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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6678352 No.6678352 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6678359

Why would someone ever go outside? I don't get this comic.

>> No.6678386


That image has no sources, just a bunch of blanket statements. You cannot pair a gene that determines skin tone with intelligence, they're completely unrelated.

>> No.6678397

>That image has no sources, just a bunch of blanket statements.
Try looking a little harder.

>> No.6678424

/jp/ - Stormfront

>> No.6678430
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>> No.6678433

I like the one with the scared guy better, then he goes and posts up a storm in /adv/. There is also a spinoff of the one I'm talking about with a blonde (guy?) who loves blacks or something.

Do you have those?

>> No.6678443

I'm a "nigger"(Just using the /jp/ term) and I agree with (>>6678352) more than (>>6678430).

>> No.6678447

The first point about homicides is close enough.
Comes out to 6.87 more homicides per capita for blacks than whites in america.



I think I've seen this thread in /new/ once or twice...

>> No.6678464
File: 20 KB, 240x333, Mikhail Khodorkovsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>than whites in america.
>MFW English people are supposed to be "white".
>MFW slavs, icelandic and some finnish people are supposed to be "white".
>MFW there is no true "white".

>> No.6678513

You forgot the Jews and the Arabs.

>> No.6678601

The main problem with this is that it's not witty or funny.

Of course it's dumb since it ignores the fact that even if those things are true, it's largely due to societal factors which are only made worse by treating people differently just because some other people with the same colour skin as them are more likely to become criminals, which is largely because of the failings of wider society anyway.

The fact that "race" as we perceive it only accounts for such a tiny difference genetically means it's not down to that. You can bitch about how "Oh well it wasn't the young black kids of today who were slaves" but this is fucking retarded and shows no knowledge of how people work. We only started teaching black kids to read en masse a few decades ago. For fuck's sake.

But everyone smart knows this right?

>> No.6678656
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>> No.6678659

He seems like a cool guy.

>> No.6678675
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>> No.6678699

That's why it's a troll post

>> No.6678713

>it's the truth
>truth is always the best trolling material

>> No.6678714

It's like if /jp/ was black.

>> No.6678738


4chan has been full of stormfags as of late. They're trolls in the sense they push their "beliefs" to annoy people but they're still scumbags that need to be corrected. After all if I saw such convincing statistics without knowing much about race, I might worry a lot. Just don't raeg at them and you'll be fine.

>> No.6678751
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>doesn't think the amount of crime is disproportionate with races
>being politically correct
>not being racist

>> No.6678761
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>typical ironic racist hipster

>> No.6678782
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Don't use words you don't understand.

>> No.6678864

ITT a bunch of racist babymen with no contact with other living things spout forth the dumbest shit imaginable about race

toot fukken toot

p.s black people give no fucks about your anime you quivering lard golems, stop bawling about whatever fucking conspiracy of the week

>> No.6678881
File: 34 KB, 500x497, billnye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, remember me? My name is Bill Nye. You might know me as that silly scientist from your childhood. I proved that there is no such thing as "race" and that we are all the same

Please watch my documentary.


>> No.6678882

What the fuck, is crime rate proportionate to dick size? Or maybe it's that dick size is proportionate to testosterone levels or something?

>> No.6678885

Are you black?

>> No.6678889


>> No.6678901


why would a poster's race be germane to the subject at hand because the only reason i'm thinking of here is that you want the info so you can dismiss the statement without having to take a look at yourself

so basically this statement outs you as a coward who can't deal with shit, congrats

>> No.6678904

Wow, you made a huge discover, crime is related to being poor.

>> No.6678913

The suspect can't be the judge.
Shut up nigger and let men do the talking.

>> No.6678915

Well, if this was true then that means that any variation of "fox," Like arctic, or kit, is not allowed to have a species name to themselves.

>> No.6678910


>> No.6678917

Woo angry black guy XD

>> No.6678920

I always laugh at racists.

They spend their whole lives raging at people they've never met and spend so much time trying to find studies that validate their toxic ideology, when there isn't a single, credible, organization that acknowledges their beliefs.

Case in point: Every board on 4chan hates their shit.

>> No.6678921

There are a lot more poor white people. Most of them just work, and pay for their own housing out in the boonies.

>> No.6678932


what the fuck are you even arguing you babyman furry

p.s hahahah you had to draw on the fox just like all the rest of your kind


introspection averted, now you can get back to your empty lives which you populate with the cast-off dregs of american culture mirrored by asia in a desperate and futile quest for identity and meaning

also because anime means never having to grow up and actually deal with shit

>> No.6678934

Define "white people".

>> No.6678941

And you can go back to shooting someone and not paying child support

>> No.6678945


>> No.6678950

They are lumpen, outclassed proletariat who lost any notion of class. They are outcasted by society and are forced to beg and more likely steal to survive. The more generations that live like that, the more distanced from society they will become.
People whose parents lost their jobs, will probably still try to get by, study in at least some crappy school while working. But if even your grandparents parents lived like shit, its kind of hard to find an escape.

>> No.6678957

just visit niggermania(dot)org

>> No.6678959

at least they aren't niggers.

>> No.6678965

Okay, so far I was willing to give you the benefit of doubt, but now that your trolling is obvious, I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6678969

Expect caucasoids are not white and they don't exist anymore.

>> No.6678974
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>> No.6678977

>p.s black people give no fucks about your anime
No matter where we go we will never be acknowledged.

>> No.6678980
File: 21 KB, 131x225, 1288895040453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this shit back to /new/.


I think only Americunts believe that all blacks around the globe are the same, they have never met a black french, a black south african or a black latinamerican, inside their little autistic world they believe that whatever is happening inside the US applies to the entire fucking planet.

>> No.6678983

Icelandic people are supposed to be white? What about Icelandic people does not come under 'being white' when 70% of our genes are norwegian and 30% irish/celtic?
Buttmad icelandicfag here.

>> No.6678993

Well, we specifically traded for the biggest, strongest slaves so there's a difference between the "American" Nigger and negros around the world.

Though native Africans tend to cast doubt on there being that much of a difference naturally.


>> No.6679000


mind you this happens on both sides

hey guys there is no 'african' culture and the idea of Africa being a single political and social entity is an incredibly recent one

yeah there's zulu culture and bantu culture and igbo culture and darood culture and a hundred million other cultures but an 'african' culture???? bit too soon for that

that said I have to give my admiration to those men and women out there who are working to build such a thing, just as long as they don't assume it always existed

>> No.6679003

I was talking about enyone poor, broke, homeless, etc. Not poor in like, i can still eat, live in a decent plase, and live my life, but i wont ever get the ps3. But people who can't even bring the bread to their tables.
It would be more interesting why racists wont complain about "white men" stealing billions of dollars in the stock market, but will demand death penalty on someone who stole a purse.

>> No.6678999

I was walking to class once and saw 2 black people looking the perfect stereotype, and being white myself I obviously judged them based on that stereotype, only to walk past them to hear them discussing politics in articulate, proper english.

And here we have a bunch of whites shitting up /jp/. Oh the fucking irony.

>> No.6679010

What's your point again?

>> No.6679011

Forgot your mongoloid genes there, icelandic fag.

>> No.6679016

>It would be more interesting why racists wont complain about "white men" stealing billions of dollars in the stock market, but will demand death penalty on someone who stole a purse.

They should all be killed the jails are filled with too many niggers and crackers anyway
