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6683328 No.6683328 [Reply] [Original]

so, in the next 2h there will be a full patch release for G-senjou no Maou., are your body ready anon?

>> No.6683332

is it really that imminent?

>> No.6683333
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>> No.6683342


yea, they had the whole game translated some days ago

>> No.6683349

TRANSLATED not Qc'D enjoy your troll.

>> No.6683351

ah, I just heard December 24th release and (since it's nearly Christmas GMT) was thinking it might be late

pretty stoked for it, I have to say

>> No.6683362
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1200, yuyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


then let's wait

>> No.6683392

holy shit i'm psyched beyond belief - is it alright for me to say best christmas eve ever?

>> No.6683396

If it's actually released, sure, why not? Doubt many of us have had good holiday cheer in our lives ;_;

>> No.6683398

Is this a Real Deal game as I've heard?

If so: Torrents please!

>> No.6683400

I'm only interested in dat sexhair.

>> No.6683406

this has the best friend ever, hes like an evil sunohara. I wonder if he gets the teacher in the end.

>> No.6683409

brace for disappointment, it's a worse game than sharin and symphonic rain

>> No.6683410


>> No.6683418

there's one on hongfire that I downloaded and am seeding the shit out of
should be it, though I've yet to check

>> No.6683427

H-hmph! I'll have it, but don't think I'm grateful or anything! I'm just bored!

>> No.6683437

No friggin way. Real deal is just not hip enough with the furry disney crowd. English speaking translation scene is a big fucking joke.

>> No.6683440

>brace for disappointment, it's a worse game than sharin and symphonic rain
>it's not as good as two excellent reads, it's going to disappoint you

Not every title needs to be overwhelmingly amazing for someone to enjoy it. Stop being stupid.

>> No.6683443

Even a Disney furry can see the light!

>> No.6683455

Cool story bro but your tastes sound to be "suprisingly" retarded

>> No.6683463

It's a great game, i quite enjoyed it when it first came out and i may even replay it if the patch comes out today.

Fuck anyone who used "real deal" and "Disney" to describe VNs need to be shot.

>> No.6683465

Everything is shit once it's translated, anon. Didn't you know?

>> No.6683475

It only turns into shit if it's an official release. A fan translation doesn't make a game (along with other game in the series and other game by the developers and publishers, also related anime and manga and other works) that much worse.

>> No.6683479

Already launching into ad hominem? Alright, we're done here. Back to taking it easy for the holidays.

It's hard to be as cool and edgy as most of /jp/.

>> No.6683482

I sometimes wonder if people use real deal and disney furry seriously.
You can't be THAT butthurt because of a poll.

>> No.6683488

I think he means that once a highly rated, hyped up game gets translated the English VN community seems to hate it, and they move on to hyping the next game that just so amazing it has to get translated.

>> No.6683496

Why wouldn't we use them? They are very useful as a means to filter the not-worth-translating eroge from the Real Deal.

>> No.6683499
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I prefer the hype for games so amazing they can't be translated

>> No.6683500

I haven't read a VN for a while, maybe I'll pick this up. How would I go about finding the full game?

>> No.6683507

Let me give you a pretty clever advice: Yiff in hell sometime.

>> No.6683509

The second poll we used it correctly. The third we didn't use it anything close to how it should have been used. First I don't think we used it at all.

So yeah, which started the REAL DEAL shit? I can't exactly remember I just remember Baldrfags and Swan Song Fags were the ones who used it most extensively in the second one. Then people started calling Alternative REAL DEAL too fpr the third.

>> No.6683511

Try J-List or Erogeshop

>> No.6683515

you use google because /jp/ isn't your searches/general

>> No.6683519

Because using them shows you're an underage, immature fucktard.

>> No.6683525

Who knows? the disney furry shit is clear, though, even if I disagree.

