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6673858 No.6673858 [Reply] [Original]

This Willard dude is quite smug.

>> No.6673877

He's the best character among the entire male casts after all.

>> No.6673888
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>> No.6673892

Stupid sexy Will.

>> No.6673955

More like moe, since he was clueless about why Jessica was wigging out afterwards. Hnnnggggg Will.

>> No.6673956

Does the fact that there's a song from musicbox Blue titled "Door to the 6th (Day)" mean anything? I mean, the day after the Rokkenjima incident is October 6th...


>> No.6673958

Continued from >>6672107 because of autosaging.

>> No.6673965

Don't you want to pinch his butt?

>> No.6673974

Why is Lion such a pervert?

>> No.6673978

wouldn't the family hear the door being shut? It also seems pretty risky to have to run by everybody to get into position, but it's pretty obvious that Yasu is an all-or-nothing kind of planner

>> No.6673979

>This Willard dude is quite pimp.

Am I the only one who seriously dissapinted when they cut short the Will VS Bern battle? Only idea I have is because it would made the murders way too easy to solve.

>> No.6673981
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Pinch his butt, tear his arm off, whatever works

>> No.6673982

I refuse. Among the whole cast, right now. Not that I don't like the others.

>> No.6673989

Yeah, I wanted to see a bit more futile struggle like Battler vs Dlanor

>> No.6673991

I doubt anyone would have been near the boiler room at that time of night. As long as the door was closed quietly, there wouldn't be much of a problem.

...Though that reminds me. Back in Episode 1, didn't Battler or someone hear that door slam shut as they were running down to the boiler room to find Kanon?

>> No.6673993

Maybe? Some of the tracks in EP7 are from the music boxes and ended up being used later in the episode.

>> No.6674001

kanon could've slammed the door so that they thought someone ran out, and then played dead

>> No.6674035

I think it was probably more dramatic the way it was portrayed it would probably have been hard to show the full details of Will getting the shit beaten out of him while keeping him as the badass hero determined to save Beatrice but I think it would have been nice to see a little more too.

>> No.6674068

Alright, still kinda confused about the extra body floating around. In 1-1, Shannon's body is found, and her (half) face is seen by Hideyoshi, but Kanon is standing right next to him. WHO WAS BODY?

>> No.6674069

So, I'm at chapter 5 of Claire's book thing after reading mixed in with breaks and internet and crap.

...I'm at 50% now, right?

>> No.6674076

More than this in fact

>> No.6674084

About there, yeah. The Tea Party goes on for about as long as the remaining part of the main story that you have left.

>> No.6674087

No one. Hideyoshi was lying.

>> No.6674089

I didn't finish ep 7 yet but is it ever explained why Kinzo took so long to order Beatrice's portrait?

>> No.6674093

In one of the flashbacks, it was shown that Jessica spoke with Battler on the phone regularly wasn't it?

How come in episode 1, when they meet at the harbor they act like they haven't spoken to each other in 6 years?

Was the one she spoke with on the phone asumu's son and not our battler?

>> No.6674094

He kept fapping to it.

>> No.6674103

That makes the most sense, but what motive does Hideyoshi have to lie? He's not one of the servants that pledged loyalty to Yasu, and since the murders are happening, the gold can't have been discovered.

>> No.6674105

They were commenting more on appearances than anything. Battler couldn't see her rack through the phone.

>> No.6674115

Thank god, I think I'm going to cry. So I should be done with this on christmas...
Umineko needs a percentage bar.

>> No.6674126

Bribes man, bribes. Eva and Hideyoshi were in on it in Episode 1.

>> No.6674164

"Hey Eva and Hideyoshi, here's a 1 billion yen card, just help me murder some folks."


Oh, wait, someone didn't turn the bomb off, so everyone dies anyway

>> No.6674179

Actually, it's possible if only Hideyoshi was bribed, and Eva was out of the loop.

>> No.6675292


I read Will's "ashes to ashes" for the first twilight of Ep 1 as meaning that Shannon's corpse was faked.

Kanon was there at the time, wasn't he?

