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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6599444 No.6599444 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread: >>6591802

World of Tanks is a Tank MMO in "Closed" Beta (500,000+ people playing can hardly make it closed). Battles are 15 vs 15.

The Mumble server is up and running!
Install mumble and chat with /jp/ at...
Address: la.midnightgaming.net
Port: 5012

The /jp/ channel in game is called "/jp/ (Mew)", 10-30 people are usually in it and will answer any questions.

PanzerMoe is all about tanking it easy, enjoying your tanks and having fun with other /jp/ers.

If you're impatient about Beta codes, check with Mmohut or ShatteredCrystal or Alienware for keys, they give them out.

Decals (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?9tdcd59qytftc1d
Touhou Tankmen (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?nq8ikbwv49vubd1
More decals here: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post?tags=transparent_png
Or there: http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/index?tags=transparent_png

Low FPS? Try this pack: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/10957-low-graphics-settings-pack/
You have to be logged on the forum to read the topic.

>> No.6599565

Something's wrong. These threads always start with "PanzerMoe!"

And where are the yukkuri?

>> No.6599593
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Well that depends: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp?task=search&ghost=&search_text=panzermoe

They are tanking it easy.

>> No.6599731
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MFW I just got Top Gun in my T-28.

Y'know, I was actually dreading using this tank to grind to KV, but with the 57mm ZiS-4 it's actually a serious powerhouse against similar tiers, and can really ruin your day even if you outclass it. Tracking people with it is great, even if you can't do much damage to them, your team is usually in a position to finish them off.

Also it scares Marders away, apparently.

>> No.6599742
File: 113 KB, 600x600, greatest moment of my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you have the 105mm cannon in a low tier match.

Greatest day of my life.

>> No.6599748
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Leo is no.1!

>> No.6599757
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Platoons, everywhere!

>> No.6599761
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and a perfect game.

>> No.6599770

How do you take screen shots in game? prnt scrn doesn't seem to want to work for me.

>> No.6599796

It's a 107 if you're referencing to THAT gun on the KV

>> No.6599813

Look in your World of Tanks folder, they should be in there.

>> No.6599842

Or the KV-3, really, since the 100mm and 122mm are so exp intensive as to be a joke compared to getting to the IS sooner.

>> No.6599856
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An eternity in paint

A M5 Stuart? I hope you have that howitzer.

>> No.6599870
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>spots two armor rigged T29 and one T32
>defend hill by myself and a low tier friendly
>destroys one T32 and one T29
>heavily damage the other T29, but die to it
>friendly ally finish off T29
>mfw we are still losing

>> No.6600122

I heard Italian tanks are going to get in. What tanks has Italia produced/planned in the 1930-50 period?
I can't recall any.

>> No.6600141
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My arty cant possibly be this worthless.

>> No.6600419 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 915x328, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This went about as well as you could expect.

[spoilers]We got raped and it was also my double exp round. Thank you matchmaking. ;-;[/spoilers]

>> No.6600433
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This went about as well as you could expect.

We got raped and it was also my double exp round. Thank you matchmaking. ;-;

>> No.6600441
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Rub rub behind dead friends for victory!

>> No.6600447

Reported for having friends, being stupid and shitposting on /jp.

>> No.6600450


For a while, Semovente-oneesama was the meanest girl on the modern battlefield.
But it wasn't to last.

>> No.6600477

how do i customize my tanks?
buy premiun for a day or wait for a week?
are you guys hotglue?

>> No.6600511

I would say save up for a month because it'll give you another free month afterwards.. But with the soft reset coming i'm not sure how that'll affect premium accounts or whatnot.

You can customize tanks by going into your WoT folder and photoshopping the DDS textures for each tank.
We're not hotglue, thankfully.

>> No.6600529
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So in my everlasting strugle to the the ALPHA TANK I've made it up to Tiger 2 and I still feel weak as fuck...


>> No.6600531
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>mfw this happens after the Hummel grind

Just my luck, heh.

>> No.6600638

/jp/ whats the easiest tree too do?
im trying too do the German tree but now i have to get 3860 exp for a pzfpfw 3 and this pzfpfw 3 ausf A sucks more dick then the pzfpfw 2 which make no sense..
I the Russian tree easier?

>> No.6600670

If you buy a month of premium it will only take 17 days to save up enough credit to buy another month. So each month you get 13 days worth of gold to buy whatever you want.

>> No.6600686

Russian heavy tree is the easiest, since it contains the most powerful vehicle of tier 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10

>> No.6600700

Also why doesn't USA have TDs

>> No.6600702

no light tanks are all shit. if you want easy modo get a marder or any type of spg.

>> No.6600732

USA didn't make any panzerjager style TD in the war

>> No.6600934

They will have them eventually, they just aren't in yet.

Actually, most of the trees aren't filled out yet, nor will they be at release. Here are the planned tank trees planned for release and their full trees (loads slowly):

>> No.6600972

light tanks are really fun though sometimes ;__;

I got my m5's crew to 100, and the leopard has magic sloped armor

>> No.6600997
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They had one planned and it looked awesome.
But they had other TDs which, as you say, weren't panzerjager style.

>> No.6601089

you can do pretty much the same thing in a medium tank though, only your gun isn't a peashooter and you don't explode when the enemy looks at you.

>> No.6601101

none of the medium tanks are nearly as fast or manueverable as the tier 4 lights, the closest would probably be the M7 or one of the russian mediums, as the German mediums aren't speedy at all

>> No.6601120

why didn't usa make TDs

>> No.6601135

they're plenty fast if you buy the upgrades, and being a little bit slower is worth having a gun that can actually damage things and armor that isn't made out of cardboard.

they did, and that's partly why the sherman was weak as fuck

>> No.6601204

US made TDs, but there were basically very fast and lightly armored tanks with open turrets. They didn't have any cast-mated TD because Americans believe TDs should be used for counterattacking tanks, not defending against tanks

>> No.6601237

I hope they implement the legendary speed of the Hellcat

>> No.6601306

The difference in TD philosophy will have some interesting effects in-game. Tanks like the Hellcat were the icons of the American TD line: All speed and firepower with little armor. Imagine a Luchs with a 12cm cannon. If you can hit them, it's an almost certain kill, but they'll maul your sides if they can get the angle.

At least it will break up the camping tactics a bit.

>> No.6601314

The PzfIII hits 63kph that's easily much faster than the sherman and has better armor, penetration too.

>> No.6601348

>panzer 3
>better penetration than Sherman

Haha no

>> No.6601360

no it won't because no matter how fast you are the campers are still invisible.

