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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6634142 No.6634142 [Reply] [Original]

OK /jp/, we're all otaku here, but I know we all must have SOME other interests outside of otaku culture. What are they? Mine:
-Hiking (sylvan campuses are great)
-Reading (physics, philosophy, and spiritual books mostly, but a novel once in a while)
-Weed/tripping, goes well in combination with previous
-Music (trumpet, piano, bass, guitar)

Your turn!

>> No.6634150

I like that feeling of relief I get after taking a huge shit. That probably doesn't really count as an "interest" though.

>> No.6634156

>Reading (Physics, Philosophy, Lovecraft)
>Things people think are creepy
>Bad acting
>And staying up...

>> No.6634167

music (mostly /jp/ anyways but stuff like kokia/suara/tommy february6/classical music/blues/jazz/things which sound interesting)
reading ("serious" manga like helter skelter/philosophy/physics-math-cs-logic-other stuff which i can hook into glorious category/topos theory)
thc/opiates all the time so i guess it's not really an interest but a way of life
walking around at night and seeing the "bones" of a city
aimless socializing with strangers/other students
weightlifting/swimming (trying to do this more regularly)
i'd like to get into the nightlife more from now so i was thinking of moving to san fran at least or maybe nyc later, professor said it was a lot of fun for him

>> No.6634185

-urban exploration

>> No.6634188

-cooking and food
-Silly hats and parasols. But maybe that's /jp/ related?
-drawing and writing when I have the time
-art and stuff

Yeah, pretty normalfag here. /jp/ stuff takes up most of my time tough.

>> No.6634199

i dont know all of that sounds pretty cool

i just got a stand mixer help me think of a name for my stand (everyone)

>> No.6634208

ITT things people looked up on Wikipedia once or twice that they now consider hobbies.

>> No.6634210

Seems like there's a lot of math/science guys here. While I'm not totally surprised, I've haven't really met any otaku among my peers in any of my science classes. Could be we all just hide our powerlevels.

>i'd like to get into the nightlife more from now so i was thinking of moving to san fran at least or maybe nyc later, professor said it was a lot of fun for him

Can be fun, done some nightlife stuff like clubs, but for that dancing has to be your thing. Personally I think I'll enjoy nightlife more when I can go to bars and the nightlife will just involve drinking and socializing.

>> No.6634215
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Not /jp/ related, but this thread is so much better than the other front page shit threads.

I love non-/jp/ related music. I've been playing the piano since I was a kid, and picked up the flute in grade 5. Picked up the tenor sax in highschool and joined the school's jazz band right away and I throughly enjoyed the experience. I also play other instruments as well including the guitar/bass and the korean flute "daegum". Singing is another musical passion of mine, and I'm not half bad at it.

I don't exercise or play sports regularly, but in winter, I love going snowboarding and last winter, I tried skiing for the first time in like 6 years (god damn, it's so difficult). The only organised team sport I am good at and enjoy participating in is Ultimate.

Other things that I enjoy are photography and visual art related activities. Pic related, it's one of my favourite paintings.

Lastly, this one's /jp/ related but something we don't discuss nearly enough: cross dressing and cosplaying. One day, /jp/, one day I will make myself a beautiful cosplay of Yuyuko and I'll cosplay in the Cosplay Garden at Comiket.

>> No.6634217

i only take graduate level+ and dont really come to class that often

>> No.6634223


>> No.6634230

you sir are a fucking genius

>> No.6634236

Do guys crossdress cosplay often at cons? Never been, but almost every character I like enough to bother cosplaying as is sadly not my gender D:

>> No.6634237

Or, you could name it something like Za Warudo since it's a stand and all...

>> No.6634238

-Perving on small girls

That's about it, really. I can't think of anything I really do other than read VNs and manga, play video games and watch anime. I think anything else I do could be classed under "otaku culture", if you're using the retarded version of otaku instead of the Japanese one. And even perving on small girls is arguably otaku culture related.

>> No.6634240

I sorta like fishing. only on my own though. Studying psychology is an interest to me. Researching various religions. Computers.

meh, pretty much the normal shit i do.

