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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6628963 No.6628963 [Reply] [Original]

Let's find out how racist you are /jp/!


Take the Race IAT.

>Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

>> No.6628976

Everyone hates niggers, even niggers. It's just common sense

>> No.6628979

No thanks. I'm not retarded and thus able to grasp basic sociology and anthropology.

Racism is something the bottom rung plebs who need an excuse for their own failures.

>> No.6628987

Closet white supremacist detected.

>> No.6628998

There were too many errors made to determine a result.

I got this.

I wasted my time.

>> No.6629012



>> No.6629020


>> No.6629025

Most racists are probably only like that because they see a group with a terrible culture and nothing else.

>> No.6629028

Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

>> No.6629041

Wow. It said i like black pepole.

>> No.6629043
File: 49 KB, 360x318, 1291869972926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Japanese compared to Everyone else.


>> No.6629052

That's racist!

>> No.6629053

>Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between African American and European American.

Obvious. I can't stand anyone.

>> No.6629056

Blacks are the only group I don't like because I can count the number of positive experiences I've had with them on one hand. Not to mention the various studies and such that all point to them being vastly inferior to every other race

>> No.6629062

There's sensible black people around. Again, culture.

>> No.6629065

What a terrible coincidence that only the shitty ones are involved in all those studies then

>> No.6629078

Again, culture. If you're black surrounded by idiotic blacks you'll tend to be like them and identify with them, and adopt their ways of thinking and share their experiences. It doesn't necessarily represent an inherent lack of potential.

>> No.6629082

I think I've met in real life no more than like two dozen black people, in my entire life.
I've talked with none of them.

>> No.6629085
File: 50 KB, 427x567, white raised iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6629088

>think I've met in real life no more than like two dozen black people, in my entire life.

You lucky bastard

>> No.6629100

lol guise im so racist, can i fit in here 2? haha i passed da test xDDD I LOVE QHITE PPPL

>> No.6629107
File: 40 KB, 562x437, hahahaohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Race, Evolution, and Behavior.
You have no idea how bashed that have been by other scientists all over the world, have you?
This kind of psuedo science won't cut it.

>> No.6629112
File: 25 KB, 348x380, Kagami is amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between African American and European American.

I'm pretty sure this is more a test of hand-eye coordination than of subconscious racism.

>> No.6629131

>Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

What have you done to me 4chan? I live in a country where there are practically no niggers. Oh wait, maybe that's the answer.
One can't change its genes that easily. It's biological to not to trust people that easily who are not your own kin. Though it's weird, I'm curious what would've been the result with east asians. Since the roman times the western world sucked their dicks.

>> No.6629144

Your Result
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

Interesting and a bit surprising.

>> No.6629145
File: 159 KB, 500x375, 1289430636318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers are fine and say and do hilarious shit all the time.

>> No.6629150

Oh, by the way, I live in Utah, surrounded by a bunch of white Mormons. I think the last time I saw a black man or woman was over a year ago.

>> No.6629155

>Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

I'm no /stormfront/ denizen, but this is surprising as I thought I was pretty racist against black people.

>> No.6629163

Broken shit site the text for the questions doesn't even show up. Goes to show how half assed the work is when these kids get in on mommy's and daddy's pay.

>> No.6629172

>Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for White people compared to Black people.
Pretty much accurate, extremely related to Japanese culture.

>> No.6629173

Maybe you should turn off your million add-ons, Firefucked user.

>> No.6629188

This shit is taking to damn long for my lazy ass

>> No.6629199

Running minefield. Nice try.

>> No.6629211

Isn't that just beta Firefox?

>> No.6629223

Beta firefox was Firebird
And it was superior in a lot of ways to firefox 1 and 2.

>> No.6629229

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin.

>> No.6629234
File: 25 KB, 198x195, Minmay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This european american bitch keeps fucking up my asian test for looking like Lynn Minmay.
Damn, show me real pictures, not stylized ones like these.

