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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.6589183
File: 175 KB, 414x1291, jp meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6589185

so all of /jp/ basically

>> No.6589189


>> No.6589194

Meido is dead

>> No.6589196

Please deal with this when you have the time, and remember the patterns presented (similar images, theme of the OP, topics that by no stretch of the imagination would be related to the board) and act accordingly in the future.

Not trying to tell you how to do your job, but pointing you towards what we consider a good work. Namely, delete all of this spam and /new/ nonsense.

>> No.6589200

>bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww make it go away mommyyyyy!

>> No.6589203

I urge you to delete the linked threads and keep this open so we can point you towards the places that need action.

It will make your new job easier and adequate to our previous standards.

>> No.6589205
File: 15 KB, 425x304, 1286953316813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying meido is still on duty and didn't fuck off because his job was mind-boggling and unrewarding

Also notice how he missed the idol threads.

>> No.6589213

The faggots who are forcing their "that feel when" shit all need to be banned.

>> No.6589217
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>> No.6589218

You guys training a new janitor or something? We have a new janitor?

>> No.6589220

Why are you getting mad over the internet? It won't change anything. Just go back to /bun/ if you want nazi mods.

>> No.6589223

Joke's on you, nobody is banned in /jp/, not even for posting 3DCP.

>> No.6589228
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow your own advice, faggo.

>> No.6589233

Idolfag discovered. Your opinion is now void.

>> No.6589236

Not mad, just trying to make the new janitor's life easier. It's difficult to tell what shouldn't be here if you haven't been here since the beginning.
This is pretty much the standard of deletion kept before and it shouldn't be abandoned.

>> No.6589239

>nazi mods

You haven't seen /photos/, have you? Nothing gets deleted there except CP.

>> No.6589242


>> No.6589249

It's not about being an idolfag. They've been here since the beginning, it's about time you got used to them, even if idols aren't your thing.

I hate idols, dolls, and kig threads, but I can't deny that it all belongs on /jp/.

>> No.6589258
File: 61 KB, 450x608, Injured Loli is not pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it.
You are upsetting the injured loli.

>> No.6589280


>> No.6589288

That's nice but after making a round through all pages there are several threads that should be listed here as well. You feel like hunting those?

>> No.6589292

I don't see >>6589180 on your list.

>> No.6589304

We have different ideas of what is considered a thread that deserves deletion Quality Control.

>> No.6589316

QUALITY THREADS shouldn't be deleted if that's what bothers you. I talking about:

Anime screencap

>> No.6589320

In that case feel free to add to the ongoing list. Not like we're going to be heard anytime soon.

>> No.6589326

The OP is entirely accurate, which sort of begs the question of why /jp/ exists in the first place. There simply isn't enough content to discuss. We have the VN thread and the idol thread (which could go in /s/) and just about nothing else. Occasionally we talk about flavor of the month doujin games—so does /v/. Since there's no content to talk about, the board is flooded with troll threads and personal blog bullshit. I love the serious discussion here and the VN thread, don't get me wrong, but /jp/ seems totally unable to sustain itself.

>> No.6589330

Wow, when did you become such an attention whore?

>> No.6589333

>idol thread (which could go in /s/)

>> No.6589352
File: 19 KB, 228x219, THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There simply isn't enough content to discuss.
, I can agree with.

>> No.6589356

/jp/ is flooded with shit because nobody on staff will do their jobs. Nobody talks about anything because anyone with half a brain and dignity left half a year to a year ago. We're left with a bunch of immigrant 12 year olds that think their behavior is perfectly fine and dandy, and Sion-et-all, who have no lives and consider shitting up everything to be the high point of their day.

/jp/ has been the top mast of 4chan for a while: everything is sinking, we're just the last to go.

>> No.6589357

Because of dark times like this.


We are not even on page 10 yet.

>> No.6589358

Why not? Serious question. Does /s/ suck a lot or something? I can understand in that case, but it's not like the content of the thread is anything other than pictures of girls with some OMG SHE'S A SLUT NOW drama.

>> No.6589368

Then it would become like /po/ and slow down. There's no such thing as 'too little content' unless there was never enough to fill 16 pages. The problem lies entirely with people spamming shit because they're bored.

