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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.6621787

So which one is what and are these new?

>> No.6621791

If I was to guess, it would be in the order of things Battler is raped by:
Women, Men, Inanimate objects, his own clone

>> No.6621792

I don't want to criticize your kindness but please post the doujin info.

>> No.6621795

Battler X Hat-stand is my OTP

>> No.6621803


1: Battler & Beato doujin (the one in the pic)
2: Will & Lion
3: Lion raped by Kinzo
4: R18 Battler & Beato

>> No.6621808

Yes, they're all new.

>> No.6621809

>4: R18 Battler & Beato

This needs a translation.

>> No.6621813
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>2: Will & Lion

>> No.6621816
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>3: Lion raped by Kinzo

>> No.6621818
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>4: R18 Battler & Beato

>> No.6621823
File: 352 KB, 1127x1600, Page00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also New MilkTea doujinshi:


>> No.6621828
File: 327 KB, 1116x1600, Page00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuri doujinshi


>> No.6621839

At this point I'd even settle for an Eva doujin.

>> No.6621858


There is Eva/Natsuhi in the yuri doujin>>6621828

>> No.6621864
File: 670 KB, 1203x1700, Page00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosa/Maria doujinshi


>> No.6621881

Which ones have footjobs?

>> No.6621884

fuk u mutha fuka

>> No.6621891



>> No.6621919
File: 49 KB, 346x432, bern0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

request more

>> No.6621933
File: 446 KB, 1048x1600, Page06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Japan.
Signed, Everyone in the Western World

>> No.6621940
File: 2 KB, 126x103, 1289814199932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I get this overwhelming feeling that these were all drawn and scanned by females?

>> No.6621941
File: 269 KB, 1066x1600, Page12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear Japan.
>Signed, Everyone in the Western World

>> No.6621947

Because they're well done.

>> No.6622045


Fucking this. This is the Beato/Battler I want not Beato shoving her magic dick up his ass

>> No.6622056

>Eva doujin.

Does one even exist?

>> No.6622058

I don't want neither of those.

>> No.6622070


Then what do you want?

>> No.6622084

Fucking this.

>> No.6622087

Somehow I get female vibes from all Umineko doujins save for that one where Kinzo rapes Maria. Not that I mind.

>> No.6622093


What about the Umineko colony doujins?

>> No.6622094

Because they were.

Umineko, fujoshis everywhere.

>> No.6622205


>No Bern/Lambda, Kyrie/levi or Virgilia/Gaap
>Too much Ange/mammon

I'm Dissapoint

>> No.6622216

It had Ange and Mammon on the cover, did you not think that might be an indication of the content?

>> No.6622219
File: 11 KB, 679x427, 1291999211019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I want?
Doujins featuring any of the following characters:
EVA, Maria, Rosa, Erika, Bern, 410, Gaap, Lucifer, Satan, Virgilia, Lambdadelta or Featherine.
Preferably porn, but I don't mind SFW cute/casual things or something with plot as long as they are not made in overly cuddly, romantic or otherwise sickening fujoshi way.

>> No.6622224


It's suppose to be a yuri doujinshi not an ange/mammon doujinshi. Surely there should be a balance.

>> No.6622227

>overly cuddly, romantic or otherwise sickening fujoshi way
What is wrong with you?

>> No.6622232

That makes no sense, that's like reading a doujin that has has George and Shannon on the cover and going "it's SUPPOSED to be a het doujin, where's my Battler/Beatrice?!"

>> No.6622239

Not everyone wants their porn to be moe uguu?

>> No.6622256

I find it very hard to describe but there is some sort of fine line between good and cute romance and those....."things" that I don't want to touch even a long stick. Pardon my vagueness.

>> No.6622260

I like porn and >overly cuddly, romantic or otherwise sickening fujoshi way
They're both fine with me, as long as they're well done.

>> No.6622282
File: 744 KB, 700x830, 15077368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erika doujins where goddammit

>> No.6622285


There aren't any.

>> No.6622287

We do have 2 of them at least, do you want something more specific?

