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6556075 No.6556075 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite video game /jp/?

>> No.6556088

I want to play some Super Mario Bros with Bannings-chan.

>> No.6556104

Doom, especially Final Doom Plutonia, dat go2it.

>> No.6556114
File: 134 KB, 550x395, ULTRAULTRAULTRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only game I've never gotten tired of.

>> No.6556125

I have way too many

Used to be just Goldeneye for a few years

>> No.6556137

Gahaha, I jsut found my old copy of that the other day.

Sabrewulf and Fulgore player. You?

>> No.6556156

Spinal and Fulgore.

>> No.6556160

Apart from Touhous?

Metroid Fusion

>> No.6556167
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>> No.6556177

Phantasy Star Online

>> No.6556178

Oh man, you picked like the most linear, uninteresting one.
But it's still Metroid, so I guess I can't fault you. I found Zero Mission to be superior. Especially because of dat ass.

>> No.6556183


>> No.6556192
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This is bound to be my favorite game when it comes out. Hopefully they will allow child characters.

>> No.6556198

Donkey Kong Country 2 was always my favorite.

I hated DKC returns, I was hoping so much for that game.... they should have kept the old classic gameplay.

>> No.6556199


>> No.6556200

Glacius is pretty cool as well.

>> No.6556201
File: 61 KB, 471x543, SystemShock2_PC_Jaq_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a little tradition of making an entire playthrough of this game each year.

>> No.6556217

Buy/pirate, beat, end up putting it somewhere where I'll never use it again

>> No.6556222
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Now if only my PS2 wasn't dead...

>> No.6556225

I had this game on my computer for a year, and I've yet to play it past the character creation sequence.

I really should finish it some day

>> No.6556231

I play F2 myself. EVERY YEAR, ALL YEARS

>> No.6556241

That feel when yo're playing 2p and you both successfully overwhelm boss beta beams with alpha beams leading to victory.

That feel when you capture a captain enemy
That feel when you accidentally steal your wingman's powerup.

>> No.6556246
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>> No.6556251

I remember when I played Donkey Kong Country with a little girl.

>> No.6556255

Yup, it's absolutely an amazing experience. You can spice it up with mods if you can't stand the outdated graphics.

>> No.6556258

PC? Fatal Racing. Consoles it was probably mega man, though mainly because there were so many of them that you could rotate them and grow less tired.

>> No.6556263
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I used to play KI with some friends when I was younger, we played that shit so much that the entire game was combo-breakers. You couldn't do shit!

I had to buy a new controller each weak, and we used insulation tape on our thumbs because we got blisters from playing too much.... and Joe & Mac, Top Racer...

and I would say my favorite game of all time is Megaman X, hell, I've played it like 200 hundred times from start to end, when I record a speedrun there are people that say it's a TAV.

right now I'm playing wild guns on my PSP.


>> No.6556267
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It's linear and short, yeah, but I like the concept of being in a laboratory ridden with a virus more than being on a planet.

Also SA-X.

Also Nightmare-X. Enough said.

>> No.6556269

>PC Engine version

>> No.6556280

They threw that boss into Other M. I was surprised to see that face again, let me tell you.

>> No.6556293

the super nintendo version is shit by comparison.

well, except for the music.

>> No.6556294

Sure is great tastes itt.

>> No.6556304
File: 34 KB, 240x160, SA-X04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fusion was awesome despite, or perhaps because of, the fact you get railroaded throughout the game.

I don't see the SA-X working out quite as well in a traditional metroid as it did in Fusion...

ZM, though, has SEQUENCE BREAKING, which is always awesome...

>> No.6556314

Agreed 100%
the SNES version did have some interesting visuals in some places, comparatively.

>> No.6556326

I think it would work if they approached SA-X's presence the same way Resident Evil handled Nemesis appearances.

>> No.6556329
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ArmA 2 : combined operation is my favorite game

>> No.6556336

still waiting on my zero mission-style remake of metroid 2, nintendo.