>> No.6601363

at 300+ meters that 105 on the sherman is inaccurate and weak as fuck

>> No.6601386

Okay, which do you want to compare?
75mm vs 105mm
50mm vs 76mm M1A1?

Cos P3 got it worse for both, as it should

>> No.6601388

Speed? That doesn't matter, to use your oversized gun you need to stay still or get very close. You can't do any of them.

>> No.6601513

I've hit moving targets at 400 meters with that.

The target was a KV at 22%. One shot from it later, it was dead.

I've fought Tigers on even terms with a 105mm armed Sherman, and gave King Tigers and even IS-4s more than a headache with it.
Quite respectable for a Tier 5 tank.

>> No.6601534

>get very close
>stay still
You can hound slower/bigger tanks to death by driving in circles around them faster than their turret can traverse while shooting.

>> No.6601551

that 105 howitzer is deadly, a rear hit on VK4502 will take off more than 20% + chance for engine damage + fire.

Sherman is nippy enough to have a chance at a shot to the rear too, it's the best medium tank for using derpguns.

>> No.6601613

That's not a lot considering the max health of the KV is 660 I think. That's only 145ish damage needed, about 10 more than the Panzer IV's AP round hits for.

I'd say it's around middle ground. The Hetzer and Stug III has about a equal gun to the 105mm, the KV reams every other tier 5 with the SU-85 not far behind.

>> No.6601951

KV with 152mm beats sherman with 105mm hands down. why is this even being discussed?

>> No.6602166
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They're completely different, if the KV misses it's shot (likely) then the sherman can laugh as he circles the tank with no problem

>> No.6602259

>the sherman can laugh as he circles the tank with no problem
is that really going to help? even with the 105 it takes multiple shots to kill a KV, while he can blow you up as soon as he reloads.

>> No.6602323


If he hits you. Which he wont. Even spinning the turret is enough to fuck the aim of the KV big guns.

KV drivers are 9 times out of 10 noobs and freak out if you get close and will fire as soon as they reload regardless if you're actually in danger of getting hit or not

>> No.6602329

>no japanese tanks

>> No.6602357

I've actually seen the more "noobish" play coming from IS-7's surprisingly. KV's are usually pretty smart if they have the 107mm.

It's general knowledge that a Maus driver is about ten times as smart and patient than a IS-7 driver by the way, so in the case of having a Maus and an IS-7 both on your team it is usually best to support the Maus despite the IS-7 being the stronger tank overall.

>> No.6602368
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>japanese tanks

Fuck that.

>> No.6602374


That doesn't sound too far off since the IS-3 and 4 are pretty much treated as god tanks by the devs while everything else in the same tiers falls pretty far behind so it builds that "I'm god!" attitude.

>> No.6602382

>Support the Maus

>Whole team will ALWAYS follow the Maus

>Every Maus battle i've been in we've been capped by the enemy team just going the opposite side.

>> No.6602390

I don't know if you've been playing in an alternate dimension or something, but that never happens when I'm using my Maus.

>> No.6602408

Well not the whole team of course, and to a lesser extent if both IS-7 and Maus are going the same way. Also IS-7 is often followed more due to it being known as the better tank.

The high hp heavily armored but decently fast tanks, namely the King Tigers and IS-4's should be in front of the Maus leading the charge for both spotting reasons and for a faster push. Just make sure to not get too far ahead.

I've never seen an IS series do so before though, it's always been the King Tigers with Tigers behind them that are up front. IS series are generally sitting around the Maus.

>> No.6602418

>IS7 known as better tank.

I don't usually reply to trolls, but I lol'd for a second there.

INB4 troll argument post.

>> No.6602437


Have you seen the collision models? The Maus is a giant ball of fuel/engine/ammo while the IS-7 is nearly totally empty space.

>> No.6602441

Maus is a piece of shit, enjoy your shit

>> No.6602452

Instead of tanks, we'll get destroyers for the Japanese.

>> No.6602457

I actually wish I was trolling there.

The IS-7 is widely known and proven to be the better tier 10, with the IS-4 actually being superior to the IS-7 in most cases. The Maus just excels at specific situations where as the IS-7 is a superb all around tank which has a gun that is slightly better than the Maus's in all but accuracy which is silly since the German guns usually are superior in penetration, accuracy, and aim time but the IS-7 gun defies that rule.

If they gave the Maus back its original armor before the nerf then it could probably rival and even be better than the IS-7.

>> No.6602465

Regardless, If you get hit and get penetrated (Which seldom happens to me), There is a low percent chance that the module that is hit will be hurt. Out of the 200 games I've played with the Maus, Only three times has my Ammo been hurt, and maybe once out of every ten games my engine gets hurt.

You guys can live in your slav fantasy land, but remeber who ACTUALLY owns a Maus and can tell you from experience about its quality as a tank on the field.

>> No.6602480

>Implying I don't kill IS7s when I fight them

The IS7 cannon cannot penetrate my front. I can penetrate its front, and when I do, I do 25% damage. I eat IS7s. Only time I have trouble facing IS7 is when they decide to came close. Then, you just simply make sure you are near a wall, switch to HE and out-tank him.

Enjoy living in Slav fantasy land.

>> No.6602495





>> No.6602505

Another trollpost.

>Shows obvious Bias Is7 vs Maus Showdowns where Maus player is insanely stupid and charges IS7 in middle of field.

Nice try.

>> No.6602520

The Maus has a big weakspot on its FRONTAL armor for gods sake, you can't tell me that the Maus is superior to the IS-7. The King Tiger at least has its weakspot on the turret and only the gun manlet and the IS-7 just has the drivers port and view thingy.

Even the devs confirmed that the Maus is a little weak, though they don't have anything planned for it yet because lolrussian.

>> No.6602523

Played the longest stretch yesterday... 7 hours non-stop WoT marathon!...

I can't believe I lost all that saved EXP... and pressed the wrong tank... now I got no choice but to go Panther...


On the other hand, I'm using my artillery... as a tank destroyer!.... YEAH!... No need for shift... Just Aim and Fire! BAM!... that was FUN!

>> No.6602539
File: 290 KB, 1280x1024, shot_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit labeling everything you don't agree with as a troll. This is video footage of what they both are capable of one on one. I'm not saying what is better, im just providing videos so people can form their own opinion. Find me a single video of a maus beating an IS-7 one on one if you think it is so fantastic.

>The IS7 cannon cannot penetrate my front
and for the record, the IS-7 can penetrate anything on the maus.

>> No.6602549

>Implying angling your Maus to face other tanks is impossibly impossible beyond what is humanly possible because you believe it is impossible.

Plus, it'st not that big of a target. I never had trouble with that spot really, but if people start aiming there, I'll just turn the tank a few degrees to the right or left, so it will be harder to target that spot. Problem solved.