>> No.6622290
File: 2.07 MB, 2500x3546, image000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres 2 we dont have and eclipse of romance not translated

>> No.6622295


Whats the second Erika doujin?

>> No.6622348

Is someone willing to translate something?

>> No.6622396

no. that means they had to choose the cover and werent very creative. Does every volume of every manga contain all the cast that appears in it usually? the thing is it wasnt advertised as AngexMammon dojin (and its not in fact)

but meh...im SO glad i didnt buy this. what the fuck, no Bern/Lambda

>> No.6622453

>but meh...im SO glad i didnt buy this. what the fuck, no Bern/Lambda

I know! its practically the canon Yuri pairing of umineko and they didn't even include that in the doujin!

>> No.6622483

yeah..but all the pussies that make dojins love only beato/battler or ange/mammon. the rest is just addition. there wasnt any Bern/Lambda in the last yuri general dojin too

>> No.6622574

I'll probably do the Battler/Beatrice one. Maybe the first story in Te Amo which is about Kinzo representing Beatrice's penis.

>> No.6622591



>> No.6622598

I'm serious. That's what it's about. But Battler loves her anyway.

>> No.6622627

What are you talking about? There's Bern/Lambda in the yuri anthology.

>> No.6622657


No there isn't really. Other than that pic of them kissing but thats it. theres no story for them

>> No.6622688

Yeah there is. The novel section is about them.

>> No.6622695


Is it? well damn too bad I can't understand a lick of japanese then.

>> No.6622712

I want these so hard, but then i realized Lion is probably a girl in all of them

>> No.6622766
File: 470 KB, 1124x1600, Page00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checks again
>see forehead kiss

well fuck...

btw i was talking about this


if somebody havent check this out yet. it has some milfs action but both of the stories are ugly with one of them being laughably poorly drawn

>> No.6622843

Aren't you going to translate this
>4: R18 Battler & Beato

I really liked this one, and I'd like to know what they're saying.

>> No.6622881

>both of the stories are ugly with one of them being laughably poorly drawn

Hey! the second Eva/Natsuhi story is pretty well drawn. I definately agree with you on the first story having crap art.

>> No.6622884


Though would the anon translate the novel? I highly doubt so..

>> No.6622895


Lion is a girl in both doujins and probably all doujins Lion is featured in. Sorry you wont get your homolust.

>> No.6622921

Yeah, that's the one. It's based on Velvet Ribbon's work which means slightly OOC Battler, but it's miles better than a lot of BeaBato.

I might translate the novel, if I translate the doujinshi, but it'll be separately.

>> No.6622935


That's cool I can't wait for it then!

>> No.6622949

You would think we would get some Erika ring rape or EVA womb sex after EP6, but noooooo

>> No.6623025

>EVA womb sex
>EVA having sex with George

Do not want!

>> No.6623059


I...sort of do want.

>> No.6623222 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.26 MB, 800x1129, sample-fc5d6cc115628f9349df17beb69d2510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce on this anyone? It's MilkCandy/MilkTea/suzushiro kurumi obviously, but I can't find it anywhere. (Spoiler for NSFW)

>> No.6623249

It seems to me there's so much missed potential for weird sex and bizarre incestuous situations in these doujins. The only circle I've seen to take advantage of that stuff is the one that did that Finnish-translated doujin everyone was looking for a year or two ago.

>> No.6623319

>I might translate the novel, if I translate the doujinshi, but it'll be separately.

Looking forward that, then!

>> No.6623320


Here ya go:


>> No.6623634

Hell yes, thanks for delivering anon

>> No.6623710

well..yeah. okay its well drawn, i meant the style is weird.

so would somebody translate this Kiss you Lily thing? i would kinda read it anyway. should we maybe submit it to those guys ? http://www.solelo.com/blog/

>> No.6623786


Yeah we should since they are big yuri fans maybe they'll translate it. We should also submit the "Casa Blanca">>6622766 one since its also a yuri anthology.

>> No.6623913

What does the title say?

>> No.6623944
File: 431 KB, 1000x448, mil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one isnt scanlated, right?

