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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 286 KB, 454x726, 1286240152386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6547820 No.6547820 [Reply] [Original]

$20 says the majority of you Japanophiles wouldn't be able to stand each other in real life. Just look at the foreigners in Japan all trying to one-up each other in Japanese language and culture knowledge for instance.

>> No.6547827

>$20 says the majority of you Japanophiles wouldn't be able to stand each other in real life
my turn
$30 says water is wet

>> No.6547826

I do believe that's why we converse on imageboards, yes

>> No.6547829
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No one would bet against you.

>> No.6547828

No shit?

>> No.6547836

Did you read Sherlock to figure that out?

>> No.6547838

We can't stand each other on an anonymous imageboard, why do you think we could stand each other in real life?

>> No.6547841
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>> No.6547851
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>be a normalfag
>walk by some otaku in the halls
>arguing about which touhou is the sexiest

>> No.6547856

change that to "stop liking what I like" and you've got my face

>> No.6547865

>implying that anybody here would ever mention touhou in public
>implying that anyone in /jp/ has friends
>implying you didn't just make up that story on the spot
>implying that your picture doesn't undercut your point
>implying implications
>implying that i shouldn't get out of /jp/ for posting this

>> No.6547870

I would let everyone apart from Arc on /jp/ fuck my anal passage.

>> No.6547877


>mfw you're projecting hard

>> No.6547882


>implying you're not some sweaty fat weeaboo
>the spoiler: nobody, not even another sweaty fat white weeaboo from /jp/ would want to fuck you

>> No.6547895
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>> No.6547896

>mfw you're clearly not from /jp/
>mfw neither am i based on my terrible posting
>mfw neither of us have faces
>burst into treats

>> No.6547912


>mfw you're right about me not being from /jp/

>> No.6547923
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>> No.6547932
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>> No.6547959


>> No.6547965


>> No.6547967
File: 68 KB, 400x225, hatersgonnacat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love ever bit of /jp/, and even if we wouldn't manage in the real, this isn't the real and I still love you guys.

>> No.6547976
File: 35 KB, 240x319, haters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops wrong cat

>> No.6547980

I think I could get a long with a few of you, but I certainly wouldn't want to meet up with the really mean people here.

>> No.6548000

Is this the real life?

>> No.6548016


No, it's just fantasy.

>> No.6548031

On /jp/:

>Nyaa~ Nyaa~ Sugoi Arisu Chiruno :3 Marisa Chyaaan


>Fat pasty pimple faced murrkan
>Pit stains
>"hey uhh. guys. what's up *burP* check out these limited mangas i got *fart* from c75"

>> No.6548033

I'm a huge misanthrope, sharing my interests wouldn't stop me from hating the shit out of you.

>> No.6548065

I'd bet money that /jp/ is actually one of the thinnest boards on 4chan. Fit, not at all, but thin yes.

>> No.6548071


Judging from how most of the weeaboos at my uni look like, I doubt it.

>> No.6548072

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.6548086

The average /jp/er is not your average university weeaboo; not even close. If you think that you know literally nothing about the board you're in.

>> No.6548087


–verb (used without object) pro·ject
to extend or protrude beyond something else.
to use one's voice forcefully enough to be heard at a distance, as in a theater.
to produce a clear impression of one's thoughts, personality, role, etc., in an audience; communicate clearly and forcefully.
Psychology . to ascribe one's own feelings, thoughts, or attitudes to others.

>to ascribe one's own feelings, thoughts, or attitudes to others.

What's your definition of the word, just curious?

>> No.6548092

I doubt /jp/ could afford to be fat, I sure wish I could be a bit less skinny though.

>> No.6548095

>to ascribe one's own feelings, thoughts, or attitudes to others.
Bingo. The post you quoted did nothing of the sort? I'm glad you at least know how to look up the definition of words, but I suggest doing so before you actually use them. Okay?

>> No.6548111

I would take your bet only to get you close enough to me so that I could light you on fire and watch you burn to death. Same goes with pretty much anyone on this board.

>> No.6548119


The post in question projects the individual's lack of friends, the fact that he makes up stories, among other things. So yes, he was projecting. GG no re. Still curious of your definition of the word though? Must be quite a far cry from the dictionary definition hehe. Pull yourself together buddy.

>> No.6548126

Your number of friends is not a feeling, thought, or attitude.

