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6551765 No.6551765 [Reply] [Original]

Do you take meds for depression, /jp/?

>> No.6551770

I bottle it up inside like a real man

>> No.6551772

>meds for depression
More like meds for shrinking my dick and making it impossible to cum.

>> No.6551773

did for a month, until i realized it was completely a mental issue

in which case i rationalized my way out of it

>> No.6551780

I used to but they made things worse.

>> No.6551781

Citalopram, Lamotrigine, Quetiapine. Used to be on Lithium but it gave me the shakes.

>> No.6551785

I do. And I do because the chemicals in my brain are fucked up.
>>6551773 is lucky :|

>> No.6551791

>until i realized it was completely a mental issue

We have an intellectual prodigy among us.

>> No.6551792

I did once but then I had an allergic reaction to them. Then I stopped being a faggot and cured my anxiety problems through sheer force of will.

>> No.6551821

I should. When I told my mom I should go to a therapist she told my dad and he got mad at both of us. Maybe if I got my license I could go myself, but I can't take the driver's test due to being too afraid of a guy sitting next to me and judging me. Not to mention driving makes me so nervous I feel sick

>> No.6551834


>> No.6551837

Wouldn't that picture make more sense reading bottom up?

>> No.6551840

no more depressions since i'm taking ritalin
instantly fixed like 90% of my problems

>> No.6551851


>> No.6551853

You can be depressed and don't need meds to get over it.
But some aren't that lucky.
My sister is one. Watching someone's personality slowly disintegrate to the point where there's need for drugs to patch it up is really heart-wrenching. By thinking that just supporting her and hoping that she'll get better on her own for too long we probably hurt her even more.
The drugs aren't a nice thing, after a psychotic episode she was put in a closed institution, and then put on a drug regime that pretty much turned her into a zombie - but with time she actually got better, regained her range of emotions, and now only needs them occasionally.
It's important to know where the need for medication arises, but most people can't really judge it on their own - and sadly, a lot of doctors don't really care enough patients to judge them on a case-by-case basis.

>> No.6551857 [DELETED] 
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Enjoy dying at age 30!

>> No.6551856

My mom went on antidepressants twenty years ago, but stopped because she said they made her feel like a different person. While I am severely depressed, I would never want to change who I am.

>> No.6551864

Yes, Citalopram 20mg. It's pretty much harmless and you can take it over decades. Also improves your fapping sessions.

>> No.6551866

I used to take an antidepressant as a sleep aid to counteract the amphetamine salts I take to keep myself level(and cheat at school), But then I turned 21 and if I can't sleep now I can fix that with a little 151.

>> No.6551869

I for one do not care about being so numb that fapping takes 2 hours.

>> No.6551876

Bupropion. Physically addicted to it, will suffer extreme delirium and hallucinations if I discontinue. Fuck. Makes me feel like all my mental functions just stop. Just. Stop.
400mg in the morning, 200mg at night.
I wish I could get off of it.

>> No.6551877

I don't get it, why are you pretending to be me?

>> No.6551879

I actually ignore most of my feelings during my life so I wouldn't know OP. How does it feel to be depressed?

>> No.6551880

It's the opposite, you just last longer.

>> No.6551882


No, and I probably won't unless the state starts requiring it. But I don't know if they'd set off my paranoia like that if they're aware of how I feel.

I just finished the application for SSI. Apparently I need to go in person in about five days. I don't know if I can do it.

>> No.6551884

Fuck meds, this is now a canabis thread.

>> No.6551889

I used to, but I eventually stopped taking them. They can make you feel a little better, sure, but they don't really fix anything. Tried seeing a psychiatrist too, but she was absolutely retarded. Kept asking me if I'd been raped or seen anything scary on the internet, and suggested breathing therapy because I "seemed a little tense". When she managed to get my name wrong as well, I gave up. That shit wasn't going anywhere.

>> No.6551890

That's even worse.

>> No.6551892

Fuck blogging, this is now an otaku culture thread.

>> No.6551893

No, because depression is my only excuse for being locked up inside

>> No.6551896

just how do you pretend to achieve that, sir

>> No.6551900

Smoke more weed

>> No.6551901

At times it's just pure apathy. Imagine having not only having no drive to do anything, but losing interest in anything you previously enjoyed. You just coast through life, staying awake only to go to the bath and eat something, sleeping the rest of the day.

