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6657861 No.6657861 [Reply] [Original]

My parents think i'm unhappy being a NEET. Is there any way to show them how wrong they are? I don't feel like explaining my life to normalfags though.

>> No.6657882

It's impossible. They would just say you have deluded yourself, or don't know better since you've never experienced normalfag happiness.

>> No.6657901


I know it's HARD to belive but being alone all day infron of the computer is actually FUCKING FUN, fapping to waifus is fun, playing games is fun, posting on /jp/ is... fun?

Anyways no, I doubpt you have that open minded parents... Don't think they can accept that non-normalfag stuff can be fun.

>> No.6657902

It's surprising to me how true this is.

>> No.6657912

Yeah, it's fun for about the first year. You guys must not have been NEET very long. I'm guessing you're like 18-19.

>> No.6657914

>Is there any way to show them how wrong they are?
>I don't feel like explaining my life to normalfags though.

How are you going to show them if you don't want to explain your shit?

>> No.6657920

I was never NEET, I'm a college student but I never go to college and I don't study that much just get passing grades. I laze around all day. I've been doing this for 3 years now. I am 21.

>> No.6657926

Are you kidding? If you get bored of it, then do something else. When the blog adsense fad came, I made a blog and that started me into deep introspection into why I am the way I am, what experiences caused it, etc.

When/if I get done/bored of that, Dwarf Fortress will have made great progress, maybe even into beta with dual core capabilities, so I'll be set for life.

>> No.6657931

It was worse when I was 19, I'm 23 now and dealing with it.

>> No.6657934

"The Morgans fear what may not be purchased, for a trader cannot comprehend a thing that is priceless."
-Sister Miriam Godwinson, "The Collected Sermons"

>> No.6657936



>> No.6657940

Currently NEET for 5 years, semi-hikki for several others. I quite like the part where I don't have to do mundane jobs that serve nothing and can actually indulge in my hobbies and explore my creative side.

Having no friends might seem bad at first, but friends are troublesome. They usually want more than they will give. Other times they expect things from you that bring you nothing but trouble. Good friends are rare, most are leeches. Since /jp/ers aren't really much of givers themselves, it follows they'd have mostly leeches as 'friends'.

More importantly, /jp/ers just don't like normalfag things like going out to "PARTEH" at some nightclub and then drinking yourself into a coma. As for me, I've tried it. Tried it for many years and in the end I just said, "You know what, I don't fucking care anymore if I'm supposed to like this. I don't and I won't bother with it anymore." and have not done so ever since.

>> No.6657943

I did it for six years. Now I'm 24.
Stop hanging out on this shit board all day friend and do something. While you're still involved with school and still have a chance.

>> No.6657947

21. I've been doing this for 3 years and wish I could do this the rest of my life, preferably with some more luxury.

>> No.6657949

Seconded bro.

>> No.6657955

OP here. I'm 20 and i'm NEET since 16. And i'm fine like this.
You're right, they are not open minded. So i guess i just have to keep ignoring them.

>> No.6657959

>More importantly, /jp/ers just don't like normalfag things like going out to "PARTEH" at some nightclub and then drinking yourself into a coma. As for me, I've tried it. Tried it for many years and in the end I just said, "You know what, I don't fucking care anymore if I'm supposed to like this. I don't and I won't bother with it anymore." and have not done so ever since.

Worse thing is abotu 5 years ago I was in this big anime club. Everyone watches stuff and they were pretty high powelevel, yet they still did the above all the fucking time.

They had "bitches" they, they'd drunk and smoked weed.
Sad really.

>> No.6657961

There was no other choice, this was the only path. NEET for life. Tell your parents that you fap to 2D all day and that they are the abnormal ones for living differently.

>> No.6657967

Your parents are thinking long-time. Sure you're happy now but you're screwing up any future you may have.

>> No.6657980

But i'm happy now. Honestly, i give a damn about future.