>> No.6634244


>> No.6634283

-robot building. If you don't like robots get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.6634291
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- calligraphy
- graphic design, specifically west occult theme line art
- reading and study in advanced chinese medicine books, now specifically herbs materia medica
- reading and study in advanced western medicine books, now specifically emergency medicine
- cooking and share food with classmates
- group dates with pot money
- go to jazz bar and stay until 0600
- audiophile with growing collection, will buy pic soon

>> No.6634315

People who have interests outside of /jp/ are the people who make /jp/ bad. After all, if your only interests are /jp/ related, you'll never be from one of the worse boards and you'll never make unrelated threads. Personally, I'm against anyone who listens to music that isn't originally from a VN, anime or video game and anyone who watches any kind of media production that isn't animated, or that is animated but is in English.

>> No.6634324

>Science! I really like reading about new technologies also figuring out how the stuff I have works, studying Computer Engineering.
>Video Games!
>TV series!

I'm 90% Otaku stuff. I don't like any kind of physical activity besides walking and riding my bike. I only read Light Novels and Sci fi Novels. I don't play any instruments, while other parent sent their kinds from the age of 7 to music school I went to a informatics school and learned Logo, Pascal, QBasic...

I don't drink alcohol ever, I don't smoke and I haven't tried any drugs actively, I was in a room full of weed smokers a few times.

All of the above is the reason I don't or can't get a girlfriend. For one she would take too much time from my hobbies and the only girlfriend I'd like would have to be interested in some of my hobbies and be perverted as I am. I don't mind fujioshi.

The girls that are just that are FAT, taken or don't exist in Croatia. Mostly the third option. But most off all I don't want one because of time/money sucking.

>> No.6634325


Well /jp/ is made of elitist fucks. I wouldn't expect any less.

>> No.6634331


That is wrong. In order to experience anime, manga, vns etc better you have to have something to relate it towards. Otherwise you are missing out. Ignorance is a double edged sword.

>> No.6634350

Only other thing I do is weightlift and run at my local 24/7 gym in the dead of the night. Keeps the depression away, or tries to anyway.

>> No.6634363

I honestly don't really like "Otaku Culture" much anymore, but in the time I've spent dwelling on it, all those more normalfaggot hobbies seems so alien to me. I guess I'm just sticking around mostly because it's all I know now ;_;.

>> No.6634364

That's wrong. I said listens, not has listened to. I have seen some Western movies in my time and heard western music, it's unavoidable as those detestable normals have their ipods and iphones and ipads and ilives and whatnot everywhere.

It's like that thing loliaki was going about the other day where you have to taint yourself by having sex in order to dislike normals whose favorite hobby is having sex, or you have to murder someone before you can have an opinion about whether or not murder is wrong. It's stupid.

>> No.6634383

Wow, same here dude. Trying to get into normalfag hobbies but I just can't.

>> No.6634385

>but I know we all must have SOME other interests outside of otaku culture.
No, I really don't. My daily activities consist of nothing but being on my computer.

>> No.6634394

Programming, I guess. I do some freelance work from time to time to get some extra cash, it's nice not having to meet the clients either.

And gaming besides VNs, does that even count?

>> No.6634421


And that's it.

>> No.6634423

Photography, tea/coffee appreciation, and listening to music. I also enjoy cooking and baking. Pic definitely related; it's my closet.

>> No.6634429
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Well that definitely wasn't a closet. This is the closet that holds the items associated with my hobbies. I don't know why I'm posting this.

>> No.6634428

The general really,
-Technology and other such geeky persuits.
-Getting drunk
I can be pretty normal if I want to it would seem.

>> No.6634442

I've been trying since forever to get myself to learn how to play instruments (piano mainly) or "compose" music with fruity loops or learn a language other than japanese just for fun.
Not because of normalfaggotry, just because I think they're excellent hobbies to have as a person, whether you're NEET or not.
I never get shit done though. Whenever I think "alright, now I'm going to study ____ for two hours" I almost always think "but I could play visual novels for two hours instead" and there go all my good intentions.

