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6556193 No.6556193 [Reply] [Original]

What was the most depressing point of your life /jp/?

>> No.6556196
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Everyday of my life

>> No.6556202

When I found out I was just a clone and my parents never really loved me, only who I was cloned after.

>> No.6556237


>> No.6556506

me too

>> No.6556521

When I was so alienated from society that I couldn't even relate to people who share my interests, much less Joe Normal.

Problem solved. Now I relate to everybody.

>> No.6556535
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When I realized that the world is trying to turn us into slaves and that this world is made of suffering and depression.

>> No.6556547

Before and after I dropped out of school.

>> No.6556555

and what brought about that change?

>> No.6556576

When i tried to hang out with the normal people and realized i wasn`t normal

>> No.6556584

> the world is trying to turn us into slaves
Trying? They've succeeded. They just use psychological chains instead of physical ones.

That's why I don't work or pay taxes or own things other than my figs manga and gunpla

>> No.6556585

>/jp/ - Despair

>> No.6556589

It dawned on me that I had hit rock bottom while I was pondering the taste of my dealer's cock and how it differed from last time.

>> No.6556590

Isn't that just making you a slave to the fig makers/manga makers/gunpla makers?

>> No.6556593

Drugs and deep thought. Mostly deep thought, but the drugs took away the depression lethargy.

Once you understand yourself, you can understand anybody.

>> No.6556595

I'm living it, right now.

>> No.6556606

>Once you understand yourself, you can understand anybody.
how the fuck does that even word except for sounding really DEEP and "oh wow that was the secret all along"

>> No.6556609

1. If you're making an informed decision, then whether you're a slave or not is moot. You freely chose lack of freedom.

2. I bought those back before I understood how shit worked. I've been a collector for over ten years.

>> No.6556621

Once you understand the core of your motivations and the roots of your inner conflicts, you can see down to the source of other people's motivation and conflicts. Taken from a standpoint of neutrality, it becomes very easy to sympathize with even the "worst" members of society under any circumstances.

>> No.6556624

>don't work or pay taxes

so how do you afford your figures and plamo? how do you have a place to live or food to eat? living off the work of others, surely.

>> No.6556627

Because you realize that people aren't that different from you. They are, but yet not. So you can be mindful of that, try to understand their differences, and it becomes a lot easier to interact with / manipulate them. Also less reason to fear them.

>> No.6556634

the moment I saw this thread

>> No.6556643

I do whatever I have to. I've done almost everything under the sun to stay alive. Currently, yes, I am leeching off someone, but that is a rather new development.
It's nice to be so comfortable, but I won't get butthurt if tomorrow I'm out on the street again.
Frankly, I'm just glad I have friends who can hold on to the stuff I can't carry when I have no physical address.

See? He's got it down.

>> No.6556646

Not so much when, but what is the most depressing thing in my life. That is, I'd much rather watch/read fictional characters live out their lives in fictional worlds than trying to accomplish anything in my life.

>> No.6556656

When UBW was being translated, reading UBW was the only thing I looked forward to. I would check the progress I don't know how many times everyday, and I've been the first person to create a thread about new progress numerous times. Looking back, I was actually happy back then compared to now.
Now I'm just a hollow husk.

>> No.6556657

so you admit you have no qualms with being a squatter who sits around while someone else feeds and shelters you.

i hope you're underage.

>> No.6556661

>When I was so alienated from society that I couldn't even relate to people who share my interests, much less Joe Normal.
>Problem solved. Now I relate to everybody.
>and what brought about that change?
>Drugs and deep thought.
Are you me? Empathogens like MDMA pretty much changed my life.

>> No.6556673

I work for my food here, I just don't deal in cash. I'm effectively a live-in maid and babysitter. That's why I'm only here from 9-4 and 10-whenever I fucking feel like sleeping.

28 years young, and no, I have no qualms about people who do nothing and get fed. That's not wrong.

>> No.6556683

>Once you understand the core of your motivations and the roots of your inner conflicts, you can see down to the source of other people's motivation and conflicts. Taken from a standpoint of neutrality, it becomes very easy to sympathize with even the "worst" members of society under any circumstances.
I know exactly what you're on about. Even when absolute strangers are giving me trouble I try to just be cool about it and calmly talk to them - because we've all been an ass at some point, even if not to that extent.

>> No.6556689

They certainly helped me, but I ran through a much broader spectrum of drugs.
Empathogens helped me communicate with other people, and dissociatives helped me realize that I'm just as unimportant as all the other specks of life on this rock circling around a star. Well, that's not true, really. I knew that beforehand from a good ol' existential crisis. Dissociatives just helped me realize that being without value isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Opiates fixed my depression and killed the lethargy (except I had to sacrifice a few things for that), while stimulants gave me the energy to have fun with a fuckton of people I know nothing about and usually wouldn't care for.