>> No.6589370

I don't know what a theoretical good jp would look like.

>> No.6589375

Holy shit, they are really being deleted.

>> No.6589383

Oh god they are actually being deleted.


Still on page 7.

>> No.6589387
File: 2.07 MB, 2876x2296, 1290181748467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even all of my old friends (except kog obviously) who used to play mahjong have left. Where are you not terrible 4 player guys. I miss you.

>> No.6589388

half the list is gone

>> No.6589389

It would look like it did before anime screencaps and all the other shit that we have right now. There was a time when that didn't happen on /jp/. It was when people got banned for doing it.

>> No.6589393
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1291202695874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y u do dis?

>> No.6589395

/jp/ - no fun allowed.

However, you're right, at least half of those threads don't belong here, and while I think some of those offtopic threads were actually interesting enough to keep, they were not /jp/-related, so they can be deleted.

>> No.6589397

a victory for Autism

>> No.6589398
File: 92 KB, 816x645, thumbs up cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New meido does a pretty good job

>> No.6589401


That feel when you think "that feel" is not funny.

>> No.6589403

/jp/ is pretty much 2004 /b/.

>> No.6589407


Almost done.

>> No.6589410

OP should be killed.
For fuck's sake, what the hell are you doing.

>> No.6589413


Is that a good or bad thing?

>> No.6589414
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>> No.6589416
File: 160 KB, 340x384, Remilia huch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot every post of yours ever

>> No.6589417

I think new medio is trying to become loved and accepted.

It is like toonami, except with /jp/ maids.

I hope someone draws or animates this.

>> No.6589421

Pointing out that your efforts to shit up /jp/ will eventually face a reckoning of some kind. Are you frustrated that your anime screencap threads are disappearing?

You haven't even been here for a month.

It's not funny. It's the single most retarded thing in recent history.

>> No.6589425

So when are we going to get fanart of the new maid?

>> No.6589426



>> No.6589430

>It's the single most retarded thing in recent history
I don't know about that, implying and my face when are pretty retarded.

>> No.6589432

It's /b/.

>> No.6589433

>Filtering White Ren
That's like filtering Anonymous, newfriend.

>> No.6589435

>he hasn´t filtered white ren by now
get a trip so i can filter you too.

>> No.6589436

You haven't filtered #chilly? Are you new?

>> No.6589437
File: 19 KB, 380x350, meido broom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all meidos look identical. They're like the robot workers in section 9 in gits

>> No.6589438


>> No.6589439


New meido is pretty good!

>> No.6589445

Even if you three (two, or one) hate me, I'm glad you're at least not idiots.

>> No.6589448
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6589457
File: 550 KB, 984x1390, Maid002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good start.
Now all you have to do is constantly refresh the front page and keep deleting posts 24/7 and our problems will be solved.

>> No.6589463

This is awesome. Now we'll have a daily "the following should be deleted" metathread I'll have to filter besides all the shitposting.

>> No.6589466
File: 48 KB, 704x400, noda-chan aura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is more coming out right from the front page and I probably missed one or two along the way.

And thanks for hearing the community like this, janitor.

Yeah keep telling that to yourself. Here, have some Noda-chan aura to heal your mental illness.

>> No.6589478

Maybe I should say:
Too little NEW content every day to stay good and fresh.

Hence why people are getting more and more bored.

>> No.6589480

The stupid fucking "party on /jp/" shit is happening again. Stay on your toes new meido

>> No.6589482

The true measure of our meido will be if she will delete this thread after she's done with the cleanup.

>> No.6589485

Calm down, I don't filter anyone. Ignoring is the best solution.

>> No.6589488

We are being raided.

>> No.6589492

Oh boy looks like there is "raid" approaching. Good timing, time to prove yourself worthy, newmaid. Turn your mind into steel and don't give up.

>> No.6589494

Looks like someone got frustrated after their shitposts got deleted.
Amusing, as usual.

>> No.6589496

They could just, I don't know, permanently ban all repeat offenders from /jp/.

I guess that's way too revolutionary a concept, though. moot is too busy instigating cross-board "raids" using shitty things he thinks up to care.