As for the 1st of Episode 3, Shannon placed herself where she would most likely be found first, the Parlor, then left while everyone fiddled with the other corpses, changed her clothing, and went to the place LEAST likely for them to stumble upon a corpse, the Church.

>> No.6675562
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>> No.6675804
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Too bad Will dies

>> No.6675829

I've been reading this threads for a while, and looking back to ep6, I can understand why ryu felt the need to create Hachijo just to say he hates his fanbase...

>> No.6675836

Does someone have Kinzo marry Christmas pic? I've been looking for it everywhere

>> No.6675842

>be a shitty writer
>have to introduce a self-insert character to explain what the userbase should have done according to his master plan
>which didn't happen because he's a shitty writer
>insult your readers
yeah, that was an awesome display of R07's genius

>> No.6675846

i tought he made hachijo to confess he's a she.

>> No.6675880


They should clarify Lion gender is these pic, or i can't fap

>> No.6675895

That's the beauty of Lion's ambiguity. You can't even tell what gender s/he is in fanworks.

>> No.6675963


Lion can be any gender you want. Sometimes I like lion as a female other times male

>> No.6675976

The reader doesnt want to believe on the shitty lioyashkanontrice retarded solution.
Even after all the retarded white horse backstory or incest sobstory, it is still retarded.

>> No.6676323

Who thinks that Ryu's going to throw in a twist for episode 8?

>> No.6676331

Yasu is actually an alien.

>> No.6676339

Yasu is a metaphor for an organization. Instead of being a maid with DID, Yasu is actually a bunch of people working together to mess with the Ushiromiyas.

>> No.6676345

And instead of one person with multiple personalities they're many people with one personality, thus overcoming limit of people on the island.

>> No.6676361

What is the criteria for being a 'person' on the island? Having a separate body, or have a separate mind?

>> No.6676365

Body count

>> No.6676379


Imaginary personalities count as deads too, so also mind.

Heck, if you only counted real people the number of people in the island is one.

>> No.6676600

So the riffles were in the golden VIP room in the beggining... but they appear at some point later in most of the games.

>> No.6676644

Not "later". In ep3, the guns appear even before they solve the epitaph.

>> No.6676664

Naturally, the adults solved the epitaph and got the guns from the VIP room. They didn't tell the kids that, though.

>> No.6676836

I wouldn't trust George with a gun.

>> No.6676915

Not going to bother looking it up, but I don't think the guns ever appear before the first twilight (except for when the epitaph is solved before then, of course). So they could be gathered up in the gold room before the murders, and then put back after/during the first round of deaths.

>> No.6677017

EP2,first twilight, red truth, made at the time.
6 people: Kinzo, Genji, Shannon, Kanon, Gohda, and Kumasawa are dead!

And Yasu is the culprit? Seriously? That is some grade A bullshit. Either personalities are people, and the addition of Yasu fucks the numbers, or Yasu doesn't count as a person?

If EP3 is supposed to be where someone else does the killing, what the fuck is up with the closed rooms? They kill Yasu, leave them in the first room. When everyone looks in there, the murderer then stays, drags the body to the last room, changes the outfit and locks the door?

Why the fuck

>> No.6677029


okay, after checking, there is plenty of time before the red for someone to have murdered Yasu.

>> No.6677052

What? The first twilight in EP2 is Krauss, Natsuhi, Eva, Hideyoshi, Rudolf and Kyrie

>> No.6677059

He meant ep3

>> No.6677062

>Illusions to illusions. ......In a closed room ring, the end and the beginning overlap.
Yasu wasn't actually dead. After the adults discovered her "corpse" and moved on to the next room, she got up and ran to the last room, then pretended to be dead.

>> No.6677065

It's even worse with Beatrice, Ronove, etc. Apparently, some personnalities count as people, other don't. Quite useful.

>> No.6677070


EVA is hijacking the game after the first twilight.
However, it still doesn't make sense. Or rather, it does make sense, but it is retarded.

>> No.6677072

Some of the adults are bound to know.
I mean they DO know they are paying two shifts, right?

