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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.21 MB, 2600x2000, 1292085771711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6603881 No.6603881 [Reply] [Original]

Stop bugging /jp/ with recommendation threads because they don't like them. This will never be posted there. You are lucky if it gets posted in a rec thread there, which I doubt.

>> No.6603896

Whoever made this is fucking retarded.

>> No.6603900
File: 553 KB, 768x768, wwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phantom of inferno
>highly recommended

>> No.6603906

A lot of the ones on the right have been translated/are close to finishing/at least have a project.

>> No.6603911

The thread is retarded enough in /a/, please stop.

>> No.6603913

It's better than most lists

>> No.6603916

GSS, but no Extravaganza? Oh come on, I like Gore, too, but you should give their other projects more credit.

>> No.6603917

Isn't utawarerumono translated, though? And yosuga no sora is horrible. Why would anyone want that translated is beyond me.

>> No.6603923

All lists are garbage.
At least this one has enough VNs in the right place to make the out of place ones look less bad.

>> No.6603928

Why is Tears to Tiara there but not Eien no Aselia?

>> No.6603930

No, it isn't, especially the /jp/ section
let's remember GSS is overrated as fuck
yosuga no sora is /a/'s flavoir of the season, whatb can you expect.

>> No.6603931

Eien no Aselia is the last one on the list.

>> No.6603936

>PoI in worst format possible
>Highly recommended.
Oh wow.

>> No.6603940

>Highly Recommended
>Liked by MOST english readers
That should be worded differently.
Some of those are not liked by most english readres.

>> No.6603942

thx op

>> No.6603944

wanko is in babby's

>> No.6603948

No, the other one.

>> No.6603954

If you're referring to inganock, you're a shitty troll and still butthurt for the poll.

>> No.6603955


>> No.6603956


>> No.6603957

Nah, that's a good placement.


Fuck that.

>> No.6603960
File: 39 KB, 800x800, 12027287_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cross channel in recommended

>> No.6603965

ITT: Asspained about polls

>> No.6603968

>Little Busters
>Obscure shit
not so much...

>> No.6603969

>Katawa Shoujo
>Baby's first VN
No, KS is not a baby's first VN.
You people need to get your heads out of your asses and be a little more objective.

>> No.6603970

That list is fucking awful especially the /jp/ really shows how butthurt you are about /jp/.

>> No.6603972

PoI should never be highly recommended because of the format it's in. Sure, the PoI is a great story, but the amount of hoops you have to jump through to enjoy it is ridiculous.

>> No.6603982

About this, hasn't anyone ever thought of redoing and compiling an edited patch for it?

>> No.6603987

The idea has been tossed around on /jp/ before, but I think there's an issue with extracting the scripts from the DVD version or whatever and would have to be done manually, and /jp/ is much too lazy for that.

>> No.6603988

I've never even heard of Over the Rainbow.

And a quarter of the "obscure" shit have anime adaptations.

>> No.6603991

You guys are blaming a non-/jp/er for getting the /jp/ side wrong.

>> No.6603995

Ah yeah, that.
And when you think shit like hatsukoi and FH had to 'translate' from scratch when you have their level of translations ready for copypaste...

>> No.6603996

>Sengoku Rance in babby's first
>DBBA in highly recommend
What the fuck

>> No.6603999

Did you guys notice that Nitro+ has the most VNs on the entire image?
Nitro+ confirmed for best developer

>> No.6604000

Admittedly yeah. I remember when I was playing it I ran into a glitch that made the game constantly crash during the scene when Zwei becomes the new Phantom at the end of Chapter 1. So yeah, I had to go on /jp/ and ask what scene came after the scene I was on so I can use scene selection/chapter selection to skip the entire scene.

Story was better then most VN's currently out though.

>> No.6604002

I'm not sure if my memory is just hazy, but the only things I remember from PoI that I missed in Requiem were the endings, especially the badass KILL EVERYONE ending.

Maybe someone could just record those off the DVD. It has narration and everything.

>> No.6604005

To be honest, this list is all right. I don't agree with some of the things in Babby's First VNs and Highly Recommended but it gives a good overview of what beginners should start out with and have VNs that are fairly requently discussed here.