Other times it's like being lost in whiteout blizzard. It's void, nothingness. If you make an effort, you get to walk towards something, but the cold is trying to kill you with every step. You can achieve something, but it's literally killing you slowly. Sure, you can get some help, from family and medicines, but in the end is just a flashlight, without being able to see any further.

And of course, the most frustrating form of depression, trying to do something, yelling at your own body to get up and do something, but nothing happens. Like struggling at the controls of a spaceship that is just coasting through the cold void.

>> No.6551909

... Well fuck I never knew it was like that. Thank the heavens that I've ignored my feelings my whole life.

>> No.6551924

Depression is a big part of Otaku culture, you swine.

>> No.6551928

I took some.
Then immediately stopped.
I seriously could not get aroused for 2 months.
Shortly after I felt like even more shit, then swallowed most of my prescription.

>> No.6551930

I know that feel... sometimes. The rest of the time I'm blissfully happy, but it still doesn't feel right, y'know?

>> No.6551951

I concur with the latter half. I went to a consoler and became less depressed, but noticed that I was unable to remember much, and that I didn't really want to do anything. Stopped going, memory improved, remembered why I came to /jp/ (take it easy)

>> No.6551961

ITT: normalfags who need to get the hell out of /jp/

True NEETs are happy with their lifestyle and don't secretly long to be one of the crowd like you fags do.

>> No.6551965

You're not a "True NEET", you just have autism.

>> No.6551970


You have much to learn still.

>> No.6551974

Why does everyone use NEET over Hikki?

A neet can still enjoy everything the world has too offer, what you're implying is that you don't want to and that would be a HIkkokomori.

>> No.6551975

Just because someone is depressed and wants to get better, it does not mean that they "secretly long to be one of the crowd."

>> No.6551978

I've considered taking some after I got a job, but then I heard of the erection problems and freaked out.
Cigarettes are probably the way to go since I'm too afraid of suicide and they'll make me die faster and reduce my stress.

>> No.6551979

Zoloft has worked wonders for me, as it acts to level out my moods, which were swinging horribly. Combined with Rozerem for sleep and Vyvanse for focus, my mood has improved dramatically. I've regained interest in my hobbies - namely, being able to actually complete things that I start.

The myth of becoming an emotionless robot is pure bullshit. I was already one well before the meds.

>> No.6551980

it seems some faggots went astray since /b/ raid

>> No.6551981
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Depression is not exclusive to normalfags. Just because you may be very content and happy with your life doesn't mean that everybody who isn't is a normalfag.

>> No.6551983

>True NEET
No anon, you are the faggot.

>> No.6551989

For those of you who avoid depressions because they damage your sex drive, what's wrong with that? I can count the number of times I've fapped in the last year with a single digit and I don't have any problems with it.

>> No.6551997

anti-depressants, hurr

>> No.6551998

I did for years in addition to medication for OCD.

>> No.6552006

Now that the damage is done for you it's easy to say that!
Seriously, masturbating is my only consolation in this life. I'm not gonna let my depression take this away from me.

>> No.6552016

Bipolar, not depression. Lamictal and Buspar, mainly.

I also take Vistaril to sleep.

>> No.6552027

I only take xanax 1mg when i can't sleep or im too nervous to get out of the house.It' helps keep chilled and sleep like a baby.

>> No.6552032

But I don't have depression.

I have bipolar.

>> No.6552038


Anti-depressants haven't touched my sex drive. If anything, I avoided masturbation when I was horribly depressed.

>> No.6552047
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Too poor. No health insurance. But I'd really like to.

I think I really need them to be honest.

>> No.6552048

Ever try sherm?

>> No.6552057

I want some ridilin or that other stuff that helps you focus. My grades are shit cause i procrastinate waaaaaay too much. How do i shot ADHD?

>> No.6552065

I've been on several, but none of them have helped.

>> No.6552078

I guess it depends on the medication. Or does it vary from person?

>> No.6552100

Which is amazing by the way. Really makes you feel very, very good. It's very easy to talk a doctor into prescribing.