>> No.6677232

Genji, Nanjo and Kubaswa are undoubtedly working with Yasu.

Yasu probably put Shannon's corpse in the parlor it's almost guaranteed to be the first one found.

>> No.6677251

The chapel only has one key too. The master keys don't work with it. The chapel is almost guaranteed to be the last one found.

When you think about it, it really does make sense. We should've realized it sooner.

>> No.6677300

Just to be sure, Will is suppose to be K1 Meta-character look-alike right?

I mean, he kind of look like an adult version of Keichii and the whole "don't seek a miracle, be one" make me wonder...

>> No.6677322

I'm curious, do you believe that Kyrie is the murderer in Episode 3, or Eva? Kyrie is the obvious answer, but there is a line during the final confrontation between the two that implies it could have just as easily have been Eva.

>> No.6677336

Eva is the obvious answer.

"Third game, second twilight. The corpses of mother and child lay together in the rose garden."
"Earth to earth. ......No falsehoods in their final moments as told."

We were shown Eva killing Maria and Rosa. Will says there were no falsehoods.

"Third game, fourth, fifth, and sixth twilights. Three corpses lying in the mansion."
"Earth to earth. ......No falsehoods in their final moments as told."

We see Kyrie killed. Will says there were no falsehoods.

Eva is EP3's culprit.

>> No.6677350

No wonder Bern was so asspained about him.

>> No.6677381


But is Beato who is shown killing Maria and Rosa.

>> No.6677386


Isn't this obvious?

>> No.6677395

No, it's Eva Beatrice.

Unless you mean the last scene of her giving them mercy.

>> No.6677397

Will seemed mostly focused on dispelling the witch's illusions/tricks than actually naming culprits or describing what happened. No falsehoods probably refers to there being no actual tricks at the scene of the crime. Though it probably was Eva.

>> No.6677433

so then my question is what is "the malleable weapon" used to kill Nanjo, which Will speaks a bit about.

>> No.6677462


Bombs are weapons, Anon.

>> No.6677504

Wrong death

"Third game, seventh and eighth twilights. The corpses of husband and wife lay exposed under the arbor."
"Earth to earth. ......The obvious culprit wields a mutable blade."

It's referring to the deaths where Kurass and Natsuhi were strangled.

Clair doesn't ask Will about Nanjo's death. I guess because the trick to it was already discovered.

>> No.6677539

Ah, ok. I got confused.

But that is kind of odd--because using Shkannon to explain Nanjo's death doesn't work in the episode 3 scenario.

>> No.6677594


EVA was resurrecting them all the time so I'm not sure it counts as dying, they only die for real when Beato kills them.

>> No.6677614

>I guess because the trick to it was already discovered.
I must've missed that one then. Could anyone explain?

>> No.6677782

Nanjo fapped himself to death.

>> No.6677823
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Gohda, I...

>> No.6677825

Where can I find translations for ep 1? I want to play the game in Japanese but have a translation to reference to so I can learn.

>> No.6677836



>> No.6677859


not looking for a patch, something like http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Main_Page

>> No.6677878

You might be able to rip the scripts yourself. I recall someone asking Witch-Hunt if they could have the translated scripts a while ago to just read like a book and he was shot down because they didn't want their work used without the game.

>> No.6677879

dunno what episodes this covers, probably 1-4 at a glance, but I'm not sure.
found this using Google, btw, next time make a bit of effort before asking to be spoonfed.

>> No.6677891
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>> No.6677899

I fucking love Kinzo.

>> No.6677957
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Checking this i thought something.

Ok, we assumed Yasu has the various personalities or so.But let's say Shannon and Kanon died long ago, like for example "Shannon suicides because she can't wait Battler so long" or something, and due the trauma Yasu creates the magical Shannon, therefore the "I'm now a witch you was alone in this bedroom all the time" scene.

tl;dr The Kinzo was dead all along trick but with Shannon or Kanon. Yasu's brain is still full of fuck due that.

>> No.6677985


Many thanks, kind anon.