It doesn't matter to me if the Maus gets a buff or not, its fine the way it is for me.

>> No.6602551

did you even LOOK at them?

An ENTIRE team of maus's where killed by is-7's. The is-7's only lost a single tank. The maus even had the advantage of buildings for cover.

is every maus player insanely stupid?

>> No.6602571

A shell for the IS-7 costs only 88 credits or so more than one from my 10,5cm on King Tiger..


>> No.6602572

They chose to drive a Maus, so probably, yeah.

>> No.6602580

The grind from panzer lll to lV isn't that horrible if you have premium. You simply scout, die and get ~600xp per battle.

You should try for the KV if you want something that can take a lot of abuse. In low tier battles it is usually bullet proof. You can research a gun for it that does 900 damage.

>> No.6602588

>Is7 penetrate everything.

It almost NEVER gets to use its max penetration. If all tanks were able to use their max penetration from any distance I would be penetrating the IS7 turret, but that never happens.

>Because I say obvious troll is not obvious it isn't.

Keep trying.

From the looks of that video, those Maus are pretty dumb. They let themselves get singled out the first round, and didn't properly make use of cover and walls to their advantage the second round.

>> No.6602589

BTW BOOF!... Thanks for teaching be that location mark thing yesterday... any tips for someone who is stuck at the Panther tree... which I assume is a TD tank...

(Guess I'll go Russian tree next time)

>> No.6602599

You can still get more xp and get vk3006h

>> No.6602613

It doesn't need to fucking use it's max penetration to penetrate your front.

its min is 198mm, your front is 200mm

you are fucking retarded.

>> No.6602622
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So many holes.

>> No.6602636

Do YOU have a Maus? Can you tell me from your experience driving the tank that it's shit? Nope? That's what I thought.

I have never been penetrated by IS7 armour piercing in my front. Let's not forget the slope on my front.

Anyways, just hide the world of tanks thread if you don't like it. There is plenty of other threads on /jp/ for you to troll and shitpost in tonight.

>> No.6602645

The Panther was one of the best, if not the best tank of world war II. Soon the Panther II will be released as well.

With the current way things are the T-44 dominance has died down and is now a rather useless tank where as the Panther, being a German tank, has superior ranged fighting abilities and is at this time the best medium tank. It can mount the amazing long 8,8 which is the best gun from the Tiger and is the stock gun on both the King Tiger which it is still considered the best investment and the tier 9 Ausf B.

It is superior to the Tiger, though in the long run the Tiger is best because it leads further down the tree. The Panther also has rather weak side and rear armor though it does have 80mm sloped frontal armor making it have more armor than the Tiger.

>> No.6602649

So... what makes this game /jp/?

>> No.6602650
File: 425 KB, 1280x1024, shot_045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The panther is a medium tank. It's like a heavy tank but it trades armor for mobility.

You would use it to assist heavy tanks and take advantage of its mobility to flank enemy tanks. You can probably get away with driving it like a heavy tank every now and then, but it's primary role is support and flanking. The last gun it gets is very good. You can shoot very accurately with it and kill weak tanks from across the map or suppress enemy tanks from afar.

You don't need to force yourself to get the panther if you made a mistake, just get what you want. I'm at tier 5-6 of each tree because I would rather have a ton of tanks to play with then just one.

I know that feel.

>> No.6602652

god tier:

playable tier:
the one with the lighthouse

shit tier:
everything else

>> No.6602661

More the 30-50 people playing it together then the game itself. It's just a medium to get /jp/ together and tank it easy.

I do wish you could get up to the lighthouse and snipe on cliff.

>> No.6602669


That's... huh. That's pretty interesting, actually. Well played. If I had a better computer than a laptop I would join.

>> No.6602673

Also, shit.

How is my driver alive?

>> No.6602714

I'm curious myself how my driver is alive.

>> No.6602719
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Loving the Hummel right now.

>> No.6602732
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Loving my Maus right now.


>> No.6602733

Reverse that and maybe you'd be onto something. Fuck buildings, they make it impossible to shoot shit with my StuG from any kind of distance, thus making me die because I have to be right next to the fuckers.

>> No.6602735
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>> No.6602742

>yuuka at front

Imagine people seeing that, with you ramming them.

>> No.6602759

that's what you deserve for playing td faggot. those maps are good because they force people to move out instead of parking in a bush for the entire round. this is every game on any of the shit tier maps:

3 minutes elapsed: all light tanks drive out and get killed immediately
5 minutes elapsed: medium tanks try to move out and get killed by invisible enemies
8 minutes elapsed: no one is left to give vision to the heavy tanks but they still refuse to leave their bushes
10 minutes elapsed: I don't know I've always left the game by this point

>> No.6602767

This is World of Tanks summed up in one post.

>> No.6602780

Gave me a good laugh even though I play as a TD most of the time.

>> No.6602792
File: 217 KB, 1024x768, shot_039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I have you beat, BOOF.

I shouldn't need to explain how the match turned out.

>> No.6602890


How does the US T30 and its 155mm gun fair against the

>> No.6602905


Actually, how did that turn out? With the Ferd I'd say your side has the advantage.


As a TD I approve of this list. But no Sand River in playable tier?

Speaking of maps, I don't think I've ever met someone who didn't pray Campnovka wad deleted. Hopefully the devs listen to the players.

>> No.6602910


Didn't want camping?
Don't play a tank game.

>> No.6602927

About as good as a tier five KV with the 152mm.

I'm not kidding. It is basically a KV with the 152mm but using high penetration AP rounds instead. It's got a powerful gun but you will be penetrated EVERY single shot from the Maus. There is literally zero chance to not penetrate the T30.

>> No.6602952

Will my modules and equipment in my garage get refunded in the soft wipe as well, or just vehicles?

>> No.6602960

Every single thing from a IS-7 to the one lonely shell in your garage from a Loltraktor will be refunded.

>> No.6602966
File: 121 KB, 768x540, m40m43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American tier 7 artillery
>240mm gun
>1 round a minute
>3000 damage per shot

>> No.6602971

>1 round a minute
>3000 DPS
>American T7 arty
>implying America has an arty line

>> No.6602973

I heard that German tanks aren't the best in this game. What is this I don't even
Is that true ?

>> No.6602976
File: 116 KB, 840x480, m120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do, here's their tier 6

>> No.6602977

You obviously didn't get the joke.

>> No.6602978

Because Russia devolopers

>> No.6602990

if you want to camp like a paraplegic boyscout you can go play world of fixed gun batteries

>> No.6602991

Question: Where did you get those screenshots? How do you do this and can you teach me please?...