>> No.6589499

I reported the first thread a while ago and it's still there. great

>> No.6589504

/jp/ would get instantly better if a board perma ban was issued if you tried to make a thread without text.

>> No.6589511


Go fuck yourself retard, he's doing a voluntary job, don't think he is forced to do this.

If i was him i would request a ban for you.

>> No.6589513

>moot is too busy instigating cross-board "raids" using shitty things he thinks up to care

This. Why on earth anyone would want to be a janitor knowing this shit is beyond me. It's like being a cop and finding out the police chief has been giving weapons to all the crooks

>> No.6589514

That is what they always do, after all. And the chucklefucks are way too happy to show how stupid they are to pass up the chance, as always. You'd think after the last 30 times of them doing nothing but coming here, making posts that get deleted, and doing nothing but samefagging the supposed RAAAGE they're looking for, they'd learn how pointless it is.

>> No.6589516

OP comes along with this meta argument crap right as a little raid starts up. Sounds like people are trying their hardest to stir up butthurt every which way they can. OP and the usual tripidiots are in on it; this thread itself is part of the cancer bullshit.
It's all an elaborate ruse.

>> No.6589519

Don't be mean to /jp/ Quality Control !QuALitynEc!!71Qz976UQ9q-kun he's my husbando~ <3

>> No.6589523

You actually would make a good job but I still think your personal high standard would get in the way though, I concluded that you are too insane after these months stamping threads like that.

And I hope the janitor will deal nicely with the raid and delete this afterwards.

>> No.6589524

You are so frustrated that your shitty threads are actually getting deleted, aren't you? Have you forgotten to take your meds today? Normally you know better than to try to post like you're an actual human.

>> No.6589526

I think we can all agree that 4chan is a fucking shitty site run by shitty people and none of us have any idea why we still come here

>> No.6589529
File: 220 KB, 600x670, 1291746126930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate how it starts with something as simple as that old "party at /jp/" image and everyone takes it seriously and considers it a legitimate invitation

>> No.6589530

Thanks for the list, I'll get right at having those deleted.

>> No.6589532

The thread ruse was...

a distaction!

>> No.6589533

I wish they would.

.... fine.

>> No.6589535


>> No.6589544
File: 26 KB, 120x89, 1263794860423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We believe in you, meido-san! Do your best~

>> No.6589547

I never said he HAD to do it. Jesus Christ anon.

>> No.6589550

What I hate the most is seeing mildly on-topic threads (anime) being deleted while raid posts are still there for a while

>> No.6589552



>> No.6589554

>mildly on-topic threads

Sorry, doesn't work.

>> No.6589557

I'd rather see an oreimo thread than WOO PARTY DOUBLES threads

>> No.6589558

I'd rather see neither.

>> No.6589559

Look at the bright side, today's mastercard and visa attacks along with canv.as's release might mean that moot will shut it down

>> No.6589560

I rather see neither.

Finally. More people should follow your example.

>> No.6589571

/s/ is a thread for softcore porn dumping, whereas idol threads are about as idols as people. You could make an argument that idol threads should go in /s/ anyway, but the argument that, for example, Rumia Day threads belong in /c/ is actually stronger (in the sense that the thread content belongs in the other board, not that Touhou doesn't obviously belong to /jp/.)

>> No.6589573

did the world of tanks thread get deleted yet?

>> No.6589578

Those attacks are against the global rules, so all the mods have to do is delete those threads if someone posts them.
Administration is not responsible for user posted content.

>> No.6589581

Hurr, /s/ is a board not a thread, I'm a retard.

>> No.6589582

>Expect WoT thread to be deleted.

>> No.6589584

>whereas idol threads are about as idols as people.

As much as I'm okay with idolfriends and their threads, that is hilarious.

>> No.6589586

This is really awesome and all but why there still is "party at /jp/" and tits with "Puddi" on the front page among other things?

>> No.6589588

There's no denying that 4chan is behind it though, and I doubt moot would still want to be connected to it after his fancy professional facebook imageboard project comes out

>> No.6589589

>idol threads are about as idols as people

>> No.6589592

Wow, thank you meido for deleting the shit threads!

