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File: 179 KB, 450x600, AWESOMECAKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
656968 No.656968 [Reply] [Original]

Okay jaypee, you may only choose one;

[ ] Delicious cake
[ ] Marry a Touhou
[ ] Immortality
[ ] Mind control
[ ] Live a lifetime in Japan without ever having to pay for anything or getting a jerb.

>> No.656973

[x] Marry Kaguya

She'll let me eat her liver, I'm sure.

>> No.656979

[ ] Immortality

>> No.656980



>> No.656982

[X] Mind control

>> No.656984

[X] Marry Keine

Erase my birthday, bitch.

>> No.656986


>> No.656989

[X] Mind control

Immortality is a curse anon, do not choose it.

>> No.656990


>> No.656994

[X] Mind control

Kidnapping lolis would be much easier.

>> No.656997

[x] Mind control

Immortality is nice until you really really want out and you're fucking trapped. Mind control trumps the bottom option easily since you can do all that and so much more.

>> No.656999

[x] Rape the cake

>> No.657000

[x] Marry all Touhous

>> No.657006
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[x] Armpits

>> No.657004

[X] Mind control

srsly, anything I could want, anytime, as much as I like

>> No.657015

Mind Control
immortality would get annoying and you dont get anything special, you just live forever.
With mind control you can avoid death do awesome things and right before you die you can command someone to kill all the elevens.

>> No.657018

>kill all elevens
Mind control; only cool when you control it!

>> No.657019

Does immortality come with being invincible as well? Or will I die when killed only to come back again?

>> No.657022


Also do I age?

>> No.657026

[x] Mind control

With mind control I can also cover these options:
>Live a lifetime in Japan without ever having to pay for anything or getting a jerb.
>Delicious cake

>> No.657030

[x] Immortality

I'm sorry, but practically speaking this ruins the quiz because the rest could follow from this depending how you look at it.

>> No.657031

[x] Rape the maids.

>> No.657035

> With mind control you can avoid death
Truck at 90mph crashes into you. The driver tries to break due to your mind control, but Isaac Newton hates you. where is your mind control now?

>> No.657041

Immortality is do not want.

>> No.657042

If you have Mind Controll you'd be ritch in no time, why would you ever go outside?

>> No.657043

Turn the truck into boobs.

>> No.657045

[X] Mind control

Easy choice. I can controll everyone so they give me there money, vagina, etc...

>> No.657046


Use mind control on the truck, duh.

>> No.657052

>[x] Marry a Alice

>Immortality is a curse anon, do not choose it.

Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?
Who dares to love forever
When love must die?

But touch my tears with your lips
Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today

>> No.657056

No, but you still sage

>> No.657060

>[x] Live a lifetime in Japan without ever having to pay for anything or getting a jerb.

then all of the touhous would want to live with me

>> No.657062

Boobs at 90mph crash into you. The woman attached tries to break due to your mind control, but Isaac Newton hates you. You suffocate and die an awesome death. Where is your mind control now?

>> No.657066
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>> No.657067

While "[ ] Marry a Touhou" sounds cool I do not want to marry anyone ever.

"[ ] Immortality" sounds fuckawesome if done right.

"[ ] Mind control" depends on a lot of things, like the restrictions of it.

>> No.657068

[x] Genuflect

>> No.657074

[X] Live a lifetime in Japan without ever having to pay for anything or getting a jerb.

Seriously - marrying a touhou would invariably result in lesbian vengeance and a fight that would involve me getting shot from every direction possible simultaneously, immortality would be complicated as fuck to explain after a century or so and I'd be vivisected, cake can be bought for free and mind control would be useless unless you had the smarts to pull it off properly.

I'd willingly put up with a life in Japan in exchange for unlimited free everything.

>> No.657075

[X] Mind control

>> No.657078

[X] Marry a Touhou
Don't know which one, though.

You can get
>Delicious cake
if you choose right.

>> No.657093

Are we talking elven immortality, Tithonian immortality or divine immortality?

>> No.657106

[X]Mind control
Fuck yeah, Geass.

>> No.657117

[x] Immortality
Srsly, if I would ever start to go crazy about it I just hibernate myself for a loooooooong time.

>> No.657119

That's a pretty cool cake you've got there.

>> No.657121

What the hell is the difference?

>> No.657127

[x] Immortality

Bake a cake
Marry an android Touhou
Buy a mind probe
Take over japan

>> No.657130

Elves die in battle, blah blah..