>> No.6556701
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The day before I understood that hope is infallible, peace is a perfect and endless pursuit, intelligence and progressive thought establish the foundation of human survival, the human brain can adapt to abstractly generate a realistic image of a preferable future and can justify the means by which to fluidly achieve the ends, and death is a matter of going back to normal, that life is an ~80 year anomaly stemming from a 14 billion year period of nothingness.


>> No.6556706
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I'm living it right now, thanks for reminding me, asshole.

I enjoy nothing and am on the verge of blowing my brains out.

I don't want to work. Ever.

I don't like people.

I hate school.


At least I can buy alcohol in 2 months.

>> No.6556717

>I don't want to work. Ever
I can teach you how to do that, but it does in fact involve going outside once in awhile.

One of these day I'm gonna start a commune for NEETs and hikkis. We can all work together to stay afloat and indulge in our habits.

>> No.6556727

everyone in the commune would just sit in their rooms all day on 4chan and never interact with one another.

>> No.6556740
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You hit the nail on the head

>> No.6556760

But what about when someone breaks out a console game and wants a 2p round or two? There would have to be some sort of division of labor - People without agoraphobia can go out and bring in the food. People with high tech knowledge can set up the inevitable network and server. Artists can kick up a doujin circle. Programmers can make games and useful utilities
Engineers can design us devices, and the gunpla nerds can build them. /k/ommandos on house defense.

It doesn't have to be about shoehorning yourself into a job you hate to make a living you despise. We can live free, man. We can be free.

Al I ask is that the hikkis come out of their room to get their own food once in awhile.

Throw away the idea of private ownership, and we can share in what may be the biggest boatload of /jp/-related material to ever be under one roof.

>> No.6556761

I'd say now. I just realized I don't care about the real world at all and didn't even feel bad after completely failing a class. The only time I feel anything other than apathy is when playing video games.

>> No.6556780

you essentially want hikkis to try and be hippies, and that just wouldn't work. the idealism isn't there.

>> No.6556788

The only difference between a hikki and a hippie is the level of self-esteem, effectively.

>> No.6556792

Lol, speak for yourself faggot.

>> No.6556842

Every time I think about changing myself and realizing that its not going to happen, then I resume browsing /jp/.

>> No.6556850

The day I realized I would never be able to save a single person, let alone everyone, and especially not the person I want to save most.

>> No.6556854

>We've all been an ass
>Speak for yourself faggot

And the cycle continues as nature intended.

>> No.6556856


>> No.6556858
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>come out of their room

I was with you until this point.

Seriously though, I like your idea and think it could work. You have to account for those of us who literally cannot interact with or be around others - so keep that in mind when you're planning this out.

> What was the most depressing point of your life /jp/?

All day, every day.
And right before I go to commit suicide. For the third time.

>> No.6556862
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saving others is pointless. its like money. when you use it it's gone. your ideal is fake

>> No.6556890

That's okay, we'll put those people nearest the kitchen and they can come out whenever nobody's around and snag enough food and drink to last a week and dispose of the inevitable Mtn Dew bottles of piss.
People of a more kind-hearted nature are more than welcome to deliver food to those who cannot interact at all.

Honestly, not to sound TOO weeaboo, but the ideal situation would be one of those shitty-ass old Japanese apartment buildings. Something with a bathroom in each room would be ideal, not the really old ones that have a single shared bathroom.
We could make it work, though.

>> No.6556938

I'd be up for it.

>> No.6556940

so really just want a free apartment building where everyone can sit on /jp/ all day and not have to work or pay for anything.

yeah, that's realistic.

>> No.6556962

how come i can't make eye contact?

>> No.6556986

If the building was already paid off and everyone just pooled whatever money they could scrape together for cheap food and internet, yeah it is fairly realistic.

>> No.6557020

not if you want electricity or running water.

>> No.6557027


This. We could also probably manage an easy money-making scheme if we wanted, too. On the other hand, people could just get SSI. Glorious.

>> No.6557031

Again, pool money.
Assuming no air conditioning or heaters are used electricity is not that expensive.

>> No.6557054

Electricity can be bootlegged, or produced via hippie means.
Water covers ~75% of the earth's surface, and you think we won't be able to get any? We got engineers and idea-men in the house, brother. Changing wild water to running water is really not that difficult.

>> No.6557062

I only worry about power consumption via all the computers that will be running.
