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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6639931 No.6639931 [Reply] [Original]

>/jp/ looks down on normalfags for their "mindless consumerism"

>/jp/'s whole existence is devoted to consuming VNs, video games and figurines

>/jp/ despises normalfags for being close-minded and scornful of their interests and sexual preferences

>/jp/ vehemently attacks anyone who admits to liking anything that's not 2d/lolicon

>/jp/ claims to hate sluts and people who are "obsessed with sex"

>/jp/ spends most of its time masturbating to doujins of toohoos being raped by packs of faceless men

>/jp/ is a bitter misogynist

>/jp/ always talks about how it wants to be the little girl and takes drugs to turn into a woman

>/jp/ claims to hate going outside

>/jp/ claims to hate humanity

>/jp/ claims to hate socializing

>/jp/ claims to hate normality and anyone who is not NEET

>/jp/ has threads with 100+ unironic replies, in which they talk about how they want to go to Gensokyo and live out a normal life with their "waifu"

>> No.6639934

>/jp/ reports every thread

>> No.6639936

and I bump my own thread

>> No.6639938

>/jp/ Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.6639940

Where's the old picture? This one is different.

>> No.6639943

It's almost like /jp/ is made up by more than one person!

>> No.6639945

>reporting because you can't refute facts

>> No.6639948

About six, apparently.

>> No.6639949
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Fart commander!

>> No.6639952
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>> No.6639954

But how do you know all this OP?

a HA

>> No.6639958

I was wondering when someone would point some of these things out.

>> No.6639960


>> No.6639967

>expecting logical consistency
Good luck with that.

>> No.6639977

Holy greentext batman
I can't read it like that.

>> No.6639984


>> No.6639988

You know this isn't the first or second time this has been mentioned.

>> No.6640005

Rebuking, I

>/jp/ looks down on normalfags for ignorance and intolerance/lack of open-mindedness, no one thinks they are "normal" but when you are this different from day to day society it's very obvious that most people are completely ignorant bigots when it comes to any culture they are not at all familiar with
>/jp/'s whole existence is devoted to taking it easy
>/jp/ despises normalfags in the exact sense that anyone with an IQ above 100 will also develop. Do you really like people who watch American Idol and browse Facebook 5 hours a day? Statistically, those are normals. The majority of 4chan hates them.
>/jp/ attacks people not into 2d because 99.9% of the time, when people come in here to talk about 3d, their minds are made up before they even submit their thread and they are just looking to rile up shit or troll, it is a guilt by association thing
>So /jp/ doesn't like sluts.. what a surprise, any respectable human being does not -seriously- like sluts, why else do you think it's a huge insult to call someone one. Also in a similar vein /jp/ does not get along with abnormally sex-focused people because they statistically have lower IQs, basically a polar opposite set of values and are obnoxious.
(will continue more)

Addendum - You don't see people from /jp/ constantly going around posting in /b/ about how stupid and faggoty everyone there is, yet, people from /b/v/a/ constantly come in here and rag on us with literally no provocation. Do you really think anyone would put up with that shit. Why the fuck else would you think that we're so intolerance of outsiders to the board, when 99% of the time they do nothing but try to start shit here like this very thread? Would you want to be at all friendly with a group of complete tools bullying you daily? That's what it's like.

>> No.6640016

>>/jp/ looks down on normalfags for ignorance and intolerance/lack of open-mindedness, no one thinks they are "normal" but when you are this different from day to day society it's very obvious that most people are completely ignorant bigots when it comes to any culture they are not at all familiar with

That's generalizing, you fail.

>>/jp/ despises normalfags in the exact sense that anyone with an IQ above 100 will also develop. Do you really like people who watch American Idol and browse Facebook 5 hours a day? Statistically, those are normals. The majority of 4chan hates them.

A normal is somebody who is productive. opposite of a NEET. opposite of /jp/

by the way, all of 4chan hates /jp/

>>/jp/ attacks people not into 2d because 99.9% of the time, when people come in here to talk about 3d, their minds are made up before they even submit their thread and they are just looking to rile up shit or troll, it is a guilt by association thing

No. /jp/ attacks 3D because they're so delusionally embedded in their waifus, which is harmful.

>> No.6640024

>productive. opposite of a NEET
Not true. "productive" is a loaded term here, as there are in fact lots of productive NEETs

>> No.6640026
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>No. /jp/ attacks 3D because they're so delusionally embedded in their waifus, which is harmful.

nope its things like this

>> No.6640027

>productive NEETs


>> No.6640031

>herp i'll look at a single screenshot on 4chan and hate women!

No, I'm pretty sure you don't want to admit that 2D waifus can be harmful

>> No.6640034

I'm one of the two engines of that 300+ post monstrosity over there.

Shall I come to play here as well?

>> No.6640035

Who do think is primarily responsible for the vn/game translations? What is your definition of "productive"?

>> No.6640036

*sigh* why anyone even seriously reply to this poor troll attempt?

>> No.6640039

I'll give you one guess.


>> No.6640045










>> No.6640046

VN translations. What an amazing feat. Truly.

