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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 423 KB, 617x800, 29ee21cea44d2f679eb32d8de9f2bee86c5b77cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6554662 No.6554662 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys,

is it weird, that i'm actually glad of raids?
because it gives our board some attention, people stay around.
and we can show our newfriends what a nice board /jp/ is.

every time that a new person discovers happiness in touhou, it makes me happy inside. :)

also, touhou with glasses thread

>> No.6554668

Let me guess, you're one of those newfriends?

>> No.6554665

wtf is touhou???

>> No.6554683
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i haven't been around for long, but i around for c76ish, i think.

>> No.6554691
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>> No.6554701
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>> No.6554700

wasnt that this summer?
you are a newfriend

>> No.6554707

Summer '09
He's still a faggot, though.

>> No.6554709

Who the hell would want attention from /b/tards ?
The less popular a board is the best it is, look at what happened with /a/b/v/

>> No.6554711
File: 410 KB, 637x900, d327054e7d204a4331c7de5faff1b1f50c554010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i love anon and /jp/. ^_^

>> No.6554713

Honestly /jp/'s actually seemed surprisingly decent since the /b/tards calmed down. This effect will probably go away with time, though.

Why? What it is actually, is that I think that after being denied their board for a day due to pudding-related incidents, /b/ is clinging to its own board more than the usual, because they're just glad to have it back in the first place (and to discuss what the puddi was about and how /b/ should change etc). And so, at the moment they have less of an inclination to go start shit on other boards out of boredom. After a few days/weeks though when they've all forgotten about the puddi they'll go back to their usual retarded shit.

Also it could be a chance that some of the newfags/spammers who were fagging up this place all the time, either got banned (and don't know how to evade since, after all, they're newfags), or got scared off of 4chan. For a while Anon-san had a sticky up warning of global ban for /b/shit in here as well, so that might have driven the point home that what they were doing was cancer.

Also I've noticed some foreign-looking posts popping up more often than usual today. Since the pudding originated from a thread here, I think some people basically only just recently noticed, that /jp/ exists for something other than "that one board we go troll in".

>> No.6554724
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>> No.6554726
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but /jp/ is like a cure isn't it?

i'm sure most of the /b/ trolls wouldn't be able to match powerlevels with us, so they would leave anyway.

it's like the onlookers/refugees from /v/ /a/ that aren't happy with their boards becoming /b/ that come here.

>> No.6554740
File: 378 KB, 680x800, 52eeb1e14b951979df7b932c5104f6a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure much more people appreciate /jp/ than just a place to troll. that's actually /x/, just kidding, i love you to.

/jp/ was just everyone's secret crush, they adored it, but would never tell /jp/ or other people.

>> No.6554743
File: 343 KB, 600x800, 1a6353f3bdebd988ef14dc13b2947292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still don't get the appeal in nue

>> No.6554747
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>> No.6554748

I don't know if you're trying to troll, or just a genuine moron, but maybe you should stop using smileys.

>> No.6554755
File: 470 KB, 940x874, Nue_276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's a very weird, and yet kind of a cool design at the same time.

I just wish that her wings were symmetrical though (and preferably the scissor-looking ones). I guess ZUN was trying to be original, or just couldn't decide which type he liked more, and so he just made her have both.

>> No.6554763
File: 919 KB, 800x1200, db1d07063a0d8f6e90a00a44b8768524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^_^ was a troll.

but what's wrong with :)?
it's innocent enough isn't it?

>> No.6554767
File: 216 KB, 360x357, nueopticalillusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're probably like that to make her more chimera looking.

>> No.6554775

Nue is supposed to be strange, the asymmetrical wings fit perfectly with the character design in my opinion.
But the best part of Nue?
Zettai ryouiki.

>> No.6554785
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>> No.6554795

If you have to use those lousy symbols to express your feelings you're a complete autist.
Same goes to reaction images.

>> No.6554850
File: 545 KB, 1500x1000, 187480a26e5f1b81b60b7e2f5ebb511b9bcd8f26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's her personality?

