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6605795 No.6605795 [Reply] [Original]

Konnichiwa, Gii

>> No.6605801

/r/ing that trollface-clown macro

>> No.6605806

Applaud! Applaud!

>> No.6605813
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Liar-soft general?

>> No.6605818
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Oh yes please.
Posting nekotest.

>> No.6605833

So... is kusarihime supposed to have music or just some shit like cicadas buzzing and the like?

>> No.6605847

Kia ruined this game.

>> No.6605849

More like she made it.

>> No.6605850
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Someone said neko?

In VN's and animes I have seen a lot of girls who would be great girl friends, however no one beats Ati when it comes to being a true waifu.

>> No.6605876

Would've been better if it was about Gii never giving up than that ending we got.

>> No.6605882

Gii never giving up was totally impossible without Kia
>that ending
so a good ending for the city is bad?

>> No.6605891

The ending was too much about Kia. They never followed up the stuff in the conversation with Bandersnatch.

>> No.6605898

Because the situation of Kia was what mattered more to the end.
She was the only one left of the stolen ones, the end needed to be about her.
An d eys, Inganock has some loose plots that neevr get resolved, but at least it isn't Valusia where they didn't use half of the plot and took down/didn't expand teh most interesting ones.

>> No.6605904
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I'm convinced that Kia could and should have found some way to find her brother and convince him to stop being buttdevastated 4 lyfe. If she really gave a shit about Gii she would have done something to make his life less awful in the long-term by going to the root of the problem.

>> No.6605908

And that's why I'm saying Kia ruined the game. Bandersnatch's conversation was a hell of a lot more interesting than she was.

Good game though.

>> No.6605911
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I dont know about you but I liked Inganock's ending (with the webnovels of course). As an anon friend said once It really is a great experiment with the essence of mankind and It gives me hope to see an ending like that

>> No.6605915

I disagree.
Her part was also better for a more moving ending.
You gonna love sharnoth then.

>> No.6605945

Who the hell was Bandersnatch again? the mad digger? Sorry, its a long time since I played it.

>> No.6605946
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If by moving you mean shallow then I suppose you're right.

Another really annoying part of the game was how anticlimatic the grand prince's part was, excellent buildup and then he just dies pointlessly and we get some generic evil kid instead. Good use of repetition and stuff and then that happens.

>> No.6605959

I think it was the virus?

>> No.6605966

Great story.
Great music.
Great characters.
Unique style and artwork.

Inganock was a awesome experience to me and I'm looking forward to Sharnoth's translation.

>> No.6605969

Again, I disagree.
The prince was never supposed to be the big bad, he was actually a pretty good person with one great wish, and neither was Lemure Lemure.

>> No.6605971

Yes I have great expectations for It. And yes I disliked Kia in the beginning as she was always ranting and being bossy. However it touched me to see how she, by keeping her inoffensive and optimistic behavior, managed to bring happiness to Infinitely Crowded Street bit by bit.

>> No.6605982

Yeah but they wasted a good character and replaced him with a terrible one with a generic evil smile. And then he proceeded to do generic evil things. This game really could've been something. Of course, opinions, so this is just how I saw it.

>> No.6606013
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Thanks for the info. Now that I think about that conversation was really interesting.

The prince was a good man. Grimm Grimm took his wish too far.

>> No.6606083
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The monster designs were pretty neat. Most, anyways.

>> No.6606222
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>> No.6606365

*scratch* *scratch* *scratch* *scratch* *scratch* *scratch*
*brush* *brush* *brush* *brush* *brush* *brush*
Deep underground, where no one's voice could reach.Beneath all of the City's Lower Tiers,An then even lower than that.Randolph was digging holes tonight, as always.
The underground madman dug holes,while talking with someone who couldn't be seen.
*scratch* *scratch* *scratch**scratch* *scratch* *scratch*
*brush* *brush* *brush* *brush* *brush* *brush*

>> No.6606534

[x] Extend my right hand.

I don't know about you guys but I enjoyed the repetition of this game. It gives you a unique experience or something, anyways it's fitting and I liked it.

>> No.6606691
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A man after my own heart! I loved how there were some things you didnt gave much of a thought and every time it was repeated it sunk deeper into your mind. Also what I felt on the battles... "The outcome will be obvious as long as you dont give up. Extend that right hand! Doesn't matter if friend or foe! Extend that right hand to whomever is in need and you will surely win!" That was amazing... damn i liked this game so much I'll have to replay it by the christmas...

>> No.6607070

I kinda liked your interpretation anon-kun. Good point

>> No.6607287


I fuckin love Randolph

The entire supporting cast for Inganock was fantastic

>> No.6607308

I liked him too. I still don't get what was about him though, even after reading the web-novels.

