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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 101 KB, 371x580, cryingazunyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6626170 No.6626170 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think I can do this anymore. I'm too much of a failure at everything. I can't even bring up the courage to call up McDonalds and Burger King. Just to ask about the current state of my application, and if they're currently hiring. I'm tired of being a big fucking failure at everything. Escapism isn't working anymore. Why was I so fucking stupid.

I could have had friends. I could have had a girl's hand to hold, and to talk to, instead of having this fucking drawing on my computer.

It's not even that. I mean if I at lease had put some effort into my life I could have gone to College. Not even gone to College. I could have had at lease a reference to put on my resume. I have nothing. I fucking sat around and played World of Warcraft all through High School. Then I got tired of that and tried to escape my life through watching drawings live theirs.

I've never even held a girl's hand before. What the fuck.

Why don't my parents yell at me and kick me out? I want to die so bad, but i'm too much of a fucking coward to pull a trigger. What the fuck am I going to do. Everything just hurts and makes me curl up into my room further.

>> No.6626173

And you were making such good progress before

>> No.6626174
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>> No.6626177

You don't love your waifus enough. You don't deserve them, scumbag.

>> No.6626179
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You should learn to enjoy the tiniest things in life, dear OP.
You don't need any of what you mentioned to be happy.

>> No.6626184

You could always post a suicide help request on craigslist.

That or man the fuck up.

>> No.6626185

Join a police academy. If you finished highschool its good shit. If you do military you can laze around browsing 4chan on your post, then come back to the US or whatever fucking country you're in and then join the police academy, and everyone will think you're hot shit.

>> No.6626187


Get out US army devs.

>> No.6626189

>enjoy the tiniest things in life
so, in other words, you're telling him that to go out, he should catch a bacterial disease and enjoy it.

>> No.6626192

I can't imagine what it feels like to want something out of life while not being able to grasp it.

As for me, I'm okay with my shut-in lifestyle continuing forever.

>> No.6626197
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A Nazrin is fine too.

>> No.6626198


If his life was a Moyashimon episode, he would have no reason to be depressed.

>> No.6626199


Why don't you just become a construction worker? any retard can work there, there are jobs for everyone out there but not many good ones.

>> No.6626201

While it is just a job, how can you justify perpetuating war?
A better choice would be to get an education and become a researcher or engineer.

>> No.6626203

It's called depression, OP. You need to tell your parents you're depressed as hell, then you can all decide what to do together to fix it.

You are probably young too. Young people have the world by the balls: you can do pretty much anything you want. You're life ain't over until you hit 100. Also I've never touched a girl before as well (I'm almost 27) but I feel alpha anyways. You'll be feeling great too 24/7 once you get yourself sorted out.

>> No.6626204


OP can't go to college, his only options are shitty jobs but he is too retarded to find one of those.

>> No.6626205

Maybe I was just projecting, thats what I always wanted to do, spread justice or some shit. Instead I'm stuck in my second year of Engineering courses because my parents pushed me into it, since I was always on the computer. I just went along with it. I dont really hate it, I'm just indifferent. It feels like I'm just watching life go by and my parents live their fantasies of success through me. I'm only me when I can get home and connect with my computer. Feels terrible.

>> No.6626207

most soldiers don't actually fight. they just sit around giving the impressions that they could in case some nut job tries to start shit.

>> No.6626209

Every since I started coming to /jp/ regularly my PhD in Physics has been slipping further and further away. But I can't stop coming here.
Goddammit OP, life sucks sometimes. The only difference between you and me right now is that escapism is still working for me, to the detriment of my life.

>> No.6626210

>he thinks you can actually get a job on the force without an applied sciences degree in criminal justice.

I live outside of Detroit and not even they are that desperate for cops.

>> No.6626214

>enjoy the tiniest things in life
When I was eleven, I tried to tell someone this. I told him that I liked the smell of fresh-mown grass in the spring, and that he should go out and find something to like and report back to me. He didn't really listen - I think he just wanted to whine - but it really helped me when I got older. Even when I was failing at everything, I could still find small happiness in those tiny little things.

>> No.6626215

Killing yourself is a great option.

Do it.

>> No.6626217

Community college is payed off in full by FAFSA, OP can go even if he has absolutely shit grades.

>> No.6626220

Like this, but with a Bachelor's degree.

>> No.6626225
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That feel when you want to do something with your life but you're unable to make a connection with another human being and don't want to be an outcast at your job so you do nothing at all.