>> No.6556337
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Haven't played Other M; they brought this motherfucker back? Hell yeah! Now tell me they also kept the theme and I'll jizz in my pants.

>> No.6556345

other than the fire effects in level one, the snes version was really bland visually. especially when compared to super castlevania IV and dracula x.

>> No.6556346
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Weren't the Nemesis attacks prescripted events, though?

In a sense, that's how Fusion works.

You're pointed in a general direction (however there's always something to fuck up what would've been a quick and easy job), shit happens, and prescripted events everywhere. It works out a lot better than it sounds, though...

But hey, as long as it isn't some sort of random "enter room: x% chance of surprise killer jelly rape" then I'm ok.

In other news:

>> No.6556351
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My favorite game is still Operation Flashpoint, though ArmA had a classic feel to it and I liked it very much. OFP2 was horrible. Still waiting to get a new computer before I play ArmA 2 because my current one can't run it without it looking like shit.

>> No.6556355

what's this?

>> No.6556358

Star Ocean 3. I completely loved the battle system, I think I played it 6 months straight just to get through all of normal mode, although I still haven't beaten Freya.

>> No.6556362

I forget, actually, and I don't have them both in my presence to check.

>> No.6556368
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Harvest Moon 64 is probably my favorite game of all time.

>> No.6556369

Some Nemesis attacks were pre-scripted, but if you hung out in an area too long he'd chase you out of it.

>> No.6556379
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Throw rocks and hump dinosaurs to death in a race against time as your Game Gear eats through 6 AA batteries in minutes. Thrilling.

>> No.6556387
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I can't decide a single favourite. Either killzone2, battlefield 2 or Arma 2.

Then comes the RPG stuff.

>> No.6556405

Saint's Row 2. Having my cute pink haired gang leader getting into giant burly-brawlesque kung fu fights with a bunch of pimps never got old

>> No.6556420

Good ol' game gear.
I bought the AC adaptor after about a month of owning it, let me tell you.

>> No.6556425

Will I miss anything by passing on the first game?

>> No.6556438

Not at all. 2 is leagues better in pretty much every way, not to mention that in 1 you can't even make a female character.

>> No.6556450

Earthbound and System Shock 2.

>> No.6556472

And three is to be unveiled at the Spike VGA this month. I'll probably wait until it goes on youtube to watch it because the spike vga are the worst fucking thing ever

>> No.6556473
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Morrowind, probably.

>> No.6556583

I liked when Samuel L Jackson said he was in GTA2

>> No.6556805
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Baldur's Gate with TotSC, and Baldur's Gate 2 with Throne of Bhaal would be my favourite, most likely, but it's hard to pick the #1 without much deliberation and replaying.

I've played it at least twenty times, with various mods and combinations of mods as well, and many different characters and parties.

But since I pretty much played it out, I won't be playing it until maybe a few years from now. At the moment, my favourite would probably be S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

>> No.6556812


>> No.6556822
File: 172 KB, 640x480, SP_spmbt_screen1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steel Panthers Main Battle Tank/World War II


>> No.6556836

This man knows what's what.

>> No.6556861

Maybe Ace Combat Zero, RE4, or SH:C.

>> No.6556872
File: 267 KB, 1024x768, simcity4_ss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any city building game, but SC4 is the best

>> No.6556876

Yggdra Union

>> No.6556888

Timesplitters: Future Perfect

>> No.6556893

Which version of Steel Panthers do you play?

I play the World at War version, since I can no longer find my disc from the 90s.

>> No.6556901

I never thought I'd see the day someone said that.
Brofist. Not my favorite, but fun.

>> No.6556927

- Touhou shmups
- Touhou fightans
- practically everything Bioware, especially Mass Effects
- Total War games

>> No.6556944

World War 2 and Main Battle Tank, windows remakes available at the Shrapnel Games website.

>> No.6556967
File: 35 KB, 266x330, Dxcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid Prime or Deus Ex.

Can't decide.

>> No.6557009

Stick with the prod.

>> No.6557051



I thought you were a GEP gun.