He was kind of the game author right? Atleast I feel like that.

>> No.6607309
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Alpha as fuck

>> No.6607326

Ah yes, David was a great character as well. I wish he had more appearance, especially with Ati, their conversations are nice.

>> No.6607342
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Oh fuck yes, an Inganock thread.

+Well-written characters
+Unique art
+Decent storyline
+Amazing OST

-Repetitive (Some of the repetitions are tolerable though)
-Gii was a Mary Sue who didn't even flinched from the creatures except for Kerkan.
-Loose and unexplained plot

What happened to Kia and Gii after the destruction?
Was Kia dead from the start?
What are stolen ones? Why Kia, Petrovna, Grand Prince, and Lemure?
What caused the earthquake on the hospital?
How did Grimm Grimm appear on every edge of people's vision?
What was Grand Prince's wish again?
Why is Ruaha such a slut?

>> No.6607357


Also, How did THEY give birth to Porsion? All 41 unborn babies were DEAD.


What's the story of this untranslated, similar VN, and why the hell Ixrec hasn't translated it yet?

>> No.6607361

I would answer these things but your last questions makes me think of you with disgust. Begone from this thread, we don't need this kind of stupidity in here.

>> No.6607369
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Did you even finish the VN, or do you just have no imagination

>> No.6607387


Why getting mad in just one joke, let alone taking it as stupidity? Take it easy, bitterman.

>> No.6607396

That summed with that fact that you didn't payed enough attention to the story made me upset.

>> No.6607406
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I don't need "imagination", I need "answers". Shit, I liked Inganock but the ending didn't even make any sense.

>> No.6607435

It does makes sense. You are just dumb.

>> No.6607465

Read the webnovels

>> No.6607469


Even I was paying attention, there's no full explanation of terminologies and the story, straight-forward narration doesn't exist. That is a fact. Heck, I can even grasp most of the truths in Cross Channel.

Also, there's no need for you to be an asshole over simple things.

>> No.6607503


Give me an answer to >>6607357
If you can't, then you are a moron.

Of course, I've read it. But even so, it's mostly on Ati's, and yet, we didn't have a proper closure AGAIN nor explanations. I don't get your point.

>> No.6607509

Well I didnt think Inganock's plot was loose... The author dont spoonfeed information to you but if you think a little you can make it out! So... lets see
Yes... Kia was dead from the start. She died on the hospital after the disaster. The Stolen Ones are the ones who knew the truth about the disaster or that didnt have to remember it (Iru). The Grand Prince, on that day made the experiment that distorted the laws of Physics, giving birth to the Phenomenon Equation, Crack engines and Grimm Grimm. Grimm Grimm was something that existed on the realm of dreams and personified the wishes of everyone. When he descended he realized the desperate wishes of the ones that died on that day, the 41 unborn babies (whose wish was to be born) and the lost ones, witch directed the way Inganock changed. The prince wished for everyone to be noble ( His definition of noble is 'Those who dont give up on their hearts and dreams') And that explains why the mutations occurred and the clown was always saying for everyone to give up, to find those who doesnt. And when he finds someone who doesnt give up he releases the city. continued

>> No.6607578

Kia's wish was to have a family, and that was made through Gii and Ati. The whole thing behind the phenomenon equation is a distortion on the laws of physics with some basis on quantum physics, thus the fantasies off all citizens became real, but with a sinister twist. With that distortion actuating on the whole city Grimm Grimm was able to be on everyones mind as he is a principle inherent to all human beings. There were two guys who didnt give up on their way, Gii and Kerkan, and thus they both got their wishes granted when they climbed the golden stairway. Gii used his to revert Kerkan wish and to give Porshion a chance to live. Its unclear if Gii sacrificed himself in the process but Kia certainly did... (well she was already dead). Ruaha is a good girl.

I think I got all covered... man think of someone with nothing better to do. waah~

>> No.6607608

It's pretty much implied that Gii dies at the end.

>> No.6607612

The only thing that really annoyed me was the ease of how Kerkan was defeated at the end. Eariler it is made quite obvious that Gii is incredibly outmatched by him, Gii barely escapes with his life, then later at the end Gii does his copypasta attack, whoops! doesn't work! then he just powers up and does it again and wins. wow.

>> No.6607618

IIRC, someone said that Randolph is in one of the other WABs too; somehow I'm doubting that having played whichever one it is would explain him much better though.

>> No.6607620

spoiler tags, learn to use them.

