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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 350x277, Osad at his computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6590322 No.6590322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread: >>6574988
World of Tanks is a Tank MMO in "Closed" Beta (500,000+ people playing can hardly make it closed). Battles are 15 vs 15.

The Mumble server is up and running!
Install mumble and chat with /jp/ at...
Address: la.midnightgaming.net
Port: 5012

The /jp/ channel in game is called "/jp/ (Mew)", 10-30 people are usually in it and will answer any questions.

PanzerMoe is all about tanking it easy, enjoying your tanks and having fun with other /jp/ers.

If you're impatient about Beta codes, check with Mmohut or ShatteredCrystal or Alienware for keys, they give them out.

Decals (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?9tdcd59qytftc1d
Touhou Tankmen (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?nq8ikbwv49vubd1
More decals here: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post?tags=transparent_png
Or there: http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/index?tags=transparent_png

Soft wipe is coming next week, this will take away all your tanks and crew but it will return all EXP you have ever earned as free exp, so no loss. You will also be refunded all money and gold you have spent on whatever is in your garage.

>> No.6590330

So the guy in OP is OP?

>> No.6590326


>> No.6590349

Is the softwipe still coming next week?

>> No.6590352

>hello im blind how to read internet pls

>> No.6590367

Wait, so you are expecting him to advertise the /jp/ channel in /v/?

>> No.6590376

Yes, that's right. A place for everything and everything in it's place.

>> No.6590378

No, but anyone who would use a chat room in the first place doesn't belong on /jp/.

>> No.6590384

Are you retarded? Of course they would.

>> No.6590395

>Use imageboard used to talk and post images.
>Bash chat/voip.

anta full baka.

>> No.6590396

Well, too bad. This thread stays because you are a fucking bitch.

>> No.6590399

OP pic finally is related

>> No.6590403

>Use fully anonymous imageboard used to talk and post images.
>Bash circlejerking chat/voip.


>> No.6590405

>be a bitch
>call other people a bitch

>> No.6590428


>> No.6590424

You mad?

>> No.6590423

>use of voip for coordination of a strategy game
Why do these threads always have to start out like this?
Flavor of the month mmos have always been here.

>> No.6590437

Argghh I'm so angry that people are talking about World of Tanks.
Wait not really. Have fun guys.

>> No.6590438

World of Tanks isn't an MMO, as much as Wargaming would like you to believe it is.

>> No.6590441


>> No.6590455

All chatrooms are circlejerks, no exceptions.

>> No.6590460
File: 52 KB, 400x292, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590473
File: 278 KB, 637x360, 1291859135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590474

Just played my first game and got raped. No respawning? What is this bullshit?

>> No.6590483

after you die you can leave the battle and use a different tank

>> No.6590492

It encourages non-retarded play.
That said, you can leave and play with a different tank once you die.

>> No.6590497

>Soft wipe is coming next week
So I can just use all my free exp now? AW YEAH!

>> No.6590501

I don't like this panzermoe game so I'm gonna sage it

>> No.6590506

I quit. I suck at this.

>> No.6590512
File: 46 KB, 380x497, halolz-dot-com-teamfortress2-heavyweaponsguy-umad-trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590522
File: 26 KB, 220x220, your_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see filename


...seriously, I hate being Brazilian. I can't go anywhere without some smartass making a silly joke about how I'm black and use an elephant to take a shower. I think I won't be able to go anywhere and have a decent, civilized conversation with anyone without they spamming HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE as sarcasm in my face. I'd be better off suiciding, not so I could go to Gensokyo, but just so I would be rid of everyone, then BAM, just me and autismland.

Clearly, I don't need any of you. In reality, you are the real Brazilians, living your shitty lives with your little troll stunts. You must love trolling Brazilians because you are clearly being absolutely mind raped in real life. It's ok, I can see the need for your little brains to let off the steam on something. Clearly Brazilians fit that bill nicely, since they are underdeveloped monkeys that can only eat and take a shit.

You should all just paint your faces black, sit in front of a mirror and troll yourselves. Maybe you'll get satisfaction out of it, but maybe, with a little luck, you'll all self destruct. Really, that would be for the best, ending your suffering sooner. That way you can go to Gensokyo, where your waifus and tanks are.

I am superior to all your crap. Pic related, it's me laughing at how pathetic you are playing that shitty tank game.