Unfortunately the stuff is basically amphetamine so if you get on it and stay on it for long you'll be frying your nerves and shortening your lifespan.

>> No.6552117

I always laugh at idiots who claim they cured their depression and anxiety through "sheer force of will." When I was a teenager, I tried to do the same thing by refusing to take my meds. After a couple of weeks, I was having panic attacks every time I turned out the light. At age 16, I was LITERALLY afraid of the dark. When I started taking Prozac again -- boom, no more panic.

The lesson here is this: A mental illness is no different than a physical illness. Trying to will yourself out of depression is like trying to will yourself out of diabetes, and about as effective.

>> No.6552145

i dont think you know what a panic attack is

like 99.98% of the world

>> No.6552159

You may be right. I think the problem is, unlike a physical illness, mental illnesses like depression can't be accurately confirmed. So these folks saying they got out of depression because they tried hard probably didn't even have a serious problem in the first place.
I myself am insecure of taking these meds because I don't know if my problem is serious enough to do so.

>> No.6552160

Much more than .02% of the world has actually experienced a panic attack.

And phobias are common triggers for panic attacks, so what's your basis for that claim?

>> No.6552170

Same thing here, except I was 18 around then. I also thought that I could force my way out of it, but shit just got worse. I couldn't even calm down or close my eyes, even the point where I was literally hyperventilating during panic attacks. Not to mention sleepless nights after nights.

No fucking way I'm going back to that.

tl;dr: You can't just force it out with pure willpower.

>> No.6552176
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I'm taking some, and I must say it is helping somewhat. Depression would manifest itself very physically, in lethargy, pain and a feeling of a "black rot" upon my brain, if that makes sense. After two months of meds, these physical symptoms are gone. There is no longer the despair. But functioning in society requires a certain confidence and skillset that can't be given to you by chemicals alone. Well, maybe cocaine, but yeah.

It's a step in the right direction at least.

>> No.6552182

because people claim they had a panic attack when they mean they were merely frightened or anxious, not in a state where they were sweating, heart rate >200, tunnel vision, faintness, and certain they were dying

>> No.6552187

Since when does depression cause panic attacks?

>> No.6552189

Oh man, I know right? I need to get my therapist to gimme some of that shit.

>> No.6552190

So you're saying he doesn't know what a panic attack is because you've heard people misuse the phrase before?

I'm afraid your evidence is a little on the nonexistent side.

>> No.6552201

>sweating, heart rate >200, tunnel vision, faintness, and certain they were dying
That's exactly how I felt years ago, when I tried to confess to a girl in High School (and failed miserably). It were these symptoms that made me retreat to the 2D and never return.

>> No.6552211

Know that feel much too well.

God, look at us.

>> No.6552215

Oh go suck a dick.

>> No.6552212 [DELETED] 

nope, I wish I could have some.

or believe in god.

anyway, I don't see the relation between Touhou and this thread, and since this is a /Touhou General/ board, It's my duty to report you, sorry.

ps. wtf was that "piggy" shit about?.

>> No.6552218


>> No.6552226

Depression causes a pessimistic mindset.
Pessimistic mindset leads person to have uncomfortable thoughts (think PTSD, but with speculation).
Uncomfortable thoughts trigger release of adrenaline.
Adrenaline raises heart rate and increases breath rate.
Lack of activity following adrenaline effects causes hyperventilation.
Hyperventilation drops blood pH level, leading to numbness, dizziness, and reduced blood flow to head.
Said symptoms frighten person, cycle repeats.

>> No.6552237

Okay, yeah. Now I know I need meds.

>> No.6552240

that's bullshit and you know it

the chemistry in the brain can get fucked up like the chemistry in every other part of the body

that's what causes mental illness. it's not "imagined" depression and everything are caused by a fucked up internal chemistry the same way diabetes and quite a lot of other illness are

>> No.6552244


Vyvanse taker here. Meds won't make you stop procrastinating, nor will they help with your memory. What they will help with is focus.

Basically, if you want to study or marathon a VN without your mind wandering, meds will help.

>> No.6552269

I'm panicking.

I'm being forced to move across the country and basically abandoning everything I have here (including my cat).

I've never been depressed but this is a lot of anxiety.

I just can't calm down.

