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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.660998

You stick your dick in this, right? I can't get past Danny's bullet-proof dolphin metaphor.

>> No.661007

my god, next paycheck here i come

>> No.661013

.... the fuck. it makes SOAP?

and also wtf you can watch your own cock get mechanically jacked off?

>> No.661015

>.... the fuck. it makes SOAP?


>> No.661019

>watch your own cock get mechanically jacked off?

God damn, that sounds hot\

>> No.661020

This is awesome. It has to be Japan when it comes to stuff like these, even though I would be too scared to put my thing in that device.

>> No.661023

Just wait until someone alters the wiring so it crushes your dick

>> No.661025

I am intrigued, but also intimidated. My dolphin is rather tender and these products all seem like they might be a bit painful. Also I have bad phimosis and am terrified of tearing. Most likely I'll stick to hand waxing, but I'm delighted to see the products continue to improve.

>> No.661022

But now I'm thinking... It's made in Japan, soo how would the size of that thing be?

>> No.661033

Well that video cleared everything up for me.

>> No.661041


more pictures

>> No.661045
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>> No.661048
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>> No.661049


Its really annoying, why on earth would you use 'dolphin' as a metaphor for your cock

>> No.661050

So this thing waxes dolphins?

>> No.661052

Because clearly this guy's cock is blue and makes funny noises

>> No.661054

That's the most intimidating thing I've ever seen.

>> No.661058
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1211385802554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fleshlight is superior.

>> No.661063

i lol'd severely

>> No.661067

Anybody else find the slurping noises it makes highly, um, erotic?

>> No.661068

goddammit, my next paycheck is going to instantly dissapear at this rate. :(

Stop mentioning all this neat weeaboo shit anon.

>> No.661075

Well, damn. I want one.

>> No.661077

have your phimosis fixed then, they cut away a part of your foreskin. Only 2 syringe shots on your dick and a couple of stiches, takes around three weeks to heal and you can't fap in that time.

>> No.661078

Fake vagina is weeaboo nowadays?

>> No.661082

Holy shit, the sound it makes form the vacuum suction sounds like a dolphin

>> No.661083

Fuck, I don't even have a penis and I want one.

>> No.661084

What if your dick is curved? And it looks pretty small.

>> No.661087

Shut up.

Even if you were a girl, you'd have hundreds more sex toys than us men to play with and it'd be vaguely socially acceptable for you to be using them.

>> No.661093


Do you have a curvy dick anon?

>> No.661099


>> No.661105

Actually i was just in a freak accident.

>> No.661104


He didn't say he had a vagina. Maybe he just had a horrible industrial accident. Oh god it hurts to imagine it.

>> No.661107
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>> No.661109
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>> No.661110


I like you ;)

>> No.661116
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I thought OP said "Tengu Flip Hole" at first..

>> No.661117

Flip Tengu, receive hole?

>> No.661125

>>661110 ;)
Get out

>> No.661128

Now go get a boob job and turn your previous penis into a vagina.

Then you can be the first pseudo-woman on the internet.

>> No.661130

Well SOMEONE is either a complete newfag or a gigantic faggot. Which would either make the post sad or incredibly ironic.

>> No.661127


Get over it. Faggot.

>> No.661141

Not the poster you're replying to, but only deluded newfags think that shunning emoticons makes them internet badasses or pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.661149


This anon is right.

Pretty sure there are just somethings you cannot express in words unless you want to go with the whole *winky face* shit ... now which one would you prefer

>> No.661157

We've been over this so many times. Emoticons are never okay unless it's lifelike texture or isn't it sad. Never. If you want Gaia or animesuki or whatever the fuck, /a/'s right over there.

>> No.661162

I don't mind the occasional emoticon

>> No.661176

I don't get it.

>> No.661198


>> No.661203



>> No.661210

Is this exclusive for japanese dolphins, or will it work on my white shark?

>> No.661215

>>Pretty sure there are just somethings you cannot express in words unless you want to go with the whole *winky face* shit

It's not like this is an imageboard or anything.

>> No.661220

The only emoticons allowed are ಠ_ಠ and ;_;

>> No.661224
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>> No.661227
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>> No.661231

How do you even do that anyway?

>> No.661232


>> No.661237



>> No.661238

...Why are newfags trying to act like oldfags?