>> No.6657981
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Man I'm 21. I have people from primary school (lasts 8 years here so from 6~7-13~14 years old) that have wifes and children or had affairs... I have one guy that had a child then got divorced now he has to pay shit. I know 2 girls that got pregnant and aborted. God fucking damn it. And this one guy from my high school has a neighbor girl thats like 18 and has 3 kids!

I will never understand people like this, and they're supposedly "enjoying life to it's fullest".

>> No.6657982

>i give a damn about future.

And that's what makes them worried, Anon.

>> No.6657987

But that's still only 4 years.

It was still good then, sure. (But what about twice that number? Or later?.)
I don't think you should ignore your parents, and be happy you have them.

>> No.6657990

Wow, people have children early in Croatia, huh?

Most people my age have a partner and children too, but then I'm almost 30...

>> No.6658001

You should be worried.

I for one am taking all possible precausions so this lifestyle of mine is being preserved as much as possible, I'll get some job thats average paying, not hard and I'll dedicated all my time after the job to my hobbies just like I do now. Instead of 16 hours a day I'll have 8 hours a day but they at least I'll have a lot more money to spend on my hobbies.

>> No.6658009

It's not so much sitting in my room behind the PC that I want. Rather I just want to be free to do whatever I feel like without having to work for money to survive.

Because there is nothing fulfilling at all about working for money.

>> No.6658014

They don't I'm just listing the worst scenarios, usually people have children in their late 20s to late 30s. Especially the educated and intelligent people.

The ones I named where scum I had pretty much straight A up to 7th grade and in the 8th I had like a few B's.

These people where having F's in fucking 4th class. I never got an F until the 8th grade. One of them even had to repeat a year.

>> No.6658016

Why don't you emigrate to a WE country and try to get a disability check?

>> No.6658019

I guess i will think about that at the moment, not now. I'm not tired yet, if i get tired in 4 years then i'll think of something to do at that time. I'm happy having my parents, but i prefer to ignore them when they talk about this.
True, can't argue anything there.

>> No.6658023

You know these jobs you might actually find fun.
Get some education of course the shitty jobs like "construction worker" aren't going to be fun.

>> No.6658024

Yup. Still a bunch of youngsters. It's all fun and games until you start getting old. Realize that all VN are all the same. All doujin are all the same. All of /jp/ is all the same shit every day. Then you want to do something else, but you realize you have nothing else. You sat around thinking "oh it's okay I can still change whenever I want", then it became too late to change. How much longer do you think you'll derive enjoyment from these empty video games? Be smart kids, remember that NEET isn't cool.

>> No.6658029

There is no such thing as a "fun" job. No matter what some people say, working itself is suffering. Only people wealthy enough to never have to work for their whole life can grasp a bit of hapiness in this world.

>> No.6658030

Are you trolling or do you seriously feel that way?

There's some truth in what you say, but you're dramatizing it a bit.

>> No.6658032

What if you got a job as a VN programmer?

>> No.6658039

We're not in Japan.

>> No.6658037

I have a mother that had cancer and is now half paralized I have to take care of her.

Also I'm not disabled.

I wanted to move to Germany in the past but since I got the internet I see no benefits of moving. My internet is 20MBits and it will only continue to speed up over time I started with 64kbits cable. I can can get all the games and shit I want online. And I'm used to my city. I see no point of moving from here especially since I have a big house and I rent it to rooms student and that makes a nice profit.

I could basically live like that for a long time, but I want a job to get money so I don't have to save for a 2 years to buy a PS3 + HDTV.

>> No.6658038

Feel free to suggest one of these fun jobs because I'm not seeing them.

Construction worker is actually more 'fun' than an accountant or lawyer.

>> No.6658045

Nope, I never get tired of anything. /jp/ isn't the only thing on the internet, there are always new video games, anime, manga or something else to do. I have so much to do that I will never have enough time, even though I don't work.
And what's the alternative ? Working the day, having casual sex at night with some random whore met in a nightclub ? Gee, the "notmal" life sure sounds like fun.

>> No.6658051

That should not matter. There is still demand for them outside Japan.