>> No.6683528

=========G-Senjou no Maou============
---(12 parts, 1.06 GB, MegaUpload)---

only tested first link, don't bug me if it doesn't work

>> No.6683531

there's a link in this thread if you were to actually read it

>> No.6683533

Disregard all other opinions but the main point was to battle the Liar furry trolls who started to manipulate the polls in order to prevent real deal visual novels to get chosen for translation. Of course we should not forget the role TakaFurfag played in the debacle by translating furry games nobody cared about.

>> No.6683534

> bawwww stop using words i don't like and hating my furry games ;_______;
hilarious reaction image . jpg

>> No.6683540

i'm on my 2nd strike from nazi isp, can't torrent :l

>> No.6683541

and no cd

>> No.6683542

>Gonzou wishes you a merry Christmas and to enjoy our patch release (which comes out soon)!

It's been at 95% for months now, so I guess it's realistic to assume that it might be done in a couple of hours.

>> No.6683548

>battle the Liar furry trolls who started to manipulate the polls in order to prevent real deal visual novels to get chosen for translation
You are a troll, right?

>> No.6683549

Enjoy the Usami goodness

>> No.6683555

So real dealfags, which was more rage inducing? TakaJun with his troll poll ("I made the poll intending not to do the one in first") or Furfags rallying and Ixrec not using his own rules (5% rule) in Ixrec's poll?

>> No.6683564

I didn't care about either. Only Disney devs care about polls.

>> No.6683567

By the butthurt in this threads, realdeal devs care more.
After a long time.

>> No.6683579

Those are fake Real Deal devs that call Disney games Real Deal.

>> No.6683585

Are you kidding me?

Both have conducted crimes of irredeemable nature and should await punishment by God's hand.

>> No.6683587

Good god /jp/ has gotten horrible

>> No.6683588

well, SS is pretty 'real deal'.
Even if the death count is as high as some disney games.

>> No.6683596
File: 389 KB, 640x480, th4_4092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With an animal name it cannot possibly be Real Deal.

See image for what "animals" are allowed in Real Deal games.

>> No.6683599

seems that way

>> No.6683623

Don't expect it to get any better.

>> No.6683635

what the fuck are you gooks talking about with this disney shit

>> No.6683822

00:00 GMT is the aimed release but you may have to wait a bit more due to a minor technical stuff found at the last hour. Shouldn't take longer than an hour extra.

>> No.6683847

20 minutes, huh... or 1:20 ;_;

>> No.6683851


Don't think about it too much....

You'll get a headache

>> No.6683947


full of win

>> No.6684052


It's out.

>> No.6684059

It's released. 1 Minute delay according to the clock on the wiki. Enjoy, merry christmas, Maou is Eiichi all along etc.

>> No.6684064


so, where's your god now?

>> No.6684067

All right!

I'll give it a shot tomorrow, tonight I'm reading guides for BBA.

>> No.6684075

Fuck yes. Now to resume reading from the fourth chapter. Kind of wish I waited until the full patch was released to read most of it instead of going with the partial patch, but it was too addicting.

>> No.6684079

I did care about this project like 18 months ago. Right now I'm like meh who cares anyway, gonna watch some telefuckingcancervision. Thanks for killing my enjoyment translator fags.

>> No.6684086
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night all and Merry Christmas GMT style

>> No.6684094

so the translation patch installer includes the official 1.02 update or not?

>> No.6684101

Thanks to the team for this.

>> No.6684173

Yes, it does include that.

>> No.6684224

Best acronym ever.

>> No.6684241

Best christmas I have had in my adult life, thank you.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project.

>> No.6684246


Thank you guys.

>> No.6684274

The one thing I like on G-Senjou is the music. It even shows the tracks when they play, that's an awesome feature. The story is not bad too, which is a plus.

>> No.6684291

Thank you!

>> No.6684294


>> No.6684312

It's true. Didn't you notice how two-faced he was?