>> No.661240



>> No.661247

Watch the video, unless you have a massive dong capable of bludgeoning a midget to death you should be fine.

>> No.661259

Well, shit. I hope they make a bigger one soon...

>> No.661263

So how many are seriously considering buying this? I can say for sure that if I had $100 right now, I would have already ordered it by now. I have never tried any sex toys before, but this one just seems too awesome for me to resist.

>> No.661262

Back to /b/ with you

>> No.661272 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.661275

god i want one, but should anyone ever find it i'll die

>> No.661279


>> No.661280


>> No.661281

sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.661284

Soup, Corndogs?


>> No.661289

It doesn't even look like a sex toy. Don't think you'll have to worry.

>> No.661291

:) and :( are internet classics and should always be acceptable. Anything with a semicolon is playing dangerously.

>> No.661295

XDDD y u sage isnt that sum sort of cookin thing


>> No.661290


>> No.661296

Get th efuck out newfag and take your shitty emoticons with you.

>> No.661297

Some are pretty funny to use in the right context. :(

Seriously, ;_; for life-like texture, ronery and isn't it sad type posts are ok. I'm also guilty of using :( occasionally in a mocking "Why are you so mean, Anonymous?" way.

>> No.661299

lol random XD

>> No.661302


>> No.661304


>> No.661303
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>> No.661306
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>> No.661308

It sure is random around here

>> No.661310

*holds up spork*
My name is katy but you can call me t3h PeNgUIN oF d00m!!!!!!!lol...as u can see im very random!!!!thats why i came here 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^...im 13 years old(im very mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfriend (im bi if u dont like it deal w/ it) its our favorite tv show!!!bcuz its SOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they always say the more the merrier!!!!lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of friends here so give me lots of commentses!!!!!

DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!<---me bein random again ^_^ hehe....toodles!!!!! love and waffles,

*~t3h PeNgUIN oF d00m~*

>> No.661311

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

What should I call this? An emotiwar? ~_^

>> No.661313


>> No.661315

The fact that you keep saging over obvious trolling is more than enough to prove you're the one who needs to GTFO.


>> No.661317

I remember this and I was 14 years old and it make me sick and didn't eat no beef and didn't drink milk and went of the chocolate because that got a bit of beef in it and now I have go through this again. :(

>> No.661318


>> No.661319
File: 70 KB, 358x297, 1211390994977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe! I'm going to spam emoticons in a thread that JUST got done with an argument about it! They'll be so pissed, I know it. I'm so clever, hehe!

>> No.661320


>> No.661321

>19-Sep-82 11:44
> I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:

> :-)

You weren't even born back then.

Then again, you used the word "newfag," so everything you say is moot. We don't use /b/ slang here nor do we play by your ANONYMOUS IS A HEARTLESS LEGION shit, get out.

>> No.661322

Run it's the internet pollise. >.<

>> No.661323

y got be so mean T________T

>> No.661324


>> No.661325

GTFO newfags

>> No.661327

Hey my names Jess and im 14, a friend showed me this site and its sooooooooooooooooo cool, except for the bakas who are posting pornography and hentai (HENTAI MEANS PERVERT IN JAPANESE BAKAS, YOUR PERVERTS!) -.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'
I <3 Real anime (not hentai) like naruto, sonic adventures, teentitans, bleach and one peice, Luffy is so kawaiiii!!! (cute in japanese)
RIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGGGUU I am fluent in japanese, apple, RIINNNGGUUUU Anata wa kawaii ringu desu!

sayonara ( bye in japanese ) ^_________________________^

AzNpRiDe LMAOLOL IM NOT RELLLY ASIAN, but i wish i was ^___^ they have such good hair

>> No.661329

This is actually a ragecorp thread.

>> No.661330

I'm deleting this thread in a couple of seconds

>> No.661328


lulz ur so funny ^_^ epic ROFL XDDD

>> No.661331

thanks corndogs XDDDD

>> No.661332





>> No.661333


>> No.661334

Anyone who rages over emoticons that don't contain the following characters: ^, >, <, T, ;, * is a faggot.

:( is fine, idiots. ;_; is perfectly acceptable for historical motives. Happy emoticons are usually frowned upon, though. It's not like it matters, we are never happy.