>> No.6623996


Nope. It's basically all MilkTea's doujins (Except for the latest and chiru ones) in one. Most of them have already been scanned here: http://community.livejournal.com/tsuderascans/tag/%23umineko%20no%20naku%20koro%20ni

>> No.6624032

yeah, okay i see its an all in one, but ive never really seen any of their dojins before ep5, maybe except one or two. And too bad but im not registered on livejournal, werent those posted somewhere else too?

>> No.6624064


I don't know if they are posted but here are the links:

>> No.6624079
File: 134 KB, 1456x1070, phigurashi_hiru_01_26_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you dear Anon-kun!

>> No.6624109
File: 59 KB, 321x450, 212001031488c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they added things, or am I wrong?
eg this pic is from Alister Stella Gray, but if you download the doujin with this name in that tsunderescan community, you won't find this page.

>> No.6624135

Yeah, we're going to need a scanlation of the Beato / Battler one.

As in, now.

As in, please.

>> No.6624241

Is the one with Eva and Nappi scanlated? the original was Ushiromiya-san...
It looks like for once it's not based on meta-world, which would be nice for a change.

>> No.6624267


odd...They must have unknowingly skipped that page. Cause I don't remember seeing that page at all in the file aswell

>> No.6624476


I don't think they skipped that page. The anthology just features alot of redrawn and added scenes.

>> No.6624492


hmm in that case theres no problem. It's a shame though that this will never get scanned at all..

>> No.6624514

Thanks for the uploads. I'm hoping for some good Umineko doujins at C79. In fact, C79 is about all I'm looking forward to in the coming months, which is probably a problem.

Also: if you're having sex with your aunt's schoolgirl-aged witch alter ego, does that count as incest? Please let me know, it's important.

>> No.6624547


Yes it does. Though whether its unfortunate or not depend on you

>> No.6624548


Not more incest than the average Umineko couples already are.

If it's what I'm thinking it is. Do want.

>> No.6624555

>Not more incest than the average Umineko couples already are.

Pretty much Battler/Beato, George/Shannon and Jessica/Kanon are technically incest pairings and lets not even talk about Kinzo. Incest in Umineko isn't much of a heavy deal now.

>> No.6624558

the third one (Kinzo x Lion) was creepy as hell even more if you have read episode 7....

>> No.6624577


I'd like to know as well.

>> No.6624592

"Tonight, the Moon Remains Unseen"

In the doujinshi itself, it's referencing the lack of noticeable passage of time. The idea of Battler and Beato having a sexual relationship even in the question arcs has gotten decently popular with the Batobea segment of the fandom. (Udon-ya's Natsuno has a slightly more interesting take, imo, though it's still kind of OOC.)

>> No.6624606

Wait, Udon-ya's done Umineko doujins? Why the hell didn't I know about that and where can I find them?

>> No.6624624

im interested in this. if i buy it and see something new i could scan

>> No.6624627

Udon-ya's done all text doujinshi. In fact they're doing a Will/(female)Lion for Winter Comiket. But I was referring to the three part novel "drunk" on their ura site. Specifically the first two chapters.

>> No.6624631

>dat Lion rape doujinshi

I cringed. ;_;

>> No.6624669

>Udon-ya's Natsuno has a slightly more interesting take, imo, though it's still kind of OOC


>> No.6624699

Okay, well, shit. I can't read that. Thanks anyway.

>> No.6624834

A general synopsis is "Beato begins to regularly get Battler absolutely smashed and sleep with him, knowing he won't really remember. Battler eventually figures out what's going on and tries to sleep with her sober while pretending to be drunk. Beato knows he's not really drunk but pretends he is even afterwards, while Battler is frustrated because he was trying to tell her that he wants to sleep with her without alcohol and forgetting the next morning."