He's like "Am I Peter Pan, the guys from Highlander or truly indestructible immortal; an unkillable stopping machine."

>> No.657139

Elven immortality: Eternal youth, but you die if you're killed.
Tithonian immortality: Eternal life but no eternal youth, you eventually shrivel up and become a cicada.
Divine immortality: The best sort, you get eternal life and eternal youth.

>> No.657143

Mind Control sounds cool at first but then you'd realize your roneryness because no one really does something nice for you out of their own accord.

The only superpower I'd really want is the ability to do something mundane in an awesome way. Like playing any piano track without any practice, and stuff.

>> No.657148
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Elves die if they are killed?

>> No.657150

[x] Marry Remilia

>> No.657163

>because no one really does something nice for you out of their own accord.

People rarely ever do, so whats the problem?

>> No.657165

Probably marry a Touhou
The harder question is whom

>> No.657167


What, you think if you live long enough you'll magically generate mind control? Plus, consider what happens in the hypothetical world where we all get to make this choice. You immortality guys get to become the Mai-chan's Everyday Life playthings of us mind control guys until the inexorable march of time gets rid of us. And then... well, maybe the mind control will be hereditary! Oh man, an eternity of being mind controlled by a family of Anons, now that is what I call hell.

>> No.657178
File: 17.00 MB, 1028x1500, 31d29772c03a82815c728510164e035e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Live a lifetime in NEO VENEZIA without ever having to pay for anything or getting a jerb.

If I could live in any VN, doujin game, anime, light novel or manga it'd be Aria. No contest.

>> No.657190

You don't have to use it all the time.

>> No.657195


It's probably just me, but between choosing the ability to charm people genuinely and just ordering them to be around me, I'd choose the first...

>> No.657198


You think I give a shit why people do shit for me as long as they're doing shit for me? I want nothing emotional from anyone with three dimensions anyway, and it would take mind control (or a lot of money) to make sex bearable. No way I'm actually going to put up with a real live girl just to get my dick wet.

>> No.657208
File: 435 KB, 1280x960, 0dd79a988d7a936d0d7cbbc73873dd27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about YKK?

>> No.657212

[x] Live a lifetime in Japan without ever having to pay for anything or getting a jerb.

For those who chose immortality, I hope you enjoy your roneryness when all life in the universe is dead as it runs out of fuel to create stars.

>> No.657230


But then you'd go insane and wouldn't have to worry about it, so yeah.

Plus you can play with Kaguya and Mokou.

>> No.657235

>>For those who chose immortality, I hope you enjoy your roneryness when all life in the universe is dead as it runs out of fuel to create stars.

Don't worry. When that happens, you'll soon be in a hypothermic induced coma.

>> No.657240

Normal fags have chosen immortality.

>> No.657243
File: 101 KB, 613x607, Neo-Venezia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Timne flies past you like a springtime mountain river in YKK, but works like a millpond that occasionally gets a few buckets of water scooped out of it in Aria.

I'd prefer to live a slow life that goes away in jumps than sit by and watch as everything around me faded to dust before I'd even got started.

>> No.657246

[x] Mind Control
- command Erin to make me some elixir of immortality
- marry Kaguya and flee to modern japan
- become neet with her for all the eternity

>> No.657250


In any case, I would hope that my life isn't as boring as the Aria anime.

>> No.657255
File: 713 KB, 636x2193, 1210054263703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Mind control


>> No.657258


>> No.657263


It is at that point I become god and recreate the universe, shaping it as I wish.

>> No.657265


Fair enough on the immortality thing, but you're goddamn nuts for choosing the lifetime in Japan. Why wouldn't you go for mind control when it can do that and more?

>> No.657271
File: 710 KB, 1600x1200, Akari-Alice-Aika03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't - I can sit for hour after hour doing the square root of bugger all.

Also, I despise you.

>> No.657273


>> No.657274

I will be extremely drunk when the final stars die out. I will then vomit, and a new universe will be born.

>> No.657285

insanity isn't so bad.

[x] immortality.

No one would really know you were immortal unless you lived among them for a long time and kept yourself on the records, and, well, you probably wouldn't want to live among the same people for all that long.

I'd only take immortality if it was true immortality. Although I don't think I'd mind C.C. type immortality where you just regenerate no matter how horribly you were killed. It'd be pretty hard to get used to, though.

>> No.657291

You had best be joking nigger.

>> No.657310

[x] Marry a Touhou

I have maybe five or ten good years left. Spending them with Yuyuko ... I could do worse I reckon.

