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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6625713 No.6625713 [Reply] [Original]

brb, moving to japan

>> No.6625725

Most prefectures will have the age higher than that though, much like how states have different ages of consent.

>> No.6625727

why wait 4 more years when you can go to yemen?

>> No.6625736

Go to any third world country, it's easy to find pre-teen prostitutes.

>> No.6625758

For Australia, the real legal age for sex is 10, but there's a 2 year age difference law until your 16. But theres a clause saying, unless you believed they were over they age of 16 or that you were married to them, then you are at no fault.

>> No.6625762

Whoops, i mean "If you believed... then you are at no fault"

>> No.6625877

Who cares?
Move to Alaska ... marry 8 year old.


>> No.6625882

Japan has shitty, overpriced weed.
And the people who sell it are sketchy.

>> No.6625896


That's a good way to cover up lies

>> No.6625908

You have to get parental permission. Plus girls up there are chubbier than most Americans.

>> No.6625910

brb moving to Mexico.

>> No.6625934

What exactly is this chart depicting?

>> No.6625937

The age at which you can legally fuck a minor and not go to prison for it.

>> No.6625964



>> No.6628536

If you can legally have sex with them they are no longer a "minor" though.

>> No.6628538

What's with the mass emergence of pedophiles these days?

>> No.6628553

Age of majority =/= age of consent.

>> No.6628554

People can finally speak out about it thanks to internet and anonymity.

In other words: the pedophiles were always there, you just didn't know.

>> No.6628558

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.6628563

But with 3D little girls, though.

>> No.6628564

Oh you Madagascan BASTARDS.
Wait... Madagascar has a native population?

>> No.6628565

>why wait 4 more years when you can go to yemen?

what do yemenese lolis look like? brown girls? orientals?

>Japan has shitty, overpriced weed.

marijuana is not as important as fucking young girls.

>What's with the mass emergence of pedophiles these days?

we've always been around, and in higher than expected numbers.

the difference between now and before the internet is that now we can prove that we are a larger minority than though (as proven by sites like akiba-online, hongfire and sankaku complex)

now if u'll excuse me, im gonna go to fuck a girl in a country with a low age of consent

>> No.6628571

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.6628572

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.6628589

>marijuana is not as important as fucking young girls

I'll take not going to jail for weed over not going to jail for statutory rape.
Besides, legalizing marijuana might help toward legalizing underage sex.

True, highest price for a gram anywhere in the world. We can solve this problem by smuggling in seeds and growing our own.

>> No.6628597

>Besides, legalizing marijuana might help toward legalizing underage sex.

whats the link between marijuana and underaged sex?

or are you just talking about 'one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind' kind of thing?

>> No.6628601

>implying someone because a "major" after having been a minor

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6628605

I'm Brazilian. We're not the most progressive folk around regarding those laws, but at least we're not US-like. You can legally fuck 14 year olds (even though you could still be charged for corruption/seduction of minors, but that applies to all other western countries). Also, if you fuck a 13 year old, you're not deemed a pedophile, even though you are still charged with statutory rape. At least you're not charged with pedophilia + statutory rape.

Either way, we have these threads every once in a while, and while some of you /jp/eople may like to fantasize about fucking young teens, we're all insecure weeaboo NEET losers with no self-steem, so stop deluding yourselves.

>> No.6628606

There is none. Unless you replace underage sex with CP. Then they're both crimes that hurt no one (okay, the CP did, but the point is someone looking at it is not hurting anyone any MORE).

>> No.6628612


This was what I hated the most about living there.

I come from Canada where weed is practically legal and everyone smokes it. You can get an ounce of the best kush for 120 bucks here. When I went to Japan to live, all I could find was bad weed; I'm talking a gram for 30 bucks. I finally said fuck it and put some plants behind the alley of my apartment complex.

>> No.6628616

Here you go

>> No.6628620

Your chart is wrong OP.

In Canada you can go as low as 14 as long as the other is no more than 4 years older. So, if you're 18 or younger you can fuck a 14 year old. 19 you can fuck a 15 year old. 20 you can fuck a 16 year old and so on.