>> No.6624843

Oooh ;___;
I'd like to read this in english ;__;

>> No.6624926
File: 2.39 MB, 1000x1503, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at those Hano's art changed sooo much since then (and thats good).
except for alister and fragments of the rest, there arent really translations for those, right?

also yeah, that anthology is some remastered version, panels changed from this

>> No.6624931
File: 73 KB, 321x450, 212001031488a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to this for example

>> No.6624971

they look more or less the same to me just one has had leveling in an image program done

>> No.6624985

lol. the faces are different. a lot less chubby

>> No.6627234


Is anyone willing to translate the Will/Lion ones?

>> No.6627373

Not just the face, body too, notice her dress' collar-thingy is straighter and suggests less of a chubby body

>> No.6628136

I prefer the second one.

>> No.6628978

Bumping, 'cause I want some doujin to be scanlated.

>> No.6629073


What are the chances of TE AMO being scanlated despite being 5times longer than a normal size doujin?

>> No.6629858

I want this to get a scanlation >>6621818

>> No.6630012


Well an anon did say on this thread that she/he's going to translate it.

Now I just want to know when to expect it

>> No.6630033

shit I don't know if it was me who said I was going to translate that one (that's the one I "like" the most I guess)

I know I said I was going to do the cockroach ones but I can't remember if I said I was going to do Beatrice/Battler.

>> No.6630140



>> No.6630153

a cockroach in the form of a little girl
thread is probably still up somewhere in /jp/

>> No.6630553

>but I can't remember if I said I was going to do Beatrice/Battler.

Well, you can do it anyway, imho.

>> No.6630837

Just this page, please... ;_;
What are they saying? ;_;

>> No.6630907

BATTLER: ...to? Beato?

BATTLER: Why are you so distracted?
Is everything okay?
BEATO: Oh, ah, sorry...
BATTLER: You're not in the mood? Don't push yourself...

BEATO: It's fine...
BEATO: I wonder why I can't refuse him...

>> No.6633707

Good thing most of these will never be translated so we can just look at the pretty pictures

>> No.6633885
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x2734, scan89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some pages from this up in >>>/h/2888072

>> No.6634170


It would be better to read what they are saying

>> No.6634234

is there anymore? Or is it just those two pages...?

>> No.6634479
File: 629 KB, 1920x2740, scan96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's like a 5-6 page thing.
I'm just a slow scanner.

I'll prolly scan this at some point unless someone beats me to it. Focuses on Nappi.

>> No.6634514


That ones already been scanned though.

>> No.6634549

Good, saves me the trouble.
Annoying to track whats been scanned and what not

>> No.6634570
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x2671, scan97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this been scanned? Hardcover book with about 170 pages focusing on the Seven Sisters

>> No.6634597


>> No.6634627


Shit really? can I have a link please?

>> No.6634664

Well shit, guess I don't have to take my book apart afterall

>> No.6634678

People have stepped up a great deal when it comes to scanning Umineko doujinshi since few years back

>> No.6634679



>> No.6634719
File: 225 KB, 505x709, 08e7d9be2c3571c8505e244c1afed8eac04ceb40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this been scanned?

>> No.6634730

>Seven sisters fanbook has been scanned.
Oh god I just got a boner from hearing that.
If some people post the link I seriously gonna come buckets

>> No.6634787
File: 597 KB, 1920x2711, scan101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sideboobs ftw

>> No.6634803


>> No.6634825

I must say, I do love these high-res scans..

>> No.6634829

no natshui at all......
i just want a natshui anal doujin god dam it all.

>> No.6634851


meh! give me Eva and Kyrie doujins! Atleast Natsuhi has 2 or 3 doujins dedicated to her! even Rosa has an anthology for her!

>> No.6634884

Oh, thank you!

>> No.6634932

Anyone know if the CD catalog for has been uploaded yet?

>> No.6635641


Don't know about that

>> No.6635644

Yeah, if these things have been scanned, provide some links, please.

>> No.6635659


Exactly! Is the stakes anthology have been scanned then where the hell is the link for it!

>> No.6635673


I've seen these exact four before. Were you in the stream?

>> No.6635689



>> No.6635692


...guess not.

>> No.6636178


>> No.6636189

What for?

>> No.6636193

I'm waiting some translations.
