /jp/ on their own home ground. You had the home advantage so naturally, you can muster up the 10 "Yes Men" to make it appear that you're winning.

If any of you had balls, (and you don't since you can't even interact with girls without breaking into a sweat), I'd ask you to get a tripcode and come on over to /new/ where I have the home advantage.

But I'll even be nice and propose a more neutral and impartial location.

But you are cowards on 4chan, and cowards in real life so you won't take my offer for internetdebate.

>> No.6688650

I'd rather compare what you're doing to storming into an NRA meeting and starting to give people crap about how weapons are shit.
We didn't gather people to disagree with you, you went into full retardation mode all by yourself.

>> No.6688656

>Even if you think your hand is better, one should experience companionship with a girl at least once to see what it's like.

Been there done that, for three long horrible years. It sucked. Real relationships are shitty. Bros before hos and 2D > 3D all the way.

>> No.6688662

Nobody wins until one or the other concedes or forfeits. You giving up is just handing us victory.

>> No.6688666

I haven't been on /jp/ for the last few days. Who is this fag ?

>> No.6688670
File: 23 KB, 482x250, hellad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6688672


Well, that's pretty obvious, you fucking tourist.

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.6688680

/new/ is even a greater home advantage, because it's just chock full of normals fresh from /b/. While even some regular /jp/ users don't subscribe to this particular philosophy. If you had some real balls, you'd challenge a /jp/ user to a one-on-one debate on neutral territory. Like a private forum or an IM. Or you could just ignore all other posts and go after one post.

But all you really care about is calling /jp/ your insults that would only be insults to normals like you.

>> No.6688683

Some tripfag from /new/, apparently. Which explains why I've never heard of him before.

>> No.6688712

You guys must be really new if you don't recognize Invisible Sky Magician Teller of Truth and Facilitator of Facts#jesus #loljesus #lol #jesuslol
He has had countless proxies banned
Not once he has been unbanned
Nor once he has been understood
Always alone on /jp/ during Christmas
Intoxicated with buttanger
Thus his life has no meaning
His arguments are definitely
made out of fallacies.

>> No.6688730

'Part of your comment isn't allowed to be posted :('

Nice of them to let me know which part that was.... It was actually pretty a well written rebuttal to ISM.

>> No.6688742

use pastebin

>> No.6688778


Nah, I have better things to do. Everyone here knows he's full of shit anyway.

>> No.6688788
File: 26 KB, 551x198, kinectimalsbuyitnowufags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6689433

honestly I thought you were trying to be a bro up till about here.

If you want to help out lonely fucks like us you need to deal with our issues better. A lot of the younger guys here really do feel that they do not need people. I was that way up till I turned 25. Since then I have been a wreck thinking about how much I want some kind of love and companionship. I have been trying for a couple of years now with no success. I can't take it anymore....
My hobbies are the only thing keeping me going.

>> No.6689439

I'm one year older, problem?

>> No.6689441

His problem was that he thinks all of /jp/'s users are friendless versions of /r9k/ and /adv/. He also didn't seem to know about people's loves for their Waifu, one of the things that fills a need in a few of us.

>> No.6689464

Christmas is just another day for me. Why would I pick today to kill myself over any other day?

>> No.6689468

because i'm not as stupid as tenma

>> No.6689673

Why did ISM focus so much on sex? As I understand it, sex is nothing more than the evolutionary vehicle by which our genes propagate, and essentially achieve immortality. Of course it feels good... If it didn't, our species would likely go extinct.

In an earlier post I stated that many of us are quite happy with our lifestyles, and I still stand behind that. If I wanted sex badly enough, I could just travel somewhere and plop down 10k to literally buy someone, but I wouldn't do that. Why? Because I'm still waiting to genuinely fall in love.

I have turned people down in the past because I really didn't feel anything for them, and if I don't truly love someone, I'm certainly not going to share my hard-earned income and lifestyle with them. So for now I'm 100% content with being a weird pervert and enjoying my many material belongings.
