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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6632443 No.6632443 [Reply] [Original]

What do those of you with online friends talk about specifically?

How active are you in IRC?

Would you ever consider one of your e-friends a best friend even when you have a whole group of e-friends?

>> No.6632454

JAV, anime, manga, figures, eroge etc.

>> No.6632464

D'aw is Jones feeling insecure about his IRC friends. I'll be your BFF Jones.

>> No.6632466

Back in high school I was /jp/ level introvert and made e friends on WoW. We talked about WoW things. I later flew out to see him and smoked a lot of weed. The second time I went up there I stayed with his then ex girlfriend half the time cause she was lonely or something and smoked a lot more weed.

I don't really have any more online friends, cept /jp/.
People who go on irc are scum.

>> No.6632481

His ex never tried to make advances on you?

You ugly nerd.

>> No.6632482

>What do those of you with online friends talk about specifically?
Anything I'd talk about here. With a bit of anime on the side.

>How active are you in IRC?
Never disconnect. I'm not in #/jp/ or #bun or wherever most people here would idle in though.

>Would you ever consider one of your e-friends a best friend even when you have a whole group of e-friends?
I have a circle of people I feel more comfortable opening up to but no, a "best friend" on the Internet is pushing it.

Hooray, survey threads. Cue "Get out of /jp/".

>> No.6632490

Don't use IRC. I have a couple of friends that I met online, but I made it a point to visit them in person, so I don't really have any "e-friends"...except, of course, for anonymous.

>> No.6632493

We talk about dicks and drawing mostly. Sometimes music.

>> No.6632503

You're my best friend Anonymous.

>> No.6632504

huh? I stayed with her, alone, in an apartment for a week doing drugs and watching movies. What the fuck do you think happened. She was the one who invited me back in the first place.

>> No.6632517

We post pixiv links and try to goad each other into bettering ourselves. Sometimes it works.

>> No.6632519

>What the fuck do you think happened
I think someone got FRIENDZONED.

>> No.6632526

We don't talk about anything specific, just the usual anime/eroge/news stuff. We're scattered throughout the internet so IRC isn't the only meeting place. I am certainly closer to some online friends than others but I'm not that close to any one specific person.

>> No.6632536

Usually we talk about doujins and j-pop on the IRC, dunno if I would consider them my friends though.

>> No.6632541

>What do those of you with online friends talk about specifically?
Our sex life.

>How active are you in IRC?
You say that as if IRC is the only way of communicating with e-friends. It's not.

>Would you ever consider one of your e-friends a best friend even when you have a whole group of e-friends?
Serious answer, I have no online friends because everyone I meet online has some type of mental disorder. I can't trust anyone who goes to websites like 4chan.

>> No.6632555

Sometimes I think instead of complaining about how shitty /jp/ is everyday, maybe we should move on to an IRC channel.

>> No.6632568

I don't have online friends.

I don't use IRC anymore.

I don't have online friends.

>> No.6632571

>What the fuck do you think happened.
Can someone please tell me what the fuck this normalfriend is implying. Maybe that Anon from earlier was correct, there is a correlation between weed and normalcy.

>> No.6632578

Sometimes I think it'd be cool to have online friends but I honestly don't know if I could handle anything beyond anonymous imageboards these days.
So fucked up.

>> No.6632600

I am on IRC most of the day, though I don't chat all the time obviously. Not /jp/ IRC.

We talk about video compression, Touhou, Starcraft, and general .jp. We have a Japanese regular who does almost nothing besides post links to pixiv images containing Ran.

>> No.6632621

>Sometimes I think instead of complaining about how shitty /jp/ is everyday, maybe we should move on to an IRC channel.
Or... we could just move to /bun/, but that'll never happen. Our only hope is that moot gets rich with his new facebook startup and hands control of 4chan to another staff member. moot's inability to establish unambiguous rules for /jp/ combined with his apathy for a decently sized moderation team is the root of our misfortune. He's more incompetent than our politicians.

>> No.6632623
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I wonder how meido feels when she deletes threads like these

>> No.6632624

Maybe. It helped moved me away from being an introvert. I don't smoke any more though. I still watch shows for little girls and have figures of pretty cures and half naked little girls surrounding my computer in a dorm room and play soccer and go to bars (and play VNs when I have time). I'm a pretty fucked up.

>> No.6632638
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>online friends

>> No.6632639
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e-friends aren't real friends at all.

>> No.6632671

Be my BFF.

>> No.6632700


I tried to join #/jp/ a few times and it said I was banned from the channel.

B-b-but I've never been there! H-how can I be banned already?!?

>> No.6632711

Oh, and I just take it easy with my firends online. We usually link each other retarded YouTube videos or discuss animes.

