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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6612277 No.6612277 [Reply] [Original]

Joyce, Faulkner, Tolstoy

You idiots have no idea who these writers are

>> No.6612287

Joyce is shit, Faulkner is okay, and Tolstoy is god tier (but not as good as Dostoyevsky)

>> No.6612285

James, William and Leo

>> No.6612295

>hurr I got assigned a couple of books in my English AP class and now I think I'm a cultured and distinguished individual for reading them

Anyone who paid attention in high school and was not a retard was introduced to these authors. If not high school then frosh/soph college English.

Also James Joyce was a hack in many aspects. People saw brilliance where there was none; stream of consciousness is overrated garbage, anyone can do it.

Now, Dostoevsky is someone who I can endorse.

>> No.6612293

That's because you only posted their surnames.

>> No.6612298

Joizu-san iskawaii and #1 totally awsum mangaka desu1. I drew a fanart of her once ^==^ totally neko kawaii Fa-chan and To-chan are bitches and need 2 die 4 sur

>> No.6612303
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But I do. I've filled my head with lots of useless facts and read many books in my life.

Book thread? Read "All quiet on the Western front" recently, I liked it(Though my tastes are probably different from yours).

>> No.6612304

>stream of consciousness is overrated garbage, anyone can do it.


>> No.6612307
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I have heard all of those names and know that they wrote books which are considered to be part of the western canon.

I have never read their books and do not plan to because there is an enormous amount of media out there, so why waste my time with something that has the same reputation as all the boring stuff I was compelled to read in high school and college.

"You're supposed to" is the reason that children perform chores, not the reason adults indulge in hobbies.

>> No.6612309

The Sound and the Fury is easily one of the best novels in the past century

>> No.6612315

As someone who only ever reads B-level space operas, you're absolutely right.

>> No.6612323

/jp/ shitty repost/general

>> No.6612325

Why can't all these supposed god tier novel be as entertaining and awesome as The Count of Monte Christo?

The only one who came close was The Brother Karamazov.

>> No.6612326

Joyce - Trolled the world with Finnegan's Wake, and "The Dead" is the best short story ever written.

Faulkner - Overrated author obsessed with the South, but had some good stuff. Sound and the Fury is up there.

Tolstoy - Fucking awesome, along with Dostoevsky was probably the best writer of the 19th century.

>> No.6612330

I only know Tolstoy because my parents forced me to read War and Peace on pain of disownership.

I'm not even much of a book person, but the point is still that you're incorrect.

>> No.6612334

Pearls before Swine: The Thread

>> No.6612338

How would knowledge of Western literature help me understand eroge?

>> No.6612339

Yoshiki Tanaka is superior.

>> No.6612342


Lol yes as I said, thinking that it's so easy to do stream of consciousness because all it is is writing down your thoughts in a stream why am I even talking to this faggot this really isn't so hard man hah god it would be so annoying if people actually typed like this all the time. I mean really all i would have to do is start putting in ethereal artistic shit like pondering on pronunciation such as why the fuck is there a difference between pronounce and pronunciation I will never forgot that one time I was arguing with my friend during a walk in PE in high school over this and then going home and looking it up and being proven wrong on it

>> No.6612350

Subarashiki Hibi with its Cyrano de Bergerac obsession.

>> No.6612362

s'matter bro, too deep for you?

Write stream of conscious that is wholly engaging and held in high regard.

You wrote banal, cringe worthy bullshit.

Try again.

>> No.6612365


>> No.6612367


>> No.6612389

I had an experience similar to that of the boy in Araby. That's when I gave up on 3D.

>> No.6612405


Why don't you demonstrate to me what "good" stream of consciousness is yourself, then, if you think that there is a quantifiable difference? Unless you intend to primp it up to be artificially interesting, there is not much going through your mind right now as you read this post, and surely you won't have the time to actually write something worthy of note either, because it's impromptu and you're being called out on it.

>> No.6612470

I don't like To-chan, he was ok but then went yandere for religion. unyuu~

>> No.6612499

I know most of their books are in public domain.

>> No.6612549
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So you're probably from /lit/, /sci/, /int/, or /b/.

Don't underestimate /jp/ we're on the higher end of the intellectual spectrum of boards compared with other boards such as /b/, /vp/, /sp/.