>> No.6552271


>> No.6552295


You sound like me not long ago, except for one crucial difference. I wasn't abandoning a cat, and I was gaining a cat.

I think I know the secret. Cats stave off depression.
I wish.

>> No.6552337

I'm on Celexa, but not for depression. I suffer from chronic heartburn as a result of having too little serotonin in my intestines. After ruling out lactose intolerance, celiac disease, and ulcers as a cause, and after trying every heartburn medicine I could get my hands on, antidepressants were the only thing to get the pain to go away.

Unfortunately, I can no longer have orgasms, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It keeps me a virgin and allows me to tempt men with my youthful innocence.

I tried Lamictal for depression in 2005, but it gave me a nasty rash. I did not start Celexa until November 2009. I can honestly say it did jack shit for my mental issues, most of which were caused by living in a repressive and depressing family environment. Going away to college helped more than medicine ever could.

>> No.6552338


>> No.6552362

I take Dextromethorphan. About 1200mg a month.
Except the one time that I went to plateau sigma which was interesting to say the least.

>> No.6552383

I have had chronic anxiety since a child and have had periods of depression. Meds never did anything for me, I'm not saying they don't work for some by any means, but they did fuck all for me apart from make me fat.

I did a lot of CBT work for my OCD this year and things are getting better. But it's hard.

Anyway, blogblog.

>> No.6553393

adderall is damn expensive, its still expensive in canada even when subsidized. It's good, but ive used it for months every single day and I got fucked up, don't rely too much on it.

SSRI is bullshit, there are studies that show its no better than placebo. Plus It rapes your dick, the only time it might help is when you are in severe depression. for Mild ~ moderate depression it is useless. If you insist taking SSRIs though, might want to consider taking wellbutrin to augment.

thing is to research side effects and monitor yourself- most doctors dont give a fuck, write you a prescription and send you off to deal with the side effects yourself.

ideally, just eat well and exercise.. that helps with depression way more than medication can, although it is a bit challenging since depression tends to make you lethargic.

>> No.6553429

I certainly DID take drugs for my depression. I just cut out the middleman and bought street drugs.

>> No.6553451

Sauce of OP pic?

>> No.6553494

Yep. I have 3 different types stacked up in my dosette. I experience relapse if I slack off on the daily dose, so yeah.

This thread looks to be filled with common American opinions and medications on depression, pretty much.. No surprise there.

Let's hear some diagnosises; dysthymia here, it'll most likely stick with me for the rest of my life. I figure most anons on /jp/ have some sort of angst disorder, with any possible depression sicknesses a consequence of whatever angst was causing trouble in the first place.

>> No.6553496
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Never been depressed, but got put on Risperdal as a child in an attempt to "cure" some embarassing phobia.
Obviously it didn't work, but only made it worse along with a cute little menagerie of side effects.

That was in 1997 or so. Hopefully psychiatry has advanced far enough since then to not put people on schizophrenia medication unless they actually have schizophrenia.

>> No.6553562

I've always been healthy and never had to take any serious meds. I'm a lucky man.

Why are you moving so far?

>> No.6553582

Alcohol is the only medication I need for my depression. ;_;
Actually, I just don't have insurance so I can't afford to see a doctor, or I would.

>> No.6553584

Oh you better believe it. Cymbalta, Remeron & Vistaril.

>> No.6553592

What was this "embarrassing phobia" you speak of?

>> No.6553593

Just get it generic.

Can't afford 15 bucks a month?

>> No.6553594


if you think you will have it forever, you will will it so.

that's the thing with these drugs though, you can dependence on them really easily, and withdrawal symptoms are bad. you can't really go cold turkey on them either if you decide to quit. I don't have sex often, but after i found out my last 2 limp dicks were because of SSRIs, i got mad and went cold turkey on it.. ended up in the hospital. if anything my impotence made me fall into depression after. my dick still don't work after quitting. feels bad man.

>> No.6553615

I take sleeping pills, but only the ones without prescription, so i take a lot
anyone know how to get better pills?

>> No.6553621

You can buy all sorts of prescription medicine online if you know where to look.

>> No.6553628

can you give some examples urls?

>> No.6553634

It doesn't work that way.
The more people who know about it, the less likely they can stay in business.

