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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6544801 No.6544801 [Reply] [Original]

Cosmic Break Official Trailer


>> No.6544810

Get out CB devs.

>> No.6544815
File: 11 KB, 640x344, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6544844

>final beta December 16th
>Official service December 23rd

Jesus christ, can't they simply run the server already?

Also, my face when no Hotglue flags are show but troll scarves and loyalty boards are. Tempura still hating us.

>> No.6544871
File: 462 KB, 1023x767, dancin!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, my Mami Futami flag would have been cute.

>> No.6544914 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 632x720, 3465364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes!
Can't wait till the official release comes.

>> No.6544933 [DELETED] 

I have exmas on the 16th, 21st and 23rd. I'm gonna study through the last beta. Fuck!

>> No.6544938

I have exams on the 16th, 21st and 23rd. I won't be able to play much. Fuck!

>> No.6545585
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>> No.6545642

What is this cosmic commander bullshit?

>> No.6546042
File: 542 KB, 800x926, 1267751900166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Florette, just raped your bots. Where is your serv buster now?!

Watch for the red/orange Hound Dog. Love, bunny.

>> No.6546063
File: 52 KB, 184x279, 1289764174515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, you think they did that on purpose?

>> No.6546522

Cosmic Commander is pretty fun.

>> No.6546640
File: 28 KB, 502x612, cosmic commander prizes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH DEAR GOD. I am so playing Cosmic Commander.

>> No.6547026
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>> No.6547036
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>> No.6547335


You'll buy me a new servbuster if you win that 500 RT, right?

Also, Cosmic Commander is just those shitty mark 1 bots for alpha right? If so, I think I'm good to go and stop playing it and still make top ten for the tournament. Can't say it held my interest very long anyway.

>> No.6547336

Why the fuck do you guys still play this.

>> No.6547365


If RT prices are going to be as shitty as they look like they will be, I probably won't soon, if that makes you feel better.

>> No.6547402

literally the worst mini game I've played

yes even worse than the COMPLETELY RANDOM ones from mario party

>> No.6547416

I get what you mean. Hell, I'm just playing it for the RT.

>> No.6547614
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Come at me Bro

>> No.6547656
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>> No.6548002

Got to the last battle of the hard planet. Those experimental Zero Fighter Mk4s wrecked me so badly. There were only three of them too.

>> No.6548077

Get my first bot in over 10 games. It's another Jaguar Arm. This minigame is just so terrible I don't think I'll touch it anymore.

>> No.6548101
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Lily-chan's skirt spins when flying.

>> No.6548117

I'm actually enjoying it. And how do you only get a new bot after ten games? Do the easy planet and lose on the medium and hard planets a couple of times to get some more bots. I had a pretty decent squad only after like an hour of playing. They're not hard to make. Also remember to assign your bots their special moves.

>> No.6548223

i just won 10 rounds in a row with the bots you start with in PVP.

You can even win with starters man.

>> No.6548253
File: 169 KB, 795x590, IThinkTheseGuysAreImmuneToBulletsOrSomething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to these guys again. Anyone here have an idea of how the hell these guys are supposed to be beatable?

>> No.6548263

I got like 30 new bots so far, but not a single Turtle or Hound.

>> No.6548296

I just lost to a guy whose team was just three hounds in the center row. I destroyed two of his hounds and nearly killed the last one, but lost due to being pushed back. Haven't gotten any hounds either though so that guy may be really lucky.

Also have one turtlebacker, but it's kind of sucky. Do have a Zero Fighter Mk2, but it's cost is 160.

>> No.6548336

Just got a hound.

>> No.6548342

This game wouldn't be even 1/5th as fun if not for the fact that it's practically run by 4chan. I don't see how people can play the /jp/ version.

People can play on your maps? I hope /v/ doesn't get back into it or there will end up being stages with nothing but a giant pit with a bunch of those wind things over it or giant mazes of cacti

>> No.6548611

Times are a-changin' in cbjp
>Middle Zookas no longer mountable on supports
>Burners no longer stun consecutively
>Hatigarm's sub-weapon nerfed
>Lasers Nerfed
>Cards Nerfed

Of course, not to be deterred, the japs have already come up replacements or ragequit the game. Lasers have been replaced with Beam guns/Auto Beam Rifles/Double beam machine guns, cards have been swapped for Vulcans, Bugsycaits just use handy zookas, Hatigarms got benched for the other land fagbuilds, and burners are still being used but now with 3* slowtunes.

Are you prepared for the whole new meta-game, same as the old meta-game?

>> No.6548650


>> No.6548657


Next best thing to a stunlock

>> No.6548666

You can't put slow in guns.

>> No.6548680


Wat? That doesn't make any sense then, how are they inflicting the slow then?

>> No.6548892

70 battles, 50% W/L
How the hell do I get the Zero Mk2

Slow can only be used in melee weapons, so I dunno.

>> No.6548963

Crap, I'm sorry guys. I didn't have any good footage of those crimbitinghat flags.

I already said I don't start or spam CB threads here. I'm too afraid of getting outed by the Meido for viral advertising or something.

>> No.6549063


Nobody will ever see my beautiful Crimrose and it's all your fault!

Actually, I think I might have been one of those tiny background guys! I don't want to look because I know I won't see it again.

It's a good thing Crimrose N is easy to get. Now if I could get Brickgale Blue that easy for the wings and machine gun arms, then I wouldn't even need my tiny Pacifar anymore.

>> No.6549165


Just hold another tournament before christmas so we can join up with Crix's merry men and dominate the competition for a new set of flags. It'll all go to shit if you wait until the real game to hold the tournament and it becomes whichever side has $800 dollars to tune their fagbots to perfection.

I'm pretty sure most of /jp/ is going to either need moebots or skinnable flags to give a shit about CB in the long term. And if you're recycling the japanese RT rates, we won't be having the former.

>> No.6549263

Haters gonna hate I still get my Laz Flamme-chan.

>> No.6549316

This minigame is awful. But at least it was worth wasting some minutes for the Participation Prize.

>> No.6549341

Bah, I'm fine with my beta exclusives. This minigame is no fun, and it's pretty friggin unfair.

>> No.6550004 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, 1269712366361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, am going to enjoy my free Rt.

>> No.6550231

Just got a Crim-chan in CBJP.

That's it, I'm staying there.

>> No.6550851


Get out of here. Go back to your third class clan.

>> No.6552225
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>> No.6552255

I'd play that, but I can't figure out what to do next after the training missions... All I seem able to do is get clobbered in PVP cause I've got basic bots. Isn't there a guide or something?