AFAIK gay sex is technically 18 only for both sexes but that's old and probably would never hold up in court anyway.

>> No.6628622

Shiiit, you owned me bad nigger. A Wikipedia link.

>> No.6628628

You'll be deported if they discover it though.

But I take it you're no longer living there, since you're speaking past tense?

>> No.6628635

I'm talking about the "Fuck it, I don't care" attitude that comes with the weed high. Maybe that's just me.

Of course, one might make the case that if you can unstigmatize drug use, you can unstigmatize underage sex.

>> No.6628636


>> No.6628637
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Lucky for me I don't believe inn marriage.

>> No.6628641

>I'm Brazilian.


>You can legally fuck 14 year olds (even though you could still be charged for corruption

thats an interesting law. does it count as corruption if we brainwash 14 year olds with communism, socialism or capitalism? or just anything sex related?

>Either way, we have these threads every once in a while, and while some of you /jp/eople may like to fantasize about fucking young teens, we're all insecure weeaboo NEET losers with no self-steem, so stop deluding yourselves.

i know that most of the people in /jp/ ARE losers, and self-deluding losers at that (deluding themselves that they dont desire sex with children)

but speaking for myself i am in my 30s, i have a wife, a nice house, a secure high-paying job, i have job network and a social network. by anyones standards, i am not a loser. far from it.

>> No.6628642

>I'm talking about the "Fuck it, I don't care" attitude that comes with the weed high. Maybe that's just me.

What? You know weed =/= heroin, right? You don't smoke weed and turn into some careless junkie whore.

Are you 12 years old or something, or just a total shut in?

>> No.6628644

Why must all you weed-smoking normalfags derail our monthly /jp/edo thread?

Thousand replies saying people interested in 3D are normalfag themselves and/or this is unrelated to /jp/.

>> No.6628647

Yeah, you smoke weed and turn into a normal.

>> No.6628654

What if I smoked weed in the past? Am I forever tainted by normality?

>> No.6628656


>> No.6628657

When I was inside my lovely imouto it didn't feel 3D, it didn't feel "real"

>> No.6628659

That's because it wasn't real, it was just a dream.

>> No.6628672


Really? I'm a jobless NEET who hasn't had a friend or left my house in probably 6 years, but I smoke weed all the time.

Drug users tend to be those stuck in unfortunate circumstances, and they use them to cope with reality. Remember NHK? The author of that book/manga/anime was a huge drug user in real life. Mushrooms were legal in Japan until about 2002 and were quite popular amongst the dissidents of the internet, namely NEETs, hikis and otaku. You're confusing drug use with going to a bar with your xbox buddiez n drink beerz

>> No.6628673


Actually, instant addiction for heroin is a myth used to steer people away from hard drugs. There are countless cases of people who actually can use it in moderation. The myth exists to keep weak-minded people with no common sense away from them, because they don't know what moderation is.

>> No.6628675

If I just talk about how much I want to make sweet love to little girls and hold them in my arms in the afterglow over the internet, will the FBI get to me?

>> No.6628680

Welcome to the NHK has a completely normalfag end, though.

>> No.6628683

>>thats an interesting law. does it count as corruption if we brainwash 14 year olds with communism, socialism or capitalism? or just anything sex related?

Just sex-related. You can still flirt with them, though. But anything like forceful seduction, money/gift offering or sexual harassment could be charged as a seduction or corruption of minors.

Also, I'm pretty this is not something exclusive to Brazil. I believe this is the case in most western countries where the age of consent is lower than 17/18.

>> No.6628685

Well, I wouldn't be smoking weed if I were a shut-in, but most of the smokers I know don't get all up in arms about ANYTHING when they're high, unless you're eating their food.

But yes, I am a bit of a shut-in.
This is why the stereotypical /jp/sie has no friends-- because NO FUN ALLOWED.
Also, normals don't smoke weed. If they did, it'd be legal by now. Although, since the stoned army grows every day, you might make the case that it's a stepping stone on the path to normalcy.

>> No.6628686


The anime did, the other two didn't really conclude to be perfect.

And the author actually turned back into a NEET after he gained success. He said he was living off the royalties of his work and was quite ashamed that he never fixed himself either.