>> No.6589593

The biggest mystery of all is why this thread is being allowed.
Doesn't the janitor realize that allowing /jp/ to constantly criticize what's on the board is what's killing it in the first place?
Janitor if you're reading this please delete this.

>> No.6589596

especially since a facebook imageboard is a symbol of what he's become

>> No.6589600
File: 96 KB, 377x480, 1290566350980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'd rather see an oreimo thread than WOO PARTY DOUBLES threads

>> No.6589603

Fucking moron. Yes my frustration is certainly epic, for the fucking win, xd. Now kill yourself faggot. Some idiots figured out the best way to cause drama and fuck with /jp/, and as usual all of /jp/ is playing along. Why is this board so fucking dumb.

>> No.6589605

4chan serves its role as the largest anonymous imageboard. I don't think he will take it down, and if he will, it will just cause a fragmentation of the community.
/b/ has been doing this shit forever. The responsibility does not lie with the administrators.
I don't think anyone blames moot for all the shit that goes on /b/, and a lot of things do go on there and have for years.
Besides, most of us wouldn't be caught on facebook or other social networking sites.

>> No.6589608

u jelly?

>> No.6589609

Is it not? I don't actually visit them, I skip over it. The few times I've bothered to read them they're actually talking about idols and groups rather than just tits and ass like they do (presumably, I wouldn't know either) in /s/

>> No.6589610

>Doesn't the janitor realize that allowing /jp/ to constantly criticize what's on the board is what's killing it in the first place?

Absolutely fascinating. I, stupid as I was, assumed that it was the /a/ newfriends and /b/ rent-a-raiders that were doing it.

I see how wrong I am, now.

>> No.6589614

>Besides, most of us wouldn't be caught on facebook or other social networking sites.

I'm hoping this means that canv.as will draw away a lot of the shitposters but that sounds too good to be true

>> No.6589619

Way to go. Three or four users managed to bully new meido into following their own user-made rules.

That said, get rid of the fucking World of Tanks threads and I'll stop whining.

It was made in Russia and has nothing to do with Japan.

>> No.6589620

You're hilarious. No, /jp/ is not just playing along to "epic troll XD," /jp/ genuinely doesn't like shitty threads and genuinely wants the janitor to delete them. Deal with it.

>> No.6589621

And your assumption is wrong, as expected of you.

This biggest thing killing /jp/ is that the entire board exists solely to criticize itself and other boards.
That's all people want to do.

>> No.6589626

at the very least it will probably make moot focus all his attention there, which will be just as good

>> No.6589628

Metathreads are stupid when they have no purpose. You may disagree with the purpose of this metathread (attempting to get the new janitor to conform to a certain behavior) but a thread or meme has to be persistent to be "cancer." It's hard to argue that a one-time thread is cancer unless you think it's going to start something.

The new janitor has a mind of his own, you know. It's not like you can bully somebody who can delete all your posts (unless you are an autist like Chiespammer.)

>> No.6589630

My god, /jp/, why can't you just take it easy?

>> No.6589637

Yeah I'm sure this will be a one time thing.
This is going to happen non-fucking-stop.
That the janitor allows this is retarded.

It wouldn't really matter on other boards but on /jp/ it's getting out of hand.

>> No.6589638

No, Ren-chan is right: It's the /a/ users that complain about content.

>> No.6589653

If it starts to become a problem then the janitor will delete it. As far as I see it is not a problem as of yet, as this is the first thread of it's kind we have had under new janitor (who may be deciding how to run the board based on this thread, or maybe not; remember, new janitor could be a janitor from /x/ or something, we don't know), and under meido these threads were promptly deleted so it didn't matter.

>> No.6589654

Oh, they are, but /jp/ plays a role as well.

Most of what shouldn't be allowed here is obvious. Some things are vague. I'll use World of Tanks as an example.
I have no idea why some people are so angry about World of Tanks. Who cares, they are from /jp/, they probably want to play World of Tanks while chatting about /jp/ things, whatever, they keep it all consolidated in one thread and that is fine.

I don't play World of Tanks, I don't read the thread, I just ignore it and I don't even have to use a real filter to do it because I'm not a fucking retard.

/jp/ can't function with spam and non-stop retarded threads, moderation is required. But the bullshit whining because people can't mentally filter out the (very small minority) of threads that are probably ok here is equally frustrating.