>> No.6554861
File: 155 KB, 600x720, 7f5d7d1a441af3b5e56ef5744794b513ca37831c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought certain emotes/net lingo had become just mannerism.

i was just conveying a smile, and it's helpful in setting the tone of the message. sometimes things can sound mean unless theres an smiley afterwards.

>> No.6554865

>but /jp/ is like a cure isn't it?


/jp/ is where the old cancer gets put out to pasture. New cancer tries to kill old cancer, tries to absorb it but in the end you just can't shift old cancer. In time any untreated cancer will become tough, blackened old cancer.

>> No.6554870
File: 387 KB, 950x800, meganeflan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6554872

Or you could just improve your communication by learning how to express your feelings through words.

>> No.6554877

I honestly cannot figure out what this board is for, my best guess is to round up the extreme weeaboos to keep them off the other boards.
This place just feels like /b/ but with a fuckton of anime shit.
What confuses me the most is how you guys constantly post on other boards about how superior you are, I browse here from time to time but I never find any threads or posts to back this claim up.
Just my two cents though.

>> No.6554879

Hurr, any form of discussion is allowed as long as there's a 2hu image

>> No.6554885


Well, if /jp/'s cancer, despite being one of the only boards left that actively encourages proper and intelligent discussion (of /jp/ related topics), rather than image macros, doubles, rate me threads etc, then I'm cancerous as a Triple Whopper dipped in plutonium sauce. For comparison, /b/ is as cancerous as post-meltdown Chernobyl.

>> No.6554887

>constantly post on other boards about how superior you are
>/jp/ bothering with other boards

Well that's a new one.

>> No.6554889

>round up the extreme weeaboos to keep them off the other boards.

You'd think that but you'd be wrong. I still see touhou, VNs, ona holes and dakimuras all over 4chan with no regard as to board.

>you guys constantly post on other boards about how superior you are

I've never seen anyone boast about /jp/ on other boards. In fact I've never seen someone boast about /jp/ period.

>> No.6554896

I see it all the time, including a graph that had the gall to depict this board having the most intelligent posters.
Yet there's no intelligent discussion here.

>> No.6554902

Those kind of images were obvious reverse trolling and you fell for it.
Good job being a brainless moron.

>> No.6554900



/b/ often does not have a single post on the front page that is written with proper sentence structure, or does not contain a meme/forced meme.

Also, we don't even discuss anime here at all, that's what /a/ is for. Truly if you don't understand even the first thing about this place, nor can you see how amazingly fucking terrible /b/ is in comparison to any other board on 4chan, you need to leave, for you are not capable of realizing what a better board is even if it's slapping you in the face.

>> No.6554906


Protip, that is an attempt to incite a raid by taunting the gullible, such as yourself. The very rare occasion it is not, it's most likely Sion and his merry band of fags or something.

>> No.6554912
File: 152 KB, 900x1300, 3ce2f6d53f52cb85ffc8776c6129af51e998c3a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and risk misinterpretation?! no way.

me writing this and you reading this, this 'understanding' is a relationship, whether you like it or not.
and there will always be rough times. we both should put in some effort to overcome them, and there are times when one side needs to put in a bit more effort. so as to not give trouble to or confuse the other side. I, as the writer in this case, will put that extra bit of effort of including a visual cue (not condescendingly of course, just for a piece of mind, because i worry), to make sure that there is less of a chance my message is taken the wrong way.

and you as the reader will hopefully understand the message as it is purely intended.

see, in this situation, if i added a smiley, it might be ironic/sarcastic, but because i didn't, it mean it as it is. if anything, just to confirm, the message has a apologetic (^^") ring to it, so we're clear.

>> No.6554918
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>> No.6554928
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>> No.6554932
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>> No.6554934


Intellect is not correlated with relevance to board content.