>> No.6628689

Most people do drugs in college and then stop when they become responsible voting citizens.

>> No.6628691

To me someone who views smoking weed as fun is the same as someone who views going drinking with bros and having sex with multiple females (not under 12) is fun. Plus both my normal sister and my normal brother smoked weed.

>> No.6628700

That's just so weird that you have that conception of it.

If anything it pulled me further away from normalcy.

>> No.6628701

>This is why the stereotypical /jp/sie has no friends-- because NO FUN ALLOWED.
Why do people keep assuming we want friends. Most people are idiots.

>> No.6628704


What if you're a loser shut-in who simply smokes weed while they watch anime or games so they become more hilarious or DEEP?

And since when the fuck did /jp/ turn into tohno-chan? I haven't seen this many asspained aspies trying to justify their roneriness.

>> No.6628706

I have the same problem with people who smoke weed as I do with furries. They seem to base their entire identity around it. Weed avatars, [420] or such nonsense in their name. Constantly talking about it. Always suggesting weed as a solution for everything.

>> No.6628709

I would view someone who thinks having sex with multiple females under 12 is just as bad. I want my one preteen girl who remains young forever.

>> No.6628710

I don't even like drinking and I know drinking with bros is fun. You just need to know less BROS and more bros, if you know what I mean.
Sex with multiple females is also fun. It only becomes a problem when you think your whole life revolves around getting your dick into someone.

Take it as it comes. Seeking it out is abysmally juvenile. See a penny, pick it up, etc.

Like I said-- NO FUN ALLOWED.

>> No.6628712


marijuana can trigger psychosis in people, it's not really a normalfag thing to do. 1 out of 10 people may get into it while they're in high school but that's usually just a phase. there are drug abusers and drug users. keep that in mind

>> No.6628713

Quit crying, bosnian kid. You just have no friends because you're no fun to be around.

>> No.6628718

All of you out

>> No.6628721

This thread made me realize it's winter vacation for most people. That would explain the amount of normals.

>> No.6628727

itt one or two stoner fags argue with aspies who think DARE told them the truth in school

get this fucking shit out of /jp/

or don't. the more off topic trash and flamewars that erupt, the sooner moot will delete this now pathetic board

>> No.6628729

I have no friends because I avoid having friends. If I ever get too close to someone, I start avoiding them and acting cold when I'm around them until there is proper distance between us emotionally.

>> No.6628731

Yup, I got into a psychosis when doing weed about 10 years ago.

It wasn't just regular though. We were "maxing", so we had a bucket of water, and a coke bottle in it, and then all the smoke from the joint got sucked into the bottle and you had to inhale it from the opening. 3 seconds inhaling, 10 seconds keeping it in your lungs. I was completely out of it after that.

>> No.6628737


>> No.6628738

never heard the term before. Everyone else just calls it a gravity bong.

>> No.6628741

How/why do you have a wife if you're a pedo? Do you even like her?

>> No.6628742

>This is why the stereotypical /jp/sie has no friends-- because NO FUN ALLOWED.
I drink and smoke, often alone, rarely with people, and I still have no friends.
How about that, Freud?

>> No.6628745

>No punctuation and capitalization.
Welcome to /jp/. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.6628748

How else would you create a little girl of your own?

>> No.6628751

I had a psychotic episode when I was like 15 and they kept asking me if I was drinking or smoking weed. Don't think they believed me when I said I didn't. They took me as a normal because of normals.

>> No.6628752

>How/why do you have a wife if you're a pedo? Do you even like her?

if u met me in real life, you would have no idea im a pedophile. i'm just like everything else.

except i also like to fuck young girls.

just because i like young girls doesnt mean i dont like women like my wife.

>> No.6628754

5 shades of blue? How confusing...

>> No.6628755


>> No.6628756

This is why humanity can't have nice things.

>> No.6628757



I also drink and smoke and use opiates and dissociatives. I do it all alone or the odd time with my equally as socially awkward, probably autistic sister.

Not that I expect any faggot on /jp/ to understand WHY people use drugs. There are many reasons, being a normalfag is not one of them. You don't see normalfags drinking a bottle of liqour and eating a handful of pills, just societies rejects.

