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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6570589 No.6570589 [Reply] [Original]

what is your opinion on Stripe Pattern?

>> No.6570646
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>> No.6570776
File: 1.00 MB, 2823x2000, morphine_-_10-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love and Peace is fuckin' sweet. My favourite UFO doujin.
Others are nice too, too bad few have been translated.

lots of internal monolouges, mindfucks, killing, overall one of the best circles to look for grimdark touhou.

>> No.6570785

I was disappointed after /jp/ had such a positive opinion about it, but then again I never really enjoyed things like that(At least the one I saw, which was more depressing and sad than grimdark, seeing Byaukuren destroy a youkai after the youkai had killed a young girl).

>> No.6570835

the only youkai that died in that doujin was at the begging and you don't even actually see it do anything. The youkai who ate a girl was killed by some random dude from the village (it might even be a different no-name youkai)
Byakuren siding with the youkai was the main point of the doujin, it'd make no sense for her to kill that poor, hungry chap
Stripe Pattern doujins can be quite confusing at times and may need rereading, but seriously, this is basic reading comprehension

>> No.6570919
File: 237 KB, 615x695, byakuren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love grimdark and alternate interpretations! Byakuren's tied for my favorite character but I enjoyed the different perspective on her story.

>> No.6570938
File: 959 KB, 1400x2000, Beautiful_World-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Stripe Pattern. Them and Chado are the best Touhou Circles.

>> No.6570972
File: 97 KB, 647x906, 1287161076639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are waiting frostily to see Stripe Pattern's take on Gensokyo's most spirited scanlated.

>> No.6570973

Retarded fanfiction shit that's loved by secondaries and shrinemaiden users.

>> No.6570978

>Caca Cola

>> No.6570979
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>> No.6570990

>retarded fanfiction shit
Why are you on /jp/, then? By that logic, music remixes are shit as well, and god knows this board doesn't talk about anything else most of the time.

>> No.6570993

Why don't you GTFO? Seriously why do you come in and shit on eevery doujin/character thread?

>> No.6571001
File: 12 KB, 251x251, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think all of /jp/ enjoys fanon.

Oh boy this board is probably the place with more canon content being discussed or bothered about. Just to let you know, so please don't go saying crap like "you should get out because you dislike fanon hurr". Of course that guy expressed his opinion in a aggressive but you don't have to act like a retard.

>> No.6571004

You don't have to post in threads if you don't enjoy the content of the thread.

>> No.6571015

You don't have to make useless posts in a thread whining about other people's opinion.

>> No.6571023

>Retarded fanfiction shit that's loved by secondaries and shrinemaiden users.
No. It's just trolling. It's a worthless, shitty post.
Yes, as is this one.

>> No.6571026


I come to /jp/ to talk about untranslated VNs and for the occasional Touhou thread that isn't about powerlevels or which character's feet you want to lick, which is what all of the secondaries and people who read fanfiction seem to want to talk about.

Also, the majority of the music remixes ARE shit. You're deluding yourself if you think they aren't.

Fanfiction and any associated trash belongs on shitholes like Pooshlmer, touhouproject or shrinemaiden, not /jp/. People who pride themselves on being NEET shouldn't tolerate that shit.

>> No.6571039

>I can put shit in other people's mouths.
I am not very interested in idol threads. You know, being 3D Japanese and all that. But what I don't do is post in every idol thread saying that their idols are a bunch of talentless 3DPD sluts and the people who like them are retarded normalfags, because I am not a complete fucking faggot like you are.

>> No.6571033

>People who pride themselves on being NEET

>> No.6571043

>People who disagree with me are obviously trolls

>> No.6571051

>/jp/ shouldn't tolerate Touhou doujinishi.
It is not possible to be this fucking dumb.

>> No.6571061

>But what I don't do is post in every idol thread saying that their idols are a bunch of talentless 3DPD sluts and the people who like them are retarded normalfags

You should. The reason why those pig worshipers haven't been driven out is because of people like you, people who are afraid to tell the truth and fight for the good of the board.

>> No.6571066

That is not the proper way to express one's opinion. The proper way is saying
"I don't like the liberties that Stripe Pattern takes with ZUN's established backstories of the characters."
"Hurr durr it's all shit and you're faggots for liking it."
Leave this board if you don't understand the distinction.

So you're suggesting the only worthwhile Touhou discussions are entirely based on the games? That's a terrible idea - there's much better shmups out there, with much more to talk about, and the only threads that talk about them are the shmup generals. This board would be the deadest on 4chan if doujin discussion was disallowed.

>> No.6571069

Either you're trolling or you're really this retarded, and either way any further engagement with you is pointless.

>> No.6571076

We (rightly) don't accept fanfiction from the English fanbase. Why the hell should we accept the fanfiction made by japs? From the standpoint of quality, both are terribly fucking shitty.

>> No.6571095

The same reason we discuss amateur self-published Japanese games, but not amateur self-published Western games. Touhou consists of both the games and the doujin universe associated with it and both of them are part of /jp/. If you can't tolerate it and you can't shut up about it, you really need to get out, because that is literally a third of the reason for the board's existence.

>From the standpoint of quality, both are terribly fucking shitty.
That's an opinion the rest of /jp/ doesn't even come close to sharing.

>> No.6571096

So this explains it. You're a hardcore NEET. You're like the Chris-Chan of Touhou.

>> No.6571093

>So you're suggesting the only worthwhile Touhou discussions are entirely based on the games?

