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656222 No.656222 [Reply] [Original]

>>I decide to go home since the sun has already set. I get to the station after an hour's walk and happen to run into Senpai. At his invitation, we eat at a nearby restaurant and end up talking until ten. Unlike Senpai, I am a student so I have to start heading home soon: I say goodbye to Senpai and buy a train ticket at the station. It's almost eleven o'clock now. For a second I wonder if Shiki has arrived home already.

I like the story, but FUCK the writing in this novel is horrible.

>> No.656231

I like the story, but FUCK the translation of this novel is horrible.

>> No.656248

I was wondering about this. I mean, I know people say constantly that Nasu's writing style is pretty awkward, but is it really his fault here or just really bland translating?

>> No.656250

Yeah translators should have the detailed verbosity for genetalia that fanfiction writers do.

>> No.656257

Yeah, amateur translation is sensible ground to base your opinions.

>> No.656264

That's the thing with translators. You either get a good translation with shitty grammar (native Japanese speaker) or eh translation with perfect grammar (native English speaker who knows Japanese)

I still don't know why translation groups don't proofread what native Japanese speakers translate.

>> No.656267


Oh. Oops. Forgot.

Disregard, cocks, etc.

>> No.656282


Laziness or just for the sake of speed. Because, let's face it, 4Chan will bit about speed if anything takes more than 30 minutes.

>> No.656292

It's probably shitty original as well

>> No.656298


Where do you find native Japanese that are fluent in English and want to translate visual novels for free? Or is this what you use the kidnapped lolis for once they've passed their prime?

>> No.656304

No, native english speakers, when unskilled at Japanese (and particularly unskilled at translating) can turn out some particularly horrid monstrosities on the level of a native japanese that doesn't speak english at all.

Since they try to translate everything horribly literally, and this does not always work well in english. It is oftentimes extremely difficult to impossible to translate a single sentence and retain every single detail without making it sound extremely awkward in english.

Without heavily modifying the structure or glossing over a couple things.

This is something I've learned as I've spent time translating. I look back at stuff I translated a long time back and kinda facepalm to myself thinking "why did I translate that so literally?"

>> No.656761

Pain felt. Paranoia at the level of my current attempts rising.

>> No.656878

Are we discussing religion again? Moot should just go ahead and open a new board just for that!

>> No.656885


You're an ignorant retard if you really think that. It's like saying that Ferraris were meant to obey the speed limit. Sure you can do that, but that's not what they were made for, and no one will believe you if you say that you never speed in it.

>> No.656888

Yeah, moot should really get around to expanding that.

>> No.656889


>> No.656920

dvd is out when?

>> No.657223

I started hearing "Joy" off the P3 OST as I was reading this.
