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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 480x354, oni devas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6562913 No.6562913 [Reply] [Original]

The old /jp/ meetup thread is on autosage, so here's a new one!

Would you ever meet up with fellow /jp/ers?

>> No.6562914


>> No.6562917


>> No.6562922

fuck off

>> No.6562924

Why don't you normals talk about that on MSN or something, you guys are used to that kind of stuff, right ?

>> No.6562927
File: 161 KB, 500x500, 763-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmm, maybe. But I would probably die.

>> No.6562929

The old thread was nice but this is just a big no.

>> No.6562931


>> No.6562932

Get out newfag

>> No.6562936


>> No.6562939

>/jp/ meetup
just no.

>> No.6562953


>> No.6562958

Cool post Mokou.

>> No.6562962

you forgot your trip

>> No.6562966

Hmm, what do you mean?

Anyways, the email of the person who posted their email in the last thread didn't work for some reason.

If you attended a meetup, would you dress up just to feel less exposed?

>> No.6562967
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>> No.6562968
File: 159 KB, 700x700, 7251141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I think about it, I would if it were physically possible. Stay classy, OP.

>> No.6562973

Nah. Fuck it.

>> No.6562974
File: 95 KB, 1000x971, 8024506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you attended a meetup, would you dress up just to feel less exposed?
You mean like wear a coat?

>> No.6562978

Don't be mean to Moekou, asshole. He's been here for over 2 years, unlike you.

>> No.6562982

Well, things like cosplay, mask, ect, actually cover up your identity.

If you were to play games together, what would you play?

If you were to go places, where would you go?

>> No.6562983

Stop posting without your tripcode Mokou.

>> No.6562988

I like the idea of meeting with some people from /jp/, but actually doing it would probably be awful. I don't want to be murdered in my sleep a month later or something, so I'll say no.

>> No.6562991

Someone should go ahead and meetup with Mokou and break his fingers so he can't post for a while.

>> No.6562992

I'm not being mean. I just don't care what I look like.

>> No.6562993

At least you'd die peacefully.

>> No.6562994
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Those are hard questions. I really wouldn't know.

>> No.6562995

>cover up your identity

It would be nice for everyone to play a game of Pretend

I'd go anywhere as long as it's not dark and humid.

>> No.6562999

Good point. You'll never see it coming

>> No.6563000

I'm pretty unnoticeable anyway, so no. Well, unless I'm in a group of 5 foot tall chinese people or something.

>> No.6563004
File: 44 KB, 668x368, mokoutripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6563005

Living proof that /jp/ has gone to shit.

>> No.6563011

D'awwwww @mokou

>> No.6563012
File: 260 KB, 517x585, hijiji001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it green?

>> No.6563016


Captcha - Opinions

>> No.6563017

You're mean. If I ever wanted to get a trip, having anything stupid I say so easily retrievable from the archive would scare me.

The thread is bad though, you're right on that one.

>> No.6563020
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>> No.6563025

I would. I mean, what the hell, I'd be a nice change of pace from being holed up in front of my PC 24/7. And I wouldn't be meeting with any normalfags anyway, I would be meeting people who have the same tastes and culture I have. We wouldn't be staring awkwardly at each other, but having fun somewhere.

I'd be fun. I don't see anything wrong with this. If you think you're too shy to do it, that's your problem. But when you think about it, the person on the other side of the web is just as shy as you.

So you should just get over your shyness and do stuff.

>> No.6563033

Oh yeah, people were posting their email addresses in the other thread! Anyone else like to communicate?

Anyways, let's all be friendly to one-another! We're all dedicated fans of niche things like Touhou and VN, after all! If you guys and gals ever did attend a meetup, would you all just have a massive group hug?

>> No.6563036
File: 444 KB, 800x1054, 7859683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you all just have a massive group hug
No, just being near people makes me woozy.

>> No.6563038

I'm the >>6563025 poster.