>> No.6552267


>> No.6552322

Everyone has basic bots. You just need to learn how to use them.

>> No.6552341

Zero Fighter MMK4 is so impossible, dear lord.

>> No.6552348

It's impossible to beat them. At least with the currently available bots we have.

>> No.6552353

I'm sure I'd be getting more parts and such though if I was completing missions, y'know?

>> No.6552370

Could someone explain me how to fucking control my bots on cosmic commander?
There's no help menu and neither options.

>> No.6552382

You don't control them.

>> No.6552411

I know, but you're supposed to give them commands aren't you?

>> No.6552427


>> No.6552468

The only command you have is Skip. I use that all the time.

>> No.6552490

For some reason I think skip makes me lose more.

>> No.6552509

a miserable pile of browser only game.

>> No.6552522

What's overhaul?

>> No.6552534
File: 14 KB, 500x400, No zaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people never realized how awesome vulcans were, but at least unlike cards they had a bunch of disadvantages, range, ammo, cost, and stat decreases

problem, anon?

>> No.6553266

Derp, it still says I have 0 battles lost and 0 wons, is
there even a forum to report bugs?

>> No.6553293

I think it only means when other people challenge your squad so it keeps track of the registered squad only. Otherwise you could use different squads to PvP and you wouldn't know how well your registered squad is doing.

>> No.6553338

I hope everybody gets really lazy and enters a mostly Jaguar Arm squad.

>> No.6553434

This Cosmic Commander tournament will be terrible. It's all about luck because it's all single elimination. If you get lucky and get to the end by countering all your enemies teams, you will win. But you can still be knocked out by somebody else with a random crap team that luckily counters yours.

Just enter whatever and hope you at least get top 10.

>> No.6553646
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1215255940021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I entered a squad for the hell of it (not the one I'm using)
3x Needle Mog in front
3x Hoverion in middle
I log in today and see 16:4

>> No.6553735

>Needle Mog
That is one of the most useless mechs there is and you used three of them.

Sure their Jamming ability sounds great and all, but you need to have not dead robots to use it. SP skills like that seem more useful in the planet battles where your squad can retain SP from a pervious battle.

Well your squad still sounds better than the last one I faced. It had three Jaguar Arms in the backrow. I wiped his entire team.

>> No.6553767

It has 16 _wins_

>> No.6553771

Seriously? I've got to try this out.

>> No.6553996
File: 491 KB, 795x259, Dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone obtained 6 Zero Fighter Mk2s? Because that squad would fit into the 1000 point limit for planets. Would it have a chance of beating the Mk 4 rape squad?

Zero Fighter Mk2s seem to be the rarest bot in the game though.

>> No.6554026


Oh neat, that squad did well.


Most people are just using crappy troll squads.

>> No.6554057

I only have 1. Guess I could dump all my bots and grind .....

>> No.6554059

Oh fuck off Tempura, just about everything you've done were catered to /a/'s favor, nothing once was actually done for the other chan boards or even the general public for that matter.

Tell your higher ups it's done. Tell them it's over. Tell them we're tired of the bullshit cb's been undergoing while no initiative was practically done to better the game.

p.s ilu

>> No.6554062

They wouldn't be so effective altogether though. It takes a little luck but 3 hounds can beat the mk4s.

>> No.6554119

Oh my dear god, LOL, I accidently junked my only Zero Fighter MKII.

Starting from the beginning I guess.

>> No.6554250
File: 29 KB, 258x220, JaguarArmsInTheBackHoverionsOnTheFront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some of the more stupid squads you guys have come across?

>> No.6554258

I think the point of that squad is to switch the jag line for the hov line.

>> No.6554276
File: 180 KB, 794x582, WhatHappenedToTheZeroFighterMk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, it worked. Guess Hound Dogs and Zero Fighter Mk4s are about equal with the winner being whoever inflicts a casualty on the other side first.

I still want to see how six Zero Fighter Mk2s would do though.

>> No.6554302 [DELETED] 

You get Rt as rank-up rewards, plus 50Rt every month. If Cyberstep is forced to extend maintenance, you are also handed 50Rt as an apology. Use this to buy Rt-only robots/Garapon. You can also get a bunch of good items from arena and mission, but it's better to get some money from arena (once you have a good, optimized mech) and wait for a bazaar event where good 3s weapons can sell for as low as 5k UC and you can make 100k or more for free by buying tune-up materials for cheap and reselling them.

Fastest way to get a decent enough unit is sticking two Wing Plus AMJs (UC Garapon) with High Flight Beta tune ups and two Accelsaber AMs on an Izuna Kamui (50Rt). You'll get about 30FLY, 20TEC that way and the homing wisps are pretty good.

>> No.6554308

You get Rt as rank-up rewards, plus 50Rt every month. If Cyberstep is forced to extend maintenance, you are also handed 50Rt as an apology. Use this to buy Rt-only robots/Garapon. You can also get a bunch of good items from arena and mission, but it's better to get some money from arena (once you have a good, optimized mech) and wait for a bazaar event where good 3s weapons can sell for as low as 5k UC and you can make 100k or more for free by buying tune-up materials for cheap and reselling them.

Fastest way to get a decent enough unit is sticking two Wing Plus AMJs (UC Garapon) with High Flight Beta tune ups and two Accelsaber AMs on an Izuna Kamui (50Rt). You'll get about 30FLY, 20TEC that way and the homing wisps are pretty good.

Alternatively, get a Froglander, give it a pair of bazookas and be a hopping faggot.

>> No.6554319
File: 86 KB, 801x564, robogenious a history of moebot inventors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is embarassing.

Names withheld to protect the innocent.

>> No.6554441

You have Accel Sabers, why would you use Froglanders. Use a bazooka or Ballista Shooter.

>> No.6554449

I don't even.

>> No.6554464

Call me a noob or whatnot, but can anyone tell specifically what do "hoppers" or "card hoppers" mean in this game.

>> No.6554473

Short jump/quick land cartridge. It screws up targeting a lot and it's ridiculously hard to hit. Card hoppers are people that uses clown arms (throws cards as a weapon), which have good homing to compensate their low accuracy while hopping.

>> No.6554502


A hopper is someone who uses short-boost and quick land. Short boost sends you jumping in an arc that fucks up the autoaim and quickland nullifies the grounded time when you hit the ground, allowing you to shortboost again.

