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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6564853 No.6564853 [Reply] [Original]

This thread will probably be deleted in seconds, but it had to be made.

You are a GOD among trolls. 10/10 and this is coming from a guy that never rates anything higher than 9/10. I salute you.

>> No.6564859
File: 29 KB, 417x300, reimu marisa blank stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop sucking the janitor's dick. It makes you look more of a douche than the ones bitching about the moderation.

>> No.6564869

>It makes you look more of a douche than the ones bitching about the moderation.
How so?

>> No.6564873

This thread was directed at the guy who made the thread last night dumpass.

>> No.6564878

Because the only thing more pathetic than impotently whining is sucking up to someone.

>> No.6564880

The janitor is back?

>> No.6564886

I disagree

>> No.6564890

Look at the number of pages.

>> No.6564894

What thread is he sucking up to, anyway?

>> No.6564903

Only 5 pages gone. It's someone passing by.

>> No.6564912

Considering that this thread is still here no, that's not the maid.

>> No.6564929

you really wanna suck his cock don't you faggot? you should meet up and lick his asshole for him since he wipes yours so much.

>maido maido i luv u somuch plz savb jp xD
>ps i'll suck urdick too

>> No.6564935

I never knew being appreciative was sucking up to someone.

>> No.6564949

This thread is a response to:


>> No.6564955

It's also a way of letting the janitor know what the board expects from them.

>> No.6564969

Good troll. It was almost as good as that one time I trolled /jp/ by pretending to be a guy who was getting kicked out of his house. People are still sending me e-mails and asking me if I'm living with some /jp/er yet.

>> No.6564971


Shut the fuck up retard, go back to /v/

>> No.6564968


You are stupid. Stop making horrible threads like this, thanks.

>> No.6564974

>Be fucking retarded.
>Call someone else stupid.

>> No.6564975
File: 373 KB, 800x900, 10706642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course you would. someone has to be the doormat and boot licker don't they? i realized something... a true /jp/sie isn't a boot licking cock sucker, so who the hell are these homos who lust after the janitor? they're the normalfags of /jp/. among normalfags there is alphas and betas, your typical alpha normalfag would avoid this kinda board, but your typical scum beta normalfag is a boot licking doormat who will suck up to anyone above them.

so all the queers who love the janitor and praise him are the beta normalfag scum who are to pathetic to be a regular normalfag.

pic related.

>> No.6564981

cool story, man.

>> No.6564989


>> No.6565003

Nice arguments and green text there, OP.

Please head back to /v/.

>> No.6565006

My mouth is also full of saliva. I like to store it for special occasions. I can play with it in my mouth. I can apply it to my hair or use it as lubricant. I read somewhere that ants do this too, that it's one of their survival techniques. They are actually farmers, did you know that? They cultivate a certain weed that produce their nutrition. Spit is really the Aqua Vitae. And it tastes great too.

>> No.6565022

Arguments? I'm merely stating facts. Don't be angry at me if you can't put two and two together. Any true /jp/er would have already known what the thread was about from seeing the referenced thread while it happened or the ghostboard.

>> No.6565047
File: 103 KB, 1350x1024, 1274900510713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

janitors are suppose to be hidden from users completely so obviously people saying "meido you're da best xD" are broking the rules and if they're so so thankful the board is "clean" they would just make their own threads wouldn't shitting the board up with their "i luv da meido xDDD" pictures and garbage posts.

Do people suck the janitors cock on other boards when they delete spam? No? Why do you beta scum faggots need to shit up /jp/ with all your garbage then...?

Having a cult following screaming meido = /= thankful that he deleted "spam". The janitor is a biased fag who deletes random threads and to make it worse a bunch of beta normalfags want to suck his cock.

>> No.6565072
File: 30 KB, 428x296, maidmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I think this 'meido' shit is retarded anyway. He is not your meido. He is a janitor. He's a /b/tard who knows moot and got given the job of cleaning up threads on /jp/. He is not a girl, he is not moe, he is not a maid and he does not like you. So stop it with the meidofaggotry already. It's fucking creepy.

>> No.6565072,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6565205
File: 131 KB, 576x576, 1288478407787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565216

oh boy. You detector is quite wrong.

>> No.6565232
File: 234 KB, 600x839, alice yandere rape exploitable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who agrees with people i don't like is a samefag

>> No.6565308

It's been almost twenty-four hours since meido resigned. This is the first time since then that people have actually been saying "get off meido's cock he isn't even a girl," and surprise surprise, all of the comments of that sort happen in the same thread around the same time.

It's unverifiable whether or not there are actually samefags, but either there's samefagging going on or there are just multiple retards running around who happened to sign on at the same time.
