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6615066 No.6615066 [Reply] [Original]

Does your little sister know you play eroge?

>> No.6615070

I don't have a little sister so no.

>> No.6615068

> your little sister

>> No.6615071


>> No.6615072

No, but I wouldn't be surprised if she plays eroge.

>> No.6615087
File: 812 KB, 1280x720, AcceleratorGivingAFuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She plays eroge, visits gaia regularly, reads homosuck, is a weeaboo, and a total bitch.

By that I mean, she could NOT be any cuter. There is no way she could get any cuter even if the fucking 12 wizards of cute cast a goddamn adorable spell when the kawaii desu planets aligned. This is some seriously cute shit.

>> No.6615090

Actually, yes.

>> No.6615091

Ore no Imouto message:
>don't kill yourself
>go to your local gaia online animey meetup
>you will find many cute not fat not ugly popular girlfriends there
>there are many popular cute girls that have same hobbies you do
>they want to fuck
>animey is popular and mainstream now
>don't be shy and don't kill yourself
>buy our merchandise
>don't kill yourself

>> No.6615092

You have an awesome sister. Does she play touhou?

>> No.6615093


>> No.6615095

No, I am the youngest sibling.
My other sister however, knows, and so does my parents.
I never really got why I should hide it from them.

I mean, VNs are VNs, I read them out in the living room in daylight given its not a nukige.
As for other Eroge? I am a young man in his twenties, everyone assumes I have tons of porn on my computer. I just don't shove it into their face, nor do I generally talk about it. But I have no reason for denying it either if someone were to ask wether or not I had it.

>> No.6615101


Yeah, she does. Her computer died one day so she decided to help herself to mine in order to finish a report she had due. Guessed my password on the first shot, apparently (she knows me to well!).

So later that day she lets me know she borrowed it, and says "Oh, and I didn't know you had a thing for catgirls."

Guess she found "that" folder.

>> No.6615102


She also knows I visit 4chan and play touhou

Not that I've deliberately shown her, but she's came into my room while they're on and I feel no need to hide anything unless it's my mother.

>> No.6615103

Yes, she does. It makes me want to drive a blunt object through my stomach and drown in my own bile.

>> No.6615106

>catch my sister watching shugo chara
>"if I ever see you watching those japanese cartoons again, I will kick your teeth in"
>problem solved, crisis averted

Now she will grow up to be normal and have a great life.

>> No.6615108

/c/, /e/, or /h/ folder?

>> No.6615113


>> No.6615118

You are suggesting that being abnormal and having a good life are mutually exclusive, which is flagrantly false.

>> No.6615120

But Shugo Chara is a lovely show.
Its an ok show to watch as an imouto.

>> No.6615122
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>Catch sister watching ore no Imouto

>Catch sister reading saya no uta

>Catch sister playing touhou
>Oh okay
>Later find some mannosuke porn when she leaves her computer open

I'm going to format C that bitch.

>> No.6615123


>> No.6615130


>It's not just your sister who is crazy, calm down
>Also buy things
>Calm down, anime isn't that shameful
>Buy some merch while you're at it
>Try meeting people who share your hobby
>Buy some merch
>Buy more merchandise

>> No.6615135
File: 45 KB, 583x752, Idied6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mannosuke porn

>> No.6615138


Mostly /c/ and /e/, though there is a significant amount of /h/ in there also.

But that same folder also had Wanko, Pure Pure, Nekokawaigari, Nursery Rhyme and Yougaku - among various other VNs and their CG.

God only knows how much she saw - but now whenever she wants something from me she puts on a nekomimi headband she wore as part of a halloween costume several years back (before she found out about my catgirl fetish). It's pretty damn cute, but at the same time I'm pretty sure the message is "If I don't get what I want I might let slip why, exactly, I'm wearing these."

>> No.6615146
File: 14 KB, 251x250, Uguuirahu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister always asks to browse my reaction image folder.

It's a good laugh.

>> No.6615148

>She wants to fuck.

>> No.6615152

Ah, extortion... pastime of younger siblings everywhere.

Glad I'm the younger of the children in my family.

>> No.6615168


Funny - but no, I assure you she doesn't. We're close, but not like that.


I swear she's a master. She could topple governments with her extortion abilities.

I'll get back at her one day though, and when I do she'll be wearing that nekomimi headband and a maid outfit while cleaning my room and bringing me tea.

>> No.6615174

I don't want her to end up like I am. It's for her own good.

>> No.6615182

>It makes me want to drive a blunt object through my stomach and drown in my own bile

Are you karkat?