>> No.6626226

Yes, I know, it still sort of promotes war, however I don't see how it's that much worse than people on /jp/ who leech off walfare or whatever, as opposed to leeching off the govt's military budget.
What is justice really? Forcing your beliefs on others? While there are certain things which are undoubtably bad such as people harming other people (violence and whatnot), there are also plenty of laws which are only meant to harm people who have commited victimless crimes, in which case, I don't see how that's justice at all, it's actually injustice.
What subset of physics do you specialize in?

>> No.6626227

>As for me, I'm okay with my shut-in lifestyle continuing forever.
This. If you still manage to get depressed at how much of a loser you are, you simply suck hard at escapism. There are some people who always have to remind themselves of all their failures in life and what they've missed out on (romance, sex, friendships), rather than being able to enjoy what they have (galge, fapping, online friends). OP is probably one of these people, whenever he plays a good galge, he doesn't let himself dive completely into the world, he just reminds himself of how he will never experience those things in real life. This kind of person will be unhappy no matter what they make out of their lives, because no matter how hard you work, there will always be something you miss out on.

>> No.6626237
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I can't tell them that. I have never talked to my parents in my entire life. They have never talked to me. I never once had a talk from either of them.

My mother is so medded up from her Schizophrenia that she is basically brain-dead.

My father is an abusive alcoholic who went to jail for beating my mother and proceeded to get multiple DUIs and rack up $10,000 worth of debt after getting out of jail.

There is no way I could bring up the courage to talk to them.

I know I am making excuses, and sobbing about my parents was pointless, but I just can't do it.

Maybe I could talk to an anonymous helpline or something. I would need to buy one of those pay for minute cellphones (or get a plan) as I don't have a phone, and there is no way I could call up one of those with my family around.

>> No.6626242

Required watching for army


>> No.6626243

I'm going for particle physics

>> No.6626244

>>And you were making such good progress before

Indeed, how the OP went out to the movies and then went to pick up job applications shows that he has the drive deep down inside. He just needs to talk to someone about his depression.

Then when he overcomes that he will become a god.

>> No.6626245
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Cool thread guys

>> No.6626249

I feel the same way except I still deep inside want to live but I just can't. This world is fucking impossible for me to live in and I realized this as soon as I entered high school. Every night whenever I remember my dreams or lucid dreams they are almost always nightmares about being lost, trapped, or death. There is no way out of this misery anymore. We are all fucked. I just don't want to die a painful death. Just one clean blow to the head when all hope is lost.

>> No.6626254

What city/state do you live in OP

>> No.6626255
File: 168 KB, 1200x850, 1289609087236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You should pick up alcohol, OP, maybe cocaine. You will feel alot better about yourself.

>> No.6626261

I know that feeling. The horrible pit between total failure and success. Never stop trying to get your first step on the ladder. Once you do, everything you wanted will follow.

>> No.6626263

Washington State. Live in a suburb of Seattle.

I will never drink Alcohol because of my father.

>> No.6626266


You're still young. I lived with my parents in a trailer well into my 20s, went to a community college, and worked some shitty jobs, but eventually I got out and I'm now doing much better. I won't bore with details because this isn't a blog, but I'm telling you it is possible.

>> No.6626272


Oh? I'm >>6626266 and ironically enough, I'm in Queen Anne (on the Elliott Bay / Interbay side). Originally I was in a go-nowhere little town in northern New England piss poor.

>> No.6626273
File: 46 KB, 707x720, snap12, 03_09_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really bad for kids who grew up with WoW and 4chan. No kidding.

>> No.6626276

Don't give up! I would strongly recommend asking your doctor for anti-depressants because they REALLY HELP.

>> No.6626278


I don't feel bad at all... They're not supposed to be here in the first place.

>> No.6626279

That sounds like the direction my life is taking, dropping the state university I attended, and hated, next semester I am going to a local community college. I had a university job, with my leaving I will be unemployed for awhile, then once I finish up my prerequisites I leave hopefully but doubtfully MIT get my Physics degree, and move on into a bright future.

>> No.6626282

As with any drugs, it's just a matter of self-control. If you're just depressed and just use drugs to forget about that, then sure, you're bound to get addicted, but if you use them responsibly and in moderation, you'll probably be fine.

>> No.6626284

Me too.

>> No.6626286

You have a far too romanticized view of the military if you think they're out there spreading justice. They protect national interests, that's all. Sometimes it's America's national interest to appear like a strong virtuous empire that can protect the weak, but the budget doesn't always allow such luxurious interests.

