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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6622593 No.6622593 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this

>> No.6622596

Seems to be a picture of Asian women posing nude.

>> No.6622595

women are sluts

>> No.6622597

Girls getting naked for money and fame?
It happens all the time.
I don't see anything that needs an explanation here.

>> No.6622613

I'd number 10's hair.

>> No.6622617

Not even a decent pair of breasts between those sluts... why bother covering up?

>> No.6622618

Yeah, that is some nice hair.

>> No.6622621

Further proof that everything associated with AKB48 is crass and shameless. And yet their trolls have the gall to hold themselves above us.

>> No.6622622

Explain this:

[Insert any American singer / actress worth of note posing naked on magazine covers, pretty much every single one of them did once]

>> No.6622631
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 1255210658466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /jp/ I know whines about breast cancer whenever someone is depicted having breasts larger than AA cup, am I on the right board?

>> No.6622633

Pfff. One or two whiny pricks does not make "/jp/"

>> No.6622636

This is very different from one or two risque photo shoots. This is a group comprised of multiple AKB48 members whose sole purpose is to do "adult" performances. lol@ sluts

>> No.6622700
File: 886 KB, 1600x1200, shoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony is literally killing me.
Please, return to you ghetto and don't step out ever again.

>> No.6622737

aaad here comes the AKB troll.
There is a difference between celebrity glamour modeling and putting on weekly burlesque shows. How about YOU go back to wherever you crawled out from?

>> No.6622758

>This is very different from one or two risque photo shoots.
Huh, and what is the thing that OP posted if not "one risque photoshoot"?

>"adult" performances
Those are the adult performances you're talking about, right?
Mother of God, it's like you don't even know what you're talking about and you're just speaking through third hand informations.

>> No.6622769

>B-but it's different because it's something I care about, please keep buying our merchandise ;_;

Frustrated assclown, go back to your cage.

>> No.6622834

I'm not too familiar with /jp/ idol drama, what's going on?

>> No.6622841

>weekly burlesque shows

The only burlesque show I see are you and your pathetic daily astorturfing threads.
Seriously, Lost in T, we all know where you're coming from and what agendas you're trying to push. The problem is that nobody cares about your salesman tactics and your blind bias.
Look at this thread, it's just me and you. Don't you feel pathetic to wage an all-encompassing war against one person?

>> No.6622878

Oh look it is the tinfoil crusaider,
guess what, he hasn't posted in this thread at all.

Way to fly off the handle in picturesque form again

>> No.6622885

Nothing to see, just one butthurt Morning Musume fan from the Morning Musume thread rushing here to spew his usual bigoted tirade. After his "Tu quoque" fallacy is exposed, he tries to act condescending on everyone.
You have to understand that those guys are particularly jelly about the fact nobody gives two shits about their idols and this somewhat justifies their abusive behavior.

>> No.6622891

Nope, you are making more of an ass of yourself though

>> No.6622897

>Way to fly off the handle in picturesque form again
Oh, Lordy.
You're a whirlwind of sad irony, you know that?

>> No.6622943

Jesus fuck, just get banned already

>> No.6622952

I don't need abusive astroturfing and mindless condescension to feel better with myself, Lost in T. This is what makes me a better person.

>> No.6622969

If I were a mod, I'd ISP ban everyone posting in the idol threads, trust me.
Sometimes I even report some of their most obvious posts as Spam/advertising/flooding since it has become pretty damn obvious that's what they're here for, but nobody hears my call. So sad... =(

>> No.6622985

I'm talking about you: dedicated AKB troll. Do you have nothing better to do than shit /jp/ up just because nobody gives a fuck about your group and their sub-cells of even less famous sluts?

You tried making threads here before, and they didn't even last a day. Take that as a message.

>> No.6623010

I only keep track of you idol fans because I like how you go at each other throats with gusto.

>> No.6623026

Not really. It's just one butthurt idiot who spams our thread all day and then tries to pass off pornography as art in threads like these.

>> No.6623045

You need to stop stirring up trouble and bumping this thread.

Whatever form of conversation that /jp/ wanted to have about this OP took place in the first 10 posts or so.

The rest falls into direct confrontation of same trolls and whoever decided to post this OP, my guess is you actually.

>> No.6623082

I like how you're trying to patronize on me by shouting all those nasty words. I know frustrated high-school kids love to use them in real life to get a boost in self-confidence, but I don't think it works very well on the Internet.

>You tried making threads here before

>Do you have nothing better to do than shit /jp/
You're an explosion of autistic irony, wrapped in a mystery, wrapped in an enigma. And nobody still cares about Morning Musume in here it seems, slinging mud all around you don't make you look cleaner or more appealing just so you know.