>> No.6602993

Uh, forums?

>> No.6602994


>> No.6602997


>> No.6602998

No I mean... is there a tool where you can view the models that way or extract the models intact... the method I use is ultra destructive and doesn't translate properly... or is this some sort of in-house developer tool for devs only?... I wanted to make a tool that can make skinning easier and have real, on-the-fly preview...

>> No.6603001

How about googling for a program that can view .model files?

>> No.6603005

Hmm... oh... yes I am stupid thanks for reminding me...

I'm kinda occupied by their Comic contest... especially interested in all that gold...

>> No.6603011
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Anytime, bro.

>> No.6603053

It's funny, there's a winning strategy to Malinovka that's worked every time I've seen it used. Generally roughly half the tanks will camp up and the other half will try to pass around the northwest area of the map to avoid the 'killing field'. What's the obvious counter-tactic to the enemy splitting their forces in half? Hitting either subforce with the full force of yours. Sending a few TDs to harass the Northwest group, you have the rest of the force make a direct attack about 3 minutes into the match when the enemy is reaching the NW corner of the map. If you're on the north: use their buildings for cover; The south? they're all on a shallow hill with only a few rocks for cover, shredding them is easy.

Essentially the only time it fails to work is when the enemy team doesn't split their forces (in which case you have a moving force vs an entrenched force = death for the moving force) which should be noted by a scout in the NW not encountering more than 4 tanks.

>> No.6603055

how do you convince your team to leave their bushes?

>> No.6603087

seems hard to do since a bunch of them would just camp than to be blown to bits not even getting a kill

>> No.6603104

That's not the hard part. The hard part is convincing them not to split up in the first place.

>> No.6603107

I just submitted a request for a beta key.

Currently torrenting the client as we speak.

My key should better be here when I come home

>> No.6603108

>if you want to camp like a paraplegic boyscout

Sounds like you should read some tanker stories.
Waiting hours for the enemy to expose themselves was a valid tactic.

>> No.6603128

so how much is premium?

>> No.6603137

Maybe you should think about GAMEPLAY and less about real life. If I wanted to go and camp I'd go deer hunting or some shit.

>> No.6603171

Two days. The best way to use premium though is by saving up for sixteen days.

In case this sounds a little vague, you get 150 gold per day.

>> No.6603258

So, server-split is gonna be around christmas. I guess /jp/ will stay on the US server?

A lot of rather crappy ones. IIRC, the best prototype they had before surrendering to the Allies was the P40, broadly on par with a Sherman.

They're actually planned to get implemented, too. What we have all but confirmed are Germans, Russians, Americans, British, French, Italian and Japanese tanks.

>> No.6603318

If anyone one of you ever ones to try the Tiger 2.

Don't. Go for the IS-3... seriously...

>> No.6603417

I'm still clinging to that glimmer of hope that the King Tiger will be restored to his correct place in the battlefield, despite the devs being absurdly russian. ;_;

>> No.6603449

Eh, once I get a key I'll give it a go, could be fun since most board based groups are just real dicks

>> No.6603450

best gun for a StuG III?

>> No.6603457

The King Tiger should have it's gun mantlet armor raised from 60mm (as is right now, allowing every tank ever to penetrate it) to 100mm next patch. Hopefully we won't have our gun destroyed every game now.

>> No.6603473

>guns for StugIII
It's a matter of preference. I preferred the upgraded 7.5 because of the faster firing and higher accuracy since I prefer to sit back and snipe, but the 10.5cm's ability to hurt damn near anything it hits is a strong argument for it.

My usual problem with it was that by the time they were close enough to hit them they would be on top of me before I reloaded, so I usually only got one shot in an Oh Shit moment, instead of the 2-3 I got with the 7.5.

The old 7.5 and 10.5 are on roughly the same level, but I think the upgraded 7.5 wins overall.

>> No.6603491
File: 706 KB, 1920x1080, shot_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That does absolutely nothing, they're not factoring the slope of it. That fucking gun mantlet for a you know LINE should be more like 300mm of armor.

And god I expected thing to bonce of KT like things bouce of the fucking IS3~IS7, but no, I get hit every single time and EVERY FUCKING GAME looks like this...

I always get the gamebraking takeouts, like ammo loaders gun fuck... I always have speed, reloads speed or accuracy fucked up.

>> No.6603532

Does anyone here have a Beta Key?

>> No.6603621
File: 1.25 MB, 1240x1754, world_of_tank_ventillation_problem_entry_by_mugenjohncel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK... here's my entry to that contest... I knew I just can't resist all that gold...

>> No.6603636

A fart joke. Truly the epitome of your achievements in humor, mugen.

>> No.6603750
File: 457 KB, 1600x900, shot_096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scout achievement
Feels great man.

>> No.6603805

>Were immobilized
Shouldn't it be "we're"?

>> No.6603814


now your just being difficult.

>> No.6603820
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on you can do better than a fart joke.
Maybe something with cardboard cutouts? How about how fuckstupid slow the Hetzer is, or the A-20/Leopard drifting.

Maybe a TD parked in a bush for three panels, one guy sneezes, suddenly 10 arty shots all around him.
You should get on the mumble server

>> No.6603831

>I always get the gamebraking takeouts
Small Med Kit. Use them.

>> No.6603841
File: 471 KB, 1600x900, shot_097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Iron Cross is so over rated.

>> No.6603849

Too bad Small Rep/Meds cost MONEY and make rounds absolutely unprofitable...

>> No.6604037

better then anything I can do.

>> No.6604219


>> No.6604231 [DELETED] 

See the last three letters on the link he posted? That's you!

>> No.6604273
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>> No.6604279
File: 421 KB, 1280x1024, shot_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waifu needs moar pictures. Any idea how to rotate images so that they fit onto the sides of the turret?

>> No.6604307

why don´t you remove that cross?

>> No.6604328

Did, but was too lazy to make a new screenshot afterwards.

>> No.6604515
File: 605 KB, 1280x1024, shot_060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itty bitty tiger gun

>> No.6604581
File: 388 KB, 1280x960, shot_022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pz III A, Pz III A everywhere.

>> No.6604694

Where will /jp/ go when wipe? EU or US?

>> No.6604726

>Rei decals
Guess I´m going to roll with Asuka then.

>> No.6604729

There's science involved. Adsense will ban my accounts, /jp. That list makes me feel unsure anon.

>> No.6604813

boof how do you feel about the m7

>> No.6604817

I'm fantastic, How are you feeling? The captcha makes reporting feel much more rewarding.

>> No.6604824

Well i'm staying US, considering the servers are currently hosted here.