People overestimate how fulfilling it would be to try fighting for justice. If you genuinely want to feel like you're doing good for the world, try working in an ambulance or something similar. But I highly doubt it will really make your life much better.

>> No.6626288

Oh shit look, its a Detroit bro. Where do you live?

>> No.6626295

Smoke weed.

>> No.6626297

I meant the Cop thing as justice not Army, sorry if that came out wrong.

>> No.6626313

>You have a far too romanticized view of the military if you think they're out there spreading justice.
Is there anyone who can honestly believe this?

>> No.6626323


Oh and, check your D levels.... Low D can lead to depression and feeling generally really shitty.

We don't get a lot of sun here this time of year, you know.

>> No.6626325
File: 55 KB, 397x408, 222azusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually started looking into going to a community college just yesterday. It's too late to sign up for a winter term, but I did apply to the school in general. I don't know if I can live like this for 3 months until the next term starts though.

>> No.6626341

You could always do community service.

>> No.6626358

if it makes you feel any better op, i would kick your ass out.

>> No.6626367

You can always talk to the counselors there. Even if it's like an advisor or something you can tell him that you need someone to talk to, and he'll point you in the right direction.

Whoever you're living with will be butthurt when they find out you're depressed, but they'll get over it. Your family obviously still cares about you or else they would have thrown you out long ago.

>> No.6626375

this, exactly this.

>> No.6626380


Oh you'll do fine. Play games, listen to good music, get out of the house and walk around .... Oh I don't know... Discovery Park or some shit. I'm sure you can find things to keep you distracted.

>> No.6626384

Or you could try studying for whatever you're interested in learning at community college, just to get a feel for it before you invest.

>> No.6626385

Guess what, OP: All of those people that you are comparing yourself against out in the real world have just as many issues as you. Most of them are just as miserable as you, but in different ways. The only difference is that they've mastered the art of putting on a persona that suggests otherwise. Deep down, most people hate their jobs, hate their spouses, and have to take loads of drugs just to get them through each day without losing their minds to having to get up and do it all over again. There are very few honestly happy people in this world, and yet everyone assumes that its just them that's fucked up, because everyone else seems so damn successful and happy on the outside.

Just quit being so hard on yourself. Remind yourself that deep down, everyone is just as pathetic as you, and find yourself some confidence in doing so. Once you have confidence, you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish. Just embrace the fact that you are a failure that faps to cartoons, and try to do something constructive with it.

And don't compare your life to those of fictional girls in slice-of-life shows. They present an idealized version of reality that is nothing like the real world. After I started making friends, I started wondering why I was so fixated on doing so in the first place. You just end up with their problems on top of your own. I cherish my alone time now.

>> No.6626399

If you've made it all this time, you can make it 3 more months. Pass the time by making a shitty troll thread in /jp/ everyday like I do.

Just make sure you're going to school for something you're really interested in and not just to go, or else you'll drop out

>> No.6626402

Droooogz and animuuuuuu. It's worked for the population of 420chan for a damn long time, and they don't even mention their secret undying love for anime.
Escapism ftw! HeroWIN is a key to killing that nasty libido we're cursed with as well.

>> No.6626406

Come on, OP. Suck it up. If it's any help, almost everyone goes through a lot of existential crisis in their mid-20s no matter what their situation is. Be strong.

If at all possible, try to get back into school. It's a good segue into the level of social interaction it requires to be gainfully employed.

It's either this, or you take ZUN!bar's self-help seminar on earning from home and I heard that shit is really expensive.

>> No.6626409

congratulations you have autism

>> No.6626412

>It's a good segue into the level of social interaction it requires to be gainfully employed.
Not necessarily.

>> No.6626415

Military just pays you to be trained and prepared to kill, how awesome is that?
Too bad I have lung problems.

>> No.6626418


People like you make me sick. You're not tired of anything, you just a fucking asshole. You like leeching off you parents, you just can't stand the thought of having to get up off your ass and pull your own weight for once in your pathetic life.

And don't fool yourself either, you know it's a damn fact. If you really didn't care about life, what would you be afraid of? If you wanted to die, what could calling a fucking McDonalds possibly do to harm you?

Day I realized I didn't care if I lived or died was the best goddamn day of my life. Walked into Google HQ and told them they were going to hire me. Started the next week at 60k. Because guess what? IT DIDN'T FUCKING MATTER ANYMORE. So what if I looked like a damn fool? So what if they said no? Called the cops? So what if the secretary pulled out a gun and shot me? I didn't give a fuck.

And best of all, because of it I got something to live for.

You don't want to die. You just want to be lazy.