Cards simply mean using the domiclown arms with the homing card weapon. The only downside of using shortboost is that it makes it a bit difficult to aim. But who needs to aim when you can fire 4 homing projectiles at once? Finally to make the circle of faggotry complete, you mount a lancerlot shield so the few hits that do get through, do nothing.

Cards have had their tracking nerfed, however, so they're not as popular anymore.

>> No.6554504

I guess we'll be getting a Santa Lily to complete the collection soon.

>> No.6554528

Quit posting Cosmic Break threads I have already spent 800 hours on the stupid game thanks

>> No.6554586


Since I can't seem to connect to niconico right now for the most blaring examples, here's the clan tournament video

At about 10:30 you can see me short boost away with my life intact despite the entirety of trolls shooting at me. You can see redux pull off a similar stunt using a combination of shortboosting and dog attacks at 3:50. You can also observe niizm using short-boost without quickland on a dgirl to live a lot longer than he should at nine minutes. No one with hotglue used cardhoppers due to the large amount of laser-wielding air that trolls roll with, but a few of them used them. They don't last particularly long due to every bugsy on hotglue's side having lasers, but you can get an idea of how incredibly annoying they are/were.

>> No.6554940

What's the point of back/center/front damage?
I can crush nearly anything with a team of jaguar/fizalivan.
I tried making a team with the front row empty and against a team like the one I mentioned before which has all the damage concentrated on the front enemy row I utterly lost.
Shouldn't you be able to avoid all the damage instead?

There's no strategy at all.

>> No.6555091

But I don't even like /a/.

>> No.6555246

I do believe that when the front row is killed/missing that your middle row becomes your front row.

>> No.6555302
File: 41 KB, 320x250, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to start collecting winberrls and winberrl accessories again!

>> No.6555326

Mmmh, makes more sense. Though then it's practically useless to assign damage to the back row.

>> No.6555336
File: 43 KB, 320x250, yawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Tempura, do you know how the RT prices will look compared to JPCB? We already know that 1$ = 10 rt...

>> No.6555408
File: 338 KB, 808x562, Screenshot-http:--ccm.cosmicbreak.com - コズミックコマンダー - Iceweasel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? I won?
this doesn't make sense

>> No.6555516


Higher battle average, see bar at top

>> No.6555564

Don't expect anything outrageously cheap. Remember, you guys are playing a niche game, only a small percentage of people pay, and we've got to make as much money as we can from the people who are willing to pay or else we'll be unable to make ends meet.

I wish it was as simple as "lower prices and more people will pay due to the cheaper prices", but it really isn't. Too many people freeload, and to freeloaders paying 5 bucks is the same as paying 50 bucks. We could lower the prices to like 10% of the JP version and still only a small percentage of players would pay money. This is proven by statistics, unfortunately.

You guys should really just pay a little bit, to support the game if for no other reason. Please? It's not like we all spend money on eroge and anime anyway, right?

>> No.6555607

I think the way it works is whoever wins more rounds wins, and you won 3 rounds it looks so you won. Then it goes whoever has higher total score if each player won 2 rounds each. Wiping out the other guy of course is a win.

>> No.6555790


So 80-110 rt per moebot then

Sorry man, I don't think I'm up to that.

Best viral market this shit on somethingawful, I hear when it comes to paying $10bux for content they're the kings.

>> No.6555793


>You get Rt as rank-up rewards
It's a campaign, not permanent.

>50Rt every month.
If you grind up 60,010 UC that month to pay for it.

>If Cyberstep is forced to extend maintenance, you are also handed 50Rt as an apology.
They don't always do it.

>where good 3s weapons can sell for as low as 5k UC
That *can* happen if the seller is just dumping but 3-slot weapons are more usually 75,000-150,000 UC. Don't expect any of that for the first few months until players build up some inventory.

Don't whine about the Rt cost. Tempura and Miso and all the programmers and artists at Cyberstep gotta eat and living in Japan costs a hell of a lot.

>> No.6555850

>Don't whine about the Rt cost. Tempura and Miso and all the programmers and artists at Cyberstep gotta eat and living in Japan costs a hell of a lot.

Go back to /m/
Nobody will starve if people don't dump money into Cosmic Break. Cyberstep has a warchest of 3 million dollars. All that will happen is that CBUS will go offline when it isn't turning a profit and you won't be able to chill with tempura every friday night because he'll be put to work on whatever their next grand plan is.

>> No.6555859

You know it's gonna end up like in the JP server where 90% of people in the rank limited rooms are alts.

>> No.6555870

>CBUS will go offline
>go offline

I kinda want to keep playing CB. Don't you?

>> No.6555918 [DELETED] 


Not when I need to spend two hundred dollars to tune my bots to compete in the arena when I pass Star Rank. Slot protectors start at 30rt and if you want decent cosmos harmonics, you're going to be spending even more.

Let's say we're making an arena-tier moebot. Not a fagbot, because everyone on /jp/ doesn't care about moebots.

Let's say we use... Shino Exroad. 90 rt. Her starting parts aren't that great, so let's say we get super-duper lucky and roll the garapon thrice and get exactly what we need to outfit her. We're up to 240 RT now. We tune her slots so she can keep up in the arena, We'll say this costs 50 rt a tune. Let's also assume we're completely lucky and everything succeeds on the first try. Now we're up to a thousand rt. For one bot. Of three that we need to compete in the only arena room available to us.

Now before you claim that nobody would spend that much money to tune a bot, I invite you to take a look at the japanese unranked room. Crazy fuckers will spend that much money.

So sure, I like cosmic break. I don't like cosmic break enough to spend a hundred of dollars just to play in the only arena room available to me.

>> No.6555929


Not when I need to spend two hundred dollars to tune my bots to compete in the arena when I pass Star Rank. Slot protectors start at 30rt and if you want decent cosmos harmonics, you're going to be spending even more.

Let's say we're making an arena-tier moebot. Not a fagbot, because everyone on /jp/ doesn't care about fagbots.

Let's say we use... Shino Exroad. 90 rt. Her starting parts aren't that great, so let's say we get super-duper lucky and roll the garapon thrice and get exactly what we need to outfit her. We're up to 240 RT now. We tune her slots so she can keep up in the arena, We'll say this costs 50 rt a tune. Let's also assume we're completely lucky and everything succeeds on the first try. Now we're up to a thousand rt. For one bot. Of three that we need to compete in the only arena room available to us.

Now before you claim that nobody would spend that much money to tune a bot, I invite you to take a look at the japanese unranked room. Crazy fuckers will spend that much money.

