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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6626625 No.6626625 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6626631



>> No.6626643

What is why.jpg?

>> No.6626664


I hate English speaking Eurofags so goddamn much. They are the cancer that destroys the rest of Europe.

>> No.6626760

The fuck is crisps?

>> No.6626769


>> No.6626787

Do people still eat at McDonald's anywhere in the world??? I mean...REALLY????

>> No.6626805

I enjoy the occasional cheeseburger. Fast food is great.

>> No.6626808


Wrong, it's what we call chips in America.

>> No.6626814
File: 14 KB, 299x316, mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

マクドナルド が大好き!

>> No.6626819

dem nuggets, man.

>> No.6626820

> implying there is any location in the US where they serve these 5 items
> implying it wouldn't be the best restaurant ever

>> No.6626835


I am disgust.

>> No.6626841

fries = chips
chips = crisps
∴ fries = crisps.

>> No.6626844

McDonald's dollar menu is a must for when you're either really drunk or really really high.

But sober its nasty compared to the competitor I agree.

>> No.6626848
File: 139 KB, 600x450, chicken-mcnugget-step-one-1447-1232141429-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6626849

No it's horrible in pretty much every possibly way.

>> No.6626852

Delicious Ice Cream.

>> No.6626853


>> No.6626857

No, I meant fast food period. Do you guys really have to embody the otaku stereotype? I'm all for VNs and anime and body pillows, but could we at least acknowledge that unhealthy diet and lack of exercise is a big problem in most advanced nations? We need to find a way to combine /jp/ and /fit/ to create weaboos that can also be alpha.

>> No.6626860
File: 60 KB, 900x300, happy-meal-project-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate McDonalds and I only eat there if I absolutely have to. It's usually full of sad looking people who shove what's supposed to look like a burger down their throats to forget how shitty their life is. The food tastes OK the first and second time, but after that, it's always the exact same taste of wet cardboad with tons and tons of chemicals to cover up that it actually contains no nutrients and probably not even any meat.

>> No.6626862

I'm hypoglycemic, other than the chocolate cake that sounds like something I would do. Order fatty foods and a diet soda. People could be diabetic or hypoglycemic you know.

>> No.6626878

No. No, we don't.

>> No.6626883

The nuggets are the only thing Mcdonalds has done remotely right in years. Remember when the fries were good?

Christ, what is that?

>> No.6626884

Get over yourself.

>> No.6626886

Fuck that shit, I don't want to be alpha.

And eating an occasional burger is not the same thing as using fast food as your primary mode of sustenance. I'm not fit, but I'm not fat either. I only weigh 150 lbs at 5'10". I'm simply under-muscled.

>> No.6626889


>> No.6626895

>"Get over yourself."

>> No.6626899


>> No.6626904

>implying that not being fat is the same thing as being healthy

>> No.6626913

>implying "healthy" and "fit" are the same thing

>> No.6626920

I'd guess it's the by-product of the meat industry. Anything that can't be sold as real meat like eyeballs and tendons and such parts will be ground up into this pink paste-like stuff.
Then they put chemicals in it to kill all the bacteria. More chemicals to make it taste and smell better and then more chemicals to make it look like meat and that's how chicken nuggets are made.

>> No.6626924

>implying they're not

>> No.6626925

>Remember when the fries were good?
FUCK switching from lard to vegetable oil. Fuck it.

>> No.6626941

You just went full retard.
I have no health problems, thus I am healthy.
I have no muscles, thus I am not fit.

Being fit helps you to be healthy because it fosters a strong immune system. Being fit does not mean being healthy.

>> No.6626947

First time I tried pronouncing that in japanese I felt extremely retarded.

>> No.6626953

>A chocolate and cake


...Does that really need to be there? Just simply say Chocolate Cake,goddamn.



>I don't want to be alpha.

Being picky about your food has nothing to do with being an Alpha. Trust me,I used to be one when I was 15.

>> No.6626993

Can't quite see why you had to quote me on that, as I wasn't the one who brought up the idea.

>> No.6627013
File: 73 KB, 538x720, ohyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mis/fit/ here, u weeabos jelly I'd look better then u in cosplay outfits?

Yeah u mirin. Healthy as fuck.

>> No.6627018

I can't tell if this is supposed to be a parody or not.

>> No.6627019


Feels way easier in katakana than in roman characters.

>> No.6627021

Only this guy >>6626857. You can have him.

>> No.6627023

You may look better in the costume, but my costume will look better than yours.
GB2/fit/ and leave us nerds who don't waste time training our body for circumstances we never encounter in peace

>> No.6627030
File: 36 KB, 640x480, zakuholdingpeopleinhishandwithastrangelookatthedistance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying being fit means having muscles
>implying a person being fit is unrelated to him being healthy, and that you could be healthy while being unfit

>> No.6627037

>don't waste time training our body for circumstances we never encounter in peace
>implying that training to live 20 more years than you with less probabilities of diseases, heart problems, or even mental illness, is wasting your time

>> No.6627045

Well then I guess I'm fit, just not "in shape".


Feels good man.

>> No.6627051
File: 13 KB, 188x233, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Investing less then an hour a day on my body instead of sitting in front of my computer lurking on 4chan
>Feeling better, looking better and more confident then all u weeabos combined.
>Waste of time

Yeah... u mad.

>> No.6627082

I fully accept that I do not want those 20 years. God can have them, dole them out to other people in need. Instead of maximizing my time on earth to experience more good shit, I cut out the middleman and just maximize experiencing good shit.
Working out's too hard, man. That's time I could spend doing a dozen other things more useful and less painful.
If I get a heart attack, I get a heart attack. So What?
I'm also a smoker. Non-filtered, hand-rolled goodness.

>> No.6627152

I have mastered exercising and doing /jp/ related things at the same time.

>> No.6627188
File: 8 KB, 206x225, mary_smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad, Takeshi?

>> No.6627226
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1289328638202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takeshi is beta as fuck.
Mary slept with Robert AND Sue before him.

>> No.6627231

i just want to know what mcdonalds sells potato chips in it

>> No.6627248

The ones inside Wal-Mart

>> No.6627249

And Yamashita sensei.

>> No.6627253

Huh, it actually states that McDonalds stopped using MSP for Nuggets after 2003. Feeling less guilty about them now.

>> No.6627259

Wow, remember that dialogue where Robert asks Takeshi how his date was after talking about his super cool surfing trip? What an ass.

>> No.6627261

alpha as fuck

>> No.6627266

>Wow, remember that dialogue where Robert asks Takeshi how his date was after talking about his super cool surfing trip? What an alpha.

Fix'd. Not only did Robert go surfing and not giving a shit about Mary, but he knew Takeshi would get stood up and rubbed it in his face.

"So yeah, I was just chillin, surfin some waves, bench pressing, havin fun. Mary gave me a call so I dropped by her house for a quickie. Today in class she gave me a handjob under the desk during the lecture, shit was so cash. So man, remember that date you had with Mary? How'd that turn out?"

>> No.6627303

Maybe he's hosting a fucking party.