>> No.6548140


Grasping at straws now are we? Give it up. My usage of the word by and large adheres to the dictionary definition. You still haven't given me what you consider to be the definition of the word yet (which mysteriously must be different from the dictionary definition considering the fact that you're arguing my usage of it). I got time to waste though, so get back to me when your pea sized angry brain figures something out.

>> No.6548144

>change that to "stop liking what I like"

There needs to be a picture of a hipster with this on it.

>> No.6548148

Why do gamers and weeaboos get into fights and arguments so much anyway? All bros and jocks pretty much just chill and fuck bitches

>> No.6548152

No, it doesn't, because the dictionary definition explicitly states that only "feelings, thoughts, or attitudes" can be projected, and whether or not I have any friends is neither of these three things. It's hypocritical to fall back on the dictionary definition when it suits you and abandon it when it doesn't.

Honestly, your trolling is like going to /mu/ and accusing them of being tasteless weeaboos who only listen to j-pop anime soundtracks. It's so off-base an accusation they wouldn't even know what to do with it.

>> No.6548171


>abandoning the dictionary definition

Wrong. The lack of friends in and of itself can (and does, judging by the amount of individuals who complain about being alone and bury themselves in Japanese drawings as a means to escape the predicament that a lack of friends puts one in-- loneliness) be closely related to

>feelings, thoughts, or attitudes.

In fact, the number of friends interestingly enough, adheres to all three of those traits. Jokes on you yet again buddy.

Waiting for your definition still :)

>> No.6548186


Oh no, big tough guy remarks, I'm sooo scared. You might as well stop. There is literally nothing you can say to actually get us mad. In fact you're the only one who's getting worked up and mad here. We don't even have to do anything, you trolled yourself, fucking retard.

>> No.6548188

>I don't think that word means what you think it means.

This is the worst image macro ever. Worse than you mad, simply because arguing about semantics is retarded.

>> No.6548192


Doubt you'd even have the guts to look me in the eye, pussy.

>> No.6548196

Candy is related to the feeling of happiness, but it is not a feeling. It would also be a mistake to conclude that /jp/ loves to drown itself in misery about its crushing, heartrending loneliness; most /jp/ers actively dislike contact with the majority of people around them.

>> No.6548195

It is funny how obvious people from /a/ and /b/ are on here.

>> No.6548201
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>> No.6548208 [DELETED] 
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How old are you honestly, 14-15?

>> No.6548214

I was just thinking about this ad the other day, when I realized I probably have more finished/downloaded eroge than friends.

>> No.6548215

ITT: a /b/tard fucks up and tells himself or another /b/tard off, then deletes the post

>> No.6548217


The usage of the example of "lack of friends" in said post


however, clearly is used in a context in which not having friends is associated with feelings of loneliness. It's all about context. You don't happen to be learning Japanese by the way do you? You wouldn't survive a second in Japan.

Waiting vigilantly for your own skewed definition still although I have a feeling it won't be coming at all since you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6548222

My definition of the word is no different than the dictionaries. I, unlike you, am simply able to interpret said definition correctly. Saying someone has no friends, or accusing them of lying is not projecting.

How old are you?

>> No.6548230

>however, clearly is used in a context in which not having friends is associated with feelings of loneliness.
No. It's not. Not even fucking close. Come back when you learn the first thing about /jp/ and can troll properly.

>> No.6548236


Asking my age is not only a sign of your own insecurity in the foundation of your argument, but is completely unrelated.

Also, your definition clearly differs from the dictionary definitions, or else you wouldn't have stepped to me. Try harder next time, there are smaller fish in this pool of weeaboos.

>> No.6548237

What does this argument have to do with learning Japanese, you disgusting weaboo?

>> No.6548238


/jp/ meetup 101: Stay an arms length away from everyone.

>> No.6548240

Whoever the troll is in this thread is seriously embarassing himself with his pseudo-intellectualism. Just give up and get out of /jp/.

>> No.6548242


ITT: Weeaboos calling weeaboos weeaboos.

>> No.6548246

If you post like a twelve year old, people are going to ask how old you are.

>Also, your definition clearly differs from the dictionary definitions.
We are using the definition. I, and others, have explicitly explained why your usage of the term does not conform to the dictionary's definition.

>> No.6548252

You've lost this one, mate. Your interpretation of the definition is incorrect, and it has been explained to you not only by me, but the other poster you mistook me for.

>Try harder next time, there are smaller fish in this pool of weeaboos
>smaller fish
There is really no doubt about your size, weaboo. I do find your arrogance remarkable, though.