>> No.6678106

It still assumes craziness on the part of Yasu (creating a personality that doesn't exist).

Who cares where Shannon came from? It feels more like she is the types of personality Jessica was talking about, where you create a perfect self that everyone loves and can work really well that you try to become. Eventually Yasu became tired of trying to be so perfect, and the personalities splintered.

>> No.6678130
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>they still think Yasu has DID

>> No.6678801

>Reads this thread

Did you all just forget the part where Bern strongly implies that the two year gap was a horrific time for Yasu, which is probably where the direct motive for the crime comes from.

>> No.6679175
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EP 1~6

>> No.6679655

"Illusions to illusions, a corpse that cannot return to Earth returns to illusions." means that Shannon's corpse, which is the most hidden one and it is seen only by Hideyoshi and Nanjo, is actually not there, it is only an illusion. It is also repeated later, when Will says:
"It was a risky game from the beginning, what if the boy really stepped inside and wanted to see the dead's face?"
referring to George wanting to see Shannon's face.

I understand him too ;_;

>> No.6679709

I don't think so. He was probably talking about Battler. I mean, George, who cares? He is not the detective (fortunately), so he could misinterpret the scene. Which is not the case about Battler. Him seeing Shannon's face would really have created a logic error.

>> No.6679784

few thoughts from someone who finished ep 7 a few days ago.

first off, I was really disappointed at the lack of Battler in ep7. As someone who really enjoys him as a character, I felt his absence really made things less enjoyable.

second off, I'm shocked at how close I was with the epitaph. Granted, I can't read moon runes, so it's something I feel would have been impossible for me to solve, but the general formula and the second half were things I'd thought of - just couldn't get the right words without the runes ya know?

third off, I'm really confused what's going to go down in ep 8 after that conclusion. I mean, we obviously know the "answers" now, and I guess it's possible to solve all the past game murders now, i haven't really put much thought into doing that yet but a few of them still seem iffy to me. But I just don't see what the goal of ep 8 is going to be, Battler trying to override the red text that things will always bed end?

>> No.6679818

>But I just don't see what the goal of ep 8 is going to be, Battler trying to override the red text that things will always bed end?

Magic is just... a gentle lie. Nothing can change the truth of those two days. But as long as the cat box remains sealed, any possible truth must be considered as such. And any magic.

Ashes to ashes.
Dust to dust.
Illusions to illusions.

The dead to the dead.

>> No.6679834


same guy here

I guess that makes sense, though it's not something I really wanna see...I dunno just doesn't seem satisfactory enough to me.

Though I also thought - in that world, Battler never came back, he's still alive in one of the kakeras

I just feel like that's gonna be important somehow.

>> No.6679845


ep. 8

>> No.6679890


makes TOO much sense.

and holy dicks I can't believe shkannontric was real. IT'S THRE WAY INCEST WITH A LESBIAN TWIST.

>> No.6679959

It doesn't.

EP7 explained Yasu's motive and Ryukishi isn't going to talk about it anymore.

Those 2 years unexplained are just Yasu further spreading the illusion of the witch and everybody close to her treating her like one.

>> No.6680000

So why was 1986 the worst year for Battler to have shown up again? Is it because that's when George decided to propose and Jessica was getting closer, causing a 3 way mind fuck?

>> No.6680016

A year earlier and she wouldn't have been as committed to George.
A year later and she would have already married George (and maybe left the island)

>> No.6680207


Why would there still have been an incident those years, then, but not anywhere near the serial murders?

It's because they were planned to be faked.

>> No.6680231
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how many times is this screencap going to need to be posted?

>> No.6680303

Yes, ""answers"". Especially because there IS going to be a Rei for Umineko, so everything cannot be solved, even at the end of ep8. So of course, not at the end of ep7 either.

What if the letter of ep1 was also a part of a story, as well as Ange's journey?
If you take it like this, a good end is still possible. Or also, and especially if you look at Higurashi. changing "the future" through willpower would not be surprising.
We are talking about the man who wrote something about 5 kids creating a world of their own, in order to save their village, here.