I'm on #bun quite a bit but I never really participate.

>> No.6632930
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>What do those of you with online friends talk about specifically?
Playing games,sharing gay jokes, Anime and organized grieving.

>How active are you in IRC?
Never going to use IRC. Just in my group steamchat all day long, even though I don't know what they are even talking about.

>Would you ever consider one of your e-friends a best friend even when you have a whole group of e-friends?

>> No.6634926
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Nice edit.

>> No.6634963

> What do those of you with online friends talk about specifically?
It depends, I've had online friends from a variety of interests. We usually talk about those interests. With some of them I talk about eroge, animu, mango, and other japanese media-related things. In other cases, I talk about whatever project I'm working on with them. In fewer cases, I keep in touch with older real-life friends.

> How active are you in IRC?
I'm always on, but I'm only as active as I want to be. If I'm busy with other stuff, the client will just idle while I take care of my stuff and just talk whenever I feel like talking. In cases where I'm actually involved in something in real time, I hold active discussions.

> Would you ever consider one of your e-friends a best friend even when you have a whole group of e-friends?
I'm not sure, I have plenty of online friends and there are various levels of trust between some of them, while others are more casual. It depends on many factors. I don't start trusting people out of the blue, it usually takes years for me to actually trust someone with more important things. I almost never don't mix up my real life with online friends if possible, unless those friends were already real life friends.

I can't say I actually have any real online friends in #/jp/ or #bun, however I do know a handful of people reasonably well from those channels, but I wouldn't call them actual friends, more like associates. People that I actually trust are almost always in small/mid-sized private channels which are rather active over the years.

>> No.6634977

>they don't consider anyone a best friend

When I find an e-friend everything seems to fall apart when they involve me with other people they know. I tend to become attached to a single person and it's probably what I've been doing wrong all this time. I'm just not good with groups.

>> No.6634991

I do have real-life friends whom I consider best friends, and whom I do sometimes talk on IRC, but they are not pure e-friends, so I don't think that counts.

I do have quite a few online friends whom I trust enough and whom trust me, thus I would consider that a good friendship, but what does "best friend" mean? I only assign that to one or two persons, maybe three. I usually reserve that title for real life friends who could actually help me if I was in need or something. Since I don't involve online friends in my personal (non-internet) life, I don't see how they could qualify for that title, regardless of how good the relationship would be.

>> No.6635024

I was e-friends with a guy and a girl I played all my MMOs with from Runescape when I was 13 to various koreagrinds and stuff, we were all pretty amazingly good at FF11 and whatever guilds or clans or linkshells we'd been in had always referred to us as a trio rather than individuals. Always pick classes that compliment each other so we could play without outsiders.

I met the girl for milkshakes in a halfway point city once and had a lot of fun, but she spent a lot of time talking about how lonely her real life was and how her neuroses killed her friendships and thanked me for existing. It made it kinda sad and lousy.

The guy lives up in Sweden and never leaves the house. He discovered /b/ in 2008 and became distant/a retard, one day he started saying horrible things to the girl that she was stealing me away from him and was a whore. After that he shut down out IRC channel and they wouldn't play with each other so I played with either or for a few months, eventually they stopped messaging me. When I spent time with real friends I felt nostalgic and lonely so I stopped that too.

>> No.6635026

That story made me cry.

>> No.6635029

fucking /b/

>> No.6635035

I met most of my friends on the #tohno-chan IRC channel we usually talk about being a hikki together and our experiences in public

>> No.6635041
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That feel when your friend gets mad over nothing and never logs in again.

>> No.6635044

>What do those of you with online friends talk about specifically?
Anime, videogames, VNs, figures, and other random shit.

>How active are you in IRC?
I've been using IRC every day for the past 11 years or so. I'm always in #/jp/, as well as a couple others.

>Would you ever consider one of your e-friends a best friend even when you have a whole group of e-friends?
I'm not sure. I have a small group of friends, and just having them at all is enough for me, really.

>> No.6635047
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>> No.6635048
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>> No.6635051
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>> No.6635057
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Never had an e-friend in my life.

>> No.6635063

It's pretty nice, if you keep it somewhat anonymous you can have pretty deep conversations.

>> No.6635066

On which server is the #bun channel?

>> No.6635072
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I used to have a lot of e-friends back in middle to highschool playing Diablo 2, RO, whatever.

But once I stopped playing those games I lost touch. I don't think I have the ability to make new friends these days.

>> No.6635090
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That feel when your IRL friends won't let you play Diablo 2 or any other online games with them or their e-friends because you're too shitty at it.

>> No.6635091
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I don't have e-friends but I have some online acquaintances.

I feel uneasy in some chats like IRC, etc.

>> No.6635170

Why arren't internet friends considered real friends?