>> No.6623084


Who is that? Fuck, she's hot

>> No.6623100
File: 777 KB, 1600x1200, spread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things your post contains: hyperboles, astroturfing and assorted fallacies
Things your post doesn't contain: any sense

>> No.6623129

HURR DURR Astroturfin if I say it enough it's true

reported. If we had our old janitor, you'd already be out the door by now

>> No.6623139

Hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration understood by both the poster and the reader, like "he was gone for a million hours" or "what is that, the billionth time you've said that?" used for effect.

By your claim that his post has hyperbole along with other things, it's like you're saying hyperbole is some kind of unacceptable practice. And that leads me to believe you didn't understand what it actually was until I told you.

>> No.6623166

Maki Goto, an ex member of Morning Musume.
She is on Avex now. Akb trolls cling to a steamy photoshoot she did out of desperation to get more coverage as some sort of self defense mechanism to defend the endless gravure flooding and out of gate promotional tactics such as >>6622593

Absolutely entirely different situations, career points and levels of talent.

>> No.6623168

I'm trying so hard to give a shit about what you post. Really, I fucking do but I always give up halfway through.
Maybe it's because I don't feel threatened in the least by your patronizing posts and just take pity at you. You also seem to have completely given up any rational discussion at this point and are just resorting to personal attacks and putting words I didn't say into my mouth, so I guess you're using me to air your pent-up frustrations on me by pigeonholine me as the "enemy"?
Isn't there anything in your life that doesn't revolve around astroturfing Morning Musume.

>> No.6623181

>to air your pent-up frustrations on me by pigeonholine me as the "enemy"?

You've spent over an entire year repeating the same tired troll phrases and having your troll posts deleted. You are in no position ever in your existence to claim any sort of victim card.

>> No.6623188



>> No.6623190

Don't buy THEM's stuff, buy US's stuff. We GOOD, they BAD.

I like this mentality. I used to have it too, then I stopped being 14.

>> No.6623207

You've spent over three years astroturfing your unappealing idols while apparently trying to sling mud at others because somehow saying something good about them would interfere with your viral marketing agendas.
I think you take the cake for sad life, bro.

>> No.6623212

"astroturfing" added to my filter

>> No.6623227

>steamy photoshoot she did out of desperation to get more coverage

So she whored herself (using your words, not mine, honestly I have no allegiances so I don't need to impress my own black-and-white world on others) because her career was dead in the water. And this somehow is a compliment to you.

>> No.6623234

Ignorance is acceptance.

>> No.6623258
File: 266 KB, 1600x1200, Maki Goto 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Maki Goto, does a textless version of this pic from that set exist? Would make a phenomenal wallpaper

>> No.6623297

You have to understand her particular situation, she's had almost a 10 year career, very successful solo career for almost as long.

But her family has gone through dramatic trauma. Just this year her mother fell to her death. Her brother is in jail and her father died while she was really young.

This particular moments was just around the release of her comeback mini album. In Japan, family issues tarnish your reputation and she basically was fighting to get coverage of her story in different magazines. She didn't want to do something like this but it was one of the only ways that she could get that wall of text article to print.

I think there may be one but I'd have to dig around for a bit. You could ask the Musume thread too.

>> No.6623316

>Hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration understood by both the poster

Oh, you're right. The guy I was referring this was seriously so retarded to mean everything he said, right down to quoting me on things I never claimed in order to make himself look the white knight.
Silly me, what if I replace it with "double-standards fallacy", would it be fine?

>> No.6623338

>three years astroturfing
You don't even understand the premise of /jp/ or 4chan to make retarded assumptions like the idol thread was created as a front for an outside forum site.

The Musume threads have mostly embraced anonymous and the exact opposite of everything a forum and avatar'd users stand for.

>apparently trying to sling mud at others
What is true, that from the very beginning, rather than creating their own threads. Akb trolls rather decided to be a boil on the ass of /jp/ and pester and shit all over the idol threads for years.

Just because you are a more recently programmed and bandwagonning infused troll does not allow you remove yourself from the context of reality and the history of /jp/

/jp/ in general doesn't like idols, it isn't a surprise, the fact that you instantly connect all of the hate for something like OP to the regular idol posters is just another instant of misguided ignorance and blind rage.

You have to thank the trolls that came before you for the system of communication and nature of discussion that occurs on /jp/ and on 2ch

>> No.6623350

>but it was one of the only ways that she could get that wall of text article to print

So the only way for people to give her half a fuck is to pose nude, basically using her nudity, lascivous poses and taking her tits out as a marketing material to call the reader's attention? Couldn't she go on television like every other artist does, including the girls you made abundantly clear to be irrationally hateful of?
Yeah, this definitely places her on a moral high ground like you say. I don't even need to point out to you that you've run the double standards card into the ground in this thread, but I guess everyone realized it by now.
What a clown.