I STILL wait for a link. Everybody is quoting this thing, but nobody ever showed me where it comes from.

Still not sure for Shkannontrice by the way. Especially because of ep6, which lead me to think of something else. But Shannontrice, that's for sure.

>> No.6680356

You all... have the wrong idea about Episode 8. And Umineko 'Rei' or whatever it's going to be called.

Let the Ushiromiya family rest in peace, in the Golden Land. Let Ange find peace with herself, and forgive her aunt for not telling her the truth. And let Eva forgive herself, for starting the tragedy, and for not saving her son. Let the game of witches end with a golden dream.

>> No.6680371 [DELETED] 

So, you want umineko rei to be some kind of slice of life completely unrelated to what happened on Rokkenjima?
I'm afraid this will be downright impossible.

>> No.6680374

So, you want umineko rei to be some kind of slice of life completely unrelated to what happened on Rokkenjima?
I'm afraid this will be downright impossible.
Let alone ep8, which is supposed to explain the "no bad people" thing and then cannot be unrelated to the tragedy.

>> No.6680388

Sigh. I you don't already know what Rei is going to be about I really don't know what to tell you. I'll give you a hint- it's a mystery that's not on Rokkenjima. Put on your thinking cap. I know you can do it.

And as for Episode 8, what else is there to say? The answers are already known, or discernible. The final chapter isn't going to be a story about finding answers, it's going to be about closure. I'm sure Bern will troll the foolish with a hopeless tale, but that's just the game board. And as much as Bern plays with the game board, the game is over. She lost.

>> No.6680437 [DELETED] 

And that's where you are mistaking. Possible answers are already known. With a lot of noise around. A lot.

As for your "other mystey", sorry but I don't buy it. Everything in umineko is related to Rokkenjima, in one way or another. Even their damn "world peace" is somehow related to the sumadera and Ange, and probably have something to do with the ushiromiya, thanks Kyrie. No matter what it will be, it will be related to Rokkenjima. Period.
Moreover, many, many games without Battler and Beato would be a suicide, commercially speaking. A lot of people are already complaining for ONE game without Battler.

Also, if I were you I would not be so overconfident about what I am suggesting.

>> No.6680451

And that's where you are mistaking. Possible answers are already known. With a lot of noise around. A lot.

As for your "other mystey", sorry but I don't buy it. Everything in umineko is related to Rokkenjima, in one way or another. Even their damn "world peace" is somehow related to the sumadera and Ange, and probably have something to do with the ushiromiya, thanks Kyrie. No matter what it will be, it will be related to Rokkenjima. Period.
Moreover, many, many games without Battler and Beato would be a suicide, from a business point of view . A lot of people are already complaining with ONE game without Battler.

Also, if I were you I would not be so overconfident about what I am suggesting.

>> No.6680464

No, she refers to George, even because if George would have seen Shannon's absence he wouldn't stand there in silence. And... Battler doesn't give a fuck to Shannon's face, it was George the one who wanted to see it and was told by his father not to come in.

>> No.6680472

>Let the game of witches end with a golden dream.

I like this line for some reason.

>> No.6680652


>Bearn explicitly mentions how interesting those missing years were.
> Will says that to go into them would be cruel.
> They must not matter at all.

If I understand you correctly.

>> No.6680909

What about those antics we were shown when Lion was transported to the point where s/he was shot by Kyrie in the "good end" world?

What with Genji and all.

>> No.6681152

You forgot about The Tower. There must have been an AWFUL bullying scene from the younger servants.

>> No.6681884

But George doesn't have anything to do with the game and can misinterpret things, again.
And yeah, Battler didn't give a fuck about Shannon. Hence this line about WHAT IF.
George makes more sense in the context in ep1, but he doesn't matter because he doesn't have an objective PoV.

>> No.6683883

If almost everything is already explained, then explain me mystery concerning Battler's birth and Rudolf's "I might be killed today".

>> No.6683903

Jakku Bauer almost dies every day. He lives a dangerously life.
As for Battler's mom, wasn't she a Denver Bronco?