>> No.6553635

The best sleeping pills I've ever found have been OTC

>> No.6553640

Haven't done it for years, so I can't help you there.

>> No.6553643

No, I'm not a pussy. I deal with it by not dealing with it. No way in hell I'm taking unsafe depression drugs. My friend took them awhile back, he was a completely different person.

>> No.6553653

then any keyword phrases to tell my doctor/depression counselor to get some?

>> No.6553664



>> No.6553671

get out of the office you five year old kid.

>> No.6553677

"It gets so bad I can't get out of bed/go to work"

>> No.6553681

Fine but I'm contesting paying on your service you pillpushing waste of government spending.

>> No.6553689

Just started taking Lexapro, it's helped a little but I still get rather anxious whenever I have to go anywhere.

>> No.6553690

It's such a fucking pussy copout to say Jackwagon. Hilarious commercial anyway though.

>> No.6553791
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fuck yeah

>> No.6553819

I used anti-depressants just for 3 months.

It was horrible, i couldnt sleep all night, my legs were always shaking, and i couldnt have orgams after that i couldnt have an erection.

I dont recommend any person to use that crap, just take it easy, play touhou, watch anime and post on /jp/ if you want to feel better.

>> No.6553832

I made it through my depression without meds.

>> No.6553835

You know, you can set the boulder down, Sisyphus.

>> No.6553838

Won't it come rolling down the hill and crush him?

That or the furies will see and molest him.

>> No.6553865

>Furies will see and molest
This could be a good thing, depending on what they look like.

>> No.6553906
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>> No.6553997

I used to. I was on them for about 3 months and the bottle ran out. Never bothered with refilling it though.

>> No.6554002

I hate to break it to you.

>completely foul: aged women with dogs' heads, bats' wings, black skin, hair of snakes; their smell was foul, and they oozed foul substances from their mouths, eyes, and noses; their noises were like an old woman's cackle or a dog's bark. Sometimes they appeared as a cloud of insects.

>> No.6554003

is there a way to cure laziness jp?

>> No.6554006
File: 181 KB, 1155x1328, WW2_Marine_after_Eniwetok_assault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking marinol, vyvanse and flexeril

i have blunted affect and it helps me feel emotion

>> No.6554009

Lobotomy combined with pain based classical conditioning.

>> No.6554010

You mean like lethargy?
Caused by depression?
Nothing that I've found.

>> No.6554015

You get the scalpel, I'll build the Skinner box

>> No.6554017

I would put my ANTIDEPRESSANT PILL in YOUR MOUTH, get it?

>> No.6554018


Who the fuck said anything about wanting to live a normal life? We just realize that life has nothing good to offer. Normalfags are the one living in a fairytale world of sparkles and sunshine, always looking on the bright side and trying to pretend everything will work out in the end. They get home from their job that they slaved over to get nagged at by their significant other over trivial stuff that neither of them actually care about enough to really make a big deal out of, but do so anyway just so their interaction with each other doesn't get boring.

If anything, I question why the first thing to come to your mind was that anyone that's depressed must desire being normal. I'd much rather die than be normal. I'd rather know about how shitty the world is and live with my depression than to put on a mask and falsify reality while pretending to live a happy life.

>> No.6554019

Drugs solved it for me.

>> No.6554020

I was on Zoloft for years, starting in... 8th grade maybe? Then they tried me on Wellbutrin, which did nothing for me, and then on a different SSRI for some years.

They helped a lot, and then a couple of years after I moved out, I decided to stop taking them since I consistently felt very good. Been off for longer than I was on now, and perfectly happy.

Been thinking about trying some ADD meds, though. More controlled focus might be good.

>> No.6554027

So very this.

>> No.6554028

I plan on killing myself in the middle of my last semester in college. After all, there's nothing I'll be able to do with a Japanese degree anyway.

Just 2 more semesters till I die, and I still don't know enough Japanese to finish Subahibi ;_;

>> No.6554036

All the more reason to keep on living.

Technology is advancing at such a rate that I feel like I'd be missing out on some of the coolest shit ever if Idied.

>> No.6554042

I don't even take medicine to cure my colds or headaches...

>> No.6554050

With no money you'll never be able be able to make use of any of it anyway.