Something that really stands out and something I can't ignore is Starry Sky in obscure /jp/. Was Starry Sky really something /jp/ was interested in before the patch was released?

>> No.6604008

So OP list basically has all the english translated titles on the left and non translated on the right?
What is the point of such list?

>> No.6604011

fuck off spammer, also dem trips
Oh wait, I thought I was in /a/ for the fucktarded post.

>> No.6604013

>Was Starry Sky really something /jp/ was interested in before the patch was released?
I don't think /jp/ even knew about it before the patch was released.

>> No.6604016

Confirmed for troll-chart.

>> No.6604017

It had that otome game Surprise Translation, so nobody really hyped it. I don't know if we even have any moonspeaking otome gamers here.

>> No.6604024

g senjou, sumaga, starry sky, katahane, fortune, LB, kara no shoujo, FH, hatsukoi, utawarerumono and togainu are being translated/released.

>> No.6604027

who the hell made this
it's not completely off, but obviously far from perfect
I wish idiots did not speak for /jp/ like this.

>> No.6604028

It was popular last year on /jp/.

>> No.6604032

you are breaking my heart

it's a mystery alright given that they're basically the same game, the difference being that Sengoku Rance's gameplay is more refined and the save system overhauled

>> No.6604038
File: 79 KB, 187x190, ange33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Highly recommended

No, just no.

>> No.6604039

Your point being? We have weekly VN status thread for those.
Anybody with half a brain can go to tlwiki, google or vndb to get a list of translated titles. Besides most of them can finished in a day or two, no reason why you should not play all of them unless it is a nukige or kusoge.

>> No.6604040

I think you're confusing it with Under the Moon.

>> No.6604042

>doesn't include url links, "various sites" which is like not saying anything, mangagamer and Jast
are you that much of a mentally handicapped fartbrain?

>> No.6604044

Haters opinions are invalid.
Especially if you use an umineko image.

>> No.6604046

>shit /jp/ doesn't want translated

>> No.6604050

The reason the chart is useful is because it separates more accessible VNs (i.e. VNs they are more inclined to not only like, but find discussions for on boards like /a/ or /v/ and even sometimes /jp/) from the shit that is good but not discussed and they may not like immediately.

>> No.6604051

Where the fuck is Subarashiki Hibi?

>> No.6604056

>Your point being? We have weekly VN status thread for those.
Just correcting you on
>untranslated on the right
when it's obvious some of them aren't untransalted and the left has things like majikoi.

>> No.6604067

There are plenty more translated VNs than those OP has listed. They're well known enough to be a great start for a beginner to find and download as well as discuss. There's no use having somebody who doesn't know anything about VNs to go to vndb to choose an English translated VN at random that's too obscure, old, or simply bad to find and have no one to discuss it with if the want to join in /jp/ VN threads.

>> No.6604076

This. Seriously, the line "shit /jp/ doesn't wants translated" reeks of SubaHibi all over it.

>> No.6604081
File: 2.54 MB, 3663x2304, 1289344145241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a thread to post /a/ charts?
I have this. I actually like it

>> No.6604085

there isn't a grossly overrated pretentious shit category, so I guess that was left out

>> No.6604086

>Obscure /jp/ shit
>Shit /jp/ doesn't want translated
Not let's see how many of those are translated or obscure
>Baldr sky
>G-Senjou no Maou
Translation is almost done
>Full Metal Daemon Muramasa
Obscure if you've never been to any thread ever talking about VNs
Anime adaption soon not obscure
>Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai
Anime adaption soon not obscure
>Soshite Ashita
Most popular VN of 2008 with a ongoing translation
>Hoshizora no Memoria
Ongoing translation
>Starry Sky
Translated with a anime adaption soon
Ongoing translation
Ongoing translation
>Little Busters
Obscure if you're retarded with a ongoing translation
>Fortune Areterial
Anime adaption currently airing
Overrated and known as fuck
>Gekkou no Carnevale
Ongoing translation
>Kara no Shoujo
Ongoing translation
Anime adaption currently airing
>Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu
>Beat Blades Haruka
H-OVA was made
>Flyable Heart
Translation currently ongoing
Anime adaption aired with translation ongoing
>Yosuga no Sora
Anime adaption currently airing
>Shikkoku no Sharnoth
Sort of obscure
>Sekai de Ichiban Dame na Koi

>> No.6604089

Except that it isnt random since they have description, tags and rating. Most of the highly rated titles on VNDB are either already in english or in the process of getting translated and fall under the baby first eroge in OP chart.