Stupid thread anyway.

>> No.6628759

Keep crying emo kid.

>> No.6628760


You disgust me.

>> No.6628762

Welcome to "Exception to the Rule Club"

Fist rule is, you don't talk about "Exception to the Rule" Club
Nobody abides by this because they all think they're exceptions to the rule.

>> No.6628766

>implying i want to go out of my way on a tiny netbook keyboard to properly punctuate my posts on 4chan out of all places

get a life, boy

>> No.6628768

How do you even GET weed, tabacco and alcohol if you're not a normal? I especially dislike those people who are like "man I watched anime X under the affects of narcotic X it was so far out man"

fuck you. You enjoy a good production properly when sober. You are getting less.

>> No.6628769

Quit samefagging.

>> No.6628770

Junkies are the only thing even lower than /jp/edos.

>> No.6628771

Why not? I did.
Proper punctuation is just polite.
Sounds like you got a case of the HAMHANDS.

>> No.6628772

>get a life
>4chan of all places
This just proves that /jp/ is full of normals right now.

>> No.6628774

Well, he did say he was a normal.

Typical narc who doesn't understand what drugs are like at all.

>> No.6628777
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Seriously get the fuck out

>> No.6628778

Isn't that the same as cheating? Don't you feel bad? I don't even like 3D women, I think they're all dirty whores, but I wouldn't like being on their level. And if you don't even feel attracted to her, it is really just a waste of money/time/patience.

>> No.6628780

I didn't even notice someone else responded to you until after I posted.

>> No.6628781

This thread is pretty fucking bad. Everyone feels superior over each other, for all the wrong reasons.

You're all sacks of shit. Except me.

>> No.6628782

Your samefag meter is broken. I was just lashing out against the tenancy recently for this counter-counter culture where being a normal is almost praised because you're an XD EDGY HIPSTER if you don't follow the norm. It disgusts me.

>> No.6628783

>You are getting less
Spoken like a true teetotaller. You really have no idea what you are missing.

I will agree that when a show is ONLY good high, it isn't a good show.

>> No.6628787


Where do I get my weed? I have a few phone numbers of some guys I met a few times who happen to sell weed. When I want it, I call them, give them money, they give me weed and I return home to my hovel.

Is it that complicated?

>> No.6628788

You clearly don't belong here. Please leave.

Maybe the board you were looking for is /b/.

>> No.6628791
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its our fault, right?
our fault.

>> No.6628792

What the fuck is a teetotaller? Anyway I don't really want to take your opinion seriously because you actually said drinking with bros and having sex with multiple women is fine. That's the pinnacle of normal right there.

>> No.6628793

I hated ロリあき at first, but he seems okay to me now.

>> No.6628794

My god, what a fucking horrible thread.

>> No.6628796


Ho ho, no. It's just fucking COLD out today. My house is like 14 degrees because I can't afford to heat it despite being something like -25 out.

>> No.6628797

Dealers make you come to them. Friends fucking deliver.

And you guys say there's no point to having friends.

>> No.6628798

Someone who doesn't drink.

>> No.6628799

Get the fuck out of /jp/ already.

>> No.6628803
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Take your normalfagginess and greentext back to /v/

>> No.6628804

Where do you live?

>> No.6628805

>What the fuck is a teetotaller
Google, motherfucker. Do you use it?
This is a forgivable slight if you aren't American, as it is a Prohibition-era term. If you are, then you're just ignorant.

>> No.6628807

All the drugs users I've ever met were really mellow at first and then suddenly became violent and beat people up.

>> No.6628808

Read that as "Someone who doesn't think".

>> No.6628809
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>> No.6628810

I'm not American. And I did google it before even asking. Which I usually do before I ask what the fuck something is, I'm just expressing that I hadn't heard of it before the person mentioned it.

>> No.6628811

Probably because soberfags like you kept nagging them.

>> No.6628812

I think you need to leave.

>> No.6628813

Hell. Also known as Nevada. Why?

>> No.6628815

Take it easy, faggot.

>> No.6628816

The two most prominent people in this thread who do marijuana are also raging normalfags.