>> No.6640047

Rebuking, II

(starting w/ "/jp/ masturbates to touhou doujins of getting raped by pack faceless men") >Actually the amount of time and material chosen varies a lot from person to person here. Many don't like even doujins of girls being sluts, and hence makes fun of characters branded by sluts as impure etc.

>/jp/ is not so much bitter as simply often uninterested in women as sexual objects. Many here are actually perfectly fine with 3d porn, or even having actual relationships, but they just don't talk about it here because it is both taboo and a subject for other boards.
>The little girl thing is an inside joke, in fact much of the stuff that outsiders think we take seriously are in fact insider jokes. You're an eternal newfag if you don't immediately recognize where the phrase started.. moot himself often said it, many years ago, and since most of /jp/ is actual oldfags we still carry oldfag tendencies if they are amusing.
> Most of /jp/ is composed of college students or otherwise young adults; hikkis and neets who don't go outside are a super-vocal minority who misunderstand that common phrases here like "no one on /jp/ works or goes outside" etc are again actually completely facetious. In fact when they ask for help in confronting their issues they often get plenty of it, evidence that actually most of /jp/ is much more as we'd say, "normalfaggy" than we'd like to admit. The difference is whether you are a newfag or oldfag and hence know the intricacies of the subtle meta game going on here.

>> No.6640050

you provided a few links. What an amazing argument.

Go to bed.

>> No.6640051

Your mom should go to bed.


>> No.6640053

what do you want then just name it within reason of course.

>> No.6640056

>/jp/ is not so much bitter as simply often uninterested in women as sexual objects. Many here are actually perfectly fine with 3d porn, or even having actual relationships, but they just don't talk about it here because it is both taboo

It's tabboo as they're obsessed with 2D waifus in an unhealthy manner
>evidence that actually most of /jp/ is much more as we'd say, "normalfaggy" than we'd like to admit.

This right here proves that you guys are impressionable kids who wants to gain acceptance by playing out ill conceived lifestyles

everything else I can't refute

>> No.6640057
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>> No.6640058

Good one

You don't understand that your links proved nothing

are you medically stupid?

>> No.6640059

This is why you faggots shouldn't start stupid fucking metathreads, and why nobody should respond to them. It attracts retarded normalfags like this guy here and then it becomes this huge fucking shitstorm like that retard in the other thread made it.

>> No.6640066

>in the early 1970s, a schoolteacher in southern England assigned a class science project in which his students were to find out the blood types of their parents. The students were then to use this information to deduce their own blood types (because a gene from each parent determines your blood type, in most instances only a certain number of combinations are possible). Instead, 30 per cent of the students discovered their dads were not their biologically fathers.

Well women are whores so I guess this is to be expected .

>> No.6640067

>using normalfag as a slur

herp derp. Leave, bro.

living in a delusion - like a fundamentalist Christian - is harmful

>> No.6640072


>> No.6640073

Anybody who posts in this thread from here on is a complete shitposter who needs to get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.6640081


>> No.6640100


>> No.6640109

Rebuking, III

>/jp/ claims to hate humanity ... for one that's not actually a commonly said thing here at all. In fact I don't recall last time I heard someone say that. What it is is that /jp/ often simply returns the favor of hating the people who hate us, which is not at all a surprising reaction considering that almost all people do this to some extent.
>/jp/ hates socializing ... not true, if we actually truly could not stand talking to anyone, we'd not be here at all since 4chan is a huge social construct. People become good friends with each other here despite usually being anonymous. Most people here have friends except for the hikkis, which is endemic to their problem and are a small minority. NEETs are somewhat common here but NEETs are very different; they could have friends, relationships, whatever they want because the term does not tie into the social impairment thing that hikkis have.
>/jp/ hates normality and anyone who isn't NEET - again that's part of the inside joke thing. People going "TRU NEETS ONLY" in threads do it as a tongue-in-cheek thing, unlike most other boards there are no immediate labels to look for to deduce when someone is being sarcastic out the ass... you'd have to be a longtime regular here to grasp it. People don't seem to understand what we mean by "/jp/ takes it easy"... it means we literally do not take much seriously, including ourselves. Trolls come in here and go "OH YOU SO MAD" etc but then actually get themselves worked up by responding to articulate copypastas egging them on to waste more of their time and get more mad. Since they have no idea how the meta-game of ultra-god trolling works and that most of /jp/ participates in such procedures, they can not only get mad at fallacies and misinformation but actually honestly believe it.

>> No.6640114
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>> No.6640125

Effort is a good thing, but posts like that in the OP are really just better off completely ignored rather than responded to.

>> No.6640129

Hmm, sure is normal in this thread.

>> No.6640155
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That last paragraph is a big hint right there.

If you honestly believe everyone is like this down to a tee here on /jp/, then you got yourself fucking buttrange owned, for being an assuming projecting faggot. Some small elements of what you said are true, but, they are mostly irrelevant facts, endemic to human nature, and hence could be applied to possibly dozens of boards on 4chan.