Even though I love communicating with other /jp/ers, I don't think posting your e-mail on 4chan is a good idea, regardless of what board you're on.

It's nothing personal.

>> No.6563039

>massive group hug
Which hopefully ramps up to orgy quickly or I'll get too bored

>> No.6563042

Reposting mine before going to sleep, Bye Moekou!


>> No.6563043

I'd probably be super nervous at first but it just takes a little to break my shell. I'm not against meeting someone from /jp/. Playing games with you guys has always been a blast.

>> No.6563049

Not that I care but what kind of reasoning is that? It's email not your phone number.

>> No.6563051

It's... I don't know actually. I never put much thought into it.

>> No.6563054

I like the people on here. But I'm a total n00b when it comes to otaku. Have only been posting on here for a few weeks so I'm still picking up on little bits and pieces and trying to dissect what the hell people are talking about. So I don't know what I'd talk about with anyone if there were to be some big meet up.

>> No.6563057


People like you are why I like this idea.

I guess I would go as long as it was close. Stop making me feel lonely before I go to sleep /jp/. I haven't had a friend to play games with in years.

>> No.6563059

This is why you create a fake spam email.

>> No.6563064

sharing personal contacts means breaking out of anonymity a bit and take up a fixed identity, as temporary as it may be.
I can see how someone, especially on /jp/, would have problems with that. It's the reason I keep deleting each and every personal page I ever made about various things.

>> No.6563066

Yeah, but everyone can feel awkward together!

I know many of you are incredibly shy and sensitive. I have never ever insulted anyone here for that very reason, because I know some of you take things very hard. Many are too shy to make direct communication even over the internet, and meeting people feels physically impossible. Hikkikomori isn't a joke. Many fear being thought to be abnormal, to be singled out, to be awkward and left out. Perhaps even posting as anonymous is difficult.

It's ok! Just do what you feel comfortable with and work your way up! Meeting or talking with fellow /jp/ers is very different than interacting with critical mainstream society. Try to relax and take it easy!

>> No.6563071

Taking a few shots of liquor will help too.

>> No.6563074
File: 380 KB, 1005x1060, 8750451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it literally makes me woozy. Like I'll fall over if I'm around people too long.

>> No.6563075

If there was a meetup where I live, I'd probably go to the place and hang around a bit, to see if anyone else showed up. I wouldn't join up with the group straight away, I'd just observe for a minute or two.

>> No.6563077

What country do you live in?

>> No.6563080


Posting a fake email in order to get some entertainment won't hurt.
I'd like to play chess against someone sometimes

>> No.6563081

Oh yeah! If you feel like blogging or telling about your experiences feel free to email me at moekou@gmail.com! Meanwhile people who don't like it don't need to insult you and tell you to not blog, get out, ect.

Win-win for everyone, and I'm super confidential so don't worry!

How many of you deep down would like to meet up but just think you can't due to embarrassment, shyness, ect?

>> No.6563083

I don't want to meet with any of you people! you are all psychos.. I'd have to throw rocks at you all.

>> No.6563086

He That Is Without Sin Among You, Let Him First Cast a Stone

>> No.6563089
File: 273 KB, 700x710, 10648145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like you did to Byakuren and Reimu?

>> No.6563090


Byakuren said that to me once... so I threw one at her...

>> No.6563095
File: 119 KB, 600x706, 13885552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time you bump a shitty thread you make Yayoi cry. Stop making Yayoi cry.


>> No.6563100
File: 707 KB, 1000x852, 90893c507b6bc840f68b6cd59aaf347b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need a tripcode. Everyone knows me by my rocks!

By the way has Byakuren had any attention yet today?

>> No.6563106

But I haven't touched the Japanese bird thread.

>> No.6563108


>> No.6563112
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 7741818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563116

I live in Norway so it looks like I'll pass on this meetup...

Not like I'd want to walk outside now though, god damn coldest weather in 288 years, but it's a nice opportunity to hikkikomori it up.