>> No.6628817

No. Someone who goes out of the way to act anti-social just to try to look 'cool' on the internet is even worse than a normalfriend strolling in here.

>> No.6628818
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>> No.6628821

Normalfags have such satisfyingly lives, they must turn to drugs. When they do so, they start to lose money and become bums. You know why NEETs on /jp/ aren't living on the street? Because we are smart enough to properly apply for government benefits.

>> No.6628823

They are normals. I bet they have sex with eachother all the time. Just so we're clear here, some white trash on government payments who got his girlfriend pregnant at 13 and is addicted to all sorts of drugs and is unemployed is still a normal to me.

>> No.6628826

Whoa. Blame the person, not the drug. I don't see bottles of alcohol in jail for drunk driving, do you?

>> No.6628827


You are retarded.

I have no friends, i never interact with people, never had a girlfriend, etc and i love drugs.

Your generalizations are stupid and you are just talking out of your ass.

>> No.6628828

So he plans out everything he does in his entire offline life just so he can act cool on an anonymous message board where nobody gives a shit, and it's not actually possible that he actually doesn't like emotional intimacy?

Sorry, but that's retarded.

>> No.6628829

50 bucks says they all drink. Together. Damn normals.

>> No.6628830 [DELETED] 

No, "I'm so lonely, whoa is me" people need to leave. You should be happy with your lifestyle.

>> No.6628832

>some white trash on government payments who got his girlfriend pregnant at 13 and is addicted to all sorts of drugs and is unemployed is still a normal to me.
You are officially mentally handicapped.

>> No.6628833

Everyone in this thread needs to take their autism checks and buy salvia on the internet.

>> No.6628835

You just can't do satire anymore, can you? People think you're an idiot, or at best they think you're "trolling".

>> No.6628836


You're the retard. I was clearly being ironic about the whole thing. Are you that stupid?

Well, probably.

>> No.6628839

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.6628840
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>> No.6628843

No, "I'm so lonely, woe is me" people need to leave. You should be happy with your lifestyle.

>> No.6628845

What are the characteristics of the non-normalfag set? Because I think we are having some terminology failures up in here.

>> No.6628846
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>first lolis
>then normal people
>now drugs

lets back in time this thread

>> No.6628847

Being a retard ironically is still being a retard.

>> No.6628849

It's because of the "girlfriend" part, and the sex part, and the substance use part. That equals normality. How successful or well-functioning they are is just filler.

>> No.6628850

This is how normal people act. They ruin other people's lives and make everyone miserable for fun.

>> No.6628851
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The joke ------>
My head.

>> No.6628856

Everyone who is not a carbon copy of yourself is a normalfag.

>> No.6628857

Someone who rarely leaves his house and doesn't cause problems for other people.

>> No.6628858

Society's definition of normal and /jp/'s definition of normal are not the same.

A list of subcultures that are distinctly not normal by society's standards might be:
Hedonist, drug-doing orgy-having ravers.
Naruto-obsessed weeaboos who can't shut up about Japan.
Hippies who live in a garden compound who smoke weed all day.
Militant neo-Nazis who want to see the government collapse.

However, by /jp/ standards these people are all "normal" (well, the etymology becomes strained), because they enjoy social interaction, have friends and girlfriends or fuck buddies, and are for the most part either gainfully employed or in education.

This concludes your public service announcement for retards for the day.

>> No.6628859

So...."normal" is code for "traits I personally don't like". Check.

You are such a normalfag.

>> No.6628861

They are better classified by the things they do not do.

-No drinking
-No job
-No friends
-Rarely if ever leaves house/room
-No illegal drugs
-No romatic/sexual relationships with post-pubescent members of the opposite sex, ever
-No homosexual relationships
-No wanting said relationships in the last two points
-No playing normalfag video games (modern warfare, world of warcraft, etc)

>> No.6628863

Being a NEET shut-in does cause problems for other people.

>> No.6628865


If you're not autistic or can't beat all the Touhou games blindfolded and without sound, you're obviously normal.

>> No.6628868

God, you're a fucking retard. /jp/'s definition of "normal" is not going to change just because your magnificent self happens to fit it.