>> No.6548254


>If you post like a twelve year old

This could be said for you, but not for me. Resorting to ad hominem attacks is if anything, the number one sign of immaturity.

I have stated multiple times why my definition is correct, whereas you are simply angry for no plausible reason. I'm still waiting on your definition, I've given mine, backed by the dictionary, and context, and you've given nothing.

>> No.6548262

>This could be said for you, but not for me. Resorting to ad hominem attacks is if anything, the number one sign of immaturity.
He said, as he made an ad hominem attack.

>I have stated multiple times why my definition is correct, whereas you are simply angry for no plausible reason. I'm still waiting on your definition, I've given mine, backed by the dictionary, and context, and you've given nothing.
You have terrible english comprehension. Nobody has disputed your definition, the one you provided in the dictionary. People have been disputing your twisted interpretation of the definition.

Here are the relevant explanations to which you have not responded.

>Saying someone has no friends, or accusing them of lying is not projecting.


>> No.6548264

I give up.

>> No.6548265

As an additional note, he never actually accused you have having no friends. I don't see why you're so up in arms because one /jp/ resident said that other /jp/ residents don't have friends.

>> No.6548281




Not going to write it out for you again.

Posts with an air of superiority to some weeaboos in his school.

Responds with a series of greentexts, of which
>implying that anyone in /jp/ has friends
is included. Read my post. It's all in there, you just have to open your eyes and read. I know there are things in the English language that are difficult, but you should be able to get it with a bit of practice.

Oh and the thing about Japanese was just to say that if you can't even grasp English, you shouldn't bother with Japanese, considering that Japanese is all about context (which you clearly haven't grasped very well, which might actually explain why you are a loner-- but that's a discussion for another time)

>> No.6548295
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>which might actually explain why you are a loner
>mfw you are now projecting

>> No.6548302

I wonder why people come and try to troll /jp/ with all this relationship/nukes/etc. shit?
Have they being dumped by their weeaboo girlfriends? Has some self-proclaimed "anime otaku" guido stolen their lunch?

Can anyone enlighten me on this matter?

>> No.6548317

Post >>6548230 has already explicitly addressed >>6547217 and has not yet been responded to. The second part of your post has nothing to do with projection, as arrogance and projection are separate issues. The third part of your post does not indicate projection unless you completely misinterpret the nature of /jp/, and has also in >>6548265 been asked about.

At this point it is clear to all observers that you are trolling. What is not clear is whether you are actually this dumb, or just pretending to be this dumb.

You are free to take these ad hominem attacks as an excuse to declare victory in the thread and that you have made both of us incredibly angry. Feel free to repeatedly bump the thread afterwards to parade your victory about.

>> No.6548330
File: 141 KB, 640x426, 1278309797278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I hate?

People use the term "ad hominem" in completely wrong ways, and it's left completely unaddressed, even used in turn in the same wrong way.

I guess when people don't know what something means, they don't care how they attempt to use it, and they don't care to correct an utter disregard for its meaning.

>> No.6548335

I thought about nitpicking the fact that a personal insult is not an ad hominem unless you attempt to use it as evidence that the insulted persons' statements are incorrect, but I couldn't be bothered to do it until I read your post.

>> No.6548338


Um, the third part was clearly an offhanded comment I made which I said doesn't really have any relevance to anything? Just that I found it funny that your lack of ability to grasp context also shows your inability to function in society like a normal person and have friends. That's all. No biggie man don't take it personally.


Doesn't really have anything to do with anything at all for that matter. Just an angry idiot being an angry idiot.

Calling yourself angry by the way, doesn't make you any less angry, or make you any less stupid. You're kind of a mess man. Openly claiming that you're angry... that's definitely a new one.

>> No.6548341

Furthermore, if you are the same visitor who has been posting in this thread for a while, you were the first person to use the term "ad hominem" in it's commonly used and colloquial, but technically incorrect, definition. I ran with it.

>> No.6548343
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Well, now we're two fairies in a pod, eh?

>> No.6548346

>wouldn't be able to stand each other in real life

FIrst of all, I'm unable to stand you, real life or otherwise. Please remove yourself. Preferably from life, but just leaving this board will be appreciated too.

>> No.6548352
File: 1.73 MB, 1666x3319, 1266013973987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I just came into this thread, and my comment on "ad hominem" term misuse was my first post to this thread. I was busy arguing somewhere else, but I'm up for a good quarrel as long as you aren't utterly incompetent.