>> No.657318

fail. universe will never run out of stuff to produce stars and such. it's quite logic: universe has been existince since ALLWAYS. so if the universe would be constructed in a way that it will end someday, it would have ended allready. for those who say universe isnt from allways and was made by in year of the anus: fuck you

>> No.657323

why would I be joking?

>> No.657325

*by god

>> No.657331



Big Crunch theory says no. Even Big Freeze states that the universe simply runs out of shit eventually.

>> No.657339

I'd pick the Touhou

>> No.657346

[X] Marry a Touhou

>> No.657347


Stay out of Istanbul, Lemuel. Do not chat with any black men over coffee. Your life will be ruined.

>> No.657362

The general consensus is that the universe is around 13.7 billion years old.

Also, everything else about your post is wrong. You have clearly never been to a decent-level physics lesson in your life.

>> No.657373

big crunch doesnt say shit cuz before big crunch there may have been other big crunches allready.
but with the freeze thing you may have a point.

maybe its just like there's an infinite number of universes so who cares if ours is overz.

>> No.657385

[ ] Immortality

Baccano style.

>> No.657391

I care.

>> No.657401
File: 300 KB, 500x812, 121018016617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Marry a Touhou
Picture related.

>> No.657405

Hm. On the off-chance this is just a retard from Gaia (which, actually, is rather likely, unfortunately), it's already considered a given that the universe is shrinking, or soon will be (soon in the scale of the universe's current age).

>> No.657414

[x] Delicious cake, married to a Touhou, immortality, mind control, and living in Japan without having to pay for anything or get a job.

See? That's only one.

>> No.657416

Baccano style could suck. You saw what happened to Czes.

>> No.657437


But if you were Rail tracer or Ladd, you would be awesome.

>> No.657444

Touhous would probably make horrible wives
Immortality would suck after awhile
the problem with Japan is it's full of the Japanese
and mind control would probably get me in shitloads of trouble

I'll take the cake

>> No.657445
File: 24 KB, 541x589, univers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srsly u guys gotta see the whole thing.
maybe theres more universes like ours. and some more big bangs and they affecdt us. and maybe after theres energycoming from other universes which makes our neutral and energyless atoms EXPLODE AGAIN after long time. mankind doesnt know lotta shit does it.

>> No.657450

[x] Immortality (IF Divine Immortality)

if not, [x] Mind Control

>> No.657452

Vino and Ladd weren't even immortal. They were just fucking awesome.

>> No.657459

>>Touhous would probably make horrible wives

>> No.657470

Either marry Flandre or immortality.

but I have the feeling that I might need the immortality if I want to marry Flandre....

>> No.657485

[X] Immortality

Time is the only constant we ever truly suffer from. Without it all other tasks become mere tests of devotion. I could become the greatest chef creating foods that would not be fit for a Greek pantheon. I could pick from the world's crop of the finest women to satisfy my every lust, or if I so choose create one more perfect than mother nature could ever conceive. With my immorality I could create a utopia for all the world's people who would bow before me as their GOD. And a god I will be because after I have done everything their is left to do, I will end it, choosing to destroy everything that ever was.

And when all existence ends... so shall I.

>> No.657491

[X] immortality == become a God King >= Mind Control + lifetime in Japan etc + Delicious cake. And you could probably marry someone who looks like a Touhou.

>> No.657496

You'd figure we'd kinda notice that after a short amount of time. You know, enough energy to prevent the collapse of the universe happens to be a very large amount.

>> No.657500

Enjoy being thrown into the bottom of a lake with a chain+ball attached to your leg.

>> No.657505
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[x] marry Mokou

i don't care what happens next, i want my Mokou

>> No.657517

[X] Mind control

I could get pretty much anything I wanted if I had mind control.

>> No.657525


Enjoy being buried alive.

>> No.657540

>Mind Control

Enjoy your fear of death.

>> No.657546

Mind control != feear of death.

Wait wut?

>> No.657559
File: 95 KB, 600x450, 1208879576646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if teh universe collapses what then? we got a black hole but who knows what happens next?! maybe that guy who's immortal gets in there and strange shit happns

>> No.657574

Some theories say the universe is shrinking till a singularity and then explode again.

Then our immortal guy can visit the new Earth.

>> No.657581

He just has to piss and the microbes will evolve into all living things we have now.

>> No.657586

> genuflect

>> No.657592
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>> No.657611

you could walk out the fucking lake...you're a goddamn immortal.

>> No.657626

[x] Mind Control

I'll mind control the baker and make him give me cake.