>> No.6623401

>Couldn't she go on television like every other artist does
She is all over television now, was on HeyX3 just yesterday, not that you pay attention, same troll.

>you've run the double standards card
Singing for over 10 years and proving your talent versus being in a pack of newly formed fresh unknown faces being strewn about the media in gravure level articles from the start aren't the same standard you retard.

All of these girls combined couldn't match Maki's singing talent alone but that shit doesn't even matter anymore in the modern idol market.

>> No.6623413

>You don't even understand the premise of /jp/ or 4chan to make retarded assumptions like the idol thread was created as a front for an outside forum site.

Right, 4chan and /jp/ in particular is for discussing things, not for engaging in continuous marketing campaigns to rope in fans into your fan clubs.
This is the same reason why Kimmo's ISP got banned over and over again, this is not a place to get free advertizing space. You can sweeten the pill as much as you want, but you aren't much better than him. Not only that, but I'm also starting to realize you're also employing the same tactics he did, right down to invading threads to disrupt peaceful discussions and try to impress your viewpoint on the others out of an undue sense of self-righteousness.

And I find tragically ironical that you can label others as trolls when you are the first to sling your shit.
Even when you started your tirade and got told on your fallacies, you just continued with your victimisms. To me this is troll behavior through and through, you can't be fucking serious.

>/jp/ in general doesn't like idols
iM@S threads are more than welcome here, personally I only hate people like you.

>> No.6623445

All I see is two girls pretending to be topless on a cheesecake magazine. You can use the double standards as much as you want, but there's no difference in what I see.

>gravure level articles
Spoiler: they're both gravure level articles. The black and white page you posted even makes it painfully clear by superimposing the text on a photo of her posing naked on what seems to be a public beach. Stop spewing bullshit like you're trying to sell me something, I'm not that kind of person who's easily impressed by your biased talk.

And thank you for making it clear on which side you stand. LOL, faggot.

>> No.6623460

>that shit doesn't even matter anymore in the modern idol market

People obviously bought MiniMoni singles because of their talent as singers.

>> No.6623479

I like how you still think that informational product links about the idols we follow, paired along with a constant stream of free content of videos, image scans, magazines and concerts all condensed within one singular /jp/ is even remotely comparable to one of the worst mass site spammers in 4chan's existence.

Fucking shit you are still sipping on crazy juice.
Do you not have any concept of 2ch idol threads, do you honestly think that people are being forced to click any product links.

The point at the end of the day with idol releases, is that they are meant to be bought, not constantly pirated, a rare stance to take on 4chan considering the rampant pirate mentality.

>tragically ironical
The only that it is ironical in any of this is the notion that trolls like yourself attempt to construct a reality where it is them that are the victims even after years of their pestilent activities, endless sametrolling and constant disregard for rules and history.

>> No.6623531

So many buzzwords, so little sense.
If you weren't here for the shameless advertizing then you wouldn't behave like you do, to the point of resorting to putdowns to discredit others for your selfish ends (as you've made it so damn clear in this thread).
I'm just trying to tell you that people don't need some selfish fuck like you who constantly gets up in their face until they comply to every last one of his agenda points.
We know that you are here for it, at least stay in your damn threads like you promised from day one, not wandering around like a rabies-infested watchdog, you brainwashed idiot.

>Do you not have any concept of 2ch idol thread
No, I don't and I am not interested in knowing it since your threads are enough to give me the creeps.
Maybe you should go back there, is this the kind of people who order you to act like that. I have never been on 2ch but now I'm curious to see where you take all the directives.

>> No.6623601

We aren't interested in buying your shit. Anyone who's already a fan should know these informations, it's obviously clear that you're just spamming them everywhere so you can get some stupid fuck to buy what you're advertizing but who the fuck do you think will fall for your shameless viral marketing?
This, coupled with the hysterical behavior you demonstrated in this thread, surely doesn't leave much room to guessing, doesn't it?

>> No.6623727

>I have never been on 2ch
Oh jesus, you aren't even an entry level drone but you've been programmed very aggressively.

>> No.6623764
File: 55 KB, 320x320, kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opinionated as fuck
>ad hominems everywhere
>flips out if he's not being praised for his double-standards opinions
>you've been programmed very aggressively (sic!)

I bet you even think of yourself as pure white snowflake.

>> No.6623864

OP here

Keep at it

>> No.6624218
File: 8 KB, 251x251, nokim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