I guess that means I'll just continue to observe these shenanigans.

>> No.6548358

>Doesn't really have anything to do with anything at all for that matter.
The poster in question stated that you read the context of the greentexted post we are discussing incorrectly, by assuming that /jp/ would associate the offending line with feelings of loneliness. Somebody who making this assertion simply does not understand how /jp/ works. Once this misinterpretation is cleared up, the statement:

>Saying someone has no friends, or accusing them of lying is not projecting.

retains its validity.

>Calling yourself angry by the way, doesn't make you any less angry, or make you any less stupid.
Nothing of the sort has been said. This is either a deliberate misinterpretation, or you're really this stupid, and I'm learning towards the latter at this point. Either way further participation in this thread is pointless. You may now declare victory to yourself.

>> No.6548372
File: 411 KB, 750x800, 128840449988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is retarded, /jp/ hides its powerlevel

In addition, we don't care about the a-bombs in ww2. Pretty sure not only would everyone here agree they were necessary because a land war would have been long and bloody, but also many /jp/ers don't actually give a shit about Japanese people or its country, just the shit they make.

research your trolling next time.

>> No.6548379


>I browse an internet board saturated with images of popular Japanese animation, in which I can deny my love for Japan while consuming Japanese media therefore I am somehow different and do not need other people.

You and I both know that this isn't true. Loneliness effects everyone, even the fattest nastiest pimple faced white skinned weeaboos who've proclaimed their secession from society. Everybody needs friends, other people to help them out.

>Saying someone has no friends, or accusing them of lying is not projecting.

Retains its validity.

>> No.6548381

I do care but that's due to my general anti-nuclear weapons position, and has nothing to do with my wanting to be the little girl.

>> No.6548382


*Does not


>> No.6548392

Saying that people who enjoy certain subsets of Japanese media must be obsessed with Japanese culture is like saying people who love pizza must be obsessed with Italian culture.

Furthermore, the fact that not all /jp/ is utterly immune to feelings of loneliness does not indicate that anybody from /jp/ would actually feel lonely upon reading that greentext line, the purpose of which was to mock the OP's ignorance about the nature of /jp/, and no resident of the board would take it otherwise.

It's my fault this thread exists, really; it shouldn't be here at all. /jp/ generally has a policy of not responding to retarded normalfag trolls.

>> No.6548395

>Pretty sure not only would everyone here agree they were necessary
I don't. Firebombing worked just fine. They just wanted to test their nouks.

>> No.6548399

Also, to reiterate, why are you so intensely worked up that a resident of /jp/ said that other residents of /jp/ did not have friends? The poster in question never said or even implied that you didn't have any friends.

>> No.6548410
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>Saying that people who enjoy certain subsets of Japanese media must be obsessed with Japanese culture is like saying people who love pizza must be obsessed with Italian culture.

Very much this.

Also, even if we can feel loneliness doesn't mean that we dislike it. I think it's safe to say that most of us prefer our loneliness. If you want people who don't want to be lonely, there are boards for that, but it's not /jp/.

>/jp/ generally has a policy of not responding to retarded normalfag trolls.

Right, but sometimes normals are amusing. Sometimes.

>> No.6548749

The weaboo thinks he's above us? How absolutely precious.

>> No.6548763

>/jp/ generally has a policy of not responding to retarded normalfag trolls.
do we browse the same board or something? /jp/ always answers seriously even to the most retarded trolls (well, except for atomic bomb threads because of that comic, but then again, look at OP and the number of replies in this thread) just so they can show off how superior they feel.

>> No.6548855
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1283629257561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I AM above normals.

>> No.6548898

A waifu is much better then a 3D girl can ever be.

There is no drama or arguments.

They'll never get pregnant or fat.

They don't have times of the month.

They wont play mind games with you.

There is no possibility of catching std's.

They're not ashamed to look or act like girls

They'll never change or pressure you to change.

They don't demand expensive gifts over and over.

They won’t get mad at you if you look at another girl.

They’ll never divorce you and take half of everything you own.

They won’t get board of you or think of you as being annoying.

They don’t care what type of personality you have if any at all.

They won't cheat on you with your friends or anyone for that matter.

You don't have to put up with annoying friends or impress the parents.

They don't get mad at you for random reasons that you know nothing about.

And they won’t forget about your birthday or expect you to treat them like a queen and buy them things you can't afford on their birthday.
