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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 51 KB, 685x440, crab feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6643459 No.6643459 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when your stepdad is drunk and picking fights with everyone and you can't leave your room to make something to eat.

>> No.6643464

I don't know that feel

>> No.6643468
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THat feel when your family is normal and you are the only one that is drunk

>> No.6643469

That feel when you beat your stepdad with a pipe for being a douchebag, then douse him with alcohol and make up a story about how he was drunk and fell down the stairs.

>> No.6643471

That feel when the only times my dad talks to me is when he wants to give me more canned advice he got from other people yet again.

>> No.6643473

My mother is almost always drunk and angry. Even my room smells like alcohol.

>> No.6643475
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Don't take that shit. Patricide is a time honored tradition.

>> No.6643478
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Kick him in the shin. Like a boss. Masturbate in front of him, cum on his jacket and make your own dinner.

>> No.6643480
File: 59 KB, 571x515, 1292514080997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know your feel bro, except it's my dad, and every day.

>> No.6643484

I know that feel.

>> No.6643486

Oh god I actually know that feel.

feels good man

>> No.6643487

That feel when your parents hate each other, haven't talked to one another for the past 10 years, and yet still live under the same roof.

It's pretty awkward living here.

>> No.6643490

Let's play some freaking Demon's Souls, man.

>> No.6643491

The stepdad guy again? Jesus Christ, go live with your aunt or something

>> No.6643513

My father is a big, burly man, whose strength comes from years of working as a sailor. I was quite scared of him as a kid.
But still, I got in a fight with him when I was 16 over some embarrassingly stupid bullshit I don't even remember anymore.
I won.
He was surprisingly cooperative all the time since then, and it's been years.
So, man up, get out there, and kick his ass.
Even more so if it's your stepdad, and not your birth father.
Good luck.

>> No.6643516


If i was your stepdad i would have kicked you out of the house for being an unemployed scumbag who masturbates to pics of little kids being raped and spends all day infront of a computer.

>> No.6643518

I get the feeling most of /jp/ had terrible parents.

>> No.6643522
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>> No.6643529

Right now?

What SL's I'll see if I've got a matching character or a close one.

>> No.6643534

Go to Krautchan, you will be thankful that /jp/ exists when you come back here.

>> No.6643545

I can't remember. I tthink the highest character I have is like 120-something, maybe in the 130s.

>> No.6643554

To end up like this? Well no shit, genius.

>> No.6643573

Sympathy, bro. Except for me it was my sister coming home high on crystal meth.

>> No.6643574

I can't either give me five minutes to do my system update so I can play online and then I'll tell I think all my currents are 90'ish

>> No.6643594

Where does this stupid 'that feel' meme originate anyway? It makes no sense.

>> No.6643600


>> No.6643601

Krautchan's ./int., they stole it from /jp/ though,

>> No.6643606


aside from polandball does krautchan have any good memes

>> No.6643609

Most memes aren't good.

>> No.6643612


It still doesn't make any sense... a lot like the stupid green text mfw posts... They seem to just suddenly show up here out of nowhere. It probably doesn't help that /jp/ is the only board, and damn near the only page on the whole internet that I visit.

>> No.6643611

No, all that they have going for them is that they have the fastest English-speaking board outside of 4chan.

>> No.6643640

There was some guy named Mr. Rape who was forcing this meme on /jp/ in May. Then it spread to Krautchan somehow.


>> No.6643644

I have two random level 88's in playthrough one and a regailia build in playthrough four at some retarded level, also a level 60 in playthrough one.

>> No.6643666


Oh Christ.... You shouldn't have told me. The reality of it is even more stupid than I had imagined.

>> No.6643684

I knew I saw some sole tripfag posting it here earlier this year. Thanks for confirming that.

>> No.6644245

my face when i am that feel right now

>> No.6644253
File: 78 KB, 932x956, that feel reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you have chocolate for dinner.

>> No.6644261

that feel when you've been a NEET for awhile and are returning back to school

>> No.6644273

I actually do know that feel.

>> No.6644275
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>> No.6644276
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, nanoha that feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6644278

I know that feel all too well.

Not even the whole bar, just a piece... ;_;

>> No.6644280

This one hits home.

>> No.6644282

/jp/ is awfully shitty lately.

>> No.6644289

That feel when you're out of your room and hear someone else moving around your house so you quickly hide in the toilet to avoid them.

>> No.6644292

My mom picked my lock the last time I did that.. I want to die...

>> No.6644305

That feel when you hold your girlfriend until she falls asleep and then sneak away to play MMOs until dawn.

>> No.6644307
File: 42 KB, 500x461, 1292362525647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6644320

That feel when you land your two card combo with Jam and turn your best friend's face into a pile of goo.

>> No.6644321


I know that feel, i was a NEET during 2007-2008 and then i went back to school but failed again and i'm a NEET again.

>> No.6644327
File: 44 KB, 146x223, sbflip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling man.

>> No.6644332

That feeling you get when you're one of the 5 people that go to /jp/ that have been here more than a month.

>> No.6644334

That feel when she does it to you.

>> No.6644338
File: 36 KB, 340x460, 1289093897598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Go back to >>>/b/

>> No.6644339

that feeling


>> No.6644357


Nobody knows that feel, we all started coming here after the epic puddi raids, lulz were had.

>> No.6644412

What do you suppose these new people even derive from /jp/? It doesn't seem like it's being trolled to hell with dubs threads or anything. Though, the average quality has drooped to an all-time low

>> No.6644433

Because it's so easy to get a response out of /jp/.

All you have to do is make a typo somewhere in your post and you'll be told to get out of /jp/. While this makes people who genuinely want to become part of /jp/ feel like shit. It also makes shitty trolls think they are the gods of provocation.

>> No.6644463

>Because it's so easy to get a response out of /jp/.

That's so true. It's kind of pathetic, but that's the price we pay when we have so many lurkers and not enough threads. I'm really glad I missed the whole Puddi ordeal
