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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 334x500, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6598843 No.6598843 [Reply] [Original]

not sure if this is the right place, but what are some places (if any) i can get a body pillow case cheaper than $40? pic related, if it helps. doesn't have to be the exact one, just the character. preferably shipped by christmas. i tried ebay, but they don't ship in time.

>> No.6598855

You don't love her enough to deserve hugging her if you're not willing to go higher than that.

>> No.6598861

actually, it's because the one search result on google was for a site that sells for $40. plus $15 shipping if i want it before christmas

>> No.6598864

bootlegs are $25 at cons, but if you aren't willing to spend $40 on a dakimakura, get the fuck out of /jp/

Also post it here

>> No.6598867


That's already way cheap.
It's probably really bad quality.

>> No.6598869

This, there is a price you must pay if you want to be deserving of actual physical contact.

>> No.6598871

>but they don´t ship in time
your fault for being a baka gaijin from the states or europe

>> No.6598874

also, it's not for me, but i guess no one would believe that

>> No.6598879


Of course not. You're on /jp/ I bet you already own a bunch

just like the rest of us

>> No.6598883
File: 539 KB, 540x864, 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you aren't willing to spend $40 on a dakimakura, get the fuck out of /jp/
this. also picture related, i´m going to pay 150$+shipping for this one.

>> No.6598912

A fine choice, sir.

>> No.6598922

That's right, gotta support them Chinese artists!

>> No.6598941
File: 286 KB, 406x602, 883b6b2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¥12,000. Wish I was going to C79 so I could buy it...

>> No.6598950

What do people find so appealing about body pillows? How is it different from just printing out a picture? I've never understood the appeal at all.

>> No.6598957

Ever slept with one?
In a non-sexual way, of course.

It's good for the back, too.

>> No.6598968

Yeah, I've got a body pillow, but it hasn't got anything on it. Shit's comfy yo.

>> No.6598983

i don't have or plan to have any body pillows.

don't see any appeal in that unless you're some weak minded fool who longs for human contact, and can't stand the awesome feeling of sleeping in the comfortable grip of the night, knowing he's all alone in the large, dark room.

i have a bunch of figs though. i like looking at plastic tits.

>> No.6599009

Hugging your waifu is your definition of weak minded?
If that's the case then I don't want to be strong.

>> No.6599059

Non-judgmental answer here:

Yes, you can get it cheaper than $40 if you purchase knock-offs and bootlegs from China. Check eBay or your usual English-based import stores.

If you want an authentic one, it's anywhere from $90 (for the cheapest, simplest ones) to $200, to more if it's rare or limited in some way, not including shipping.

Good luck, I'm still not sure why I haven't burnt my boyfriend's collection.

>> No.6599127


because you're not a stupid cunt?

>> No.6599157

Because you know you wouldn't like it if you were on the receiving end of such an action and since a good deal of money has already been spent on them it's probably a good idea not to burn them.

>> No.6599168
File: 98 KB, 1024x1280, Photo0212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're that cheap then get a smaller pillow, that will at least give you something to hold at nigh.

>> No.6599173

Because you're better than my girlfriend?
I don't have a girlfriend, but I like to pretend sometimes. ;_;

>> No.6599182

>>kuroneko dakimakura

Just take my money.ogg

>> No.6599343

I've been waiting for a Kuroneko dakimakura. Not on Amiami yet, though.

>> No.6599349
File: 68 KB, 1006x720, -2010-12-06-22h08m39s80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.6599368

I never understood why people shipped the MC and grandma Manami. I mean, you have tsundere incest and gothic lolita; yet, you choose the most boring girl?

>> No.6599373

some people like that kind of "boring" common girl over PSMing bitches and teencomplex whores.
pretty much every character in Oreimo is a walking stereotype anyways, you just have to pick your poison

>> No.6599388

I don't think you know what a whore is.

Enjoy your /a/.

>> No.6599389
File: 432 KB, 600x675, 678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat-chested Hanyuu
chinese rip-off detected

>> No.6599594


>> No.6599929



>> No.6600295

Look up Sayori's works on pixiv. If it's not posted, then it means she has never released the uncensored version online. In that case, go photoshop the existing pictures or pray some anon scans a whole body pillow just for you.

>> No.6601114
File: 458 KB, 450x720, shokoravanila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is my new favorite artist. Holy shit, she was the one that drew that one Remilia/Flan picture.

Also, I found the uncensored picture, if anyone else is interested.