>> No.6628869
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Question, why is everyone in this thread so asspained? If I was a mod I'd do a threadban to prevent such anger from spreading. But since I'm not, here's what we're gonna do: let's get out our anger for each other in this thread. That way it wont spread to others. Okay?

>> No.6628873
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>> No.6628874

>doesn't cause problems for other people.
Guess /jp/ is full of normalfags.

>> No.6628876

This thread is trolls trolling trolls for the last 70 replies or so.

>> No.6628879

Only for the government, and nobody holds the government to any debts, so it's no big deal. I mean, the national debt in the US is already $13,855,673,198,035.97 and nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.6628882

Look at this tryhard, thinking he can speak on behalf of /jp/.

>> No.6628885

/jp/ = board for normalfags that are too cool for GAIA and /a/

/bun/ = board for older /jp/ users

tohno-chan = board for /jp/s real aspies and real roneries

pick a fucking board and let this die. worst thread i've seen on /jp/ in a while.

>> No.6628886

How is /jp/ causing problems for other people?

>> No.6628888

Forgot your name there.

>> No.6628890

How about I cram my large, throbbing johnson into the tight, pink love hole you call your anus?

>> No.6628891

>This thread is trolls trolling trolls
Let them continue then. As long as they keep it in one thread I have no problem with it.

>> No.6628892


>> No.6628897

Do you make a living? No. So you're being a bother to your parents, society or whoever else is your caretaker.

>> No.6628904
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I don't think this pasta even mentions normals once and yet if you follow all these rules I think you're not a normal.

Warning, it is from /a/.

>> No.6628905

But I pay my taxes properly.

>> No.6628906

I get it. The problem is with the "crybaby" subset of abnormals, who don't think anybody can be as abnormal as them.

Belonging to a group is about sharing interests, not ostracizing others for not sharing interests. This is the point on which both genuine normals and /jp/sies seem to be failing. Why so exclusionary? I've been here since day one of this board and share all your interests. I've been a channer longer than most of you have been adults.
I jsut choose to be a non- douchebag when I say "Hey, I don't like this, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't."
One would think you guys would learn this already with all the Typemoon-faggotry that goes on, particularly since it's become a Typefag vs Nitrofag situation lately.


>> No.6628909

What the hell's with the Umineko point?

>> No.6628910

It's practically impossible for you to have been here from day one and not know /jp/'s definition of "normal."

>Why so exclusionary?
So people like you will leave.

>> No.6628911

Normalfag get out of /jp/.

>> No.6628914

>Why so exclusionary?
This is the only way /jp/ knows how to interact with others, because others have always interacted with them this way.

>> No.6628917

People aren't trolling.
There is legitimate anger and frustration of conflicting ideals in this thread.
Can you not tell?

>> No.6628922

Nothing against you, but you need to shut it this time. You're just taking shit too seriously.

>> No.6628923
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>No drinking
>No illegal drugs

"Herp derp my mom won't let my buy alcohol."

A lot of people on /jp/ drink alone in their rooms, it doesn't make them normalfags, kid.

>> No.6628925

Gee, I wonder who started that.

>> No.6628927

I haven't spoken to my mom in 4 years since she molested me. She stalks me though.

>> No.6628930

I can buy alcohol myself. I just never got into it because people get into drinking from parties and shit.

>> No.6628931

One would think that if someone was bitter about being ostracized, they'd have enough sense to not do it to someone else.
Step out of your comfort zones and be an aisle-crosser once in awhile. It's what separates adults from manchildren.
Goddamn internet hipsters, I swear.

>> No.6628932

Some /jp/ers also leave the room more often than others or play normalfag games. It's not an iron law, but from what I've seen it's generally true.

Not the same person, by the way.

>> No.6628936

To every one of you aspies in here raging about how people aren't normal...you're on the wrong website if you think /jp/ is some exclusive ronery NEET club. 4chan is one of the biggest most popular websites on the internet. It's full of people from all walks of life. The normals far outweigh the awkward here. /jp/ stopped being a serious board earlier this year and it's only gone down hill. If you want to hang out with like minded individuals, migrate to another site. Try Tohno-chan or Bunbun; both were created as offshoots of /a/ and /jp/ when those boards got significantly worse.