>> No.657632

of course, it might take a while depending on what kind of immortality you have.

>> No.657650

[X] Immortality

>> No.657655

>Live a lifetime without ever having to pay for anything or getting a jerb.

>> No.657671

[X] Delicious cake

Mind Control is a distant second.

>> No.657689

Ill take immortality, every time I fail at something, I get better at it, so eventually, givin thousands of years, I might become successful.

>> No.657691

Live as long as you want, you'll never successfully ask a girl out, Anonymous.

>> No.657702
File: 132 KB, 500x475, kaguya neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


[X] Marry a Touhou

I already have immortality and Reisen already has Mind control.

But I'm ronery ;_;

>> No.657707

Immortalityfags don't realize that they can't do shit if captured. Your overly flabby/skinny muscles aren't going to help you, Anon.

Enjoy being locked up in a dark room forever.

>> No.657709

If he's willing to spend thousands of years on it, he can rape and murder a girl, go to jail, and walk out in a hundredth of that time.

>> No.657715

You hide your powerlevel until your powerlevel is high enough to take over the world.

>> No.657718

Hey, I asked a girl out once, and she said yes.

...Though she told me later it was only out of pity.

>> No.657732

You're too socially retarded to recruit anyone to fight for you. Years of insanity brought on by Eternal life won't help this. Even if you trained your body to the peak of physical fitness, you'd still be brought down with a few well-placed shots.

Have fun getting dissected, while we mind control everyone's shit.

>> No.657769

Immortals have human rights too.

>> No.657771
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Yet in the end I turned out just fine...

>> No.657772

That's why you don't flaunt the fact that you're immortal, you fucking retard.

>> No.657781

Immortals are going to of course spend a normal lifespan learning to conceal their identity, A mind controller is much more likely to expose themselves and ether get sniped, bombed, or captured by traps/robots and dissected.

>> No.657783

Kind of hard to explain why you're still alive after being shot.

>> No.657785
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>> No.657784

[x] Mind control

immortality is overrated

>> No.657786


>> No.657791

Immortal = good for humanity
Mind Control = evil and bad for humanity

Guess who the military are going to take out.

>> No.657792


Well shit.

Do Jedi mind tricks work on droids?

>> No.657795

Everybody if it's the Amerikunts.

>> No.657813

[X] Immortality

When the Universe ends, I can spend an eternity with all the immortal beings of Gensokyo.

>> No.657825

Fuck everyone else, I want my delicious cake!
except in the case it's meatcake,Then I would rather marry a touhou, life would be short yet interesting...

>> No.657842

why would you be shot in the first place?

They'd pretty much leave you for dead if they were anyone but the police.

If you recovered quick enough for an assassin or thug to notice you coming back to life then you probably recover quickly enough to fight effectively in those sorts of situations anyway.

>> No.657853

If you lived for that long; to not be shot would be pretty darn hard. Try not pissing everyone off and enjoy life at the same time faggot.

>> No.657864
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[X] Mind control


[ ] Marry a Seiba

>> No.657872
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[x] Marry a Touhou
I'll just marry China and maybe become a youkai somehow. From there on in I'll live a happy life with my waifu. Sure being a youkai isn't immortality, but at least all the baggage that comes with actual immortality won't sag me down. As for mind control, see Geass and other such things, so that option is out.

>> No.657878


Could always ask Remilia to make you into a vampire.

>> No.657880

too bad the cake is a lie, you can't lose with any of the others.

>> No.657891

This here's pretty much choices 2) and 3) combined.

>> No.657928

Yeah, but that only looks good on paper. I don't plan on having the sun, crosses, stakes, garlic, and holy water become my mortal enemies.

>> No.657959

Why? You never see any of those things regularly.

>> No.657962
File: 41 KB, 640x480, SHIKI loev Akiha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immortality? FUCK YEAH, gimme some of that!

>> No.657974

I, for one, happen to rather enjoy garlic. Also, my number one priority after becoming immortal would be losing my sanity. That way, no worries.

>> No.657985


Brooklyn is COVERED in fucking churches. I see crosses practically every goddamn block. Personally, though, I'm more concerned about the running water thing. I fucking like swimming and shit. I don't want to be pinned down by a fucking river.

>> No.657995

That wouldn't be a problem if you were shot by petty thugs, assassins, etc. Living like a brainless animal might get you shot, but if you think about what you're doing occasionally you should be alright.

It'd only become a problem if you got shot by someone who had to then take your body immediately to the morgue.