>> No.6634448

Why would you want to learn a language other than Japanese?

>> No.6634450

I feel your pain, anon. Procrastination is getting us where we least expect it.

>> No.6634451

It's you who had all your "weeaboo" stuff on the other side, right?

>> No.6634452

Yeah, that's me.

>> No.6634459

Cooking, sewing, gardening, and mahjong.
I'm an old lady.

>> No.6634461

because I like learning languages, even if I don't use them in real life.
It doesn't help that the harder a language is, the more interested I am in learning it.
It's just my own personal form of autism, I guess.

>> No.6634467

Same here. My HDTV is on the same desk as my monitor, so I can play my consoles while I'm using the computer. I can also see my figures from where I am.

>> No.6634471

Who gives a shit?

>> No.6634482

Programming (In PHP, for web, but with the occasional CLI app)
Older video games (Anything before PS2)

>> No.6634483

You, obviously.

>> No.6634486

Who gives a shit.

>> No.6634490

I wonder.

>> No.6634502

-I like hiking too when I get the chance.
-This might be a little otaku-ish but I also like to do web programming.
-Sometimes I like to play tunes on my fife and Irish whistle.

I was also thinking of getting back into papercrafting, got a whole folder of stuff I've been saving up.

>> No.6634531

- Reading, usually history books or novels
- Playing the bass, electric
- Mahjong
- Kendo
- Watching films
- Being a lonely drunk
- Working out, mostly running. Gotta keep that body in shape!
- Driving up to one of my family's cottages, taking in the calm and solitude. we own like five of them and they're all relatively close to where I live, feels good living in a family with basically only carpenters, architects and engineers.

Aaaand video games I guess, but it's mostly /jp/-games anyway.

>> No.6634541

Why must you always target tripfags in regular discussions with your "who gives a shit" and sage? It's always you every time, isn't it?

>> No.6634542

>and sage
Not him, but maybe it's to spot people from other boards like you who don't know how sage works.

>> No.6634546

Who gives a shit.

>> No.6634559
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-Drinking alone
-Making shitcore
-Making silly piano songs that will nobody will ever hear.
-Video games (following the vidya news, game companies ect ect)
Oh my... It would seem that I am a pretty boring person, but it can't be helped.

>> No.6634619

I think it's cool you compose. Maybe you could post it to Youtube, if you do soon post it here.

>> No.6634626

Video games. That's it. The worst part is I'm even getting tired of those so eventually I'll have nothing to do.

>> No.6634630

I don't really have any. I only copy what other people do because I have almost no personality.

>> No.6634636
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>> No.6634695

-Playing music: bass, guitar
-Listening to music: metal (any subgenre), post-rock/ambient, jazz (smooth, fusion), electronic (vocal trance, prog house)
-Reading: pop psychology, physics, music (theory/history), medicine
-Watching: anything that makes you think
-Activities: jogging, cycling, cooking, travel
-Intoxicants: alcohol, weed

>> No.6634703

Care to recommend a movie that makes you think?

>> No.6634715

Not the person you quoted, but I am OP incidentally. I'm a big fan of Carl Sagan, so for a movie I'd recommend Contact. Or if you don't mind it being a TV series instead, COSMOS for sure. It's on Hulu, and it will blow your mind.

>> No.6634717


I watched "A Scanner Darkly" last night, that was pretty good

>> No.6634725

playing bass and guitar coversto touhou music

>> No.6634733

I like drawing, but I don't have anything worth showing because it's all just doodling.

>> No.6634747

you sound like the cutest old lady, although the fact you call yourself an old lady probably means you're a cute girl/guy who doesn't think of themself that way which is sort of amazingly moe
french, russian and math are all great languages in their own right, and there are lots of interesting books and people who speak them
where do you go? i lift and this sounds like a great way to break the nightly emptiness

as expected /jp/ is amazingly elitist/awesome

which is good since i hate proles in my internet

>> No.6634754

Thanks, seems interesting.

Contact is one of my favorite movies, I'll check out COSMOS, but probably won't have the willpower to get through a whole series anytime soon.