>> No.6684330

Somehow, I have the feeling you're trolling me. It's not like I'm in /a/.

>> No.6684335

How many hours does this eroge take to read?
I'm thinking of starting it, but I'm not sure I'll have enough time.

>> No.6684344

You care about your life? what are you doing here...
Start playing it right now:|

>> No.6684352

It's not about choosing to play it or not play it as I know I plan to. It's if I should play it today or not. I tend to play most eroge in one go, but if it's too long, I start as soon as I wake up and just go until I'm done. I've been awake for more than half a day now, so I'm not sure if I really want to start this now. If it's long, but I could play a path in some 6-8 hours, I could go for it today, but if a path would take 20-30 hours, I'll probably go for it tommorow.

>> No.6684371

G senjou plays as Sharin, divided in 5 chapters (introduction+4 girls).
If you do a character route, you'll enter it and won't be able to get the true end (haru), So if you do Tsubaki's route in chapter 2, you can't advance to 3.

>> No.6684381

It really is as I said. The culprits are always your brocharacters.

>> No.6684396 [DELETED] 

Maou is actually the protag's brother. Now, the protag doesn't have DID or whatever.

Some asshole here spoiled me, and now I'm spoiling you.

Merry fucking Christmas.

>> No.6684406 [DELETED] 

>implying those are spoilers
you can tell from the moment they tell you in chapter 1 it wasn't DID, too obvious.
If you want real spoilers things like Gonzo dying are better.

>> No.6684425

Is there a walkthrough or better yet, a flowchart?

>> No.6684434

check the tlwiki page.

>> No.6684435


>> No.6684441

I know what I'm fapping to tonight!

>> No.6684469


>> No.6684624
File: 10 KB, 135x135, wiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did TLWiki get a new logo? Don't recall seeing this before, looking kinda radical there.

>> No.6684804
File: 636 KB, 804x604, alphanochin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's one thing I hate about Alpha's art style, it's how she(I think) draws men like they have no chin sometimes like in this sprite and pretty much every thing of Houzuki she drew in SnK. Also, how many folds she puts on men's clothes making them look like their about to burst at their seams.

>> No.6684824

This is a great Christmas.

>> No.6684837

So, I've just started the chapter one, and oh man, this thing is so awesome. I can't believe that living in banana land actually helped me to enjoy eroge. From the MC friends, the one I find the most suspicious is the class representative. Anyway, I'll just see how this goes. I hope to finish this until the end of the year, it's one hell of a good ride and the music is fucking awesome, it even displays the song title. The MC is also smart (it's an asspull sometimes though) and that messy hair girl is interesting too. I hope there is a gay/trap route with cute DID osananajimi shota.

>> No.6684848

It's 5 am here. I was about to go sleep, but now i'm going to marathon this shit.
Merry Christmas jp.

>> No.6684852 [DELETED] 

Walkthrough fucking where?

Starting this now.

>> No.6684877

This is a fucking excellent Christmas present.

>> No.6685001

Shiratori's ending was unnaturally good. It really makes me sad that they didn't take the Maou storyline this seriously.

>> No.6685027

Somebody post the KKK image.

>> No.6685170

It's not KKK, it's KA! If no one posts it in ~30 minutes, I'll extract it from the game myself and post it.

>> No.6685255
File: 455 KB, 800x600, ev_maou_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.

>> No.6685273

Mizuha's end was really bland in my opinion. Although it scores some points by having Yuki.

>> No.6685327

Bland for sure in terms of excitement, but I liked it because it was serious. I couldn't bring myself to take anything with Maou seriously because of the terrible music during the chase scenes etc. and the overdramatic stuff, but this one did stuff calmly and was pretty well written.

>> No.6685335

Jesus, the bgm to this quite a rape of classical classics - I couldn't stand more than five minutes before muting the music.

>> No.6685339

I was surprised that they revealed eiichi being maou so soon. I was expecting most of the VN to revolve around that. Now I'm torn between accepting tsubaki's route for delicious toukavoice or choosing a heroine who is more interesting.