>> No.6629239

I was laughing my ass off the whole time over the amount of mistakes I made during "Black/Good vs. White/Bad."

And then I pretty much aced the "White/Good vs. Black/Bad."

>Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

>> No.6629272

How do I choose the race test? Ive done two surveys which look like they're chosen at random and one of them said I associate Truth with Safety and I associate myself with sadness. Nothing about race.

Somebody should ask a racist why he's racist. No political agenda, no putting words in their mouth, just a neutral Q&A session. I want to see why a racist is a racist, and what causes racism. Thing is Ive never seen someone try to analyze it neutrally.

>> No.6629281

You are assuming hate has a logical source, which it does not.
They hate because you don't need a reason to hate.

>> No.6629289

>Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin.

>> No.6629294

Oops, I selected the wrong one, didn't I.

>> No.6629309

I'm a misanthropist because I have had negative experiences with other people. Presumably, it's the same thing.

>> No.6629319

>Somebody should ask a racist why he's racist. No political agenda, no putting words in their mouth, just a neutral Q&A session. I want to see why a racist is a racist, and what causes racism. Thing is Ive never seen someone try to analyze it neutrally.

Because black people behave like obnoxious 5 year olds?

>> No.6629332

When did "misanthrope" fall out of use?

>> No.6629341

What? almost everyone acts like obnoxious 5 year olds.

If you're gonna hate, be logically consistent and hate everyone.

>> No.6629344

>shitty internet tests
no thanks

>> No.6629348

I've seen [insert race here] people act the same way.

>> No.6629354

Maybe because they commit the majority of crime and generally lack intelligence compared to other races. Inb4 the culture argument. Yes, I know it's because of their culture. This doesn't make them any better of people.

>> No.6629370


>Somebody should ask a racist why he's racist.

bad luck with small sample sizes

both of the black kids from my graduating class are in jail, and they always caused trouble while they were in school

the only other exposure I have had to blacks are negative stereotypes (constantly angry black man, thug rap "artists", pimps) from TV shows, movies, and rap music

>> No.6629397

Be specific, is it the ones you've met in real life? Is it the ones in the media? What does obnoxious five year old mean? If that's the case have you met one that acted differently then you expected? Why do you only attribute that to black people? Where do you live?

Just curious.
I see

No harm in asking.

>> No.6629408
File: 44 KB, 440x599, Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama here. I'm secretly 5 years old!

>> No.6629413

So would meeting a sample size that has a favorable impact on you change your mind?

>> No.6629419

>slight preference for white over black
Maybe I do have autism because I was fucking terrible at picking the pieces apart.

>> No.6629427

Doesn't make them any worse either. Don't be bitter at the black man who mugged you. be bitter at yourself who couldn't stop it.

Doesn't it seem silly to get mad at a race for individual personal crimes when whites are guilty of some of the greatest travesties of mankind? Crusades, Holocaust, slavery, etc.

>> No.6629429

Do you say philanthrope instead of philanthropist, too?

>> No.6629441

The difference is we are allowed to say the holocaust was bad, but if you mention that blacks (a minority) commit the MAJORITY of violent crime you are branded a racist

>> No.6629455

Noted. I do say lycanthrope instead of lycanthropist, though.

>> No.6629472

"The majority of crimes are preformed by Black people" is not a racist statement if it is backed by evidence.

"I met a black person, I will treat him like a criminal because he probably is one" is racist and really stupid.

>> No.6629485

>>be slow at first group
>>start to get the hang of things, so I'm blazing at the second part of the test
>>it actually affects your score

Can we take the "which Family Guy character are you" test yet?

>> No.6629489

>but if you mention that blacks (a minority) commit the MAJORITY of violent crime you are branded a racist

Really? Not in my country. In fact the only dump I can think of where this is true is the United States. Why? Because your government and your culture there is backwards and you're all fucking retarded. The cause of crime is not any specific group of minorities, it's the white majorities political and social policies that subject them to poverty and turn to crime. And now that your economy is ruined because your white, greedy Jewish overlords messed up your banking system and now you're no longer going to be the worlds superpower.