So sure, I like cosmic break. I don't like cosmic break enough to spend a hundred of dollars just to play in the only arena room available to me.

>> No.6555976
File: 309 KB, 800x774, 1276845420622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, then you might as well GTFO right now, buddy because the economics of running a "free-to-play" game (any "free-to-play" game) aren't changing. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.

>> No.6555995
File: 521 KB, 796x622, strongest team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my squad is ready.

>> No.6556017


Look, I know you fags over at /m/ like to suck tempura's cock, but I'm just trying to be straight with him as a fellow /jp/sy. You don't have to whiteknight for him, I'm sure he doesn't hold it against us for not wanting to pay the crazy japanese rates, it's not as if he can particularly influence the prices, it's not his decision.

If anything, it's just a sad fact that most of /jp/ will leave this a month after the rt pricing goes into effect, when they hit star-rank and realize how much money they're going to have to dump into the game to keep playing. Tempura will be left without the community he enjoyed so much, and the world will keep turning.

>> No.6556168

>Don't whine about the Rt cost. Tempura and Miso and all the programmers and artists at Cyberstep gotta eat and living in Japan costs a hell of a lot.
I'm not whining about that, I was curious if the pricing would be the same as in JPCB or some bullshit like everything being 2-3x more expensive.

>> No.6556253
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>> No.6556382

is that the mk2?

>> No.6556479

/m/? LOL The world doesn't revolve around 4chan drama, you know.

I think you and I agree on the basic facts:
1) CB has to break even in order to keep running
2) A lot people aren't going to put in money, so CB is going to have a hard time breaking even.
I'm going to let it drop here.

>> No.6556508


I say /m/ simply because that's the only place I've seen such "Whelp, time to pay out a hundred bucks for a battle-ready bot. Haha look at those babies who don't want to pay that much money" rhetoric.

But hey, judging by the screenshots in here with people's whose names I recognize as loyalty, you could be /a/ too for all I know. It's actually kind of disappointing that /jp/'s cosmic break threads have more people from other boards in them than /jp/.

>> No.6556513

The proper thing to do is "find a way to have more people put in money" not "make the prices higher", because it has the opposite effect and just ends up leveling out.

>> No.6556569
File: 41 KB, 254x240, Screenshot-http:--ccm.cosmicbreak.com - コズミックコマンダー - Iceweasel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After defeating a team with only one jaguar lol

>> No.6556667

It's sword wing.

>> No.6556705

Do you find it inconceivable that there are people in other clans, e.g. Loyalty, that pretty much only hang around in /jp/?

>> No.6556863


I find it inconceivable that anyone from /jp/ would join loyalty

>> No.6556974

Atleast they genuinely know how to take it easy and have fun in the game. Some Hotglue members are too fucking serious business and i want steer clear from such people.

>> No.6557032


>>6556479 here. The world doesn't revolve around clan drama either. I hang out more in /g/ than anywhere else.

>> No.6557064


You realize there were other /jp/ clans in Cosmic Break besides hotglue, correct? You could joined friendcircle or those other fags I can't remember the names of. Hell you could have even rolled with Crix's friends if you wanted a clan capable of competing in the tournament.

It seems like I hit a raw nerve here, so I'll stop at that.

Those who primarily browse /jp/ won't stick with CB for one simple reason in the end. For the price of outfitting a moebot capable of playing in the unranked Arena, you could buy a REAL fig that won't disappear when CBUS's servers go offline in five years like every mmo.

>> No.6557106

>For the price of outfitting a moebot capable of playing in the unranked Arena, you could buy a REAL fig that won't disappear when CBUS's servers go offline in five years like every mmo.
I would buy a winberrl fig.
You guys do realize that there's quite a few /jp/ers in MoD/DOS and no one gives a damn about it? Why the clan/board drama?

>> No.6557135


There is no drama, it was merely the (correct) observation that such rhetoric could not come from someone on /jp/

>> No.6557199
File: 96 KB, 420x610, 11293071_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was merely the (correct) observation that such rhetoric could not come from someone on /jp/

So you just decided that on your own?

Whatever, i'm done shitting up this thread though. Lets just play with our moebots in our own corners and hope that the pricing of us version is more reasonable.

>> No.6557373
File: 83 KB, 800x565, cosmic commander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those saying Hotglue is too serious unlike LOYALTY or whatever:
You guys would be fucking surprised to know that most of our members spent most of their "played" time skinning, being afk or chatting with other people while hanging with moebots.

Hotglue proved to be the best clan in the tourney and we don't even prepared ourselves that much for it. With people not showing up or DCing or not even having high end-tier bots (Hell, I played all clan matches with a badly tuned Seraph, badly tuned D-Girl and a stupid Starduster that I made for the sole reason of raping Ivis in Shuffle) You can see some other bots that could be determined as "useless" in the very final match against SDGO (I know that applies to all clans in the tourney and that's exactly my point). Just because LOYALTY is made of retards trying to be funny and cool doesn't mean other clans are too serious and don't know how to have fun.
On a side note:
Not so strong. It was nice to face such a squad in my first match of the day though.

>> No.6557519

We're all busy having fun playing other MMOs. Seems someone here seems mad that Hotglue won tourney without even trying.

spoilers: It's loyalty.

>> No.6557672

good job proving their point for them. Every CB thread I see, hotglue makes sure to remind everyone "lol we won the tournament, loyalty loses", as if it means anything. Loyalty are a bunch of annoying faggots, but there's no need to rub it in every thread if you're actually taking it easy. Every other MMO likewise I see hotglue being over-competitive, anything other than dominating the server is unacceptable. (I'm pretty sure it was someone from hotglue who shitposted in a WoT thread about "how dare you lose a tournament in the name of /jp/".) Just because you spend a bunch of time circlejerking instead of grinding doesn't change the fact that you're too serious business when it comes time to actually play.

Although I guess it's not that surprising, despite what it might claim, /jp/ does anything else but take it easy, as shown by all the reportfags, we can't have nice things, etc.

Before you start calling me "butthurt" or whatever, I wasn't in the tournament, hell I wasn't even in a clan for ages until I joined one just for the rank-up rewards. I just took it easy while not using broken shit like Ivis, cardhoppers, shaden boosters, what have you.

>> No.6557731

>Ivis, cardhoppers, shaden boosters, what have you

Only around 5 people from hotglue used one of those bots, being only cardhopper and ivis. Like I said, most of us at least 2 moebots on their commando.

Also, it wasn't hotglue that started this shit. As always, some retard from other clan came in a touched that topic, we simply responded to it.