Its up to the EU friends whether they think the lag was bad enough to warrant a move or not.

>> No.6604910
File: 397 KB, 1280x960, shot_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up, this looks awful. I cant figure out the specific parts to color in.
Oh well, I guess i'll just plaster it with Aya instead.

>> No.6605244
File: 287 KB, 1601x900, shot_099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just mad coz I'm StuGing on you.

>> No.6605347

New to WoT. How do you connect to specific channels?

>> No.6605392

Go to your garage, click on the "Channels" button on the bottom left corner, enter "/jp/" in the search field, search it, ?????, PROFIT!

>> No.6605447
File: 284 KB, 1280x960, shot_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tee hee.

>> No.6605656

do want

>> No.6605666

How I wonder if I connect to specific channels? Band aids aren't the answer. In fact it even has a button specifically for shipping international where you are able to pick USA.

>> No.6605672

How come your tank icons show up as names instead? How do I change mine to show name instead of icons?

>> No.6605715

/jp/, is jagdtiger visibility broken? I hear things.

>> No.6605720
File: 455 KB, 640x640, 1291231814442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh man, thank you so much for that.

I was just sitting here in a relatively foul mood but as soon as I saw that I started laughing out loud, quite hard, for a good 10 seconds.

That's classic.

>> No.6605721

You just don't get what good it is for people to spend their whole days/weeks to just post shit threads on /jp. You have only heard good things about it.

>> No.6605727

names are for casuals who can't identify tanks based on profile

>> No.6605729

Yes, it just cannot hide at all.

>> No.6605732


is this some new spam bot or something?

>> No.6605742
File: 286 KB, 630x748, 2011965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord, you win.

>> No.6606080

The way vision works is this:

Every time viability procedure is called the game traces three rays from the center of your mantlet to each enemy tank on the map. The rays will make tangent against the two sides of the enemy hull and the top of his turret. If any of these are visible (not behind solid cover and with in view range taking into account your view range, camo net, camo skill and translucent cover) then that tank is spotted.

Jagdtiger is so tall that it's impossible to use translucent cover (no bush big enough) against the ray that makes tangent against your superstructure roof, so you can't hide with it.

Makes sense, it's impossible to hide one in real life either.

>> No.6606127

Except that trees, like bushes, hides you.

>> No.6606138

They do but not in the way you think, tree tops is translucent cover but only top down AND ONLY if the tree is still standing. So in theory if you hide in a very dense forest someone from top of a hill may not be able to spot you by looking down.

Fallen trees provide no cover at all

>> No.6606164

I already know that thanks.
It's just that trees + bushes = still no cover.

>> No.6606193
File: 306 KB, 1280x1024, shot_070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My light ;_;

>> No.6606261
File: 142 KB, 1250x734, 0panther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's those German Panzergirls and their sniper cannons. Dem cannons man.

>> No.6606396
File: 587 KB, 1680x1040, That which should not be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to kill those bastards in the camopaint shop.

>> No.6606413

The Jagdpanther's camo is also fucked.
The thing shines like a christmas tree, and the camo net doesn't work at all.
It's been "lab-tested".

>> No.6606451
File: 594 KB, 1680x1040, That which should not be 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6606458
File: 602 KB, 1680x1040, That which should not be 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in death, it still hurts

>> No.6606459

Gives the phrase "Blow it into confetti!" a whole new meaning.

>> No.6606492
File: 575 KB, 827x387, Complete Leapord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, it is complete.

>> No.6606505


>> No.6606512
File: 583 KB, 1500x1119, shot_027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more.

Even with Aya Chocolate Puke all over the back of the turret.
I hate what JPEG does to the color red.

>> No.6606769

I'm on a M6 with the M3 gun, and I've bounced shots off T29s. I presume the other three tanks up will also bounce.

I've also seen T30s 1v1 Maus and IS-7s, and winning.

>> No.6606811

T29's armour is bugged, it's got 20% more armour then it should have.

T30's gun is deadly, it's like a turreted BL10. But T30 can't take any punishment so it's the biggest support tank in the game.

>> No.6607376
File: 335 KB, 1280x1024, shot_077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I was in a game with the worst arty players ever.

I stood in one spot shooting their team and they spent about 30 shells trying to hit me.

>> No.6607385
File: 300 KB, 1280x1024, shot_076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty much all I saw.

>> No.6607408

fuck you boof not everyone is good at games I tried my best

>> No.6607429
File: 466 KB, 1024x768, shot_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Survivability. The Wespe is pretty fun, but by the time it finishes aiming you're back in the hangar.

>> No.6608773

Just where do you get the list icons with tank names?

(also, shameless bump)

>> No.6608845

I suddenly want to buy a hetzer. I like how it looks like a turtle. how effective is it driving right behind the front line tanks and shooting stuff? I wouldn't want to hide in a bush all round like I see most faggots doing.

>> No.6608905

Hiding in a bush is actually the only thing you can do effectively with a Hetzer.
As I like to say, the Hetzer is the retarded bastard child of the German TD tree.

>> No.6608947
File: 249 KB, 1601x900, shot_103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I kill the Maus, the VK4502, and the schoolbus in one battle with my KT
>Mew calls the KT is shit.

>> No.6608949

hey BOOF, I really enjoyed this game though, thanks to you guys introducing it, but I'm having some problems regarding exp. just wanna know if there is any method of gaining them faster.

and by the way, is the length of the gun barrel you equip your tanks affect the penetration and firing range?

>> No.6608960

its speed - slow, even if you equip it with its new track and engine, it still move like a slug

its armament - low penetration

its only good at close-in combat cuz it has that enormous 105mm gun with a short barrel

>> No.6608970

You can check penetration in the gun's stats. And yes, longer guns ususally have higher velocity and penetration with AP shells.
Also, if you aren't already in premium, buy yourself a day or a week of it. +50% xp and money per battle.
Try to do good on your first battle of the day with each tank, it doubles your xp.

With premium, on the tank's first battle of the day, and in a good, won game, you can get some massive xp, several thousands if you're lucky.

>> No.6608977

the 75mm doesn't seem much worse than the m1a1 on my sherman

>> No.6608980

really, I just wonder about the Panzer IV having such a gun, 10 cm but short barreled, it even requires a huge turret that looks like an igloo for me to equip it, its does have a huge damage but it has a low penetration in the front, but, I just can't seem to easi;y figure out how to properly use it

>> No.6608997
File: 277 KB, 1601x900, shot_104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 kills.
>1900 exp. Most exp I ever got.
>Over 50k credits.
>Mew calls the KT shit.
>Next battle I get Sniper, Steel Wall, and almost 50k credits.

Oh Mew you so crazy.