>> No.6685350
File: 914 KB, 800x600, ev_kanon_05a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder where that anon who loved Kanon went to. He used to post edits of Kanon on /jp/.

Kanon with upturned eyes is hnnngggggg.

>> No.6685402

I'd volunteer and do it but I don't have the game installed anymore. Holy shit, it's already a year and half since I played it.


>> No.6685446
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Same here, I've played it ages ago in Chinese. Yuki was such a great character.

>> No.6685494 [SPOILER] 
File: 124 KB, 795x599, gsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused. If Kyousuke isn't Maou, then what the hell did he mean here? As far as I saw he never had any intention of saving his father.

>> No.6685501

Too bad she was just a supporting character. Why do the best girls never have routes?

I found their editing efforts very lacking, they didn't follow any standard in translating and even the names (浅井君 being written as 浅井君 and 浅井同学) varied a lot among segments. But excluding that and the minor mistranslations (パッパト as with papa), it's a formidable work considering that the English translation took a year and half more.

>> No.6685513

There's a lot of moments like that strewn about the game. Shit that goes way too far in trying to make you think one thing and in the end there's no real explanation for them and you're just supposed to just shrug them off as coincidence. Probably the primary flaw of the game

>> No.6685531

>it's a formidable work considering that the English translation took a year and half more.

To be fair, probably nearly half that time was the project sitting around getting nothing done because of staffing issues

>> No.6685532

Just talking shit, most likely. I doubt it's all that uncommon during a therapy session.

>> No.6685546

True enough, there's a lot of moments that didn't have satisfactory explanations. Maybe they intended for Kyousuke to be Maou and later changed it?

>> No.6685631

The game wants you to believe that they're the same person for all the chapters except the final. So when you reach the climax -with Maou and Haru-, you are in for a surprise.

>> No.6685636

That make sense, though the thought of them pussyfooting out of that makes me more than a little annoyed. I guess they can't quite pull off Nitro+ level stuff.

>> No.6686985

Seems most good threads died due to crossboard spam, reviving good on-topic /jp/ threads.

>> No.6686993
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Does Kinectimals® count?

>> No.6687028

So far we only have one of the supposed 2 christmas releases, right?

>> No.6687049

Dra+Koi wasn't finished on time because Moogy is too busy playing eroge.
President should be out somewhere soonish.

>> No.6687070

TLWiki ones? If so, only one TLWiki one.
There's also MG's Da Capo 2 release.

>> No.6687198

Downloaded it. Before I begin: is it any good? What's jp consensus?

>> No.6687199


>> No.6687331

It's pretty great but in my opinion it has many flaws, and I didn't like ch3 and ch4 much. I'd say it's basically a protag centered game but I found it hard to like him much. The last chapter and its epilogue was pretty great though.

>> No.6687823

Oh man, while I'm playing this I'm getting so many Tsukihime vibes involving Maou and the MC... I'm quite sure there will be an asspull like SHIKI and Shiki.

>> No.6688582
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Reading that spoiler puts me at ease. Seriously Kyousuke being Maou is such an obvious answer it hurts too much to acknowledge it. Just read Chapter 1, got in a little bit into Chapter 2 and now I can look forward to reading this with a feeling that i'll be satisfied.

>> No.6688739

So, is the best girl gets shot in first five minutes again?

>> No.6688861

What are you even talking about?

>> No.6688892

He's talking about another Looseboy game.

>> No.6688939

Er's route was nothing special, it kinda boils down to this: Eri's stuck somewhere in the forest and has hurt her ankle. Mysterious guy who is a fugitive comes and helps her. Sex. End.

>> No.6688950
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>> No.6688950,1 [INTERNAL] 


G-Senjou no Maou release thread
english translation patch visual novel

>> No.6688950,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why did I laugh.