>> No.6612558

>we're on the higher end of the intellectual spectrum of boards compared with other boards such as /b/, /vp/, /sp/
That's like saying you're smarter than a brick.

>> No.6612576

Joyce wrote Ulysses and Tolstoy wrote War and Peace. I'm pretty sure everyone has at least heard of those two works.

>> No.6612584

any schmuck can write--but writing and drawing manga? truly these men are gods

>> No.6612586
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Hunter S Thompson
Terence McKenna
Timothy Leary

since so many people on /jp/ are interested in "going to Gensokyo brb", they should look into these guys. Psychedelic drug use is greatness

>> No.6612594


I might've heard it before, but even if I did, I'm unfamiliar with Ulysses.

>> No.6612598
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Then why hasn't every single person on the planet produced a book?

Because not just anyone can write, my friend

>> No.6612609

I wonder if I would have a panic attack if I tried to play Saya no Uta while on psychedelic drugs.

>> No.6612618

They sound like Jhoto gym leaders to me.

>> No.6612641

Joyce was a perverted fart fetishist. His writing to Nora are of a far higher quality than anything he ever tried to pass of ass legitimate literature.

>> No.6612651

Haha, that would be giving the VN too much credit, no?

>> No.6612658

>Then why hasn't every single person on the planet produced a book?

You are a true full retard-man.

>> No.6612662


/sci/ is not very intelligent actually; they are a bunch of wannabe high schoolers / early college kids. Amateur science and general layman Q&A does not a scientific board make. Not to mention, the constant religion trolls/actually serious religious people taking offense to the sciences, really drags down any dignity that the board had for at least hosting people interested in math and the sciences.

/lit/ is also comprised much of psuedo-intellectuals, philosophy and English majors, fields of study which are looked down upon by the sciences. As an actual researcher, I can say with 100% confidence that there is no truly intellectual board on 4chan. The public and open nature of 4chan essentially prohibits such a place from even existing, because the bigger a site's population, the more the average level of discussion sinks to the lowest common denominator... average. Since most people of purportedly "average" intellect actually seem very stupid to people with even a slightly higher IQ, and downright seem like cavemen to those with truly high IQs, anywhere where lots of average people gather will seem stupid in some sense because of the average human intellect.

The curse of not being one of "them", the "average" people, is that we live in a world built for and run by average-intellect people, and hence we always feel a little out of place, because despite all the scientific and philosophical achievements of man, if you walk out onto the street, you can plainly see that we do not live in a world of intellectuals, it is a world of ordinary and un-noteworthy people... it's "their" world, which we happen to exist in.

>> No.6612674

>/lit/ is also comprised much of psuedo-intellectuals,
This is hilariously true. In every /lit/ confession thread, it's full of people admitting that they talk about books they've never read to other people who haven't read them to come off as intelligent.

>> No.6612694
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>implying that these writers, nay writers in general have done anything for society.

Have fun being the shit on society's shoe, meanwhile I'll be the Physicist who comes up with a successful Grand Unified Theory.

>> No.6612710

>implying the Grand Unified Theory will do anything for society

>> No.6612729


Check out "Christopher Langann" and the "Cognitive theoretic model of the universe"

You'll retract those words


Takes one to know one

>> No.6612731
File: 221 KB, 341x369, sadfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking love reading
>enter high school
>literature classes
>"In this class we will introduce you to the best literature in human history to enhance your experience as young readers and make you love reading even more!"
>most books are shit
>books that are not shit are ruined by reports, papers, etc
>mfw school and "classic" authors made me hate reading

feels bad man

>> No.6612732

War and Peace would make a great VN.

>> No.6612741

James Joyce and J.D. Salinger inspired every VN scenario writer ever.

>> No.6612745

but how does not knowing make you an idiot

I thought intelligence was measured through comprehension

>> No.6612749

It's close minded beliefs like this that hold society back. A GUT theory may not do much for us initially but with the advance of time and technology we will be able to use aspects of the theory to aid in the creation of practical things. Science is always like that, when the atom was discovered I bet people where like "What the fuck am I going to do with an atom, fucking usless." No look how important different atoms are in everything ranging from micro-engineering to biochemistry.

>> No.6612755

I was talking to a guy who believed that writers had never done anything for society.

Cut me some slack here.

>> No.6612752