>> No.6604093
File: 2.77 MB, 3600x1920, 1292088538805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting what some anon posted in the /a/ thread because my old picture archive is encrypted and I can't access it (seems my attempts to hide my questionable material was too good). But /jp/ made a dozen recommendation pictures a while ago.

>> No.6604094

Nigger that's a troll chart.

>> No.6604102

The charts that I can guarantee that /jp/ made are the huge wall of text and the nukige/BL chart,

>> No.6604108

Asceai, so bad.

>> No.6604109
File: 715 KB, 1096x1400, jp recs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wall of text chart

Indeed, it is beautiful and at the same time.. terrifying to behold, a spacing disaster.

>> No.6604110

Also the one that just says VNDB.ORG on it.

>> No.6604118

Pretty sure that fairly early in /jp/'s life they were made.

Along with our own versions of >>6604081.

>> No.6604126

The highlights ruin it.

>> No.6604167


>> No.6604173
File: 2.83 MB, 1852x2738, jprecs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good chart.

>> No.6604184

I hate that chart.
It mixes good VNs with really shitty ones.
It's clear the fag was trying to create some sort of troll list but it's really bad.

>> No.6604185

>>Gekkou no Carnevale
>Ongoing translation
Ahahah.... I wish.

Anyway, this list is a good start. It has potential. Take Sono Hanabira off, and replace Tears to Tiara with Utawarerumono.

>> No.6604190

So is GSS actually bad or just mediocre? Do people keep saying it's overrated because of that one review?

>> No.6604192
File: 46 KB, 441x384, 1251708942702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It mixes good VNs with really shitty ones.
>mixes good VNs

>> No.6604193

A, I thought so, I had never seen it listed for transaltion.

>> No.6604195

>It mixes good VNs
....Like what?

>> No.6604199

It's really overrated, one of Black Cyc's weaker works.

>> No.6604201

Like Initial D: The Eroge.

>> No.6604203

X-change, obviously.

>> No.6604204

It's overrateed by the ones who haven't read it and the ones h¡how have give it a 7.5 with a deviation of +-1.

>> No.6604205

X-Change 1 and 3 were shit. 2 was kinda nice.

>> No.6604206


>> No.6604207

Which is Black Cyc's best eroge then?

>> No.6604211

Unless you are a maso who love DEEP repetitive shit, then it's Mugen Kairou 2.

>> No.6604212

h¡how the fuck did you screw that up?

>> No.6604216

I started with an h instead of an w and next to the delete key I thought I had pressed is ¡.

>> No.6604262

Creator of that chart here.
Man this thread really makes me feel inspired to update it. There are some cool obscure translated Yaoi eroges I definitely ought to add in it, and we got awesome nukiges released since the last update warranting a place there!
If that's any consolation for you, with a few exceptions, I played (at least partially) pretty much everything on my chart. I'm sorry if you don't like it though.

>> No.6604267

I'm going to have to recommend Dragonia for that chart again.

>> No.6604268

>Creator of that chart here.
Can you tell me if there's a good yaoi one or if absolute obedience is any good?

>> No.6604275

all of my hate

>> No.6604285
File: 46 KB, 320x427, Princess_Maker_5_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please add our project to this list. We are making progress. Yes, I know PM5 is not a VN. Please.

>> No.6604286

Well, I don't want to include more OELVNs in there besides the well deserved Katawa Shoujo.
Absolute Obedience is really bad. If you want something decent with shounen romance then play Animamundi (it doesn't have ero though).

>> No.6604293

I was wondering about Katawa Shoujo. Why did you include it? It might never even be completed.

>> No.6604294

How the fuck can you fuck up a game with a more or less inetersting premise, really.
thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.6604300

No Galaxy Angel? That's the epitome of babby's first VN. For shame.

>> No.6604308

I have a few I disagree with, but whatever. The list is fine and gives a good overview of what people should start out with.

>Highly recommended.

>> No.6604314

you KEY haters are annoying alright.