>> No.6658068

I enjoy intellectual jobs, like for example I'm studying to become a Computer Engineer, it's fun to tackle problems and solve them. Both programing problems and actual physical architectural problems.

You know a job where you are challenged every day to do something that is fun or can be fun if you get into it.

>> No.6658073

I don't understand what the big deal is. If I ever get tired of living this way, I'll just move on to something else. It's not like I have any major responsibilities (children, debt, ect.) tying me down.

>> No.6658074

After high school I took a year off to figure out what I want to study and do for work. I expected I'd get sick of the lack of socializing, working and just having 24/7 free time.

It had quite the opposite effect.

>> No.6658080

But they demand VNs from Japan, not gaijin stuff.

>> No.6658091

Considering that over the last 20 years we got from Dune 2 to goddamn Starcraft 2 and i this continues we'll have a lot more fun.

You have to challenge and devote you self to a thing then it's fun.

For example take fighters, to the normal fag it just peopl mashing buttons doing stuff, but once you get into it and see how deep it is and how much fun you can have thats where the fun starts.

Games will keep me busy for the rest of my life.

>> No.6658094

Ignore those obstacles for a moment and answer the core question: would you like working if you could be a VN programmer?

>> No.6658097

What this anon said, we're basically free to do whatever. Because we have no girlfriends, wives or children holding us back.

>> No.6658098

I remember reading a story in middle school, some national exam thing, like No Child Left Behind, but before it.

The story was about a guy who lived and grew up near the Mississippi River, who loved the river, and the first part of the story was about how beautiful he found it. The way the sunlight reflects in the water, the way there would be an occassional branch in the river, just being swept along by the current, the way the river would lick, drown, and allow the branch to resurface, like a child playing with a toy in the bath.

The second part was of him getting a job as a ferry captain on that river, and him saying that, when he sees the sun reflect on the river, the first thing in his mind is how it means it will rain tomorrow, or that the branch floating on the river means a rise in the water and he'll have to adjust accordingly.

The last few sentences were him wondering if doctors see a cute girl blush and immediately think of the inflamed skin rather than how cute she is.

>> No.6658102

Well you have a winner attitude then. I'm more of a quitter and I tend to take the easiest route with anything.

Leeching fits me best I suppose.

>> No.6658110

So you're telling me that astronauts don't have fun?
Or that VN writers don't have fun?
Or that being the writer of a magazine that deals with anime isn't fun?
Or jet pilots?
So many things I would find fun.

I can image so many fun jobs...

>> No.6658124

OP, don't do that.

Pretend to be miserable and sad, but the catch is to also pretend to be unable to fight your lack of courage. If you actually say "OH MAN I LOVE BEING A USELESS SACK OF FUCK" your parents will get pissed off at you.

>> No.6658128

But if he does that, the first thing they will do is suggest he "man up" and go clubbing sometime, to "see how much fun it is".

Not a good idea.

>> No.6658130

I love to take it easy too. But if you take it easy all the time, you will never appreciate how valuable it is. Sometimes you have to have some challenge or trouble to be happy.

Just find some quiet job thats not too monotone and that you don't have to work long hours and just dedicate the rest of your time to hobbies.

>> No.6658131

I'm not the one you're replying to. While the jobs you listed are definitely more fun than most, it still doesn't beat not having to work at all.

>> No.6658137

Trust me, they won't.

Parents that let their child lead this kind of life lack the parental skills to get them into the "right" path. If you pretend to be weak and unable to do anything because "you panic when crowded with people", chances are they are going to support you.

I know this from experience.

>> No.6658149

The way you talk is like you take advantage of your parents. Can't you rather be honest?

>> No.6658171

Being honest with them won't achieve anything besides risking them sending you to a psychologist or maybe forcing you into getting a job. The truth is, all I did for 2 years was to leech off my parents and take advantage of them, telling all sorts of lies to remain jobless and enjoying my life locked up inside my room.

>> No.6658175
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I did, I tried it.

It's NOT fucking FUN AT ALL.