Why anyone would waste hours of their day F5ing 4chan non stop to reply to blatant trolls must be retarded or something.

>> No.6628937

You treat others how you have been treated, it's a fact of life.

>> No.6628939

And in the end the normalfag in the thread turns out to be an arrogant insufferable prick.

I didn't see that one coming.

>> No.6628941

get out tohnobun devs

>> No.6628943

No it isn't.

>> No.6628947

Just get out already. I dearly hope you're a fake.

>> No.6628948

NO it isn't. It's just intellectual laziness.
Thinking "Well people are douchebags to me, I can be a douchebag to them" only results in one more douchebag. No wonder the world is fucking falling apart.

>> No.6628949

Then it's just me trolling, I'm okay with that.

>> No.6628951


Normalfags consider normalfags those who don't drink alcohol, you are a super normalfag.

True NEETS get drunk alone and vomit on the floor of their rooms.

>> No.6628952

It's simple social learning.

>> No.6628953

>Why isn't /jp/ a warm and inviting place ;_;

>> No.6628954

Enjoy wasting your money and food.

>> No.6628955

Normals can't be tolerated. It's unreasonable to expect them to be. Even ignoring this whole alcohol thing, why don't you elaborate on how having sex with multiple women can be a good thing in moderation?

>> No.6628959

You like my revolutionary tear-the-system-down soliloquies but when I point out /jp/sie flaws, suddenly I'm the enemy?

You aren't the kind of person I want liking my post, as you're just as blind as the rest of the world. Self analysis is the key to happiness.

>> No.6628964

There's no reason somebody who has lots of good friends who help each other out and enjoys sex with multiple girls from time to time can't have a productive discussion about how these sorts of things are on /jp/.

It's not shitposting because I'm being ironic.

>> No.6628967

You act as if we have an intellectual responsibility to welcome normals to /jp/, but it's a fact that other boards are inferior to /jp/ mostly because of normal presence. Suject matter is second to that. If /b/ didn't have normals, it would be a completely different place. /v/ and /a/ might even be frequented by /jp/ users if this was the case.

>> No.6628971



How can it be a waste if you enjoy it?

>> No.6628972

No, both of them contribute to making you the insufferable prick that you are.

Go talk about how the system is a terrible place or how terrible a place the world is in /new/ where people care.

>> No.6628989

Because experience is valuable. You can't make an informed decision without knowledge.

I have had sex. It was fun. I don't need it, and prefer fapping to 2D because it is less complicated on so many levels.

If you're comfortable making uninformed decisions, you're no better than the Stormfront nazis, a bigot plain and simple.
It's shocking how much cognitive dissonance is in the world today.

>> No.6628995

You misunderstand. You're just talking a bunch of crap this time. People live how they want, leave them be. You can yap forever about the problems of the world and it doesn't change shit. You're acting no different than the normals who go on forever about being social and changing for the better.

>> No.6629001

Yep, /jp/ is an intellectual wasteland. You're a god damned genius for having figured this out. Doesn't it just make you want to leave?

>> No.6629002

But namefag-san the world turns by people making absolute decisions on things they personally know nothing about! How else could humanity possibly operate?

>> No.6629003

Then what's it matter if I'm fake or not?
Is there some reason to hope I'm not the real ロリあき?

>> No.6629010

But how can I have sex with something I'm repulsed by?

>> No.6629014

I think the second poster is a different person.

>> No.6629019

>brb, moving to japan
>193 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view

>> No.6629022
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Reported for advertising your shitty website that no one visits.

>> No.6629027

This thread started out about age of consent. Then it turned into a drug thread. Then it turned into a debate about normality. Then it turned into a debate about /jp/. Now it's about the intellectual content of an anonymous online board meant for otaku crap.

Sure is winter break, eh?

>> No.6629030

Yes yes babble more about /jp/ being shit while you refresh the front page for another year.

>> No.6629034

>He doesn't love wallowing in his own shit.
Normal get out.