>> No.6563117
File: 318 KB, 1000x800, 1e104cbda1a9cc7e8d971164e72207bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she a raichu?

>> No.6563125

What's the weather like in Norway?
Have you lions?

>> No.6563126
File: 71 KB, 480x470, forever afrog..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.6563143
File: 57 KB, 262x467, 262px-Coat_of_Arms_of_Norway.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's around -30 in my area now, the worst part is that it'll only get colder from here. Last winter we actually had -50, I can't even believe that the postmen were still working under those conditions, total badasses.

Actually we DO have lions! Or had, this is our fabulous coat of arms, from eons ago when lions lived in Norway. I think Eric Bloodaxe finally made them extinct (at least that's what the Kings' Saga says), he couldn't kill off the polar bears though. Yesterday, those fuckers stole the onaholes I've been keeping in the snow outside my house. God damn it, I hate polar bears.

>> No.6563149
File: 215 KB, 265x358, alice forever alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563152

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night....

>> No.6563176



>> No.6563182

>King's Saga
What's your political system like?

>> No.6563189

By the way, if a meetup was arranged at, say, an anime convention, how long would you hold it? Would you go places as a group? What about people who try to show up to the meetup but arrive late?

>> No.6563229

Where in Norway?

>> No.6563241
File: 21 KB, 195x176, 1289122371867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took up chess about a year ago. I have been playing ever since. yep just me and god ol chessmaster

>> No.6563246
File: 56 KB, 624x400, map_norway_svalbard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike USA and the UK, we have a shitload of political parties, it's really fun. Actually you only need a certain amount of signatures to create one, this comedian once created this party called "the Norwegian party" and then he showed up at debates and trolled everyone. But anyway, to get the majority of the votes the parties make alliances and stuff, very exciting. We have a relatively low amount of corruption, it's pretty microscopic when compared to bigger countries, also amazing healthcare and lots of oil monies. Lately our very right-wing has been getting a lot of votes though, I'm concerned. Loli is also legal here by the way, unlike our neighbours (in Sweden it's illegal, probably getting illegal in Denmark soon). So yeah Norway is pretty god damn sweet, it's pretty easy to become a NEET here as well, I'm not into stuff like that though.
We have king as well, but Norway is a constitutional monarchy, so he has no power. He's pretty good at sailing though, our former king was even better, he won the Olympics once, total badass.

Take it easy man. We actually have polar bears though, but not on the mainland. It's an island called Svalbard, it's very cold and it we sent our prisoners there to mine coal before. Not much there nowadays though. Norway also has penguins actually! Because around 1/5 of Antarctica is Norwegian. Queen Maud Land, so good. The Troll research station is located there, also the SANAE research station.

>> No.6563250

Where do you live?

>> No.6563257

one day without the janitor and mokou already kills /jp/

>> No.6563258


>> No.6563262

Østfold. Damn this country, nearly impossible to find someone from it, and even when you do, they could still be miles away. And Americans complain if they can't find anyone living in their state.

>> No.6563266

Heisann, hadde ikke forventet å se noen norske på /jp/. Indre vestfold, i nærheten av larvik/sandefjord anyone?

>> No.6563269

Hey, at least you're not freezing your ass off with the highest electricity prices in the country.

I don't what I would have done if I hadn't had chopped up all this firewood in advance.

>> No.6563270

>Lately our very right-wing has been getting a lot of votes though, I'm concerned.
Blame immigration.

>> No.6563271

Any ausbros?

>> No.6563272
File: 31 KB, 480x270, Ulillillia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /jp/ was a bunch of shy, awkward, stuttering tsunderes, then maybe.

But since they're all like this pic, no.

>> No.6563278

Wait, so you start in native lingo then switch to english. Why?
Is English the more dominant language?

>> No.6563281

The immigrants are taking all the low-level jobs. If they suddenly disappeared, Norway would collapse.