>> No.6589657

And what if it is the /a/ users that complain?
Why allow them to?
It's not like you're going to get rid of them.
That being said everyone on /jp/ only wants to discuss what should be here, what shouldn't, who should be banned, etc.

>> No.6589660
File: 23 KB, 374x306, gyafun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6589666

I'm watching anime, eating food, and posting in this thread. All quite calmly, I might add.

I am the epitome of easy.

The other boards are repositories of the worst scum of humanity's most recent generations of offspring. We wouldn't even discuss them, were it not for the ANIME GOES IN /jp/! and assorted newfriends. Inevitably, someone has to point out, not sarcastically, how "shitty /jp/ is in comparison to /a/" or something. That is what usually gets the ball rolling.

What we really need is another "that feel" or "doubles" or whatever shitty non-meme of the week thread by some bored immigrant (or Sion-chan). That will certainly be better than a thread dedicated to pointing out what needs to be deleted.

>> No.6589670

/jp/ only starts to complain about how the board is shitty when a lot of people think board is actually shitty, and even then, most of the time we keep it in the ghost board.

The only reason this metathread is still alive and on the front page is because some people aren't saging it (I can hardly be arsed to figure out who) and because there is a "current event" going on, that is, the changing of the guard.

>> No.6589676

> It's not like you're going to get rid of them.
If only it was possible.

/a/ is the one and only reason /jp/ is as it is.

>> No.6589685


>> No.6589693

How is it not possible? Specific board bans are easy. /a/ users are the least likely to know how to avoid them successfully, and the most likely to be re-banned should they avoid them successfully. Having shitty mods is the sole reason /jp/ is at its current state. And moot wants /jp/ to suffer, because we don't conform to his newfriend, infinite summer vision of the future in which he is king.

>> No.6589695


Not at all.

At least 70% of all shitty posts on /jp/ are made by tripfags or anons talking about tripfags, 20% by spammers and the rest made by visitors from other boards.

>> No.6589697

I wonder why you people are whining about the posts listed here being deleted like this when they are totally unrelated, spam, retarded, etc.

Of course the janitor will not let some board people tell him what to do, but he is probably new here and it's trying to help. ALL posts linked here would be certainly deleted by the previous meido.

All in all, you are whining ahead of time.

>> No.6589710

We have one thread discussing the state of /jp/. Before the most recent round of deletions we had forty or so spam threads running around.

Which one damages /jp/ more? Now, normally, the metathread would actually probably be more useless since /jp/ used to either ignore stupid spam or it was deleted (more or less). But recently this hasn't been happening and people had actually been dumping fifty plus posts into "that feel" and greentext threads. That's a problem.

>> No.6589712

World of Tanks is just as related to /jp/ as the Jurassic Park shit. Old meido only allowed it because she wanted to piss off Sion and /a/ spammers. Now that she is gone, WoT needs to go, too.

It is annoying as shit to come to /jp/ and see
>slavic-made tank video game

It would be like going onto /k/ and seeing

>> No.6589715

People whining about "whiners" are whiners. News at 11.


That's /tg/.

Ah, tripfriends. What the real cause of problems falls back on as a distraction. Because tripfriends are always the ones bumping threads, after all.

>> No.6589719

>I wonder why you people are whining about the posts

The same reason they always complain, because they are the shit posters, flooders and off topic board haters and invaders that have been doing this shit all along.

They can't wait for another moderation hole to occur on /jp/ because they can go right back to what they have been doing the entire year, shit posting, flooding and complaining about on topic /jp/ threads that in actually represent the core of /jp/ and thus the last threads of the boards health and content generation.

How do you think /bun/ operates?! How do you think the friend circle works?

>> No.6589724

Cry fucking more scumbag.

/jp/ has always played shitty MMOs, usually they were from Japan.
But big deal, this one wasn't mad in glorious Nippon.
Just be fucking happy this is close to being on topic instead of the normal spam we get. People are enjoying themselves in those threads and it's hard to find something on topic to talk about in /jp/.

