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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6643539 No.6643539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I went outside again the other night. It had rained heavily earlier and was raining off and on still. The water reflecting the various store and street lights was incredibly pretty. It made me cry as I walked.

I needed to buy my family Christmas presents. I went to the local bookstore. I had looked up the books online to confirm they were there, and what section they would be in. One book wasn't in the section it was supposed to be in. I became so incredibly nervous. I wanted to run out, but I thought I was already attracting attention to myself by pacing through the store trying to find the book. My hands were drenched in sweat. After about an hour I managed to find it. If only I had the courage to ask an employee where the book was.

I noticed several people reading manga at the manga section. I wish I had the courage to do something like that.

Waiting in line was the worst. I felt like everyone in like was staring at me. There were so many people waiting and the line moved so slow. The guy in front of me was talking very happily to either his girlfriend or wife. I wondered what it would be like to hold a girl's hand.

I was so scared and shaken that I quickly walked home through the now heavy rain. I still need to buy more Christmas presents. I don't think I can manage to do so.

Today I sat at the phone for over an hour trying to get up the courage to dial McDonalds and ask about my application's status.

My parent's haven't kicked me out yet. They would probably still be sad if I killed myself. I guess i'll wait to end my failed existence.

Sorry for the shit blog post.

>> No.6643556

Go kill yourself so you can stop spamming up /jp/ with your fucking stupid K-on and blog shit. You don't belong here in any way whatsoever, our board's quality is far more important to us than your very life.

>> No.6643560
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>> No.6643561

Do you have any friends who you can relax around?
I found that after going to somewhere in public with a friend, I can deal with doing it by myself a lot better.

Also practice makes perfect.

>> No.6643567

I didn't even bother reading. I'm sure you're the same guy who makes these long blog threads with the same picture. /jp/ is not your blog, and your shit would fit in a lot better in >>>/adv/

Dont want to be a jerk, but come on man.

>> No.6643563

Please don't post sad stories like this on /jp/.
It's depressing.

>> No.6643565
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go shopping while high
not a single fuck was given about others

>> No.6643578


Jump off the Aurora bridge into Adobe's parking lot.

>> No.6643579

I think holding a girl's hand feels like putting your hand in lime Jell-O or something.

Not sure though; I've done neither.

>> No.6643588

Now all the kids come in thinking thinking it's cool or should be proud to be a NEET/hikikomori.