>> No.6554082

You people need to man the fuck up. Here's my cure for depression:

1) Switch off the computer. Switch it off. Completely. Maybe only limit yourself to 1 or 2 hours of it per day. And when you're on it, don't sit on 4chan the whole time, refreshing pages. Chatting on 4chan is like chatting to voices in your head. It just makes you more withdrawn into your own world, cut off from whats happening around you. The idea is to stop living inside your head and to experience the "real" world.

2) Exercise more. It releases chemicals which makes you feel better about yourself.

3) Try to be more social. Loneliness is one of the biggest causes of depression. Pick up other non-otaku hobbies - things that will get you to go out more. For example, what about joining a martial arts class? Or spend time doing outdoor activities?

As someone whose suffered with depression for years, I've been doing the above lately, and I found helps me cope alot.

>> No.6554085

I was also reticent towards the use of medicine when my depression started to spiral. I value my chemical balance, everything that makes me who I am.
But when your brain is not even behaving like you want it to, there's little one can do. It's just another disease, something that can't be willed away.

I've been on Lithium Carbonate, Escitalopram, Citalopram, Lamotrigine. The thing with these sort of medication, specially SSRI, is that there is no panacea. Basically they start trying and see what dosage you react to better, side effects presented, and if it's even working.

The worst was the shakes caused by the Lithium. It's pathetic, to try to eat some soup and have all of it fall because you can't control your hands.

If you're seriously depressed, the sort of where all enjoyment is sapped away, seek help. Talk to someone about it, share your feelings, seek a professional that is willing to hear you and all of your problems and progression to work with.

Personally, I've been going through so many of them this past year that it all starts to blur together. I still have issues at times, and present some really annoying side effects, like lack of appetite (most food gives me nausea now, which is like a really bad joke because I love eating), lack of libido, some insomnia/hypersomnia. Overall, I prefer the drugged out me that still has a chance to get over things than the depressive me that closes himself until everything is beyond solution. But the worst thing I could have ever done is of course to think "hey, I'm feeling better" and stop taking the meds. SSRI have that, can't drop them cold turkey, or the depression caused will make you laugh at the original.

Oh, also Zoplicone for when I have serious insomnia. These pills are the ones that really freak me out. Take it, knocked out for 8-10 hours. Plus they can be addictive, which scares the shit out of me. They're the last resort.

>> No.6554091

Considering I haven't had any significant legal income for the past 3 years, that's a problem I don't worry about so much.

>> No.6554123

Not a fan of the "shake it off" thing, but a level of will and resolve is required to get out of this swamp.

I vouch for the exercise recommendation. A quick jog that gets your heart racing can be better than any medication. Plus the whole satisfaction factor that comes from noting that with each passing day you can run faster and longer. You might not have full control of things, but at least you are improving something.
Better than seeking cheap rewards from doing meaningless stuff online.

I still have problems with the be more social thing. It's difficult to open up with people, where do you even start? As much as I hate to suggest this, seek out people with common interests. Sure, a lot of them are just plain annoying, but that social interaction is something. Better than talking to people behind a monitor at any rate.

Guess I should add something more that has been sort of working for me. Pick up a more productive hobby. I started playing bass guitar, just practicing an hour a day is enough to get me out of my head, shut up all those voices yelling to lay down and die.

>> No.6554124
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>I've been on Lithium Carbonate, Escitalopram, Citalopram, Lamotrigine
Immediately thought of this.

>> No.6554146
File: 21 KB, 471x480, 1289042689061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to take medication, but I felt that I was annoying to myself and others while I was on them so I stopped.

>> No.6554150

This is good advice.

>> No.6554275


>> No.6554292


>> No.6554305

Thank you.

Sounds interesting, but I was hoping it'd be depressing, which is what intrigued me about the pic.

>> No.6554311

Why does the Janitor delete relative threads but leave this meta thread up?

>> No.6554317

Because God hates us

>> No.6554320

I think meido snapped after the flan related raids. On their own, no support from anyone, and all from something caused by their superiors.

Deletion today has been erratic. Some off topic threads remain, more NEET/general than usual, and some threads were deleted for no good reason at all.

Or maybe they're just as depressed. Or they just want to mess with our minds, I don't know. Difficult to tell.