I'm a molecular biologist, yet never ever talk about my research here (or on /sci/ either, since they are a bunch of wannabes/amateurs). It doesn't matter if I could give a symposium on my colleagues' latest work in the conformation that the FG repeats in nuclear pore complexes take when conducting cargo molecules, I never fucking talk about it here, because it's completely off-topic.

We have the common sense to actually discuss proper board related things. It's often said that /v/ (and /a/) don't talk about video games or anime, and actually more commonly that people on /v/ don't even play games and people on /a/ don't even watch anime. There is some truth to those statements. /jp/ actually does talk about doujin and VNs, /jp/ actually does read doujin and play VNs/Touhou.

People are taken aback at seeing a board that, from the sound of its description sounds like a cross between /a/ and /v/, yet actually does not conduct itself at all in the manner of either of those boards. They don't even know how to react to seeing a board that actually is on-topic and mostly free of roaming /b/ shit. The type of board structure and discussion that would sound like a holy grail, best-day-ever for /a/ or /v/, is actually pretty the much day-to-day conduct of /jp/. That is why we're better. The only way we're not better is if you're looking for lolsorandum EPIC MEME XD /b/ shit, in which case, you should go back to /b/, since global rules actually are supposed to prohibit /b/ macros etc from being used outside of /b/.

>> No.6554949
File: 442 KB, 1116x1600, 1283248105593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pretty much the day-to-day conduct

Also OP, type properly. We're not super-hardcore grammar nazis, but... we're still sort of, you know, grammar nazis.

>> No.6554956
File: 181 KB, 640x640, 84824cbc9157ed6c9ee71535e5b1e0b2763f5a9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as in use capitals? what else?

>> No.6554959
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>> No.6554962
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>> No.6554977
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I think you guys forgot about someone

>> No.6554978
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>> No.6554982

Your argument is well developed and you bring up several good points, but I'd like to point out a few of the counterarguments that my fellow anonymous was mentioning.

Firstly, unfortunately emoticons have become associated with immaturity and stupidity. While this may be an entirely incorrect association, the average intelligence levels and actions of the demographic that has created a heavy discrimination within the pedantic society. Personally, I find your use of emoticons to be acceptable, but as I mentioned, many do not. This is a fact of our board.

Secondly, advanced writers are able to communicate tone and emotional through their writing - which is what the other anon mentioned. Through simple manipulation of basic levels of syntax - including the general connotation of your diction - it is possible to create a piece of emotion in your writing. For example, I have been trying to maintain a neutral diction to adopt a didactic tone. I would contend that this is an effective display of emotion - or rather, the lack of it.

Obviosly, not everyone is able to exhibit such control over their writing. I certainly am not confident in my own abilities. However, the populace of this board links emoticons with stupidity and writing ability with intelligence, which is why you were criticized

>> No.6554985
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>> No.6554986
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>> No.6555000
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>> No.6555009
File: 436 KB, 1039x1477, 95f1c81ecaf63ccd54cf037a35bdb0aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been scientifically proven that Okuu is the best Touhou in glasses.

>> No.6555014
File: 116 KB, 1080x608, 1285456490023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, this thread is really embarrassing.

>> No.6555025

At first this little incident actually made me a bit worried as to /jp/'s future, especially considering how there was no mod action and how /b/ was still filtered even after 24 hours.

But now, as we all know, someone did take/is taking responsibility, eventually. And no matter how much you may blame or have blamed the mods for this, this is actually great is it not?

I mean, whatever this incident, and this moderation have done to the current userbase. /jp/ as it is now actually kind of feels like a modern 2008's /jp/, possibly even with a tint of 07, only you know, with more modern /jp/ content, hence modern.

Though I fear it won't last, whenever the bans end up, or if we lose our mod protection.

>> No.6555044


Emoticons are not part of the proper English lexicon. The only one tolerated is ";_;" because it's a /jp/ thing, usually you put that in spoilers to try to be a bit witty about something.