>> No.6609006

Mew still had the Herschel turret last time i saw one of his screenshots, his opnion is invalid

>> No.6609030

The 10,5cm gun is for spamming HE shells.
AP is mostly affected by velocity, and even "light" calibers get good penetration with long barrels.
HE power depends solely on caliber. Short barelled big guns are for firing HE.

HE causes damage regardless of penetration, but said damage is reduced by armor.
Big HE shells deal full damage to low tier tanks, and can usually one-shot them, and are also useful against the big ones, since they won't bounce on their heavy armor.
HE is also good at breaking modules.

>> No.6609038

God damn you guys, then I don't know how to play the godamn KT...

Also I got the first 105mm gun but I hear it's shit? Should I use it or not?

>> No.6609049

It's the best gun fo the Kt, only thing against is that the shells are fuckass expensive ( 1025 for AP ). But it's worth the price.

>> No.6609051

Keep the 88 'till you get the long (L68) 105.

>> No.6609054

He's taking about the first 105, not the last one.

>> No.6609056

Aw shit, missed the "first" part.

>> No.6609155
File: 64 KB, 213x390, WoT stealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured: Stealth mechanic

>> No.6609156
File: 253 KB, 1601x900, shot_106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1944 exp
Well that was either Top Gun or Invader ;_;

>> No.6609158
File: 242 KB, 1601x900, shot_107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, Mew?

>> No.6609170

can HE be also good for demolishing houses too?

>> No.6609194

Which Tank should I play now?
Heavy,Mid or Light?
Playing too much SPG gets kind of dull.

>> No.6609196

Of course.
Most AP can also do it, but HE has splash damage that can destroy several parts in one hit.

>> No.6609204


>> No.6609206

A fast heavy, like the Russian ISs, is usually quite fun to play, hits good and survives enough hits.

>> No.6609216

Inbefour Hitler throw's a bitchfit at the depiction of a Maus with possible negative implications.

>> No.6609254
File: 69 KB, 400x416, 1289332571084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Tiger 2!

>> No.6609782
File: 512 KB, 954x1845, Billede0064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty cam...

>> No.6610011
File: 34 KB, 240x224, baww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we going to join the US servers? It seems like it will be less populated.
What about /jp/, is there more Europeans or US players here?

>> No.6610018

I'd say Europeans.

>> No.6610066
File: 145 KB, 500x1000, UNLIKELY HAMMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6610199
File: 318 KB, 1601x900, shot_094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.6610231
File: 271 KB, 1601x900, shot_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny platoon...

>> No.6610272

I'll stay on the US server despite living in Europe, I play for the /jp/ community so there's no reason to move to the European server.


>> No.6610296

But if there's more Europeans than US /jp/ers wouldn't it be wiser if we would all move to the European server?
Check out OP's triples. lolsorandumxd

>> No.6610303

I just played a game where invisible tanks were shooting me. That surely must have required the work of a tactical genius, hiding all those tanks behind those bushes and no one could see them.

Even more funny is that we had a guy called CommanderCreed on our side.

>> No.6610508

North America here, but I'd be fine with playing on European servers if we do have more Europeans playing.

>> No.6610519

We need a poll. I'm European as well, but I'd be fine with playing on the American servers...

>> No.6610666

The current server is hosted in US, isn't it?

>> No.6610695

Indeed it is, Satan.

>> No.6610708

Satan here, then, why should we move to EU? this works fine.

>> No.6610712
File: 591 KB, 1016x2048, Billede0067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another try, still shit cam...

>> No.6610757

Because ping. Those with 200ms now would have 50 something on the European server.

>> No.6610778

Damn right.
I lost quite some fights to lag. ~180 isn't that bad, but it does sometimes screw you up.

>> No.6610826

Pfft... Kids these days... If I reach 180 ms I'm jumping with joy, normally I have 250-300 ms.
And my lag periods are with the tank totally unresponsive turning on the spot for 20 seconds or even driving directly into the enemy lines or a house.

>> No.6610895

I advice you to get rid of that dialup

>> No.6610954


brofist, i play with average 200ms, runs very well

>> No.6611352

You really love your King Tiger huh.

With good reason too though, it is the peak of the German heavy line and the best heavy of its tier.. I kinda miss playing mine but I have no plans for getting the VK4502 Ausf B and I've already have 80k exp sitting there on it.

If only all of the German heavies could be like the King Tiger..

>> No.6612655


>> No.6612665

Well I'm okay with 150~200 ping I get now if that means I can play with you guys, but I wouldn't mind bigger server population and 50 ping.

>> No.6612684

Chisame here, I average around 250ms.
garage/channel chat still doesn't work for me.

>> No.6612778

Get on mumble then.

>> No.6613155
File: 288 KB, 1920x1018, shot_052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes, you just need to be aggressive. and take one for the team ;_;

It's funny, though, because sometimes you can catch a whole team with their proverbial pants around their ankles, yet other times a brave charge will get you tracked, sniped, and promptly murdered by arty, with nothing gained.

>> No.6613449


Playing with 200 ping here. It gets hilarious when you are driving through open ground, chillin and shit, when you suddenly stop.
You read 'collission with [player] damaged left/right track', and then an enemy Maus and three of his friend materialize in front of you.

>> No.6613581

I don't understand how you guys get majorly assraped in those miraculous ping levels. I average at 350, and I only get those problems when I hit 500 ms of ping... And that's only when I'm torrenting and playing at the same time!

>> No.6613618
File: 511 KB, 590x631, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm all excited to take my KV into battle for the first time...

MFW It goes like 15 max and turns like it's stuck in mud. Also its gun sucks.

I hope it gets better from here.

>> No.6613635

How I wish that happened to me, to die before you even know it.
I have to suffer all the pain. The enemies move fine, the allies move fine, it's just my tank turning endlessly while I see a heavy tank lazily loading up an HE round and shooting my rear armor. All this while I am trying to run away and/or clicking fire but the tank insists on turning or crashing into a wall.

>> No.6613796


>It goes like 15 max and turns like it's stuck in mud. Also its gun sucks.

That's how every stock tank has been in my experience. It always gets better.

>> No.6613813

the kv's tier 5 gun is only slightly worse than the isu-152's tier 10 gun. anyone who claims it's not complete bullshit is a bold faced liar.

>> No.6614167

Less than two rounds per minute and horrible accuracy makes up for it.
Miss, and you are a gonner.

>> No.6614253
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, shot_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no you mean you have to make every shot count and can't take on the entire other team yourself? obviously it's shit if you can't go at least 5:1 ez.

compare the kv's guns with what other tier 5s get and realize how misinformed you are.