>> No.6607624


Kia's wish wasn't like that. It's to convey her feelings to his about why didn't he give up to save her. Kerkan's wish was to destroy Inganock that came true, and about Gii reverting Kerkan's wish was never stated. It might be true that Gii sacrificed himself but in my part, he should have lived despite granting his wish. Ruaha isn't a good girl. She disobeyed her input to gaze Kia, and she had a CLANG CLANG sex with Kerkan. (Goddamn, it's my question and I even answered it. ;_;)

Well thanks for the input anyway. I have short-memory, and I liked spoonfeeding more than pondering because I can't move on just like that.

>> No.6607632

Seriously? I didnt think so... Could you tell me something that inplies this? its true that his house is all broken and he doesnt get to appear anywhere but it was sufficiently open ended so I could imagine him wandering the world, as his only way of living was extending his hand to those in need. I really picture him walking around Inganock and the world anonymously healing the poor and asking nothing in return. Maybe when Inganock was released he lost his meaning of life and went somewhere else...

>> No.6607685

Maybe you're right about Kia... and well it is obvious Kerkan wish got reverted somehow... he wished to free the city by killing every single one of its habitants. When he made the wish the city began to crumble and take a strange format, a earthquake began until Gii climbed up there and stopped the shit from hitting the fan. See? Little by little the game gets solved by everyone thinking together. Man I love Liar-soft threads

>> No.6607716
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Utena can kill Gii.

>> No.6607718

Think again of his situation and surroundings anon. He was tired out and weak, everything was collapsing beneath him, his objective was finally reached, etc. I think that's enough to get it implied that he died after that when the tower finally fall at long last. Of course we don't have a CANON final word on that but I can't think otherwise.

>> No.6607720

God, stop reminding me I still need to finish this crap. I think I stopped at beginning of chapter 9, but it's been almost a year since I last played. Don't remember what the heck is going on anymore ;_;

>> No.6607730

Nope. She is too slow.

>> No.6607740


Except people weren't dying while the destruction was taking its toll, and of course, all of them survived. You know like when there's a fire, people are heading towards safer place. I believe every Inganock resident can only grant one wish for himself or herself, and Gii doesn't even have the power to revert it back, nor Grimm, nor any external help. So Kerkan had succeeded his wish -- the entire destruction of the city.

>> No.6607754

sorry but didn't convince me. We was tired and weak since the beginning of the VN. It ended with grimm grimm congratulating him and whatever... I can see it ending the way you though but I guess there is nothing wrong with my interpretation as well.

>> No.6607781

I guess he wanted for all people to be dead too. Only this way he could justify to himself his behavior towards Kia last moments.

>> No.6607794


Yeah, I felt like his comments, although they were meant to seem unintelligible, were a kind of overtone or detached narration to complement the story. Always felt like he knew what was going on more than most everyone else in a schizophrenic sort of way...

>> No.6607888

Well... good discussion as always. Im going to sleep now, a good night to all my anonymous friends. By the way anyone figured a pattern or hidden message on the hour said in each encounter? Something like 101110 for the first chapters as I remember...

>> No.6608190

I always thought the disney furry shit labeled is just a joke and just /jp/ being sarcastic.
However after playing this, I understand where some of these people come from.
Great music and settings but besides that, the rest of it is terrible. Playing this is like watching saturday monster of the week cartoon. Every chapter is just some side story and then a creature showing up with him just extending his right arm and pulverizing it.
I sure hope this isnt the best that liar soft has to offer.

I give this game a really really average score of 5/10.

>> No.6608196

>showing up with him just extending his right arm and pulverizing it
It's a literary technique involving repetition. Actually, who the fuck am I kidding?

>> No.6608215


I sometimes wonder if Sakurai was pressured by the company into incorporating SHONEN POWERLEVEL shit, since that particular aspect of the story was so badly executed. It seemed inconsistent with her otherwise high quality writing

>> No.6608820

-What a Beautiful People-
People who deny ugly memories become ugly.

-What a Beautiful Tomorrow-
"Tomorrow" is world war, with steam weapons destroying the landscape and smoke destroying the sky.

-What a Beautiful World-
-What a Beautiful Hopes-
-What a beautiful Memories-
Haven't played. No idea what the irony is yet.

>> No.6608829

Sakurai is Meteor-wannabe. But failing.

>> No.6608887

Did you miss the whole message or something?
Inganock's theme is that for every shitty person, it's still worth it as long as someone keeps raising his hand to help others selflessly
Sharnoth's the same, too, because most people feared a tomorrow of suffering and death, but Mary actually thought James that tomorrow is actually full of possibility and hopes
It's not irony, it's how the themes are explored by contrast.

>> No.6609959

I dont know how you guys see it. But for me what saved it was the atmosphere... I enjoyed reading even when there is nothing happening. But yeah I thought if they had a little more money on the project it would be awesome (fully voiced, different battles and so on). But the game is still fantastic