>> No.6589726

I don't play WoT myself, but it's more like:

>Jurassic Park
>Jurassic Park
>Jurassic Park
>Jurassic Park
>Jurassic Park
>Jurassic Park
>Jurassic Park
>Flyable Heart Clusterfuck
>Jurassic Park
>Jurassic Park


>World of Tanks
>Would you fuck Rika if she were an anteater

>> No.6589727

Way too late.

/a/ should not have been allowed access to /jp/ from the beginning.

>> No.6589730

>/a/ should not have been allowed access to /jp/ from the beginning.
>from the beginning
Then who in the fuck would have used this board?

>> No.6589739

People who were disgusted with /a/.

>> No.6589741

okay let's all just leave then. /jp/ should make their own site. That would be dandy

>> No.6589743

That's sort of crazy talk, right there.

>Would you fuck Rika if she were an anteater

I miss those threads.

The MMO threads tended to be two-to-three threads, with two being deleted, and one remaining. Consolidation occurred, then nobody gave a fuck. I don't give a fuck about the WoT thread. I just like making fun of Hotglue fags.

>> No.6589744


>But big deal, this one wasn't mad in glorious Nippon.

Then it belongs in /v/ you fucking shitposter.

>People are enjoying themselves in those threads and it's hard to find something on topic to talk about in /jp/.

Not an excuse. I'm sure /b/ raiders enjoy their nuke threads. What makes your unrelated bullshit any better?

>> No.6589748

>People who complain about the awful state of the board and unrelated threads are people from outside and shitposters

Jesus christ that's wrong. I know you are all paranoid of a "outsider conspiracy" of controlling the board by shitposting and then complaining about their own posts but not everyone in here is like that, just to let you know.

In fact probably most of these people are insiders and they follow a "right" concept of cleaning the board instead of following the "I'll ruin this board by setting up a play" concept.

>> No.6589749



>> No.6589751

Seriously. Grow up.

>> No.6589758

When a board starts to lose its identity, posts like these happen: >>6589744

Dude. Please.


>> No.6589761

World of Tanks is enjoyed by a reasonably sized group of people who hail from /jp/, whereas nuke threads are only enjoyed by raiders. And Aion was a Korean game, and nobody (not very many people) got their panties in a twist about that.

>> No.6589764

>I miss those threads.
Seriously? I don't have a problem with silly threads but that's crossing the shit line.

>> No.6589766


It's just one guy, i can recognize his style, he sometimes accuses everyone of being a samefag from /a/ when he truly believes he is right but the majority says otherwise.

>> No.6589781

You are a strange person, and very incoherent.

The majority of shitposting is done by people that don't even like /jp/ things. They just stay here because nobody moderates /jp/, and pray for the day they can actually get a rise out of a real /jp/ poster.

Not many of us left.

>> No.6589793

I think you and the person you just responded to actually agree.

He said the people who were complaining about the state of the board were insiders, not the shitposters. (Although a fair number of them do come from inside.)

>> No.6589795

> People who complain about the awful state of the board and unrelated threads are people from outside and shitposters
Complaining is never right. I wouldn't call them outsiders though, even though they hail from /a/. Perhaps undesirable would be a better word for them.

>> No.6589803
File: 83 KB, 800x1067, 1502768-1253428197596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word for them is XENOS.

The cure is FIRE.

>> No.6589807

You know, flavor-of-the-month MMOs (such as World of Tanks, Mabinogi, Cosmic Break and so on) are as much part of /jp/ as your random Touhou threads are. Moreover, they always keep their things to their threads and don't spam the whole board with them. - if you really hate those thread that much, just hide them with the extension, or with the filter (since they always use the subject field, after all).
The same goes to idol threads. I seriously can't see what makes people hate them so much, no matter how unobtrusive they are.

By the way, I don't frequent either of them.

>> No.6589809

That's not what I meant, Ren.

I know most spammers and shitposters (doubles, obviously QUALITY threads to summon QC, etc) don't like the board and want it fucked up due the lack of proper moderation like you say.

My point was that people who complain about these things mentioned above are insiders that fight for the good sake of the board. The post I quoted on that first post of mine was saying that people who complain are the same that shitpost, and that's not entirely true like I already said.

Looks like it.

>> No.6589810

You have to come up with a better excuse than that.

>> No.6589814
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>> No.6589815

MMPORKS/Idols/Figures, all the same shit. They don't belong because the threads are too social.