I'm grateful.

>> No.6563287

What the fuck is happening here? Take this shit to /r9k/ retards.

>> No.6563288

>Kom til /jp/ etter å ikke ha vært her på over ett år
>Nordmenn everywhere

Osloing her, ikke keen på å møte noen fra 4chan etter 2008.

>> No.6563292

Where's the meido?

>> No.6563293

That's just our Polish slave caste, I don't mind them, they're humble and hard-working. But we have no use for these Muslims who just pump out as many children as possible to receive more government money.

>> No.6563297


>> No.6563301

You northern friends have sandniggers too ? There I was thinking they weren't evrywhere in Europe yet.

>> No.6563304

I can't believe the last thread had so many serious replies.

>> No.6563305

This can't be happening.

>> No.6563306

>pump out as many children as possible to receive more government money
We have the same problem in America with Mormons.

>> No.6563377

Norwegian language history time? Okay.

Way before, during the Viking Age, Norse was spoken in Norway. The Norse of that time was very similar to Icelandic today. We had runes as well, but then Olav the Holy formally introduced Christianity after he won the Battle of Stiklestad (1030). A side-effect of that was the Bible, and with it, the Latin alphabet. Spoken language was pretty much unchanged, but Latin letters slowly took the place of the runes.
The Black Plague pretty much changed every European country forever, Norway was no exception. When that accursed ship entered Bergen in 1349, the disease aboard eventually killed roughly 50% of the Norwegian population. Almost every person who could write died since they were usually appointed to take care of the sick. The Norse written language died out around this point. Because of the Plague people were isolated and the language evolved quickly into the many characteristic dialects that Norway has today.
As weak as she was at the time, Norway decided it was better to enter the Kalmar Union (Union between Norway, Sweden and Denmark) in 1388. It had no immediate effect on the language until the start of the sixteenth century, when the union broke up. Norway still was under Denmark though, and Danish became the official written language. This of course had pretty massive effects and it's the reason why Norwegian can be seen on some sort of hybrid between Danish and Swedish.


>> No.6563381


In 1814 Norway finally decided to break out! An awesome constitution was even made! But then we came under Swedish rule, orz. The Norwegian spirit would not be quelled. At around the same time two persons separately decided to create a new written language. Ivar Aasen travelled across Norway to create New Norwegian out of the multitude of dialects while Knut Knutsen decided to Norwegianize the Danish written language and made Book Language.
Of course nobody could decide which one to use, and therefore we quite pointlessly have two different written languages in Norway.
Nothing especially more noteworthy happened to the language since then. We drove out the Swedes in 1905, got occupied by Nazis in WW2 and drove those out too. Post-war Norwegian was influenced a bit by English, but no biggie. Today the most major thing happening is that the characteristic "kj"-sound might disappear from Norwegian. This is quite worthy of concern.

But yeah, I guess the answer to your question is that we're at an English imageboard, so let's use English so everybody can understand. The "native lingo" is only Prefecture names, don't worry.

>> No.6563389
File: 169 KB, 1024x515, against727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is, it's okay.
We're a together.

>> No.6563391
File: 160 KB, 1024x515, expert979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I meant all.

>> No.6563394

>Show ban request buttons unchecked

Now we know why no one is ever banned around here.

>> No.6563400


Monarchy is fucking awesome.

I want a loli queen ;_;

>> No.6563401

I'm in Australia. I'm not fond of bro lingo, but still.

There may be a shmupmeet in Aus coming up. Expect massive amounts if autismic glory.

>> No.6563415
File: 43 KB, 640x480, loliqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our present King Harald V on the left, Crown-prince Haakon on the right holding our future loli queen Ingrid Alexandra.


>> No.6563425
File: 73 KB, 435x580, Scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563460

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.6563576
File: 50 KB, 450x300, seattle-skyline-Main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants to meet up in Seattle, especially for Sakura-con 2011, drop me an email. I'll try to remember to check that account even.