>> No.6614378


>Sherman gun the best one

>Fuck year

>> No.6614387

KV gun is good enough as long as you load HE (everything else is bounce forever), but no matter what you do... you ll still go at 15kph and turn like you re stuck in mud.

>> No.6614405

if ("best" == "least penetration") ? "you're right" : "you're wrong"

>> No.6614756


>least penetration

>implying you'd use AP in it.

>105mm doesn't even have AP in the first place

>> No.6615147
File: 321 KB, 1680x1050, shot_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this even happen?

>> No.6615198

Not to mention a Sherman is a more versatile platform than a KV.

>> No.6615229

and how is that exactly? being versatile is hardly even an advantage. all that matters is that you can kill everyone else faster than they can kill you.

>> No.6615248


You don't play this game, do you?

>> No.6615296

what makes you think that? the only thing that matters in this game is being able to kill the enemy in less time than it takes for him to kill you. even if the enemy gets the first shot or manages to drive behind you it doesn't matter when it takes him 6 shots to kill you while you can take him out with one.

>> No.6615342

why don't you just play Call of Duty instead than this if its a bloodbath game you want, seriously, such players shove themselves on games that doesn't fit the kind of genre they are

>> No.6615344

1. KV2 derpgun actually have low dps, but high alpha. Sherman's gun have higher dps

2. Good luck hitting a circling medium with a 15 degree per second traverse turret

>> No.6615381

alpha is all that matters. who cares if one gun does more damage over a full 60 seconds when most engagements last less than 10?

you buttmad that I'm calling you out on playing easy mode?

>> No.6615627

>152mm to the US 105mm
US advantages:
Rate of Fire by 3:1
Accuracy by 1.25:1
Aiming time by nearly 2:1
DPS by 1.85:1
152mm advantages:
Damage/shell by 2.2:1

>KV 152mm to ISU 152mm
ISU Advantages:
Rate of Fire by 1.4:1
Accuracy by 1.66:1
Aiming Time by 1.16:1
With HE:
ISU has slight advantage in Pen and Damage (thus alpha, and certainly DPS)
With AP:
Pen by 3.3:1 loses damage 0.82:1
So ISU wins alpha and DPS with HE
Further, ISU wins DPS with AP and against tanks above tier 6 will also win the alpha because it can actually penetrate with AP. And it can do that from twice the range thanks to that accuracy. The only advantage the KV has is alpha against a low armored target at close range.

>152mm vs 122mm
122mm Advantages:
Rate of Fire: 1.32:1
Accuracy by 1.57:1
Aiming Time by 1.16:1

With HE in the 122:
KV wins DPS by 1.48:1
KV wins Alpha by 1.95:1
KV wins Pen by 1.4:1

With AP in the 122:
KV wins DPS by 1.76:1
KV wins Alpha by 2.33:1
T-44 wins Pen by 2:1

So in a vacuum the 122 is quite inferior, until you consider the tanks they're mounted on.

Overall the KV's 152mm does one thing very well, and one thing only: An utterly massive Alpha Strike for its tier, and nothing else. This is, of course, all done in a vacuum and what you're hitting will make a great deal of difference in the effectiveness of the different ammo options in the BL-10 and the 122. Further, the Alphas are calculated without taking the Aiming Time into account as it's just luck, but in general the lower aiming time and higher accuracy tanks will get the first shot in. If all you're looking for is alpha strike to nuke the first poor sap who comes around the corner, then the 152mm will be the best gun for you for several tiers, but it really is a one-trick pony.

>> No.6615634

Most of the time 107mm is a better gun for KV2 than 152mm derpgun. 152mm sole niche is for shooting around corners (city maps) and from hill top downwards where alpha is king. And even that only works if your opponent is derp herp stupid and let you go back into cover and slowly reload instead of charging and shooting you in the face

>> No.6615716

What is up with Loltractor drivers these days?
Lot of them like to kamikaze in front of my TD and wonder why they get blown apart in 2 or less shots.

>> No.6616404
File: 654 KB, 1600x900, shot_112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Lancer.

>> No.6616414
File: 340 KB, 1600x900, shot_113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 matchmaking is screwed up.
Our platoon fits perfectly there.

>> No.6616446

What is this alpha you guys are talking about?

>> No.6616476
File: 201 KB, 1600x900, shot_025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picking on newbs, so good

>> No.6616524
File: 142 KB, 850x686, sample-37dce5c980af449f71315765cf6a6fd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm guessing it means first shot damage. So, heavy hitting but slow reloading guns are biased towards that alpha, but may not be so good at damage over X period of time because they are waiting to reload.

Now that I used some gold to train my KV crew, its not as bad- but still, the stock tank really blows. I can sort of understand why heavy tankers get that hiding/camping mentality drilled into them now, in a standard KV you will get ripped to shreds before you can hit 20 Kph if you're trying to "scout."

Also I decided to start doing the American SPG tree because... um, I don't know. Russian Heavy, German TD, and US SPG just feels balanced.

How does one get good at arty? Do you spend most of your time in top down mode or are you only popping into it for brief periods? I feel a little lost, despite managing to make a few kills here and there.

>> No.6616558

You're on top-down mode 24/7 almost, watch for tracers from their arty if there's no target you can hit, and always move right after each shot. That's all there is to it.

>> No.6616877

Alpha Strike is the damage of the full volley (Alpha = first). Consider Two weapons which deal 100 damage per minute. Weapon one fires 5 rounds/minute; Weapon two fires 20. While both weapons have equal damage over a minute, the first shot of Weapon one deals 20 damage, while Weapon two's first shot only deals 5 damage. Thus, despite their identical DPM, Each weapon caters to a different playstyle.

Higher Alpha strike is generally offset by a high penalty for missing. For instance: The Russian T6 artillery fires about 3 shots a minute. A single miss cuts their DPM by 33%. Compare this to the autocannons on the low tier tanks that fire ~110 shots a minute: a single miss is a 1% drop in DPM.

In games with multiple weapons available it's actually different than just Damage/round. Consider if the M3 Lee could use it's top turret: It's ability to fire two shots in the front 30° arc means it has a higher alpha strike in that cone than the remaining 330° around it.

In a game with cover like WoT here, the ability to take cover affects weapon choice significantly. Considering you can fire and take cover while you reload, it's possible that upgrading to a weapon that fires faster to do more DPM may actually hurt your overall game because you don't have time to take cover between shots, leaving you exposed to enemy fire.

>> No.6617154


Here let's decide on US or EU.

>> No.6617287

I'm pretty sure that most of us if not all will follow the majority so the third choice is a bit useless.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.6617299

I can't.