It's crowded, the people there are IQ~90ish, everyone fucking drunk, the place stinks, the tables are sticky, there is smoke all over the place. It's loud, fucking bitches everywhere, fucking drunk wanna be alpha males everywhere too. To me it looks more like hell then fun.

If I ever get a girlfriends I want the indoors time that will never go out, one that dosen't drink or some and one that likes at least some of my hobbies and likes to talk quietly with me instead of going out to PARTEH. If possible not fat.

>> No.6658185

I don't know, Croatia has a lot of unemployed people.

Sure they're normalfags but from what I hear, it's pretty boring being like 30~40 and unemployed.

>> No.6658206

No one is really happy. Everyone is upset that our world has turned into a world where everyone relies on technology.

Deep down in their subconscious, they recall being a manly viking warrior. Axe in one hand, bitch in the other. They miss those times, they miss those times of fighting whale sharks and drinking mead out of someone else's asshole.

Not really, I'm very happy with shit-posting on /jp/ all day and all night.

>> No.6658212
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But would you prefer to be lounging back on a tropical beach somewhere, cocktail in hand, waifu in the other?

There are far greater pleasures in this world than just about any work, even if work is the only way to get yourself slightly closer to them.

>> No.6658214

It's because people build their lives around work and money.

If you see people label or describe themselves or someone else they often mention their job. "I'm Sarah, teacher." "He's John, a dentist." I've noticed for most people their job and career is their life and anything they do that doesn't earn them money is considered wasted or silly time that only exists because even they need to relax sometimes.

For me working and earning money is just an annoying interruption I have to do to survive in this society.

>> No.6658224

Do you have autismpergers syndisease or something?

>> No.6658245

You're too anti-work anon.

I know you hate working and the world but you played Rune Factory or something like that. Work can sometimes be fun.

Also everyone would prefer to do that but that not how a civilization works. People have to do stuff in oreder to progress. The normal fags working as construction workers in the end enabled the artists to create our waifus. It's a circle of cooperation.

And yes I'd prefer to laze with my waifu all day long but I'm too much of a realist to hope for it to happen magically. Someone has to bring you drinks on that beach.

Well people that describe themselves as that are careerists or workoholics but a workoholic is nothing more then a work otaku. He loves his work. He loves his career.

I too think of a job the same, it's just way to get money and survive because like you too I am a hedonist. But I'm also a realist and I so far don't mind doing mindless stuff for 8 hours a day since with that I can accomplish having fun the other 16 hours of my day.

>> No.6658271

Well then we all agree. Some of us just enjoy sticking our heads in the sand for as long as possible.

>> No.6658275

Is that female who is a hikki still around? Will you date me yet?

>> No.6658285

glancing over at the discussion it actually kind of bugs me that most of my friends here like to go out until late at midnight while i prefer to go home after dinner and fucking spend my own time until I sleep.

i mean, i don't know, it's fun, yes, but i'd rather stay the fuck home on my own. as a result i'd really like to go out with them but i also would not like to go out because it's tiring and i get stuck with them until whatever the fuck is the time the next day.

sorry, i'll lay off the rant.

>> No.6658289
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The fact shes a hikki implies she won't.

>> No.6658291

The sick one ? I want to bang her too.

>> No.6658313

I know what you feed, I love going out with my normalfag friends if they're not drunk and it's not fucking 1 am.

I find with going out for some drink at like 5pm or going out for launch or dinner. But going to parteh or going out at like 10 pm when it's cold dark and everything except shitty cafes are closed is boring.

As a result I only go out with them for the non after midnight stuff.

>> No.6658320

We don't have to go places, we can stay home all the time.

I-I don't just want to have sex with her!!

>> No.6658422
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>My parents think i'm unhappy being a NEET.

No anon, you parents are the ones very unhappy about you being a NEET.

To be honest if i had a kid that acts like a /jp/er i would kick him out of my house, i'm not going to work everyday to maintain a useless sack of shit playing video games all day.

>> No.6659532

Tell them you are fine, but don't say anything else.