Give it 30 years, and your children will be the dirty white trash cleaning up washrooms in Saudia Arabia.

>> No.6629502


>> No.6629507

I look forward to the day America gets put in its place. I'd leave if they'd let me; some free country.

The only freedom here is your freedom to get taken advantage of.
People love to pretend they aren't corporate whores. At least when a whore asks for money to fuck you, she's being upfront an honest.

>> No.6629509


>> No.6629527

Maybe I'll take that test later, but here's how I feel about the black/white racism thing:
I lived in a country where (african) blacks are less than 0.1% of the population, thus I couldn't actually have a real way of interacting with any of them, except stare as a kid at one or two whenever the rare occurance appeared. My image of blacks is largely from various forms of media (TV, Internet, movies, news, others). I can't say I hate them in any way, nor do I exhibit hatred towards other people just because of physical characteristics, however if I find some such characteristics unattractive or ugly, I could develop some aversion, but that's something based on individuals. From 3D female preferences, I'd probably rate them along these lines: white, asian, mixed(darker skinned), black, however since I never actually had any real interaction with any black women, I can hardly relate to it.
My impression of black culture from TV has been largely negative as they support anti-intellectualism, which in my opinion is something very harmful to our race - we thrived because of our intelligence, and that's what managed to set humans appart from other animals and it's why we rule the earth. Further improvements in our lifes depend a lot on our intellect. Denying something as important as that is very harmful to our society. ( I also find non-race related anti-intellectual movements just as bad. )

>> No.6629529

> continued
However, if a black person just uses his own mind and decides for himself, I can't have any problem with him - my only problem would be if he chose to perpetuate that bad culture. There do seem to be studies which try to correlate IQ with race, however I do believe in most of those cases it's a matter of culture, with race/genetic factors playing a minor role. In an unrelated note, I have no problem with people using any racist vocabulary of any sorts as I don't feel hatred towards various racial groups, and I think people shouldn't be that offended by mere use of words, nor should they resort to violence because of it.

While we may not have blacks around here, there are other racial minorities towards which I could direct some slight hatred, such as gypsies, whose nomad culture encourages petty theft and other disruptive crimes, but at the same time, I don't really hate their race: as a child, I did know a gypsy girl who led a normal (non-nomad) lifestyle and whom I was friends with and whom I actually found somewhat attractive, which shows exactly that my dislike of them is limited to those subscribing to a certain culture, not to a specific race.

I've also seem some relatives exhibit some anti-semitic behaviour (hating jews), however I think this is religiously motivated (on no, those jews killed Christ...), so I always classified those behaviours as irrational, even though they usually backed it up with all kinds of conspiracy theories relating to JEWS... well, I better not get into that, this is not /vip/

>> No.6629555
File: 184 KB, 500x600, 1174773510697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's find out how racist you are /jp/!

Could've just said "Alice thread" and saved yourself some time.

>> No.6629561

>The majority of crimes
This part here is the problem. Majority of crimes in your location? Majority of crimes on your continent? Majority of crimes in your hemisphere, planet, star system?

"Majority" by percentage in relation to population? Majority by bulk sum? Majority what?

What crimes, hate crime, property crime, violent crime?

By which year? as of current (The current data is for 2009).

When it comes to making a true statement you have to specific. Its one of those things that pisses me off about English. But back to the topic, those specifics are important especially if you're to look at it objectively.

>> No.6629587

>but if you mention that blacks (a minority) commit the MAJORITY of violent crime you are branded a racist

No you're not. What brands you a racist is how you choose to interpret the data. If you use it as a way to imply superiority or inferiority then you're a racist. If you use it to stage a progressive change in the society as a whole then you're a progressive activist. Same data, different interpretations and applications.