>> No.6615192

Again, you are assuming being a Japanophile NEET is what's bad about you. It isn't.

>> No.6615199


That's not nice... nothing wrong with watching anime. I love it when my sister watches with me, one of the only times we really get to talk.

>> No.6615204

Not the poster, but just to chime in: Japanophile- not bad. NEET: Pretty bad.

>> No.6615216
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>> No.6615219

Why not let them choose their life for themselves, they're old enough to know what they want. When will people learn that forbidding something only means people will have to go to greater lengths to obtain it.

>> No.6615235

>Neet- Pretty bad

How so? Sounds pretty fucking good to me. No bosses, no teachers, and every day is Saturday.

>> No.6615237

No income. No ambition.

>> No.6615252

Bingo. You do make a valid point, Roriaki, and I love to NEETing it up over breaks like I am right now. But not everyone has family or whatever that would let them be NEETs, and personally I wouldn't want to anyway because I have goals as far as education/career go. But to each his own, I have a feeling if I had parents that would let me NEET I would.

>> No.6615254

Income can be had outside of what people would recognize as "being employed".

No ambition really isn't in the NEET literal definition, but I can see what you mean. I have plenty of ambition, myself. The thing is, it's for dodging authority. For others, they aspire to make galge. NEET need not mean unmotivated.

>> No.6615256

first isn't necessarily true
I don't see a problem with the second one

>> No.6615264


I only got into anime and the like after I stopped being a NEET - so I can't really say the two are related.

>> No.6615279

My little brother doesn't know that I play eroge, he would probably lose respect in me as his older sister if he did. My older sister does, though, and she has played a couple of VNs herself (Ever17 and stuff). She doesn't understand ero, though.

>> No.6615284
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>> No.6615290

I'm not exactly sure how Anon is implying you can have an income without being employed. Allowance/trust funds don't really count, that's just another way of being on the dole.
Roriaki, are you implying your income is through illegal means? Assuming the worst, that would be a little worse than the average NEET, since stuff like theft isn't just lack of contribution, but taking away. Then again you could just deal weed, and that's cool :)

>> No.6615320


Situation in the Netherlands:

Don't work.
Forced to apply for jobs
Receive a very decent amount of money
Required to accept job if offered, so you do a shitty appliance
Free cash in for a year or two

>> No.6615327

>exploiting a system meant to help people find work

>> No.6615341

>exploiting a system that would otherwise exploit you

I don't see a problem here.

>> No.6615368

Exploit me how? Making someone work isn't exploitation: cubicle farms and other poor working conditions are, sure. But work shouldn't be exploitation in principle; to me it is finding something you can make money doing and love it (mostly).

>> No.6615375

I haven't worked in 3 years.
I've done this via exploiting the system (unemployment), black-market sales (dealing in drugs), gray-market sales (craigslist speculating)-- the closest thing to a job I've had is security for an escort (prostitute protection).
I haven't had to pay taxes outside of sales tax in a long time, as all these things except the Unemployment cash was off-the-books. Oftentimes, I don't even need to leave home. Of course, sometimes, I didn't have a home at all. So, give and take. Give and take.

>> No.6615386

You either pay into the system, or you take out of it. I don't get to decide not to pay my taxes if they don't go to what I want them to go to, so I'm being exploited. The government is using me as a revenue source against my will.

Doing what you love for money is one thing. Doing what you love for a soulless corporation hell-bent on destroying lives for their greed is quite another.

>> No.6615420

I don't know exactly what you meant to say with that tax bit, but I understand your general rationale for exploiting unemployment, fair enough. I agree with all of it really, I hate the government and corporate corruption too. I suppose someone adamantly against your cause would say that you aren't stealing from the government, but from the people. But the fact that the government is taking the money from the people is part of the problem, eh? Incidentally, what do you mean by Craigslist speculating? Doesn't seem grey area to me.

>> No.6615428

Items on Craigslist are not always legitimately obtained. That's what makes it gray-market.

>> No.6615461

But her being playing eroge is my fault. I even got scolded because I refused to give her 3DCG.

>> No.6615476

I have no imouto, but if I did, I hope she would. She could sit on my lap while I play Air. <3

>> No.6615488


>> No.6616026

>I suppose someone adamantly against your cause would say that you aren't stealing from the government, but from the people.
the money was already stolen from the people, and if it doesn't go to him, it'll go into the corrupt politician's pocket so that he can buy a new car or a yacht while giving a middle finger to the people.