Jokes on you.

>> No.6557753

>Just because LOYALTY is made of retards

>Loyalty are a bunch of annoying faggots

You DO understand that this is the same thing as saying all americans are fat and stupid, for example?

Stay classy, /jp/

>> No.6557799

What are you talking about? It's seems pretty obvious to me that >>6556508 started the whole crap.

>> No.6557890

Those fags take this shit so seriously it's not even funny. Just look at all this clan/board drama surrounding them. At most, only 2 of their members can even pretend to be taking it easy in any given MMO. The rest are spending hours tuning their shit and spending hours researching strategies and countermeasures for every little aspect of the game.

>> No.6557940

All of it's caused by /a/. If you actually were in Hotglue, you'd already know by now this "drama" crap was LONG gone. We're all having fun fucking around in Iris and the silly CC game.

But you wouldn't know that because you're not in Hotglue.

>> No.6557973
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>>6557672 >>6557890
You sound really excited for some reason, take it easy, man. It's just a game.

>> No.6557993

They are. Just about every other cb clan thinks like this as well, sadly.

Deal /w it.

>> No.6558016

>All of it's caused by /a/

How so?I don't think that there are anyone from /a/ involved in this recent crap here. No matter how many times i read the thread it's just people from /jp/.

>> No.6558077

Actually, the fact that I am in Hotglue allows me to make such observations.

>> No.6558087

Any broken pvp build for cb commander?

>> No.6558105

Funny, i haven't noticed anything except the same few vocal people everywhere. Also, the Hotglue fellows i know don't seem to think so either.

>> No.6558129


>> No.6558161

But if you weren't lying, you would know that 80% of the clan quit/had quit by the point where you needed to fine-tune to remain playable/competitive in matches, unless the player had an abundance of personal skill.

Most of /jp/ doesn't give a shit about competing, but there are some that do. These are enough to fill up tournament rosters, and why shouldn't they allowed to?

>> No.6558226
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>> No.6558281

Hahaha now your mask has finally fallen, loyalty-guy. ALL of hotglue with not exceptions considers loyalty as a bunch of retards. Please stop trying so hard to defend your shitty clan. It's not our fault that almost of all you are completely stupid.

>> No.6558305

I've had my ass handed to me by people playing 6 beezles or 4 swordwings and 2 beezles.

>> No.6558423

I just got two in less than 10 minutes.

>> No.6558445

>6 beezles

That was me. My bee squadron is doing quite good.

>> No.6558460

well, I just got another one, the 5th

>> No.6558982
File: 89 KB, 794x564, cosmic commander2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hue hue hue

>> No.6560707

And just wiped out all enemy bots, got an higher score and lost.

This is just as random as CB's scoring system.

>> No.6560820


You must be new here if you're taking this long to figure out how the victory conditions work.

>> No.6560986

Would you guys be willing to pay like 50 bucks a pop for rare robots if it meant you didn't have to spin the garapon for them?

>> No.6561431
File: 72 KB, 720x720, 1291095783646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you guys be willing to pay like 50 bucks a pop for rare robots if it meant you didn't have to spin the garapon for them?

I'll make you a counteroffer: if we spin $50 of garapon and don't get what we want, let us exchange everything that we got during that $50 of spinning for the item of our choice.

No cases of rolling for 2600 Rt trying to get a Lily Rain Eve like that one freak on jCB.

>> No.6562031
File: 207 KB, 793x599, team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I think I found the team I'll be taking to the finals.

I wish more people were playing still. These 8 battles took over 24 hours to get data for. I'd like to fine tune it some more. Ahh well.

>> No.6562432

50 bucks? You do realize a DS is only 100, and brand new PS3 game is only 60. Hell, in comparison of all other mmo, they sell their stuff for under 10, each got a huge population to support them and give the players an assurance that they won't suddenly go out of business the next day or next year.

If you are Tempura, I hope this get through your thick skull - you are trying to sell the game in the wrong approach. Stop focusing on just "otakus" and trying to make them buy your bots like figurines. Instead of selling stuff at ridiculously high price and get few customers, you should sell low and aim for a wider audience. It's really hard for anyone to be tempted or convinced to buy a 50 or a 25 bucks virtual item if you got a player base of 200 online max. Assuming 25% your current population does buy a bot for 50 (which I really doubt), that's 2,500 and you have just exhausted your customers for the month and next. On the other hand, if you have a population of 1000, and 25% of them buy two bots at the price of 7, that's 3,500 and you still have plenty of customers for this month or next.

Personally, I'm more than happy to a bot I want for 10, or a x5 spin for 5 bucks (1.25 buck per spin).

>> No.6562447
File: 168 KB, 400x405, 1282506573758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve of this post

>> No.6562463

see >>6555564

>> No.6562528

I'm aware of that post, hence why I am not saying to sell bots for 5, but 10. Personally, I spent over 400 bucks on my last mmo, and their items were ranging from 2 bucks to 10 bucks each. I'm speaking from a "non-freeloader" point of view; price can really turn me from a potential customer to a freeloader. I rather cough up dough periodically and get plenty of merchandise rather than throwing out a giant chunk of money into nothing. Like I said, I spent 400 bucks on my last mmo over the period of 2 years because of small payments here and there, but if your merchandise is 50 bucks, I might not even make the first purchase, and even if I do, I will not return simply because it is rough on my monthly budget and it does not seem like a good investment.

>> No.6562585
File: 1.98 MB, 2579x1065, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A picture to help. I wonder how many of you actually know what game this is.

>> No.6562615

This. I'm certain that lower prices will generate more revenue. I, for one, will be spending some money every now and then if the pricing is even slightly more reasonable than the jp version. And there also isn't going to be people around willing spin the garapon for hundreds of dollars every month in english version.

>> No.6562646

I agree with this as well, I sure can afford coughing up cash for a game but not at a ridiculous rate and I don't think I'll spend $50 for a garapon roll. Even betting in the lottery has better chances than that.

>> No.6562701


But shop bots are already about $10. It's only Garapon that's a problem. If you get rid of the blue Garapon balls and up the rates for the bots so you get less weapons, then it would be a bit more reasonable. Good thing Destructor Girl, Lily Rain and Gywain are all shop. I'm not touching Garapon unless it's cheaper and the rates are better. And I won't even think about it unless that blue garbage is removed completely. If you do all of this, I'd probably be one of the people who keeps rolling until I get what I want even if it costs about $50 a month to get that one new bot once in a while.