>> No.6629588

Majority of all crimes in the universe.

>> No.6629603

>If you use it as a way to imply superiority or inferiority then you're a racist.
If you don't consider people who can go about their lives without resorting to rape and theft superior to those who can't then you're not worth talking to.

>> No.6629612

That's a ridiculous statement made by a butthurt tripfag who has to leech off wi-fi in alleyways and brainwashes his niece and also spouts ridiculously idealistic rhetoric.

Fuck you.

>> No.6629614

>"I met a black person, I will treat him like a criminal because he probably is one" is racist and really stupid.

Well the odds are they are so...

>> No.6629621

What is crime?

Not superior. Equal.

>> No.6629624

Thou mad?

>> No.6629633

I would dare say that less than 50% of black people are criminals.

>> No.6629634

Why would I be mad?

>> No.6629635

All I know is most the of the black kids I went to school with seemed to stop aging intellectually at the age of 10.

>> No.6629646

Because you can't wiggle your ass out of the argument and have to concede victory to me.

>> No.6629652

Aw c'mon.
Tripcodes are for faggots, I clearly don't use one.
Props on keeping track of my life story though. That's.....strange.

>> No.6629657

The problem with arguing with blacks defenders is that blacks are so terrible that it's unbelievable. Their minds can't possibly fathom that any group of people could really be that bad, especially since the ones on TV always act so nice!

>> No.6629658

The real problem is the stupid drug war that US is having. What's the point in jailing all those people for consuming or selling weed or other drugs? What people do with their own bodies should be their own choice. I believe a large precentage of black crime is related to drugs, and thus legalizing it would eliminate it or reduce it considerably.

>> No.6629661

>Tripcodes are for faggots
Disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.6629666

Racism is a white guilt Jew tactic.

Race is not a social construct; the field of forensic anthropolgy would not exist if races didn't have distinct skeletal differences.

>> No.6629669

Your MOM sucks cocks.

>> No.6629675

Spoken like a true idiot.

Oh, I thought you had a tripcode. My bad. You're still a fag, though.

Also, giving yourself an identity just makes you that much easier to peg. I mean, it's not that hard to go onto easymodo and scrape up stuff.

>> No.6629681

That's why there's no reason to argue with them. If they can look at all the statistics and say "UH SO WHAT THAT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING IN FACT I MET A BLACK GUY ONCE WHO HELD A DOOR OPEN FOR ME SO THERE" then they are too deluded to convince

>> No.6629683
File: 12 KB, 345x398, guido033pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you believe in the theory of eugenics if it's a theory (a geuss?)

>> No.6629695

No one actually believes eugenics is a viable theory, other than teenage Palahniuk fans.

>> No.6629700

Well shit Guido, you got me there.

>> No.6629710

Is it bad that what bothers me about this is the equating of theories to mere guesses?

>> No.6629722

It's bad you don't recognize old copypastas.

>> No.6629751

I'm not really "racist," I'm just realistic.

Which ethnicity is most likely to shank me?

What's safer? Little Tokyo or Compton?

Now, do I think this is because of LOLINFERIOR DNA or culture/environment? That, I don't know. I'm not a sociologist, but I know what the raw statistics say. I don't have the social skills to chat up every person I ever happen to see to ascertain whether that person is a nice person or not. What is the logical thing to do? Make generalizations. Is this fair to that person? Probably not. Is it the most convenient and accurate (given no personal knowledge) thing for me to do? Yes.

Now, given that, I don't have any issues with becoming friendly with any race. Though, I do I have a preference for people of my own culture because that just makes it easier to relate. My friends are pretty diverse.

>> No.6629773

Congratulations on having common sense regarding race

>> No.6629775

Again, talking in generalities. That's a flawed application of your principle. Here's a better application: There are two black men. One has committed theft and robbery, the other has not and has no inclination to do so. According to you, people who have to resort to theft and robbery are inferior. So the one black man who is a thief is inferior while the other man is superior.

