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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 614x386, raid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6569469 No.6569469 [Reply] [Original]

OK post ending in 69 decides what we raid /a/ with!

>> No.6569470


>> No.6569472

Bahahaha what luck !
ehh ok ill make it post ending in 99 decides. more fun that way.

>> No.6569474


>> No.6569476

>>OK post ending in 69 decides what we raid /a/ with!


>> No.6569480

Tough luck it seems OP has to raid /a/ by himself.
Good luck amigo.
Get out of /jp/

>> No.6569483

How about we spam this ownage pasta?
"/jp/ is where the true oldfags and the highest of powerlevels reside. Most people on /jp/ have seen more anime series than 10+ average f/a/ggots combined. In addition a lot of people on /jp/ can watch anime without waiting for subs like you fucking faggot babbys. Generally, /a/ looks to each other for approval of things, while /jp/ looks inward at itself instead of relies on a hivemind mentality. Also /a/ has no OC besides shitty image macro memes that get old within a week; /jp/ translates VNs, games and has doujin translation teams that regularly post there. People at /jp/ know your own boards' subject far, far better than you do, fucking dream on if you think you have any kind of superiority in any way whatsoever.

We sneer at you fucking newfags/normalfags, your shonenshit Big 3 threads, quasi-/v/ mentality and everything else that makes /a/ suck fucking balls. /jp/ is a better board than /a/ could ever dream to be because most of you f/a/ggots are, in our eyes, eternal newfags, aka there is nothing you could ever say or do to bring yourself up to our level, because you aren't true oldfags. You're G/a/ia, you're ANN and MAL trash now. Stay away, we don't want you in /jp/, not now, not ever. Go on and continue existing in your own world of shit thinking that it's any good, while the master race quietly resides separated from you mongoloids. "

>> No.6569484

this is that time of day where jp is slow as fuck so if you have patience you can get the correct post number without too much effort
consequently you'll also be the only one raiding as there's like what, 5 people on jp right now and you'll be the only one who gives a fuck?

>> No.6569485
File: 108 KB, 1009x645, AugustStorm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6569487
File: 902 KB, 640x480, you little shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6569490

Get the fuck back to /b/ you underage faggot.

>> No.6569489

hell yeah, that'll get those /a/ fags buttranged real nice

>> No.6569488

Too bad for you OP, /jp/edos are shut-ins even on the internet and won't leave their board.
Best of luck for your raid !

>> No.6569491

lol y u mad tho?

>> No.6569493

We'd only raid /a/ if moot deleted our board. Actually we wouldn't just raid /a/, we'd flat out conquer it. Hence moot's not gonna delete us.

>> No.6569494


lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

>> No.6569496

oh god why so much samefag

>> No.6569497

Why we should raid ourselves?

>> No.6569498

We raid them with on-topic anime discussion. I don't think they could take it.

>> No.6569499

weekend idiots >>>/a/43205151

>> No.6569500
File: 10 KB, 300x236, B52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6569504

OP suck at getting gets

>> No.6569507

reported you both places, btw, lets see how long it takes the /b/tarded staff to respond

>> No.6569528
File: 73 KB, 300x300, Generals_MiG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We defend China's airspace

>> No.6569545

those fucking virgin nerds on /a/ have had free reign long enough. time to fucking take back what's ours /jp/. IT WILL BE A DANMAKU OF IDOL THREADS IN THEIR PERSONAL HELL!

>> No.6569548

Get out and don't come back.

>> No.6569554

We point out the flaws in their precious animu.
Specifically how the main character who is bland and uninteresting gets 5 millions girls wet at once, and how the girls never act normal, therefore showing the writer's social inept-ism.

>> No.6569555

This thread is some kind of stupid conspiracy by a buttranged /a/non whose thread didn't get enough replies.

Not really sure what he is trying to achieve though.

>> No.6569575

Are you referring to Yosuga no Sora or Amagami

>> No.6569576

/a/ here

Wow, you /jp/oor fags are complete DQN

>> No.6569580

And not even half of a fuck was given that day.

>> No.6569584

What the fuck is DQN you low-powerlevel loser

>> No.6569586


>> No.6569589

>What the fuck is DQN you low-powerlevel loser
you should be ashamed of yourself, newfriend

>> No.6569592

Stop talking to yourself, Daniel.

>> No.6569595

Why would I be ashamed of not knowing abbreviations from a board I don't visit?

>> No.6569600

Are you really that much of a blockhead? You fall for the most obvious samefagging of the century?

>> No.6569605

Why so much samefag?

>> No.6569618
File: 35 KB, 592x432, beavis-remote1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6569619

/jp/ does use DQN though. But it happens so irregularly so it barely counts.

>> No.6569631
File: 77 KB, 978x529, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell it from the lack of punctuation and capitalization and having seen quite a few samefriends in my time.

>> No.6569657

it's not in bold, tho