Not many people are going to bother shooting you in broad daylight, even if you do pis them off.

>> No.658001

I thought we determined that the only one of those myths that hold any water is the sunlight one.

At least that's what Tsukihime taught us.

>> No.658019

Well, for starters, I regularly cook with garlic and I don't want to die simply by stepping foot inside a church (though hanging as a bat inside an old cathedral while tormenting all victims/meals that enter sounds awesome). Not to mention, since I won't be ronery anymore, I'll probably get out a lot more, especially with China, so I don't want my time doing something special with my wife to be limited to nighttime hours.

>> No.658022


Every universe's vampires are different. In Touhou's, you can go out in daylight if you carry a parasol like a gothloli, but running water's a bitch.

>> No.658075

This sounds like a fun topic to discuss. Are Touhou vampires susceptible to garlic? Do crosses repel them? Can a Tsukihime vampire turn into a bat?

>> No.658082

[x] Mind Control

Best choice. Fuck Immortality, I'll live my life out with a bang.

>> No.658087

Actually, we know that Arc has an extremely strong dislike of garlic. It doesn't kill her, but it does make her very sick.

>> No.658090


I don't remember. There's so much fanon and shit everything blurs together and confuses the fuck out of me. Why does every vampire have to be different? Goddamn goth non-conformists.

>> No.658091


>> No.658098

depends. if imortality means live forever at this age without being able to be maimed then hell yeah. if its just live forever even as a vegitable with failed non vitals then hell no. ill consider it the first and go with that then work for one normal lifetime and save a hella lot of money. move to japan where i will live off of cake since i cant die from a heart attack while i enjoy all the cool shit. and maybe study mind control on my free time.

>> No.658101

[x] Immortality


>> No.658108

Lotta good Mind Control will do you when you DIE!

>> No.658126

But Lily, you are not the embodiment of Spring. You just announce it coming. And as a fairy you're already immortal.

>> No.658135


Yeah, well!

... Damnit, why you do this?

>> No.658142

energy is neither created nor destroyed. only changed into a new form. by the time that happens im sure they would have found a way to travel at near light speed which means you can go to places that a hundreds of light years away in a matter of years which will be nothing to you anyway. try again.

>> No.658163

[x]Marry a Cake


>> No.658168

I guess I'll marry Kaguya.
I'll get both immortality by having Eirin make some shady drugs, and a wonderful waifu.
And I'll just make my own cake.

>> No.658175

>Eirin make some shady drugs

Enjoy growing penises out of everywhere

>> No.658185


I would enjoy that. Wouldn't you?

>> No.658186

you have an eternity to walk out and with divine immortality drowning is not a factor.

>> No.658197

You know, you could just have liver for dinner if you wanted immortality. Kaguya would love it if you helped her apprehend Mokou. Gaining immortality by torturing your wife's worst enemy sounds like a much better deal.
Why does this sound somewhat awesome?

>> No.658207

Okay, have fun never dying. I'll just abuse my mind control.

>> No.658215


How do you plan on fucking up Mokou before you gain immortality? Even assuming it was remotely possible for you to ever defeat her, isn't that pretty fucking risky? Oh shit, you just got crisped and wasted your wish, enjoy having your corpse in Gensokyo--probably in Yuyuko's stomach if she gets a waft of your burning flesh.

>> No.658227

[x] Marry a Touhou
This is the only good option here. I'm surprised no bandwagon fags have said "DELICIOUS CAKE" yet

>> No.658229

Have Eirin make some shady performance enhancing drugs.

So you stare Mokou down while being really beefy and having dicks growing out of your eyeballs.

>> No.658232


But then Aya would be all over your dicks in a flash, and then you couldn't get anything done.

>> No.658235


>> No.658237

This is the only choice. As much as I love MAI WAIFU China, I'd probably marry Alice to ease our mutual ronery. Also she might be able to teach me how she became a youkai and then I could be immortal as well.

>> No.658246

Youkai aren't immortal. they just live really long

>> No.658247

>Aya would be all over your dicks

What a slut!

>> No.658253


Then why not just have her whip up a Hourai Elixir if you're going the drug route? Then you can fuck up Mokou and eat her liver for fun if you want, and you don't have to worry about dying in the process.

>> No.658262

Because that's fucking boring
And not nearly close to the manly way

>> No.658279


When I want to be manly I will challenge China to a martial arts match. That shooting pretty colored shit is for gays.

>> No.658289
File: 87 KB, 500x500, Yukari Yakumo010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Marry beautiful Yukari.