>> No.6563585

I'd be down for hanging out with fellow seattle /jp/friends but sakuracon is a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.6563597

I meet with /jp/ers every day, on /jp/.

I would gladly meet shitposters trying to destroy the board by making threads like this in person and beat the crap out of them. Why hasn't it been deleted yet?

>> No.6563599

That's cool... whatever melts your butter

>> No.6563601

sup Girugamesh

>> No.6563602

I'm very openminded and non-judgmental so I'm cool with anyone nice, bad crossplay and all! Just have lots of fun and a good time!

Is there anything particularly wrong with Sakuracon? Or are you still upset with Girugamesh?

>> No.6563607

gotta go now, snowboarding time
I'll check the thread archive and my mail when I get back tonight


>> No.6563610

>Is there anything particularly wrong with Sakuracon?

Found the problem.

>> No.6563614

Just passing by to tell you that you sound like an enormous faggot.
Have a nice day.

>> No.6563615

sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. I am on /g/ more than /jp/, I don't know a lot of the memes here.

really going now

>> No.6563616

I've met other 4Chan users before, but never /jp/ residents.

Not sure I want to.

>> No.6563618


>> No.6563627
File: 15 KB, 244x250, 1290107752278 (Custom) (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>announcing sage.

>> No.6563645
File: 20 KB, 268x265, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bumping with an image macro.

>> No.6563662
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>It's not shitposting if it's ironic.

balsiona reactions

>> No.6563675

the irony of my life is that the hobbies that I'm into are filled with people I would probably despise.
so I would rather eat rhinoceros shit then attend a meetup of any kind.

>> No.6563702

I already meet a /jp/er every day at work and he's more than enough for me.

>> No.6564392

Well, I doubt anyone will bother or see this, but I guess I'll throw down too.


>> No.6564463

More /jp/ers should get formsprings.

>> No.6564473

Everyone on this thread should be banned, with OP being impaled.

>> No.6564480

I just woke up to this. What the fuck is wrong with you all? A /jp/ meetup thread, and people are seriously responding to it?

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6564487

Sure. Anyone in NY?

>> No.6564489

u mad

>> No.6564496

let's have rate me threads and hookup threads next guys

>> No.6564508

chubby /jp/ girls feel free to post yr pics ITT

>> No.6564528

Would you date a chubby /jp/ girl?

>> No.6564534

why swimsuits?
Also reported

>> No.6564537

This thread depresses me so much, it also makes me so buttmad.
Meido is gone, right...?

>> No.6564546

What the fuck is Mokou doing?

>> No.6564548

Why NOT swimsuits?

>> No.6564562

I don't see why it matters.

>> No.6564562,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dammit, Mokou! Making a second thread for this is considered shitting up /jp/!
If it didn't happen in the first thread, it's NOT going to happen. DealWithIt.png, etc.

Some of don't want to meet each other, some of us do, but this level of poking and prodding is nagging and annoying and I come to /jp/ to get away from that.

If a /jp/ meetup happens, it happens. If it doesn't, no big deal.

>> No.6564562,2 [INTERNAL] 

Mokou, you big dummy, what have you done?

>> No.6564562,3 [INTERNAL] 

Oi, hypocritical fag, shut up. Or at the very least, stop posting photos of yourself if you're going to take that stance.

>> No.6564562,4 [INTERNAL] 

OP of the first /jp/ meet up thread, did this really make it this far?

Geeze, I half expected it to be deleted within the first 5 minutes...

>> No.6564562,5 [INTERNAL] 

I don't make threads about it though.

>> No.6564562,6 [INTERNAL] 

Huh, my memory must be malfunctioning.
I could have sworn you have in the past.

>> No.6564562,7 [INTERNAL] 

I've only made some about "/jp/ let's drink sake" along with appropriate review of them. They were both quite well received.

Oh, and mixing /jp/ related music before /jp/-radio started.