>> No.6589820

>They don't belong because the threads are too social.
NEET pride forever, right?
Please leave.

>> No.6589824

You do realize that things are only done when someone complains or bring it to discussion right? This thread is a proof of that.

If we were to ignore COMPLETELY (and that's impossible, even more due the fact of people actually contributing to those threads) unrelated, anme, etc threads it would end up being "related" since no one is whining about it. I'm saying this because that's how mod logic works.

>> No.6589828

I apologize. My mistake.

>> No.6589832

> doubles, obviously QUALITY threads to summon QC, etc
Those aren't worthy of being called shit posts. They are easily ignored.

Here are some true shit posts:

>> No.6589837

One of those was me. I assumed OP was trolling when I first saw it. Chiespammer used to love this sort of garbage.

>> No.6589841

Sorry, I'm not from /a/, so please explain what a Chiespammer is.

>> No.6589853
File: 278 KB, 320x240, 4 krustys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it was the Gabbo one
you have no idea how much I enjoy low quality Simpsons screenshots

>> No.6589855


You obviously are not from /jp/, either.

>> No.6589866

Chiespammer was the guy who would post a picture of Chie along with the subject line "janitor is a newfag who needs to get out" and a post full of links to posts that he thought should be deleted every forty seconds for hours on end because meido deleted one of his j-drama threads months ago. If meido was awake he would set the script to auto-delete them for hours anyway. Otherwise he would fill five to ten full pages with his garbage.

I went to find a link but I think they were deleted from the archive.

Like this, but times one thousand.


>> No.6589870

I don't see how one can "be from /jp/."

But I see your hidden line: "Haha, you don't know what a Chiespammer is but I do, and that makes me superior oh wait gotta go refresh Joneses' blog ten times and chat with ZUN!bar on Internet Telephone."

>> No.6589880

Have you not been here for the last two months or something?

>> No.6589891


Thanks. If the janitor really left us, and it's due to this "Chiespammer," I must thank him or her for helping make /jp/ a better place no matter what the cost.

Unpredictable moderation is much worse than no moderation.

>> No.6589898

Stop trolling, fuck off back to /a/

>> No.6589900


Either you're a faggot from /v/ who is only here for World of Tanks or you only post here once every couple of months, in either case your opinions on what belongs here and what does not are worthless so why are you posting in this thread?

>> No.6589903

Confirmed for troll.

>> No.6589904
File: 275 KB, 1024x515, QKGlV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No genius, janitor left because of moot and puddi shit.
It is the first thread on the ghost board.
I know we all like to complain about /jp/ but just take a look at >>>/a/43338680.
I am glad /jp/ is still alive.

>> No.6589913

I don't remember the Chie spam happening that much. Sure, when it did occur, it was everywhere, but I can't recall it popping up more than twice a week.

>> No.6589918

No, he left due to Pudding spam. Go check the archive if you don't belive me, there was a resignation thread.

>> No.6589918,1 [INTERNAL] 

And all was right with the world.

>> No.6589918,2 [INTERNAL] 

Who the fuck is this Chiespammer?
Are you talking about that time Sion got buttmad and started spamming Persona pictures?

>> No.6589918,3 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty much. The same that spammed Dr. Manhattan and Mortal Kombat for hours while automated scripts took care of them with nobody noticing.

Apparently our native spammers where what pushed the janitor out, even though he had been dealing with them for months. In other words, bullshit the spammers tell themselves to feel important and as if they'd won some sort of demented competition.

I deleted the thread. It accomplished what I needed to a degree, but I don't think this will be enough to tide over the new janitors. Perhaps it would be best to just close this chapter and go on. Before this couple seasons meido was known for being lazy, not for being the zealot the one that quit was.

It's a return to older standards and silently ignoring the bullshit until janitors wake up.

>> No.6589918,4 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, every time Sion spams something new he gets a new name.

>> No.6589918,5 [INTERNAL] 

Chie/Dr. Manhattan/MK Anon was just a random Anon who got supremely buttmad when meido deleted his J-drama thread.

It wasn't Sion, because he hates Chie due to her small breast size. And he never spams characters that he dislikes.
