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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6654219 No.6654219 [Reply] [Original]

I've taken two semesters of Japanese so far. I'm not great at it, but I could understand simple oral sentences fine. I was never too motivated, until yesterday. There's an old elderly Asian customer who comes to our pharmacy. She cannot move without her walker and when I ring her up for some candy, I have to help her out because she can't stand long enough to get out her wallet. While she was sitting down waiting for the bus, I chatted her up a bit.

Her name was Tomi, and she's the wife of a navy man. I asked her if she had any children, and she didn't. While I chatted her up some more about general stuff, I found out later she's kinda isolated. She can't drive to Chinatown to talk to the Japanese ex-pats (There are a few, mostly in the Japanese bars and restaurants). Whenever she goes, she just encounters the Koreans and Chinese. She also didn't understand as much as she used to, I'm not sure if by age or isolation.

I kind of want to study harder, if not to chat up Tomi when she's waiting for the bus, so she won't feel so lonely.

Post your stories, /jp/

>> No.6654244
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/jp/ - beautiful altruism
Pic related

>> No.6654252

jappo kids come to my school for this meet and greet make friends blahblah blah thing. even though i graduated i can still spare the weekend to participate. i talk jappo to them. make penpals and shit. that's about it, really.

>> No.6654268
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this one time this jap kid came to school and I used the most broken japanese I could conjure up to tell him where the computer lab was. Then I asked him his age

>> No.6654277

I spy on them around Honolulu. They don't think I've deciphered it but I can tell how dull and ordinary their conversations are.

>> No.6654294

Most Japanese people speak about business matters and meetings. Nothing too much about hearsay. A few speak about family, some friends, but the conversations are kinda plain.

>> No.6654300

I kindly invite them to my party when they try to play FF14 during US or EU primetime and can't speak a word of English.

And then I ask myself why the fuck I'm still playing this parody of a game.

>> No.6654311

I tried to volunteer at the Japanese retirement home around the corner. I talked to the half Japanese half Filipino overseer of volunteers or whatever the fuck they call her position. We talked for a bit, I told her I'm interested in helping out. She never called back.

When I was 16, I was waiting for a plane, when this pretty jap lady sits down next to me. I didn't want to miss an opportunity to learn about the country from a smokin' fine piece of woman so I tried to make small talk. She seemed to struggle with english so I just shut the fuck up and read my magazine.

>> No.6654320
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>waiting at bus stop
>cute japanese girl
>she talks to me
>make small talk for a second
>talk about the bus
>mess up pronunciation
>call her an ugly woman
(バス = Bus ブス = ugly woman)
>I didn't know I messed up
>she curses at me and says what the fuck is my problem

>> No.6654343

Busu? Sounds nothing like bus.

>> No.6654380

Sometime earlier this year I was on the bus to school and some older lady dropped off a younger girl on a bus. She visibly had no idea where she was going and she kept asking the bus driver stuff in japanese but obviously he had no idea what the fuck she was saying, so he ask if anyone on the bus knew chinese. I asked her where she was going; she said she was going to her grandma's. I asked her what street she lived on but she couldn't remember (ahahaha poor girl) so I named off stops downtown. Eventually I found the stop she needed, she thanked me, got off at her stop, never saw her again. Go me.

>> No.6654470

You should of asked for her KEITAI BANGO.

>> No.6654478
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Well, here's mine.

>be in Japan
>starts raining
>I have no umbrella
>now I'm fucking wet, it's raining, and I'm in Japan

>> No.6654537

When I was an underage weeabooo I went to a con, there was this japanese girl with a sign "Your name in japanese for 1 dollar". I herped hard and went and bought it. I told her my name and she smiled and wrote it elegantly with a brush.

I exposed proudly that scroll in my room for years, later I found that it said stupid pervert. Fucking 3d.

>> No.6654636

Did you catch a cold?
Sure. It was probably just your name in katakana.

>> No.6654650

Of course he did. Didn't you know that rain in Japan is contaminated?

>> No.6654660
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I smoked a few bowls with an Otaku Japanese dude.
He was cool shit until he had to go back.

>> No.6654769

I dont know any japanese people that smoke weed OR hikikomoris like us.

>> No.6654822


I don't really have any stories.... Other than knowing that the support engineers in the Tokyo branch of my company are all shut-in types that never talk to anyone, except for one of them who's a pretty good friend of mine.

