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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6639738 No.6639738 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ blog thread, anything interesting happen lately /jp/? keep all your shit here and not in other threads.
No greentext paragraphs please, use coherent grammar and such.

I recently put a purchase in for two figures for myself for xmas, Koromo and Yuuki from Saki. I am looking forward to their arrival!

>> No.6639751

>implying im not going to shitpost even harder coz ur a fag
>implying i give a shit about ur day
>implying youve ever done anything interesting

>> No.6639752

Nothing interesting happens to NEETs.

>> No.6639754

>blog shit

Go back to /r9k/, normalfag.

>> No.6639757

A figure collector? /jp/ really is filled with otaku. What do they look like?

I just registered for JPN 202 next semester. My teacher is really cute and she really likes me, too bad she's so pure business all the time.

I can't believe I've made it this far into learning a language. I never thought I could do it but I tried anyway.

>> No.6639763

Dude you are such an anti-conformist.
You are so cool.
I wish I were you.
*smokes cigarette*

>> No.6639767


You guys kill threads faster than anything. Have any of you been diagnosed with OCD?

>> No.6639770

I played some Fallout as a cute little girl

>> No.6639775
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Was playing MHP3 in (partial) English.

Now watching Holy Land and gonna read R11 after.

>> No.6639776

I am taking my first 200 level course this summer....In japan. Should be fun. Going with a good friend of mine, we are going to tour soccer stadiums and go to games, in addition to buying otaku shit, and drinking alot.

>> No.6639777

go kill yourself.

>> No.6639778

*punches wall, is 300 pounds*

>> No.6639781

same here, post a screenshot of your character

>> No.6639784

Man, no place like /jp/ to ragequit a thread before it starts. It makes me want to just post more all the time. Just for the responses.

>> No.6639787


And here we see the wild otaku in one of their mating rituals. Look! He's insulting the other male!

>> No.6639794

>she thinks she's being funny

>> No.6639796
File: 35 KB, 459x344, Yaranaika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I’ll write about something that happened last night.

(This takes place in Japan) Anyway, last night I was hanging with my friend at a bar, doing nothing to pass the time when he remembers that sitting in a bar in bumfuck Japan isn't that interesting, and decides to catch an early train back to the place he was staying at. It was only 11 or so and I wasn't in the mood to go home, so I kept drinking and sent some friends some text messages asking if they wanted to come out too, obviously the Japanese I know said no because they are Japanese and the white people told me bullshit excuses because they just wanted to be lazy and do nothing.

Anyway so I am sitting alone drinking myself waiting for something to do, but around 1 I decide it is time to go since I was hammered and maybe I'd walk someplace interested(Wasn't thinking straight).
Well I end up in some park, or park like forest somehow and found a bench to sit on, I realized I had no idea where I was but I didn't really care, my phone had a GPS so it was ok. Well this park was interesting, It must have been the path that certain people take coming home from drinking, every 5 or 10 minutes a drunk business man or a couple would walk by. Being a drunken asshole I decided to have fun with the Japanese and decided to unleash the Gaijin Stare™ on the passerbys.

For those that do not know, Japanese people tend to ignore Gaijins, especially tall men sitting alone in parks, getting Gaijin Stared™ can have many different effects on your average Japanese, and I wanted to see what would happen(Note* using Gaijin Stare™ at the wrong time can lead to death)


>> No.6639795
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>> No.6639803


Man is it hard to stay motivated after taking those classes. Sometimes I wish I had more willpower. I see all the weeaboos around me and they're so dedicated in their 101 class, insisting that by the end of the semester they'll be able to watch anime unsubbed because of all the studying they plan to do. It never happens, and it frustrates me that they all have the same amount of hope.

>> No.6639816


Surely you have something better to do than to insult me :/ Feelings don't get hurt online.

>> No.6639823

>she thinks I don't smell her asspain

>> No.6639825
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Anyway after staring at random businessman and couples I got bored after a half hour, and it was close to 2:00am so I was going to head home. But there was another person coming towards me, a girl, probably in her early 20s who must have been just as hammered as I was. I unleashed the Gaijin Stare™ again, but she didn't even notice until she was literally right in front of me. When she noticed being eye locked by some red eyed tall white guy in a park at 2:00am she just froze like a Japanese deer in headlights and looked at me for at least 10 seconds not saying anything.

Then, for some reason, I have absolutely no idea why I thought to do this but I guess it was the atmosphere. I put my arms around the bench and made the most stern and serious face I could and said "やらないか”. I thought it would have been hilarious but it didn't have quite the effect I was hoping (I had no idea what I was expecting)This girls legs literally buckled from under her and she fell down and started CRYING in front of me, at this point I realized maybe I wasn’t acting as civil as I should have so I tried apologizing and saying I was just joking but it didn’t help. Now seeing a drunk girl crying is nothing new, but seeing a drunk girl in some park being towered over by a drunken animal*(Japanese term for foreigners) would make me look kinnnnnnnd of suspicious and I wasn’t in the mood to get arrested.

For all I knew I was slurring my Japanese so maybe she couldn’t understand me, so I took my phone out and just typed out something like “I was just joking, sorry please go and be safe” and exited the park, when I got to the edge of the park she was still sitting there in the same spot, I fell pretty bad, but atleast she will have a funny story to tell later(Unless one of the businessmen decided to rape her instead). Well that’s my story, hope it was interesting.

>> No.6639839


It takes a special kind of person to dis a thread without even saging it, then stay in the thread for its duration to talk angstspeak to what appears to be a girl.

>> No.6639846

Haha oh wow. I wonder what thoughts were going through her head

>> No.6639882

Probably: Oh God, I'm going to be raped by a foreigner.

>> No.6639917

Fucking reported.

>> No.6639956
File: 642 KB, 850x850, sample_81448ca8e93692a336120fc270f541d1f5a7db4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was chased by a pack of dogs last month. I was walking along the road near some big empty fields and I noticed two stray dogs resting around. The dogs started noticing me as I strolled casually. By then, I saw five dogs chasing me slowly, barking. I thought I was literally fucked since my hands were full with stuff and I wouldn't be able to outrun them. That's when a black man on the field with a flaming sword appeared . He scared them off with his manly voice and swinging his ridiculously large sword. I never knew a black person would save my life.

Actually my savior was just an Indian cricket player setting the field for a game with a big wooden plank

>> No.6639971

>That's when a black man on the field with a flaming sword appeared . He scared them off with his manly voice and swinging his ridiculously large sword
I just had a mental image of a muscular black man fighting off a pack of dogs with his flaming penis.

Not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.6640080

Bitches being fucked by flaming penises.