>> No.6626419

i wonder if /jp/, or 4chan in general, always leads to failed life that includes wasted youth, viginity, and suicide.

>> No.6626420

OP and everyone needs to GTFO back to /a/.

>> No.6626421
File: 23 KB, 640x480, azunyan000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been trying to think of what I'd like to study. I know if I try and study in accounting, or something similar for job convenience, I'll probably just drop out. I can't think of anything though.

>> No.6626423

Not only do you start going all gay, you also insult your waifu?

Shit, you just went below shut-in autistic fag.

As for me, I use figurines and the great feeling of living alone to get a job and make money.

I may not be a NEET, but I sure am socially-impaired and I hate girls in general; loving the life though.

>> No.6626428

Cool story bro.

>> No.6626430
File: 12 KB, 251x230, 1291153845745s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walked into Google HQ and told them they were going to hire me. Started the next week at 60k.
>google search "please hire me"
>started the next week with 60k in debt.

>> No.6626433

Trying a bit hard there, anon.

>> No.6626437


Oh fuck no...... Just look at BOOF and Mugen. They're both fucking loaded beyond belief. Personally, I'm doing great too.... really great. Sure, I'm still alone, and I have bad stress and health issues, but at least I'm in pain comfortably.

>> No.6626438

OP, snort Oxycontins.

>> No.6626447

Stupid angsty posters. You should be happy that you don't have to do any work and can just relax everyday.

>> No.6626450

OP I feel for you.
I've been conscripted and will be dragged out of my room on the 20th of December and will be spending my xmas and new years in bootcamp.

God I hate my life. Been spending the past few days curled up in bed, no one bothers me since I basically live alone.

>> No.6626458

Doesn't Mugen live on a beach?

>> No.6626469


He also owns a huge fucking house that looks as though a drug lord owns it.

>> No.6626471

no, trollgen is just a troll that trolls multiple boards, he's no jper

>> No.6626475

And he spends all his time on /jp/ and world of tanks? Damn

>> No.6626477

He's probably a cartel boss

>> No.6626483

Mugen sells printers and printer accessories.

>> No.6626488

you have to stop hurting yourself like this--i know it's easy to blame yourself and convenient in that everyone else will accept it (and thus reinforce your belief). it doesn't matter if you're a neet, hikikomori or even a normal: no one deserves to suffer. but it's heartening that you can still want to have friends or talk to a girl, and you still reason out that you don't want to suicide because of pain, so you can still feel pain.

i made a lot of the same mistakes going through and out of high school, so i'll second community college, filing for fafsa (maybe even going to the welfare/social services office to see if they can at least get you some mental health care if your family situation is as grim as you make it out to be). you sound like you need someone to talk to, so see a therapist/psychiatrist if you can (meds can really help force a change when you feel like you can't), but we're always here for you too! don't feel like you have to rush into getting a job/making friends/finding a gf, just try to feel a small contentment in living, and in that way living will be much more tolerable or even enjoyable.

I really hope things pick up for you, OP, and I'm rooting for you. My little brother is in the same sort of situation (in seattle even) so maybe you'll run into each other lol.

>> No.6626493


The sooner you realize that most people don't give a fuck about what you have done or where you have been, the better. Then you can move forward. And if they start talking shit, fuck 'em, they're not worth your time.

>> No.6626496


Yeah he's like a grand combination of Hank Hill and Remilia Scarlet (because he has tons of maids).

>> No.6626517

If you are diagnosed with depression your state might have a program that offers jobs automatically.

>> No.6626522


It was for me.

I mean, it's a situation where for the most part you're not forced to interact but you're out there, in public, in a cooperative environment... but if you're having a rough day you can just sit in the back of the class and run out when it's over and people will leave you alone.

>> No.6626570


But what about those of us who are in the 18-25 age range? By the time we hit 30 some of us are going to either balance out or be completely fucked up in the head because of these things.

>> No.6626726

Why do you want to be a normal? To much "I fucking love women" on /jp/ nowadays.

>> No.6626765

Because I'm lonely.

>> No.6626788

Do not be mislead, I just want mon

>> No.6626919


>> No.6626931

If you can pass as a girl, I'll go out with you and we can cuddle all the time.

>> No.6626956


This. And video games. And manga.
Through drugs, you'll meet all sorts of former hikki attractive women who are willing to smoke up and play you in video games and then cook you food. How the fuck do you lose? All you have to do is smoke weed and develop a sense of style. And not be a retard.

But I've got the autisms bad. That's why I smoke weed.

>> No.6626960


>> No.6626961

Bromance is better than romance.