>> No.6654847

One of my friends in high school was a Japanese foreign exchange student. He's wasn't at all influential for me getting into /jp/ stuff, we mostly played airsoft and games together.

He went back to Japan of course though and last I heard from him he was a uni student and a drummer in a hipsterish-looking band.

Almost all young Japanese I've ever met act a lot like normalfag Americans, basically emulating anything they see as cool about us. Many of them are westaboos to the extreme actually, and use random Engrish words and supposedly American expressions whenever they can, such as greeting each other with the middle finger and going "Fuck you fuck you" etc, they don't quite have a grasp on the way swearing/slurs work in English but do them anyway because it's cool and edgy there.

We're usually very popular among teens and youth because of two main things - we've got what they see as the polar opposite of their formal, polite attitude that society forces on them, AND most of the old folk/conservatives there hate us, so by wanting to be like an American they are being both super rebellious (always a cool thing with teens) and have an excuse to be as bold and edgy as they want.

Imagine as a teenager learning of a country where everyone acts basically the opposite of the faggy pussy way everyone seems to act in your country, and yet they're hugely successful and powerful.. you'd likely idolize them instantly. There's a lot more westaboos than there are weeaboos, actually.

>> No.6654854

There was a Japanese exchange student in my public speaking class. Guy didn't have a very good grasp of English and was shy as fuck as a result.

>> No.6654873
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Ran totally went through an edgy American phase.

>> No.6654890

Had a neighbor who brought his family over from Japan because of an office transfer. The daughter was pretty, but she Americanized so fast. Goddamn.

>> No.6656040

>such as greeting each other with the middle finger and going "Fuck you fuck you"
I lol'd.

>> No.6656065

>such as greeting each other with the middle finger and going "Fuck you fuck you"

That is totally punk.

>> No.6656090


>> No.6656105

She went full slut just like that huh?

>> No.6656106

I said "arigatou gozaimashita" to a cashier in Kinokuniya when I was thirteen.

I was buying One Piece and Naruto volumes in moon.

>> No.6656108

I had a neighbor who was Japanese. I think I said "hi" to her once, but I had no interest in her at all.

>> No.6656123

From 0 to Slut in six weeks.

>> No.6656132

There was this really shy Japanese guy in my high school who never talked to anyone, probably because he didn't know English very well. Once, when I was sitting by myself playing Pokémon Pearl in Japanese during lunch he sat next to me and glanced over my shoulder. He said played Pokémon too. I had limited Japanese skills, but we managed to have a coherent conversation about Pokémon, it even got into stuff like what the best natures were for which Pokémon and that sort of thing. I talked to him a few times after that, but it was never as much as we talked the first time.

>> No.6656494

I'll never forget my time when I was in Okinawa for 2 years. I met my first Japanese girlfriend at a festival and she played the shamashi on stage and after the show I said you were great and then I asked her for her number. Our conversations were hard to hard to understand each other. At the time I barely spoke Japanese so on our first date I took her out bowling and we couldn't really talk to each other well so we had a lil electronic dictionary she had. So we would laugh all the time and enjoy eah other. But our relationship was mostly physical. So after 8 months of dating I understood more Japanese than I spoke. ( I still couldn't put sentences together, just phrases) we broke up. Because she was moving away to become a nurse. And I couldnt see her really cause I was in the marine corps and she had a car. But I loved her and I'll never forget her.
Also the month before I left Okinawa I decided to go hiking the mountains in okinawa. So i out in the middle of the wilderness and I fell into a deep ditch and gashed my leg on a big rock... So I went to the nearest place. Which happen to be a shrine. So as I was hobbling around a shrine maiden saw me and she was beautiful and she saw my gash and she pulled some plant and ripped the leaf part off and rubbed my gash.. It felt better after . So she offered some hot green tea and we (attempted) to chat for a bit but it was difficult to talk without a electronic dictionary but I understood her but I couldn't really talk. But I thanked her and she gave me a charm. I'll never forget that shrine maiden. Im getting a tattoo of a shrine maiden To remember her by and my time in japan

>> No.6656501
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>> No.6656515

I've never made any interactions with the Japanese because I don't leave my house.

>> No.6657758
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How do all you fascinating people end up on /jp/