But forget about tuning. It's just not worth it. If it costs $5 just to get a 90% CHANCE to tune up a slot, and let's not forget the items required to tune just that one slot that I would take hours to collect, then I wouldn't be surprised if you lose 90% or more of the players you already have and never gain anywhere close to that back. Sure, you will get a few guys to Garapon and build a bot or 2, but the rest won't bother with that.

Not that you will actually listen to any of this. Cosmic Break was fun while it lasted.

Figures on the other hand....
I'd easily pay $100 for a nice one. I'd get a Crimrose and repaint it's hair blue.

>> No.6562752

let's make a comparison here. one roll in cosmic break is $5 with a fairly good chance to get garbage. in dungeon fighter one roll is $2.50 and the result is tradable to other players. there's a serious problem when you're looking bad compared to nexon.

>> No.6562773

I'd pay twice that for a DG fig

>> No.6562772 [DELETED] 

Turn all the "shop bots" (the non-UC ones) into "rare" bots. It's not that hard to give, let's say for example, the basic blue hair Lily Rain 3 tuning slots instead of whatever her default tuning slot is. It's actually wise to add all the colors of her in the shop. Garapon, like I previously said, should be 5 bucks for a x5 spin (1.25 per spin), and/or rewards should be more equal - materials should be given in large stack (like 25?) or give out rarer materials like rainbow chips in stack of 5, and two copies or two weapons instead of single weapon.

I kind of want a LazFlamme swimsuit figure.

>> No.6562800

the japs love that capsule toy shit but I don't think americans are the same way. when was the last time you even saw one that didn't spit out 25 cent gumballs?

on the last day of the beta I rolled 60 times trying to get a raystag. there's no fucking way I'm spending over $200 for one thing I want to try. I'd rather buy scratch off lottery tickets.

>> No.6562847

I really wouldn't mind buying 200rt every now and then, but there's only one problem - the goddamn blue balls in garapon. The price doesn't seem as problematic as the fact that you'll get trash/shitty weapons with 50%+ probability.

>> No.6562855

Thanks for reminding me of the shop bots. Personally, I'd say every bot should be taken out of garapon (so it's weapon, accessory, material, etc only). All the RT bots (and every variation of it including the default one) will be changed into "rare" bots (3 slots) and be sold in the shop.

Like I previously mentioned a roll in the now robotless garapon should be 1.25, x5 for 5. Rewards for garapon should be more equal - materials should be given in large stack (like 25?) or give out rarer materials like rainbow chips in stack of 5. I'd be more than happy to try and roll garapon for weapons or accessory for 5, and would be happy to settle with materials even if I don't get what I want considering the low price per roll.

>> No.6562889

The problem goes deeper than that though, because even if you could trade garapon stuff in CB, there's a lot of crap in it that no one would want to buy.

>> No.6562904

I think I had like 30 flint muskets before everything got wiped. it's pretty stupid that there's tons of garbage that only exists to fuck people out of their $5. come on cyberstep do you really expect me to spend money on your game when there's a 29 out of 30 chance that I'm going to get shit?

>> No.6562984

Flint Muskets are actually good though. Of course the whole rifle type is pretty much useless now (crossbows have higher bullet speed than rifles, ha ha).

I'm talking stuff like cluster gun that just has no use whatsoever.

>> No.6563014


Putting all the bots in the shop sounds amazing. I would spend WAY more money that way too. I'd buy 2+ variations of all my favorites and spend more just to get a guarantee to try out the exact new bot that I want. The shop bots could even be cycled so that people couldn't get whatever they want all the time. Or maybe just keep Ivis in the Garapon. I'd be fine with never seeing another Ivis again. Even if they are easy targets as an air.

>> No.6563433

found this on the forums
>don't forget the jp tourney winners build:
>1 Mk2 on the front, 2 Beezle right behind, +some random >stuff at the back (usually megaton + mach or hoverion)

>> No.6563437

and what about the special abilities?

>> No.6563471
File: 36 KB, 356x246, 1221219024039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking moron.

>> No.6563539
File: 60 KB, 557x259, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with those triple hound dogs.

>> No.6563782
File: 78 KB, 478x586, 1281318404013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO! You idiots really want to go back to a server full of triple-Ivis fags with top end weapons? That will drive off the player base faster than anything. The garapon has to stay something special and expensive that gives you good some of the time and a tiny chance at giving you a jackpot.

What CB needs is garapons with tiered costs: accessories, variants of store bots, and store-equivalent bots goes in cheap Rt garapons, and high end stuff going in premium expensive garapons.

>> No.6564108

I don't WANT you to get what you want. What you want are 3 bots made of garapon only parts with max tec and fly or max str and wlk shooting garapon only weapons. You won't have it and I'm glad you won't. It made playing in the star rooms stupid.

>> No.6564115


I don't know if that's a good idea either. That won't solve the problem in the least, it'll just end up like the japanese servers are now. Full of fags that blew a ton of money, and a tiny trickle of new players that immediately quit once they hit the big leagues and realize that it's impossible to compete against players that have poured a thousand bucks into the game.

Hell, that was a problem in the beta alone without the RT even included. People in hotglue would hit star-rank and realize the only rooms they can play in are 'autist' rooms full of people with fully tuned fagbots ripping each other to shreds. They'd pretty much quit playing and go play vindictus instead.

Unlike Japan, cosmic break doesn't have ads fucking everywhere in the US, so they won't exactly get the same trickle of suckers coming in and quitting after a month. I think the game's playerbase will suffer over time, and income will radically decrease once the core playerbase manages to outfit themselves.

If I were to take a stab at this problem, I'd say re-implement the trading system and make the lowest tier of breakable slot protectors uc. This would vastly increase people's ability to compete in the unranked rooms without spending $200+.

The only reason the trading system isn't implemented right now is so Cyberstep doesn't have to worry about people making alts, grinding for a month, and dropping something that costs 50rt on their on main account. But let's be honest here, anyone in America who would grind enough to do that instead of paying five dollars is a NEET who wouldn't pay either way. If garapon is going to be random, you might as well give people the chance to trade around the rolls they can't use. They did pay money, after all.

>> No.6564167


The thing is that star rooms will be full of those fags regardless of whether it takes a full paycheck to do it, or if someone can do it for under a hundred dollars. It only takes about ten people paying to load out their fagbuilds to ruin the game for everyone.