>> No.6626962

Yeah, the guy with no friends who can barely go into public is going to go out and get drugs.

>> No.6626969


Cool part is that we're already so fucked up by 25 that even if we do "balance out" we've already ingrained some pretty fucking unique character traits. I have no problem being 100% honest about Lucky Star IRL if someone asks or if its brought up, but I won't bring it up myself if it doesn't fit the context of the situation.

Just an example. Know what I'm sayin?

>> No.6626972

Are you......me?

>> No.6626973

/jp/ is 'TRUE NEET' only, right?

>> No.6626976
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This man is on to something.

>> No.6627000

Not if it leads to that thing he's not.

>> No.6627014

>I will never drink Alcohol because of my father.

I used to say this. Then I got drunk and understood my father's alcoholism. He's still a prick though.

>> No.6627027
File: 380 KB, 520x1700, reimumarisaherb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice triples, have a Touhou weed comic

And I don't understand what you mean by "if it leads to that thing he's not". Clause-wise, what is "that thing". I haven't gotten much success with my methods, I am, by no means, "rolling in the pussy", but I've gotten my taste. and realistically, I'm more able to manage my cravings in private now instead of whining "LOL I HAET 3D CUZ THEY WONT HAVE SEX WITH ME" like so many poor hikki larval humans on this board.


>> No.6627031

Being drunk shows your true face.

>> No.6627063
File: 8 KB, 520x520, weed-nerv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right for not drinking. Alcohol is a dangerous drug that has been mislabeled by society as "socially acceptable" because it has a deep, rich, socially-acceptable history and culture.

Cannabis is healthier. If you live in a state with medical cannabis, I highly recommend getting a patient card. If you don't, well, find someone who smokes somehow. I got lucky --- Being in college is a great way to find people in common...like people who smoke weed, watch anime, and play obscure cult games like Touhou and talk visual novels.

I'm serious. You want your fucking portal to the REAL Gensokyo, and not the Void, you need a gateway. A gateway drug. Cannabis Sativa / Indica.

All those Miko shrine with paper shit? That paper's made of fucking hemp. Don't believe me? Go read about Shintoism and how hemp is a very important part of the religion. Japan's entrenched in Cannabis culture, unbeknownst to the lesser human folk who have been poisoned by the minority political elite. They've done the same to most of you, too! The Nippon Hikkikomori Kyoukai is plotting to enslave you into becoming societal drains, but in reality, they are actually Seele seeking to execute the Human Instrumentality project in order to create new, elite humans.

Think about it. What do all anime / video games / visual novels / dakimakura / guitars / japanese language / english / everything in the whole universe have in common?

>> No.6627101

I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.
But bring a bong, 'cause all I have is a binger.

>> No.6627105
File: 721 KB, 800x1032, 3e21040261043d1ca9d93124eed85ae5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We knew there was a reason why Yuuka loved flowers.

Your words regarding the virtues of the flowering Indica and Sativa do not surprise us, SA. We were already aware.

>> No.6627105,1 [INTERNAL] 

No I'm not!... I also work hard like everybody does...

Probably useless to answer this but might as well to prevent misunderstanding... No I don't spend all day trolling /jp/ and playing WoT... I only do so "after" I get all and everything that is needed to be done "then" that's the time I do my other activities... I treat my time here in /jp/ as a sort of stress reliever and WoT as a reward for a good day's work.

That is "half" correct. Yes it is true that I sell printers, printer accessories but also third party compatible spare parts and printer ink and cartridges... all wholesale and large quantities...

>> No.6627105,2 [INTERNAL] 

There no fucking way this was from /jp/.

Goddammit. ;_;

>> No.6627105,3 [INTERNAL] 

I always laugh at this "medical cannabis" bullshit hahaha.

Why can't people admit that they simply like it? You don't have to make up crap, same goes for religions that use any kind of stuff to induce visions or whatever.

>> No.6627105,4 [INTERNAL] 

What is it with drug bros always talking about drugs 24/7 anyways.

>> No.6627105,5 [INTERNAL] 

They're like that kid with the xbox. "The great thing about smoking marijuana isn't the high, it's showing everyone online that I did."
It's really obnoxious, and sadly, I know a couple people who are like this in real life as well.

Just remember that those of us who can enjoy getting high every now and again without letting it take over our lives and our posting habits are the silent majority.

>> No.6627105,6 [INTERNAL] 

I'm glad to know that. Because I've met some weed bros and they were all really annoying about this, after looking at the internet I noticed most were the same.
