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6637285 No.6637285 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, it's long past time we had a frank discussion of mental illness.

>> No.6637292

I'll start:

I don't have one.

>> No.6637303

i can't make eye contact

>> No.6637310

this. and i don't think the majority people who claim to have them/are diagnosed with them do.
personally hate people who make a big deal about being depressed or shit, everyone feels that way, keep it to yourself.

>> No.6637329

I got the OCDizzle

>> No.6637338

Some say I have a superiority complex.

I say I'm just better.

>> No.6637351

Insomnia makes every night hard modo
so I sleep during the day

>> No.6637367



>> No.6637389

why the HELL is everyone filtering me lately?

>> No.6637392


Bipolar and OCD over here, but at times it seems like autism/aspergers. I'm sure that's not all I've got.

>> No.6637406


Because you're a gimmick tripfag with nothing of merit to contribute to the discussion.

>> No.6637412

how the HELL am i a gimmik tripfag? also i contributed in this topic

>> No.6637443

You've also been on /jp/ for, oh, maybe a week.

>> No.6637466

Got diagnosed with depression and spent a year switching antidepressant prescriptions before I finally realized that it was all fucking bullshit. My "depression" was caused by a lazy lifestyle, not a mental illness.

I'm still not doing shit with my life, but at least I'm not bitching about how boring everything is anymore. When I want shit to change, I'll get up and do something.

I'm fine with how I am now, though. Wallowan in my own boredom and lurkan /jp/ all day.

>> No.6637486

You have bad grammar, bad posts, and you don't sage posts that have nothing to contribute. The list goes on.


>> No.6637598