Upside: Cyberstep makes ten thousand dollars from those ten fags

Downside: No one else will spend that much money to deal with that shit, and Cosmic Break has nothing but the pvp. Assuming Cosmic Break costs about five hundred bucks a month to run($150 bucks per server per month sounds about right to me), Cosmic Break is no longer turning a profit after year 2.

>> No.6564217

Thanks for some insightful posts guys. I'm repeating a lot of this stuff verbatim at our meetings, really.

Like I said in the end we're gonna have to compromise with the size of the paying user base, but you can expect things to be at least a little toned down from the JP version.

I know we'll probably lose some beta test era players, but I hope at least some of you guys stick around, if for no other reason than that like >>6556017 said, you guys make my job fun.

>> No.6564316

If you are still here Tempura:

>After the CosmicCommander Alpha Test is over, all participants’ squads will be automatically entered into an automatic elimination style tournament. The results of this tournament will be announced here on the Official CosmicCommander Website, with prizes for the winners! The top 100 players will be awarded free cash currency for use in CosmicBreak, and a limited addition Zero Fighter as well as other items will be distributed to all players as a participation prize.

So basically we won't even see those matches? Sounds pretty bullshit to me since luck is a major factor on the battles of cosmic commander and without watching the matches how can we even tell if X really won that instead of just receiving free RT because he was picked by you guys?

I don't think this is a good way to distribute RT at all.

Also, will we have events such as the radio and transformation event like we did in the beta phases? I know we won't have tree lumberjack or anything similar to that but we will have GM - Player interaction right? Honestly I think that's pretty important to keep the community playing, they must enjoy such events.

>> No.6564422

>>6564115 The only reason the trading system isn't implemented right now is so Cyberstep doesn't have to worry about people making alts, grinding for a month, and dropping something that costs 50rt on their on main account.
But they do that all the time.

>> No.6564438



>> No.6564471

I'm sure they'll do promotions for special bots if you spend x amount of rt or somthing similiar; They'll always be able to make money.

>> No.6564481

>come on cyberstep do you really expect me to spend money on your game when there's a 29 out of 30 chance that I'm going to get shit?
In the real world, people buy lottery and raffle tickets and enter contests all the time. The problem with being in the video gaming context is that *everybody* expects to win, at least most of the time. That's unrealistic.

The "everybody's a winner" thing applies to the garapon weapons/bots issue too: CB is structured like real life; who ever can bring the most skill AND resources (i.e. money) to the table wins; skill alone can get you far but it's a lot harder. Contrast this with the way a MMORPG (say WoW for example) system where everything is balanced by force: everybody gets to level 70 and equipment that's reasonably competitive if after puting in enough time and you can't fight people who are too far below your level unless they agree to it.

I enjoy Cosmic Break quite a bit but I must say that the game designers have done a poor job of balancing the game in a variety of ways.

>> No.6564485

The person that wins the Cosmic Commander tourney is going to do it by sheer luck. I've cobbled together a team that wins about 8 times out of 10. I win against people with 2 and 3 hound dogs who think it's the best thing since sliced bread, I win against other people who carefully planned out their own team but what do I fail at? 6 goddamn Beezles. Those things rape my ass. So I try out a team of Beezles of my own and it has maybe a 66% success rate.

So here's the thing. If I only go against players who have put some thought into the game and made their team, or idiots that think 3 hound dogs is the golden team I'll win the tournament but in the first round if I go against some joker who thought it was funny to put down 6 beezles I'm going to lose even though that same guy hasn't got a chance in hell in later matches.

It'll come down to luck.

>> No.6564502

This is true with all f2p MMOs. you give an example of a game that works on monthly subscriptions. If CB were a monthly subscription game it wouldn't have balance issues because they would work on making the game equal for everyone.

Since their money comes from sales of items it'll unbalance quickly in favor of those who pay for those items.

The only solution is monthly subscriptions. Are you willing to pay monthly for CB?

>> No.6564518

>>6564481 In the real world, people buy lottery and raffle tickets and enter contests all the time.
There's a reason lottery tickets don't cost 20 bucks, even though the prizes are much higher.

>> No.6564523

I doubt it will have a tournament structure, if that were the case the JP one would have those stupid squads in the top 10. It didn't.

>> No.6564524
File: 715 KB, 729x972, 1271651898200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gahahaha my bees raped you!

I have a carefully and proper squad though, I'm testing many different squads actually.

Yes this will be decided by luck. Even if you have a decent squad vs a decent squad the result is highly determined by luck, take for example the missions, you can go with squad A and lose on the first stage, then go with the same squad and get to the "boss" stage.

>> No.6564531


Three Hound Dogs destroy more than you're giving credit for. Case and point, mine were going at a 10-1 win-loss ratio before I switched to another group.

>> No.6564599

>it'll just end up like the japanese servers are now.
You're talking about a different problem: that the game balancing is lousy. I'm talking about people deserting the game because the garapon is too expensive. I'm saying let people roll cheaply for the cosmetic stuff but have them pay through the nose if they want to get game breaking stuff.

Balancing arena rooms is a different issue. CB tries to balance on two points rank and build points (BP) and both work poorly.
- Rank is used to segregate players in the arenas but player rank has nothing to do with skill or equipment! Rank is an indicator of time spent playing the game, which only correlates with skill a somewhat. A new player can buy up powerful equipment and a veteran freeloader player may only have played mostly missions and quests, only rarely venturing into the arena.
- Build points balance things somewhat. In theory, if you bring an expensive bot and die, you cost your team a lot. However, it's tough for Cyberstep to determine exactly how much BP any given weapon/bot should be worth and I doubt CS has the money to hire the mathematical expertiese to bring to bear that, say, Blizzard does. The restricted 2000 BP commando rooms are a step in the right direction, IMO. Maybe additional types of restrictions (max BP per bot) would be a better restriction.

>The only reason the trading system isn't implemented right now is so Cyberstep doesn't have to worry about people making alts, grinding for a month, and dropping something that costs 50rt on their on main account.

No, the reason there's no trading is that people could sell off their unwanted and extra garapon items, which would dry up the money coming in. Cyberstep would have to set a Rt cost for each item/bot individually to make that work and it would have to be high.

>> No.6564664

>Upside: Cyberstep makes ten thousand dollars from those ten fags
I'm willing to put up with them since they're paying so I can play. Yeah, I might lose against them but I'm sill winning in real terms. Besides, the game isn't so broken that there aren't tactics that work against them.

>There's a reason lottery tickets don't cost 20 bucks, even though the prizes are much higher
So you'd be happy if they reduced the price but added two hundred blue balls to each garapon? Really?

