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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6647353 No.6647353 [Reply] [Original]

So, which touhou do you associate with a certain alcoholic bewerage.

Suika = sake

Remilia = red wine

Marisa = beer

and so on

>> No.6647366

Bitch took the chocolate half! That's the good half!

>> No.6647364

Eirin - Toso

>> No.6647378

I'd eat her chocolate, if you-

no wait scratch that, I'd just be happy with the yellow end

..that did not cum out clean either

>> No.6647376

Sanae = chu-hi

>> No.6647381

Sanae - Semen

>> No.6647383

Minoriko Aki - Buckfast
Her urine is sought after by the most sophisticated of alcoholics.

>> No.6647392

Reimu - Thunderbird

>> No.6647410

Nitori = Screwdriver

>> No.6647414

So Keine = milk already mentioned huh...
Rinnosuke = tea

>> No.6647423
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Moonshine, I can picture her makign her own batch while smoking a smoke

>> No.6647449

You don't smoke when making Moonshine. One loose ash and suddenly you have fire everywhere.

>> No.6647452

>making her own batch while smoking
She'd never get to drink it; it'd go up in flames.

>> No.6647454

>Making Moonshine while smoking
>Doing an already dangerous process involving flammable liquids near open flames
So you think Mouku is a dumbass.

>> No.6647458

>Caring about fire everywhere


>> No.6647462


Mokou can handle fire.

>> No.6647475

Yeah, but why make moonshine if you're just going to set it on fire? I wasn't so much concerned about Mokou catching fire as i was with wasting the effort to make moonshine without actually drinking it.

>> No.6647476

Not if she wants to finish making the moonshine. There is a difference between controlling fire, and preventing things from exploding.

>> No.6647517
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>> No.6647541

she can start fires, not put them out.
Look around more.

>> No.6647543


No there isn't. Control the fires so they never get near the moonshine. Even if the moonshine catches, immediately defuse it.

Mokou isn't that X-men villain. She can control fires in every way.

>> No.6647591
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Vodka with minced green tomatoes, tabasco and flake salt.

>> No.6647602

Yugi - White Russian

>> No.6647663
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Blue curacao

>> No.6647681

It's strongly implied that she can't in Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red.

>> No.6647682
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Salty liquorice schnapps

>> No.6647685


I do not accept your supplemental canon

>> No.6647687

i was thinking more absinthe, no?

>> No.6647689

as expected of a slut

>> No.6647690
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That's fine. I'm just saying.

>> No.6647694


>blue curcao

eating too much of her turns your shit st-patricks-day green the next morning?

>> No.6647698
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I'd say Yukari is a fine aged champagne.

mfw I will from nowon think about lickign certain touhous private parts while drinkign certain drinks

>> No.6647703

yup, but with her and a few other girls mixed all together you can greate some good drinks

and yes, my mind is thinkign about an orgy

>> No.6647707
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Much better. Vincent van Gogh is pleased.

Was mostly referring to the drinks suggested in a similar thread years back, which among other things also constructed a peculiar White Russian variation in honour of the mountain queen.



>> No.6647716
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yup, salmiakkikossu

>> No.6647727
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Pepperint booze, or as known in finland, minttuviina.

cool and smooth woth a strong character, just liek ther loveable baka

>> No.6647736
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Suika = beer
Yugi = stout
Keine = irish coffee
Youmu = sake
Prismriver Sisters = Jaegermeister
Remilia = red wine
Meiling = rice wine
Marisa = gin
Letty = vodka
Cirno = water (she doesn't know the difference)
Yukari = champagne
Yuka = cider

>> No.6647738

Reimu -> Vodka
becouse its cheap and somehow reimu always brings soviet russia to my mind. maybe its her colours

>> No.6647743

is that a Cirno dakimakura print?
wtf, /jp/, wtf

goddamn, that underwear is cute, i want one like that
especially if it's worn by Cirno

>> No.6647746

cirno drink whiskey and cum

>> No.6647758

Rumia = terva schnapps

tewi = jägermeister

koishi = white wine

Momiji = white russian

Aya = black russian

that's aal i can think off.

we need a whiskey touhou and a bourbon touhou, jimm beam and ballantines fuck yeah

also green bushmills, famous grouse, and glennfiddich

>> No.6647782

by the way, had a balck russian at a local bar a few nights ago, holy shit is was good. I reccomend anyone who has not tried it to trye it out. The alcohol combined with the flavour fo the coffee liqouer, smooth and good, but strong

>> No.6647796
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>> No.6647814
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Marisa: Everclear mixed with five hour energy drink.

>> No.6647838
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>Momiji = white russian

Right on man... right on.

>> No.6647840
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and yes it is good with orangew juice

>> No.6647848
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With Momiji's military associations, could hers be specified as Kalashnikov vodka to set her apart from the other White Russian variations thus far?

>> No.6647858

White Russian is greatest drink on planet. Glad to see Yuugi (and Momiji?) is a fellow comrade.

>> No.6647872

Koishi = Jagerbomb or similar

Because every time I have too many of these, I'm wide awake but I don't know what I'm doing.

>> No.6647905
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as Suika is = sake, someone recomend me some good sake, al I have had is some sort of a cheapo imported sake that tastes liek water gone bad.

oh god drinkign with suika, you will neevr defeat her ina drinking gaem and wake up wioth her hugging you half naked

>> No.6647920

Onikorosi and Otokoyama are good, I find.

Warm it up.

>> No.6647922

thank you fine sake gentleman

>> No.6647942
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I associate all touhou with Bud Light, because I'd have to drink a case to nail any one of those pig disgusting 2D vaginas.

>> No.6647960

I mysef am a whiskey, red whien sake, vodka, liqouer, almost everything man. and al I have to say is that associating a touhou with a ceraint kind of a drink/ cocktail will opwj up a whole new level of a fantasy.

>> No.6647961

>Drink a case
>Bud Light
Why in the name of fuck would you do that to yourself?
Sex in a Canoe, man.

>> No.6647964

How long do you stay up and how many hours do you sleep for?

>> No.6647966

You can sleep when you're dead.

Actually, it varies. Anywhere from 2-12 hours.

>> No.6647970

OP here, fuck you all I just had 1 litre botle of merot red wjhine, 0, liter of sae, and about 4 schnapps of aöl kinds of booze, and about 6 cl of famous grpuse.

this is the ultikate geeeling, may i dream of touhou in dutuingthe night heheheehhhe

>> No.6647982
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Lycka till.

>> No.6647992

Drunk /jp/ is the best /jp/.

>> No.6647996

More like Green Headed Whore

>> No.6648003

The soft one reminds me of Vodka.

>> No.6648006
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Sounds appropriate (at least according to popular belief), but never heard of. Can't seem to find it listed either.

>> No.6648015
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Jesus Juice

>> No.6648068

Oh god ' im fucking drunk
