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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6624966 No.6624966 [Reply] [Original]


>Tokyo’s ban on anime, manga and games featuring “virtual crimes” or which are “likely to interfere with the healthy development of youth” has passed

>the bill is intended exclusively as an “anti-otaku” law

From /v/ with love.

>> No.6624969

Because there hasn't been 20 threads about this already

>> No.6624972

>of youth
This affects /jp/ how?

>> No.6624978

/a/ has a big ass sticky at the top of it. anything you may want to talk about bill 156 has probably already been mentioned, replied to, and argued about.

>> No.6624981


that was fast.

well i just herd about it
not a MASSIVE weeaboo such as yourself but i do enjoy some of the geams ypu people like.
just wabted to kow what all you thik

and is this a troll?

>> No.6624988

Oh for fuck's sake

>> No.6624990

Clearly gameinformer is the best source for anime news

>> No.6624987

It affects /v/, though because they love games marketed for children.

>> No.6624992

bill 156 had its initial vote done on the 13th by the general committee. the 15th is/was the full assembly vote. the dpj had said they were going to back the bill and they plus the ldp (the bill's author's party) equals instant passage. we've had thread after thread after thread on bill 156.

>> No.6624993

A user's blog no less

>> No.6624994

>massive weeaboo

Welcome to the board! Here we discuss Touhou, visual novels (in the vein of Phoenix Wright, etc.), and also such things as figurines and body pillows with pictures of anime characters printed on them. Pictures of nuclear explosions are extraordinarily ineffective at trolling /jp/ which isn't really into Japan anyway.

>> No.6625000

Ah, thought so.
/jp/ shit is all +18 and if it had to be banend is because it's sick.

>> No.6625011
File: 120 KB, 535x530, 9952087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he thinks Japan actually enforces most of their laws

Laughing doujin circles.jpg

>> No.6625004

Yeah but in Japan, the only stuff that's 18+ is hentai.

A child can buy Berserk, for example.

>> No.6625017

Doujin circles self-publish by the very definition. They wouldn't be affected.

>> No.6625018


Yes i know what /jp/ is

you talk about what? 3-4 thing ever here.

it just looks like a /jp/ subject and you would be the authority on such matters
remeber iv never "hurd" anthing onit till now

>> No.6625019

when it involves backroom money matters, you damn right they are going to enforce this one. MANGA AND ANIME AND VIDEO GAMES HAVE GONE TOO LONG WITHOUT SOME WAY FOR POLITICIANS TO GET FREE MONEY OUT OF THEM. THIS MUST NOT STAND

>> No.6625023
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Eh. I don't read manga about pathetic men who get raped in the ass by niggers anyway.

>> No.6625028

Go cry wolf on /a/ retard. Nothing will change.

>> No.6625032

>Dec 14 10:49 AM
Because they vote bills in at 01:49 right?

>> No.6625034

>anime, manga, and games
Coincidentally, we have boards for those.

>> No.6625038

>all of the major anine publishers/producers move out of tokyo
>massive economic boost to other big cities such as Osaka or Kyoto
>Akihabara becomes another redlight district, pantyless maid cafes, lolicon corner, NTR avenue.
>Osaka's version of Akihabara becomes amazing and everyone is happy
>except Tokyo, which loses a ton of money and tourism.
That guy is going to get booted the fuck out of office asap.

>> No.6625048

How many PMs has Japan lost already in the last 3 years?

>> No.6625047

>December 14, 2010 at 10:49 AM
Sorry, but that post was made when it was something around 5 AM on Japan. Obviously, this means the guy who made it is either so fast he can see into the future or a slow faggot who's just heard of this theme.

When is the voting going to happen, by the way? Does anyone have any idea, or is it just "on the 15th"?

>> No.6625060

Virtual crimes ?
so anything illegal or is it just loli/rape/incest they're going after? , will it be full on banned or just age regulated?

>> No.6625061

I imagine the session doesn't begin until 10:00 or so at the very least. So, probably won't be news until 20:00 EST.

>> No.6625068

well since the DPJ came in last year they lost like 4 PMs and the 5th is likely going to get kicked too
Tokyo's had Ishihara (the guy behind this bill) for the last 11 years or so.

>> No.6625071

They're technically against Japanese law because they infringe on copyright. But no one cares or does anything about it.

My point is that this is yet another set of laws that will never get enforced. Only /a/ or /v/ babbies would give a second thought about this.

>> No.6625081

>Reads the article.
Well that's vague as hell

>> No.6625084

remember when rape was banned in hentai.........yeah

>> No.6625090

/jp/- Touhou Culture.

>> No.6625092

No, Japanese copyright law is really quite liberal. As long as you don't plagerize you can get away with anything.

>> No.6625087

Either the law will be overturned because it kills the anime industry (and a big chunk of the tourism industry) or it will, more likely, never be enforced.

>> No.6625096

there's a panel that determines what is and is not harmful in tokyo. said panel is probably going to have a lot of money flowing into it. politicians are probably going to be on the panel.

and that is why we have this law.

>> No.6625109

Its vague enough to ban anything they want it to pretty much, but it wont effect anything that is already 18+. If it passes today it will take effect june 1st and we will probably see wide spread cancellation of ongoing anime and manga.