>> No.6629035

It is possible that there is a female out there that has the traits you desire in 3D form, but if the extra dimension is a boner-killer, then it just can't be helped.

I've never had gay sex, because I don't get aroused by men. But I also don't go around saying YOU ARE A FAGGOT, GET OUT COCKLOVER.
At that point, it's bet to just take a neutral standpoint because you CAN'T make an informed decision.

>> No.6629046


>> No.6629049
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>> No.6629055

But then you would have to be neutral to every atrocity in the world and to have another view of it, you would have to partake in it. You wouldn't be allowed to be disgusted by furries until masturbating to furry. You wouldn't be allowed to be disgusted by normals unless you masturbate to 3D women and want to have sex with them. It's stupid.

>> No.6629058

Well, have you ever murdered someone? Maybe you would enjoy it if you tried it.

>> No.6629066

To begin with the phrase "you wouldn't be allowed" is a lot of nonsense. It's like saying we don't have the freedom to be wrong and not care about it. Which we obviously do.

>> No.6629086

It is possible to internalize your disgust and be polite. THis only works up to a point.

Why do you think I'm here at all? Because sharing my interests is fun, even if I'm sharing them with raging pricks who are 2 books short of a set and can't get along to save their lives.

There is no inherent bad in anything, including atrocities like the Holocaust. I have no hate in jews, and I think slaughtering unarmed covilians is unfair, but if you have the strength to make it work, go for it. Sucks to be an unarmed populace in the face of a giant war machine. At least I have the guts to say I don't give a damn about war atrocities and have the logical consistency to follow up by doing nothing to stop them. People who hate crime or poverty or death while sitting in their comfortable homes doing nothing to stop it are just fucking lazy. Some people see the world as black and white, some see it as shades of gray. I see it as one uniform shade that varies from person to person.

>> No.6629091

In other words your words are as empty as your soul.

>> No.6629094


>> No.6629104

All words are inherently empty.

>> No.6629106


>> No.6629111
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>> No.6629116

This thread is shit, and so are drugs.

>> No.6629117

That's racist.

>> No.6629120

Why don't you try some drugs and take it easy.

>> No.6629129

Here, now you start being a little annoying to me again. Right when I was thinking "We're so much alike, both outcasts on the outcast of the internet".

Too strange for the real world, yet too normal for /jp/. I can never really fit in anywhere.

>> No.6629135

Christ..I thought this thread died?

Stop bumping it you cretins.

>> No.6629137

This has always bothered me about /jp/-- for as much as we say take it easy here, we usually don't actually mean it. It's just sugar coating "Fuck off. I like it".

>> No.6629138

The only real requirement for fitting into /jp/ is taking it easy and not bringing up stupid shit.

If you can do that you're probably fine.

>> No.6629143

>Too strange for the real world, yet too normal for /jp/. I can never really fit in anywhere.
I know that feel.
God's own prototypes, as Hunter S Thompson put it. Too strange to live, too weird to die.

>> No.6629149

We do, you just take us too seriously.

>> No.6629154

Old /jp/ takes it easy.
Newer people to /jp/ think that it's just a meme.
It's how you tell long time friends from recent friends.

>> No.6629170

Makes sense.
This is why I sage nearly every single one of my posts, particularly if it's inflammatory. I've done all I can to make sure people don't see it other than not post it at all, it's not my fault if someone else gets pissed off. Some things need to be said.

>> No.6629171

...and he replied seriously...

>> No.6629178

I always reply seriously. Arguing is one of my favorite pastimes.

>> No.6629181

You don't get it.

>> No.6629183

Well help a brother out. I like to know when I'm missing something so I can avoid looking like a jackass in the future.

Useless, I know, since jackass is prettymuch my default state.

>> No.6629190


>> No.6629195

Can't believe I missed that reference. I've played it more times than any man should.

>> No.6630374

Bad thread or BAD THREAD?

>> No.6630379

Why are you going around bumping all the bad threads, if you know they're bad?

>> No.6630385

I bet it's some sort of mental condition.

Like autism.

>> No.6630486

I want /jp/ers to remember what happens when they don't take it easy.

>> No.6631422


>> No.6631463