I would, but I'm not the typical /jp/er. I agree that CB doesn't have broad enough appeal or good enough content to get the average person to pay for it.

>> No.6564723

>Make a team that wins 53-7
>Fight a team with 1 Froglander and 1 Zero Fighter
Such is life in CC

>> No.6564736

Laughing at all the people who think its actually Tempura. And even if it is, what a bunch of fucking whiners. No shit people like /a/ better. You know why? We actually have fun with the game. We create fun. You can bitch and moan about how Loyalty is really butthurt but really, we're the best losers ever, we turned a loss into something that was fun and funny and that really gets to you. Also that whole thing about how your shitty rewards were wiped and you got nothing same as us. Yet were in the trailer and you aren't. BAWWWWW. I can prove all of this because I'm going to get a bunch of replies, yet for all you know this is just another /jp/ trolling you all cause he's bored.

>> No.6564749

Whatever you want to believe, pal. If that makes you feel better ok keep saying that to yourself.

>> No.6564756

BAWWWW WTF WHY AREN'T WE IN THE FUCKING VIDEO BAWWWW. What the hell guys, do you actually want to be in the video that bad? Then organize something like those Loyaltyfags did, I mean hell, they are basically /b/. You're telling me we can't make a bunch of boards?

>> No.6564761

Trying too hard there son.

>> No.6564827
File: 499 KB, 808x679, 9 fucking points.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the closest battle I've ever had, I think....

>> No.6564876

Can someone explain me the whole feud between the clans (like "Loyalty gets nothing" or "I won't play with Hotglue anymore").

>> No.6564905


There's no feud. Loyalty is just /a/'s clan, and thus /jp/ doesn't think highly of them.

The Loyalty gets nothing shit is because Loyalty spent two weeks talking shit about the tournament and then got fourth place while Hotglue got first. So they whined about it for the entirety of the rest of the beta to be "ironic".

>> No.6564917


The fuck are you talking about?

There is no feud.

Loyalty gets nothing is from the tourney, since the lost.

I don't know what is going on with Hotglue.

>> No.6564942

Wow, Loyalty is such a cool clan name... I wish /jp/'s MMO players had a cooler name...

>> No.6564958

Loyalty gets nothing is a "meme" of CB because they were the popular "cool" kids of CB while other clans were much more subtle and silent, Hotglue being the most of them all.

When they were obliterated in the tournament they started being "ironic" and "funny" complaining about their own clan and how 'butthurt' they were. Sum that up with the GM radio where some 4 highly retarded Loyalty members got famous and all the "casuals" and emoticon spouting people thinking they were cool and there you go, you have a clan that made a huge ruckus saying how good they were and that they would own everyone when they ended up getting last place and then spent the remaining days trying to be "ironic" and funny about it.

>> No.6565063

I've seen a good idea someone brought up on 2ch I think, against Frankenstein bots is having pure bots (made up only of their own parts) receive stat bonuses.

It even makes sense from a logical point of view.

>> No.6565085

None of us give a shit. About either of you. You are equally worthless.

>> No.6565399
File: 516 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101115_0058_07_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i miss my lolibots help what is this feeling

>> No.6565413

Oh the irony.

>> No.6565772
File: 133 KB, 541x226, Screenshot-http:--ccm.cosmicbreak.com - コズミックコマンダー - Iceweasel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there goes your jagwall

>> No.6565800

so is this game finally out of beta? played this like 5 months ago when it was in closed beta

>> No.6565917
File: 146 KB, 781x497, Screenshot-http:--ccm.cosmicbreak.com - コズミックコマンダー - Iceweasel-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look what I have

>> No.6565945
File: 222 KB, 802x235, Screenshot-http:--ccm.cosmicbreak.com - コズミックコマンダー - Iceweasel-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, shit

>> No.6565999
File: 97 KB, 447x400, laughinglilyrains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Combination Attack on anything in the back line is any good

>> No.6566007


CosmicBreak is entering its last beta event on the 16th of this month, and then opening for official service on the 23rd. The servers have been wiped since the second mini beta and will not be getting wiped again between the third beta and official service.

>> No.6566037
File: 230 KB, 808x238, Screenshot-http:--ccm.cosmicbreak.com - コズミックコマンダー - Iceweasel-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take that fuckers
the trick was to give Forward Avoid to one of the bots in the center row, so the the other two can unleash combo attacks when they move forward

>> No.6566052

well, I never tried them, I was just collecting them
I fixed it anyway

>> No.6566088


That is the correct answer.

>> No.6566258

how do formation moves work anyway? do they rearrange your positions?

>> No.6566344


Looks like someone hasn't played enough Round 2 of Hard Planet without skipping.

>> No.6566361

I hope they un-fag Shuffle rooms. Too easy for a union to farm BP that way.

>> No.6566518


>> No.6567905
File: 142 KB, 640x640, 1285791483343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6570101

I wish you could see the squads that you lost to. Considering I only find shitty squads in pvp, I'm thinking that the pros don't register their squad so people can't copy it.

>> No.6570144

>I'm thinking that the pros don't register their squad so people can't copy it.

>> No.6570189

When you mobilize your squad to pvp, you fight against another's player registered pvp squad. That way if you lose, you can copy that squad to get a better one.

So if you have this fucking awesome 100% win rate squad, you don't register it for pvp in order to not let people see it and copy it. But you can still fight against other pvp squads from other players.
I suppose that's what they do, seeing I never lose when I fight against other players but if I register my team, I get 50% wins.

>> No.6570215

I don't think that's how it works at all.

I can still see the enemy squad if I'm registered or not, I just look at his bots and copy it if I feel like it. There isn't something like not being able to see the enemy squad.

>> No.6570311

I should have kept my 65% squad then, whatever it was.

>> No.6570351

You can see the squads you lose to when you're logged out? I don't think so.

>> No.6570369

Hold on a second I'm not following you very well.

What you mean when you are logged out? You can't see anything because you are not playing.

I'm really missing something here because I'm confused as hell.

>> No.6570473

Let's say you are a motherfucking pro and have Team A(wesome). You play with team A on pvp battles but you have another team as registered squad (the one that fights when you're logged out). That way no one will be able to copy Team A.

This is what I think it's happening, because I can win 30 consecutive battles with my team then logout and see when I come back that I lost 5 of 10.

>> No.6570492

Are you sure people's teams fight when they are logged out?

>> No.6570519


>> No.6570539

Hmm that makes sense since the recorded scores are never matching the actual battles I take.