>> No.6554325
File: 103 KB, 600x627, f2808378d16f95dd856c141243637405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all silly! the only cure to depression is love!

>> No.6554326

Deleting threads in that manner has been the status quo for the last few weeks. Personally I think it is a dice roll and the thread that corresponds to the result on the current page is deleted.

>> No.6554329

I found a cure to depression in logic, and now I am immune.

>> No.6554339
File: 113 KB, 800x600, ing_novelcut07amff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, if one thing should stop you from taking meds, it's not the fact they don't work, it's that you crash BADLY when you stop taking them, to depths worse than what you initially felt. Not everyone has this experience, I know, but since I don't plan on being on meds my entire life, it's scared me away from ever trying them again. Playing with fire mang

>> No.6554340

I had 6 highly /jp/ threads open earlier and all at once, they were gone. They were good threads to. They are deleting the relevant threads and leaving junk like this. I dont get this place sometimes.

>> No.6554853


>> No.6554862

This wasn't a metathread until after your post.

>> No.6554869
File: 114 KB, 434x391, 10737139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about it. love is the cure for everything!

>> No.6554876

I don't take them and just fight my own demons from with in.

>> No.6554891

Just because meds work for you doesn't mean everyone needs them. Or that everyone that's depressed should take them. It should really be the last option not the first.

>> No.6554910

It's actually pretty useful, it stimulates development/repair of the central nervous system among other things (see: Nerve Growth Factor).
I haven't been depressed in a very long time, even if I have reasons why I should be. I feel content most of the time. Reading this thread is quite scary, especially reading about the side-effects people get.
I found that the few depressions I've had could just be gotten out of them by thinking about the issues rationally and dealing with them.
My major problem right now is that I'm lazy and procrastinate a lot, and while some medicine could get me out of it, I'd rather handle it myself, I value my normal brain function more.
I did experiment with a few recreational drugs when I was younger, but aside from being fun, I never did get addicted to them, or even feel a need to use them at all.

>> No.6555064

>>"Real World"

>> No.6555082

I find the exact opposite is true. Being detached is very good for removing stress from your life and being happy all the time. Just let go and give up on all your hopes. That's the only way to be happy.

>> No.6555092

Thanks also, didn't know Kumeta did something other than Zetsubou.

>> No.6555777
File: 122 KB, 436x516, 1267596107078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but love can be the cause of depression as well.

this is why we love 2D waifus, because they wont hurt us.

>> No.6557201

I keep hearing people mention how they can't get erections. Can SSRIs inhibit sexual function in women, too? I haven't had an orgasm or felt pleasure from sexual touching since December 2009. In addition, having my nipples touched makes me anxious, but it used to be pleasurable.

Feels bad man.

>> No.6557221

Oh boy, here we go.

>> No.6557258

The lack of erections in men is usually for mental reasons when it comes to anti-depressants, so it does hit both genders.

Then again, you could never orgasm to begin with, so it's a moot point.

>> No.6557266

I have heard that they affect libido in women as well. One of my old high school friends used to complain about it.

>> No.6557269

Is a panic attack when half of your body goes numb for a few hours and you think you're going to die? If so, then I've had those since middle school.

>> No.6557283

No, that's a diabetic stroke. You're probably going to die.

>> No.6557288

I dunno about the numbness part as I've never had any anxiety strong enough to be called an "Attack", but yeah, sounds like it.

>> No.6557293

Numbness is a result of the stroke, not a symptom of the stroke occurring.

>> No.6557329

It's called a "transient ischemic attack", and it's essentially a temporary stroke usually caused by diabetes.

However, people prone to them can have them during times when their blood pressure is abnormally high, like during a panic attack, which is why some people claim to get numbness during panic attacks.

>> No.6557335

TIA doesn't normally last for an hour (more so considering that he implied that he's had several lasting that long).

>> No.6557367

Been on multiple SSRIs. None really helped. Currently on Zoloft for anxiety and Provigil for daytime fatigue.

>> No.6557928
File: 555 KB, 480x640, 5281890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was on an SSRI for a week and quit the moment I realized it made fapping hell.

Exercise is the best. Go do some pushups or run or something right now. You'll feel better. Also, if you're fapping every day, switch to every few days. Those two things combined with actually doing shit to make my life better worked for me.