>> No.6625116

this doesn't mean anything unless you're under 18

oh wait, OP is from /v/

>> No.6625121

fucking moron.

>> No.6625127

Way to miss the point.

>> No.6625133

Japan passes laws and doesn't do anything with them all the time. Like when Rapelay was in the news they banned rape from hentai, and as you all know there has never been a rape since

>> No.6625143

I'm pretty sure that ban didn't pass.

>> No.6625153


aww what's the matter, baby upset that he can't buy cartoon porn anymore?

there is a 99.999% chance you download it anyway so I don't see what the problem is

>> No.6625160

the adult stuff is untouched
you can still buy all the porn you want, including the loliporns

>> No.6625164

the ban doesn't even effect anything rated 18+ so porn is alright. You lack reading comprehension or something?

>> No.6625175


and "porn that is really porn but we'll try to test the limits and classify it as a kid's manga" gets reclassified as porn like it should

it's about damn time, maybe they will put some effort into their shit now instead of just slapping some boobies on a half-assed project and selling it.

>> No.6625177
File: 67 KB, 271x240, 1264012311885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take Kodomo no Jikan
>Put R-18 sticker in cover
>And not a single fuck was given that day

>> No.6625181

it actually goes for anything that more or less isn't slice of life

>> No.6625185

All right, to everyone who wastes time explaining things to OP - stop immediately. Why should you care if he's informed? He's a retard anyway, that or a troll. The only thing you should care about is that he goes away.

>> No.6625190

And even slice of life normally has school girls in it.

>> No.6625196
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Didn't something like this already happen on the eroge side of things

...and then nothing came of it?

In anycase, I've heard nothing about this news on the various Japanese sites I frequent.

>> No.6625207

No more fanservice anime?

Maybe now they'll decide to actually add a plot to their shows.

>> No.6625202

except it will also effect violent stuff as well as sexual stuff and may even effect mature theme if they feel like it. so say goodbye to all anime and manga except slice of life ones like K-ON

>> No.6625209

>I've heard nothing about this news on the various Japanese sites I frequent.
That's because this isn't big deal and only english speaking /a/nn and /a/nimesuki and s/a/nkaku level retards think it is.

>> No.6625211

That's because the final bill hasn't passed yet.

>> No.6625218

goddammit this thread is repeating everything said in previous threads. you read the sticky in /a/ and all this shit will have been talked about already. every point from both sides of the issue.


how the fuck do you link other boards

>> No.6625219

Heavy fanservice shows air on satellite stations. Doubt those would be affected.

>> No.6625225

because that bill was going to make all sexual fetishes illegal and most people didn't like it. This vote is to "protect the children" and right now has unanimous support from the people who will be voting today.

>In anycase, I've heard nothing about this news on the various Japanese sites I frequent.
go check out any japanese news site, news articles are all over the place.

>> No.6625232

since when does /jp/ care about what's going on in japan?

>> No.6625240

Almost everything I read/watch is 18+ anyway. Not that it really matters because this law means shit

>> No.6625236
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>We can't let adults see this. It might harm children.
>Alcohol is still legal.
>Lol censorship.

Just my input. People will be stupid. Nothing can change that.

>> No.6625234


Not that hard.

>> No.6625237

You use three.

>> No.6625258

oh. thanks.

>> No.6625261

>say goodbye to all anime and manga except slice of life ones like K-ON

I fail to see the problem.

>> No.6625262
File: 10 KB, 211x205, 1288475767074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how the fuck do you link other boards.

What the fuck is happening? why are there so many new people on /jp/ these days?

>> No.6625271

did we even have cross board linking prior to 2005?
i don't remember anyone using it back then

it's pretty obscure

>> No.6625280


Whatever you say Mr. "Oldfag".

>> No.6625284

we've always had it
man, I feel pretty upset about the newcomers
what am I going to do?

oh, naked Miku on my other window...

>> No.6625294 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 600x747, 13879598_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's censor porn/hentai
>nothing changes

The same with this law

>> No.6625292

then it at least used to need proper syntax, right?
you can simply paste the full link and it converts now, i know that changed

>> No.6625296

you can tell how often i've used cross board linking since i've been on 4chan since 2005 and never knew how to

>> No.6625301

i've been around since 2003 and only used it two times to link to the text boards

>> No.6625306

All the other boards are worthless anyway. The whole site is

>> No.6625326


Shut the fuck up.

If you have been on 4chan for atleast 1 week you have seen it dozens of times already.

Being an "oldfag" doesn't make you cool, now get the fuck out and lurk more.

>> No.6625334

>If you have been on 4chan for atleast 1 week you have seen it dozens of times already.
i've seen it less than 50 times in my 4chan career
>Being an "oldfag" doesn't make you cool
because i'm totally on /jp/ because i want to be cool
i don't think your type belongs here, take it easy and relax

>> No.6626893

And now it's official

>> No.6626909

Are you blind? There's a thread on the front page.

Bunch of droolers I swear.

>> No.6626910

I don't think we had it until we got the whole web2.0 upgrade to 4chan's appearance