From there I get her to increase the boundary of my lifespan into infinity so that we can live together forever. There'd of course be lots of sleeping, and, if it gets to the point where I can no longer just sleep my life away with Yukarin, I get a motherly waitress in the form of Ran to serve me and, when she’s awake, infinite entertainment in the form of Yukarin's devious antics throughout Gensokyo. Yukarin’s manipulation borders on mind control, so I could always just pick up how to play mind games from watching her. My infinite lifespan would eventually award me incredible magical capabilities if I took the time and effort to learn anything, maybe to the point where I could sustain my immortality by myself, so it all works out for me for… Well, forever.

I fucking love Yukari.

>> No.658441

[x] Mind control
Using it, I can obtain the other options easily.

>> No.658448
File: 314 KB, 600x600, 120716871514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Marry a Touhou

So I could chill with Cirno all day.

>> No.658452


How will mind control get you immortality or send you to Gensokyo?

>> No.658462

i agree with this man.

>> No.658464

I see what you did there.

>> No.658512
File: 51 KB, 735x384, 1205420543501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Marry Meiling...

I couldn't decide on anything else, so why not make my life a prison with the one I love.

>> No.658536

[X] Mind Control

Use Mind Control to activate Hadron Collider(Control the scientists) Open Rift in Hakurei Border, go through. Now in Gensokyo, use mind control to let Mokou(Kaguya) let you eat their liver.


>> No.659933
File: 59 KB, 350x525, 1206030712770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Marry Alice

Because no one else would anyway.

>> No.659968

Mind control

After years of mastering this skill you would get mental related abilities, I would assume.

>> No.659978

[X] Delicious cake

What the hell does marriage by itself do?
Life is long enough.
No No No.
I don't want to be stuck in any one country for my entire lifetime, even Japan.

>> No.659984
File: 113 KB, 400x478, 1204723016240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Marry Sanae


>> No.659985

[X] Immortality

>> No.659986

I dont like touhou, but potentially creating a situation where a being from another dimension is transfered to this one could open up possibilities for inter-dimensional travel.

So, marry the touhou, then divorce and sell to science.

>> No.659990

[x] Delicious cake

I like cake.

>> No.660000

>>[X] Immortality
If you have money, you can mind control everyone. Delicious cake can be bought for money. Living in Japan would be no problem either.
Since time is money, Immortality gives you time, thus money.

>> No.660008

Hey, you, Immortal ones. The Universe is going to collapse sooner or later. Billions of years of constant painful dying/resurrection awaits you~

>> No.660016

As someone already pointed out. It depends on the kind of immortality.
Also, the second the Universe ends, time ends as well, making even Immortality end.

>> No.660020

what if just earth dies

Gonna be floating around for an awfully while. You might want to bring a jacket.

>> No.660065

you'll be frozen and hibernating until you fall into the sun and evaporate or land on some warmer planet to thaw

>> No.660189

>Marry a Touhou [x]

I marry Eirin and ask her to make me a Hourai Elixir, this takes care of immortality. Also, Gensokyo's technically in Japan, and rabbits do all the work, so #5 follows.

>> No.660205

>I marry Eirin and ask her to make me a Hourai Elixir, then she puts an arrow through my spleen for forcefully marrying her. Also, Gensokyo might be awesome, but it's not all that nice when all you get to do there is bleed to death.


>> No.660242

[x] Delicious Cake.... Oh GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE omnomnom

>> No.660243

We'll obviously have mastered interplanetary travel by then.

>> No.660245
File: 45 KB, 400x569, 1210965212746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Become the little boy and get adopted by Feito-chan

>> No.660311

heres what you do; get []immortality, use your infinte lifetime to gather much SCIENCE, using said SCIENCE your terraform mars and build your own neo-venetia to life out your immortal life in utopia.

>> No.660380

Mind control

>> No.661040

[x] Marry China

>> No.661055

That cake is fucking gay.

>> No.661074


Motion passed!

[X] Immortality

>> No.663199

[x] Delicious Cake

as long as I die afterwards and the afterlife is nothing but memories of said delicious cake.

>> No.663206

Lifetime in Japan.

I just really hate work; I'd choose just about anywhere so long as I don't have to work.

>> No.663219

The cake is a lie
You never said the Touhou would be real
Immortality sucks
Japan sucks

[x] Mind control

>> No.663231

I will fucking [x] Mind control you into giving me all of these nice things.

>> No.663273

>Japan sucks

I take it you've never been.