>> No.6604318

Because its QUALITY is akin to the other games there, and when I included it into the chart we always had those "HEY JAYPEE I JUST COMPLETED KATAWA SHOUJO DEMO, DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO ME TO TRY?" people daily. Seeing it right next to "Suck My Dick or Die" will show them how liked it is.

>> No.6604335

Also, make sure to get the uncensorship patch adding gore and some other stuff back. Should be on the first page on google or something like that (it isn't difficult to find).

>> No.6604338

I'm actually surprised GA isn't anywhere on that list.

>> No.6604343

Really thankful.
I need something to get over the last novel I read.

>> No.6604345

Yeah, Absolute Obedience is fucking awful. Even Enzai is better than it plot wise, and that's saying something.

>> No.6604378

>babby's first VN

What the fuck am I reading? Installing was a bitch. Do you really expect someone who's a complete newfag to VNs to be able to install this properly?

>> No.6604388

I stopped trying after two failures.
Picked up a few others instead.

>> No.6604399

Technical skill with computers has nothing to do with the actual VN itself.

>> No.6604415

Same here. I tried a total of two times to install it when the translation was first released. Didn't even know what an .iso was.

>> No.6604428

Honest commentary on chart. It's like guy making it started off seriously, then realized that "Oh shit, I totally put in too much space here what will I do" and after that he just started putting in whatever.
Seriously, Sono Hanabira on Highly Recommended? What the fuck.

To make this into actually working list, cut the size down by half. That way only proper stuff should remain.

>> No.6604431

That's just pathetic. How could you not know what a digital image is? Haven't you ever pirated a computer game before?

>> No.6604444

I love how Subahibi wasn't mentioned even in obscure shit section.
I can almost feel the butttanglement of those two viralfags.

>> No.6604597

Until I got into eroge/visual novels, no.

>> No.6604609

What the fuck is this place there is no overview at the faq.

>> No.6605296

Never knew Prima Stella was that popular.

>> No.6605299

It's not.

>> No.6605311

At least Ruitomo is on the list. The writer is god-tier.

>> No.6605323

I automatically ignore VN lists that have KS. If you like KS, your tastes are terrible.

>> No.6605329

>Filler text game

>> No.6605337

>Baby's first VNs
Easily accessible. Available in English. Good for getting a grasp of what eroge and visual novels are like.
What's the problem? Describes it fine.

>> No.6605400

Not finished would be a good one.

>> No.6605431

are you the same retard who trolled oretsuba yesterday?

>> No.6605442

Why is Over the Rainbow even recommended? It was terrible.

>> No.6606481

Creator of OP image here. I just slept and fucking /ɐ/ posted this shit here when I don't want it posted here. Psychology just don't work on those guys.

With a limited number of translated eroge, anyone making a less than 'serious' chart would think what will they put in without trolling anyone.

It's because there are few yuri eroge translated. /u/ would recommend it in a heartbeat.

I'm a lazyfuck. That's about it.

Yeah, mistake on my end.

>Katawa Shoujo
I've spelled out what 'BABBY'S FIRST VNs' means, didn't I. Stop being retarded. At least learn to skim over something instead of spouting out some crap. It's not a matter of tastes.

We have VNTL Status for that, my friend.

Why is OBSCURE /jp/ SHIT not so obscure? Ask yourselves again. Can anyone without a good command of Japanese read and enjoy the ones on the list? Sure some of them have anime adaptations but does the anime provide the same experience as reading the VN/eroge? On soon-to-be translated shit, to spark interest perhaps?

This chart isn't made for /jp/, it's made for those who are interested in reading eroge, so /ɐ/|/v/ can shut the fuck up. Call me retarded, faggot with shit taste, I don't care. This isn't made for you. Really.

Maybe I'll update the chart every 2-3 months so everyone would be less than happy.

>> No.6606504

You know you can just use >>6604109 instead of wasting time making a new one. Maybe slap google.com below it or something for resources.

>> No.6606555

Yeah, right. You can enjoy getting spammed with faggots asking for recommendations while I take it easy and read eroge all day. I have always liked >>6604109 though. It's so intimidating.

>wasting time making a new one.
I have LOTS of time.

>Maybe slap google.com below it or something for resources.
But it's there.