Then there's the hypocrisy. America is America because the many Americans robbed the Natives (as in robbed, literally, I have a rifle, you don't, get out.). By the application of your logic, Americans are inferior. By the application of your logic, the actions of one American that you yourself have no control over effects you as you sit now. You're a philanthropist, you go to church, follow the laws, pay your taxes and an upstanding citizen of the United States, but that doesn't matter since some other Americans did something bad. That $1000 donation to the church? That means nothing. Your clean driving record and non-criminal background? Nothing. Etc etc.

See the problem there?

>> No.6629785

>There are two black men. One has committed theft and robbery, the other has not

That's pretty accurate

>> No.6629791

>but I know what the raw statistics say
So you think every Asian an jew are superior to whites?

>> No.6629796

Statistically, yes. The gap isn't as large as the one between blacks and everyone else though

>> No.6629797

>One has committed theft and robbery, the other has not and has no inclination to do so
One of these people is probably more interesting than the other. Can you guess who?

More on the point though
I like everybody, even if they commit crime. Acting like a douche to someone is really begging them to do something to injure you in some way, so being a prick to the guy who has robbed is really counterproductive.

>> No.6629807

>I like everybody, even if they commit crime.
that's because you are biased you have committed crime yourself i heard you bragging about your drug criminal record lol fag

>> No.6629811

What do you mean by "superior"? Where did I suggest any superiority or inferiority? I said I was agnostic about that due to a lack of specialty in that field.

The only thing that I know is that X group does Y thing on a Z basis.

What is the X group? Japanese/Korean
What is the Y thing? Crime
What is the the Z? lowest

I'd feel pretty safe in Japan or Korea.

China? Eh...That gets a bit shadier.

>> No.6629815

Statistics don't have a qualitative value. They're jsut statistics. One thing can't be "statistically" superior to another.
You can use them as a yardstick for giving a qualitative value, but that comes from you, not the statistics.

>> No.6629840

I do indeed have a record, and have served more jailtime than the average /jp/sie. However, I am not black.
This is where the whole generalization thing falls apart. But it works to my advantage should I decide to commit more crime, so by all means, propagate the idea.

>> No.6630022

From my own experiences I can easily say that I have met all kinds of both shitty and good people of all "races".

Genetics seriously aren't as simple as many makes it out to be.
Also, to begin with, to classify people after their skin colour is seriously flawed, because the skin colour alone would be a shitty classification of "race".

All of this stem from highly biased racial "research", aka increadible poor psuedo science carried out during the Nazi era.
Only the simple fact that they reached conclusion such as that the germans being the most superior race, wheras the "rank" of the other races was almost ammusingly similair to how useful said nations were for the third reich itself. It's not really the kind of science properly carried out, and it was heavily biased to begin with.

You know why it's stupid to classify people by their skin? Because genetics aren't as simple as that. Skin colour is just one tiny tiny detail, if you are to say genetics matter as much as you say, then the skintone really can't be all that important, because relatively, it's not.
To say that either "blacks", or "whites", or "chinks", are X, is just stupid.
You might as well put Americans or Brittains against eachother, or even Americans and Canadians.
Chances are you might find bigger variations in their genetics than say an American and an African-American. Or even between a Dutch and a Brazilian.
Sure, Americans and African-Americans might look different, as may the Dutch and Brazilians, but if you judge people by according to looks, and proceed to include genetics in your arguments is truly ironic at that point.

Genetic changes of different "races" are greatily exxagerated for most part, and differences within local societies are often overlooked.
You might as well say that all NEET or all Hikkies are races of their own, heck, there must be a reason they are all failures, no?
This is sort of the level of this kind of psuedo science.

>> No.6630194

>You might as well say that all NEET or all Hikkies are races of their own
The master race.

>> No.6630214

How can you be the master race when all you do is nothing and hate yourself for it?
The NEETs and hikkis that DON'T have emotional problems are the master race.