Also, /jp/'s clean communication is actually one of the methods by which we can easily tell if someone isn't from around here, hence someone who probably isn't accustomed to the way that we roll around here. We don't converse like the majority of 4chan does and so it's pretty important that someone knows how to conduct themselves around here, or we'll just treat them like shit because it's obvious they don't want to play by our rules.

In fact, the only reason I'm even explaining any of this to you and not showing you the door, is that you sound like you have good intentions, and have demonstrated that you are capable of rational thought and argumentation. Those are two qualities we very much cherish around here, and will quickly repel people who don't follow those two factors... We are so adamant about these traits because they are a major indicator of whether or not someone is from /a/ or gaia. You see, we're extremely vigilant about keeping out gaia-types of people, because we fucking hate them. We are their polar opposites in many many ways, and so intrinsically we can never get along with them. Rather than attempt to compromise in their favor at the expense of board quality, we just reject such riffraff. That's also one of the reasons why /jp/ has a bad reputation outside of here, outsiders very very often get flat out told to leave or have their thread dicked around with until they do leave (or their thread gets deleted by our janitor aka meido). Their butthurt, at us not allowing their faggotry in, is the source of most of the outside anger towards /jp/.

>> No.6555062

>Emoticons are not part of the proper English lexicon.
Well, neither is punctuation.

>> No.6555071

>Well, neither is punctuation.
Actually depends on which one.
Some includes paragraphs about grammar etc, in which case punctuation is included.

>> No.6555077
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tldr ^_^

>> No.6555079
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>> No.6555080

tl;dr emoticons are for faggots and niggers. if you use them, you're either one or the other, or both.

no exceptions.

>> No.6555086
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>> No.6555101
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>> No.6555105

u mad?

>> No.6555111
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>> No.6555130
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>> No.6555134

>including a graph that had the gall to depict this board having the most intelligent posters

I remember that, it was the bell curve graph right? The one that didn't actually mean anything because it lacked the right properties to infer any results?

It didn't say /jp/ was most intelligent, it didn't say anything at all. People just read it that way.

>> No.6555154
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>> No.6555157
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>> No.6555159

Punctuation is a part of the English orthography. Emoticons are not.

>> No.6555169
File: 199 KB, 850x1200, sample_05a9f493938e7668229f1e859043ecf4eef77999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it does make things more lively around here. Although newfriends take 4chan a bit too seriously, and tend to avoid taking it easy~

Newfriends: Yukkuri shiteitte ne!!

>> No.6555175

Shut up about emoticons you nazi faggots. They did not kill your mum.

>> No.6555183
File: 263 KB, 567x800, 53498b23dfb14c948cca138f8db85b93a33a10d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's a keeper.

>> No.6555185

>They did not kill your mum.

All the more reason to be pissed.

>> No.6555187

You can leave this place any time if it doesn't suit your tastes, we aren't keeping you.

>> No.6555188


I propose this be embedded across /jp/.

>> No.6555193

Makes no sense.

Maybe one of these days you'll stop judging solely based on a : and ) joined together. Could you be any more dogmatic?

>> No.6555304
File: 306 KB, 800x928, eed0100654fbb17d3832951458f07465631a147f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute how /jp/ has the really tsun "student disciple committee" type, the klutzy yandere newfriend type, and the chilled "childhood friend" type.

We are such a happy family.

>> No.6555321
File: 398 KB, 1000x1412, c1b385921ae38f4bc53013873be4dfcd2bf5a1b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6555328
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>> No.6555335
File: 69 KB, 468x394, Defibrillateur[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he....hee....help....my he....heart..... HNNNNG

>> No.6555353

I'm fine with it as long as they don't get tempted into joining the Saten, K-ON!, Kuroko or Ika Musume society. They haven't been too bad with posts so far, it's easy to notice them though.

>> No.6555385
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>> No.6555594
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>> No.6555599
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>> No.6555602
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>> No.6555661
File: 127 KB, 480x640, 1269770583490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so terribly wrong, opening /jp/ and finding out it's actually decent.

It's like the world is coming to an end, you know?