I'm not suggesting anything; the facts speak for themselves. Look at the archive. The majority of Touhou threads are awful pooshlmer-quality "who'z ur fav touhou guiz" full of retarded fucking memes like ronery Alice, Sanae is a slut XD or PADPADPAD. /jp/ would be better off if all of those threads were eliminated and any discussion about Touhou focused on the games only.

I have no rebuttal, so I'll try to save face by leaving the thread.

>> No.6571105

We don't accept CYOA written by westerners, so by that logic we shouldn't accept VNs which are just elaborate CYOAs written by japs. And the writing for VNs is generally terribly shitty and /jp/ would be a better place if nobody talked about them.

>> No.6571111

Sounds to me like you're one of those GLORIOUS NIPPON faggots who's in denial about it.

>> No.6571119

>I have no rebuttal, so I'll try to save face by leaving the thread.
I don't need to save face. It is already clear to everyone in the thread besides yours truly that you are a retard.

>> No.6571133

The idea that Touhou doujinishi discussion should not be allowed in /jp/ is so dumb that it doesn't need a rebuttal.

>> No.6571136

The choices in VNs are just a storytelling mechanic, as opposed to [x]COOK EGGS JUMP IN THE LAKE XDD!1

>> No.6571137

Confirmed for weeaboo faggot.

>> No.6571155

Says the person who puts CYOA on the same level as VN. Why don't you go back to touhouproject, where you belong?

>> No.6571164

Weeaboo faggot in denial.

>> No.6571179

All of the worst threads on /jp/, barring idol and metathreads, are the result of people like you, who seem to love fanfiction all of the retarded memes that it's responsible for creating. I'll ask you again; why do we want that shit on our board?

>> No.6571198

>VN's shouldn't be allowed on /jp/
>doujins shouldn't be allowed on /jp/
>idol threads shouldn't be allowed on /jp/
Then nothing would fucking be allowed on /jp/.

>> No.6571207

>Why should we discuss Touhou on /jp/?
Gee, I don't fucking know.

>> No.6571219

Just curious, what do you discuss here? Or do you just troll other people who try to discuss things?

>> No.6571222

/jp/ - Danmaku Shooters and Kigurumi

>> No.6571233

Do you really think that "favorite touhou" and powerlevel threads constitute discussion?

>> No.6571243

To: Everyone in this thread.

Stop sperging, Jesus Christ.

>> No.6571246

Do you really think there's been a serious powerlevel thread on /jp/ in months?

>> No.6571259

I can't believe people still fall for this one.

>> No.6571262

Not all Touhou threads are about which Touhou has taken the most dicks or has the tastiest shit. This thread is one of them. Or, it was one of them, before it became a retarded metathread.

>> No.6571267

>I haven't browsed /jp/ in months

>> No.6571279

Threads about fanfiction are on the same level as those. If you have no fucking standards, then you can go back to /a/, pooshlmer or shrinemaiden with the other idiots.

>> No.6571294

>Threads about different Touhou doujin circles are as bad as threads about whether you would still fuck Yuka if she were a giraffe.
Confirmed for retard.

>> No.6571368
File: 325 KB, 1400x2000, Beautiful_World-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can... can we go back to discussing Stripe Pattern?

>> No.6571372

Acting as if touhou's laughable canon is some sacred cow is extremely retarded.

You don't belong in /jp/, let alone get to decide who belongs here and who doesn't.

>> No.6571391

I take your words and launch them towards you substituting canon for fanon.

Learn to respect other people. The same way canon people hate fanon people, fanon people hate canon people.

>> No.6571408

Reported for trolling and shitposting.

>> No.6571455

It's amazing what passes as trolling these days.
Just make a new thread, op.

>> No.6572014
File: 6 KB, 251x198, THIS CEREAL IS FUCKING TERRIBLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after coming back 2 hours later, i'm quite amazed. /jp/ is (or some of its users are, if you will) ... bad.

>Why the hell should we accept the fanfiction made by japs? From the standpoint of quality, both are terribly fucking shitty.

you certainly are an expert on this field as i can see from this witty statement

>> No.6572028


/jp/ has a notable drop in quality users and posts over the weekend. Come to us in the dead of night or mid day of the week.

>> No.6572035

I will never forgive Stripe Pattern for making people like False Byakuren.

>> No.6572045

Yeah, the OP is definitely an outsider.

>> No.6572164

I'm pretty sure every post mentioning shrinemaiden is all the same guy. I've never even heard of the site outside his posts.

>> No.6572171

We constantly tell people to go back there. Pay attention.

>> No.6572181
File: 394 KB, 865x1372, 7945114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more a fan of cute stuff.

And to the people who like Touhou's shitty official material (I know it's redundant), STAY SAFE, STAY SECONDARY.

>> No.6572184

Hi, that guy. You're really easy to pick out.

>> No.6572201

You say you like cute stuff, yet you like Shou. Strange.

>> No.6572210

How is that strange?

>> No.6572216

Isn't it obvious? Shou is not cute.

>> No.6572231
File: 734 KB, 1447x1447, 8243430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Cute" is a matter of opinion. In your opinion, Shou is not cute. In my opinion, she is cute. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

>> No.6572316

I love the evil Byakuren. Especially since that's whats most likely to happen if Youkai and Humans are treated equally. Remeber IN? Both Marisa and Mystia said that Youkai ate humans.

>> No.6572369

I suppose I'll give this another chance if /jp/ says it's good.

>> No.6572454

It's not evil. Just another perspective.