>> No.6617405

I left right after I died to go hop in my Stug so I didn't notice until you said in /jp/ channel. Wasn't pleased about that S-51 that hit the american heavy and managed to kill my driver, radio operator, loader, gunner, and gun in that same shot.

I damaged your range finder? That makes no sense as I hit your gun when I heard critical hit.

>> No.6617596
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Lancer and Mayhem - 36% Crew

>> No.6617630

>people don't know bout dem alpha strike

come on, haven't you played mechwarrior

>> No.6617653

I don't and I don't know all these things.

>> No.6617672

I only played MechCommander

>> No.6617688

Nope. Battletech, yeah. Then I realized that the mechs were all lifted from Macross, got mad, and never touched the entire franchise again.

>> No.6618328
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Ok, so here's the situation

>> No.6618565

>then the 152mm will be the best gun for you for several tiers
that's the point. the 152 is way better at what it does than any other guns of its tier, and what it does is the most useful thing to be doing in this game.

the two most common situations where you're going to be engaging an enemy tank in the game are A) popping out from cover to take a shot and B) shooting from a bush at enemies who can't even see you. in both cases being able to kill the enemy in one hit is far more important than anything else. this isn't world of warcraft where sustained dps will make you a raid hero, all that matters is that you can kill the other guy before he has a chance to react.

>> No.6618606

Nice theorycraft. In practice, the game tends to work differrently depending on how you decide to play and attempts to rely on one-hit-kills are foolish at best, suicidally retarded at worst.

Alpha capacity is vastly overrated. The 152mm is not the best gun EVAR by a long shot, even at Tier 5 the 75mm L/70 or 105mm howitzer are the better choice in 90% of all engagements. It's an inaccurate piece of shit that takes 20 seconds to reload while you're getting raped because everyone knows you're defenseless. It's also mounted in a turret that a goddamn Panzer IV with the bobblehead turret can run rings around while plinking you to death.

>> No.6618661

bullshit I can see the difference going from my sherman with the 105 to my E8 with the M1A1. higher alpha damage means you can kill someone before they have a chance to retaliate. it means you can kill that hummel pointing his gun at you before he can get a shot off. it means you can take out a scout before he can see anything. it means that you only have to move out of cover for 2 seconds instead of 10.

>> No.6618857

>higher alpha damage means you can kill someone before they have a chance to retaliate.

No, it doesn't. Most anything will still be around and then proceede to rape you because unlike the Sherman, you're in a huge, slow box of a tank. You won't fire again until the time they already killed you and even if you could, your turret is so slow that you won't get a good shot off against anything more mobile than another KV with the shithouse turret.

Having to move out of cover for only 2 seconds is worthless because anyone with a working brain will rush you the moment you fire that gun and declare yourself open season for half a minute. And with how inaccurate it is, chances are you'll miss anyway. If not, your target will either live or you just traded your life for a worthless, dinky scout.

The SPG example is especially hilarious becuase you're such a snail that you'll never get to actually shoot at one before the rest of your team already killed it.

>> No.6618868
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I like it when arties are doing their job.

>> No.6618885

>[Kaigen] destroyed [Binder]

Binder here, I didn't see you guys.
I guess that's what I play like when grinding at 2AM.

>> No.6619187

900 damage is a fucking lot. that's enough to kill anything up to tier 6 in one shot. what advantage does being fast get you? moving through an open area is suicide because you can't see shit, and in a confined area mobility hardly matters. even if I drive up behind someone with my E8 and force him to rotate a full 180 degrees it doesn't matter since it takes 6+ shots to kill a same tier tank.

>> No.6619199
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I can see the 152 being very useful in the city maps where a lot of the combat is a lot of sudden, instantaneous encounters at close range. If you keep yourself hidden well and are lucky enough to have someone charge around a corner, you can wail on them at such a close range that the accuracy problem is essentially nil, and that "alpha advantage" will work in your favor.

For longer range encounters on the rest of the maps, though, it seems rather useless considering you need to mount a godawful turret to use it.

I like that green circle to get nice and narrow, personally, and I'd much rather take a well aimed shot than a haphazard flinging of shells.

>> No.6619281

900 damage only if you penetrate. With a pen of 86mm before slope or angle, even the goddamn side armour of a Panzer IV will bounce the majority of your shots. The only things you can penetrate reliably are light tanks that would be killed by a non-penetrating hit anyway.

Being fast gets you the advantage of getting into a position where you can actually use that gun. And the ability to get out while you reload. Trying to play the peek-a-boo game with a turtle like the KV with the big turret ends with someone shooting your tracks out before you're even halfway out of cover, followed by putting half a dozen shells through your side armor while you can only aim at your own cover.

Also, confirmed for retard. Because driving up behind someone and then just stopping and shooting from short range while he rotates the turret is soooooooo what you should do with a fast-firing gun that has phenomenal accuracy on the move and still comparatively good accuracy while standing still...

>> No.6619291

Armchair tank commanders.

>> No.6619305


If you were any good with your Easy8 you'd realize it has the mobility to spin around nearly anything and keep placing accurate shots in the process and if you fuck something up it has the speed to get you away and into cover. Something the KV cant do.

You keep going back to the "One hit kill!" thing, which really, if that's so important to you, you should go back to being an awpwhore in CS or something. You're ignoring the major flaws with these guns. Very slow firing, very inaccurate, and that you AREN'T often going to get the max damage out of them. That guy with the mobility? Good luck hitting him when just moving your turret makes the green circle spaz out.

>> No.6619310

Armchair human being.

>> No.6619330

>Implying damages per shot matters more than damages per minute.
Enjoy shooting huge damages on the ground if you miss and wait for half a minute to reload if they don't fuck you up before.

>> No.6619683
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>Being fast gets you the advantage of getting into a position where you can actually use that gun. And the ability to get out while you reload.
do you even play the damned game? the faster you move the shorter your view range becomes and the more vulnerable you are to campers. even if you do manage to get into a good position then what? you can shoot someone in the back for 100 damage every 7 seconds. unless the other guy is afk there's no way you're going to kill anyone like that. let's reverse the situation. what if the slow big guy comes driving up to my rock? if I stay put I get blown up. if I leave my cover I get blown up. there's not a damned thing I can do.

>spin around nearly anything
and how am I supposed to do this? the only way I'm going to get close is if I'm on a map with a lot of cover like ensk, and that means the other guy is going to be parked next to something too. take this illustration for example. assuming the other guy misses his first shot you have about 10 seconds to drive around behind him. after that you either keep driving around the building and look for something else to shoot, or turn around and get blown up because not even a terrible player is going to miss a second time when he knows where you're coming from.

>> No.6619820

new thread up >>6619810
